void mitk::UndistortCameraImage::UndistortImage(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst)
   // init intrinsic camera matrix [fx 0 cx; 0 fy cy; 0 0 1].
  m_intrinsicMatrixData[0] = (double)m_fcX;
  m_intrinsicMatrixData[1] = 0.0;
  m_intrinsicMatrixData[2] = (double)m_ccX;
  m_intrinsicMatrixData[3] = 0.0;
  m_intrinsicMatrixData[4] = (double)m_fcY;
  m_intrinsicMatrixData[5] = (double)m_ccY;
  m_intrinsicMatrixData[6] = 0.0;
  m_intrinsicMatrixData[7] = 0.0;
  m_intrinsicMatrixData[8] = 1.0;
  m_intrinsicMatrix        = cvMat(3, 3, CV_32FC1, m_intrinsicMatrixData);

  // init distortion matrix
  m_distortionMatrix       = cvMat(1, 4, CV_32F, m_distortionMatrixData);

  // undistort
  cvUndistort2(src,dst, &m_intrinsicMatrix, &m_distortionMatrix);
Exemple #2
int  cvHoughLinesP( CvArr* image, double rho,
                    double theta, int threshold,
                    int lineLength, int lineGap,
                    int* lines, int linesNumber )
    CvMat linesMat = cvMat( 1, linesNumber, CV_32SC4, lines );
    cvHoughLines2( image, &linesMat, CV_HOUGH_PROBABILISTIC,
                   rho, theta, threshold, lineLength, lineGap );

    return linesMat.cols;
void COpenCVMFCView::OnRotation30()
	// TODO: Add your command handler code here

	int angle = 30;                         //  Rotate 30 degree
	int opt = 0;                            //  1: with resize   0: just rotate
	double factor;                          //  resize factor
	IplImage *pImage;
	IplImage *pImgRotation = NULL;

	pImage = workImg;
	pImgRotation = cvCloneImage(workImg);

	angle = -angle;

	//  Create M Matrix
	float m[6];
	//      Matrix m looks like:
	//      [ m0  m1  m2 ] ----> [ a11  a12  b1 ]
	//      [ m3  m4  m5 ] ----> [ a21  a22  b2 ]

	CvMat M = cvMat(2,3,CV_32F,m);
	int w = workImg->width;
	int h = workImg->height;

	if (opt)
		factor = (cos(angle*CV_PI/180.)+1.0)*2;
		factor = 1;

	m[0] = (float)(factor*cos(-angle*CV_PI/180.));
	m[1] = (float)(factor*sin(-angle*CV_PI/180.));
	m[3] = -m[1];
	m[4] =  m[0];
	//  Make rotation center to image center
	m[2] = w*0.5f;
	m[5] = h*0.5f;

	//  dst(x,y) = A * src(x,y) + b

	cvNamedWindow("Rotation Image");
	cvShowImage("Rotation Image",pImgRotation);



	cvDestroyWindow("Rotation Image");
Exemple #4
void  cvbFastArctan( const float* y, const float* x, float* angle, int len )
    CvMat mx = cvMat( 1, len, CV_32F, (void*)x );
    CvMat my = mx;
    CvMat ma = mx;

    my.data.fl = (float*)y;
    ma.data.fl = (float*)angle;

    cvCartToPolar( &mx, &my, NULL, &ma, 1 );
*  \brief      Convert cv::Mat to integer Eigen matrix
*  \author     Sascha Kaden
*  \param[in]  image
*  \param[out] Eigen matrix
*  \date       2016-12-18
cv::Mat eigenToCV(Eigen::MatrixXi eigenMat) {
    cv::Mat cvMat(eigenMat.rows(), eigenMat.cols(), CV_32SC1, eigenMat.data());

    if (Eigen::RowMajorBit)
        cv::transpose(cvMat, cvMat);

    cv::Mat dst;
    cvMat.convertTo(dst, CV_8UC1);
    cv::cvtColor(dst, dst, CV_GRAY2BGR);

    return dst;
Exemple #6
void  cvKMeans( int num_clusters, float** samples,
                int num_samples, int vec_size,
                CvTermCriteria termcrit, int* cluster_idx )
    CvMat* samples_mat = cvCreateMat( num_samples, vec_size, CV_32FC1 );
    CvMat cluster_idx_mat = cvMat( num_samples, 1, CV_32SC1, cluster_idx );
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < num_samples; i++ )
        memcpy( samples_mat->data.fl + i*vec_size, samples[i], vec_size*sizeof(float));
    cvKMeans2( samples_mat, num_clusters, &cluster_idx_mat, termcrit, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    cvReleaseMat( &samples_mat );
Exemple #7
CvMat* FeatureManager::getGaborFeatureByImage(IplImage* pImage)//the feature is row vector;the returned mat need to be released by user.
    double* pGridFeature=getGridMbrmFeature(pImage);

    const int MBRMDIM=1280;

    CvMat tmp = cvMat(1,MBRMDIM,CV_64FC1,pGridFeature);
    CvMat* pFeatureMat=cvCreateMat(1,MBRMDIM,CV_64FC1);
    delete [] pGridFeature;
    return pFeatureMat;
Exemple #8
CV_IMPL IplConvKernel *
cvCreateStructuringElementEx( int cols, int rows,
                              int anchorX, int anchorY,
                              int shape, int *values )
    IplConvKernel *element = 0;
    int i, size = rows * cols;
    int element_size = sizeof(*element) + size*sizeof(element->values[0]);

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCreateStructuringElementEx" );


    if( !values && shape == CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM )

    if( cols <= 0 || rows <= 0 ||
        (unsigned) anchorX >= (unsigned) cols ||
        (unsigned) anchorY >= (unsigned) rows )

    CV_CALL( element = (IplConvKernel *)cvAlloc(element_size + 32));
    if( !element )

    element->nCols = cols;
    element->nRows = rows;
    element->anchorX = anchorX;
    element->anchorY = anchorY;
    element->nShiftR = shape < CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE ? shape : CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM;
    element->values = (int*)(element + 1);

    if( shape == CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM )
        if( !values )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "Null pointer to the custom element mask" );
        for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
            element->values[i] = values[i];
        CvMat el_hdr = cvMat( rows, cols, CV_32SC1, element->values );
        CV_CALL( CvMorphology::init_binary_element(&el_hdr,
                        shape, cvPoint(anchorX,anchorY)));


    if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 )
        cvReleaseStructuringElement( &element );

    return element;
Exemple #9
IplImage *derivateX(const IplImage *src) {
    CvMat matrix;
    matrix = cvMat(1, 5, CV_32F, mat);

//    IplImage *img = get_gray(src);
    IplImage *dst = cvCloneImage(src);
    cvFilter2D(src, dst, &matrix);

//    cvReleaseImage(&img);

    return dst;
Exemple #10
//! Find homography between matched points and translate src_corners to dst_corners
int translateCorners(IpPairVec &matches, const CvPoint src_corners[4], CvPoint dst_corners[4])
#ifndef LINUX
  double h[9];
  CvMat _h = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, h);
  std::vector<CvPoint2D32f> pt1, pt2;
  CvMat _pt1, _pt2;

  int n = (int)matches.size();
  if( n < 4 ) return 0;

  // Set vectors to correct size

  // Copy Ipoints from match vector into cvPoint vectors
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
    pt1[i] = cvPoint2D32f(matches[i].second.x, matches[i].second.y);
    pt2[i] = cvPoint2D32f(matches[i].first.x, matches[i].first.y);
  _pt1 = cvMat(1, n, CV_32FC2, &pt1[0] );
  _pt2 = cvMat(1, n, CV_32FC2, &pt2[0] );

  // Find the homography (transformation) between the two sets of points
  if(!cvFindHomography(&_pt1, &_pt2, &_h, CV_RANSAC, 5))  // this line requires opencv 1.1
    return 0;

  // Translate src_corners to dst_corners using homography
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
    double x = src_corners[i].x, y = src_corners[i].y;
    double Z = 1./(h[6]*x + h[7]*y + h[8]);
    double X = (h[0]*x + h[1]*y + h[2])*Z;
    double Y = (h[3]*x + h[4]*y + h[5])*Z;
    dst_corners[i] = cvPoint(cvRound(X), cvRound(Y));
  return 1;
// y := alpha * A * X + beta * y
inline void __dgemv(
	char trans, 
	int m, 
	int n, 
	double alpha, 
	double *A, // n * m
	int lda, 
	double *X, // m('T')
	int incx, 
	double beta, 
	double *y, // n('T')
	int incy
) {
	assert(incx==1 && incy==1);
	if(trans=='T') {
		CvMat A_mat= cvMat(n, m, CV_64FC1, A);
		CvMat X_mat= cvMat(m, 1, CV_64FC1, X);
		CvMat y_mat= cvMat(n, 1, CV_64FC1, y);
		cvGEMM(&A_mat, &X_mat, alpha, &y_mat, beta, &y_mat, 0);
	} else if(trans=='N') {
		CvMat A_mat= cvMat(n, m, CV_64FC1, A);
		CvMat X_mat= cvMat(n, 1, CV_64FC1, X);
		CvMat y_mat= cvMat(m, 1, CV_64FC1, y);
		cvGEMM(&A_mat, &X_mat, alpha, &y_mat, beta, &y_mat, CV_GEMM_A_T);
	} else {
		printf("error in function __dgemv");
void GLReprojection::updateMesh()
    if ( m_lorigin == NULL )
        return ;

    const Dim &dim = m_ldisp.dim();


#if 1
    const float *disp_c = m_ldisp.cpuMem()->data.fl;
    const float _1_255 = 1.0f/255.0f;


    for (size_t r=0; r<dim.height(); r++)
        const float *dispPtr = disp_c + r*dim.width();
        const uchar *colorPtr = m_lorigin->data.ptr + r*m_lorigin->step;

        for (size_t c=0; c<dim.width(); c++)
            const uchar *colorBase = colorPtr + c*3;

            const ud::Vec3f color(colorBase[0]*_1_255,
            const ud::Vec3f vert(
                    c, r, *dispPtr, dim));


                c, r, vert,

    RectificationCV *cv = dynamic_cast<RectificationCV*>(m_lrepr);
    CvMat *Q = cvMat(4, 4, CV_32F, cv->reprojectionMatrix());



    m_lorigin = NULL;
Exemple #13
static double luck_pixel(int x, int y, const CvMat *hom1, const CvMat *hom2)
	CvMat *invhom1 = cvCreateMat(3, 3, CV_32FC1);
	cvInvert(hom1, invhom1, CV_LU);
	CvPoint2D32f src = cvPoint2D32f(x, y);
	CvPoint2D32f d1, d2;
	CvMat pt_src = cvMat(1, 1, CV_32FC2, &src);
	CvMat pt_dst = cvMat(1, 1, CV_32FC2, &d1);
	cvPerspectiveTransform(&pt_src, &pt_dst, invhom1);
	pt_dst = cvMat(1, 1, CV_32FC2, &d2);
	cvPerspectiveTransform(&pt_src, &pt_dst, hom2);
	double dis = (src.x-d1.x)*(src.x-d1.x)+(src.y-d1.y)*(src.y-d1.y);
	dis += (src.x-d2.x)*(src.x-d2.x)+(src.y-d2.y)*(src.y-d2.y);
	double luck = exp(-dis/(2*SIGMA_L*SIGMA_L));
	return luck;
Exemple #14
// 以点center为旋转中心,对src旋转angle度并缩放factor倍。
void RotateImage(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst, CvPoint center, float angle,
		float factor) {
	float m[6];
	CvMat mat = cvMat(2, 3, CV_32FC1, m);
	m[0] = (float) (factor * cos(-angle * CV_PI / 180.));
	m[1] = (float) (factor * sin(-angle * CV_PI / 180.));
	m[2] = center.x;
	m[3] = -m[1];
	m[4] = m[0];
	m[5] = center.y;
	cvGetQuadrangleSubPix(src, dst, &mat);
Exemple #15
void  cvbCartToPolar( const float* y, const float* x, float* magnitude, float* angle, int len )
    CvMat mx = cvMat( 1, len, CV_32F, (void*)x );
    CvMat my = mx;
    CvMat mm = mx;
    CvMat ma = mx;

    my.data.fl = (float*)y;
    mm.data.fl = (float*)magnitude;
    ma.data.fl = (float*)angle;

    cvCartToPolar( &mx, &my, &mm, angle ? &ma : NULL, 1 );
IplImage* lowPassFilter(IplImage *image){
	IplImage* filteredImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image->width, image->height), image->depth, image->nChannels);
	double K[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
	float t = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i< (3 * 3); ++i)
		t = t + K[i];
	for (int i = 0; i< (3 * 3); ++i)
		K[i] = K[i] / t;
	CvMat Kernel = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64FC1, K);
	cvFilter2D(image, filteredImage, &Kernel);
	return filteredImage;
	// this should be replaced by c++ 2.0 api style code once available
	vector<cv::Vec4i> convexityDefects(const vector<cv::Point>& contour) {
		vector<int> hullIndices;
		convexHull(Mat(contour), hullIndices, false, false);
		vector<cv::Vec4i> convexityDefects;
		if(hullIndices.size() > 0 && contour.size() > 0) {		
			CvMat contourMat = cvMat(1, contour.size(), CV_32SC2, (void*) &contour[0]);
			CvMat hullMat = cvMat(1, hullIndices.size(), CV_32SC1, (void*) &hullIndices[0]);
			CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
			CvSeq* defects = cvConvexityDefects(&contourMat, &hullMat, storage);
			for(int i = 0; i < defects->total; i++){
				CvConvexityDefect* cur = (CvConvexityDefect*) cvGetSeqElem(defects, i);
				cv::Vec4i defect;
				defect[0] = cur->depth_point->x;
				defect[1] = cur->depth_point->y;
				defect[2] = (cur->start->x + cur->end->x) / 2;
				defect[3] = (cur->start->y + cur->end->y) / 2;
		return convexityDefects;
Exemple #18
    This method will calculate the convex hull of source landmarks
    and populate the pointsInsideHull vector with these points coordinates
void PAW::populatePointsInsideHull(){
    //calc scrLandmarks convex hull
    CvPoint* pointsHull = (CvPoint*)malloc( nLandmarks * sizeof(pointsHull[0]));
    int* hull = (int*)malloc( nLandmarks * sizeof(hull[0]));
    CvMat pointMat = cvMat( 1, nLandmarks, CV_32SC2, pointsHull );
    CvMat hullMat = cvMat( 1, nLandmarks, CV_32SC1, hull );

    for(int i = 0; i < nLandmarks; i++ )
        pointsHull[i] = cvPoint(srcLandmarks.at<int>(i,0),srcLandmarks.at<int>(i,1));
    cvConvexHull2( &pointMat, &hullMat, CV_CLOCKWISE, 0 );
    int hullcount = hullMat.cols;
    CvPoint* pointsHullFinal = (CvPoint*)malloc( hullcount * sizeof(pointsHullFinal[0]));        
    for(int i = 0; i < hullcount; i++ ){
        int ptIndex = hull[i];
        CvPoint pt = cvPoint(    srcLandmarks.at<int>(ptIndex,0),

        pointsHullFinal[i] = pt;

    CvMat hullMatPoints = cvMat( 1, hullcount, CV_32SC2, pointsHullFinal);

    //check if point belongs
    for (int j=0;j<baseImageHeight;j++){            
        for(int i=0;i< baseImageWidth;i++){
            double distance = cvPointPolygonTest(&hullMatPoints,cvPoint2D32f(i,j),1);
            if(distance >=0){                    
void ImageOverlayer::OverlayEstimatedRobotPose(double x, double y, double z, double thetaRob, CvScalar color, IplImage* baseImage)
   vector<CvPoint3D32f> Robot_PositionsToReProject;
   CvMat _Robot_PositionsToReProject = cvMat(1, totPntsPerPos, CV_32FC3, &Robot_PositionsToReProject[0]);    
  for(float j=0; j<=robHeight; j+=0.01)
    Robot_PositionsToReProject[0] = cvPoint3D32f(x,y,j);
    for(int pts = 0; pts < circlePointsPerPosition; pts++) //circlePointsPerPosition points out of totPntsPerPos for circle
	float theta = -M_PI + (float)pts*2*M_PI/(circlePointsPerPosition);  
	Robot_PositionsToReProject[1 + pts] = cvPoint3D32f( x + robRadius*cosf(theta), y + robRadius*sinf(theta), j);
   for(int pts = 0; pts < arrowPointsPerPosition /*&& j==robHeight*/; pts++) //arrowPointsPerPosition points out of totPntsPerPos for th arrow
      Robot_PositionsToReProject[1 + circlePointsPerPosition + pts] = cvPoint3D32f( x + (float)pts*(robRadius/(float)arrowPointsPerPosition)*cosf(thetaRob), y + (float)pts*(robRadius/(float)arrowPointsPerPosition)*sinf(thetaRob), robHeight);
    vector<CvPoint2D32f> reprojectedPoints_Robot;
    CvMat _imageReprojectedPoints_RobotRight = cvMat(1, totPntsPerPos, CV_32FC2, &reprojectedPoints_Robot[0]);
    cvProjectPoints2(&_Robot_PositionsToReProject, Rvec_right_n, Tvec_right, &_M2, &_D2, &_imageReprojectedPoints_RobotRight, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); 
    for(int pts = 0; pts < totPntsPerPos; pts++)
	CvPoint robot_PointToBeShownRight = cvPoint(reprojectedPoints_Robot[pts].x,reprojectedPoints_Robot[pts].y);
	cvCircle(baseImage, robot_PointToBeShownRight, 0, color, 2, 8, 0);       	
int KitechSurfObjectRecognitionComp::LocatePlanarObject( const CvSeq* objectKeypoints, const CvSeq* objectDescriptors, const CvSeq* imageKeypoints, const CvSeq* imageDescriptors, const CvPoint src_corners[4], CvPoint dst_corners[4] )
    double h[9];
    CvMat _h = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, h);
    vector<int> ptpairs;
    vector<CvPoint2D32f> pt1, pt2;
    CvMat _pt1, _pt2;
    int i, n;

    FindPairs( objectKeypoints, objectDescriptors, imageKeypoints, imageDescriptors, ptpairs );
    n = ptpairs.size()/2;
    if( n < 4 )
        return 0;

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        pt1[i] = ((CvSURFPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(objectKeypoints,ptpairs[i*2]))->pt;
        pt2[i] = ((CvSURFPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(imageKeypoints,ptpairs[i*2+1]))->pt;

    _pt1 = cvMat(1, n, CV_32FC2, &pt1[0] );
    _pt2 = cvMat(1, n, CV_32FC2, &pt2[0] );
    if( !cvFindHomography( &_pt1, &_pt2, &_h, CV_RANSAC, 5 ))
        return 0;

    for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        double x = src_corners[i].x, y = src_corners[i].y;
        double Z = 1./(h[6]*x + h[7]*y + h[8]);
        double X = (h[0]*x + h[1]*y + h[2])*Z;
        double Y = (h[3]*x + h[4]*y + h[5])*Z;
        dst_corners[i] = cvPoint(cvRound(X), cvRound(Y));

    return 1;
Exemple #21
//Wrapper de C a CPP
void HandDetection::findConvexityDefects(vector<Point>& contour, vector<int>& hull, vector<CvConvexityDefect>& convexDefects){
    if(hull.size() > 0 && contour.size() > 0){
        //Conversion de objetos CPP a C
        CvSeq* contourPoints;
        CvSeq* defects;
        CvMemStorage* storage;
        CvMemStorage* strDefects;
        CvMemStorage* contourStr;
        CvConvexityDefect *defectArray = 0;

        strDefects = cvCreateMemStorage();
        defects = cvCreateSeq( CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC|CV_32SC2, sizeof(CvSeq),sizeof(CvPoint), strDefects );

        //Empezamos con los contornos: los pasamos a un array de objetos Seq
        contourStr = cvCreateMemStorage();
        contourPoints = cvCreateSeq(CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC|CV_32SC2, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvPoint), contourStr);
        for(int i=0; i<(int)contour.size(); i++) {
            CvPoint cp = {contour[i].x,  contour[i].y};
            cvSeqPush(contourPoints, &cp);

        //Ahora con los puntos del poligono convexo
        int count = (int)hull.size();
        //int hullK[count];
        int* hullK = (int*)malloc(count*sizeof(int));
        for(int i=0; i<count; i++){hullK[i] = hull.at(i);}
        CvMat hullMat = cvMat(1, count, CV_32SC1, hullK);

        //Inicializamos la salida
        storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
        defects = cvConvexityDefects(contourPoints, &hullMat, storage);
        defectArray = (CvConvexityDefect*)malloc(sizeof(CvConvexityDefect)*defects->total);
        cvCvtSeqToArray(defects, defectArray, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
        //Conversion de C a CPP
        //float cutoff = lower - (lower - upper) * 0.3f;
        for(int i = 0; i<defects->total; i++){
        //Liberar vectores con cvReleaseMemStorage
        //No olvides hacer un free

        //Devolvemos el vector de puntos con los defectos de convexidad
        //return defects;
    //return defectArray;
Exemple #22
void cvMinAreaRect( CvPoint* points, int n, int, int, int, int,
                    CvPoint2D32f* anchor, CvPoint2D32f* vect1, CvPoint2D32f* vect2 )
    CvMat mat = cvMat( 1, n, CV_32SC2, points );
    CvBox2D box = cvMinAreaRect2( &mat, 0 );
    CvPoint2D32f pt[4];

    cvBoxPoints( box, pt );
    *anchor = pt[0];
    vect1->x = pt[1].x - pt[0].x;
    vect1->y = pt[1].y - pt[0].y;
    vect2->x = pt[3].x - pt[0].x;
    vect2->y = pt[3].y - pt[0].y;
// called by the loop to actually grab the frames
int capture_image(int fd,CvFont *font, int *set_quality, IplImage* frame,CvMat *cvmat,char *capture_title,v4l2_buffer *buf, uint32_t *start_time, uint32_t *image_count) {

    // request a new frame
    if(-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, buf)) {
        perror("Query Buffer");
        return 1;

    // wait up to 2 sec for a new frame to arive
    fd_set fds;
    FD_SET(fd, &fds);
    struct timeval tv = {0};
    tv.tv_sec = 2;
    int r = select(fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
    if(-1 == r) {
        perror("Waiting for Frame");
        return 1;

    // read it
    if(-1 == xioctl(fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, buf)) {
        perror("Retrieving Frame");
        return 1;

    // convert v4l2 buffer to opencv image
    *cvmat = cvMat(height, width, CV_8UC3, (void*)buffer);
    frame = cvDecodeImage(cvmat, 1);

    // add title, reused tv from select-wait
    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
    time_t secs = time(0);
    struct tm *local = localtime(&secs);
    sprintf(capture_title, CAPTURE_PROTO, local->tm_hour, local->tm_min, local->tm_sec, (int)((unsigned long long)(tv.tv_usec) / 1000)%1000);

    printf("%s @ %2.2f fps\n",capture_title, round((float)(*image_count)*100/(time(0)-(*start_time)))/100 );
    cvPutText(frame, capture_title, cvPoint(22, 22), font, cvScalar(0,0,0,0));
    cvPutText(frame, capture_title, cvPoint(24, 24), font, cvScalar(200,200,200,0));

    // save to disk ... well RAM
    cvSaveImage("/dev/shm/mjpeg/cam_full.part.jpg", frame, set_quality);

    // important to avoid mem leakage

    return 0;
Exemple #24
void Animation::load(string animationDirectory) {
	ofxDirList dir;
	int n = dir.listDir(animationDirectory);
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		ofImage* cur = new ofImage();
		ofImage* curAlpha = new ofImage();
		curAlpha->allocate(cur->getWidth(), cur->getHeight(), OF_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
		// use opencv to extract the alpha channel from cur and put it in curAlpha
		int rows = cur->getHeight();
		int cols = cur->getWidth();
		CvMat curMat = cvMat(rows, cols, CV_8UC4, cur->getPixels());
		CvMat curAlphaMat = cvMat(rows, cols, CV_8UC1, curAlpha->getPixels());
		cvSplit(&curMat, NULL, NULL, NULL, &curAlphaMat);
Exemple #25
LDARec::LDARec(int class_num,vector<string>& IDs)

	cnum = class_num;
	for(int i=0;i<cnum;++i)

	char str[100];

	int width,height;

	FILE *fin;

	std::printf("read LDAWcross\n");

    fin = fopen(str,"r");

	this->Ws = cvMat(height,width,CV_64FC1,(void*)(&(w[0])) );
	printf("Ws %d,%d,%f,%f\n",width,height,cvmGet(&Ws, 0, 0),cvmGet(&Ws, 0, 1));

	std::printf("read LDAMeancross\n");

	fin = fopen(str,"r");

	this->mean1d = cvMat(height,width,CV_64FC1,(void*)(&(m1[0])) );
	printf("mean1d %d,%d,%f,%f\n",width,height,cvmGet(&mean1d, 0, 0),cvmGet(&mean1d, 0, 1));

	ydata = new double[Ws.rows];
	y = cvMat(1,Ws.rows,CV_64FC1,ydata);
void ConvexityClassifier::findConvexityDefects(vector<Point>& contour, vector<int>& hull, vector<Point>& convexDefects){
    if(hull.size() > 0 && contour.size() > 0){
    CvSeq* contourPoints;
    CvSeq* defects;
    CvMemStorage* storage;
    CvMemStorage* strDefects;
    CvMemStorage* contourStr;
    CvConvexityDefect *defectArray = 0;

    strDefects = cvCreateMemStorage();
    defects = cvCreateSeq( CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC|CV_32SC2, sizeof(CvSeq),sizeof(CvPoint), strDefects );

    //We transform our vector<Point> into a CvSeq* object of CvPoint.
    contourStr = cvCreateMemStorage();
    contourPoints = cvCreateSeq(CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC|CV_32SC2, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvPoint), contourStr);
    for(int i=0; i<(int)contour.size(); i++) {
        CvPoint cp = {contour[i].x,  contour[i].y};
        cvSeqPush(contourPoints, &cp);

    //Now, we do the same thing with the hull index
    int count = (int)hull.size();
    //int hullK[count];
    int* hullK = (int*)malloc(count*sizeof(int));
    for(int i=0; i<count; i++){hullK[i] = hull.at(i);}
    CvMat hullMat = cvMat(1, count, CV_32SC1, hullK);

    //We calculate convexity defects
    storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
    defects = cvConvexityDefects(contourPoints, &hullMat, storage);
    defectArray = (CvConvexityDefect*)malloc(sizeof(CvConvexityDefect)*defects->total);
    cvCvtSeqToArray(defects, defectArray, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
    //printf("DefectArray %i %i\n",defectArray->end->x, defectArray->end->y);

    //We store defects points in the convexDefects parameter.
    for(int i = 0; i<defects->total; i++){
        CvPoint ptf;
        ptf.x = defectArray[i].depth_point->x;
        ptf.y = defectArray[i].depth_point->y;

    //We release memory
Exemple #27
void SiftMatch::CalcFourCorner()
    double v2[]={0,0,1};//左上角
    double v1[3];//变换后的坐标值
    CvMat V2 = cvMat(3,1,CV_64FC1,v2);
    CvMat V1 = cvMat(3,1,CV_64FC1,v1);
    leftTop.x = cvRound(v1[0]/v1[2]);
    leftTop.y = cvRound(v1[1]/v1[2]);

    v2[0] = 0;
    v2[1] = img2->height;
    V2 = cvMat(3,1,CV_64FC1,v2);
    V1 = cvMat(3,1,CV_64FC1,v1);
    leftBottom.x = cvRound(v1[0]/v1[2]);
    leftBottom.y = cvRound(v1[1]/v1[2]);

    v2[0] = img2->width;
    v2[1] = 0;
    V2 = cvMat(3,1,CV_64FC1,v2);
    V1 = cvMat(3,1,CV_64FC1,v1);
    rightTop.x = cvRound(v1[0]/v1[2]);
    rightTop.y = cvRound(v1[1]/v1[2]);

    v2[0] = img2->width;
    v2[1] = img2->height;
    V2 = cvMat(3,1,CV_64FC1,v2);
    V1 = cvMat(3,1,CV_64FC1,v1);
    rightBottom.x = cvRound(v1[0]/v1[2]);
    rightBottom.y = cvRound(v1[1]/v1[2]);

CvMat* myCvGetRotationMatrix(CvPoint2D32f center, CvMat* matrix)
    double m[2][3];
    CvMat M =cvMat(2,3,CV_64FC1, m);
    double alpha,beta;
    double angle=CV_PI;
    alpha= cos(angle);
    beta= sin(angle);
    m[0][2]=(1-alpha)*center.x - beta*center.y;
    m[1][2]=beta*center.x + (1-alpha)* center.y;
    return matrix;
Exemple #29
void saveFramePoses(const string& dirname, vector<FramePose>& framePoses) {
  // TODO: for now, turn poses into a CvMat of numOfKeyFrames x 7 (index, rod[3], shift[3])
  double _poses[framePoses.size()*7];
  CvMat  _framePoses = cvMat(framePoses.size(), 7, CV_64FC1, _poses);
  int i=0;
  for (vector<FramePose>::const_iterator iter= framePoses.begin(); iter!=framePoses.end(); iter++,i++) {
    _poses[i*7 + 0] = iter->mIndex;
    _poses[i*7 + 1] = iter->mRod.x;
    _poses[i*7 + 2] = iter->mRod.y;
    _poses[i*7 + 3] = iter->mRod.z;
    _poses[i*7 + 4] = iter->mShift.x;
    _poses[i*7 + 5] = iter->mShift.y;
    _poses[i*7 + 6] = iter->mShift.z;
  if (i>0) {
    string framePosesFilename("framePoses.xml");
    cvSave((dirname+framePosesFilename).c_str(), &_framePoses, "index-rod3-shift3", "indices, rodrigues and shifts w.r.t. starting frame");
Exemple #30
CvMat* FeatureManager::getMbrmFeatureByImage(IplImage* pImage, int rowNumber, int colNumber)//the feature is row vector;the returned mat need to be released by user.
    const int MBRMDIM=17;
    int x=0,y=0;//
    int rectWidth=pImage->width/colNumber;
    int rectHeight=pImage->height/rowNumber;
    double* pFeature=new double[rowNumber*colNumber*MBRMDIM];
    CvRect roi=cvRect(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight);

    for (int row=0; row!=rowNumber; ++row)

        for (int col=0; col!=colNumber; ++col)
            IplImage*	pGridImage=::cvCreateImage(cvSize(roi.width,roi.height),pImage->depth,pImage->nChannels);

           // cvGetSubImage(pImage, pGridImage, roi);

            //	result=cvCreateImage(cvSize(roi.width,roi.height),image->depth,image->nChannels);

            double* pGridFeature=getGridMbrmFeature(pGridImage);

            for (int i=0;i!=MBRMDIM;++i)
            delete [] pGridFeature;

    CvMat tmp = cvMat(rowNumber*colNumber,MBRMDIM,CV_64FC1,pFeature);
    CvMat* pFeatureMat=cvCreateMat(rowNumber*colNumber,MBRMDIM,CV_64FC1);
    delete [] pFeature;
    return pFeatureMat;