Exemple #1
// MAIN PROGRAM: move a sprite over a background
void main(void) {
   // One alien that will move bouncing through the screen
   static const TAlien sa = {0, 0, 1, 1};
   TAlien* a = (TAlien*)&sa;

   // Initialize screen, palette and background

   // Main loop: Moves the sprite left-to-right and vice-versa
   while(1) {
      u8* pscra;  // Pointer to the screen location to draw the alien

      // Check if sprite is going to got out the screen and produce bouncing in its case
      if (a->vx < 0) {
         if (a->tx < -a->vx)
            a->vx = 1;
      } else if (a->tx + a->vx + ALIEN_WIDTH_TILES >= MAP_WIDTH_TILES)
         a->vx = -1;

      if (a->vy < 0) {
         if (a->ty < -a->vy)
            a->vy = 1;
      } else if (a->ty + a->vy + ALIEN_HEIGHT_TILES >= MAP_HEIGHT_TILES)
         a->vy = -1;

      // Wait for VSYNC before drawing to the screen to reduce flickering
      // We also wait for several VSYNC to make it move slow, or it will be too fast

      // Redraw a tilebox over the alien to erase it (redrawing background over it)
      cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4(a->tx, a->ty, ALIEN_WIDTH_TILES, ALIEN_HEIGHT_TILES, 
                              MAP_WIDTH_TILES, CPCT_VMEM_START, g_background);
      // Move the alien and calculate it's new location on screen
      a->tx += a->vx; 
      a->ty += a->vy;
      pscra = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, TILEWIDTH_BYTES*a->tx, TILEHEIGHT_BYTES*a->ty);
      // Draw the alien in its new location
      cpct_drawSpriteMaskedAlignedTable(g_alien, pscra, ALIEN_WIDTH_BYTES, 
                                        ALIEN_HEIGHT_BYTES, g_masktable);
Exemple #2
// Draws the tilemap in a new location or with a change in its viewport.
//  The drawing is done in the backbuffer and then shown in the screen when it's
//  done, switching screen buffers just after the VSYNC
void drawScreenTilemap(TScreenTilemap *scr) {
   u8* ptmscr;    // Backbuffer pointer where the tilemap is to be drawn
   // Clear the backbuffer
   cpct_memset_f64(g_scrbuffers[1], 0x00, 0x4000);

   // Calculate the new location where the tilemap is to be drawn in
   // the backbuffer, using x, y coordinates of the tilemap
   ptmscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(g_scrbuffers[1], scr->x, scr->y);

   // Draw the viewport of the tilemap in the backbuffer (pointed by ptmscr)
   cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4(scr->viewport.x, scr->viewport.y, 
                           scr->viewport.w, scr->viewport.h, 
                           MAP_WIDTH, ptmscr, g_tilemap);
   // Wait for VSYNC and change screen buffers just afterwards, 
   // to make the backbuffer show on the screen
Exemple #3
// Machine initialization code
void initialize_CPC() {
   // Initialize the application
   cpct_disableFirmware();         // Firmware must be disabled for this application to work
   cpct_setVideoMode(0);           // Set Mode 0 (160x200, 16 Colours)
   cpct_setPalette(g_palette, 13); // Set Palette 
   cpct_setBorder(HW_BLACK);       // Set the border and background colours to black

   // VERY IMPORTANT: Before using EasyTileMap functions (etm), the internal
   // pointer to the tileset must be set. 

   // Clean up the screen 
   cpct_memset(CPCT_VMEM_START, 0x00, 0x4000);

   // Draw the full tilemap for the first time
   cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4(0, 0,                       // (X, Y) upper-left corner of the tilemap
                           SCR_TILE_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, // (Width, Height) of the Box to be drawn (all the screen)
                           MAP_WIDTH,                  // Width of the full tilemap (which is wider than the screen)
                           CPCT_VMEM_START,                   // Pointer to the start of video memory (upper-left corner of the
                                                       // ...tilemap in the screen)
                           g_tilemap);                 // Pointer to the first tile of the tilemap to be drawn (upper-left
                                                       // ... corner of the tilemap viewport window)
Exemple #4
// Scrolls the tilemap, relocates pointers and draws left and right columns 
// with their new content after scrolling
void scrollScreenTilemap(TScreenTilemap *scr, i16 scroll) { 
   // Select leftmost or rightmost column of the tilemap to be redrawn 
   // depending on the direction of the scrolling movement made
   u8 column = (scroll > 0) ? (SCR_TILE_WIDTH-1) : (0);

   // Update pointers to tilemap drawable window, tilemap upper-left corner in video memory
   // and scroll offset
   scr->pVideo   += 2*scroll; // Video memory starts now 2 bytes to the left or to the right
   scr->pTilemap += scroll;   // Move the start pointer to the tilemap 1 tile (1 byte) to point to the drawable zone (viewport)
   scr->scroll   += scroll;   // Update scroll offset to produce scrolling

   // Wait for VSYNC before redrawing,
   // Do hardware scrolling to the present offset
   // Redraw newly appearing column (either it is left or right)
   cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4(column, 0,         // (X, Y) Upper-left Location of the Box (column in this case) to be redrawn
                           1, MAP_HEIGHT,     // (Width, Height) of the Box (column) to be redrawn
                           MAP_WIDTH,         // Width of the full tilemap (which is wider than the screen in this case)
                           scr->pVideo,       // Pointer to the upper-left corner of the tilemap in video memory
                           scr->pTilemap);    // Pointer to the first tile of the tilemap to be drawn (upper-left corner
                                              // ... of the tilemap viewport window)

   // When scrolling to the right, erase the character (2x8) bytes that scrolls-out
   // through the top-left corner of the screen. Othewise, this pixel values will 
   // loop and appear through the bottom-down corner later on.
   // When scrolling to the left, erase the character that appears on the left, just
   // below the visible tilemap
   if (scroll > 0) 
      cpct_drawSolidBox(scr->pVideo - 2, 0, 2, 8);  // top-left scrolled-out char
   else {
      u8* br_char = cpct_getScreenPtr(scr->pVideo, 0, 4*MAP_HEIGHT);
      cpct_drawSolidBox(br_char, 0, 2, 8);  // bottom-right scrolled-out char
Exemple #5
void animate(u8 dir)
    u8 i, j;
    u8 *pvmem;
    u8 tempx, tempy;
    i8 shiftx = 0;
    i8 shifty = 0;
    u8 *pStartTable;  // Pointer to video memory

    pStartTable = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 2, 0);

    switch (dir)    {
    case LEFT:
        shiftx = -1;
    case RIGHT:
        shiftx = 1;
    case UP:
        shifty = -1;
    case DOWN:
        shifty = 1;
    //Step 1
    //Erase changed slots and print the moved card

//    for (i = 0; i < changedCards.number; i++) {
    i = 0;
    j = changedCards.number;
    while (i < j) {
        if ((changedCards.cards[i].x <= 3) && (changedCards.cards[i].y <= 3)) {
            tempx = changedCards.cards[i].x;
            tempy = changedCards.cards[i].y;
            cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4 (2 + (tempx * 6), 1 + (tempy * 12), (CARD_W / 2), (CARD_H / 4), MAP_WIDTH, pStartTable, tmx);

            //multiply by 6 and 22 to reuse shift in next step
            pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 6 + (tempx * 12) + (shiftx * 6), 4 + (tempy * 48) + (shifty * 24));
            cpct_drawSpriteMaskedAlignedTable(cards[changedCards.cards[i].prev], pvmem, CARD_W, CARD_H, am_tablatrans);
    //Step 2
    //Erase moved card and print animation end for sigle movements

//  for (i = 0; i < changedCards.number; i++){
    i = 0;
    j = changedCards.number;
    while (i < j) {
        tempx = changedCards.cards[i].x;
        tempy = changedCards.cards[i].y;
        if ((changedCards.cards[i].x <= 3) && (changedCards.cards[i].y <= 3)) {
            //Restore touched tiles
            switch (dir)
            case LEFT:
                cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4 (2 + ((tempx - 1) * 6), 1 + (tempy * 12), (CARD_W), (CARD_H / 4), MAP_WIDTH, pStartTable, tmx);
            case RIGHT:
                cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4 (2 + (tempx * 6), 1 + (tempy * 12), (CARD_W), (CARD_H / 4), MAP_WIDTH, pStartTable, tmx);
            case UP:
                cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4 (2 + (tempx * 6), 1 + ((tempy - 1) * 12), (CARD_W / 2), (CARD_H / 2), MAP_WIDTH, pStartTable, tmx);
            case DOWN:
                cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4 (2 + (tempx * 6), 1 + (tempy * 12), (CARD_W / 2), (CARD_H / 2), MAP_WIDTH, pStartTable, tmx);
        //If no upgrade is necessary, print card in final position
        //if (changedCards.cards[i].prev == changedCards.cards[i].post) {
        pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 6 + (tempx * 12) + (shiftx * 12), 4 + (tempy * 48) + (shifty * 48));
        cpct_drawSpriteMaskedAlignedTable(cards[changedCards.cards[i].post], pvmem, CARD_W, CARD_H, am_tablatrans);

    //Print next card
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 63, 18);
    cpct_drawSprite(cards[cardBag[currentCard]], pvmem, CARD_W, CARD_H);
