// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  // Create a data model to use for this example
  MXADataModel::Pointer model = createDataModel();
  if (NULL == model.get())
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Create a tiff image that we would like to import as a support file

  // Now create a 'SupportFile' object and add it to the data model. We use 'false'
  // as the last argument because we don't want the file to be read immediately,
  // but rather the file imported into the datamodel output file 'on demand' during
  // the saving of the DataModel to the HDF5 file
  ISupportFile::Pointer supFile = MXASupportFile::NewFromFileSystem(Examples::SupportFileInput, SupportFile::FileType::Binary, false);

  // We use 'true' as the last argument because we want the data model to keep the
  // internal indexing for us. Most of the time that is what you want to do.
  model->addSupportFile(supFile, true);

  // Create the hdf5 datafile using the datamodel we created for its model. This will
  // attempt to write the model (and support files) to the data file immediately.
  IDataFile::Pointer dataFile = H5MXADataFile::CreateFileWithModel(Examples::SupportFileLocation, model);

  // Since we used boost::shared_ptrs to manage our memory for us we don't have to
  // call delete on anything. The output file should now be available in the binary
  // directory where this program was compiled.

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
/*public*/ TabbedTableItem::TabbedTableItem(QString choice, bool stdModel, Manager* manager, AbstractTableAction* tableAction)
 AddToFrameRan = false;
 standardModel = true;
 dataPanel = new QWidget();

 this->tableAction = tableAction;
 itemText = choice;
 this->manager = manager;

 //If a panel model is used, it should really add to the bottom box
 //but it can be done this way if required.
 bottomBox = /*Box.createHorizontalBox();*/ new QFrame();
 bottomBoxIndex = 0;

// if(dataPanel->layout() != NULL)
//  dataPanelLayout = (QVBoxLayout*)dataPanel->layout();
// else
  dataPanel->setLayout(dataPanelLayout = new QGridLayout);
 if (stdModel)