Exemple #1
static void calculate_pie(void)
    WINT XStart, YStart, XEnd, YEnd;
    RECT rect;
    WINT temp;
    HPEN hOldPen;
    HBRUSH hOldBrush;
    do {
        rect.left = get_rand(0, xMax);
        rect.top = get_rand(0, yMax);
        rect.right = get_rand(0, xMax);
        rect.bottom = get_rand(0, yMax);
        if (rect.left > rect.right)
            temp = rect.left;
            rect.left = rect.right;
            rect.right = temp;
        if (rect.top > rect.bottom)
            temp = rect.top;
            rect.top = rect.bottom;
            rect.bottom = temp;
        XStart = get_rand(rect.left, rect.right);
        YStart = get_rand(rect.top, rect.bottom);
        XEnd = get_rand(rect.left, rect.right);
        YEnd = get_rand(rect.top, rect.bottom);
        hOldPen = SelectObject(hMemDC, create_pen());
        hOldBrush = SelectObject(hMemDC, create_brush());
        SetBkColor(hMemDC, colors[get_rand(0, num_colors)]);
        SetBkMode(hMemDC, get_rand(1,3));
        SetROP2(hMemDC, get_rand(1,17));
        Pie(hMemDC, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, XStart, YStart, XEnd, YEnd);
        DeleteObject(SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldPen));
        DeleteObject(SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldBrush));
        if (TestSemaphore(&PainterRequired) < 0)
            InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rect, FALSE);
    } while ((TestSemaphore(&DemoRun)) && (!TestSemaphore(&SingleRun)));

    if (!TestSemaphore(&SingleRun));
Exemple #2
static void calculate_polygon(void)
    WINT points, i;
    RECT rect;
    POINT p[9];
    HPEN hOldPen;
    HBRUSH hOldBrush;
    do {
        rect.left = 0x7fff;
        rect.top = 0x7fff;
        rect.right = 0;
        rect.bottom = 0;
        points = get_rand(2, 9);
        for (i=0; i<points; i++)
            p[i].x = get_rand(0, xMax);
            p[i].y = get_rand(0, yMax);
            if (p[i].x < rect.left)
                rect.left = p[i].x;
            if (p[i].x > rect.right)
                rect.right = p[i].x;
            if (p[i].y < rect.top)
                rect.top = p[i].y;
            if (p[i].y > rect.bottom)
                rect.bottom = p[i].y;
        hOldPen = SelectObject(hMemDC, create_pen());
        hOldBrush = SelectObject(hMemDC, create_brush());
        SetBkColor(hMemDC, colors[get_rand(0, num_colors)]);
        SetBkMode(hMemDC, get_rand(1,3));
        SetPolyFillMode(hMemDC, get_rand(1,3));
        SetROP2(hMemDC, get_rand(1,17));
        Polygon(hMemDC, &p[0], points);
        DeleteObject(SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldPen));
        DeleteObject(SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldBrush));
        if (TestSemaphore(&PainterRequired) < 0)
            InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rect, FALSE);
    } while ((TestSemaphore(&DemoRun)) && (!TestSemaphore(&SingleRun)));
    if (!TestSemaphore(&SingleRun));
Exemple #3
static void calculate_fillrect(void)
    RECT rect;
    WINT temp;
    HBRUSH hBrush;
    do {
        rect.left = get_rand(0, xMax);
        rect.top = get_rand(0, yMax);
        rect.right = get_rand(0, xMax);
        rect.bottom = get_rand(0, yMax);
        if (rect.left > rect.right)
            temp = rect.left;
            rect.left = rect.right;
            rect.right = temp;
        if (rect.top > rect.bottom)
            temp = rect.top;
            rect.top = rect.bottom;
            rect.bottom = temp;
        SetBkColor(hMemDC, colors[get_rand(0, num_colors)]);
        SetBkMode(hMemDC, get_rand(1,3));
        hBrush = create_brush();
        FillRect(hMemDC, &rect, hBrush);
        if (TestSemaphore(&PainterRequired) < 0)
            InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rect, FALSE);
    } while ((TestSemaphore(&DemoRun)) && (!TestSemaphore(&SingleRun)));
    if (!TestSemaphore(&SingleRun));
Exemple #4
ifs_render (AffElement     **elements,
            gint             num_elements,
            gint             width,
            gint             height,
            gint             nsteps,
            IfsComposeVals  *vals,
            gint             band_y,
            gint             band_height,
            guchar          *data,
            guchar          *mask,
            guchar          *nhits,
            gboolean         preview)
  gint     i, k, n;
  gdouble  x, y;
  gdouble  r, g, b;
  gint     ri, gi, bi;
  guint32  p0, psum;
  gdouble  pt;
  guchar  *ptr;
  guint32 *prob;
  gdouble *fprob;
  gint     subdivide;
  guchar  *brush = NULL;
  gint     brush_size   = 1;
  gdouble  brush_offset = 0.0;

  if (preview)
    subdivide = 1;
    subdivide = vals->subdivide;

  /* compute the probabilities and transforms */
  fprob = g_new (gdouble, num_elements);
  prob = g_new (guint32, num_elements);
  pt = 0.0;

  for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++)
                                width * subdivide,
                                height * subdivide,
      fprob[i] = fabs(
          elements[i]->trans.a11 * elements[i]->trans.a22
        - elements[i]->trans.a12 * elements[i]->trans.a21);

      /* As a heuristic, if the determinant is really small, it's
         probably a line element, so increase the probability so
         it gets rendered */

      /* FIXME: figure out what 0.01 really should be */
      if (fprob[i] < 0.01)
        fprob[i] = 0.01;

      fprob[i] *= elements[i]->v.prob;

      pt += fprob[i];

  psum = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++)
      psum += (guint32) -1 * (fprob[i] / pt);
      prob[i] = psum;

  prob[i - 1] = (guint32) -1;  /* make sure we don't get bitten by roundoff */

  /* create the brush */
  if (!preview)
    brush = create_brush (vals, &brush_size, &brush_offset);

  x = y = 0;
  r = g = b = 0;

  /* n is used to limit the number of progress updates */
  n = nsteps / 32;

  /* now run the iteration */
  for (i = 0; i < nsteps; i++)
      if (!preview && ((i % n) == 0))
        gimp_progress_update ((gdouble) i / (gdouble) nsteps);

      p0 = g_random_int ();
      k = 0;

      while (p0 > prob[k])

      aff2_apply (&elements[k]->trans, x, y, &x, &y);
      aff3_apply (&elements[k]->color_trans, r, g, b, &r, &g, &b);

      if (i < 50)

      ri = (gint) (255.0 * r + 0.5);
      gi = (gint) (255.0 * g + 0.5);
      bi = (gint) (255.0 * b + 0.5);

      if ((ri < 0) || (ri > 255) ||
          (gi < 0) || (gi > 255) ||
          (bi < 0) || (bi > 255))

      if (preview)
          if ((x < width) && (y < (band_y + band_height)) &&
              (x >= 0) && (y >= band_y))
              ptr = data + 3 * (((gint) (y - band_y)) * width + (gint) x);

              *ptr++ = ri;
              *ptr++ = gi;
              *ptr   = bi;
          if ((x < width * subdivide) && (y < height * subdivide) &&
              (x >= 0) && (y >= 0))
              gint ii;
              gint jj;
              gint jj0   = floor (y - brush_offset - band_y * subdivide);
              gint ii0   = floor (x - brush_offset);
              gint jjmin = 0;
              gint iimin = 0;
              gint jjmax;
              gint iimax;

              if (ii0 < 0)
                iimin = - ii0;
                iimin = 0;

              if (jj0 < 0)
                jjmin = - jj0;
                jjmin = 0;

              if (jj0 + brush_size >= subdivide * band_height)
                jjmax = subdivide * band_height - jj0;
                jjmax = brush_size;

              if (ii0 + brush_size >= subdivide * width)
                iimax = subdivide * width - ii0;
                iimax = brush_size;

              for (jj = jjmin; jj < jjmax; jj++)
                for (ii = iimin; ii < iimax; ii++)
                    guint m_old;
                    guint m_new;
                    guint m_pix;
                    guint n_hits;
                    guint old_scale;
                    guint pix_scale;
                    gint  index = (jj0 + jj) * width * subdivide + ii0 + ii;

                    n_hits = nhits[index];
                    if (n_hits == 255)

                    m_pix = brush[jj * brush_size + ii];
                    if (!m_pix)

                    nhits[index] = ++n_hits;
                    m_old = mask[index];
                    m_new = m_old + m_pix - m_old * m_pix / 255;
                    mask[index] = m_new;

                    /* relative probability that old colored pixel is on top */
                    old_scale = m_old * (255 * n_hits - m_pix);

                    /* relative probability that new colored pixel is on top */
                    pix_scale = m_pix * ((255 - m_old) * n_hits + m_old);

                    ptr = data + 3 * index;

                    *ptr = ((old_scale * (*ptr) + pix_scale * ri) /
                            (old_scale + pix_scale));

                    *ptr = ((old_scale * (*ptr) + pix_scale * gi) /
                            (old_scale + pix_scale));

                    *ptr = ((old_scale * (*ptr) + pix_scale * bi) /
                            (old_scale + pix_scale));
    } /* main iteration */

  if (!preview )
    gimp_progress_update (1.0);

  g_free (brush);
  g_free (prob);
  g_free (fprob);