void RigidBody2D::SetMass(float mass, bool recomputeMoment)
		if (m_mass > 0.f)
			if (mass > 0.f)
				m_world->RegisterPostStep(this, [mass, recomputeMoment](Nz::RigidBody2D* body)
					cpBodySetMass(body->GetHandle(), mass);

					if (recomputeMoment)
						cpBodySetMoment(body->GetHandle(), body->GetGeom()->ComputeMomentOfInertia(mass));
				m_world->RegisterPostStep(this, [](Nz::RigidBody2D* body) { cpBodySetType(body->GetHandle(), (body->IsStatic()) ? CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC : CP_BODY_TYPE_KINEMATIC); } );
		else if (mass > 0.f)
			m_world->RegisterPostStep(this, [mass, recomputeMoment](Nz::RigidBody2D* body)
				if (cpBodyGetType(body->GetHandle()) != CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC)
					cpBodySetType(body->GetHandle(), CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC);
					cpBodySetMass(body->GetHandle(), mass);

					if (recomputeMoment)
						cpBodySetMoment(body->GetHandle(), body->GetGeom()->ComputeMomentOfInertia(mass));

		m_mass = mass;

 This file sets pokes around in the private API a lot to provide efficient
 debug rendering given nothing more than reference to a Chipmunk space.
 It is not recommended to write rendering code like this in your own games
 as the private API may change with little or no warning.

static Color4F ColorForBody(cpBody *body)
    if (CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC == cpBodyGetType(body) || cpBodyIsSleeping(body))
        return Color4F(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ,0.5f);
    else if (body->sleeping.idleTime > cpBodyGetSpace(body)->sleepTimeThreshold)
        return Color4F(0.33f, 0.33f, 0.33f, 0.5f);
        return Color4F(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
Exemple #3
cpSpaceActivateBody(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body)
	cpAssertHard(cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC, "Internal error: Attempting to activate a non-dynamic body.");
		// cpSpaceActivateBody() is called again once the space is unlocked
		if(!cpArrayContains(space->rousedBodies, body)) cpArrayPush(space->rousedBodies, body);
	} else {
		cpAssertSoft(body->sleeping.root == NULL && body->sleeping.next == NULL, "Internal error: Activating body non-NULL node pointers.");
		cpArrayPush(space->dynamicBodies, body);

		CP_BODY_FOREACH_SHAPE(body, shape){
			cpSpatialIndexRemove(space->staticShapes, shape, shape->hashid);
			cpSpatialIndexInsert(space->dynamicShapes, shape, shape->hashid);
			cpBody *bodyA = arb->body_a;
			// Arbiters are shared between two bodies that are always woken up together.
			// You only want to restore the arbiter once, so bodyA is arbitrarily chosen to own the arbiter.
			// The edge case is when static bodies are involved as the static bodies never actually sleep.
			// If the static body is bodyB then all is good. If the static body is bodyA, that can easily be checked.
			if(body == bodyA || cpBodyGetType(bodyA) == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC){
				int numContacts = arb->count;
				struct cpContact *contacts = arb->contacts;
				// Restore contact values back to the space's contact buffer memory
				arb->contacts = cpContactBufferGetArray(space);
				memcpy(arb->contacts, contacts, numContacts*sizeof(struct cpContact));
				cpSpacePushContacts(space, numContacts);
				// Reinsert the arbiter into the arbiter cache
				const cpShape *a = arb->a, *b = arb->b;
				const cpShape *shape_pair[] = {a, b};
				cpHashValue arbHashID = CP_HASH_PAIR((cpHashValue)a, (cpHashValue)b);
				cpHashSetInsert(space->cachedArbiters, arbHashID, shape_pair, NULL, arb);
				// Update the arbiter's state
				arb->stamp = space->stamp;
				cpArrayPush(space->arbiters, arb);
Exemple #4
cpBody *
cpSpaceAddBody(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body)
	cpAssertHard(body->space != space, "You have already added this body to this space. You must not add it a second time.");
	cpAssertHard(!body->space, "You have already added this body to another space. You cannot add it to a second.");
	cpArrayPush(cpSpaceArrayForBodyType(space, cpBodyGetType(body)), body);
	body->space = space;
	return body;
Exemple #5
cpSpaceRemoveBody(cpSpace *space, cpBody *body)
	cpAssertHard(body != cpSpaceGetStaticBody(space), "Cannot remove the designated static body for the space.");
	cpAssertHard(cpSpaceContainsBody(space, body), "Cannot remove a body that was not added to the space. (Removed twice maybe?)");
//	cpAssertHard(body->shapeList == NULL, "Cannot remove a body from the space before removing the bodies attached to it.");
//	cpAssertHard(body->constraintList == NULL, "Cannot remove a body from the space before removing the constraints attached to it.");
//	cpSpaceFilterArbiters(space, body, NULL);
	cpArrayDeleteObj(cpSpaceArrayForBodyType(space, cpBodyGetType(body)), body);
	body->space = NULL;
static cpSpaceDebugColor ColorForShape(cpShape *shape, cpDataPointer data)
        return LAColor(1.0f, 0.3f);
    } else {
        cpBody *body = cpShapeGetBody(shape);
            return LAColor(0.2f, 0.3f);
        } else if(body->sleeping.idleTime > shape->space->sleepTimeThreshold) {
            return LAColor(0.66f, 0.3f);
        } else {
            GLfloat intensity = (cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC ? 0.15f : 0.75f);
            return RGBAColor(intensity, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f);
Exemple #7
cpSpaceRemoveShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	cpBody *body = shape->body;
	cpAssertHard(cpSpaceContainsShape(space, shape), "Cannot remove a shape that was not added to the space. (Removed twice maybe?)");
	cpBool isStatic = (cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC);
		cpBodyActivateStatic(body, shape);
	} else {

	cpBodyRemoveShape(body, shape);
	cpSpaceFilterArbiters(space, body, shape);
	cpSpatialIndexRemove(isStatic ? space->staticShapes : space->dynamicShapes, shape, shape->hashid);
	shape->space = NULL;
	shape->hashid = 0;
Exemple #8
//MARK: Body, Shape, and Joint Management
cpShape *
cpSpaceAddShape(cpSpace *space, cpShape *shape)
	cpBody *body = shape->body;
	cpAssertHard(shape->space != space, "You have already added this shape to this space. You must not add it a second time.");
	cpAssertHard(!shape->space, "You have already added this shape to another space. You cannot add it to a second.");
//	cpAssertHard(body->space == space, "The shape's body must be added to the space before the shape.");
	cpBool isStatic = (cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC);
	if(!isStatic) cpBodyActivate(body);
	cpBodyAddShape(body, shape);
	shape->hashid = space->shapeIDCounter++;
	cpShapeUpdate(shape, body->transform);
	cpSpatialIndexInsert(isStatic ? space->staticShapes : space->dynamicShapes, shape, shape->hashid);
	shape->space = space;
	return shape;
Exemple #9
static void internalBodyUpdateVelocity(cpBody *body, cpVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt)
    cpBodyUpdateVelocity(body, cpvzero, damping, dt);
    // Skip kinematic bodies.
    if(cpBodyGetType(body) == CP_BODY_TYPE_KINEMATIC) return;
    cpAssertSoft(body->m > 0.0f && body->i > 0.0f, "Body's mass and moment must be positive to simulate. (Mass: %f Moment: f)", body->m, body->i);
    cocos2d::PhysicsBody *physicsBody = static_cast<cocos2d::PhysicsBody*>(body->userData);
            body->v = cpvclamp(cpvadd(cpvmult(body->v, damping), cpvmult(cpvadd(gravity, cpvmult(body->f, body->m_inv)), dt)), physicsBody->getVelocityLimit());
            body->v = cpvclamp(cpvadd(cpvmult(body->v, damping), cpvmult(cpvmult(body->f, body->m_inv), dt)), physicsBody->getVelocityLimit());
    cpFloat w_limit = physicsBody->getAngularVelocityLimit();
    body->w = cpfclamp(body->w*damping + body->t*body->i_inv*dt, -w_limit, w_limit);
    // Reset forces.
    body->f = cpvzero;
    //to check body sanity
    cpBodySetTorque(body, 0.0f);
Exemple #10
static int l_physics_getBodyType(lua_State* state)
    l_tools_checkUserDataPlusErrMsg(state, 1, "You must provide a body");
    l_physics_Body* body = (l_physics_Body*)lua_touserdata(state, 1);

    cpBodyType type = cpBodyGetType(body->body);

    const char* s_type;

    if (type == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC)
        s_type = "static";
    else if (type == CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC)
        s_type = "dynamic";
    else if (type == CP_BODY_TYPE_KINEMATIC)
        s_type = "kinematic";
        s_type = "unknown";

    lua_pushstring(state, s_type);

    return 1;
Exemple #11
		CP_BODY_FOREACH_CONSTRAINT(body, constraint){
			cpBody *bodyA = constraint->a;
			if(body == bodyA || cpBodyGetType(bodyA) == CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC) cpArrayPush(space->constraints, constraint);