Exemple #1
enum Edit_Return_Codes edit_field(struct widget *pEdit_Widget)
  struct EDIT pEdt;
  struct UniChar ___last;
  struct UniChar *pInputChain_TMP = NULL;
  enum Edit_Return_Codes ret;
  void *backup = pEdit_Widget->data.ptr;
  pEdt.pWidget = pEdit_Widget;
  pEdt.ChainLen = 0;
  pEdt.Truelength = 0;
  pEdt.Start_X = adj_size(5);
  pEdt.InputChain_X = 0;
  pEdit_Widget->data.ptr = (void *)&pEdt;


  pEdt.pBg = create_bcgnd_surf(pEdit_Widget->theme, 2,
			       pEdit_Widget->size.w, pEdit_Widget->size.h);

  /* Creating Chain */
  pEdt.pBeginTextChain = text2chain(pEdit_Widget->string16->text);

  /* Creating Empty (Last) pice of Chain */
  pEdt.pInputChain = &___last;
  pEdt.pEndTextChain = pEdt.pInputChain;
  pEdt.pEndTextChain->chr[0] = 32;	/*spacebar */
  pEdt.pEndTextChain->chr[1] = 0;	/*spacebar */
  pEdt.pEndTextChain->next = NULL;
  pEdt.pEndTextChain->prev = NULL;
  /* set font style (if any ) */
  if (!((pEdit_Widget->string16->style & 0x0F) & TTF_STYLE_NORMAL)) {
		     (pEdit_Widget->string16->style & 0x0F));

  pEdt.pEndTextChain->pTsurf =
  /* create surface for each font in chain and find chain length */
  if (pEdt.pBeginTextChain) {
    pInputChain_TMP = pEdt.pBeginTextChain;
    while (TRUE) {

      pInputChain_TMP->pTsurf =

      pEdt.Truelength += pInputChain_TMP->pTsurf->w;

      if (pInputChain_TMP->next == NULL) {

      pInputChain_TMP = pInputChain_TMP->next;
    /* set terminator of list */
    pInputChain_TMP->next = pEdt.pInputChain;
    pEdt.pInputChain->prev = pInputChain_TMP;
    pInputChain_TMP = NULL;
  } else {
    pEdt.pBeginTextChain = pEdt.pInputChain;

  set_wstate(pEdit_Widget, FC_WS_PRESSED);
    /* local loop */  
    Uint16 rety = gui_event_loop((void *)&pEdt, NULL,
  	edit_key_down, NULL, edit_mouse_button_down, NULL, NULL);
    if (pEdt.pBeginTextChain == pEdt.pEndTextChain) {
      pEdt.pBeginTextChain = NULL;
    if (rety == MAX_ID) {
      ret = ED_FORCE_EXIT;
    } else {
      ret = (enum Edit_Return_Codes) rety;
      /* this is here becouse we have no knowladge that pEdit_Widget exist
         or nor in force exit mode from gui loop */
      /* reset font settings */
      if (!((pEdit_Widget->string16->style & 0x0F) & TTF_STYLE_NORMAL)) {
        TTF_SetFontStyle(pEdit_Widget->string16->font, TTF_STYLE_NORMAL);
      if(ret != ED_ESC) {
        pEdit_Widget->string16->text =
  	    chain2text(pEdt.pBeginTextChain, pEdt.ChainLen);
        pEdit_Widget->string16->n_alloc = (pEdt.ChainLen + 1) * sizeof(Uint16);
      pEdit_Widget->data.ptr = backup;
      set_wstate(pEdit_Widget, FC_WS_NORMAL);    
  /* disable repeate key */

  /* disable Unicode */
  return ret;
Exemple #2
  Create Icon Button image with text and Icon then blit to Dest(ination)
  on positon pIButton->size.x , pIButton->size.y.
  WARRING: pDest must exist.

  Text with atributes is taken from pIButton->string16 parameter.

  Graphic for button is taken from pIButton->theme surface 
  and blit to new created image.

  Graphic for Icon is taken from pIButton->theme2 surface and blit to new
  created image.

  function return (-1) if there are no Icon and Text.
  Else return 0.
static int redraw_ibutton(struct widget *pIButton)
  SDL_Rect dest = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  SDL_String16 TMPString;
  SDL_Surface *pButton = NULL, *pText = NULL, *pIcon = pIButton->theme2;
  Uint16 Ix, Iy, x;
  Uint16 y = 0; /* FIXME: possibly uninitialized */
  int ret;
  ret = (*baseclass_redraw)(pIButton);
  if (ret != 0) {
    return ret;

  if (pIButton->string16) {

    /* make copy of string16 */
    TMPString = *pIButton->string16;

    if (get_wstate(pIButton) == FC_WS_NORMAL) {
      TMPString.fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_WIDGET_NORMAL_TEXT);
    } else if (get_wstate(pIButton) == FC_WS_SELLECTED) {
      TMPString.fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_WIDGET_SELECTED_TEXT);
      TMPString.style |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD;
    } else if (get_wstate(pIButton) == FC_WS_PRESSED) {
      TMPString.fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_WIDGET_PRESSED_TEXT);
    } else if (get_wstate(pIButton) == FC_WS_DISABLED) {
      TMPString.fgcol = *get_theme_color(COLOR_THEME_WIDGET_DISABLED_TEXT);

    pText = create_text_surf_from_str16(&TMPString);

  if (!pText && !pIcon) {
    return -1;

  /* create Button graphic */
  pButton = create_bcgnd_surf(pIButton->theme, get_wstate(pIButton),
			      pIButton->size.w, pIButton->size.h);

  clear_surface(pIButton->dst->surface, &pIButton->size);
  alphablit(pButton, NULL, pIButton->dst->surface, &pIButton->size);

  if (pIcon) {			/* Icon */
    if (pText) {
      if (get_wflags(pIButton) & WF_ICON_CENTER_RIGHT) {
	Ix = pIButton->size.w - pIcon->w - 5;
      } else {
	if (get_wflags(pIButton) & WF_ICON_CENTER) {
	  Ix = (pIButton->size.w - pIcon->w) / 2;
	} else {
	  Ix = 5;

      if (get_wflags(pIButton) & WF_ICON_ABOVE_TEXT) {
	Iy = 3;
	y = 3 + pIcon->h + 3 + (pIButton->size.h -
				(pIcon->h + 6) - pText->h) / 2;
      } else {
	if (get_wflags(pIButton) & WF_ICON_UNDER_TEXT) {
	  y = 3 + (pIButton->size.h - (pIcon->h + 3) - pText->h) / 2;
	  Iy = y + pText->h + 3;
	} else {		/* center */
	  Iy = (pIButton->size.h - pIcon->h) / 2;
	  y = (pIButton->size.h - pText->h) / 2;
    } else {			/* no text */
      Iy = (pIButton->size.h - pIcon->h) / 2;
      Ix = (pIButton->size.w - pIcon->w) / 2;

    if (get_wstate(pIButton) == FC_WS_PRESSED) {
      Ix += 1;
      Iy += 1;

    dest.x = pIButton->size.x + Ix;
    dest.y = pIButton->size.y + Iy;

    ret = alphablit(pIcon, NULL, pIButton->dst->surface, &dest);
    if (ret) {
      return ret - 10;

  if (pText) {

    if (pIcon) {
      if (!(get_wflags(pIButton) & WF_ICON_ABOVE_TEXT) &&
	  !(get_wflags(pIButton) & WF_ICON_UNDER_TEXT)) {
	if (get_wflags(pIButton) & WF_ICON_CENTER_RIGHT) {
	  if (pIButton->string16->style & SF_CENTER) {
	    x = (pIButton->size.w - (pIcon->w + 5) - pText->w) / 2;
	  } else {
	    if (pIButton->string16->style & SF_CENTER_RIGHT) {
	      x = pIButton->size.w - (pIcon->w + 7) - pText->w;
	    } else {
	      x = 5;
	else {
	  if (get_wflags(pIButton) & WF_ICON_CENTER) {
	    /* text is blit on icon */
	    goto Alone;
	  } /* end WF_ICON_CENTER */
	  else {		/* icon center left - default */
	    if (pIButton->string16->style & SF_CENTER) {
	      x = 5 + pIcon->w + ((pIButton->size.w -
				   (pIcon->w + 5) - pText->w) / 2);
	    } else {
	      if (pIButton->string16->style & SF_CENTER_RIGHT) {
		x = pIButton->size.w - pText->w - 5;
	      } else {		/* text center left */
		x = 5 + pIcon->w + 3;

	  }			/* end icon center left - default */

	/* 888888888888888888 */
      } else {
	goto Alone;
    } else {
      /* !pIcon */
      y = (pIButton->size.h - pText->h) / 2;
      if (pIButton->string16->style & SF_CENTER) {
	x = (pIButton->size.w - pText->w) / 2;
      } else {
	if (pIButton->string16->style & SF_CENTER_RIGHT) {
	  x = pIButton->size.w - pText->w - 5;
	} else {
	  x = 5;

    if (get_wstate(pIButton) == FC_WS_PRESSED) {
      x += 1;
    } else {
      y -= 1;

    dest.x = pIButton->size.x + x;
    dest.y = pIButton->size.y + y;

    ret = alphablit(pText, NULL, pIButton->dst->surface, &dest);


  return 0;
Exemple #3
  Create Edit Field surface ( with Text) and blit them to Main.screen,
  on position 'pEdit_Widget->size.x , pEdit_Widget->size.y'

  Graphic is taken from 'pEdit_Widget->theme'
  Text is taken from	'pEdit_Widget->sting16'

  if flag 'FW_DRAW_THEME_TRANSPARENT' is set theme will be blit
  transparent ( Alpha = 128 )

  function return Hight of created surfaces or (-1) if theme surface can't
  be created.
static int redraw_edit(struct widget *pEdit_Widget)
  int ret;
  if (get_wstate(pEdit_Widget) == FC_WS_PRESSED) {
    return redraw_edit_chain((struct EDIT *)pEdit_Widget->data.ptr);
  } else {
    int iRet = 0;
    SDL_Rect rDest = {pEdit_Widget->size.x, pEdit_Widget->size.y, 0, 0};
    SDL_Surface *pEdit = NULL;
    SDL_Surface *pText;

    ret = (*baseclass_redraw)(pEdit_Widget);
    if (ret != 0) {
      return ret;
    if (pEdit_Widget->string16->text &&
    	get_wflags(pEdit_Widget) & WF_PASSWD_EDIT) {
      Uint16 *backup = pEdit_Widget->string16->text;
      size_t len = unistrlen(backup) + 1;
      char *cBuf = fc_calloc(1, len);
      memset(cBuf, '*', len - 1);
      cBuf[len - 1] = '\0';
      pEdit_Widget->string16->text = convert_to_utf16(cBuf);
      pText = create_text_surf_from_str16(pEdit_Widget->string16);
      pEdit_Widget->string16->text = backup;
    } else {
      pText = create_text_surf_from_str16(pEdit_Widget->string16);
    pEdit = create_bcgnd_surf(pEdit_Widget->theme, get_wstate(pEdit_Widget),
                              pEdit_Widget->size.w, pEdit_Widget->size.h);

    if (!pEdit) {
      return -1;
    /* blit theme */
    alphablit(pEdit, NULL, pEdit_Widget->dst->surface, &rDest);

    /* set position and blit text */
    if (pText) {
      rDest.y += (pEdit->h - pText->h) / 2;
      /* blit centred text to botton */
      if (pEdit_Widget->string16->style & SF_CENTER) {
        rDest.x += (pEdit->w - pText->w) / 2;
      } else {
        if (pEdit_Widget->string16->style & SF_CENTER_RIGHT) {
	  rDest.x += pEdit->w - pText->w - adj_size(5);
        } else {
	  rDest.x += adj_size(5);		/* cennter left */

      alphablit(pText, NULL, pEdit_Widget->dst->surface, &rDest);
    /* pText */
    iRet = pEdit->h;

    /* Free memory */
    return iRet;
  return 0;