Exemple #1
void ui_menu::draw(bool customonly)
	float line_height = machine().ui().get_line_height();
	float lr_arrow_width = 0.4f * line_height * machine().render().ui_aspect();
	float ud_arrow_width = line_height * machine().render().ui_aspect();
	float gutter_width = lr_arrow_width * 1.3f;
	float x1, y1, x2, y2;

	float effective_width, effective_left;
	float visible_width, visible_main_menu_height;
	float visible_extra_menu_height;
	float visible_top, visible_left;
	int selected_subitem_too_big = FALSE;
	int visible_lines;
	int top_line;
	int itemnum, linenum;
	bool mouse_hit, mouse_button;
	render_target *mouse_target;
	INT32 mouse_target_x, mouse_target_y;
	float mouse_x = -1, mouse_y = -1;

	// compute the width and height of the full menu
	visible_width = 0;
	visible_main_menu_height = 0;
	for (itemnum = 0; itemnum < numitems; itemnum++)
		const ui_menu_item &pitem = item[itemnum];
		float total_width;

		// compute width of left hand side
		total_width = gutter_width + machine().ui().get_string_width(pitem.text) + gutter_width;

		// add in width of right hand side
		if (pitem.subtext)
			total_width += 2.0f * gutter_width + machine().ui().get_string_width(pitem.subtext);

		// track the maximum
		if (total_width > visible_width)
			visible_width = total_width;

		// track the height as well
		visible_main_menu_height += line_height;

	// account for extra space at the top and bottom
	visible_extra_menu_height = customtop + custombottom;

	// add a little bit of slop for rounding
	visible_width += 0.01f;
	visible_main_menu_height += 0.01f;

	// if we are too wide or too tall, clamp it down
	if (visible_width + 2.0f * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER > 1.0f)
		visible_width = 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;

	// if the menu and extra menu won't fit, take away part of the regular menu, it will scroll
	if (visible_main_menu_height + visible_extra_menu_height + 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER > 1.0f)
		visible_main_menu_height = 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER - visible_extra_menu_height;

	visible_lines = floor(visible_main_menu_height / line_height);
	visible_main_menu_height = (float)visible_lines * line_height;

	// compute top/left of inner menu area by centering
	visible_left = (1.0f - visible_width) * 0.5f;
	visible_top = (1.0f - (visible_main_menu_height + visible_extra_menu_height)) * 0.5f;

	// if the menu is at the bottom of the extra, adjust
	visible_top += customtop;

	// first add us a box
	x1 = visible_left - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
	y1 = visible_top - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
	x2 = visible_left + visible_width + UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
	y2 = visible_top + visible_main_menu_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
	if (!customonly)
		machine().ui().draw_outlined_box(container, x1, y1, x2, y2, UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);

	// determine the first visible line based on the current selection
	top_line = selected - visible_lines / 2;
	if (top_line < 0)
		top_line = 0;
	if (top_line + visible_lines >= numitems)
		top_line = numitems - visible_lines;

	// determine effective positions taking into account the hilighting arrows
	effective_width = visible_width - 2.0f * gutter_width;
	effective_left = visible_left + gutter_width;

	// locate mouse
	mouse_hit = false;
	mouse_button = false;
	if (!customonly)
		mouse_target = ui_input_find_mouse(machine(), &mouse_target_x, &mouse_target_y, &mouse_button);
		if (mouse_target != nullptr)
			if (mouse_target->map_point_container(mouse_target_x, mouse_target_y, *container, mouse_x, mouse_y))
				mouse_hit = true;

	// loop over visible lines
	hover = numitems + 1;
	if (!customonly)
		for (linenum = 0; linenum < visible_lines; linenum++)
			float line_y = visible_top + (float)linenum * line_height;
			itemnum = top_line + linenum;
			const ui_menu_item &pitem = item[itemnum];
			const char *itemtext = pitem.text;
			rgb_t fgcolor = UI_TEXT_COLOR;
			rgb_t bgcolor = UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR;
			rgb_t fgcolor2 = UI_SUBITEM_COLOR;
			rgb_t fgcolor3 = UI_CLONE_COLOR;
			float line_x0 = x1 + 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH;
			float line_y0 = line_y;
			float line_x1 = x2 - 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH;
			float line_y1 = line_y + line_height;

			// set the hover if this is our item
			if (mouse_hit && line_x0 <= mouse_x && line_x1 > mouse_x && line_y0 <= mouse_y && line_y1 > mouse_y && pitem.is_selectable())
				hover = itemnum;

			// if we're selected, draw with a different background
			if (itemnum == selected)
				fgcolor = UI_SELECTED_COLOR;
				bgcolor = UI_SELECTED_BG_COLOR;
				fgcolor2 = UI_SELECTED_COLOR;
				fgcolor3 = UI_SELECTED_COLOR;

			// else if the mouse is over this item, draw with a different background
			else if (itemnum == hover)
				fgcolor = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR;
				bgcolor = UI_MOUSEOVER_BG_COLOR;
				fgcolor2 = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR;
				fgcolor3 = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR;

			// if we have some background hilighting to do, add a quad behind everything else
			if (bgcolor != UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR)
				highlight(container, line_x0, line_y0, line_x1, line_y1, bgcolor);

			// if we're on the top line, display the up arrow
			if (linenum == 0 && top_line != 0)
									0.5f * (x1 + x2) - 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
									line_y + 0.25f * line_height,
									0.5f * (x1 + x2) + 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
									line_y + 0.75f * line_height,
				if (hover == itemnum)
					hover = -2;

			// if we're on the bottom line, display the down arrow
			else if (linenum == visible_lines - 1 && itemnum != numitems - 1)
									0.5f * (x1 + x2) - 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
									line_y + 0.25f * line_height,
									0.5f * (x1 + x2) + 0.5f * ud_arrow_width,
									line_y + 0.75f * line_height,
				if (hover == itemnum)
					hover = -1;

			// if we're just a divider, draw a line
			else if (strcmp(itemtext, MENU_SEPARATOR_ITEM) == 0)
				container->add_line(visible_left, line_y + 0.5f * line_height, visible_left + visible_width, line_y + 0.5f * line_height, UI_LINE_WIDTH, UI_BORDER_COLOR, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

			// if we don't have a subitem, just draw the string centered
			else if (pitem.subtext == nullptr)
				machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, itemtext, effective_left, line_y, effective_width,
							JUSTIFY_CENTER, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NORMAL, fgcolor, bgcolor, nullptr, nullptr);

			// otherwise, draw the item on the left and the subitem text on the right
				int subitem_invert = pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_INVERT;
				const char *subitem_text = pitem.subtext;
				float item_width, subitem_width;

				// draw the left-side text
				machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, itemtext, effective_left, line_y, effective_width,
							JUSTIFY_LEFT, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NORMAL, fgcolor, bgcolor, &item_width, nullptr);

				// give 2 spaces worth of padding
				item_width += 2.0f * gutter_width;

				// if the subitem doesn't fit here, display dots
				if (machine().ui().get_string_width(subitem_text) > effective_width - item_width)
					subitem_text = "...";
					if (itemnum == selected)
						selected_subitem_too_big = TRUE;

				// draw the subitem right-justified
				machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, subitem_text, effective_left + item_width, line_y, effective_width - item_width,
							JUSTIFY_RIGHT, WRAP_TRUNCATE, DRAW_NORMAL, subitem_invert ? fgcolor3 : fgcolor2, bgcolor, &subitem_width, nullptr);

				// apply arrows
				if (itemnum == selected && (pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_LEFT_ARROW))
										effective_left + effective_width - subitem_width - gutter_width,
										line_y + 0.1f * line_height,
										effective_left + effective_width - subitem_width - gutter_width + lr_arrow_width,
										line_y + 0.9f * line_height,
										ROT90 ^ ORIENTATION_FLIP_X);
				if (itemnum == selected && (pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_RIGHT_ARROW))
										effective_left + effective_width + gutter_width - lr_arrow_width,
										line_y + 0.1f * line_height,
										effective_left + effective_width + gutter_width,
										line_y + 0.9f * line_height,

	// if the selected subitem is too big, display it in a separate offset box
	if (selected_subitem_too_big)
		const ui_menu_item &pitem = item[selected];
		int subitem_invert = pitem.flags & MENU_FLAG_INVERT;
		linenum = selected - top_line;
		float line_y = visible_top + (float)linenum * line_height;
		float target_width, target_height;
		float target_x, target_y;

		// compute the multi-line target width/height
		machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, pitem.subtext, 0, 0, visible_width * 0.75f,
					JUSTIFY_RIGHT, WRAP_WORD, DRAW_NONE, ARGB_WHITE, ARGB_BLACK, &target_width, &target_height);

		// determine the target location
		target_x = visible_left + visible_width - target_width - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
		target_y = line_y + line_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
		if (target_y + target_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER > visible_main_menu_height)
			target_y = line_y - target_height - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;

		// add a box around that
		machine().ui().draw_outlined_box(container, target_x - UI_BOX_LR_BORDER,
							target_y - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER,
							target_x + target_width + UI_BOX_LR_BORDER,
							target_y + target_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER, subitem_invert ? UI_SELECTED_BG_COLOR : UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
		machine().ui().draw_text_full(container, pitem.subtext, target_x, target_y, target_width,

	// if there is something special to add, do it by calling the virtual method
	custom_render((selected >= 0 && selected < numitems) ? item[selected].ref : nullptr, customtop, custombottom, x1, y1, x2, y2);

	// return the number of visible lines, minus 1 for top arrow and 1 for bottom arrow
	visitems = visible_lines - (top_line != 0) - (top_line + visible_lines != numitems);
Exemple #2
void menu_dats_view::draw(uint32_t flags)
	auto line_height = ui().get_line_height();
	auto ud_arrow_width = line_height * machine().render().ui_aspect();
	auto gutter_width = 0.52f * line_height * machine().render().ui_aspect();
	mouse_x = -1, mouse_y = -1;
	float visible_width = 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_LR_BORDER;
	float visible_left = (1.0f - visible_width) * 0.5f;


	hover = item.size() + 1;
	visible_items = item.size() - 2;
	float extra_height = 2.0f * line_height;
	float visible_extra_menu_height = customtop + custombottom + extra_height;

	// locate mouse
	mouse_hit = false;
	mouse_button = false;
	mouse_target = machine().ui_input().find_mouse(&mouse_target_x, &mouse_target_y, &mouse_button);
	if (mouse_target != nullptr)
		if (mouse_target->map_point_container(mouse_target_x, mouse_target_y, container(), mouse_x, mouse_y))
			mouse_hit = true;

	// account for extra space at the top and bottom
	float visible_main_menu_height = 1.0f - 2.0f * UI_BOX_TB_BORDER - visible_extra_menu_height;
	m_visible_lines = int(std::trunc(visible_main_menu_height / line_height));
	visible_main_menu_height = float(m_visible_lines) * line_height;

	// compute top/left of inner menu area by centering
	float visible_top = (1.0f - (visible_main_menu_height + visible_extra_menu_height)) * 0.5f;

	// if the menu is at the bottom of the extra, adjust
	visible_top += customtop;

	// compute left box size
	float x1 = visible_left;
	float y1 = visible_top - UI_BOX_TB_BORDER;
	float x2 = x1 + visible_width;
	float y2 = visible_top + visible_main_menu_height + UI_BOX_TB_BORDER + extra_height;
	float line = visible_top + float(m_visible_lines) * line_height;

	ui().draw_outlined_box(container(), x1, y1, x2, y2, UI_BACKGROUND_COLOR);

	m_visible_lines = (std::min)(visible_items, m_visible_lines);
	top_line = (std::max)(0, top_line);
	if (top_line + m_visible_lines >= visible_items)
		top_line = visible_items - m_visible_lines;

	// determine effective positions taking into account the hilighting arrows
	float effective_width = visible_width - 2.0f * gutter_width;
	float effective_left = visible_left + gutter_width;

	int const n_loop = (std::min)(visible_items, m_visible_lines);
	for (int linenum = 0; linenum < n_loop; linenum++)
		float line_y = visible_top + (float)linenum * line_height;
		int itemnum = top_line + linenum;
		const menu_item &pitem = item[itemnum];
		const char *itemtext = pitem.text.c_str();
		rgb_t fgcolor = UI_TEXT_COLOR;
		rgb_t bgcolor = UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR;
		float line_x0 = x1 + 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH;
		float line_y0 = line_y;
		float line_x1 = x2 - 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH;
		float line_y1 = line_y + line_height;

		// if we're on the top line, display the up arrow
		if (linenum == 0 && top_line != 0)
			draw_arrow(0.5f * (x1 + x2) - 0.5f * ud_arrow_width, line_y + 0.25f * line_height,
				0.5f * (x1 + x2) + 0.5f * ud_arrow_width, line_y + 0.75f * line_height, fgcolor, ROT0);

			if (mouse_hit && line_x0 <= mouse_x && line_x1 > mouse_x && line_y0 <= mouse_y && line_y1 > mouse_y)
				fgcolor = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR;
				bgcolor = UI_MOUSEOVER_BG_COLOR;
				highlight(line_x0, line_y0, line_x1, line_y1, bgcolor);
				hover = HOVER_ARROW_UP;
		// if we're on the bottom line, display the down arrow
		else if (linenum == m_visible_lines - 1 && itemnum != visible_items - 1)
			draw_arrow(0.5f * (x1 + x2) - 0.5f * ud_arrow_width, line_y + 0.25f * line_height,
				0.5f * (x1 + x2) + 0.5f * ud_arrow_width, line_y + 0.75f * line_height, fgcolor, ROT0 ^ ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y);

			if (mouse_hit && line_x0 <= mouse_x && line_x1 > mouse_x && line_y0 <= mouse_y && line_y1 > mouse_y)
				fgcolor = UI_MOUSEOVER_COLOR;
				bgcolor = UI_MOUSEOVER_BG_COLOR;
				highlight(line_x0, line_y0, line_x1, line_y1, bgcolor);
				hover = HOVER_ARROW_DOWN;

		// draw dats text
		else if (pitem.subtext.empty())
			ui().draw_text_full(container(), itemtext, effective_left, line_y, effective_width, ui::text_layout::LEFT, ui::text_layout::NEVER,
				mame_ui_manager::NORMAL, fgcolor, bgcolor, nullptr, nullptr);

	for (size_t count = visible_items; count < item.size(); count++)
		const menu_item &pitem = item[count];
		const char *itemtext = pitem.text.c_str();
		float line_x0 = x1 + 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH;
		float line_y0 = line;
		float line_x1 = x2 - 0.5f * UI_LINE_WIDTH;
		float line_y1 = line + line_height;
		rgb_t fgcolor = UI_SELECTED_COLOR;
		rgb_t bgcolor = UI_SELECTED_BG_COLOR;

		if (mouse_hit && line_x0 <= mouse_x && line_x1 > mouse_x && line_y0 <= mouse_y && line_y1 > mouse_y && is_selectable(pitem))
			hover = count;

		if (pitem.type == menu_item_type::SEPARATOR)
			container().add_line(visible_left, line + 0.5f * line_height, visible_left + visible_width, line + 0.5f * line_height,
			highlight(line_x0, line_y0, line_x1, line_y1, bgcolor);
			ui().draw_text_full(container(), itemtext, effective_left, line, effective_width, ui::text_layout::CENTER, ui::text_layout::TRUNCATE,
				mame_ui_manager::NORMAL, fgcolor, bgcolor, nullptr, nullptr);
		line += line_height;

	// if there is something special to add, do it by calling the virtual method
	custom_render(get_selection_ref(), customtop, custombottom, x1, y1, x2, y2);

	// return the number of visible lines, minus 1 for top arrow and 1 for bottom arrow
	m_visible_items = m_visible_lines - (top_line != 0) - (top_line + m_visible_lines != visible_items);