int TestUndelete::execute() { bool lSuccess = true; if (MVTApp::startStore()) { mSession = MVTApp::startSession(); MVTApp::mapURIs(mSession, "TestUndelete.prop.", sNumProps, mPropIDs); createMeta(); createData(); doTest() ; mSession->terminate(); MVTApp::stopStore(); } else { TVERIFY(!"Unable to start store"); } return lSuccess?0:1; }
void TestACLsInfer::doTest() { mSession = MVTApp::startSession(); MVTApp::mapURIs(mSession, "TestACLsInfer.prop.", sNumProps, mPropIDs); createIdentities(); createMeta(); createPINs(); // Test for STORE_OWNER First testACLs(mSession); testJoinACLs(mSession); mSession->terminate(); // Test for other identities testIdentities(); }
void TestLeftJoin::doTest() { mLHSPropID = mPropIDs[0]; mRHSPropID = mPropIDs[1]; mRefPropID = mPropIDs[5]; mPINPropID = PROP_SPEC_PINID; MVTRand::getString(mClassStr, 10, 10, false, true); createMeta(); createData(); mLogger.out() << "PINs in LHS Family = " << (long)mLHSPINs.size() << " "; mLogger.out() << "PINs in RHS Family = " << mNumRHSPINs << std::endl; // Join Family1 and Family2(OP_EQ Families) testLeftJoinEQ(); // Join Family3 and Family4(OP_IN Families) testLeftJoinIN(); // Make Family2Prop a collection makeRHSPropColl(); // Join Family1 and Family2 with Family2.prop being collection(OP_EQ Families) testLeftJoinEQ(); // Join Family3 and Family4 with Family4.prop being collection(OP_IN Families) testLeftJoinIN(); // Make Family1Prop a collection makeLHSPropColl(); // Join Family1 and Family2 with Family1.prop and Family2.prop being collection(OP_EQ Families) testLeftJoinEQ(); // Join Family3 and Family4 with Family3.prop and Family4.prop being collection(OP_IN Families) testLeftJoinIN(); }
extern "C" int DECLSPEC luaopen_luamcuctrl( lua_State * L ) { createMeta( L ); registerFunctions( L ); return 0; }