Exemple #1
SEXP dtCMatrix_sparse_solve(SEXP a, SEXP b)
    CSP A = AS_CSP(a), B = AS_CSP(b);
    int *xp = INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_pSym, INTSXP, (B->n) + 1)),
	xnz = 10 * B->p[B->n];	/* initial estimate of nnz in x */
    int *ti = Calloc(xnz, int), k, lo = uplo_P(a)[0] == 'L', pos = 0;
    double *tx = Calloc(xnz, double);
    double  *wrk = Alloca(A->n, double);
    int *xi = Alloca(2*A->n, int);	/* for cs_reach */

    if (A->m != A->n || B->n < 1 || A->n < 1 || A->n != B->m)
	error(_("Dimensions of system to be solved are inconsistent"));
    slot_dup(ans, b, Matrix_DimSym);
    SET_DimNames(ans, b);
    xp[0] = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < B->n; k++) {
	int top = cs_spsolve (A, B, k, xi, wrk, (int *)NULL, lo);
	int nz = A->n - top, p;

	xp[k + 1] = nz + xp[k];
	if (xp[k + 1] > xnz) {
	    while (xp[k + 1] > xnz) xnz *= 2;
	    ti = Realloc(ti, xnz, int);
	    tx = Realloc(tx, xnz, double);
	if (lo)			/* increasing row order */
	    for(p = top; p < A->n; p++, pos++) {
		ti[pos] = xi[p];
		tx[pos] = wrk[xi[p]];
	else			/* decreasing order, reverse copy */
	    for(p = A->n - 1; p >= top; p--, pos++) {
		ti[pos] = xi[p];
		tx[pos] = wrk[xi[p]];
    xnz = xp[B->n];
    Memcpy(INTEGER(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_iSym, INTSXP,  xnz)), ti, xnz);
    Memcpy(   REAL(ALLOC_SLOT(ans, Matrix_xSym, REALSXP, xnz)), tx, xnz);

    Free(ti); Free(tx);
    return ans;
Exemple #2
void mexFunction
    int nargout,
    mxArray *pargout [ ],
    int nargin,
    const mxArray *pargin [ ]
    cs Umatrix, Bmatrix, *U, *B, *X ;
    double *x, *b ;
    int top, nz, p, *xi ;
    if (nargout > 1 || nargin != 2)
        mexErrMsgTxt ("Usage: x = cs_usolve(U,b)") ;
    U = cs_mex_get_sparse (&Umatrix, 1, 1, pargin [0]) ;    /* get U */
    if (mxIsSparse (pargin [1]))
        B = cs_mex_get_sparse (&Bmatrix, 0, 1, pargin [1]) ;/* get sparse b */
        cs_mex_check (0, U->n, 1, 0, 1, 1, pargin [1]) ;
        xi = cs_malloc (2*U->n, sizeof (int)) ;             /* get workspace */
        x  = cs_malloc (U->n, sizeof (double)) ;
        top = cs_spsolve (U, B, 0, xi, x, NULL, 0) ;        /* x = U\b */
        X = cs_spalloc (U->n, 1, U->n-top, 1, 0) ;          /* create sparse x*/
        X->p [0] = 0 ;
        nz = 0 ;
        for (p = top ; p < U->n ; p++)
            X->i [nz] = xi [p] ;
            X->x [nz++] = x [xi [p]] ;
        X->p [1] = nz ;
        pargout [0] = cs_mex_put_sparse (&X) ;
        cs_free (x) ;
        cs_free (xi) ;
        b = cs_mex_get_double (U->n, pargin [1]) ;          /* get full b */
        x = cs_mex_put_double (U->n, b, &(pargout [0])) ;   /* x = b */
        cs_usolve (U, x) ;                                  /* x = U\x */
/* [L,U,pinv]=lu(A, [q lnz unz]). lnz and unz can be guess */
csn *cs_lu (const cs *A, const css *S, double tol)
    cs *L, *U ;
    csn *N ;
    double pivot, *Lx, *Ux, *x,  a, t ;
    int *Lp, *Li, *Up, *Ui, *pinv, *xi, *q, n, ipiv, k, top, p, i, col, lnz,unz;
    if (!CS_CSC (A) || !S) return (NULL) ;          /* check inputs */
    n = A->n ;
    q = S->q ; lnz = S->lnz ; unz = S->unz ;
    x = cs_malloc (n, sizeof (double)) ;            /* get double workspace */
    xi = cs_malloc (2*n, sizeof (int)) ;            /* get int workspace */
    N = cs_calloc (1, sizeof (csn)) ;               /* allocate result */
    if (!x || !xi || !N) return (cs_ndone (N, NULL, xi, x, 0)) ;
    N->L = L = cs_spalloc (n, n, lnz, 1, 0) ;       /* allocate result L */
    N->U = U = cs_spalloc (n, n, unz, 1, 0) ;       /* allocate result U */
    N->pinv = pinv = cs_malloc (n, sizeof (int)) ;  /* allocate result pinv */
    if (!L || !U || !pinv) return (cs_ndone (N, NULL, xi, x, 0)) ;
    Lp = L->p ; Up = U->p ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) x [i] = 0 ;           /* clear workspace */
    for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) pinv [i] = -1 ;       /* no rows pivotal yet */
    for (k = 0 ; k <= n ; k++) Lp [k] = 0 ;         /* no cols of L yet */
    lnz = unz = 0 ;
    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)       /* compute L(:,k) and U(:,k) */
        /* --- Triangular solve --------------------------------------------- */
        Lp [k] = lnz ;              /* L(:,k) starts here */
        Up [k] = unz ;              /* U(:,k) starts here */
        if ((lnz + n > L->nzmax && !cs_sprealloc (L, 2*L->nzmax + n)) ||
            (unz + n > U->nzmax && !cs_sprealloc (U, 2*U->nzmax + n)))
            return (cs_ndone (N, NULL, xi, x, 0)) ;
        Li = L->i ; Lx = L->x ; Ui = U->i ; Ux = U->x ;
        col = q ? (q [k]) : k ;
        top = cs_spsolve (L, A, col, xi, x, pinv, 1) ;  /* x = L\A(:,col) */
        /* --- Find pivot --------------------------------------------------- */
        ipiv = -1 ;
        a = -1 ;
        for (p = top ; p < n ; p++)
            i = xi [p] ;            /* x(i) is nonzero */
            if (pinv [i] < 0)       /* row i is not yet pivotal */
                if ((t = fabs (x [i])) > a)
                    a = t ;         /* largest pivot candidate so far */
                    ipiv = i ;
            else                    /* x(i) is the entry U(pinv[i],k) */
                Ui [unz] = pinv [i] ;
                Ux [unz++] = x [i] ;
        if (ipiv == -1 || a <= 0)
			return (cs_ndone (N, NULL, xi, x, 0)) ;
        if (pinv [col] < 0 && fabs (x [col]) >= a*tol) ipiv = col ;
        /* --- Divide by pivot ---------------------------------------------- */
        pivot = x [ipiv] ;          /* the chosen pivot */
        Ui [unz] = k ;              /* last entry in U(:,k) is U(k,k) */
        Ux [unz++] = pivot ;
        pinv [ipiv] = k ;           /* ipiv is the kth pivot row */
        Li [lnz] = ipiv ;           /* first entry in L(:,k) is L(k,k) = 1 */
        Lx [lnz++] = 1 ;
        for (p = top ; p < n ; p++) /* L(k+1:n,k) = x / pivot */
            i = xi [p] ;
            if (pinv [i] < 0)       /* x(i) is an entry in L(:,k) */
                Li [lnz] = i ;      /* save unpermuted row in L */
                Lx [lnz++] = x [i] / pivot ;    /* scale pivot column */
            x [i] = 0 ;             /* x [0..n-1] = 0 for next k */
    /* --- Finalize L and U ------------------------------------------------- */
    Lp [n] = lnz ;
    Up [n] = unz ;
    Li = L->i ;                     /* fix row indices of L for final pinv */
    for (p = 0 ; p < lnz ; p++) Li [p] = pinv [Li [p]] ;
    cs_sprealloc (L, 0) ;           /* remove extra space from L and U */
    cs_sprealloc (U, 0) ;
    return (cs_ndone (N, NULL, xi, x, 1)) ;     /* success */