double smooth_noise_firstdim(int integer_x,
                int integer_y, double fractional_x,int seed)
    double v0 = noise(integer_x - 1, integer_y,seed);
    double v1 = noise(integer_x,     integer_y,seed);
    double v2 = noise(integer_x + 1, integer_y,seed);
    double v3 = noise(integer_x + 2, integer_y,seed);

    return cubic_interpolate(v0, v1, v2, v3, fractional_x);
Exemple #2
static double build_pcm(signed short *pcm, int samples, int rate,
                        struct track_t *tr, double position, float pitch,
                        float start_vol, float end_vol)
    int s;
    double sample, step;
    float vol, gradient;

    sample = position * tr->rate;
    step = (double)pitch * tr->rate / rate;

    vol = start_vol;
    gradient = (end_vol - start_vol) / samples;

    for(s = 0; s < samples; s++) {
        int c, sa, q;
        float f, i[PLAYER_CHANNELS][4];

        /* 4-sample window for interpolation */

        sa = (int)sample;
        if(sample < 0.0)
        f = sample - sa;

        for(q = 0; q < 4; q++, sa++) {
            if(sa < 0 || sa >= tr->length) {
                for(c = 0; c < PLAYER_CHANNELS; c++)
                    i[c][q] = 0.0;
            } else {
                signed short *ts;
                int c;

                ts = track_get_sample(tr, sa);
                for(c = 0; c < PLAYER_CHANNELS; c++)
                    i[c][q] = (float)ts[c];

        for(c = 0; c < PLAYER_CHANNELS; c++) {
            *pcm++ = vol * cubic_interpolate(i[c], f)
                     + (float)(rand() % 32768) / 32768 - 0.5; /* dither */

        sample += step;
        vol += gradient;

    return (double)pitch * samples / rate;
double smooth_noise(Vector2D p,int seed){
    double x=p.x();
    double y=p.y();
    int integer_x = (int)x;
        double fractional_x = x - integer_x;
        int integer_y = (int)y;
        double fractional_y = y - integer_y;

        double t0 = smooth_noise_firstdim(integer_x,
                        integer_y - 1, fractional_x,seed);
        double t1 = smooth_noise_firstdim(integer_x,
                        integer_y,     fractional_x,seed);
        double t2 = smooth_noise_firstdim(integer_x,
                        integer_y + 1, fractional_x,seed);
        double t3 = smooth_noise_firstdim(integer_x,
                        integer_y + 2, fractional_x,seed);

        double resu= cubic_interpolate(t0, t1, t2, t3, fractional_y);
        return MathUtils::fonctionQuadratique(-0.2,1.2,resu);
Exemple #4
void Pixmap::resample_Y ( unsigned int newHeight )
    Color* newPixels = (Color *)malloc ( sizeof(Color) * m_width * newHeight );
    if ( newHeight < m_height )
        float ratio = m_height / (float)newHeight;
        for ( unsigned int w = 0; w < m_width; ++w )
            unsigned int h = 0;
            for ( float y = 0.0f; h < newHeight; y += ratio, ++h )
                float from = y;
                float to = std::min((float)m_height, y + ratio);

                unsigned int absoluteValue = (unsigned int)floor(from);
                float fractionaryPart = from-absoluteValue;
                float pixelAccum [ 4 ] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

                if ( fractionaryPart > 0.000001f )
                    float factor = 1.0f - fractionaryPart;
                    Color& color = m_pixels [ m_width*absoluteValue + w ];
                    pixelAccum[0] += ( color.r() / 255.0f ) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[1] += ( color.g() / 255.0f ) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[2] += ( color.b() / 255.0f ) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[3] += ( color.a() / 255.0f ) * factor;
                    from = static_cast<float>(absoluteValue + 1);
                from = floor(from);
                while ( to-from > 1.0f )
                    Color& color = m_pixels [ m_width*(unsigned int)from + w ];
                    pixelAccum[0] += color.r() / 255.0f;
                    pixelAccum[1] += color.g() / 255.0f;
                    pixelAccum[2] += color.b() / 255.0f;
                    pixelAccum[3] += color.a() / 255.0f;
                if ( fabs(to-from) > 0.000001f )
                    float factor = fabs(to-from);
                    Color& color = m_pixels [ m_width*(unsigned int)from + w ];
                    pixelAccum[0] += (color.r() / 255.0f) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[1] += (color.g() / 255.0f) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[2] += (color.b() / 255.0f) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[3] += (color.a() / 255.0f) * factor;
                newPixels [ m_width*h + w ] = Color ( static_cast<unsigned char>(pixelAccum[0] / ratio * 255.0f),
                                                      static_cast<unsigned char>(pixelAccum[1] / ratio * 255.0f),
                                                      static_cast<unsigned char>(pixelAccum[2] / ratio * 255.0f),
                                                      static_cast<unsigned char>(pixelAccum[3] / ratio * 255.0f) );
    else if ( newHeight > m_height )
        float ratio = m_height / (float)newHeight;
        for ( unsigned int w = 0; w < m_width; ++w )
            for ( unsigned int h = 0; h < newHeight; ++h )
                unsigned int up = (unsigned int)floor(h * ratio);
                unsigned int down = std::min(m_height-1, up+1);
                unsigned int upPrev = up > 0 ? up-1 : 0;
                unsigned int downNext = std::min(m_height-1, down+1);
                Color& u = m_pixels [ up*m_width + w ];
                Color& d = m_pixels [ down*m_width + w ];
                Color& u_ = m_pixels [ upPrev*m_width + w ];
                Color& dn = m_pixels [ downNext*m_width + w ];
                float colorValues [ 4 ][ 4 ] =
                    { u.r() / 255.0f,  u.g() / 255.0f,  u.b() / 255.0f,  u.a() / 255.0f },
                    { d.r() / 255.0f,  d.g() / 255.0f,  d.b() / 255.0f,  d.a() / 255.0f },
                    { u_.r() / 255.0f, u_.g() / 255.0f, u_.b() / 255.0f, u_.a() / 255.0f },
                    { dn.r() / 255.0f, dn.g() / 255.0f, dn.b() / 255.0f, dn.a() / 255.0f }
                float tangents [ 2 ][ 4 ] =
                    { colorValues[1][0]-colorValues[2][0], colorValues[1][1]-colorValues[2][1], colorValues[1][2]-colorValues[2][2], colorValues[1][3]-colorValues[2][3] },
                    { colorValues[3][0]-colorValues[0][0], colorValues[3][1]-colorValues[0][1], colorValues[3][2]-colorValues[0][2], colorValues[3][3]-colorValues[0][3] }
                float interpolatedValues [ 4 ];
                float alpha = h*ratio;
                alpha = alpha - floor(alpha);
                interpolatedValues[0] = clamp(0.0f, cubic_interpolate(colorValues[0][0], tangents[0][0], alpha, colorValues[1][0], tangents[1][0]), 1.0f);
                interpolatedValues[1] = clamp(0.0f, cubic_interpolate(colorValues[0][1], tangents[0][1], alpha, colorValues[1][1], tangents[1][1]), 1.0f);
                interpolatedValues[2] = clamp(0.0f, cubic_interpolate(colorValues[0][2], tangents[0][2], alpha, colorValues[1][2], tangents[1][2]), 1.0f);
                interpolatedValues[3] = clamp(0.0f, cubic_interpolate(colorValues[0][3], tangents[0][3], alpha, colorValues[1][3], tangents[1][3]), 1.0f);
                newPixels [ h*m_width + w ] = Color ( static_cast<unsigned char>(interpolatedValues[0] * 255.0f),
                                                      static_cast<unsigned char>(interpolatedValues[1] * 255.0f),
                                                      static_cast<unsigned char>(interpolatedValues[2] * 255.0f),
                                                      static_cast<unsigned char>(interpolatedValues[3] * 255.0f) );
    free ( m_pixels );
    m_pixels = newPixels;
    m_height = newHeight;
Exemple #5
void Pixmap::resample_X ( unsigned int newWidth )
    Color* newPixels = (Color *)malloc ( sizeof(Color) * newWidth * m_height );
    if ( newWidth < m_width )
        float ratio = m_width / (float)newWidth;
        for ( unsigned int h = 0; h < m_height; ++h )
            unsigned int w = 0;
            for ( float x = 0.0f; w < newWidth; x += ratio, ++w )
                float from = x;
                float to = std::min((float)m_width, x + ratio);

                unsigned int absoluteValue = (unsigned int)floor(from);
                float fractionaryPart = from-absoluteValue;
                float pixelAccum [ 4 ] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

                if ( fractionaryPart > 0.000001f )
                    float factor = 1.0f - fractionaryPart;
                    Color& color = m_pixels [ m_width*h + absoluteValue ];
                    pixelAccum[0] += ( color.r() / 255.0f ) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[1] += ( color.g() / 255.0f ) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[2] += ( color.b() / 255.0f ) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[3] += ( color.a() / 255.0f ) * factor;
                    from = static_cast<float>(absoluteValue + 1);
                from = floor(from);
                while ( to-from > 1.0f )
                    Color& color = m_pixels [ m_width*h + (unsigned int)from ];
                    pixelAccum[0] += color.r() / 255.0f;
                    pixelAccum[1] += color.g() / 255.0f;
                    pixelAccum[2] += color.b() / 255.0f;
                    pixelAccum[3] += color.a() / 255.0f;
                if ( fabs(to-from) > 0.000001f )
                    float factor = fabs(to-from);
                    Color& color = m_pixels [ m_width*h + (unsigned int)from ];
                    pixelAccum[0] += (color.r() / 255.0f) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[1] += (color.g() / 255.0f) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[2] += (color.b() / 255.0f) * factor;
                    pixelAccum[3] += (color.a() / 255.0f) * factor;
                newPixels [ newWidth*h + w ] = Color ( static_cast<unsigned char>(pixelAccum[0] / ratio * 255.0f),
                                                       static_cast<unsigned char>(pixelAccum[1] / ratio * 255.0f),
                                                       static_cast<unsigned char>(pixelAccum[2] / ratio * 255.0f),
                                                       static_cast<unsigned char>(pixelAccum[3] / ratio * 255.0f) );
    else if ( newWidth > m_width )
        float ratio = m_width / (float)newWidth;
        for ( unsigned int h = 0; h < m_height; ++h )
            for ( unsigned int w = 0; w < newWidth; ++w )
                unsigned int left = (unsigned int)floor(w * ratio);
                unsigned int right = std::min(m_width-1, left+1);
                unsigned int leftPrev = left > 0 ? left-1 : 0;
                unsigned int rightNext = std::min(m_width-1, right+1);
                Color& l = m_pixels [ h*m_width + left ];
                Color& r = m_pixels [ h*m_width + right ];
                Color& lp = m_pixels [ h*m_width + leftPrev ];
                Color& rn = m_pixels [ h*m_width + rightNext ];
                float colorValues [ 4 ][ 4 ] =
                    { l.r() / 255.0f,  l.g() / 255.0f,  l.b() / 255.0f,  l.a() / 255.0f },
                    { r.r() / 255.0f,  r.g() / 255.0f,  r.b() / 255.0f,  r.a() / 255.0f },
                    { lp.r() / 255.0f, lp.g() / 255.0f, lp.b() / 255.0f, lp.a() / 255.0f },
                    { rn.r() / 255.0f, rn.g() / 255.0f, rn.b() / 255.0f, rn.a() / 255.0f }
                float tangents [ 2 ][ 4 ] =
                    { colorValues[1][0]-colorValues[2][0], colorValues[1][1]-colorValues[2][1], colorValues[1][2]-colorValues[2][2], colorValues[1][3]-colorValues[2][3] },
                    { colorValues[3][0]-colorValues[0][0], colorValues[3][1]-colorValues[0][1], colorValues[3][2]-colorValues[0][2], colorValues[3][3]-colorValues[0][3] }
                float interpolatedValues [ 4 ];
                float alpha = w*ratio;
                alpha = alpha - floor(alpha);
                interpolatedValues[0] = clamp(0.0f, cubic_interpolate(colorValues[0][0], tangents[0][0], alpha, colorValues[1][0], tangents[1][0]), 1.0f);
                interpolatedValues[1] = clamp(0.0f, cubic_interpolate(colorValues[0][1], tangents[0][1], alpha, colorValues[1][1], tangents[1][1]), 1.0f);
                interpolatedValues[2] = clamp(0.0f, cubic_interpolate(colorValues[0][2], tangents[0][2], alpha, colorValues[1][2], tangents[1][2]), 1.0f);
                interpolatedValues[3] = clamp(0.0f, cubic_interpolate(colorValues[0][3], tangents[0][3], alpha, colorValues[1][3], tangents[1][3]), 1.0f);
                newPixels [ h*newWidth + w ] = Color ( static_cast<unsigned char>(interpolatedValues[0] * 255.0f),
                                                       static_cast<unsigned char>(interpolatedValues[1] * 255.0f),
                                                       static_cast<unsigned char>(interpolatedValues[2] * 255.0f),
                                                       static_cast<unsigned char>(interpolatedValues[3] * 255.0f) );
    free ( m_pixels );
    m_pixels = newPixels;
    m_width = newWidth;