** Impl of /json/dir. 98% of it was taken directly
** from browse.c::page_dir()
static cson_value * json_page_dir_list(){
  cson_object * zPayload = NULL; /* return value */
  cson_array * zEntries = NULL; /* accumulated list of entries. */
  cson_object * zEntry = NULL;  /* a single dir/file entry. */
  cson_array * keyStore = NULL; /* garbage collector for shared strings. */
  cson_string * zKeyName = NULL;
  cson_string * zKeySize = NULL;
  cson_string * zKeyIsDir = NULL;
  cson_string * zKeyUuid = NULL;
  cson_string * zKeyTime = NULL;
  cson_string * zKeyRaw = NULL;
  char * zD = NULL;
  char const * zDX = NULL;
  int nD;
  char * zUuid = NULL;
  char const * zCI = NULL;
  Manifest * pM = NULL;
  Stmt q = empty_Stmt;
  int rid = 0;
  if( !g.perm.Read ){
    json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 'o' permissions.");
    return NULL;
  zCI = json_find_option_cstr("checkin",NULL,"ci" );

  /* If a specific check-in is requested, fetch and parse it.  If the
  ** specific check-in does not exist, clear zCI.  zCI==0 will cause all
  ** files from all check-ins to be displayed.
  if( zCI && *zCI ){
    pM = manifest_get_by_name(zCI, &rid);
    if( pM ){
      zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid);
                   "Checkin name [%s] is unresolved.",
      return NULL;

  /* Jump through some hoops to find the directory name... */
  zDX = json_find_option_cstr("name",NULL,NULL);
  if(!zDX && !g.isHTTP){
    zDX = json_command_arg(g.json.dispatchDepth+1);
  if(zDX && (!*zDX || (0==strcmp(zDX,"/")))){
    zDX = NULL;
  zD = zDX ? fossil_strdup(zDX) : NULL;
  nD = zD ? strlen(zD)+1 : 0;
  while( nD>1 && zD[nD-2]=='/' ){ zD[(--nD)-1] = 0; }

  sqlite3_create_function(g.db, "pathelement", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
                          pathelementFunc, 0, 0);

  /* Compute the temporary table "localfiles" containing the names
  ** of all files and subdirectories in the zD[] directory.
  ** Subdirectory names begin with "/".  This causes them to sort
  ** first and it also gives us an easy way to distinguish files
  ** from directories in the loop that follows.

  if( zCI ){
    Stmt ins;
    ManifestFile *pFile;
    ManifestFile *pPrev = 0;
    int nPrev = 0;
    int c;

                  "CREATE TEMP TABLE json_dir_files("
                  "  n UNIQUE NOT NULL," /* file name */
                  "  fn UNIQUE NOT NULL," /* full file name */
                  "  u DEFAULT NULL," /* file uuid */
                  "  sz DEFAULT -1," /* file size */
                  "  mtime DEFAULT NULL" /* file mtime in unix epoch format */

               "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO json_dir_files (n,fn,u,sz,mtime) "
               "  pathelement(:path,0),"
               "  CASE WHEN %Q IS NULL THEN '' ELSE %Q||'/' END ||:abspath,"
               "  a.uuid,"
               "  a.size,"
               "  CAST(strftime('%%s',e.mtime) AS INTEGER) "
               "  mlink m, "
               "  event e,"
               "  blob a,"
               "  blob b "
               " e.objid=m.mid"
               " AND a.rid=m.fid"/*FILE artifact*/
               " AND b.rid=m.mid"/*CHECKIN artifact*/
               " AND a.uuid=:uuid",
               zD, zD
    while( (pFile = manifest_file_next(pM,0))!=0 ){
      if( nD>0
        && ((pFile->zName[nD-1]!='/') || (0!=memcmp(pFile->zName, zD, nD-1)))
      /*printf("zD=%s, nD=%d, pFile->zName=%s\n", zD, nD, pFile->zName);*/
      if( pPrev
       && memcmp(&pFile->zName[nD],&pPrev->zName[nD],nPrev)==0
       && (pFile->zName[nD+nPrev]==0 || pFile->zName[nD+nPrev]=='/')
      db_bind_text( &ins, ":path", &pFile->zName[nD] );
      db_bind_text( &ins, ":abspath", &pFile->zName[nD] );
      db_bind_text( &ins, ":uuid", pFile->zUuid );
      pPrev = pFile;
      for(nPrev=0; (c=pPrev->zName[nD+nPrev]) && c!='/'; nPrev++){}
      if( c=='/' ) nPrev++;
  }else if( zD && *zD ){
      "CREATE TEMP VIEW json_dir_files AS"
      " SELECT DISTINCT(pathelement(name,%d)) AS n,"
      " %Q||'/'||name AS fn,"
      " NULL AS u, NULL AS sz, NULL AS mtime"
      " FROM filename"
      "  WHERE name GLOB '%q/*'"
      " GROUP BY n",
      nD, zD, zD
      "CREATE TEMP VIEW json_dir_files"
      " AS SELECT DISTINCT(pathelement(name,0)) AS n, NULL AS fn"
      " FROM filename"

    db_prepare( &q, "SELECT"
                "  n as name,"
                "  fn as fullname,"
                "  u as uuid,"
                "  sz as size,"
                "  mtime as mtime "
                "FROM json_dir_files ORDER BY n");
  }else{/* UUIDs are all NULL. */
    db_prepare( &q, "SELECT n, fn FROM json_dir_files ORDER BY n");

  zKeyName = cson_new_string("name",4);
  zKeyUuid = cson_new_string("uuid",4);
  zKeyIsDir = cson_new_string("isDir",5);
  keyStore = cson_new_array();
  cson_array_append( keyStore, cson_string_value(zKeyName) );
  cson_array_append( keyStore, cson_string_value(zKeyUuid) );
  cson_array_append( keyStore, cson_string_value(zKeyIsDir) );

  if( zCI ){
    zKeySize = cson_new_string("size",4);
    cson_array_append( keyStore, cson_string_value(zKeySize) );
    zKeyTime = cson_new_string("timestamp",9);
    cson_array_append( keyStore, cson_string_value(zKeyTime) );
    zKeyRaw = cson_new_string("downloadPath",12);
    cson_array_append( keyStore, cson_string_value(zKeyRaw) );
  zPayload = cson_new_object();
  cson_object_set_s( zPayload, zKeyName,
                     json_new_string((zD&&*zD) ? zD : "/") );
  if( zUuid ){
    cson_object_set( zPayload, "checkin", json_new_string(zUuid) );

  while( (SQLITE_ROW==db_step(&q)) ){
    cson_value * name = NULL;
    char const * n = db_column_text(&q,0);
    char const isDir = ('/'==*n);
    zEntry = cson_new_object();
      zEntries = cson_new_array();
      cson_object_set( zPayload, "entries", cson_array_value(zEntries) );
    cson_array_append(zEntries, cson_object_value(zEntry) );
      name = json_new_string( n+1 );
      cson_object_set_s(zEntry, zKeyIsDir, cson_value_true() );
    } else{
      name = json_new_string( n );
    cson_object_set_s(zEntry, zKeyName, name );
    if( zCI && !isDir){
      /* Don't add the uuid/size for dir entries - that data refers to
         one of the files in that directory :/. Entries with no
         --checkin may refer to N versions, and therefore we cannot
         associate a single size and uuid with them (and fetching all
         would be overkill for most use cases).
      char const * fullName = db_column_text(&q,1);
      char const * u = db_column_text(&q,2);
      sqlite_int64 const sz = db_column_int64(&q,3);
      sqlite_int64 const ts = db_column_int64(&q,4);
      cson_object_set_s(zEntry, zKeyUuid, json_new_string( u ) );
      cson_object_set_s(zEntry, zKeySize,
                        cson_value_new_integer( (cson_int_t)sz ));
      cson_object_set_s(zEntry, zKeyTime,
          cson_value_new_integer( (cson_int_t)ts ));
      cson_object_set_s(zEntry, zKeyRaw,
                                          fullName, u));
  cson_free_array( keyStore );

  free( zUuid );
  free( zD );
  return cson_object_value(zPayload);
Exemple #2
** Expects pUser to contain fossil user fields in JSON form: name,
** uid, info, capabilities, password.
** At least one of (name, uid) must be included. All others are
** optional and their db fields will not be updated if those fields
** are not included in pUser.
** If uid is specified then name may refer to a _new_ name
** for a user, otherwise the name must refer to an existing user.
** If uid=-1 then the name must be specified and a new user is
** created (fails if one already exists).
** If uid is not set, this function might modify pUser to contain the
** db-found (or inserted) user ID.
** On error g.json's error state is set and one of the FSL_JSON_E_xxx
** values from FossilJsonCodes is returned.
** On success the db record for the given user is updated.
** Requires either Admin, Setup, or Password access. Non-admin/setup
** users can only change their own information. Non-setup users may
** not modify the 's' permission. Admin users without setup
** permissions may not edit any other user who has the 's' permission.
int json_user_update_from_json( cson_object * pUser ){
#define CSTR(X) cson_string_cstr(cson_value_get_string( cson_object_get(pUser, X ) ))
  char const * zName = CSTR("name");
  char const * zNameNew = zName;
  char * zNameFree = NULL;
  char const * zInfo = CSTR("info");
  char const * zCap = CSTR("capabilities");
  char const * zPW = CSTR("password");
  cson_value const * forceLogout = cson_object_get(pUser, "forceLogout");
  int gotFields = 0;
#undef CSTR
  cson_int_t uid = cson_value_get_integer( cson_object_get(pUser, "uid") );
  char const tgtHasSetup = zCap && (NULL!=strchr(zCap, 's'));
  char tgtHadSetup = 0;
  Blob sql = empty_blob;
  Stmt q = empty_Stmt;

#if 0
  if(!g.perm.Admin && !g.perm.Setup && !g.perm.Password){
    return json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_DENIED,
                         "Password change requires 'a', 's', "
                         "or 'p' permissions.");
  if(uid<=0 && (!zName||!*zName)){
    return json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS,
                        "One of 'uid' or 'name' is required.");
  }else if(uid>0){
    zNameFree = db_text(NULL, "SELECT login FROM user WHERE uid=%d",uid);
      return json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND,
                          "No login found for uid %d.", uid);
    zName = zNameFree;
  }else if(-1==uid){
    /* try to create a new user */
    if(!g.perm.Admin && !g.perm.Setup){
                   "Requires 'a' or 's' privileges.");
      goto error;
    }else if(!zName || !*zName){
                   "No name specified for new user.");
      goto error;
    }else if( db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE login=%Q", zName) ){
                   "User %s already exists.", zName);
      goto error;
      Stmt ins = empty_Stmt;
      db_prepare(&ins, "INSERT INTO user (login) VALUES(%Q)",zName);
      db_step( &ins );
      uid = db_int(0,"SELECT uid FROM user WHERE login=%Q", zName);
      zNameNew = zName;
      cson_object_set( pUser, "uid", cson_value_new_integer(uid) );
    uid = db_int(0,"SELECT uid FROM user WHERE login=%Q", zName);
                   "No login found for user [%s].", zName);
      goto error;
    cson_object_set( pUser, "uid", cson_value_new_integer(uid) );

  /* Maintenance note: all error-returns from here on out should go
     via 'goto error' in order to clean up.
  if(uid != g.userUid){
    if(!g.perm.Admin && !g.perm.Setup){
                   "Changing another user's data requires "
                   "'a' or 's' privileges.");
      goto error;
  /* check if the target uid currently has setup rights. */
  tgtHadSetup = db_int(0,"SELECT 1 FROM user where uid=%d"
                       " AND cap GLOB '*s*'", uid);

  if((tgtHasSetup || tgtHadSetup) && !g.perm.Setup){
      Do not allow a non-setup user to set or remove setup
      privileges. setup.c uses similar logic.
                 "Modifying 's' users/privileges requires "
                 "'s' privileges.");
    goto error;
    Potential todo: do not allow a setup user to remove 's' from
    himself, to avoid locking himself out?

  blob_append(&sql, "UPDATE user SET",-1 );
  blob_append(&sql, " mtime=cast(strftime('%s') AS INTEGER)", -1);

  if((uid>0) && zNameNew){
    /* Check for name change... */
      if( (!g.perm.Admin && !g.perm.Setup)
          && (zName != zNameNew)){
        json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_DENIED,
                      "Modifying user names requires 'a' or 's' privileges.");
        goto error;
      forceLogout = cson_value_true()
        /* reminders: 1) does not allocate.
           2) we do this because changing a name
           invalidates any login token because the old name
           is part of the token hash.
      blob_append_sql(&sql, ", login=%Q", zNameNew);

  if( zCap && *zCap ){
    if(!g.perm.Admin || !g.perm.Setup){
      /* we "could" arguably silently ignore cap in this case. */
                   "Changing capabilities requires 'a' or 's' privileges.");
      goto error;
    blob_append_sql(&sql, ", cap=%Q", zCap);

  if( zPW && *zPW ){
    if(!g.perm.Admin && !g.perm.Setup && !g.perm.Password){
      json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_DENIED,
                    "Password change requires 'a', 's', "
                    "or 'p' permissions.");
      goto error;
#define TRY_LOGIN_GROUP 0 /* login group support is not yet implemented. */
      char * zPWHash = NULL;
      zPWHash = sha1_shared_secret(zPW, zNameNew ? zNameNew : zName, NULL);
      blob_append_sql(&sql, ", pw=%Q", zPWHash);
      blob_append_sql(&sql, ", pw=coalesce(shared_secret(%Q,%Q,"
                   "(SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='project-code')))",
                   zPW, zNameNew ? zNameNew : zName);
      /* shared_secret() func is undefined? */

  if( zInfo ){
    blob_append_sql(&sql, ", info=%Q", zInfo);

  if((g.perm.Admin || g.perm.Setup)
     && forceLogout && cson_value_get_bool(forceLogout)){
    blob_append(&sql, ", cookie=NULL, cexpire=NULL", -1);
    json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS,
                  "Required user data are missing.");
    goto error;
  blob_append_sql(&sql, " WHERE uid=%d", uid);
#else /* need name for login group support :/ */
  blob_append_sql(&sql, " WHERE login=%Q", zName);
#if 0
  cson_output_FILE( cson_object_value(pUser), stdout, NULL );
  db_prepare(&q, "%s", blob_sql_text(&sql));
  if( zPW || cson_value_get_bool(forceLogout) ){
    Blob groupSql = empty_blob;
    char * zErr = NULL;
      "INSERT INTO user(login)"
      zName, zName
    blob_append(&groupSql, blob_str(&sql), blob_size(&sql));
    login_group_sql(blob_str(&groupSql), NULL, NULL, &zErr);
    if( zErr ){
      json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN,
                    "Repo-group update at least partially failed: %s",
      goto error;
#endif /* TRY_LOGIN_GROUP */


  free( zNameFree );
  return 0;

  assert(0 != g.json.resultCode);
  return g.json.resultCode;