bool ASM_Gaze_Tracker::calculatePupilCenter(){
    Mat  leftEyeImg,rightEyeImg,cropped;

    if (isTrackingSuccess == false) {
        return false;
    canthusPts = vector<Point2f>(tracker.points.begin(),tracker.points.begin()+4);
    nosePts = vector<Point2f>(tracker.points.begin()+4,tracker.points.begin()+6);
    if (canthusPts[2].x < canthusPts[0].x && canthusPts[0].x < canthusPts[1].x && canthusPts[1].x < canthusPts[3].x) {
    } else {
        return false;
    eyePairTileAngle = calculateEyePairTileAngle(canthusPts);
    glabellaPoint= caculateEyePairCenter(canthusPts);
    rotationMatrix = getRotationMatrix2D(glabellaPoint, eyePairTileAngle, 1.0);
    Mat Mback = getRotationMatrix2D(glabellaPoint, -eyePairTileAngle, 1.0);
    vector<Point2f> rotatedCanthusPts = rotatePointsByRotationMatrix(canthusPts, rotationMatrix);
    vector<Point2f> rotatedNosePts = rotatePointsByRotationMatrix(nosePts, rotationMatrix);
    float eyePairRectWidth =abs(rotatedCanthusPts[2].x - rotatedCanthusPts[3].x)+1;
    Size2f eyePairRectSize(eyePairRectWidth,eyePairRectWidth/7);
    Rect cropRect(Point2f(glabellaPoint.x-eyePairRectWidth/2,glabellaPoint.y -eyePairRectWidth/14.0f),eyePairRectSize);
    warpAffine(im, rotated_img, rotationMatrix, im.size(),CV_INTER_LINEAR);
    getRectSubPix(rotated_img, eyePairRectSize, glabellaPoint, cropped);
    Rect leftEyeRect = Rect(0,0,rotatedCanthusPts[0].x-rotatedCanthusPts[2].x,eyePairRectSize.height);
    Rect rightEyeRect = Rect(rotatedCanthusPts[1].x-rotatedCanthusPts[2].x,0,rotatedCanthusPts[3].x-rotatedCanthusPts[1].x,eyePairRectSize.height);
    if (leftEyeRect.area() < 50 || rightEyeRect.area()< 50) {
        return false;
    Point2f leftEyeCenter, rightEyeCenter;
//    findEyeCenterByColorSegmentation(cropped(leftEyeRect), leftEyeCenter);
//    findEyeCenterByColorSegmentation(cropped(rightEyeRect), rightEyeCenter);
//    cout<<"debug"<<endl;
    boost::thread leftEyeThread(findEyeCenterByColorSegmentation, cropped(leftEyeRect), boost::ref(leftEyeCenter), 0.4,3,3,5);
    boost::thread  rightEyeThread(findEyeCenterByColorSegmentation, cropped(rightEyeRect), boost::ref(rightEyeCenter), 0.4,3,3,5);
    leftEyeCenter += Point2f(,;
    leftEyeCenter += Point2f(,;
    rightEyeCenter += Point2f(,;
    rightEyeCenter += Point2f(,;
    leftEyePoint= rotatePointByRotationMatrix(leftEyeCenter, Mback);
    rightEyePoint= rotatePointByRotationMatrix(rightEyeCenter, Mback);
    isTrackingSuccess = true;
    return true;
void Camera::captureFrame() {

    cv::Mat distortedFrame(camFrameHeight, camFrameWidth, CV_8UC1);
    imgIdx = (imgIdx+1) % 8;

    if (testMode) {
        distortedFrame = testImages[imgIdx].clone();
        /* faking camera image acquisition time */
    } else {
        dc1394video_frame_t *frame = NULL;
        error = dc1394_capture_dequeue(camera, DC1394_CAPTURE_POLICY_WAIT, &frame); = frame->image;
        dc1394_capture_enqueue(camera, frame);
    /* undistort camera image */
    cv::Mat camFrame(camFrameHeight, camFrameWidth, CV_8UC1);
    undistortLUT(distortedFrame, camFrame);
    /* display original frame with ambient light in camera widget */
    cv::Rect cropped((camFrame.cols-width)/2, (camFrame.rows-height)/2, width, height);
    emit newCamFrame(camFrame(cropped).clone());
    /* remove ambient light */
    camFrame -= ambientImage;
    /* cropping image in center to power-of-2 size */
    cv::Mat croppedFrame = camFrame(cropped).clone();

    /* assigning image id (current active LED) to pixel in 0,0 */<uchar>(0, 0) = imgIdx;
    emit newCroppedFrame(croppedFrame);
void kpoBaseApp::cloud_callback (const CloudConstPtr& cloud)
    if (paused_) {

    if (process_scene_) {
        QMutexLocker locker (&mtx_);

        scene_cloud_.reset (new Cloud);

        depth_filter_.setInputCloud (cloud);
        depth_filter_.setFilterLimits(0, depth_threshold_);
        depth_filter_.filter (*scene_cloud_);

        CloudPtr cropped(new Cloud());
        crop_bounding_box_(scene_cloud_, cropped);
        pcl::copyPointCloud(*cropped, *scene_cloud_);

        osc_sender->send("/kinect/pointcloud/size", scene_cloud_->size());

    if (analyze_thread_count < 1) {



Exemple #4
void AvatarPainter::doPaint(QPainter *painter, const QSize &size)
	QPixmap displayAvatar;
	QPixmap croppedAvatar = cropped();

	if (croppedAvatar.height() > size.height() || croppedAvatar.width() > size.width())
		displayAvatar = croppedAvatar.scaled(size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
		displayAvatar = croppedAvatar;

	QRect displayRect = displayAvatar.rect();
	displayRect.moveTop((size.height() - displayRect.height()) / 2);
	displayRect.moveLeft((size.width() - displayRect.width()) / 2);

	// grey out offline contacts' avatar
	displayAvatar = greyOut()
		? QIcon(displayAvatar).pixmap(displayAvatar.size(), QIcon::Disabled)
		: displayAvatar;

	int radius = 3;
	QPainterPath displayRectPath;
	displayRectPath.addRoundedRect(displayRect, radius, radius);

	painter->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
	painter->drawPixmap(displayRect, displayAvatar);

	// draw avatar border
	if (Configuration->avatarBorder())
		painter->drawRoundedRect(displayRect, radius, radius);
Exemple #5
    void crop()
      int x_mean = (left.x + right.x)/2.0;
      int y_mean = (left.y + right.y)/2.0;
      // Calc rectangle
      int x1 = std::max(x_mean - CROP_X, 0);
      int x2 = std::min(x_mean + CROP_X, face.cols - 1);
      int y1 = std::max(y_mean - CROP_UP, 0);
      int y2 = std::min(y_mean + CROP_DOWN, face.rows - 1);
      // Rectange width and height
      int w = x2-x1;
      int h = y2-y1;
      cv::Rect rect(x1, y1, w, h);

      // Crop face
      cv::Mat cropped(face, rect);
void PanelBrowserMenu::slotMimeCheck()
    // get the first map entry
    QMap<int, bool>::Iterator it = _mimemap.begin();

    // no mime types left to check -> stop timer
    if(it == _mimemap.end()) {

    int id = it.key();
    QString file = _filemap[id];


    KUrl url;
    url.setPath( path() + '/' + file );

//    KMimeType::Ptr mt = KMimeType::findByURL(url, 0, true, false);
//    QString icon(mt->icon(url, true));
    QString icon = KMimeType::iconNameForUrl( url );
//    kDebug() << url.url() << ": " << icon;

    file = fontMetrics().elidedText( file, Qt::ElideMiddle, fontMetrics().maxWidth() * 20  );
    file.replace("&", "&&");

    if(!_icons->contains(icon)) {
        QPixmap pm = SmallIcon(icon);
        if( pm.height() > 16 )
            QPixmap cropped( 16, 16 );
	    QPainter p(&cropped);
            p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pm, 0, 0, 16, 16);
            pm = cropped;
        _icons->insert(icon, pm);
        changeItem(id, pm, file);
        changeItem(id, CICON(icon), file);
Exemple #7
void PanelBrowserMenu::slotMimeCheck()
    // get the first map entry
    QMap<int, bool>::Iterator it = _mimemap.begin();

    // no mime types left to check -> stop timer
    if(it == _mimemap.end()) {

    int id = it.key();
    QString file = _filemap[id];


    KURL url;
    url.setPath( path() + '/' + file );

//    KMimeType::Ptr mt = KMimeType::findByURL(url, 0, true, false);
//    QString icon(mt->icon(url, true));
    QString icon = KMimeType::iconForURL( url );
//    kdDebug() << url.url() << ": " << icon << endl;

    file = KStringHandler::cEmSqueeze( file, fontMetrics(), 20 );
    file.replace("&", "&&");

    if(!_icons->contains(icon)) {
        QPixmap pm = SmallIcon(icon);
        if( pm.height() > 16 )
            QPixmap cropped( 16, 16 );
            copyBlt( &cropped, 0, 0, &pm, 0, 0, 16, 16 );
            pm = cropped;
        _icons->insert(icon, pm);
        changeItem(id, pm, file);
        changeItem(id, CICON(icon), file);
Exemple #8
int Mask::Crop ( int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t top, int32_t left )
  assert ( this->mask.size()>0 );
  const int32_t SIZE = width*height;
  assert ( SIZE );
  assert ( top >= 0 && top+height <= this->h );
  assert ( left >= 0 && left+width <= this->w );
  std::vector<uint16_t> cropped(SIZE, 0);
  uint16_t *ptr = &cropped[0];
  for ( int32_t r = top; r < top+height; r++ ) {
    uint16_t *src = &mask[0] + r*w + left;
    for ( int32_t c = 0; c < width; c++, ++ptr, ++src ) {
      *ptr = *src;
  mask = cropped;
  w = width;
  h = height;
  return SIZE;
Exemple #9
void PhotoCropBox::onSend() {
	QImage from(_img);
	if (_img.width() < _thumb.width()) {
		from = _thumb.toImage();
	float64 x = float64(_cropx) / _thumbw, y = float64(_cropy) / _thumbh, w = float64(_cropw) / _thumbw;
	int32 ix = int32(x * from.width()), iy = int32(y * from.height()), iw = int32(w * from.width());
	if (ix < 0) {
		ix = 0;
	if (ix + iw > from.width()) {
		iw = from.width() - ix;
	if (iy < 0) {
		iy = 0;
	if (iy + iw > from.height()) {
		iw = from.height() - iy;
	int32 offset = ix * from.depth() / 8 + iy * from.bytesPerLine();
	QImage cropped(from.constBits() + offset, iw, iw, from.bytesPerLine(), from.format()), tosend;
	if (from.format() == QImage::Format_Indexed8) {
	if (cropped.width() > 1280) {
		tosend = cropped.scaled(1280, 1280, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
	} else if (cropped.width() < 320) {
		tosend = cropped.scaled(320, 320, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
	} else {
		tosend = cropped.copy();

	emit ready(tosend);
Vector<Vector<double> >  Detector::EvaluateTemplate(const Matrix<double> &upper_body_template,
                                                        const Matrix<double> &depth_map,
                                                        Vector<Vector<double> > &close_range_BBoxes,
                                                        Vector<Vector<double> > distances)
    int stride = Globals::evaluation_stride;
    int nr_scales = Globals::evaluation_nr_scales;
    int inc_cropped_height = Globals::evaluation_inc_cropped_height;

    // performance helper variables: just for avoiding recalculation
    int int_half_template_size = Globals::template_size / 2;
    double double_half_template_size = Globals::template_size / 2.0;

    Vector<Vector<double> > final_result;

    // generate the scales
    Vector<double> all_scales(nr_scales, 1.0);
    all_scales(0) = 1;
    for(int sc = 1; sc < nr_scales; ++sc)
        all_scales(sc) = pow(Globals::evaluation_scale_stride,sc);

//    Matrix<double> roi_img(Globals::dImWidth, Globals::dImHeight, 0);
        roi_image = Matrix<int>(Globals::dImWidth, Globals::dImHeight, 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < close_range_BBoxes.getSize(); i++)
        Vector<Vector<double> > result;

        int cropped_height = (int)(close_range_BBoxes(i)(3)/2.0);
        cropped_height += (close_range_BBoxes(i)(3) * Globals::evaluation_inc_height_ratio)/2.0;
        close_range_BBoxes(i)(1) -= (close_range_BBoxes(i)(3) * Globals::evaluation_inc_height_ratio)/2.0;

        if( close_range_BBoxes(i)(1)+cropped_height >= Globals::dImHeight)
            cropped_height = Globals::dImHeight - (int)close_range_BBoxes(i)(1) - 1;

        ROS_DEBUG("(distances(i) %f radius %f", distances(i)(0), distances(i)(1)/2.0);
//        if(Globals::verbose)
//            cout << "(distances(i) " << distances(i)(0) << " radius " << distances(i)(1)/2.0 << endl;

        // Cropped and Filter depth_map with respect to distance from camera
        int start_column = (int)close_range_BBoxes(i)(0);
        int end_column = (int)(close_range_BBoxes(i)(0) + close_range_BBoxes(i)(2));
        int start_row = (int)max(0.0, close_range_BBoxes(i)(1));
        int end_row = (int)close_range_BBoxes(i)(1) + cropped_height;

        Matrix<double> cropped(end_column-start_column+1, end_row-start_row+1);

        double min_distance_threshold = distances(i)(0)- (distances(i)(1)+0.2)/2.0;
        double max_distance_threshold = distances(i)(0)+ (distances(i)(1)+0.2)/2.0;
        for(int ii = 0, ii_depth = start_column; ii < cropped.x_size(); ii++, ii_depth++)
            for(int jj = 0, jj_depth = start_row; jj < cropped.y_size(); jj++, jj_depth++)
                if(depth_map(ii_depth,jj_depth) <= min_distance_threshold || depth_map(ii_depth,jj_depth) >= max_distance_threshold)
                    cropped(ii, jj) = 0;
                    cropped(ii, jj) = depth_map(ii_depth, jj_depth);

//        roi_img.insert(cropped,start_column,start_row);
            for(int tmpx=start_column, tmpxx=0; tmpxx<cropped.x_size(); tmpx++,tmpxx++)
                for(int tmpy=start_row, tmpyy=0; tmpyy<cropped.y_size(); tmpy++,tmpyy++)
                    if(tmpyy==0 || tmpyy==cropped.y_size()-1 || tmpxx==0 || tmpxx==cropped.x_size()-1)


        // Resize Cropped - with respect to template
        double ratio = close_range_BBoxes(i)(3) / (Globals::template_size * 3.0);
        int new_height = (int)(cropped.y_size() * all_scales(nr_scales-1) / ratio);
        int new_width = (int)(cropped.x_size() * all_scales(nr_scales-1) / ratio);
        if(new_height<=0 || new_width<=0)
        if(cropped.y_size() > new_height)
            cropped.DownSample(new_width, new_height);
        else if(cropped.y_size() < new_height)
            cropped.UpSample(new_width, new_height);

        Matrix<int> b_cropped(cropped.x_size(), cropped.y_size());
        for(int ic = 0; ic<cropped.x_size(); ++ic)
            for(int j=0; j<cropped.y_size(); ++j)

        KConnectedComponentLabeler ccl(Globals::region_size_threshold,, b_cropped.x_size(), b_cropped.y_size());


        Matrix<double> components(cropped.x_size(),cropped.y_size());
        for(int cr_com = 0; cr_com < ccl.m_ObjectNumber; ++cr_com)
            for(int x=0; x<cropped.x_size(); ++x)
                for(int y=0; y<cropped.y_size(); ++y)
                        components(x,y) = cropped(x,y);
                        components(x,y) = 0;

            Matrix<double> copy_component = components;

            for(int scale_index = 0; scale_index < all_scales.getSize(); scale_index++)
                copy_component = components;

                // Resize Cropped in loop with different scales
                int xSizeCropped = (int)(copy_component.x_size() / all_scales(scale_index));
                int ySizeCropped = (int)(copy_component.y_size() / all_scales(scale_index));

                if(all_scales(scale_index) != 1)
                    copy_component.DownSample(xSizeCropped , ySizeCropped);

                Matrix<double> extended_cropped(xSizeCropped + Globals::template_size, ySizeCropped+inc_cropped_height, 0.0);
                extended_cropped.insert(copy_component, (int)(double_half_template_size)-1, 0);

                //*Local Max *******************************
                Matrix<double> extended_cropped_open = extended_cropped;
                Vector<double> ys ,slopes;
                AncillaryMethods::ExtractSlopsOnBorder(extended_cropped_open, ys, slopes);
                Vector<int> max_xs = AncillaryMethods::FindLocalMax(slopes);

                int distances_matrix_x_size = max_xs.getSize();

                Vector<double> resulted_distances(distances_matrix_x_size);
                Vector<double> resulted_medians(distances_matrix_x_size);

                Vector<int> rxs(max_xs.getSize()),rys(max_xs.getSize());
                for(int ii = 0; ii<max_xs.getSize(); ++ii)
                    int cx = max(max_xs(ii)-int_half_template_size,0);
                    int cy = max(extended_cropped.y_size()-(int)ys(max_xs(ii))-4, 0);
                    rxs(ii) = cx;
                    rys(ii) = cy;
                    double local_result, local_best=1000;

                    for(int y=cy; y<=cy+1*stride; y+=stride)
                        if(y>=extended_cropped.y_size() || y>=extended_cropped.y_size()) continue;
                        int y_size = min(extended_cropped.y_size()-1, y+Globals::template_size) - y;

                        int start_row = (int)max(0.0, y + y_size/2.0-5);
                        int end_row = (int)min((double)Globals::dImHeight-1, y + y_size/2.0+5);
                        if(end_row >=extended_cropped.y_size()) continue;

                        for(int x=max(0,cx-5*stride); x<=cx+5*stride; x+=stride)
                            if(x>=extended_cropped.x_size()) continue;
                            int x_size = min(extended_cropped.x_size()-1, x+Globals::template_size) - x;

                            int start_column = (int)max(0.0, x + x_size/2.0-5);
                            int end_column = (int)min((double)Globals::dImWidth-1, x + x_size/2.0+5);

                            // Normalize the cropped part of the image. regarding the current position of the template;
                            // Crop only some pixels in the middle
                            double median = AncillaryMethods::MedianOfMatrixRejectZero(extended_cropped, start_row, end_row, start_column, end_column);
                            if(median == 0)
                                resulted_distances(ii) = 1000;
//                            extended_cropped *= 1.0/median;

                            int x_start_of_temp = max(0, int_half_template_size - x);
                            double x_end_of_temp = Globals::template_size;
                            int evaluating_area = (x_end_of_temp - x_start_of_temp)*Globals::template_size+1;

                            double sum = 0;

                            if(evaluating_area > Globals::template_size * double_half_template_size)
                                for(int x_of_temp = 0; x_of_temp < x_end_of_temp; x_of_temp++)
                                    int x_of_extended_cropp = x + x_of_temp;

                                    for(int y_of_temp = 0; y_of_temp < Globals::template_size; y_of_temp++)
                                        double difference = upper_body_template(x_of_temp, y_of_temp)-extended_cropped(x_of_extended_cropp, y_of_temp+y)/median;

                                        sum += difference*difference;

                                local_result = sum/(double)evaluating_area;
                                    local_best = local_result;
                                    resulted_medians(ii) = median;
                    resulted_distances(ii) = local_best;

                int n_xSizeTemp = (int)(Globals::template_size*ratio/all_scales(scale_index));

//                double n_threshold = 0.15;
                for(int ii =0; ii<resulted_distances.getSize(); ++ii)
                        int x = rxs(ii);
                        int y = rys(ii);

                        Vector<double> bbox(6);
                        bbox(0) = (x-double_half_template_size)*ratio/all_scales(scale_index) + close_range_BBoxes(i)(0);
                        bbox(1) = y*ratio/all_scales(scale_index) +close_range_BBoxes(i)(1);
                        bbox(2) = n_xSizeTemp;
                        bbox(3) = n_xSizeTemp;
                        bbox(4) = resulted_distances(ii);
                        bbox(5) = resulted_medians(ii);

        AncillaryMethods::GreedyNonMaxSuppression(result, Globals::evaluation_greedy_NMS_overlap_threshold, Globals::evaluation_greedy_NMS_threshold, upper_body_template, final_result);
//    roi_img.WriteToTXT("roi_img.txt");
    return final_result;
Vector<Vector<double> > DepthDetector::EvaluateTemplate(const Matrix<double> &upper_body_template, const Matrix<double> &depth_map, Vector<Vector<double> > &close_range_BBoxes, Vector<Vector<double> > distances)
    int stride = Globals::evaluation_stride;
    int nr_scales = Globals::evaluation_nr_scales;
    int inc_cropped_height = Globals::evaluation_inc_cropped_height;

    // performance helper variables: just for avoiding recalculation
    int int_half_template_size = Globals::template_size / 2;
    double double_half_template_size = Globals::template_size / 2.0;

    Vector<Vector<double> > final_result;

    // generate the scales
    Vector<double> all_scales(nr_scales, 1.0);
    all_scales(0) = 1;
    for(int sc = 1; sc < nr_scales; ++sc)
        all_scales(sc) = pow(Globals::evaluation_scale_stride,sc);

        roi_image = Matrix<int>(Globals::dImWidth, Globals::dImHeight, 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < close_range_BBoxes.getSize(); i++)
        Vector<Vector<double> > result;

        int cropped_height =  (int)(close_range_BBoxes(i)(3)/2.0);
        close_range_BBoxes(i)(1) -= (close_range_BBoxes(i)(3) * Globals::evaluation_inc_height_ratio)/2.0;

        if( close_range_BBoxes(i)(1)+cropped_height >= Globals::dImHeight)
            cropped_height = Globals::dImHeight - (int)close_range_BBoxes(i)(1) - 1;

            cout << "(distances(i) " << distances(i)(0) << " radius " << distances(i)(1)/2.0 << endl;

        // Cropped and Filter depth_map with respect to distance from camera
        int start_column = (int)close_range_BBoxes(i)(0);
        int end_column = (int)(close_range_BBoxes(i)(0) + close_range_BBoxes(i)(2));
        int start_row = (int)max(0.0, close_range_BBoxes(i)(1));
        int end_row = (int)close_range_BBoxes(i)(1) + cropped_height;

        Matrix<double> cropped(end_column-start_column+1, end_row-start_row+1);

        double min_distance_threshold = distances(i)(0)- (distances(i)(1)+0.2)/2.0;
        double max_distance_threshold = distances(i)(0)+ (distances(i)(1)+0.2)/2.0;
        for(int ii = 0, ii_depth = start_column; ii < cropped.x_size(); ii++, ii_depth++)
            for(int jj = 0, jj_depth = start_row; jj < cropped.y_size(); jj++, jj_depth++)
                if(depth_map(ii_depth,jj_depth) <= min_distance_threshold || depth_map(ii_depth,jj_depth) >= max_distance_threshold)
                    cropped(ii, jj) = 0;
                    cropped(ii, jj) = depth_map(ii_depth, jj_depth);

        //////////////// just for test (must be removed)
            for(int tmpx=start_column, tmpxx=0; tmpxx<cropped.x_size(); tmpx++,tmpxx++)
                for(int tmpy=start_row, tmpyy=0; tmpyy<cropped.y_size(); tmpy++,tmpyy++)
                    if(tmpyy==0 || tmpyy==cropped.y_size()-1 || tmpxx==0 || tmpxx==cropped.x_size()-1)


        // Resize Cropped - with respect to template
        double ratio = close_range_BBoxes(i)(3) / (Globals::template_size * 3.0);
        int new_height = (int)(cropped.y_size() * all_scales(nr_scales-1) / ratio);
        int new_width = (int)(cropped.x_size() * all_scales(nr_scales-1) / ratio);
        if(ratio > 1)
            cropped.DownSample(new_width, new_height);
        else if(ratio < 1)
            cropped.UpSample(new_width, new_height);

        Matrix<double> copy_cropped = cropped;

        for(int scale_index = 0; scale_index < all_scales.getSize(); scale_index++)
            cropped = copy_cropped;

            // Resize Cropped in loop with different scales
            int xSizeCropped = (int)(cropped.x_size() / all_scales(scale_index));
            int ySizeCropped = (int)(cropped.y_size() / all_scales(scale_index));

            if(all_scales(scale_index) != 1)
                cropped.DownSample(xSizeCropped , ySizeCropped);

            Matrix<double> extended_cropped(xSizeCropped + Globals::template_size, ySizeCropped+inc_cropped_height, 0.0);
            extended_cropped.insert(cropped, (int)(double_half_template_size)-1, 0);

            int distance_x_size = ceil((extended_cropped.x_size()-Globals::template_size)/(double)stride);
            int distance_y_size = ceil((ySizeCropped + inc_cropped_height - Globals::template_size - 1)/(double)stride);
            Matrix<double> resulted_distances(distance_x_size, distance_y_size);
            Matrix<double> resulted_medians(distance_x_size, distance_y_size);

            for(int y = 0, yyy = 0; yyy<distance_y_size; y=y+stride, yyy++)
                for(int x = 0, xxx = 0; xxx<distance_x_size; x=x+stride, xxx++)
                    double sum = 0;

                    int x_size = min(extended_cropped.x_size()-1, x+Globals::template_size) - x;
                    int y_size = min(extended_cropped.y_size()-1, y+Globals::template_size) - y;

                    int start_row = (int)max(0.0, y + y_size/2.0-5);
                    int end_row = (int)min((double)Globals::dImHeight-1, y + y_size/2.0+5);

                    int start_column = (int)max(0.0, x + x_size/2.0-5);
                    int end_column = (int)min((double)Globals::dImWidth-1, x + x_size/2.0+5);

                    // Normalize the cropped part of the image. regarding the current position of the template;
                    // Crop only some pixels in the middle
                    double median = AncillaryMethods::MedianOfMatrixRejectZero(extended_cropped, start_row, end_row, start_column, end_column);
                    if(median == 0)
                        resulted_distances(xxx,yyy) = 1000;

                    int x_start_of_temp = max(0, int_half_template_size - x);
                    double x_end_of_temp = min(Globals::template_size, extended_cropped.x_size() - int_half_template_size -x);
                    int evaluating_area = (x_end_of_temp - x_start_of_temp)*Globals::template_size+1;

                    if(evaluating_area > Globals::template_size * double_half_template_size)
                        for(int x_of_temp = x_start_of_temp; x_of_temp < x_end_of_temp; x_of_temp++)
                            int x_of_extended_cropp = x + x_of_temp;

                            for(int y_of_temp = 0; y_of_temp < Globals::template_size; y_of_temp++)
                                double difference = upper_body_template(x_of_temp, y_of_temp)-extended_cropped(x_of_extended_cropp, y_of_temp+y)/median;

                                sum += difference*difference;

                        resulted_distances(xxx,yyy) = sum/(double)evaluating_area;
                        resulted_medians(xxx,yyy) = median;
                        resulted_distances(xxx,yyy) = 1000;

            Vector<Vector<double> > max_pos;
            AncillaryMethods::NonMinSuppression2d(resulted_distances, max_pos, Globals::evaluation_NMS_threshold);

            int n_xSizeTemp = (int)(Globals::template_size*ratio/all_scales(scale_index));

            for(int j = 0; j < max_pos.getSize(); j++)
                Vector<double> bbox(6);
                bbox(0) = (max_pos(j)(0)*stride-double_half_template_size)*ratio/all_scales(scale_index) + close_range_BBoxes(i)(0);
                bbox(1) = (max_pos(j)(1)*stride)*ratio/all_scales(scale_index) +close_range_BBoxes(i)(1);
                bbox(2) = n_xSizeTemp;
                bbox(3) = n_xSizeTemp;
                bbox(4) = resulted_distances((int)max_pos(j)(0),(int)max_pos(j)(1));
                bbox(5) = resulted_medians((int)max_pos(j)(0),(int)max_pos(j)(1));


        static int oo=0;
        char pp[300];
        AncillaryMethods::GreedyNonMaxSuppression(result, Globals::evaluation_greedy_NMS_overlap_threshold, Globals::evaluation_greedy_NMS_threshold, upper_body_template, final_result);

    return final_result;