Exemple #1
static void
applyImpulse(cpSlideJoint *joint)
	if(cpveql(joint->n, cpvzero)) return;  // early exit

	cpBody *a = joint->constraint.a;
	cpBody *b = joint->constraint.b;
	cpVect n = joint->n;
	cpVect r1 = joint->r1;
	cpVect r2 = joint->r2;
	// compute relative velocity
	cpVect vr = relative_velocity(a, b, r1, r2);
	cpFloat vrn = cpvdot(vr, n);
	// compute normal impulse
	cpFloat jn = (joint->bias - vrn)*joint->nMass;
	cpFloat jnOld = joint->jnAcc;
	joint->jnAcc = cpfclamp(jnOld + jn, -joint->jnMax, 0.0f);
	jn = joint->jnAcc - jnOld;
	// apply impulse
	apply_impulses(a, b, joint->r1, joint->r2, cpvmult(n, jn));
Exemple #2
static struct Notch
DeepestNotch(int count, cpVect *verts, int hullCount, cpVect *hullVerts, int first, cpFloat tol)
	struct Notch notch = {};
	int j = Next(first, count);
	for(int i=0; i<hullCount; i++){
		cpVect a = hullVerts[i];
		cpVect b = hullVerts[Next(i, hullCount)];
		// TODO use a cross check instead?
		cpVect n = cpvnormalize(cpvrperp(cpvsub(a, b)));
		cpFloat d = cpvdot(n, a);
		cpVect v = verts[j];
		while(!cpveql(v, b)){
			cpFloat depth = cpvdot(n, v) - d;
			if(depth > notch.d){
				notch.d = depth;
				notch.i = j;
				notch.v = v;
				notch.n = n;
			j = Next(j, count);
			v = verts[j];
		j = Next(j, count);
	return notch;
Exemple #3
// Recursive implementation of the EPA loop.
// Each recursion adds a point to the convex hull until it's known that we have the closest point on the surface.
static struct ClosestPoints
EPARecurse(const struct SupportContext *ctx, const int count, const struct MinkowskiPoint *hull, const int iteration)
    int mini = 0;
    cpFloat minDist = INFINITY;

    // TODO: precalculate this when building the hull and save a step.
    // Find the closest segment hull[i] and hull[i + 1] to (0, 0)
    for(int j=0, i=count-1; j<count; i=j, j++) {
        cpFloat d = ClosestDist(hull[i].ab, hull[j].ab);
        if(d < minDist) {
            minDist = d;
            mini = i;

    struct MinkowskiPoint v0 = hull[mini];
    struct MinkowskiPoint v1 = hull[(mini + 1)%count];
    cpAssertSoft(!cpveql(v0.ab, v1.ab), "Internal Error: EPA vertexes are the same (%d and %d)", mini, (mini + 1)%count);

    // Check if there is a point on the minkowski difference beyond this edge.
    struct MinkowskiPoint p = Support(ctx, cpvperp(cpvsub(v1.ab, v0.ab)));

    cpVect verts[count];
    for(int i=0; i<count; i++) verts[i] = hull[i].ab;

    ChipmunkDebugDrawPolygon(count, verts, 0.0, RGBAColor(1, 1, 0, 1), RGBAColor(1, 1, 0, 0.25));
    ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(v0.ab, v1.ab, RGBAColor(1, 0, 0, 1));

    ChipmunkDebugDrawDot(5, p.ab, LAColor(1, 1));

    if(CheckArea(cpvsub(v1.ab, v0.ab), cpvadd(cpvsub(p.ab, v0.ab), cpvsub(p.ab, v1.ab))) && iteration < MAX_EPA_ITERATIONS) {
        // Rebuild the convex hull by inserting p.
        struct MinkowskiPoint *hull2 = (struct MinkowskiPoint *)alloca((count + 1)*sizeof(struct MinkowskiPoint));
        int count2 = 1;
        hull2[0] = p;

        for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
            int index = (mini + 1 + i)%count;

            cpVect h0 = hull2[count2 - 1].ab;
            cpVect h1 = hull[index].ab;
            cpVect h2 = (i + 1 < count ? hull[(index + 1)%count] : p).ab;

            if(CheckArea(cpvsub(h2, h0), cpvadd(cpvsub(h1, h0), cpvsub(h1, h2)))) {
                hull2[count2] = hull[index];

        return EPARecurse(ctx, count2, hull2, iteration + 1);
    } else {
        // Could not find a new point to insert, so we have found the closest edge of the minkowski difference.
        cpAssertWarn(iteration < WARN_EPA_ITERATIONS, "High EPA iterations: %d", iteration);
        return ClosestPointsNew(v0, v1);
static struct ClosestPoints
EPARecurse(const struct SupportContext *ctx, const int count, const struct MinkowskiPoint *hull, const int iteration)
	int mini = 0;
	cpFloat minDist = INFINITY;
	// TODO: precalculate this when building the hull and save a step.
	for(int j=0, i=count-1; j<count; i=j, j++){
		cpFloat d = ClosestDist(hull[i].ab, hull[j].ab);
		if(d < minDist){
			minDist = d;
			mini = i;
	struct MinkowskiPoint v0 = hull[mini];
	struct MinkowskiPoint v1 = hull[(mini + 1)%count];
	cpAssertSoft(!cpveql(v0.ab, v1.ab), "Internal Error: EPA vertexes are the same (%d and %d)", mini, (mini + 1)%count);
	struct MinkowskiPoint p = Support(ctx, cpvperp(cpvsub(v1.ab, v0.ab)));
	cpVect verts[count];
	for(int i=0; i<count; i++) verts[i] = hull[i].ab;
	ChipmunkDebugDrawPolygon(count, verts, 0.0, RGBAColor(1, 1, 0, 1), RGBAColor(1, 1, 0, 0.25));
	ChipmunkDebugDrawSegment(v0.ab, v1.ab, RGBAColor(1, 0, 0, 1));
	ChipmunkDebugDrawDot(5, p.ab, LAColor(1, 1));
	cpFloat area2x = cpvcross(cpvsub(v1.ab, v0.ab), cpvadd(cpvsub(p.ab, v0.ab), cpvsub(p.ab, v1.ab)));
	if(area2x > 0.0f && iteration < MAX_EPA_ITERATIONS){
		int count2 = 1;
		struct MinkowskiPoint *hull2 = (struct MinkowskiPoint *)alloca((count + 1)*sizeof(struct MinkowskiPoint));
		hull2[0] = p;
		for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
			int index = (mini + 1 + i)%count;
			cpVect h0 = hull2[count2 - 1].ab;
			cpVect h1 = hull[index].ab;
			cpVect h2 = (i + 1 < count ? hull[(index + 1)%count] : p).ab;
			// TODO: Should this be changed to an area2x check?
			if(cpvcross(cpvsub(h2, h0), cpvsub(h1, h0)) > 0.0f){
				hull2[count2] = hull[index];
		return EPARecurse(ctx, count2, hull2, iteration + 1);
	} else {
		cpAssertWarn(iteration < WARN_EPA_ITERATIONS, "High EPA iterations: %d", iteration);
		return ClosestPointsNew(v0, v1);
Exemple #5
// Find the polyline that starts with v.
static int
cpPolylineSetFindStarts(cpPolylineSet *set, cpVect v){
	int count = set->count;
	cpPolyline **lines = set->lines;
  for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
    if(cpveql(lines[i]->verts[0], v)) return i;
  return -1;
Exemple #6
// Find the polyline that ends with v.
static int
cpPolylineSetFindEnds(cpPolylineSet *set, cpVect v){
	int count = set->count;
	cpPolyline **lines = set->lines;
  for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
		cpPolyline *line = lines[i];
    if(cpveql(line->verts[line->count - 1], v)) return i;
  return -1;
Exemple #7
// TODO should flip this around eventually.
static inline void
seg(cpVect v0, cpVect v1, cpMarchSegmentFunc f, void *data)
	if(!cpveql(v0, v1)) f(v1, v0, data);
Exemple #8
// Returns true if the polyline starts and ends with the same vertex.
cpPolylineIsClosed(cpPolyline *line)
	return (line->count > 1 && cpveql(line->verts[0], line->verts[line->count-1]));