Exemple #1
void InitGL()
	glClearColor( 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 );

	GLenum err = glewInit();
	if (GLEW_OK != err)
		printf( "%s\n", glewGetErrorString(err) );

	if ( GLEW_ARB_vertex_buffer_object )
		printf( "VBO extersion is supported!\n");
	if (GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader && GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader && GL_EXT_geometry_shader4)
		printf("Ready for GLSL - vertex, fragment, and geometry units.\n");
	else {
		printf("Not totally ready :( \n");

	glClearColor( 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
	vboVertex = -1;
	vboList = -1;	

	if(test_mode == 1)
	else if(test_mode == 2)
		if(test_type == 1)
			DLpoint = createPoint();
		else if(test_type == 2)
			DLedge = createEdge();
		else if(test_type == 3)
			DLtriangle = createTriangle();
Exemple #2
void init(Context &ctx)
    ctx.program = loadShaderProgram(shaderDir() + "triangle.vert",
                                    shaderDir() + "triangle.frag");

Exemple #3
int main () {
	Point v1, v2, v3, currentPoint;
	createTriangle(v1, v2, v3);
	currentPoint = randPoint(v1, v2, v3);
	iterate(v1, v2, v3, currentPoint);
	return 0;
     Tesselation "vertex" callback.

     data points to a buffer that contains two ints:
     - Vertex index
     - facevarying variable index
  void onTessVertex(int* data)
    // Store the first two vertices...
    if (v0==0)
      v0 = data;
    if (v1==0)
      v1 = data;

    // Here we have three vertices and can create a triangle...
     // Individual triangles?
     case GL_TRIANGLES: 
       createTriangle(v0, v1, data);
       v0 = v1;
       v1 = data;

     // Triangle strip?
       if (tricount%2==0)
	 createTriangle(v0, v1, data);
	 createTriangle(v1, v0, data);
       v0 = v1;
       v1 = data;

     // Triangle fan?
     case GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: 
       createTriangle(v0, v1, data);
       v1 = data;

     default: throw EValueError("Unknown triangle mode");
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	// start GL context and O/S window using the GLFW helper library
	if (!glfwInit ()) {
	fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: could not start GLFW3\n");
	return 1;
	GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow (640, 480, "Hello Triangle", NULL, NULL);
	if (!window) {
		fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: could not open window with GLFW3\n");
		return 1;
	glfwMakeContextCurrent (window);

	glewInit ();


	// tell GL to only draw onto a pixel if the shape is closer to the viewer
	glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); // enable depth-testing
	glDepthFunc (GL_LESS); // depth-testing interprets a smaller value as "closer"

	float points[] = {
	   0.0f,  1.0f,  0.0f,
	   1.0f, -1.0f,  0.0f,
	   -1.0f, -1.0f,  0.0f

	GLuint vao;
	createTriangle(&vao, points);
	GLuint shader_programme;
	createShader(&shader_programme, fragment_shader, vertex_shader);

	while (!glfwWindowShouldClose (window)) {
		// wipe the drawing surface clear
		drawTriangle(vao, shader_programme);
		// update other events like input handling 
		glfwPollEvents ();
		// put the stuff we've been drawing onto the display
		glfwSwapBuffers (window);

    return 0;
void PointQueryScene::onTouchEnded(Touch *touch, Event *event)
    auto location = touch->getLocation();
    auto p = CCRANDOM_0_1();
    if (p < 1.0f / 3.0f)
        addChild(createBall(location, CCRANDOM_0_1() * 10 + 30));
    else if (p < 2.0f / 3.0f)
        addChild(createBox(location, Size(CCRANDOM_0_1() * 20 + 30, CCRANDOM_0_1() * 20 + 30)));
        addChild(createTriangle(location, Size(CCRANDOM_0_1() * 20 + 30, CCRANDOM_0_1() * 20 + 30)));
Exemple #7
 void construct (int iCPX, bool A_CPX_exists, bool B_CPX_exists, int iA_CPX, int iB_CPX, int iA, int iB, vector<FrontMember>& frontList,
          vector<Edge>& edges, vector<Triangle>& triangles, TriangleADT& triangleADT, EdgeADT& edgeADT, int newGridId, vector<Point>& points, CircleADT& circleADT, int iFrontEdge)
     //int iFrontEdge = frontList.front().edge;
     if (!A_CPX_exists)
         Edge tmpEdge = createEdge (iA, iCPX, newGridId, true);
         addToEdgeList (tmpEdge, iA, iCPX, edges, edgeADT, points);
         iA_CPX = edges.size() - 1;
         addToFrontList (iA_CPX, frontList, points, edges);
         Point cntPoint;
         cntPoint.belonging = newGridId;
         cntPoint.dim = 0.5 * (points[tmpEdge.t[0]].dim + points[tmpEdge.t[1]].dim);
         //addToPointList (cntPoint, edgeCenters, edgeCenterADT);
         eraseExistingEdgeFromFrontList (iA_CPX, frontList);
     if (!B_CPX_exists)
         Edge tmpEdge = createEdge (iB, iCPX, newGridId, true);
         addToEdgeList (tmpEdge, iB, iCPX, edges, edgeADT, points);
         iB_CPX = edges.size() - 1;
         addToFrontList (iB_CPX, frontList, points, edges);
         Point cntPoint;
         cntPoint.belonging = newGridId;
         cntPoint.dim = 0.5 * (points[tmpEdge.t[0]].dim + points[tmpEdge.t[1]].dim);
         //addToPointList (cntPoint, edgeCenters, edgeCenterADT);
         eraseExistingEdgeFromFrontList (iB_CPX, frontList);
     Triangle tmpTriangle = createTriangle (iFrontEdge, iA_CPX, iB_CPX, edges, points);
     addToTriangleList (triangles, tmpTriangle, triangleADT, points, circleADT, edges, frontList);
     eraseFromFrontList (frontList, iFrontEdge);
     //sortFrontList (frontList, points, edges);
Exemple #8
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char **argv)

  if (argc != 2)
    std::cout << "Nees 1 argument which is an output filename." << std::endl;

  std::string outputFile(argv[1]);
  size_t width = Detail::TRI_WIDTH;
  size_t height = Detail::TRI_HEIGHT;

  unsigned char* image = createTriangle(width, height);
  int err = writeOutputAsTiff(image, width, height, outputFile, std::string("Crystal Orientation Color Legend"));

  return err;
void DigiSpeMeasuringPoint::getTriangle(TiXmlElement* elem)
	const char* a = elem->Attribute("a");
	const char* b = elem->Attribute("b");
	const char* c = elem->Attribute("c");
	if (!a)
		LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("ERROR: DigiSpe: No 'a' attribute in a Triangle tag!", LML_CRITICAL);
	if (!b)
		LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("ERROR: DigiSpe: No 'b' attribute in a Triangle tag!", LML_CRITICAL);
	if (!c)
		LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("ERROR: DigiSpe: No 'c' attribute in a Triangle tag!", LML_CRITICAL);

	Sample* sa = getSampleByName(a, false);
	Sample* sb = getSampleByName(b, false);
	Sample* sc = getSampleByName(c, false);
	if (!sa || !sb || !sc)
		// Save triangle data for a second try (when samples from other measuring points have been imported)
		TriangleData data;
		data.a = a;
		data.b = b;
		data.c = c;
		createTriangle(sa, sb, sc);
Exemple #10
void QgsColorWheel::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event )
  Q_UNUSED( event );
  QPainter painter( this );

  //draw a frame
  QStyleOptionFrameV3 option = QStyleOptionFrameV3();
  option.initFrom( this );
  option.state = this->hasFocus() ? QStyle::State_Active : QStyle::State_None;
  style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Frame, &option, &painter );

  if ( !mWidgetImage || !mWheelImage || !mTriangleImage )
    createImages( size() );

  //draw everything in an image
  mWidgetImage->fill( Qt::transparent );
  QPainter imagePainter( mWidgetImage );
  imagePainter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );

  if ( mWheelDirty )
    //need to redraw the wheel image

  //draw wheel centered on widget
  QPointF center = QPointF( width() / 2.0, height() / 2.0 );
  imagePainter.drawImage( QPointF( center.x() - ( mWheelImage->width() / 2.0 ), center.y() - ( mWheelImage->height() / 2.0 ) ), *mWheelImage );

  //draw hue marker
  int h = hue();
  double length = mWheelImage->width() / 2.0;
  QLineF hueMarkerLine = QLineF( center.x(), center.y(), center.x() + length, center.y() );
  hueMarkerLine.setAngle( h );
  //use sourceIn mode for nicer antialiasing
  imagePainter.setCompositionMode( QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceIn );
  QPen pen;
  pen.setWidth( 2 );
  //adapt pen color for hue
  pen.setColor( h > 20 && h < 200 ? Qt::black : Qt::white );
  imagePainter.setPen( pen );
  imagePainter.drawLine( hueMarkerLine );

  //draw triangle
  if ( mTriangleDirty )
  imagePainter.drawImage( QPointF( center.x() - ( mWheelImage->width() / 2.0 ), center.y() - ( mWheelImage->height() / 2.0 ) ), *mTriangleImage );

  //draw current color marker
  double triangleRadius = length - mWheelThickness - 1;

  //adapted from equations at https://github.com/timjb/colortriangle/blob/master/colortriangle.js by Tim Baumann
  double lightness = mCurrentColor.lightnessF();
  double hueRadians = ( h * M_PI / 180.0 );
  double hx = cos( hueRadians ) * triangleRadius;
  double hy = -sin( hueRadians ) * triangleRadius;
  double sx = -cos( -hueRadians + ( M_PI / 3.0 ) ) * triangleRadius;
  double sy = -sin( -hueRadians + ( M_PI / 3.0 ) ) * triangleRadius;
  double vx = -cos( hueRadians + ( M_PI / 3.0 ) ) * triangleRadius;
  double vy = sin( hueRadians + ( M_PI / 3.0 ) ) * triangleRadius;
  double mx = ( sx + vx ) / 2.0;
  double  my = ( sy + vy ) / 2.0;

  double a = ( 1 - 2.0 * fabs( lightness - 0.5 ) ) * mCurrentColor.hslSaturationF();
  double x = sx + ( vx - sx ) * lightness + ( hx - mx ) * a;
  double y = sy + ( vy - sy ) * lightness + ( hy - my ) * a;

  //adapt pen color for lightness
  pen.setColor( lightness > 0.7 ? Qt::black : Qt::white );
  imagePainter.setPen( pen );
  imagePainter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
  imagePainter.drawEllipse( QPointF( x + center.x(), y + center.y() ), 4.0, 4.0 );

  //draw image onto widget
  painter.drawImage( QPoint( 0, 0 ), *mWidgetImage );
// Retriangulates a hole within the mesh. The hole is specified through an edgeloop(closed sequence of edges).
// In addition an optional number of points can be specified which will be included in the triangulation.
void MeshEx::retriangulateHole( std::vector<MeshEx::Edge *> &boundaryEdges, std::map<MeshEx::Vertex *, math::Vec2f> &boundaryVertexProjections, std::vector<std::pair<math::Vec3f, math::Vec2f> > &interiorPoints )
	std::map<Vertex_handle, MeshEx::Vertex*>                                 vertexMap; // used to map cgal vertex_handles to vertices
	std::vector<MeshEx::Edge *>                                                  edges; // this vector will hold all edges which were involved (for faster edge search)

	// algorithm:
	// - prepare data
	//		- find all boundary vertices
	// - prepare CGAL constrained triangulation
	//		- insert boundary vertices into triangulation and build mapping from Triangulation vertices to MeshEx::Vertices
	//		- use the boundary edges as constrained edges
	//		- insert points into triangulation from interiorPoints and build mapping from Triangulation vertices to MeshEx::Vertices
	// - extract triangulation results
	//		- ?

	// prepare algorithm ----------------------------------------------------------

	// obsolete since we get the boundary vertices with the boundaryVertexProjections
	// find boundary vertices
	for( std::vector<MeshEx::Edge *>::iterator it = boundaryEdges.begin(); it != boundaryEdges.end(); ++it )
		MeshEx::Edge *e = *it;
		boundaryVertices.push_back( e->v1 );
		boundaryVertices.push_back( e->v2 );
	// remove duplicate entries
	std::sort( boundaryVertices.begin(), boundaryVertices.end() );
	boundaryVertices.erase( std::unique( boundaryVertices.begin(), boundaryVertices.end() ), boundaryVertices.end() );
	// algorithm ------------------------------------------------------------------
	Triangulation t;

	// constrain triangulation with the boundary edges

	// iterate over all boundary vertices
	for( std::map<MeshEx::Vertex *, math::Vec2f>::iterator it = boundaryVertexProjections.begin(); it != boundaryVertexProjections.end(); ++it )
		MeshEx::Vertex *v = it->first;

		// add boundary vertex to triangulation
		Vertex_handle vh = t.insert( Point( it->second.x, it->second.y ) );

		// we dont need to create the vertex
		vertexMap[vh] = v;

	// iterate over all boundary edges
	for( std::vector<MeshEx::Edge *>::iterator it = boundaryEdges.begin(); it != boundaryEdges.end(); ++it )
		MeshEx::Edge *e = *it;

		Vertex_handle v1, v2;

		bool v1_found  = false;
		bool v2_found  = false;
		// find vertex_handles for the given edge vertices
		for( std::map<Vertex_handle, MeshEx::Vertex*>::iterator vmit = vertexMap.begin(); vmit != vertexMap.end(); ++vmit )
			if( e->v1 == vmit->second )
				v1 = vmit->first;
				v1_found = true;
			if( e->v2 == vmit->second )
				v2 = vmit->first;
				v2_found = true;

		// add constrainedge to the triangulation
		t.insert_constraint( v1, v2 );

		// add edge to the list of created/existing edges
		edges.push_back( e );

	// add additional and optional interior points
	for( std::vector<std::pair<math::Vec3f, math::Vec2f> >::iterator it = interiorPoints.begin(); it != interiorPoints.end(); ++it )
		// update triangulation
		Vertex_handle v = t.insert( Point( it->second.x, it->second.y ) );

		// insertion may return a vertex which already exists (when the position is the same)
		if( vertexMap.find( v ) == vertexMap.end() )
			// create according MeshEx::Vertex and keep mapping to the CGAL vertices
			vertexMap[v] = createVertex( it->first );

	// extract results and create triangles ----------------------------------------

	// now we have the triangulation of the convex hull of the whole problem, now we
	// have to find the faces which are inside the polygon - we mark each face with a
	// segment(inside or outside) property and by finding a face which is adjacent to
	// a infinite face, we find the segment which is outside

	// we employ some floodfilling scheme
	for( Triangulation::Finite_faces_iterator it = t.finite_faces_begin(); it != t.finite_faces_end(); ++it )
		// reset info to -1
		it->info() = -1;

	int outsideSegment = -1;
	findOutsideSegment( t, t.finite_faces_begin(), 0, -1, outsideSegment );

	if( outsideSegment == -1 )
		printf( "error : outsideSegment not found during triangulation\n" );

	for( Triangulation::Finite_faces_iterator it = t.finite_faces_begin(); it != t.finite_faces_end(); ++it )
		if( (it->info() == -1) && (!t.is_infinite(it)) )
			printf( "triangle not touched!\n" );

	// iterate over all faces of the triangulation and create edges/triangles
	for( Triangulation::Finite_faces_iterator it = t.finite_faces_begin(); it != t.finite_faces_end(); ++it )
		Face_handle fh = it;

		// we are only interested in interior triangles
		if( fh->info() == outsideSegment )

		MeshEx::Vertex *v0, *v1, *v2;

		v0 = vertexMap[ fh->vertex(0) ];
		v1 = vertexMap[ fh->vertex(1) ];
		v2 = vertexMap[ fh->vertex(2) ];

		MeshEx::Edge *e0, *e1, *e2;

		e0 = e1 = e2 = 0;

		// look for the edges in the edge vector
		for( std::vector<MeshEx::Edge*>::iterator eit = edges.begin(); eit != edges.end(); ++eit )
			MeshEx::Edge *e = *eit;

			if( e->contains(v0) && e->contains(v1) )
				e0 = e;
			if( e->contains(v1) && e->contains(v2) )
				e1 = e;
			if( e->contains(v2) && e->contains(v0) )
				e2 = e;

		// create the edges which could not be found
		if( !e0 )
			e0 = createEdge( v0, v1 );
		if( !e1 )
			e1 = createEdge( v1, v2 );
		if( !e2 )
			e2 = createEdge( v2, v0 );

		// create triangle
		MeshEx::Triangle *tri = createTriangle( v0, v1, v2, e0, e1, e2 );
// removes the given vertex and retriangulates the hole which would be made
// The method returns true if the vertex has been removed and false if the vertex has been retained.
bool MeshEx::removeVertexAndReTriangulateNeighbourhood( Vertex *v )
	std::vector<MeshEx::Edge *>                                          boundaryEdges; // boundary edges which form the polygon which has to be triangulated
	std::vector<MeshEx::Edge *>                                          criticalEdges; // edges which are not only connected to other vertices of the vertexring through boundary edges
	std::map<MeshEx::Vertex *, EdgeInfoHelper>                            boundaryRing; // maps incomming and outgoing edge to each vertex of the boundary vertex-ring

	// gather and prepare information ------------------------------------------------
	for( std::vector<Triangle *>::iterator it = v->triangleRing.begin(); it != v->triangleRing.end(); ++it )
		Triangle *t = (*it);

		Edge *boundaryEdge = t->getOtherEdge( v );

		boundaryRing[boundaryEdge->v1].registerEdge( boundaryEdge );
		boundaryRing[boundaryEdge->v2].registerEdge( boundaryEdge );

		boundaryEdges.push_back( boundaryEdge );

	// align the edges so that for each vertex e1 is the incomming and e2 is the outgoing edge
	Vertex *first = boundaryRing.begin()->first;
	Vertex *current = first;
	Vertex *next = 0;
	Vertex *prev = 0;
		// we have to be sure that each boundaryRing Vertex has an incomming and outgoing edge
		if( !boundaryRing[current].e1 || !boundaryRing[current].e2 )
			printf( "error : edge ring around vertex not closed boundary vertex has less than 2 edges (polygon hole?)\n" );
			return false;

		boundaryRing[current].setVertex( current );

		next = boundaryRing[current].next;

		if( boundaryRing[next].e1 != boundaryRing[current].e2 )

		current = next;
	}while( current != first );

	// we have to collect all edges going out from the vertex-ring vertices which are connected to
	// other vertices of the vertex ring - these will later be used for consistency check #2 (see chapter 4.4 of the paper)
	// for each vertex of the vertex Ring V
	for( std::map<Vertex *, EdgeInfoHelper>::iterator it = boundaryRing.begin(); it != boundaryRing.end(); ++it )
		Vertex *rv       = it->first; // current vertex of the vertex ring

		// for each triangle referencing rv...
		for( std::vector<Triangle *>::iterator tit = rv->triangleRing.begin(); tit != rv->triangleRing.end(); ++tit )
			Triangle *rv_tri = *tit;

			// ... which doesnt belong to the triangleRing of v
			if( std::find( v->triangleRing.begin(), v->triangleRing.end(), rv_tri ) == v->triangleRing.end() )
				// collect the edges containing rv...
				for( size_t i=0; i<3; ++i )
					if( rv_tri->e[i]->contains(rv) )
						// ...and dont belong to the edgeRing list
						if( std::find( boundaryEdges.begin(), boundaryEdges.end(), rv_tri->e[i] ) == boundaryEdges.end() )
							// store the edge if the node on the other side references another vertex of the vertex-ring
							if( boundaryRing.find( rv_tri->e[i]->getOtherVertex(rv) ) != boundaryRing.end() )
								criticalEdges.push_back( rv_tri->e[i] );


	// remove duplicate entries
	std::sort( criticalEdges.begin(), criticalEdges.end() );
	criticalEdges.erase( std::unique(criticalEdges.begin(), criticalEdges.end()), criticalEdges.end() );

	// Now we will project the neighbourhood of v onto a plane so that we can employ the greedy
	// triangulation. For this we will have to find a projection of the neighbourhood of v so that
	// no edges intersect on that plane. If they would, then the greedy triangulation would introduce
	// folds which means that the topology would be destroyed.
	// Looking for a working projection may lead to a number of projection-trials. For the first try
	// we will take the plane to be the plane defined by the normal of v and (its distance to the origin).
	// This will do the job most of the time.
	math::Vec3f                           normal; // direction of the projection plane
	math::Vec3f                            base1; // base vector which builds the 2d-coordinate system
	math::Vec3f                            base2; // base vector which builds the 2d-coordinate system
	float                               distance; // distance of the plane to the origin
	CGAL::Orientation boundaryPolygonOrientation; // orientation (clockwise/counterclockwise of the boundary polyon)

	distance = -math::dotProduct( v->position, normal );

	size_t   trialCount = 13; // only one trial for now
	size_t currentTrial = 0;
	bool    success = true;
		// we assume that we will be successfull
		success = true;

		case 0:
			// first trial: we take the plane defined by the normal of v
			normal = v->normal;
		// for all other trials we will try one of 12 different directions
		case  1:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( .8507f, .4472f, .2764f ));break;
		case  2:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( -.8507f, .4472f, .2764f ));break;
		case  3:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( .8507f, -.4472f, -.2764f ));break;
		case  4:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( -.8507f, -.4472f, -.2764f ));break;
		case  5:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( .5257f, -.4472f, .7236f ));break;
		case  6:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( .5257f, .4472f, -.7236f ));break;
		case  7:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( -.5257f, -.4472f, .7236f ));break;
		case  8:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( -.5257f, .4472f, -.7236f ));break;
		case  9:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( .0f, .4472f, .8944f ));break;
		case 10:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( .0f, -1.0f, .0f ));break;
		case 11:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( .0f, 1.0f, .0f ));break;
		case 12:normal = math::normalize( math::Vec3f( .0f, -.4472f, -.8944f ));break;

		// compute the basis of the 2d-coordinate system of the plane defined by current normal
		base1 = math::normalize( math::projectPointOnPlane( normal, distance, boundaryRing.begin()->first->position ) - v->position );
		base2 = math::normalize( math::crossProduct( normal, base1 ) );

		// project neighbours into the given plane
		for( std::map<Vertex *, EdgeInfoHelper>::iterator it = boundaryRing.begin(); it != boundaryRing.end(); ++it )
			it->second.projected = _get2d( base1, base2, math::projectPointOnPlane( normal, distance, it->first->position ) );

		// topologic constistency check #1 (see chapter 4.4 of the paper)
		// now do the consistency check: test if all edges dont intersect and dont lie over each other
		// if any edge between the projected vertices intersect -> success = false
		// test each projected edge of the edge ring against each other edge
		for( std::vector<Edge *>::iterator it1 = boundaryEdges.begin(); it1 != boundaryEdges.end() - 1; ++it1 )
			for( std::vector<Edge *>::iterator it2 = it1+1; it2 != boundaryEdges.end(); ++it2 )
				Edge *e1 = *it1;
				Edge *e2 = *it2;
				math::Vec3f intersectionPoint;

				// skip if the 2 lines share a common vertex
				if( e2->contains(e1->v1) || e2->contains(e1->v2) )

				math::Vec2f e1_v1_projected = boundaryRing[e1->v1].projected;
				math::Vec2f e1_v2_projected = boundaryRing[e1->v2].projected;
				math::Vec2f e2_v1_projected = boundaryRing[e2->v1].projected;
				math::Vec2f e2_v2_projected = boundaryRing[e2->v2].projected;

				CGAL::Segment_2<K> line_1( Point( e1_v1_projected.x, e1_v1_projected.y ), Point(e1_v2_projected.x, e1_v2_projected.y) );
				CGAL::Segment_2<K> line_2( Point( e2_v1_projected.x, e2_v1_projected.y ), Point(e2_v2_projected.x, e2_v2_projected.y) );

				if( CGAL::do_intersect( line_1, line_2 ) )
					success = false;

			if( !success )

		if( success )
			// now we do the topology consistency check #2 (see chapter 4.4 of the paper)
			// this is done by checking all critical edges whether they cross the interior of the
			// polygon boundary which is formed by the projected vertex ring vertices
			// to do this we create the 2 polygongs which can be made by using the edge as a divider
			// the line crosses the interior if both polgons have a counterclockwise orientation
			for( std::vector<Edge *>::iterator it = criticalEdges.begin(); it != criticalEdges.end(); ++it )
				Edge *criticalEdge = *it;

				// setup left polygon
				// start from v1 and go to v2
				Polygon leftPoly;

				prev = 0;
				current = criticalEdge->v1;
					leftPoly.push_back( current, boundaryRing[current].projected );
					prev = current;
					current = boundaryRing[current].next;

				}while( current != criticalEdge->v2 );
				leftPoly.push_back( current, boundaryRing[current].projected );

				// setup right polygon
				// start from v2 and go to v1
				Polygon rightPoly;

				prev = 0;
				current = criticalEdge->v2;
					rightPoly.push_back( current, boundaryRing[current].projected );
					prev = current;
					current = boundaryRing[current].next;

				}while( current != criticalEdge->v1 );
				rightPoly.push_back( current, boundaryRing[current].projected );

				// if orientations of both polygons are the same then the critical edge crosses the bounding polygon interior
				if( leftPoly.orientation() == rightPoly.orientation() )
					printf( "info : unable to triangulate since critical edge(es) would cross the polygon interior - vertex is not removed\n" );

					success = false;
	}while( (++currentTrial < trialCount)&&(!success) );

	if( !success )
		// we dont remove the vertex since we didnt managed to find a planar
		// projection of the neighbourhood which would not destroy the topology
		printf( "info : unable to find planar projection for vertex remove and retriangulation - vertex is not removed\n" );
		return false;

	boundaryPolygonOrientation = CGAL::orientation( Point_3( v->position ), Point_3( v->position + base1 ), Point_3( v->position + base2 ), Point_3( v->position + normal ) );

	// execute the result ------------------------------------------------------------

	// remove vertex v and the triangle ring around v
	removeVertex( v );

	// compute squared distances
	// compute the squared distances of all point pairs
	std::vector<DistanceHelper> sqDistances;  // sorted distances of each pair of points
	for( std::map<Vertex *, EdgeInfoHelper>::iterator it1 = boundaryRing.begin(); it1 != boundaryRing.end(); ++it1 )
		for( std::map<Vertex *, EdgeInfoHelper>::iterator it2 = it1; it2 != boundaryRing.end(); ++it2 )
			Vertex *v1 = it1->first;
			Vertex *v2 = it2->first;

			if( v1 == v2 )

			// we dont want to add pairs, which would build a boundary edge, since those
			// already exist -> simply check for next or prev vertex in boundaryRing
			if( (boundaryRing[v1].next == v2)||(boundaryRing[v1].prev == v2) )

			sqDistances.push_back( DistanceHelper( it1->first, it2->first ) );

	// sort
	std::sort( sqDistances.begin(), sqDistances.end() );

	std::list<Polygon *>                                                polygons; // polygons which have to be triangulated
	std::vector<Edge *>        edges( boundaryEdges.begin(), boundaryEdges.end() ); // created edges

	// create polygon which is made by the boundary edges and put it on polygon list
	Polygon *boundaryPolygon = new Polygon();

	first = boundaryRing.begin()->first;
	current = first;
	prev = 0;

		boundaryPolygon->push_back( current, boundaryRing[current].projected );
		prev = current;
		current = boundaryRing[current].next;
	}while( current != first );

	if( boundaryPolygon->orientation() != boundaryPolygonOrientation )

	polygons.push_back( boundaryPolygon );

	// for each entry in the sqDistance list
	//     find the polygon on the polygon list which contains h->v1 and h->v2
	//     check if edge is outside the polygon by checking the orientations of the left and right sides (build left and right polygons)
	//     check if edge intersects with any other existing edge which dont have a point in h->v1 or h->v2
	//     if checks pass:
	//         create edge -> assign it to the left and right polygons | add it to the list of edges
	//         split the polygon by removing the polygon from polygon list and putting the left and right polygons on the list if it is not a triangle
	// if the any polygon remains on the polygon list, throw an error that the triangulation has created a hole in the mesh
	//std::vector<Edge *> edges( edgeRing.begin(), edgeRing.end() );

	// when the mother polygon is already a triangle, then we have sqDistances.size() == 0
	// and we have to handle the polygon
	if( boundaryPolygon->isTriangle() )
		createTriangle( boundaryPolygon->vertices[0], boundaryPolygon->vertices[1], boundaryPolygon->vertices[2], edges );
		delete boundaryPolygon;

		return true;


	for( std::vector<DistanceHelper>::iterator it=sqDistances.begin(); it != sqDistances.end(); ++it )
		DistanceHelper *h = &(*it);

		Polygon *poly = 0; // polygon which contains both vertices of h

		std::list<Polygon *>::iterator pit;

		// find the polygon which contains both vertices of h
		for( pit = polygons.begin(); pit != polygons.end(); ++pit )
			Polygon *p = *pit;
			if( p->contains( h->v1 ) && p->contains( h->v2 ) )
				poly = p;

		// if no polygon could be found which contains both vertices of h, then
		// we can skip this one
		if( !poly )

		// test for intersection with all existing edges
		bool intersection = false;
		for( std::vector<Edge *>::iterator eit = edges.begin(); eit != edges.end(); ++eit)
			Edge *e = (*eit);

			math::Vec3f intersectionPoint;

			// ---- test for intersection of the edges projected into 2d plane using cgal ----
			// skip if the 2 lines share a common vertex
			if( e->contains(h->v1) || e->contains(h->v2) )

			CGAL::Segment_2<K> line_1( Point( boundaryRing[e->v1].projected.x, boundaryRing[e->v1].projected.y ), Point(boundaryRing[e->v2].projected.x, boundaryRing[e->v2].projected.y) );
			CGAL::Segment_2<K> line_2( Point( boundaryRing[h->v1].projected.x, boundaryRing[h->v1].projected.y ), Point(boundaryRing[h->v2].projected.x, boundaryRing[h->v2].projected.y) );

			if( CGAL::do_intersect( line_1, line_2 ) )
				intersection = true;

		// if there was an intersection, then we can skip this one
		// since a non-compatible edge would be introduced
		if( intersection )

		// no intersection, get the 2 polygons which would be created from dividing the mother polyon along the edge
		Polygon *left, *right;

		left = right = 0;

		poly->split( left, right, h->v1, h->v2 );

		// if the 2 polygons have the same orientation, then we can be sure that
		// the edge goes through the interior of the polygon

		if( left->orientation() == right->orientation() )

			// remove the current polygon from the list of polygons
			polygons.erase( pit );
			delete poly;

			// create the edge h->v1 -> h->v2
			Edge *edge = createEdge( h->v1, h->v2 );

			edges.push_back( edge );

			// and add the left and righ polygon to the list if they are not triangles
			if( left->isTriangle() )
				// add triangle to the mesh
				createTriangle( left->vertices[0], left->vertices[1], left->vertices[2], edges );

				// remove polygon helper structure
				delete left;
				polygons.push_back( left );

			if( right->isTriangle() )
				// add triangle to the mesh
				createTriangle( right->vertices[0], right->vertices[1], right->vertices[2], edges );

				// remove polygon helper structure
				delete right;
				polygons.push_back( right );
			delete left;
			delete right;

	if( !polygons.empty() )
		printf( "error : hole created during retriangulation\n" );

	for( std::list<Polygon *>::iterator pit = polygons.begin(); pit != polygons.end(); ++pit )
		delete *pit;

	return true;
Exemple #13
Scene createScene(char* filename){
    Scene scene = {};
    scene.max_depth = 10;
    scene.num_samples = 100;

    scene.image = createImage(500, 500);

    Vector position = {278, 273, -800};
    Vector look_at = {278, 273, 0};
    Vector up = {0, 1, 0};
    scene.camera = createCamera(position, look_at, up, 39, (float)(scene.image.width/scene.image.height));

    scene.num_materials = 4;
    scene.materials = malloc(scene.num_materials * sizeof(Material));

    scene.materials[0] = createMaterial(createColor(.95, .25, .25), .6, .4, false);
    scene.materials[1] = createMaterial(createColor(.25, .95, .25), .6, .4, false);
    scene.materials[2] = createMaterial(createColor(.95, .95, .85), .6, .4, false);
    scene.materials[3] = createMaterial(createColor(.9, .9, .9), .6, .4, true);

    scene.num_triangles = 32;
    scene.triangles = malloc(scene.num_triangles * sizeof(Triangle));

    // Right Wall
    scene.triangles[0] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[1], createVector(0.0, 0.0, 559.2), createVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), createVector(0.0, 548.8, 0.0));
    scene.triangles[1] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[1], createVector(0.0, 0.0, 559.2), createVector(0.0, 548.8, 0.0), createVector(0.0, 548.8, 559.2));

    // Floor
    scene.triangles[2] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(556.0, 0.0, 0.0), createVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), createVector(0.0, 0.0, 559.2));
    scene.triangles[3] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(556.0, 0.0, 0.0), createVector(0.0, 0.0, 559.2), createVector(556.0, 0.0, 559.2));

    // Left Wall
    scene.triangles[4] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[0], createVector(556.0, 0.0, 0.0), createVector(556.0, 0.0, 559.2), createVector(556.0, 548.8, 559.2));
    scene.triangles[5] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[0], createVector(556.0, 0.0, 0.0), createVector(556.0, 548.8, 559.2), createVector(556.0, 548.8, 0.0));

    // Ceiling
    scene.triangles[6] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(556.0, 548.8, 0.0), createVector(0.0, 548.8, 559.2), createVector(0.0, 548.8, 0.0));
    scene.triangles[7] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(556.0, 548.8, 0.0), createVector(556.0, 548.8, 559.2), createVector(0.0, 548.8, 559.2));

    // Backwall
    scene.triangles[8] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(556.0, 0.0, 559.2), createVector(0.0, 0.0, 559.2), createVector(0.0, 548.8, 559.2));
    scene.triangles[9] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(556.0, 0.0, 559.2), createVector(0.0, 548.8, 559.2), createVector(556.0, 548.8, 559.2));

    // Short Block
    scene.triangles[10] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(130.0, 165.0, 65.0), createVector(82.0, 165.0, 225.0), createVector(240.0, 165.0, 272.0));
    scene.triangles[11] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(130.0, 165.0, 65.0), createVector(240.0, 165.0, 272.0), createVector(290.0, 165.0, 114.0));
    scene.triangles[12] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(290.0, 0.0, 114.0), createVector(290.0, 165.0, 114.0), createVector(240.0, 165.0, 272.0));
    scene.triangles[13] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(290.0, 0.0, 114.0), createVector(240.0, 165.0, 272.0), createVector(240.0, 0.0, 272.0));
    scene.triangles[14] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(130.0, 0.0, 65.0), createVector(130.0, 165.0, 65.0), createVector(290.0, 165.0, 114.0));
    scene.triangles[15] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(130.0, 0.0, 65.0), createVector(290.0, 165.0, 114.0), createVector(290.0, 0.0, 114.0));
    scene.triangles[16] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(82.0, 0.0, 225.0), createVector(82.0, 165.0, 225.0), createVector(130.0, 165.0, 65.0));
    scene.triangles[17] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(82.0, 0.0, 225.0), createVector(130.0, 165.0, 65.0), createVector(130.0, 0.0, 65.0));
    scene.triangles[18] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(240.0, 0.0, 272.0), createVector(240.0, 165.0, 272.0), createVector(82.0, 165.0, 225.0));
    scene.triangles[19] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(240.0, 0.0, 272.0), createVector(82.0, 165.0, 225.0), createVector(82.0, 0.0, 225.0));

    // Tall Block
    scene.triangles[20] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(423.0, 330.0, 247.0), createVector(265.0, 330.0, 296.0), createVector(314.0, 330.0, 456.0));
    scene.triangles[21] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(423.0, 330.0, 247.0), createVector(314.0, 330.0, 456.0), createVector(472.0, 330.0, 406.0));
    scene.triangles[22] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(423.0, 0.0, 247.0), createVector(423.0, 330.0, 247.0), createVector(472.0, 330.0, 406.0));
    scene.triangles[23] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(423.0, 0.0, 247.0), createVector(472.0, 330.0, 406.0), createVector(472.0, 0.0, 406.0));
    scene.triangles[24] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(472.0, 0.0, 406.0), createVector(472.0, 330.0, 406.0), createVector(314.0, 330.0, 456.0));
    scene.triangles[25] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(472.0, 0.0, 406.0), createVector(314.0, 330.0, 456.0), createVector(314.0, 0.0, 456.0));
    scene.triangles[26] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(314.0, 0.0, 456.0), createVector(314.0, 330.0, 456.0), createVector(265.0, 330.0, 296.0));
    scene.triangles[27] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(314.0, 0.0, 456.0), createVector(265.0, 330.0, 296.0), createVector(265.0, 0.0, 296.0));
    scene.triangles[28] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(265.0, 0.0, 296.0), createVector(265.0, 330.0, 296.0), createVector(423.0, 330.0, 247.0));
    scene.triangles[29] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[2], createVector(265.0, 0.0, 296.0), createVector(423.0, 330.0, 247.0), createVector(423.0, 0.0, 247.0));

    // Area Light
    scene.triangles[30] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[3], createVector(343.0, 548.7, 227.0), createVector(343.0, 548.7, 332.0), createVector(213.0, 548.7, 332.0));
    scene.triangles[31] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[3], createVector(343.0, 548.7, 227.0), createVector(213.0, 548.7, 332.0), createVector(213.0, 548.7, 227.0));

    scene.num_lights = 2;
    scene.lights = malloc(scene.num_lights * sizeof(Triangle));
    scene.lights[0] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[3], createVector(343.0, 548.7, 227.0), createVector(343.0, 548.7, 332.0), createVector(213.0, 548.7, 332.0));
    scene.lights[1] = createTriangle(&scene.materials[3], createVector(343.0, 548.7, 227.0), createVector(213.0, 548.7, 332.0), createVector(213.0, 548.7, 227.0));

    return scene;
Exemple #14
	void initialize (GLfloat xa, GLfloat ya, GLfloat xb, GLfloat yb, GLfloat xc, GLfloat yc)
		x1 = xa;	x2 = xb;	x3 = xc;
		y1 = ya;	y2 = yb;	y3 = yc;
		createTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
Exemple #15
// Initializes the rendering.
void init(void)
    glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Exemple #16
void AI(void)
//Makes appropriate moves for the computer by analysing certain factors
	if(won || lost)
	strphase="Defense Phase";
	for(int i=0;i<NCountry;i++)
		if(all[i].ownership==1 || all[i].nos==1)
		int sum=0;
		for(int j=0;j<all[i].non;j++)
		{	if(all[all[i].neigh[j]].ownership==0)
			if(getNOppNeighbours(all[i].neigh[j])>all[all[i].neigh[j]].nos+6 )
			if(all[i].nos>all[all[i].neigh[j]].nos+4 && willBeBlocked(i,all[i].neigh[j])==false)
				//attack if no. of soldiers is more by 4 in the attacker country and comp is not getting blocked
				//after the attack
		//sum contains total number of opponent soldiers in the neighbourhood
		if(sum!=0 && (((float)all[i].nos)/sum)>=0.5 )
			for(int j=0;j<all[i].non;j++)
				if(all[all[i].neigh[j]].ownership==1 && all[i].nos>=all[all[i].neigh[j]].nos && willBeBlocked(i,all[i].neigh[j])==false)
	strphase="Reinforcement Phase";
	int reinf=reinforcement(0);
//	refresh2();
	int co,ci;
	// country pair with maximum sum of no. of opponent soldiers as neighbours of ci -(minus) that for co
	if(getMaxNCountry(co,ci,1) && co>=0 && co<=42 && ci>=0 && ci<=42 && all[co].nos>1)
	// get country pair with maximum (sum of no. of opponent soldiers as neighbours of ci -(minus) that for co)
	// and transfer maximum possible sodiers from co to ci 
		PrintLeft("Transferring soldiers from " + all[co].name+ " to " + all[ci].name);
	strphase="Attack Phase";
	PrintLeft("Computer's turn is over. Your chance...  ");
	//being ready for player 1's attack phase
	showmsg.msg="Computer's Reinforcement Phase is over. ^ It's Your turn...^ Attack Phase Begins ";
Exemple #17
void ofxMtlMapping2D::update()
    // ---- save mapping to xml
    if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->saveMapping()) {
    // ---- load mapping from xml
    if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->loadMapping()) {
    // ----
    // Editing or not !?
    // ----
    // Create a new shape
    if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->createNewQuad()) {
        createQuad(1020/2, 720/2);
    if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->createNewGrid()) {
        createGrid(1020/2, 720/2);
    if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->createNewTriangle()) {
        createTriangle(1020/2, 720/2);
    if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->createNewMask()) {
        createMask(1020/2, 720/2);
    // ----
    // Selected shape with UI
    if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->selectedShapeChanged()) {

        list<ofxMtlMapping2DShape*>::iterator it = iteratorForShapeWithId(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->selectedShapeId());
        if(it != ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.end()) {
            ofxMtlMapping2DShape* shape = *it;
            // Put active shape at the top of the list

    // ----
    // We changed of mode - Output / Input
    if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->mappingModeChanged()) {
        // ---- OUTPUT MODE
        if(ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->mappingMode() == MAPPING_MODE_OUTPUT) {
            list<ofxMtlMapping2DShape*>::iterator it;
            for (it=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.begin(); it!=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.end(); it++) {
                ofxMtlMapping2DShape* shape = *it;
                if(shape->inputPolygon) {
                    // If this Shape is textured and has an 'inputPolygon'
        // ---- INPUT MODE
        } else if (ofxMtlMapping2DControls::mapping2DControls()->mappingMode() == MAPPING_MODE_INPUT) {
            list<ofxMtlMapping2DShape*>::iterator it;
            for (it=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.begin(); it!=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.end(); it++) {
                ofxMtlMapping2DShape* shape = *it;
    // ----
    // Update the Shapes
    list<ofxMtlMapping2DShape*>::iterator it;
    for (it=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.begin(); it!=ofxMtlMapping2DShapes::pmShapes.end(); it++) {
        ofxMtlMapping2DShape* shape = *it;
void LodOutsideMarker::initHull()
    OutsideDataList::iterator itOut, itOutEnd;
    itOut = mOutsideData.begin();
    itOutEnd = mOutsideData.end();
    for (; itOut != itOutEnd; itOut++) {
        // reset output variables
        itOut->isOuterWallVertex = false;
        itOut->isInsideHull = false;
    // We need to find 4 vertices, which are on the convex hull to start the algorithm.
    CHVertex* vertex[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };

        // Get 1. vertex: minimum y vertex
        Real miny = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
        LodData::VertexList::iterator v, vEnd;
        v = mVertexListOrig.begin();
        vEnd = mVertexListOrig.end();
        for (; v != vEnd; v++) {
            Vector3& pos = v->position;
            if (pos.y < miny) {
                miny = pos.y;
                vertex[0] = &*v;
        assert(vertex[0]); // Vertex not found!

        // Get 2. vertex: furthest from 1. vertex
        Real maxdist = 0.0;
        LodData::VertexList::iterator v, vEnd;
        v = mVertexListOrig.begin();
        vEnd = mVertexListOrig.end();
        for (; v != vEnd; v++) {
            Real dist = vertex[0]->position.squaredDistance(v->position);
            if (dist > maxdist) {
                maxdist = dist;
                vertex[1] = &*v;
        assert(vertex[1]); // Vertex not found!

        // Get 3. vertex: furthest from 1. vertex and 2. vertex
        Real maxdist = 0.0;
        LodData::VertexList::iterator v, vEnd;
        v = mVertexListOrig.begin();
        vEnd = mVertexListOrig.end();
        for (; v != vEnd; v++) {
            Real dist = getPointToLineSqraredDistance(vertex[0], vertex[1], &*v);
            if (dist > maxdist) {
                maxdist = dist;
                vertex[2] = &*v;
        assert(vertex[2]); // Vertex not found!

        // Get 4. vertex: furthest from 1-2-3 triangle
        Real maxdist = 0.0f;
        Plane plane(vertex[0]->position, vertex[1]->position, vertex[2]->position);
        LodData::VertexList::iterator v, vEnd;
        v = mVertexListOrig.begin();
        vEnd = mVertexListOrig.end();
        for (; v != vEnd; v++) {
            Real dist = std::abs(plane.getDistance(v->position));
            if (dist > maxdist) {
                maxdist = dist;
                vertex[3] = &*v;
        assert(vertex[3]); // Vertex not found!

    // Volume should be bigger than 0, so that we can guarantee that the centroid point is inside the hull
    assert(getTetrahedronVolume(vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2], vertex[3]) > mEpsilon);
    // Centroid = (a + b + c + d) / 4
    mCentroid = vertex[0]->position + vertex[1]->position + vertex[2]->position + vertex[3]->position;
    mCentroid /= 4.0f;

    // Mark vertices, so that they will not be processed again.
    getOutsideData(vertex[0])->isInsideHull = true;
    getOutsideData(vertex[1])->isInsideHull = true;
    getOutsideData(vertex[2])->isInsideHull = true;
    getOutsideData(vertex[3])->isInsideHull = true;

    // Create the triangles
    createTriangle(vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2]);
    createTriangle(vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[3]);
    createTriangle(vertex[0], vertex[2], vertex[3]);
    createTriangle(vertex[1], vertex[2], vertex[3]);