Exemple #1
// checkKeyboardMenu
//    Checks the keyboard for the menu options
// Returns:
//    void
void checkKeyboardMenu() {

    u8 *pvideo;


    if (( cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_1)) || (((cpct_isKeyPressed(keys.fire) || (cpct_isKeyPressed(Joy0_Fire1)))  && (selectedOption == 0)))) {

        selectedOption = 0;


        keys.up    = redefineKey("UP");
        keys.down  = redefineKey("DOWN");
        keys.left  = redefineKey("LEFT");
        keys.right = redefineKey("RIGHT");
        keys.fire  = redefineKey("FIRE");
        keys.pause = redefineKey("PAUSE");
        keys.abort = redefineKey("ABORT");
        //keys.music = redefineKey("MUSIC");

        pvideo = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 8, 154);
        cpct_drawSolidBox(pvideo, #0, 64, FONT_H);

Exemple #2
// Initializes elements of the screen on the initialization of a new game
void initializeGameScreen(u16 hiscore) {
   u8* pscr;   // Pointer to the screen location where we want to draw
   u8  c;      // Colour pattern to draw
   u8  str[6]; // Score
   // Clear the screen

   // Draw backgrounds and Hi-Score
   c = cpct_px2byteM0(8,8);  // Colour pattern 8-8 (black-black)
   // Draw black background for scoreboard
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 54,   0);  
   cpct_drawSolidBox(pscr, c, 26, 200);

   // Draw "HI" string 
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 60,  16);   
   cpct_drawStringM0("HI", pscr, 3, 8);

   // Draw HI-Score
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 60,  24);
   sprintf(str, "%5u", hiscore);
   cpct_drawStringM0(str, pscr, 15, 8);

   // Draw Credits
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 60, 172);
   cpct_drawSprite(G_credits, pscr, 20, 27);

   // Draw tiled frame around playing area
   drawFrame(CPCT_VMEM_START, 0);
Exemple #3
// MAIN: Using keyboard to move a sprite example
void initialize() {
   u8* pvideomem;               // Pointer to video memory

   // Disable firmware to prevent it from interfering with setPalette and setVideoMode

   // Set up the hardware palette using hardware colour values
   cpct_setPalette(g_palette, 16);
   // Set video mode 0 (160x200, 16 colours)

   // Draw floor. As cpct_drawSolidBox cannot draw boxes wider than 63 bytes
   // and Screen width is 80 bytes, we draw 2 boxes of SCR_W/2 (40 bytes) each
   pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START,       0, FLOOR_Y);
   cpct_drawSolidBox(pvideomem, FLOOR_COLOR, SCR_W/2, FLOOR_HEIGHT);
   pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, SCR_W/2, FLOOR_Y);
   cpct_drawSolidBox(pvideomem, FLOOR_COLOR, SCR_W/2, FLOOR_HEIGHT);

   // Draw instructions
   pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START,  0, 20);
   cpct_drawStringM0("  Sprite Flip Demo  ", pvideomem, 2, 0);   
   pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START,  0, 34);
   cpct_drawStringM0("[Cursor]",   pvideomem, 4, 0);
   pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 40, 34);
   cpct_drawStringM0("Left/Right", pvideomem, 3, 0);
Exemple #4
void drawMarker() {
    u8* pvmem;
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 25, 60 + (20 * selectedOption));
    cpct_drawSpriteBlended(pvmem, IC_ICONS_0_H, IC_ICONS_0_W, ic_icons_0);
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 70, 60 + (20 * selectedOption));
    cpct_drawSpriteBlended(pvmem, IC_ICONS_1_H, IC_ICONS_1_W, ic_icons_1);
Exemple #5
void drawTable() {
    u8* pvmem;

    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 2, 0);
    cpct_etm_drawTilemap2x4_f(MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT, pvmem, tmx);

Exemple #6
// Fills all the screen with sprites using drawTileAlignedXXX functions
void fillupScreen(TTile* tile) {
   u8 *pvideomem;                      // Pointer to the place where next tile will be drawn
   u8 x, y;                            // Loop counters for x and y screen tiles
   u8 tilesperline = 80/tile->width;   // Number of tiles per line = LINEWIDTH / TILEWIDTH

   // Cover all the screen (200 pixels) with tiles
   for (y=0; y < 200; y += tile->height) { 
      pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr((u8*)0xC000, 0, y); // Calculate byte there this pixel line starts

      // Draw all the tiles for this line
      for (x=0; x < tilesperline; x++) {       
         // Select the appropriate function to draw the tile, and draw it
         switch (tile->function) {
            case _2x4Fast: cpct_drawTileAligned2x4_f(tile->sprite, pvideomem); break;
            case _4x4Fast: cpct_drawTileAligned4x4_f(tile->sprite, pvideomem); break;
            case _2x8Fast: cpct_drawTileAligned2x8_f(tile->sprite, pvideomem); break;
            case _2x8:     cpct_drawTileAligned2x8  (tile->sprite, pvideomem); break;
            case _4x8Fast: cpct_drawTileAligned4x8_f(tile->sprite, pvideomem); break;
            case _4x8:     cpct_drawTileAligned4x8  (tile->sprite, pvideomem); break;

         // Increase video memory pointer by tile->width bytes (point to next tile's place)
         pvideomem += tile->width;
Exemple #7
// initialize
//    Initialize this application when it starts. Disable firmware,
// set the video mode and colours, and initialize map and cursor.
void initialize() {
   u8 *pmem;

   // Disable firmware to prevent it from restoring video mode or
   // interfering with our drawString functions

   // Set the video Mode to 1 (320x200, 4 colours)

   // Use default colours except for palette index 0 (background).
   // Default colours are (Blue, Yellow, Cyan, Red), let's use
   // (Black, Yellow, Cyan, Red). Change only colour 0 and border.
   cpct_setPALColour(0, 0x14);
   // Initialize Base Pointer of the map in video memory. This is 
   // the place where the map will start to be drawn (0,0). This
   // location is (MAP_START_X, MAP_START_Y) with respect to CPCT_VMEM_START.
   pmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, MAP_START_X, MAP_START_Y);

   // Set cursor at the top-left corner of the screen
   cursor_setLocation(0, 0);

   // Draw messages with instructions, the map and the cursor
Exemple #8
// drawMenu
// Returns:
//    void
void drawMenu() {
    u8* pvmem;


    cpct_memset(CPCT_VMEM_START, cpct_px2byteM0(0, 0), 0x4000);

    //Small Logo
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 23, 0);
    cpct_drawSprite(logo_micro, pvmem, 5, 18);

    drawText("AMSTHREES", 30, 4, 0);

    // Session Highest Card
    drawText("SESSION", 1, 57, 0);
    drawText("HIGH", 5, 72, 0);
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 7, 92);
    cpct_drawSprite(cards[highestCardAll], pvmem, CARD_W, CARD_H);

    drawFrame(23, 43, 76, 151);

    //Camelot Mode Badgae
    if (camelotMode) {
        pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 80 - G_CAMELOTBADGE_W, 8);
        cpct_drawSpriteMaskedAlignedTable(g_camelotBadge, pvmem, G_CAMELOTBADGE_W, G_CAMELOTBADGE_H, am_tablatrans);

    drawText("REDEFINE", 38, 60, 0);
    drawText("MUSIC", 38, 80, 0);
    if (playing)
        drawText("OFF", 56, 80, 0);
        drawText("ON", 56, 80, 0);
    drawText("HELP", 38, 100, 0);
    drawText("PLAY", 38, 120, 0);

    drawNumber(1, 1, 31, 60);
    drawNumber(2, 1, 31, 80);
    drawNumber(3, 1, 31, 100);
    drawNumber(4, 1, 31, 120);

    drawText("JOHN LOBO", 25, 170, 1);
    drawText("@ GLASNOST CORP 2016", 11, 185, 1);

Exemple #9
void credits(){
u8* memptr;

  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 18, 30); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Grupo Pyxis", memptr, 1, 0); 

  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 23, 60); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Miembros:", memptr, 1, 0); 
  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 10, 80); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Alberto Martinez", memptr,2, 0); 
  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 27, 95); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Martinez", memptr,2, 0); 
  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 13, 115); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Josep Domenech", memptr,2, 0);
  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 27, 125); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Mingot", memptr, 2, 0);  

  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 12, 175); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Pulsa espacio", memptr, 1, 0); 

  while (1){
     if(cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_Space)) {


Exemple #10
// Update an entity (do animation, and change screen location)
// Parameters:
//    c: Character to be updated
u8 updateCharacter(TCharacter *c) {
   TEntity  *e = &c->entity;
   TPhysics *p = &e->phys;
   TAnimation *anim = &e->graph.anim;
   TAnimFrame   *af = anim->frames[anim->frame_id];
   u8         alive = 1;

   // Previous to calculations, next position is similar to current
   e->x       = e->nx;
   e->y       = e->ny;
   e->pscreen = e->npscreen;
   e->pw      = af->width;
   e->ph      = af->height;

   // Update animation. If changes sprite, then we should redraw
   if ( updateAnimation(&e->graph.anim, e->nAnim, e->nStatus) ) { 
      e->draw = 1;                        // Redraw 
      af = anim->frames[anim->frame_id];  // Get values of the new frame
      e->nAnim   = 0;                     // No next animation/animstatus
      e->nStatus = as_null;

   // Update physics and check collisions

   // Maintain into limits
   if ( e->nx <= G_minX) { 
      e->nx = G_minX + 1; 
      p->x = e->nx * SCALE; 
   else if ( e->nx + af->width >= G_maxX ) {
      e->nx = G_maxX - af->width;
      p->x  = e->nx * SCALE;  
   if ( e->ny + af->height >= G_maxY ) { 
      e->ny = G_maxY - af->height;
      p->y = e->ny * SCALE;
      alive = 0;
   else if ( e->ny <= G_minY ) { 
      e->ny = G_minY + 1;
      p->y = e->ny * SCALE;

   // Check if character has moved to calculate new location and set for drawing
   if ( e->ny != e->y ) { 
      e->npscreen  = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, e->nx, e->ny);
      e->draw = 1;
   } else if ( e->nx != e->x ) {
      e->npscreen = e->npscreen + e->nx - e->x;
      e->draw = 1; 

   return alive;
Exemple #11
// Moves a block
// Parameters:
//    b_idx: Index of the block
// Returns:
//    1 if the moved block has been destroyed
//    0 if not
u8 moveBlock(u8 b_idx) {
   TEntity *e = &g_blocks[b_idx]; // Get next block entity
//   u8 newY;                       // New calculated Y coordinate after movement

   // Update block location acording to its Y physics
   e->phys.y += G_scrollVel;      // All blocks use this same velocity for Y axis
   e->y       = e->ny;
   e->ny      = e->phys.y / SCALE;
   // Check if we have to move the block graphically
   if (e->ny != e->y) {    
      // Check if the block has disappeared from the screen, to destroy it
      // Beware! Destroying a block moves all the rest in the array!
      if (e->ny > G_maxY) {
         return 1;         // Return informing that the block has been destroyed!

      e->draw = 1;

   // Update block location according to its X physics
   if (e->phys.vx) {
      e->x       = e->nx;
      e->phys.x += e->phys.vx;
      e->nx      = e->phys.x / SCALE;

      // Is there any graphical movement?
      if (e->x != e->nx) {
         // Maintain into limits
         if (e->nx < G_minX) {
            // Crossed left boundary, bounce right
            e->nx      = G_minX + 1; 
            e->phys.x  = e->nx * SCALE; 
            e->phys.vx = -e->phys.vx;
         } else if ( e->nx + e->graph.block.w >= G_maxX ) {
            // Crossed right boundary, bounce left
            e->nx      = G_maxX - e->graph.block.w;
            e->phys.x  = e->nx * SCALE;  
            e->phys.vx = -e->phys.vx;
         e->draw = 1; // Set for redraw

   // Calculate new screen position, on draw
   if (e->draw) {
      e->pscreen  = e->npscreen;
      e->npscreen = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, e->nx, e->ny);

   // Return signalling that the block has NOT been destroyed
   return 0;
Exemple #12
int menu(){
   u8* memptr;
   int init = 50;
   int pushed =0;
   int cont =0;

   memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM,10,10);

   memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM,20,90);
   cpct_drawStringM0("Nueva Partida",memptr,1,0);

   memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM,20,110);

   memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM,20,130);

   memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM,20,150);

    /*memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM,18,180);
   cpct_drawStringM0("Pulsa Intro",memptr,4,5);*/


      if(cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorDown) && cont > 150){
        cpct_drawSolidBox(memptr, 0, 2, 8);
        if(pushed<3) pushed ++;
        cont =0;
      if(cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorUp) && cont > 150){
        cpct_drawSolidBox(memptr, 0, 2, 8);
        if(pushed>0) pushed --;
        cont = 0;

      switch (pushed){
        case 0: init = 90;break;
        case 1: init = 110;break;
        case 2: init = 130;break;
        case 3: init = 150;break;
      memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM,15,init);
      cpct_drawSprite(marcador,memptr, 2, 8);
        switch (pushed){
        case 0: return 1;break;
        case 1: return 2;break;
        case 2: return 3;break;
        case 3: return 0;break;
Exemple #13
/* Controles */
void controles(){
  u8* memptr;

  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 23, 60); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Controles:", memptr, 1, 0); 
  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 11, 80); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Movimiento: ", memptr, 2, 0); 
  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 27, 95); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Flechas", memptr, 2, 0); 
  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 13, 115); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Esc: Menu", memptr, 2, 0); 
  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 13, 130); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Disparar: X", memptr, 2, 0); 

  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 12, 175); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Pulsa espacio", memptr, 1, 0); 

   while (1){
     if(cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_Space)) {


Exemple #14
// drawTile
//    Draws only one of the tiles of the map, given its coordinates.
// It calculates the location in the screen of the given tile and
// gets its actual value from the map array. Then it draws the
// tile to the screen.
void map_drawTile(u8 x, u8 y) {
   // Calculate screen location where tile should be drawn
   u8 *pmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(map_base_location, x, y*TILE_HEIGHT);

   // Select appropriate colour pattern for the tile 
   // (YELLOW for walls, BLACK for background)
   u8 c_pattern = cpct_px2byteM1(C_BLACK, C_BLACK, C_BLACK, C_BLACK);
   if (map_getTile(x, y) != 0)
      c_pattern = cpct_px2byteM1(C_YELLOW, C_YELLOW, C_YELLOW, C_YELLOW);

   // Draw the tile as a solid box
   cpct_drawSolidBox(pmem, c_pattern, TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT);   
Exemple #15
// Draw a frame around play area, using frame tiles.
//    pscr: Pointer to the upper-left corner of the screen / buffer where frame is to be drawn
//       x: X coordinate where the frame starts
void drawFrame(u8* pscr, u8 x) {
   u8 *pvmem;     // Pointer to video memory (used for drawing tiles)
   u8 i;          // Counter for loops

   //------ Draw Up-Left and Up-Right Corners
   pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(pscr, x, 0);
   cpct_drawTileAligned4x8(G_frameUpLeftCorner,  pvmem);       // Up-Left
   cpct_drawTileAligned4x8(G_frameUpRightCorner, pvmem + 54);  // Up-Right
   //------ Draw left and right borders
   for(i=8; i < 192; i += 8) {
      pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(pscr, x, i);
      cpct_drawTileAligned4x8(G_frameLeft,  pvmem);      // Left border
      cpct_drawTileAligned4x8(G_frameRight, pvmem + 54); // Right border

   //------ Draw upper border
   pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(pscr, x, 0);
   for(i=4; i < 28; i += 4) {
      pvmem += 4;
      cpct_drawTileAligned4x8(G_frameUp, pvmem);       // Left part 
      cpct_drawTileAligned4x8(G_frameUp, pvmem + 26);  // Right part
   cpct_drawSprite(G_frameUpCenter, pvmem + 2, 6, 8);  // Central tile
   //------ Draw down border
   pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(pscr, x, 192);
   for(i=4; i < 28; i += 4) {
      pvmem += 4;
      cpct_drawTileAligned4x8(G_frameDown, pvmem);       // Left part
      cpct_drawTileAligned4x8(G_frameDown, pvmem + 26);  // Right part
   cpct_drawSprite(G_frameDownCenter, pvmem + 2, 6, 8);  // Central tile

   //------ Draw Down-Left and Down-Right Corners
   pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(pscr, x, 192);
   cpct_drawTileAligned4x8(G_frameDownLeftCorner,  pvmem);        // Down-Left
   cpct_drawTileAligned4x8(G_frameDownRightCorner, pvmem + 54);   // Down-Right
Exemple #16
void printCells() {
    u8 i;
    u8 j;
    u8 x;
    u8 y;
    u8* pvmem;  // Pointer to video memory

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        //y = 30 + (i * 10);
        y = 4 + (i * 48);

        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            //  x = 3 + (j * 12);
            x = 6 + (j * 12);
            if (cells[i][j] > 0) {
                pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, x, y);
                cpct_drawSpriteMaskedAlignedTable(cards[cells[i][j]], pvmem, CARD_W, CARD_H, am_tablatrans);
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 63, 18);
    cpct_drawSprite(cards[cardBag[currentCard]], pvmem, CARD_W, CARD_H);
Exemple #17
// Shows messages at the end of the game and asks for keypress for starting again
void showGameEnd(u16 score) {
   u8* pscr;   // Pointer to the screen place where to show messages
   u8  str[6]; // String array to draw numbers on screen

   // Draw GAME OVER string
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START,  8, 24);
   cpct_drawStringM0("GAME  OVER", pscr, 6, 0);

   // Draw SCORE string
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 16, 48);
   cpct_drawStringM0(  "SCORE", pscr, 9, 0);

   // Draw the score got in this game
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 16, 56);
   sprintf(str, "%5u", score);
   cpct_drawStringM0(str, pscr, 14, 0);

   // Draw PRESS SPACE string
   pscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 6, 112);
   cpct_drawStringM0("PRESS SPACE", pscr, 11, 0);

   // Wait for SPACE being pressed before continuing
Exemple #18
// Draw CPCtelera's Squared Banner (Mode 0)
void drawBanner() {
    // Video memory pointers for the 2 sprites that form the Squared banner
    u8 *pvideo_s1, *pvideo_s2;

    // Clear the screen filling it up with 0's

    // Set Mode 0 Squared Banner palette and change to Mode 0
    cpct_setPalette  (G_banner_palette, 16);

    // Draw CPCtelera's Squared Banner in 2 parts of 80x96 pixels (40x96 bytes in mode 0)
    // We have to draw it in two parts because cpct_drawSprite function cannot 
    // draw sprites wider than 63 bytes. 
    // Remember: in Mode 0, 1 byte = 2 pixels

    // Draw left part at screen byte coordinates  ( 0, 52) (pixel coordinates ( 0, 52))
    pvideo_s1 = cpct_getScreenPtr(SCR_VMEM,  0, 52);
    cpct_drawSprite(G_CPCt_left,  pvideo_s1, BANNER_W, BANNER_H);

    // Draw right part at screen byte coordinates (40, 52) (pixel coordinates (80, 52))
    pvideo_s2 = cpct_getScreenPtr(SCR_VMEM, 40, 52);
    cpct_drawSprite(G_CPCt_right, pvideo_s2, BANNER_W, BANNER_H);
Exemple #19
void gameOver(){
    u8* memptr;
  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM,10,10);
  cpct_drawStringM0("Lounge Gladiator",memptr,1,0);

    memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM,10,50);

  memptr = cpct_getScreenPtr(VMEM, 12, 175); 
  cpct_drawStringM0("Pulsa espacio", memptr, 1, 0); 

  while (1){
     if(cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_Space)) {


Exemple #20
// Draw CPCtelera's Logo (Mode 1)
void drawLogo() {
    // Pointer to video memory location where the logo will be drawn
    u8* pvideo;

    // Clear the screen filling it up with 0's

    // Set Mode 1 Logo palette and change to Mode 1
    cpct_setPalette(G_logo_palette, 4);

    // Draw CPCtelera's Logo as one unique sprite 160x191 pixels (40x191 bytes in mode 1)
    // Remember: in Mode 1, 1 byte = 4 pixels    

    // Draw the sprite at screen byte coordinates (20, 4) (pixel coordinates (80, 4))
    pvideo = cpct_getScreenPtr(SCR_VMEM, 20, 4);
    cpct_drawSprite(G_CPCt_logo, pvideo, LOGO_W, LOGO_H);
Exemple #21
// MAIN PROGRAM: move a sprite over a background
void main(void) {
   // One alien that will move bouncing through the screen
   static const TAlien sa = {0, 0, 1, 1};
   TAlien* a = (TAlien*)&sa;

   // Initialize screen, palette and background

   // Main loop: Moves the sprite left-to-right and vice-versa
   while(1) {
      u8* pscra;  // Pointer to the screen location to draw the alien

      // Check if sprite is going to got out the screen and produce bouncing in its case
      if (a->vx < 0) {
         if (a->tx < -a->vx)
            a->vx = 1;
      } else if (a->tx + a->vx + ALIEN_WIDTH_TILES >= MAP_WIDTH_TILES)
         a->vx = -1;

      if (a->vy < 0) {
         if (a->ty < -a->vy)
            a->vy = 1;
      } else if (a->ty + a->vy + ALIEN_HEIGHT_TILES >= MAP_HEIGHT_TILES)
         a->vy = -1;

      // Wait for VSYNC before drawing to the screen to reduce flickering
      // We also wait for several VSYNC to make it move slow, or it will be too fast

      // Redraw a tilebox over the alien to erase it (redrawing background over it)
      cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4(a->tx, a->ty, ALIEN_WIDTH_TILES, ALIEN_HEIGHT_TILES, 
                              MAP_WIDTH_TILES, CPCT_VMEM_START, g_background);
      // Move the alien and calculate it's new location on screen
      a->tx += a->vx; 
      a->ty += a->vy;
      pscra = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, TILEWIDTH_BYTES*a->tx, TILEHEIGHT_BYTES*a->ty);
      // Draw the alien in its new location
      cpct_drawSpriteMaskedAlignedTable(g_alien, pscra, ALIEN_WIDTH_BYTES, 
                                        ALIEN_HEIGHT_BYTES, g_masktable);
Exemple #22
// draw
//    Draws the map completely. It displays a message down the
// screen while drawing to inform the user.
void map_draw() {
   static u8* const string = "Drawing Map";
   u8 x, y;
   u8* pmem; 

   // Draw a message down the screen to inform the user
   // that the map is drawing
   pmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 30, 160);
   cpct_drawStringM1(string, pmem, C_BLACK, C_RED);

   // Draw the map tile by tile
   for(y=0; y < MAP_HEIGHT; y++) 
      for(x=0; x < MAP_WIDTH; x++) 
         map_drawTile(x, y);

   // Remove the message that was informing the user
   // (Drawing the string with background colour)
   cpct_drawStringM1(string, pmem, C_BLACK, C_BLACK);
Exemple #23
// Sets up a new location for an entity in screen (and its velocity)
//    Parameters give information in screen coordinates and values
void setEntityLocation(TEntity *e, u8 x, u8 y, u8 vx, u8 vy, u8 eraseprev) {
   // Locate entity on screen
   e->npscreen   = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, x, y);
   e->nx = x;
   e->ny = y;

   // Locate entity on the physics world (with integer arithmetic)
   e->phys.x    = x  * SCALE;
   e->phys.y    = y  * SCALE;
   e->phys.vx   = vx * SCALE;
   e->phys.vy   = vy * SCALE;
   // Make previous values of the entity equal to next
   if (eraseprev) {
      e->pscreen  = e->npscreen;
      e->x = x;
      e->y = y;
Exemple #24
// MAIN: Using keyboard to move a sprite example
void main(void) {
   u8 x=20;                     // Sprite horizontal coordinate
   u8 lookingAt = LOOK_RIGHT;   // Know where the sprite is looking at 
   u8 nowLookingAt = lookingAt; // New looking direction after keypress

   // Initialize the Amstrad CPC

   // Infinite moving loop
   while(1) {
      u8* pvideomem; // Pointer to video memory

      // Scan Keyboard (fastest routine)
      // The Keyboard has to be scanned to obtain pressed / not pressed status of
      // every key before checking each individual key's status.

      // Check if user has pressed a Cursor Key and, if so, move the sprite if
      // it will still be inside screen boundaries
      if (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorRight) && x < (SCR_W - SP_W) ) {
         nowLookingAt = LOOK_RIGHT;
      } else if (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorLeft)  && x > 0) {
         nowLookingAt = LOOK_LEFT;

      // Check if we have changed looking direction      
      if (lookingAt != nowLookingAt) {
         lookingAt = nowLookingAt;
         cpct_hflipSpriteM0(SP_W, SP_H, g_spirit);

      // Get video memory byte for coordinates x, y of the sprite (in bytes)
      pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, x, FLOOR_Y - SP_H);

      // Draw the sprite in the video memory location got from coordinates x, y
      cpct_drawSprite(g_spirit, pvideomem, SP_W, SP_H);
Exemple #25
// Draws the tilemap in a new location or with a change in its viewport.
//  The drawing is done in the backbuffer and then shown in the screen when it's
//  done, switching screen buffers just after the VSYNC
void drawScreenTilemap(TScreenTilemap *scr) {
   u8* ptmscr;    // Backbuffer pointer where the tilemap is to be drawn
   // Clear the backbuffer
   cpct_memset_f64(g_scrbuffers[1], 0x00, 0x4000);

   // Calculate the new location where the tilemap is to be drawn in
   // the backbuffer, using x, y coordinates of the tilemap
   ptmscr = cpct_getScreenPtr(g_scrbuffers[1], scr->x, scr->y);

   // Draw the viewport of the tilemap in the backbuffer (pointed by ptmscr)
   cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4(scr->viewport.x, scr->viewport.y, 
                           scr->viewport.w, scr->viewport.h, 
                           MAP_WIDTH, ptmscr, g_tilemap);
   // Wait for VSYNC and change screen buffers just afterwards, 
   // to make the backbuffer show on the screen
Exemple #26
// MAIN: Using keyboard to move a sprite example
void main(void) {
   u8  x=10, y=10;   // Sprite coordinates
   u8* pvideomem;    // Pointer to video memory

   // Set up the screen
   // Disable firmware to prevent it from interfering with setPalette and setVideoMode

   // Set the colour palette
   cpct_fw2hw     (G_palette, 4); // Convert our palette from firmware to hardware colours 
   cpct_setPalette(G_palette, 4); // Set up the hardware palette using hardware colours
   // Set video mode 1 (320x200, 4 colours)

   // Infinite moving loop
   while(1) {
      // Scan Keyboard (fastest routine)
      // The Keyboard has to be scanned to obtain pressed / not pressed status of
      // every key before checking each individual key's status.

      // Check if user has pressed a Cursor Key and, if so, move the sprite if
      // it will still be inside screen boundaries
      if      (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorRight) && x < (SCR_W - SP_W) ) ++x; 
      else if (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorLeft)  && x > 0              ) --x; 
      if      (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorUp)    && y > 0              ) --y;
      else if (cpct_isKeyPressed(Key_CursorDown)  && y < (SCR_H - SP_H) ) ++y;
      // Get video memory byte for coordinates x, y of the sprite (in bytes)
      pvideomem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, x, y);

      // Draw the sprite in the video memory location got from coordinates x, y
      cpct_drawSprite(G_spriteLogoCT, pvideomem, SP_W, SP_H);
Exemple #27
// Scrolls the tilemap, relocates pointers and draws left and right columns 
// with their new content after scrolling
void scrollScreenTilemap(TScreenTilemap *scr, i16 scroll) { 
   // Select leftmost or rightmost column of the tilemap to be redrawn 
   // depending on the direction of the scrolling movement made
   u8 column = (scroll > 0) ? (SCR_TILE_WIDTH-1) : (0);

   // Update pointers to tilemap drawable window, tilemap upper-left corner in video memory
   // and scroll offset
   scr->pVideo   += 2*scroll; // Video memory starts now 2 bytes to the left or to the right
   scr->pTilemap += scroll;   // Move the start pointer to the tilemap 1 tile (1 byte) to point to the drawable zone (viewport)
   scr->scroll   += scroll;   // Update scroll offset to produce scrolling

   // Wait for VSYNC before redrawing,
   // Do hardware scrolling to the present offset
   // Redraw newly appearing column (either it is left or right)
   cpct_etm_drawTileBox2x4(column, 0,         // (X, Y) Upper-left Location of the Box (column in this case) to be redrawn
                           1, MAP_HEIGHT,     // (Width, Height) of the Box (column) to be redrawn
                           MAP_WIDTH,         // Width of the full tilemap (which is wider than the screen in this case)
                           scr->pVideo,       // Pointer to the upper-left corner of the tilemap in video memory
                           scr->pTilemap);    // Pointer to the first tile of the tilemap to be drawn (upper-left corner
                                              // ... of the tilemap viewport window)

   // When scrolling to the right, erase the character (2x8) bytes that scrolls-out
   // through the top-left corner of the screen. Othewise, this pixel values will 
   // loop and appear through the bottom-down corner later on.
   // When scrolling to the left, erase the character that appears on the left, just
   // below the visible tilemap
   if (scroll > 0) 
      cpct_drawSolidBox(scr->pVideo - 2, 0, 2, 8);  // top-left scrolled-out char
   else {
      u8* br_char = cpct_getScreenPtr(scr->pVideo, 0, 4*MAP_HEIGHT);
      cpct_drawSolidBox(br_char, 0, 2, 8);  // bottom-right scrolled-out char
Exemple #28
void drawMessages() {
   u8 i;
   // Define the strings for the messages as an array to 
   // be able to draw them in a single loop
   static u8* const strings[NUM_MSGS] = { 
       "[Cursors]" ,"Move"
      ,"[Space]"   ,"Draw/Remove"
      ,"[Escape]"  ,"Clear" 

   // Define the properties of the messages that will be drawn:
   // (x,y) location, Foreground colour (fg) and Background Colour (bg)
   static const u8 msg_prop[NUM_MSGS][4] = {
    //   x,  y,     fg,      bg
      { 20,  0, C_RED , C_BLACK },  // Message 0
      { 40,  0, C_BLUE, C_BLACK },  // Message 1
      { 20, 16, C_RED , C_BLACK },  // Message 2
      { 40, 16, C_BLUE, C_BLACK },  // Message 3
      { 20, 32, C_RED , C_BLACK },  // Message 4
      { 40, 32, C_BLUE, C_BLACK }   // Message 5

   // Draw all messages in a single loop, using propertis of each message
   for(i=0; i < NUM_MSGS; i++) {
      u8* pmem; 

      // Get Location where next message should be drawn using 
      // message properties 0 and 1 (x and y coordinates)
      pmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, msg_prop[i][0], msg_prop[i][1]);

      // Draw the i-th message with colours from its properties 2 and 3 (fg, bg)
      cpct_drawStringM1(strings[i], pmem, msg_prop[i][2], msg_prop[i][3]);
Exemple #29
// Draw a given animated entity on the screen
void drawBlockEntity (TEntity* e){
   // Check if needs to be redrawn
   if ( e->draw ) {
      u8* sp;   // Starting video mem pointer for blocks that are in the upper non-visible zone
      u8  eraseh;// height to be erased 
      u8  drawh;// Height to draw of the box (taking into account invisible zones)

      // Get the entity values from its current animation status
      TBlock* block  = &e->graph.block;
      // Take into account non visible zones for drawing the blocks
      sp = e->npscreen;
      if (e->ny <= G_minY) {
         drawh = block->h + e->ny - G_minY;
         sp = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, e->nx, G_minY);
      } else {
         if (e->ny + block->h > G_maxY) {
            drawh  = G_maxY - e->ny;
            eraseh = G_maxY - e->y;
         } else {
            drawh  = block->h;
            eraseh = drawh;

         // Remove previous entity
         if (eraseh)
            cpct_drawSolidBox(e->pscreen,  0x00, block->w, eraseh);
      // Draw the entity
      if (drawh)
         cpct_drawSolidBox(sp, block->colour, block->w, drawh);

      e->draw = 0;
Exemple #30
void getName() {
    u8* pvmem;
    u8 moved, pos, chr;
    u8 markerX, markerY;

    drawFrame(9, 60, 73, 150);

    drawText("NEW HIGH SCORE", 20, 70, 1);
    drawText("ENTER YOUR NAME", 18, 85, 1);
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 11, 100);
    cpct_drawSprite(g_tile_symbols_1, pvmem, 3, 11);
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 14, 100);
    cpct_drawSprite(g_tile_symbols_2, pvmem, 3, 11);
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 17, 100);
    cpct_drawSprite(g_tile_symbols_3, pvmem, 3, 11);
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 20, 100);
    cpct_drawSprite(g_tile_symbols_4, pvmem, 3, 11);
    drawText("CHANGE LETTER", 24, 100, 0);
    drawText(" _ TO END", 20, 115, 1);
    drawFrame(12, 130, 70, 160);
    strcpy(newNameHighScore, "A");
    drawText(newNameHighScore, 16, 140, 0);

    markerX = 15;
    markerY = 138;
    pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, markerX, markerY);
    cpct_drawSpriteBlended(pvmem, AM_MARKER_H, AM_MARKER_W, am_marker);
    pos = 0;
    chr = 65;
    moved = 0;
    while (1) {

        if ((cpct_isKeyPressed(Joy0_Down)) || (cpct_isKeyPressed(keys.down))) {
            moved = 1;
        } else if ((cpct_isKeyPressed(Joy0_Up)) || (cpct_isKeyPressed(keys.up))) {
            moved = 1;
        } else if ((pos < 14) && ((cpct_isKeyPressed(Joy0_Right)) || (cpct_isKeyPressed(Joy0_Fire1)) || (cpct_isKeyPressed(keys.right)))) {
            if (chr == 95) {
                newNameHighScore[pos] = '\0';
            else {
                newNameHighScore[pos] = 65;
                newNameHighScore[pos + 1] = '\0';
                chr = 65;
                moved = 1;

        } else if ((pos > 0) && ((cpct_isKeyPressed(Joy0_Left)) || (cpct_isKeyPressed(keys.left)))) {
            newNameHighScore[pos] = '\0';
            chr = newNameHighScore[pos];
            moved = 1;
        } else if (cpct_isKeyPressed(keys.abort)) {
        if (moved) {
            moved = 0;
            if (chr > 95)
                chr = 65;
            else if (chr < 65)
                chr = 95;
            newNameHighScore[pos] = chr;
            pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, markerX, markerY);
            cpct_drawSpriteBlended(pvmem, AM_MARKER_H, AM_MARKER_W, am_marker);
            pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 16, 140);
            cpct_drawSolidBox(pvmem, #0, 45, 11);
            drawText(newNameHighScore, 16, 140, 0);
            markerX = 15 + (pos * 3);
            pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, markerX, markerY);
            cpct_drawSpriteBlended(pvmem, AM_MARKER_H, AM_MARKER_W, am_marker);
