Exemple #1
// We encrypt like GDBE each sector has a random
// nonce prepended to each sector.
static int crypto_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size,
                        off_t off, struct fuse_file_info *inf){
  size_t written = 0;

  while(size > 0) {
    int idx = off / (block_size - crypto_PADDING);

    // Grab a random nonce
    unsigned char nonce[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
    randombytes(nonce, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES);

    // Set up the necessary buffers
    size_t to_write = size < block_size - crypto_PADDING ? size + crypto_PADDING : block_size;
    size_t msize = to_write - crypto_PADDING;
    size_t fudge = 0;

    char padding[block_size];
    if(off % (block_size - crypto_PADDING) != 0) {
      // At partial block, have to read the rest of the data
      // and append the new stuff to our buffer.
      size_t leftovers = off % (block_size - crypto_PADDING);
      off_t  block_off = idx * (block_size - crypto_PADDING);
      struct fuse_file_info of = {.flags = O_RDONLY};
      int fd = crypto_open(path, &of);
      if(fd == -1) return -errno;
      int res = crypto_read(path, padding, leftovers, block_off, &of);
      if(res < 0) return res;
      if(to_write + res < block_size - crypto_PADDING)
        to_write += res;
      fudge = res;

    unsigned char mpad[to_write];
    unsigned char cpad[to_write];
    memset(mpad, 0, to_write);
    memset(cpad, 0, to_write);
    memcpy(mpad + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES, padding, fudge);
    memcpy(mpad + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + fudge, buf + written, msize);

    int ohno = crypto_secretbox(cpad, mpad, msize + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES, nonce, key);
    if(ohno < 0) return -ENXIO;

    unsigned char block[to_write];
    memset(block, 0, to_write);
    memcpy(block, nonce, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES);
    memcpy(block + crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES, cpad + crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES, msize + crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES);

    int res = pwrite(inf->fh, block, to_write, block_size * idx);
    if(res == -1) return -errno;

    res     -= crypto_PADDING;
    written += res - fudge;
    size    -= res - fudge;
    off     += res - fudge;
Exemple #2
int cryptofs_read(Ctx *ctx, char *_file, long long offset, unsigned long count, char *buf)
    int result;
    int fp;
    gchar *file;

    file = translate_path(ctx, _file);
    if ((fp = open(file, 0)) < 0){
	return -1;

    result = crypto_read(ctx->cryptoctx, fp, buf, count, offset);


    return result;
Exemple #3
static int64_t crypto_seek(URLContext *h, int64_t pos, int whence)
    CryptoContext *c = h->priv_data;
    int64_t block;
    int64_t newpos;

    if (c->flags & AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) {
        av_log(h, AV_LOG_ERROR,
            "Crypto: seek not supported for write\r\n");
        /* seems the most appropriate error to return */
        return AVERROR(ESPIPE);

    // reset eof, else we won't read it correctly if we already hit eof.
    c->eof = 0;

    switch (whence) {
    case SEEK_SET:
    case SEEK_CUR:
        pos = pos + c->position;
    case SEEK_END: {
        int64_t newpos = ffurl_seek( c->hd, pos, AVSEEK_SIZE );
        if (newpos < 0) {
            av_log(h, AV_LOG_ERROR,
                "Crypto: seek_end - can't get file size (pos=%lld)\r\n", (long long int)pos);
            return newpos;
        pos = newpos - pos;
    case AVSEEK_SIZE: {
        int64_t newpos = ffurl_seek( c->hd, pos, AVSEEK_SIZE );
        return newpos;
        av_log(h, AV_LOG_ERROR,
            "Crypto: no support for seek where 'whence' is %d\r\n", whence);
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    c->outdata = 0;
    c->indata = 0;
    c->indata_used = 0;
    c->outptr = c->outbuffer;

    // identify the block containing the IV for the
    // next block we will decrypt
    block = pos/BLOCKSIZE;
    if (block == 0) {
        // restore the iv to the seed one - this is the iv for the FIRST block
        memcpy( c->decrypt_iv, c->iv, c->ivlen );
        c->position = 0;
    } else {
        // else, go back one block - we will get av_cyrpt to read this block
        // which it will then store use as the iv.
        // note that the DECRYPTED result will not be correct,
        // but will be discarded
        c->position = (block * BLOCKSIZE);

    newpos = ffurl_seek( c->hd, c->position, SEEK_SET );
    if (newpos < 0) {
        av_log(h, AV_LOG_ERROR,
            "Crypto: nested protocol no support for seek or seek failed\n");
        return newpos;

    // read and discard from here up to required position
    // (which will set the iv correctly to it).
    if (pos - c->position) {
        uint8_t buff[BLOCKSIZE*2]; // maximum size of pos-c->position
        int len = pos - c->position;
        int res;

        while (len > 0) {
            // note: this may not return all the bytes first time
            res = crypto_read(h, buff, len);
            if (res < 0)
            len -= res;

        // if we did not get all the bytes
        if (len != 0) {
            char errbuf[100] = "unknown error";
            av_strerror(res, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
            av_log(h, AV_LOG_ERROR,
                "Crypto: discard read did not get all the bytes (%d remain) - read returned (%d)-%s\n",
                len, res, errbuf);
            return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    return c->position;
Exemple #4
void functional_crypto(UNUSED(void **state))
  unsigned char nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
  unsigned char initiatenonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
  unsigned char hellopacket[192] = {0};
  unsigned char initiatepacket[256] = {0};
  unsigned char messagepacket[120];
  unsigned char messagepacketout[120] = {0};
  unsigned char allzeroboxed[96] = {0};
  unsigned char initiatebox[160] = {0};
  unsigned char pubkeybox[96] = {0};
  unsigned char lengthbox[40] = {0};
  uint64_t plaintextlen;
  uint64_t readlen;
  outputstream write;


  wrap_crypto_write = false;

  assert_int_equal(0, filesystem_load(".keys/server-long-term.pub",
      serverlongtermpk, sizeof serverlongtermpk));

  cc.nonce = (uint64_t) randommod(281474976710656LL);

  if (!ISODD(cc.nonce)) {

  cc.receivednonce = 0;
  cc.state = TUNNEL_INITIAL;

  memcpy(nonce, "splonebox-client", 16);
  uint64_pack(nonce + 16, cc.nonce);

  /* pack hello packet */
  memcpy(hellopacket, "oqQN2kaH", 8);
  /* pack compressed nonce */
  memcpy(hellopacket + 104, nonce + 16, 8);

  /* generate client ephemeral keys */
  if (crypto_box_keypair(clientlongtermpk, clientlongtermsk) != 0)
  /* generate client ephemeral keys */
  if (crypto_box_keypair(clientshorttermpk, clientshorttermsk) != 0)

  memcpy(hellopacket + 8, clientshorttermpk, 32);

  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_box(allzeroboxed, allzeroboxed, 96, nonce,
      serverlongtermpk, clientshorttermsk));

  memcpy(hellopacket + 112, allzeroboxed + 16, 80);


  /* positiv test */
  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_recv_hello_send_cookie(&cc, hellopacket, &write));

  /* wrong identifier */
  memcpy(hellopacket, "deadbeef", 8);
  assert_int_not_equal(0, crypto_recv_hello_send_cookie(&cc, hellopacket, &write));
  memcpy(hellopacket, "oqQN2kaH", 8);

  /* wrong nonce */
  cc.receivednonce = cc.nonce + 1;
  assert_int_not_equal(0, crypto_recv_hello_send_cookie(&cc, hellopacket, &write));
  cc.receivednonce = 0;

  /* wrong pubkey */
  memset(hellopacket + 8, '0', 32);
  assert_int_not_equal(0, crypto_recv_hello_send_cookie(&cc, hellopacket, &write));
  memcpy(hellopacket + 8, clientshorttermpk, 32);

  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_recv_hello_send_cookie(&cc, hellopacket, &write));

  /* crypto_recv_initiate() test */

  /* pack initiate packet */
  memcpy(initiatepacket, "oqQN2kaI", 8);
  memcpy(initiatepacket + 8, cookie, 96);
  /* pack compressed nonce */
  memcpy(initiatepacket + 104, nonce + 16, 8);

  memcpy(initiatebox + 32, clientlongtermpk, 32);
  randombytes(initiatebox + 64, 16);
  memcpy(initiatenonce, "splonePV", 8);
  memcpy(initiatenonce + 8, initiatebox + 64, 16);

  memcpy(pubkeybox + 32, clientshorttermpk, 32);
  memcpy(pubkeybox + 64, servershorttermpk, 32);

  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_box(pubkeybox, pubkeybox, 96, initiatenonce,
      serverlongtermpk, clientlongtermsk));

  memcpy(initiatebox + 80, pubkeybox + 16, 80);

  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_box(initiatebox, initiatebox, 160, nonce,
      servershorttermpk, clientshorttermsk));

  memcpy(initiatepacket + 112, initiatebox + 16, 144);

  /* without valid certificate */
  assert_int_not_equal(0, crypto_recv_initiate(&cc, initiatepacket));

  /* all plugins are allowed to connect */
  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_recv_initiate(&cc, initiatepacket));

  /* crypto_write() test */
  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_write(&cc, (char*) allzeroboxed,
      sizeof(allzeroboxed), &write));

  /* crypto_read() test */

  /* pack message packet */
  memcpy(messagepacket, "oqQN2kaM", 8);

  /* pack compressed nonce */
  memcpy(nonce, "splonebox-client", 16);
  uint64_pack(nonce + 16, cc.nonce);
  memcpy(messagepacket + 8, nonce + 16, 8);

  uint64_pack(lengthbox + 32, 120);

  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_box(lengthbox, lengthbox, 40, nonce,
      servershorttermpk, clientshorttermsk));

  memcpy(messagepacket + 16, lengthbox + 16, 24);

  uint64_pack(nonce + 16, cc.nonce + 2);

  memset(allzeroboxed, 0, 96);
  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_box_afternm(allzeroboxed, allzeroboxed, 96, nonce,

  memcpy(messagepacket + 40, allzeroboxed + 16, 80);

  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_verify_header(&cc, messagepacket, &readlen));

  assert_int_equal(0, crypto_read(&cc, messagepacket, (char*)messagepacketout,
      readlen, &plaintextlen));
