Exemple #1
static int cpVect_near(lua_State *L) {
  cpVect v1 = check_cpVect(L, 1);
  cpVect v2 = check_cpVect(L, 3);
  cpFloat d = (cpFloat)luaL_checknumber(L, 5);
  lua_pushboolean(L, cpvnear(v1, v2, d));
  return 1;
Exemple #2
// Recursive function used by cpPolylineSimplifyCurves().
static cpPolyline *
	cpVect *verts, cpPolyline *reduced,
	int length, int start, int end,
	cpFloat min, cpFloat tol
	// Early exit if the points are adjacent
  if((end - start + length)%length < 2) return reduced;
	cpVect a = verts[start];
	cpVect b = verts[end];
	// Check if the length is below the threshold
	if(cpvnear(a, b, min) && cpPolylineIsShort(verts, length, start, end, min)) return reduced;
	// Find the maximal vertex to split and recurse on
	cpFloat max = 0.0;
	int maxi = start;
	cpVect n = cpvnormalize(cpvperp(cpvsub(b, a)));
	cpFloat d = cpvdot(n, a);
	for(int i=Next(start, length); i!=end; i=Next(i, length)){
		cpFloat dist = fabs(cpvdot(n, verts[i]) - d);
		if(dist > max){
			max = dist;
			maxi = i;
	if(max > tol){
    reduced = DouglasPeucker(verts, reduced, length, start, maxi, min, tol);
		reduced = cpPolylinePush(reduced, verts[maxi]);
    reduced = DouglasPeucker(verts, reduced, length, maxi, end, min, tol);
	return reduced;
Exemple #3
static void
update(int ticks)
	int steps = 1;
	cpFloat dt = 1.0f/60.0f/(cpFloat)steps;
	for(int i=0; i<steps; i++){
		// turn the control body based on the angle relative to the actual body
		cpVect mouseDelta = cpvsub(mousePoint, tankBody->p);
		cpFloat turn = cpvtoangle(cpvunrotate(tankBody->rot, mouseDelta));
		cpBodySetAngle(tankControlBody, tankBody->a - turn);
		// drive the tank towards the mouse
		if(cpvnear(mousePoint, tankBody->p, 30.0)){
			tankControlBody->v = cpvzero; // stop
		} else {
			cpFloat direction = (cpvdot(mouseDelta, tankBody->rot) > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
			tankControlBody->v = cpvrotate(tankBody->rot, cpv(30.0f*direction, 0.0f));
		cpSpaceStep(space, dt);
Exemple #4
static cpBool
cpCircleShapePointQuery(cpCircleShape *circle, cpVect p){
	return cpvnear(circle->tc, p, circle->r);
Exemple #5
static cpBool
cpCircleShapePointQuery(cpShape *shape, cpVect p){
	cpCircleShape *circle = (cpCircleShape *)shape;
	return cpvnear(circle->tc, p, circle->r);