DenseVector ConstraintQuadratic::eval(const DenseVector &x) const
    // Convert x to matrix so that it can be transposed
    DenseMatrix z(x);
    DenseMatrix zt = z.transpose();
    DenseMatrix bt = b.transpose();
    DenseVector cvec(1); cvec(0) = c;

    DenseVector y = zt*A*z + bt*z + cvec;
    return y;
Exemple #2
Q3Vector operator*(qreal coef, const Q3Vector &vec)
    Q3Vector cvec(vec.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
        cvec[i] = coef *;
    return cvec;
Exemple #3
void EEMS::initialize_diffs( ) {
  cerr << "[Diffs::initialize]" << endl;
  n_2 = (double)n/2.0; nmin1 = n-1; logn = log(n);
  J = MatrixXd::Zero(n,o);
  cvec = VectorXd::Zero(o);
  cinv = VectorXd::Zero(o);
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
    J(i,graph.get_deme_of_indiv(i)) = 1;
    cvec(graph.get_deme_of_indiv(i)) += 1;
  cinv = pow(cvec.array(),-1.0).matrix();  // cinv is the vector of inverse counts
  cmin1 = cvec; cmin1.array() -= 1;        // cmin1 is the vector of counts - 1
  Diffs = readMatrixXd(params.datapath + ".diffs");
  if ((Diffs.rows()!=n)||(Diffs.cols()!=n)) {
    cerr << "  Error reading dissimilarities matrix " << params.datapath + ".diffs" << endl
	 << "  Expect a " << n << "x" << n << " matrix of pairwise differences" << endl; exit(1);      
  cerr << "  Loaded dissimilarities matrix from " << params.datapath + ".diffs" << endl;
  if (!isdistmat(Diffs)) {
    cerr << "  The dissimilarity matrix is not a full-rank distance matrix" << endl; exit(1);
  L = MatrixXd::Constant(nmin1,n,-1.0);
  JtDhatJ = MatrixXd::Zero(o,o);
  JtDobsJ = J.transpose()*Diffs*J;
  ldLLt = logdet(L*L.transpose());
  ldLDLt = logdet(-L*Diffs*L.transpose());
  ldDiQ = ldLLt - ldLDLt;
  if (cvec.maxCoeff()>1) {
    cerr << "[Diffs::initialize] Use this version only if there is at most one sample in every deme" << endl;
  cerr << "[Diffs::initialize] Done." << endl << endl;
Exemple #4
// use REML equation to estimate variance component
// input P, calculate PA, H, R and varcmp
void gcta::ai_reml(eigenMatrix &P, eigenMatrix &Hi, eigenVector &Py, eigenVector &prev_varcmp, eigenVector &varcmp, double dlogL)
    int i=0, j=0;

	eigenVector cvec(_n);
	eigenMatrix APy(_n, _r_indx.size());
	for(i=0; i<_r_indx.size(); i++) (APy.col(i))=(_A.block(0,_r_indx[i]*_n,_n,_n))*Py;

	// Calculate Hi
	eigenVector R(_r_indx.size()+1);
	for(i=0; i<_r_indx.size(); i++){
		for(j=0; j<i; j++) Hi(j,i)=Hi(i,j)=((APy.col(j)).transpose()*cvec)(0,0);
	for(j=0; j<_r_indx.size(); j++) Hi(j,_r_indx.size())=Hi(_r_indx.size(),j)=((APy.col(j)).transpose()*cvec)(0,0);

	// Calcualte tr(PA) and dL
    eigenVector tr_PA;
	calcu_tr_PA(P, tr_PA);

	// Calculate variance component
	comput_inverse_logdet_LU(Hi, "Error: AI matrix is not invertible.");
	eigenVector delta(_r_indx.size()+1);
	if(dlogL>1.0) varcmp=prev_varcmp+0.316*delta;
	else varcmp=prev_varcmp+delta;
Exemple #5
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	std::vector<int> ivec(9, 8);
	std::vector<double> dvec(8, 9.9);
	std::vector<char> cvec(7, 'h');
	std::cout << count(ivec, 8) << std::endl;
	std::cout << count(dvec, 9.9) << std::endl;
	std::cout << count(cvec, 'h') << std::endl;

	std::vector<std::string> svec(6, "hey");
	std::cout << count(svec, std::string("hey")) << std::endl;
	return 0;
//	calculate the intersection of a sphere the given ray
//	the ray has an origin and a direction, ray = origin + t*direction
//	find the t parameter, return true if it is between 0.0 and 1.0, false 
//	otherwise, write the results in following variables:
//	depth	- t \in [0.0 1.0]
//	posX	- x position of intersection point, nothing if no intersection
//	posY	- y position of intersection point, nothing if no intersection
//	posZ	- z position of intersection point, nothing if no intersection
//	normalX	- x component of normal at intersection point, nothing if no intersection
//	normalX	- y component of normal at intersection point, nothing if no intersection
//	normalX	- z component of normal at intersection point, nothing if no intersection
//	attention: a sphere has usually two intersection points make sure to return 
//	the one that is closest to the ray's origin and still in the viewing frustum
Sphere::intersect(Ray ray, double *depth,	
				  double *posX, double *posY, double *posZ,
				  double *normalX, double *normalY, double *normalZ)

	//////////*********** START OF CODE TO CHANGE *******////////////

	// from slides:
	// (cx + t * vx)^2 + (cy + t * vy)^2 + (cz + t * vy)^2 = r^2

	// text:
	// (e+td−c)·(e+td−c)−R2 = 0
	// (d·d)t^2 +2d·(e−c)t+(e−c)·(e−c)−R^2 = 0

	// d: the direction vector of the ray
	// e: point at which the ray starts
	// c: center point of the sphere

	Vec3 dvec(	ray.direction[0],

	Vec3 evec(	ray.origin[0],

	Vec3 cvec(	this->center[0],

	// use the quadratic equation, since we have the form At^2 + Bt + C = 0.

	double a =;
	double b = dvec.scale(2).dot(evec.subtract(cvec));

	Vec3 eMinusCvec = evec.subtract(cvec);
	double c = - (this->radius * this->radius);

	// discriminant: b^2 - 4ac
	double discriminant = (b * b) - (4 * a * c);

	// From text: If the discriminant is negative, its square root 
	// is imaginary and the line and sphere do not intersect.
	if (discriminant < 0) {
		//printf("No intersection with sphere - 1\n");
		return false;

	} else {
		// there is at least one intersection point
		double t1 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
		double t2 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);

		double tmin = fminf(t1, t2);
		double tmax = fmaxf(t1, t2);

		double t = 0; // t is set to either tmin or tmax (or the function returns false)

		if (tmin >= 0) { //} && tmin <= 1) {

			t = tmin;

		} else if (tmax >= 0) { //} && tmax <= 1) {

			t = tmax;

		} else {

			// return false if neither interestion point is within [0, 1]
			//printf("No intersection with sphere. t values (%f, %f)\n", t1, t2);
			return false;


		*depth = t;
		// position: (e + td)
		Vec3 posvec = dvec.scale(t).add(evec);
		*posX = posvec[0];
		*posY = posvec[1];
		*posZ = posvec[2];

		// normal: 2(p - c)
		Vec3 normalvec = posvec.subtract(cvec).scale(2);
		*normalX = normalvec[0];
		*normalY = normalvec[1];
		*normalZ = normalvec[2];

	//////////*********** END OF CODE TO CHANGE *******////////////
	//printf("Sphere intersection found (%f, %f, %f) \n", *posX, *posY, *posZ);
	return true;
Exemple #7
int main(int argc, char * argv [])
  int n = 1000;
//  srand48(123);

  if (argc > 1)

  if (argc > 2)
    n = atoi(argv[2]);
  fprintf(stderr, "n= %d\n", n);

  MSW lp(1.0);

#if 1
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    const real lx = 0.75;
    const real ly = 0.75;
    const real lz = 0.75;
    const real nx = (1.0-2.0*drand48())*lx;
    const real ny = (1.0-2.0*drand48())*ly;
    const real nz = (1.0-2.0*drand48())*lz;
    const real x = -nx;
    const real y = -ny;
    const real z = -nz;
    lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(nx,ny,nz), vec3(x, y, z)));
    lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(-1.0, -1.0,  0.0), vec3(0.3, 0.3, 0.00)));
    lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(+1.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec3(0.25, 0.5, 0.5)));
    lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec3(0.75, 0.5, 0.5)));
    lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(0.0, +1.0, 0.0), vec3(0.5, 0.25, 0.5)));
    lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), vec3(0.5, 0.75, 0.5)));
    lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(0.0, 0.0, +1.0), vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.25)));
    lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.75)));
 //   lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(0.0, 0.0, +1.0), vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.40)));
//    lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.30)));
//    lp.push(HalfSpace(vec3(0.0, +1.0, 0.0), vec3(0.5, 0.3, 0.30)));

  fprintf(stderr, " nspace= %d\n", lp.nspace());
  const int nrep = 1000;

  vec3 cvec(-1.0, +1.0, 0.0);
#if 0
  vec3 pos = lp.solve(cvec, false);
  fprintf(stderr, " pos= %g %g %g \n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
  cvec = vec3(1.0 - 2.0*drand48(), 1.0 - 2.0*drand48(), 1.0 - 2.0*drand48());
  vec3 pos = lp.solve(cvec, false);
    const double t0 = get_wtime();
    fprintf(stderr, " pos= %g %g %g \n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
    for (int i = 0; i < nrep; i++)
      vec3 pos1 = lp.solve(cvec, false);
      if ((pos1 - pos).norm2() > 1.0e-20*pos.norm2())
        fprintf(stderr, " pos= %g %g %g \n", pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z);
    const double dt = get_wtime() - t0;
    fprintf(stderr, " norm  done in %g sec\n", dt/nrep);
    const double t0 = get_wtime();
    for (int i = 0; i < nrep; i++)
      vec3 pos1 = lp.solve(cvec, true);
      if ((pos1 - pos).norm2() > 1.0e-20*pos.norm2())
        fprintf(stderr, " rpos= %g %g %g \n", pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z);
    const double dt = get_wtime() - t0;
    fprintf(stderr, " rand  done in %g sec\n", dt/nrep);
    nflops = 0;
    int nrep = 100000;
    std::vector<vec3> vecList(nrep);
    const double t0 = get_wtime();
    for (int i = 0; i < nrep; i++)
      const vec3 cvec(1.0 - 2.0*drand48(), 1.0 - 2.0*drand48(), 1.0 - 2.0*drand48());
      vecList[i] = lp.solve(cvec, false);
    const double dt = get_wtime() - t0;
    fprintf(stderr, " test  done in %g sec [%g sec per element]\n", dt, dt/nrep);
    fprintf(stderr, " performance: %g GFLOP %g GFLOP/s \n", nflops*1.0/1e9, nflops*1.0/dt/1e9);

  return 0;
Exemple #8
// fill missing bins in histogram h fitting a plane to the
//   surrounding bins
void fitQuadratic (TH2* h, TH2* refHisto, int nmin=9, int nmin2=12) {
    // prepare histogram
    TH2* hOrig = (TH2*)h->Clone();
    int nbx = hOrig->GetNbinsX();
    int nby = hOrig->GetNbinsY();
    // matrix and vector for fit
    TMatrixD mat(6,6);
    TVectorD cvec(6);
    // loop over histogram
    for ( int ix=1; ix<=nbx; ++ix ) {
        for ( int iy=1; iy<=nby; ++iy ) {
            // clear matrix and vector used for fit
            int nn(0);
            for ( int i=0; i<6; ++i ) {
                cvec(i) = 0.;
                for ( int j=0; j<6; ++j ) mat(i,j) = 0.;
            // loop over neighbours
            for ( int jx=-1; jx<2; ++jx ) {
                for ( int jy=-1; jy<2; ++jy ) {
                    if ( (ix+jx)<1 || (ix+jx)>nbx )  continue;
                    if ( (iy+jy)<1 || (iy+jy)>nby )  continue;
                    // fill vector and matrix
            for ( int jx=1; jx<6; ++jx ) {
                for ( int jy=0; jy<jx; ++jy )  mat(jx,jy) = mat(jy,jx);
            // if < nmin neighbours in delta_i==1: try to add delta_i==2
            if ( nn<nmin ) {
                // loop over neighbours
                for ( int jx=-2; jx<3; ++jx ) {
                    for ( int jy=-2; jy<3; ++jy ) {
                        // skip the central bin (the one to be filled)
                        if ( abs(jx)<2 && abs(jy)<2 )  continue;
                        if ( (ix+jx)<1 || (ix+jx)>nbx )  continue;
                        if ( (iy+jy)<1 || (iy+jy)>nby )  continue;
                        // fill vector and matrix
                for ( int jx=1; jx<6; ++jx ) {
                    for ( int jy=0; jy<jx; ++jy )  mat(jx,jy) = mat(jy,jx);
                // drop bin if <nmin2 in 5x5 area
                if ( nn<nmin2 ) continue;
//       cout << "x / y = " << h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix) << " "
//                          << h->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy) << endl;
            // linear 2D fit to neighbours (in units of bin number):
            //   par(0)*(x-ix)+par(1)*(y-iy)+par(2)
            double det = mat.Determinant();
            if ( det < 1.e-6 )  std::cout << "************* " << det << std::endl;
            if ( det < 1.e-6 )  continue;
//       TMatrixD mat1(mat);
            TVectorD par = mat*cvec;
//       TVectorD tmp = mat1*par;
    delete hOrig;