Exemple #1
// ctmLoad()
CTMEXPORT void CTMCALL ctmLoad(CTMcontext aContext, const char * aFileName)
  _CTMcontext * self = (_CTMcontext *) aContext;
  FILE * f;
  if(!self) return;

  // You are only allowed to load data in import mode
  if(self->mMode != CTM_IMPORT)
    self->mError = CTM_INVALID_OPERATION;

  // Open file stream
  f = fopen(aFileName, "rb");
    self->mError = CTM_FILE_ERROR;

  // Load the file
  ctmLoadCustom(self, _ctmDefaultRead, (void *) f);

  // Close file stream
Exemple #2
/* Import OpenCTM file */
int dlImportOCTM( dlObject* object, const char *file, int bAnimated )
   FILE *f;
   CTMcontext context;
   CTMuint  vertCount, triCount, uvCount, attribCount;
   const CTMuint *indices;
   const CTMfloat *vertices, *normals, *coords, *attribs;
   CTMenum  error;
   unsigned int i, i2; /* the god of iterators, and his child */
   const char *textureFilename, *comment, *attribName;
   char *texturePath = NULL;

   LOGINFOP("Attempt to load: %s", file);

   /* obiviously we need a import context
    * HEY! Maybe CTM_EXPORT would work!? */
   context = ctmNewContext( CTM_IMPORT );

   /* check if we fail at context creation */
      LOGERR("I suck at context creation");

      RET("%d", RETURN_FAIL);
      return( RETURN_FAIL );

   /* Yush! Open the file */
   f = fopen( (char*)file, "rb" );
      LOGERRP("File: %s, could not open", file);

      RET("%d", RETURN_FAIL);
      return( RETURN_FAIL );

   /* I think, i fell love with this API */
   ctmLoadCustom( context, (CTMreadfn)readOCTMFile, f );

   /* What's the magic word to close it? */

   /* lets just hope that it does not have any errors */
   if((error = ctmGetError(context)) != CTM_NONE)
      /* Go! Pikachu! Use the printf! */
      LOGERRP("%s", ctmErrorString( error ));

      RET("%d", RETURN_FAIL);
      return( RETURN_FAIL );

   /* so far all good, lets do this! */
   vertCount   = ctmGetInteger( context, CTM_VERTEX_COUNT );
   vertices    = ctmGetFloatArray( context, CTM_VERTICES );
   triCount    = ctmGetInteger( context, CTM_TRIANGLE_COUNT );
   indices     = ctmGetIntegerArray( context, CTM_INDICES );
   uvCount     = ctmGetInteger( context, CTM_UV_MAP_COUNT );
   attribCount = ctmGetInteger( context, CTM_ATTRIB_MAP_COUNT );

   comment   = ctmGetString( context, CTM_FILE_COMMENT );
   if( comment )

   /* ok, we go the info..
    * now.. how to deal with it? */
   dlResetVertexBuffer( object->vbo, vertCount );
   dlResetIndexBuffer( object->ibo, triCount * 3 );

   /* indices */
   i = 0;
   for(; i != triCount * 3; ++i)
      dlInsertIndex( object->ibo,
                     indices[i]  );

   /* vertices */
   i = 0;
   for(; i != vertCount; ++i)
      dlInsertVertex( object->vbo,
                      vertices[ i * 3 ],
                      vertices[ i * 3 + 1 ],
                      vertices[ i * 3 + 2 ]  );

   /* texture coords */
   i = 0;
   while( i != uvCount )
      coords = ctmGetFloatArray( context, CTM_UV_MAP_1 + i );
      dlResetCoordBuffer( object->vbo, i, vertCount );

      /* get texture filename */
      textureFilename = ctmGetUVMapString( context, CTM_UV_MAP_1 + i, CTM_FILE_NAME );
         textureFilename = ctmGetUVMapString( context, CTM_UV_MAP_1 + i, CTM_NAME );

      /* check path */
         texturePath = dlImportTexturePath( textureFilename,
                                            file );

      /* load if exists */
         if(object->material) dlFreeMaterial(object->material);
         object->material = dlNewMaterialFromImage( texturePath, SOIL_FLAG_DEFAULTS );
         free( texturePath );

      i2 = 0;
      for(; i2 != vertCount; ++i2)
         dlInsertCoord( object->vbo, i,
                        coords[ i2 * 2 ],
                        coords[ i2 * 2 + 1 ] );


   /* normals */
   if(ctmGetInteger(context, CTM_HAS_NORMALS) == CTM_TRUE)
       dlResetNormalBuffer( object->vbo, vertCount );
       normals = ctmGetFloatArray( context, CTM_NORMALS );

       i = 0;
       for(; i != vertCount; ++i)
          dlInsertNormal( object->vbo,
                          normals[ i * 3 ],
                          normals[ i * 3 + 1 ],
                          normals[ i * 3 + 2 ]  );

   /* custom attribs, only for vertex colors atm */
   i = 0;
   for(; i != attribCount; ++i)
      attribName = ctmGetAttribMapString( context, CTM_ATTRIB_MAP_1 + i, CTM_NAME );
      attribs     = ctmGetFloatArray( context, CTM_ATTRIB_MAP_1 + i );


      if( strcmp( attribName, COLOR_ATTRIB ) == 0 )
         dlResetColorBuffer( object->vbo, vertCount );

         i2 = 0;
         for(; i2 != vertCount; ++i2)
            dlInsertColor( object->vbo,
                           attribs[ i2 * 4 ],
                           attribs[ i2 * 4 + 1 ],
                           attribs[ i2 * 4 + 2 ],
                           attribs[ i2 * 4 + 3 ]  );

   /* this is now GL_TRIANGLES object
    * maybe add tristripper option? */
   object->primitive_type = GL_TRIANGLES;

   /* free the bird */

   RET("%d", RETURN_OK);
   return( RETURN_OK );
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    if(argc != 3) {
        std::cout << "Usage: #> ./osg_openctm_sqlite inputdb row\n";
        std::cout << "* draw an openctm mesh stored as a row in an sqlite db with osg\n";
        return 0;

    Kompex::SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = new Kompex::SQLiteDatabase(argv[1],SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE,0);
    Kompex::SQLiteStatement *pStmt = new Kompex::SQLiteStatement(pDatabase);

    int cRow = 0;
    int rowId = 0;
    int dbRow = 2;
    bool isEmpty = false;

    std::string rowFileKey;
    pStmt->Sql("SELECT rowid,filekey,empty FROM grid_mesh;");
    while(pStmt->FetchRow())   {
        if(cRow == dbRow)   {
            // row file key
            rowId = pStmt->GetColumnInt(0);
            rowFileKey = pStmt->GetColumnString(1);
            isEmpty = pStmt->GetColumnBool(2);
    Kompex::SQLiteBlob *pKompexBlob;

    if(!isEmpty)   {
        // read in ctm blob to memory
        pKompexBlob=new Kompex::SQLiteBlob(pDatabase,"main","grid_mesh","mesh",1);
        size = pKompexBlob->GetBlobSize();
        memblock = new char[size];
        delete pKompexBlob;
        std::cout << "# Read in " << rowFileKey << " (" << size << " bytes)\n";

        // uncompress ctm
        CTMcontext context;
        CTMuint    vertCount, triCount;
        CTMuint const* indices;
        CTMfloat   const * vertices;

        context = ctmNewContext(CTM_IMPORT);

        g_pos = 0;
        if(ctmGetError(context) == CTM_NONE)
            // access the mesh data
            vertCount = ctmGetInteger(context, CTM_VERTEX_COUNT);
            vertices = ctmGetFloatArray(context, CTM_VERTICES);
            triCount = ctmGetInteger(context, CTM_TRIANGLE_COUNT);
            indices = ctmGetIntegerArray(context, CTM_INDICES);

            std::cout << "# Mesh has " << vertCount << " vertices\n";
            std::cout << "# Mesh has " << triCount << " triangles\n";

            // build up openscenegraph geometry
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> listVxArray = new osg::Vec3Array(vertCount);
            unsigned int vxIdx=0;
            for(int i=0; i < listVxArray->size(); i++)   {
                osg::Vec3 vertex;
                vertex.x() = vertices[vxIdx]; vxIdx++;
                vertex.y() = vertices[vxIdx]; vxIdx++;
                vertex.z() = vertices[vxIdx]; vxIdx++;
                listVxArray->at(i) = vertex;

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::DrawElementsUInt> listIdxs =
                    new osg::DrawElementsUInt(GL_TRIANGLES,triCount*3);
            for(int i=0; i < listIdxs->size(); i++)   {
                listIdxs->at(i) = indices[i];

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> geomMesh = new osg::Geometry;

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geodeMesh = new osg::Geode;

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> groupRoot = new osg::Group;

            // free ctm memory

            // start viewer
            osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
            return viewer.run();
            std::cout << "# Fatal error reading in mesh file! Exiting...\n";
            return 0;

//        // stuff
        delete[] memblock;
//        delete pStmt;
//        delete pDatabase;
        return 0;
    else   {
        std::cout << "# Row " << rowId << " was empty! Exiting...\n";
        delete pStmt;
        delete pDatabase;
        return 0;