static int _pgband (int *mode, int *posn, double *xref, double *yref, SLang_Ref_Type *rx, SLang_Ref_Type *ry, SLang_Ref_Type *rc) { float x, y; char c; int status; status = cpgband (*mode, *posn, *xref, *yref, &x, &y, &c); if (status == 1) { (void) SLang_assign_to_ref (rx, SLANG_FLOAT_TYPE, &x); (void) SLang_assign_to_ref (ry, SLANG_FLOAT_TYPE, &y); (void) SLang_assign_to_ref (rc, SLANG_CHAR_TYPE, &c); } return status; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int i; char fname[128]; dSet *data; float freq,bw,chanbw; int nchan,npol; float bpass[4096]; float fx[4096]; float miny,maxy,minx,maxx; float ominy,omaxy,ominx,omaxx; float mx,my,mx2,my2; float binw; char key; char grDev[128]="/xs"; int interactive=1; int noc1=0; int zapChannels[4096]; int nzap=0; int overlay=-1; float overlayVal[MAX_OVERLAY]; char overlayStr[MAX_OVERLAY][128]; char overlayFile[128]; int noverlay=0; fitsfile *fp; data = initialiseDset(); for (i=0;i<argc;i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"-f")==0) strcpy(fname,argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-noc1")==0) noc1=1; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-g")==0) { strcpy(grDev,argv[++i]); interactive=0; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-h")==0) help(); else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-overlay")==0) { strcpy(overlayFile,argv[++i]); overlay=1; } } if (overlay==1) { FILE *fin; char line[1024]; noverlay=0; if (!(fin = fopen(overlayFile,"r"))) printf("Unable to open overlay file >%s<\n",overlayFile); else { while (!feof(fin)) { fgets(overlayStr[noverlay],1024,fin); if (fscanf(fin,"%f",&overlayVal[noverlay])==1) { if (overlayStr[noverlay][strlen(overlayStr[noverlay])-1] == '\n') overlayStr[noverlay][strlen(overlayStr[noverlay])-1]='\0'; noverlay++; } } fclose(fin); } } fp = openFitsFile(fname); loadPrimaryHeader(fp,data); displayHeaderInfo(data); readBandpass(fp,bpass); nchan = data->phead.nchan; freq = data->phead.freq; bw = data->; chanbw = data->phead.chanbw; for (i=0;i<nchan;i++) { fx[i] = freq-bw/2+(i+0.5)*chanbw; if (i==noc1) { miny = maxy = bpass[i]; minx = maxx = fx[i]; } else if (i!=0) { if (bpass[i] > maxy) maxy = bpass[i]; if (bpass[i] < miny) miny = bpass[i]; if (fx[i] > maxx) maxx = fx[i]; if (fx[i] < minx) minx = fx[i]; } } ominx = minx; omaxx = maxx; ominy = miny; omaxy = maxy; binw = fx[1]-fx[0]; printf("Complete\n"); cpgbeg(0,grDev,1,1); cpgask(0); do { cpgenv(minx,maxx,miny,maxy,0,1); cpglab("Frequency (MHz)","Amplitude (arbitrary)",fname); cpgbin(nchan-noc1,fx+noc1,bpass+noc1,0); if (overlay==1) { float tx[2],ty[2]; cpgsls(4); cpgsci(2); cpgsch(0.8); for (i=0;i<noverlay;i++) { tx[0] = tx[1] = overlayVal[i]; ty[0] = miny; ty[1] = maxy; if (tx[1] > minx && tx[1] < maxx) { cpgline(2,tx,ty); // cpgtext(tx[1],ty[1]-0.05*(maxy-miny),overlayStr[i]); cpgptxt(tx[1]-0.004*(maxx-minx),ty[0]+0.05*(maxy-miny),90,0.0,overlayStr[i]); } } cpgsci(1); cpgsls(1); cpgsch(1); } if (interactive==1) { cpgcurs(&mx,&my,&key); if (key=='A') { int cc=-1; int i; for (i=0;i<nchan-1;i++) { // if ((bw > 0 && (mx > fx[i]-binw/2 && mx < fx[i]+binw/2)) || // (bw < 0 && (mx > fx[i]+binw/2 && mx < fx[i]-binw/2))) if ((bw > 0 && (mx > fx[i] && mx < fx[i]+binw)) || (bw < 0 && (mx > fx[i] && mx < fx[i]+binw))) { cc = i; break; } } printf("mouse x = %g MHz, mouse y = %g, channel = %d, channel frequency = %g MHz\n",mx,my,cc,fx[cc]); } else if (key=='X') { int cc=-1; int i; printf("Deleting %g %g %g\n",mx,fx[10],binw); for (i=0;i<nchan-1;i++) { // if ((bw > 0 && (mx > fx[i]-binw/2 && mx < fx[i]+binw/2)) || // (bw < 0 && (mx > fx[i]+binw/2 && mx < fx[i]-binw/2))) if ((bw > 0 && (mx > fx[i] && mx < fx[i]+binw)) || (bw < 0 && (mx > fx[i] && mx < fx[i]+binw))) { cc = i; break; } } printf("Want to delete = %d\n",cc); if (cc != -1) { bpass[cc] = 0; omaxy = bpass[noc1]; zapChannels[nzap++] = cc; for (i=noc1;i<nchan;i++) { if (omaxy < bpass[i]) omaxy = bpass[i]; } } } else if (key=='z') { cpgband(2,0,mx,my,&mx2,&my2,&key); if (mx > mx2) {maxx = mx; minx = mx2;} else {maxx = mx2; minx = mx;} if (my > my2) {maxy = my; miny = my2;} else {maxy = my2; miny = my;} } else if (key=='u') { minx = ominx; maxx = omaxx; miny = ominy; maxy = omaxy; } else if (key=='l') // List the channels and frequencies to zap { int i; sortInt(zapChannels,nzap); printf("-------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Zap channels with first channel = 0\n\n"); for (i=0;i<nzap;i++) printf("%d ",zapChannels[i]); printf("\n\n"); printf("Zap channels with first channel = 1\n\n"); for (i=0;i<nzap;i++) printf("%d ",zapChannels[i]+1); printf("\n\n"); printf("Zap channels frequencies:\n\n"); for (i=0;i<nzap;i++) printf("%g ",fx[zapChannels[i]]); printf("\n\n"); printf("-------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else if (key=='%') // Enter percentage of the band edges to zap { float percent; int i; printf("Enter band edge percentage to zap "); scanf("%f",&percent); for (i=0;i<nchan;i++) { if (i < nchan*percent/100.0 || i > nchan-(nchan*percent/100.0)) { bpass[i] = 0; zapChannels[nzap++] = i; } } omaxy = bpass[noc1]; for (i=noc1;i<nchan;i++) { if (omaxy < bpass[i]) omaxy = bpass[i]; } // Unzoom minx = ominx; maxx = omaxx; miny = ominy; maxy = omaxy; } } } while (key != 'q' && interactive==1); cpgend(); }
void edit_tf(g_ctl * ctl, tf * f, defs * d) { /* We add a quick hack in making the filter option on/off with key 'F' */ float ax, ay, aux; char op; int filterneed = 0; int gravity = 1; strcpy(ctl->title, "** timeplot type Q to return to main menu **"); strcpy(ctl->xlabel, "Time (s)"); strcpy(ctl->ylabel, "Amp."); pdefs *pick = d->pickRules[(int)getConfigAsNumber(config, NAME_PICK, DEFAULT_PICK)]; switch (d->alig) { case (ALIGO): case (ALIGA): { float AMark = pickR(pick, f->current->head); ctl->xmin = AMark - d->prephase; ctl->xmax = AMark + d->postphase; break; } case (ALIGF): { float FMark = pickD(pick, f->current->head); ctl->xmin = FMark - d->prephase; ctl->xmax = FMark + d->postphase; break; } } while (op != 'Q') { if (filterneed == 1) { if (d->filter) filtertf(f, d); filterneed = 0; } timedraw(ctl, f, d, gravity); cpgband(7, 0, 0.0, 0.0, &ax, &ay, &op); op = toupper(op); switch (op) { case 'G': { gravity = !gravity; break; } case 'Z': case 'Y': { setPick(pick, f->current->head, (gravity) ? minmaxrefine(f, d, ax, 2.) : ax); d->needsave = 1; break; } case 'A': { aux = ax; cpgband(7, 0, 0.0, 0.0, &ax, &ay, &op); if (aux < ax) { ctl->xmin = aux; ctl->xmax = ax; } else { ctl->xmin = hdu_getSecondsFromNPTS(f->current->head, 0); ctl->xmax = hdu_getSecondsFromNPTS(f->current->head, f->current->head->npts); } break; } case 'F': { d->filter = !d->filter; filterneed = 1; break; } case 'D': { setPick(pick, f->current->head, SAC_HEADER_FLOAT_UNDEFINED); d->needsave = 1; break; } case 'L': { d->lp = lerfloat("Enter Low-Pass filter frequency (Hz):"); filterneed = 1; break; } case 'H': { d->hp = lerfloat("Enter High-Pass filter frequency (Hz):"); filterneed = 1; break; } } } }