Exemple #1
GtkTextBuffer *ctk_config_create_help(CtkConfig *ctk_config, GtkTextTagTable *table)
    GtkTextIter i;
    GtkTextBuffer *b;

    b = gtk_text_buffer_new(table);
    gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(b, &i, 0);

    ctk_help_title(b, &i, "nvidia-settings Configuration Help");

    ctk_help_data_list_print_sections(b, &i, ctk_config->help_data);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Active Timers");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "Some attributes are polled periodically "
                  "to ensure the reported values are up-to-date.  "
                  "Each row in the 'Active Timers' table reflects "
                  "the configuration of one of these timers and "
                  "controls how frequently, if at all, a given "
                  "attribute is polled.  The 'Description' field "
                  "describes the function of a timer, the 'Enabled' "
                  "field allows enabling/disabling it, the 'Time "
                  "Interval' field controls the delay between two "
                  "consecutive polls (in milliseconds).  The Active "
                  "Timers table is only visible when timers are active.");

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Save Current Configuration");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __save_current_config_help);


    return b;
} /* create_help() */
Exemple #2
static void help_data_list_print_helper(GtkTextBuffer *b,
                                        GtkTextIter *i,
                                        GList *help_data_list,
                                        gboolean use_headings)
    CtkHelpDataItem *item;
    GList *cur;
    GString *temp_string;

    temp_string = g_string_new("");
    for (cur = help_data_list; cur; cur = cur->next) {
        item = (CtkHelpDataItem *)cur->data;
        if (use_headings) {
            ctk_help_heading(b, i, "%s", item->label);
        } else {
            ctk_help_term(b, i, "%s", item->label);
        g_string_printf(temp_string, "%s", item->help_text);
        if (item->extended_help_text) {
            g_string_append_printf(temp_string, " %s",
        ctk_help_para(b, i, "%s", temp_string->str);

    g_string_free(temp_string, TRUE);
void add_image_sliders_help(CtkImageSliders *ctk_image_sliders,
                            GtkTextBuffer *b,
                            GtkTextIter *i)
    ctk_help_heading(b, i, "Digital Vibrance");
    ctk_help_para(b, i, "Digital Vibrance, a mechanism for "
                  "controlling color separation and intensity, boosts "
                  "the color saturation of an image so that all images "
                  "including 2D, 3D, and video appear brighter and "
                  "crisper (even on flat panels) in your applications.");

    ctk_help_heading(b, i, "Image Sharpening");
    ctk_help_para(b, i, "Use the Image Sharpening slider to adjust the "
                  "sharpness of the image quality by amplifying high "
                  "frequency content.");
} /* add_image_sliders_help() */
GtkTextBuffer* ctk_gvo_sync_create_help(GtkTextTagTable *table,
                                        CtkGvoSync *ctk_gvo_sync)
    GtkTextIter i;
    GtkTextBuffer *b;

    b = gtk_text_buffer_new(table);
    gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(b, &i, 0);

    ctk_help_title(b, &i, "GVO (Graphics to Video Out) Synchronization "
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "This page gives access to configuration of the "
                  "SDI synchronization options.");

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Input Video Format");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __input_video_format_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Input Video Format Detect");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __input_video_format_detect_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Composite Termination");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s.  This allows the composite signal to be daisy "
                  "chained from a server load.",
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Sync Mode");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __sync_mode_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Sync Format");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __sync_format_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Sync Status");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __sync_status_help);

    if ( ctk_gvo_sync->caps & NV_CTRL_GVO_CAPABILITIES_ADVANCE_SYNC_SKEW ) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "HSync Advance");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __hsync_advance_help);
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "VSync Advance");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __vsync_advance_help);
    } else {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "HSync Delay");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __hsync_delay_help);
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "VSync Delay");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __vsync_delay_help);


    return b;
void ctk_help_reset_hardware_defaults(GtkTextBuffer *b, GtkTextIter *i,
                                      char *name)
    ctk_help_heading(b, i, "Reset Hardware Defaults");
    ctk_help_para(b, i, "The Reset Hardware Defaults button restores "
                  "the %s settings to their default "
                  "values.", name);

Exemple #6
 * GPU overclocking help screen.
GtkTextBuffer *ctk_clocks_create_help(GtkTextTagTable *table,
                                      CtkClocks *ctk_object)
    GtkTextIter i;
    GtkTextBuffer *b;
    b = gtk_text_buffer_new(table);
    gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(b, &i, 0);

    ctk_help_title(b, &i, "Clock Frequency Overclocking Help");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i,
                  "WARNING: Overclocking has the potential of destroying your "
                  "graphics card, CPU, RAM and any other component.  It may "
                  "also reduce the life expectancy of your components and "
                  "void manufacturer warranties.  DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK."
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Enabling Clock Frequencies");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __enable_button_help);
    ctk_help_para(b, &i,
                  "GPU Overclocking functionality is currently limited to "
                  "GeForce FX and newer non-mobile GPUs."
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "2D/3D Clock Frequencies");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i,
                  "The 2D clock frequencies are the standard clock "
                  "frequencies used when only 2D applications are running."
    ctk_help_para(b, &i,
                  "The 3D clock frequencies are the performance clock "
                  "frequencies used when running 3D applications."
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Graphics Clock Frequency");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __graphics_clock_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Memory Clock Frequency");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __mem_clock_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Applying Custom Clock Frequencies");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __apply_button_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Auto Detect Optimal 3D Clock Frequencies");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __detect_button_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Canceling Optimal 3D Clock Frequency Auto-"
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __cancel_button_help);
    ctk_help_para(b, &i,
                  "This button is only available if the Optimal "
                  "clocks are currently being probed.");
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Restoring Hardware Default Frequencies");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __reset_button_help);


    return b;

} /* ctk_clocks_create_help() */
GtkTextBuffer *ctk_display_device_tv_create_help(GtkTextTagTable *table,
    GtkTextIter i;
    GtkTextBuffer *b;
    GtkTooltipsData *td;

    b = gtk_text_buffer_new(table);
    gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(b, &i, 0);

    ctk_help_title(b, &i, "%s Help", ctk_display_device_tv->name);

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "TV Overscan");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __tv_overscan_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "TV Flicker Filter");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __tv_flicker_filter_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "TV Brightness");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __tv_brightness_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "TV Hue");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __tv_hue_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "TV Contrast");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __tv_contrast_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "TV Saturation");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __tv_saturation_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "TV Encoder name");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __tv_encoder_name_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "TV Refresh rate");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __tv_refresh_rate_help);
        (CTK_IMAGE_SLIDERS(ctk_display_device_tv->image_sliders), b, &i);

    add_acquire_edid_help(b, &i);

    td = gtk_tooltips_data_get(GTK_WIDGET(ctk_display_device_tv->reset_button));
    ctk_help_reset_hardware_defaults (b, &i, td->tip_text);


    return b;
} /* ctk_display_device_tv_create_help() */
GtkTextBuffer *ctk_display_device_create_help(GtkTextTagTable *table,
                                              CtkDisplayDevice *ctk_object)
    GtkTextIter i;
    GtkTextBuffer *b;
    gchar *tip_text;
    int j;

    b = gtk_text_buffer_new(table);

    gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(b, &i, 0);

    ctk_help_title(b, &i, "%s Help", ctk_object->name);

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Device Information");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __info_help);

    for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_LEN(__info_entry_data); j++) {
        InfoEntryData *entryData = __info_entry_data+j;
        InfoEntry *entry = ctk_object->info_entries+j;

        if (entry->present) {
            ctk_help_term(b, &i, "%s", entryData->str);
            ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", *entryData->tooltip);

    add_acquire_edid_help(b, &i);

        (CTK_COLOR_CONTROLS(ctk_object->color_controls), b, &i);

        (CTK_DITHERING_CONTROLS(ctk_object->dithering_controls), b, &i);

        (CTK_IMAGE_SLIDERS(ctk_object->image_sliders), b, &i);

    if (ctk_object->color_correction_available) {
        ctk_color_correction_tab_help(b, &i, "X Server Color Correction", TRUE);

    tip_text = ctk_widget_get_tooltip_text(GTK_WIDGET(ctk_object->reset_button));
    ctk_help_reset_hardware_defaults(b, &i, tip_text);


    return b;

} /* ctk_display_device_create_help() */
 * add_dithering_controls_help() -
void add_dithering_controls_help(CtkDitheringControls *ctk_dithering_controls,
                                 GtkTextBuffer *b,
                                 GtkTextIter *i)
    ctk_help_heading(b, i, "Dithering Controls");
    ctk_help_para(b, i, __dithering_help);

    ctk_help_term(b, i, "Dithering");
    ctk_help_para(b, i, __dithering_config_help);

    ctk_help_term(b, i, "Mode");
    ctk_help_para(b, i, __dithering_mode_help);

    ctk_help_term(b, i, "Depth");
    ctk_help_para(b, i, __dithering_depth_help);
} /* add_dithering_controls_help() */
Exemple #10
GtkTextBuffer *ctk_xvideo_create_help(GtkTextTagTable *table,
                                      CtkXVideo *ctk_xvideo)
    GtkTextIter i;
    GtkTextBuffer *b;

    b = gtk_text_buffer_new(table);

    gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(b, &i, 0);

    ctk_help_title(b, &i, "X Server XVideo Settings Help");

    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "The X Server XVideo Settings page uses the XVideo "
                  "X extension.");

    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_SYNC_TO_DISPLAY) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Sync to this display device");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __xv_sync_to_display_help);


    return b;
Exemple #11
 * VCS help screen
GtkTextBuffer *ctk_vcs_create_help(GtkTextTagTable *table,
                                    CtkVcs *ctk_object)
    GtkTextIter i;
    GtkTextBuffer *b;
    b = gtk_text_buffer_new(table);
    gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(b, &i, 0);

    ctk_help_title(b, &i, "VCS (Visual Computing System) Help");

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Product Name");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "This is the product name of the VCS.");
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Serial Number");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "This is the unique serial number of the VCS.");

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Build Date");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "This is the date the VCS was build, "
                  "shown in a 'week.year' format");

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Product ID");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "This identifies the VCS configuration.");

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Firmware Version");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "This is the firmware version currently running on "
                  "the VCS.");

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Hardware Version");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "This is the hardware version of the VCS.");


    return b;
Exemple #12
GtkTextBuffer *ctk_ecc_create_help(GtkTextTagTable *table,
                                   CtkEcc *ctk_ecc)
    GtkTextIter i;
    GtkTextBuffer *b;

    b = gtk_text_buffer_new(table);

    gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(b, &i, 0);

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "ECC Settings Help");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __ecc_settings_help);

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "ECC");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __ecc_status_help);

    if (ctk_ecc->sbit_error_available && ctk_ecc->dbit_error_available) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Single-bit ECC Errors");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __sbit_error_help);
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Double-bit ECC Errors");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __dbit_error_help);
    if (ctk_ecc->aggregate_sbit_error_available &&
            ctk_ecc->aggregate_dbit_error_available) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Aggregate Single-bit ECC Errors");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __aggregate_sbit_error_help);
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Aggregate Double-bit ECC Errors");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __aggregate_dbit_error_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "ECC Configuration");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __configuration_status_help);

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Enable ECC");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __ecc_status_help);

    if (ctk_ecc->sbit_error_available && ctk_ecc->dbit_error_available) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Clear ECC Errors");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __clear_button_help);
    if (ctk_ecc->aggregate_sbit_error_available &&
            ctk_ecc->aggregate_dbit_error_available) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Clear Aggregate ECC Errors");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __clear_aggregate_button_help);

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Reset Default Configuration");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "%s", __reset_default_config_button_help);


    return b;
Exemple #13
void ctk_help_reset_hardware_defaults(GtkTextBuffer *b, GtkTextIter *i,
                                      gchar *text)
    ctk_help_heading(b, i, "Reset Hardware Defaults");
    ctk_help_para(b, i, "%s", text);
GtkTextBuffer *ctk_display_device_dfp_create_help(GtkTextTagTable *table,
    GtkTextIter i;
    GtkTextBuffer *b;
    b = gtk_text_buffer_new(table);
    gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(b, &i, 0);
    ctk_help_title(b, &i, "%s Help", ctk_display_device_dfp->name);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Flat Panel Information");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __info_help);
    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Chip Location");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "Report whether the flat panel is driven by "
                  "the on-chip controller (internal), or a "
                  "separate controller chip elsewhere on the "
                  "graphics board (external).");
    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Link");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "Report whether the specified display device "
                  "is driven by a single link or dual link DVI "
    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Signal");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "Report whether the flat panel is driven by "
                  "an LVDS, TMDS, or DisplayPort signal.");

    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Native Resolution");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __native_res_help);

    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Best Fit Resolution");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __best_fit_res_help);

    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Frontend Resolution");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __frontend_res_help);

    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Backend Resolution");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __backend_res_help);
    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Refresh Rate");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __refresh_rate_help);

    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Flat Panel Scaling");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __scaling_help);
    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Force Full GPU Scaling");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __force_gpu_scaling_help);
    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Scaling");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "Reports whether the GPU and/or DFP are actively "
                  "scaling the current resolution.");
    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Stretched");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "The image will be expanded to fit the entire "
                  "flat panel.");
    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Centered");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "The image will only occupy the number of pixels "
                  "needed and be centered on the flat panel.  Setting this "
                  "will disable image sharpening for the display device.");
    ctk_help_term(b, &i, "Aspect Ratio Scaled");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "The image will be scaled (retaining the original "
                  "aspect ratio) to expand and fit as much of the entire "
                  "flat panel as possible.");

    if (ctk_display_device_dfp->color_controls) {
            (CTK_COLOR_CONTROLS(ctk_display_device_dfp->color_controls), b, &i);
    if (ctk_display_device_dfp->dithering_controls) {
            (CTK_DITHERING_CONTROLS(ctk_display_device_dfp->dithering_controls), b, &i);

        (CTK_IMAGE_SLIDERS(ctk_display_device_dfp->image_sliders), b, &i);
    if (ctk_display_device_dfp->edid) {
        add_acquire_edid_help(b, &i);

    ctk_help_reset_hardware_defaults(b, &i, ctk_display_device_dfp->name);

    return b;
} /* ctk_display_device_dfp_create_help() */
GtkTextBuffer *ctk_xvideo_create_help(GtkTextTagTable *table,
                                      CtkXVideo *ctk_xvideo)
    GtkTextIter i;
    GtkTextBuffer *b;

    b = gtk_text_buffer_new(table);
    gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(b, &i, 0);

    ctk_help_title(b, &i, "X Server XVideo Settings Help");

    ctk_help_para(b, &i, "The X Server XVideo Settings page uses the XVideo "
                  "X extension.");

    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_OVERLAY_SATURATION) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Video Overlay Saturation");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_overlay_saturation_help);
    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_OVERLAY_CONTRAST) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Video Overlay Contrast");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_overlay_contrast_help);
    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_OVERLAY_BRIGHTNESS) {   
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Video Overlay Brightness");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_overlay_brightness_help);
    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_OVERLAY_HUE) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Video Overlay Hue");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_overlay_hue_help);
    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_TEXTURE_SYNC_TO_VBLANK) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Video Texture Sync To VBlank");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_texture_sync_to_vblank_help);
    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_TEXTURE_BRIGHTNESS) {   
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Video Texture Brightness");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_texture_brightness_help);

    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_TEXTURE_CONTRAST) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Video Texture Contrast");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_texture_contrast_help);
    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_TEXTURE_HUE) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Video Texture Hue");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_texture_hue_help);
    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_TEXTURE_SATURATION) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Video Texture Saturation");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_texture_saturation_help);

    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_BLITTER_SYNC_TO_VBLANK) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Video Blitter Sync To VBlank");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_blitter_sync_to_vblank_help);
    if (ctk_xvideo->active_attributes & __XV_SYNC_TO_DISPLAY) {
        ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Sync to this display device");
        ctk_help_para(b, &i, __xv_sync_to_display_help);
    ctk_help_heading(b, &i, "Reset Hardware Defaults");
    ctk_help_para(b, &i, __reset_button_help);


    return b;