Exemple #1
void Tet21Stokes :: computeStiffnessMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode mode, TimeStep *tStep)
    FluidDynamicMaterial *mat = static_cast< FluidCrossSection * >( this->giveCrossSection() )->giveFluidMaterial();
    FloatMatrix B(6, 30), EdB, K, G, Dp, DvT, C, Ed, dN;
    FloatArray dN_V(30), Nlin, Ep, Cd, tmpA, tmpB;
    double Cp;


    for ( GaussPoint *gp: *this->integrationRulesArray [ 0 ] ) {
        // Compute Gauss point and determinant at current element
        const FloatArray &lcoords = gp->giveNaturalCoordinates();

        double detJ = fabs( this->interpolation_quad.evaldNdx( dN, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) ) );
        double dV = detJ * gp->giveWeight();
        this->interpolation_lin.evalN( Nlin, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );

        for ( int j = 0, k = 0; j < dN.giveNumberOfRows(); j++, k += 3 ) {
            dN_V(k + 0) = B(0, k + 0) = B(3, k + 1) = B(4, k + 2) = dN(j, 0);
            dN_V(k + 1) = B(1, k + 1) = B(3, k + 0) = B(5, k + 2) = dN(j, 1);
            dN_V(k + 2) = B(2, k + 2) = B(4, k + 0) = B(5, k + 1) = dN(j, 2);

        // Computing the internal forces should have been done first.
        // dsigma_dev/deps_dev  dsigma_dev/dp  deps_vol/deps_dev  deps_vol/dp
        mat->giveStiffnessMatrices(Ed, Ep, Cd, Cp, mode, gp, tStep);

        EdB.beProductOf(Ed, B);
        K.plusProductSymmUpper(B, EdB, dV);
        G.plusDyadUnsym(dN_V, Nlin, -dV);
        C.plusDyadSymmUpper(Nlin, Cp * dV);

        tmpA.beTProductOf(B, Ep);
        Dp.plusDyadUnsym(tmpA, Nlin, dV);

        tmpB.beTProductOf(B, Cd);
        DvT.plusDyadUnsym(Nlin, tmpB, dV);

    FloatMatrix GTDvT, GDp;
    GDp = G;

    answer.resize(34, 34);
    answer.assemble(K, this->momentum_ordering);
    answer.assemble(GDp, this->momentum_ordering, this->conservation_ordering);
    answer.assemble(GTDvT, this->conservation_ordering, this->momentum_ordering);
    answer.assemble(C, this->conservation_ordering);
    //    K.printYourself();
    //    GDp.printYourself();
    //    GTDvT.printYourself();
    //    C.printYourself();
Exemple #2
void Tet21Stokes :: computeInternalForcesVector(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep)
    FluidDynamicMaterial *mat = static_cast< FluidCrossSection * >( this->giveCrossSection() )->giveFluidMaterial();
    FloatArray a_pressure, a_velocity, devStress, epsp, Nh, dN_V(30);
    FloatMatrix dN, B(6, 30);
    double r_vol, pressure;
    this->computeVectorOfVelocities(VM_Total, tStep, a_velocity);
    this->computeVectorOfPressures(VM_Total, tStep, a_pressure);
    FloatArray momentum, conservation;

    for ( GaussPoint *gp: *integrationRulesArray [ 0 ] ) {
        const FloatArray &lcoords = gp->giveNaturalCoordinates();

        double detJ = fabs( this->interpolation_quad.evaldNdx( dN, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) ) );
        this->interpolation_lin.evalN( Nh, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
        double dV = detJ * gp->giveWeight();

        for ( int j = 0, k = 0; j < dN.giveNumberOfRows(); j++, k += 3 ) {
            dN_V(k + 0) = B(0, k + 0) = B(3, k + 1) = B(4, k + 2) = dN(j, 0);
            dN_V(k + 1) = B(1, k + 1) = B(3, k + 0) = B(5, k + 2) = dN(j, 1);
            dN_V(k + 2) = B(2, k + 2) = B(4, k + 0) = B(5, k + 1) = dN(j, 2);

        epsp.beProductOf(B, a_velocity);
        pressure = Nh.dotProduct(a_pressure);
        mat->computeDeviatoricStressVector(devStress, r_vol, gp, epsp, pressure, tStep);

        momentum.plusProduct(B, devStress, dV);
        momentum.add(-pressure * dV, dN_V);
        conservation.add(r_vol * dV, Nh);

    answer.assemble(momentum, this->momentum_ordering);
    answer.assemble(conservation, this->conservation_ordering);
Exemple #3
void Tr21Stokes :: computeStiffnessMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, TimeStep *tStep)
    // Note: Working with the components; [K, G+Dp; G^T+Dv^T, C] . [v,p]
    FluidDynamicMaterial *mat = ( FluidDynamicMaterial * ) this->domain->giveMaterial(this->material);
    IntegrationRule *iRule = this->integrationRulesArray [ 0 ];
    GaussPoint *gp;
    FloatMatrix B(3, 12), EdB, K(12,12), G, Dp, DvT, C, Ed, dN;
    FloatArray *lcoords, dN_V(12), Nlin, Ep, Cd, tmpA, tmpB;
    double Cp;


    for ( int i = 0; i < iRule->getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); i++ ) {
        // Compute Gauss point and determinant at current element
        gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(i);
        lcoords = gp->giveCoordinates();

        double detJ = fabs(this->interpolation_quad.giveTransformationJacobian(* lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this)));
        double dA = detJ * gp->giveWeight();

        this->interpolation_quad.evaldNdx(dN, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
        this->interpolation_lin.evalN(Nlin, * lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
        for ( int j = 0, k = 0; j < 6; j++, k += 2 ) {
            dN_V(k)     = B(0, k)     = B(2, k + 1) = dN(j, 0);
            dN_V(k + 1) = B(1, k + 1) = B(2, k)     = dN(j, 1);

        // Computing the internal forces should have been done first.
        mat->giveDeviatoricStiffnessMatrix(Ed, TangentStiffness, gp, tStep); // dsigma_dev/deps_dev
        mat->giveDeviatoricPressureStiffness(Ep, TangentStiffness, gp, tStep); // dsigma_dev/dp
        mat->giveVolumetricDeviatoricStiffness(Cd, TangentStiffness, gp, tStep); // deps_vol/deps_dev
        mat->giveVolumetricPressureStiffness(Cp, TangentStiffness, gp, tStep); // deps_vol/dp

        K.plusProductSymmUpper(B, EdB, dA);
        G.plusDyadUnsym(dN_V, Nlin, -dA);
        C.plusDyadSymmUpper(Nlin, Nlin, Cp*dA);

        tmpA.beTProductOf(B, Ep);
        Dp.plusDyadUnsym(tmpA, Nlin, dA);

        tmpB.beTProductOf(B, Cd);
        DvT.plusDyadUnsym(Nlin, tmpB, dA);

    FloatMatrix GTDvT, GDp;
    GDp = G;

    FloatMatrix temp(15, 15);
    temp.setSubMatrix(K, 1, 1);
    temp.setSubMatrix(GTDvT, 13, 1);
    temp.setSubMatrix(GDp, 1, 13);
    temp.setSubMatrix(C, 13, 13);

    answer.resize(15, 15);
    answer.assemble(temp, this->ordering);