Exemple #1
void pbc_param_init_e_gen(pbc_param_t par, int rbits, int qbits) {
  e_param_ptr p = par->data;
  //3 takes 2 bits to represent
  int hbits = (qbits - 2) / 2 - rbits;
  mpz_ptr q = p->q;
  mpz_ptr r = p->r;
  mpz_ptr h = p->h;
  mpz_t n;
  field_t Fq;
  field_t cc;
  element_t j;
  int found = 0;

  //won't find any curves is hbits is too low
  if (hbits < 3) hbits = 3;


  do {
    int i;
    mpz_set_ui(r, 0);

    if (rand() % 2) {
      p->exp2 = rbits - 1;
      p->sign1 = 1;
    } else {
      p->exp2 = rbits;
      p->sign1 = -1;
    mpz_setbit(r, p->exp2);

    p->exp1 = (rand() % (p->exp2 - 1)) + 1;
    //use q as a temp variable
    mpz_set_ui(q, 0);
    mpz_setbit(q, p->exp1);

    if (p->sign1 > 0) {
      mpz_add(r, r, q);
    } else {
      mpz_sub(r, r, q);

    if (rand() % 2) {
      p->sign0 = 1;
      mpz_add_ui(r, r, 1);
    } else {
      p->sign0 = -1;
      mpz_sub_ui(r, r, 1);
    if (!mpz_probab_prime_p(r, 10)) continue;
    for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
      //use q as a temp variable
      mpz_set_ui(q, 0);
      mpz_setbit(q, hbits + 1);
      pbc_mpz_random(h, q);
      mpz_mul(h, h, h);
      mpz_mul_ui(h, h, 3);
      //finally q takes the value it should
      mpz_mul(n, r, r);
      mpz_mul(n, n, h);
      mpz_add_ui(q, n, 1);
      if (mpz_probab_prime_p(q, 10)) {
        found = 1;
  } while (!found);
  do {
    mpz_set_ui(r, 0);
    mpz_setbit(r, rbits);
    pbc_mpz_random(r, r);
    mpz_nextprime(r, r);
    mpz_mul(n, r, r);
    mpz_mul_ui(n, n, 3);
    mpz_add_ui(q, n, 1);
  } while (!mpz_probab_prime_p(q, 10));

  field_init_fp(Fq, q);
  element_init(j, Fq);
  element_set_si(j, 1);
  field_init_curve_b(cc, j, n, NULL);
  // We may need to twist it.
    // Pick a random point P and twist the curve if P has the wrong order.
    element_t P;
    element_init(P, cc);
    element_mul_mpz(P, P, n);
    if (!element_is0(P)) field_reinit_curve_twist(cc);
  element_to_mpz(p->a, curve_field_a_coeff(cc));
  element_to_mpz(p->b, curve_field_b_coeff(cc));

Exemple #2
// Computes a curve and sets fp to the field it is defined over using the
// complex multiplication method, where cm holds the appropriate information
// (e.g. discriminant, field order).
static void compute_cm_curve(d_param_ptr param, pbc_cm_ptr cm) {
  element_t hp, root;
  field_t fp, fpx;
  field_t cc;

  field_init_fp(fp, cm->q);
  field_init_poly(fpx, fp);
  element_init(hp, fpx);

  mpz_t *coefflist;
  int n = (int)pbc_hilbert(&coefflist, cm->D);

  // Temporarily set the coefficient of x^{n-1} to 1 so hp has degree n - 1,
  // allowing us to use poly_coeff().
  poly_set_coeff1(hp, n - 1);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    element_set_mpz(element_item(hp, i), coefflist[i]);
  pbc_hilbert_free(coefflist, n);

  // TODO: Remove x = 0, 1728 roots.
  // TODO: What if there are no roots?
  //printf("hp ");
  //element_out_str(stdout, 0, hp);

  element_init(root, fp);
  poly_findroot(root, hp);
  //printf("root = ");
  //element_out_str(stdout, 0, root);

  // The root is the j-invariant of the desired curve.
  field_init_curve_j(cc, root, cm->n, NULL);

  // We may need to twist it.
    // Pick a random point P and twist the curve if it has the wrong order.
    element_t P;
    element_init(P, cc);
    element_mul_mpz(P, P, cm->n);
    if (!element_is0(P)) field_reinit_curve_twist(cc);

  mpz_set(param->q, cm->q);
  mpz_set(param->n, cm->n);
  mpz_set(param->h, cm->h);
  mpz_set(param->r, cm->r);
  element_to_mpz(param->a, curve_field_a_coeff(cc));
  element_to_mpz(param->b, curve_field_b_coeff(cc));
  param->k = cm->k;
    mpz_t z;
    // Compute order of curve in F_q^k.
    // n = q - t + 1 hence t = q - n + 1
    mpz_sub(z, param->q, param->n);
    mpz_add_ui(z, z, 1);
    pbc_mpz_trace_n(z, param->q, z, param->k);
    mpz_pow_ui(param->nk, param->q, param->k);
    mpz_sub_ui(z, z, 1);
    mpz_sub(param->nk, param->nk, z);
    mpz_mul(z, param->r, param->r);
    mpz_divexact(param->hk, param->nk, z);