int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TestConnections * Test = new TestConnections(argc, argv); char sql[10240]; Test->connect_maxscale(); create_t1(Test->conn_rwsplit); Test->tprintf("INSERTing data\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { Test->set_timeout(20); create_insert_string(sql, 100, i); Test->try_query(Test->conn_rwsplit, sql); } Test->tprintf("done, sleeping\n"); Test->stop_timeout(); sleep(20); Test->tprintf("Trying SELECT\n"); Test->set_timeout(30); Test->try_query(Test->conn_rwsplit, (char *) "SELECT * FROM t1"); Test->check_maxscale_alive(); int rval = Test->global_result; delete Test; return rval; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t parall_traffic1[100]; int check_iret[100]; Test = new TestConnections(argc, argv); int global_result = 0; Test->read_env(); Test->print_env(); printf("Connecting to RWSplit %s\n", Test->maxscale_IP); Test->connect_rwsplit(); global_result += create_t1(Test->conn_rwsplit); create_insert_string(sql, 65000, 1); for (int j = 0; j < 25; j++) { check_iret[j] = pthread_create( ¶ll_traffic1[j], NULL, parall_traffic, NULL); } sleep(1); printf("Setup firewall to block mysql on master\n"); fflush(stdout); Test->repl->block_node(0); fflush(stdout); sleep(1); printf("Trying query to RWSplit, expecting failure, but not a crash\n"); fflush(stdout); execute_query(Test->conn_rwsplit, (char *) "show processlist;");fflush(stdout); sleep(1); printf("Setup firewall back to allow mysql\n"); fflush(stdout); Test->repl->unblock_node(0); fflush(stdout); sleep(10); exit_flag = 1; sleep(10); printf("Checking Maxscale is alive\n"); fflush(stdout); global_result += check_maxscale_alive(); fflush(stdout); Test->close_rwsplit(); fflush(stdout); printf("Reconnecting and trying query to RWSplit\n"); fflush(stdout); Test->connect_rwsplit(); global_result += execute_query(Test->conn_rwsplit, (char *) "show processlist;"); Test->close_rwsplit(); exit_flag = 1; sleep(10); Test->copy_all_logs(); return(global_result); }