Exemple #1
void dLCP::solve1 (dReal *a, int i, int dir, int only_transfer)
  // the `Dell' and `ell' that are computed here are saved. if index i is
  // later added to the factorization then they can be reused.
  // @@@ question: do we need to solve for entire delta_x??? yes, but
  //     only if an x goes below 0 during the step.

  int j;
  if (nC > 0) {
    dReal *aptr = AROW(i);
    // if nub>0, initial part of aptr[] is guaranteed unpermuted
    for (j=0; j<nub; j++) Dell[j] = aptr[j];
    for (j=nub; j<nC; j++) Dell[j] = aptr[C[j]];
#   else
    for (j=0; j<nC; j++) Dell[j] = aptr[C[j]];
#   endif
    dSolveL1 (L,Dell,nC,nskip);
    for (j=0; j<nC; j++) ell[j] = Dell[j] * d[j];

    if (!only_transfer) {
      for (j=0; j<nC; j++) tmp[j] = ell[j];
      dSolveL1T (L,tmp,nC,nskip);
      if (dir > 0) {
	for (j=0; j<nC; j++) a[C[j]] = -tmp[j];
      else {
	for (j=0; j<nC; j++) a[C[j]] = tmp[j];
Exemple #2
void _dSolveLDLT (const dReal *L, const dReal *d, dReal *b, int n, int nskip)
  dAASSERT (L && d && b && n > 0 && nskip >= n);
  dSolveL1 (L,b,n,nskip);
  dVectorScale (b,d,n);
  dSolveL1T (L,b,n,nskip);
Exemple #3
void dLCP::solve1 (dReal *a, int i, int dir, int only_transfer)
  // the `Dell' and `ell' that are computed here are saved. if index i is
  // later added to the factorization then they can be reused.
  // @@@ question: do we need to solve for entire delta_x??? yes, but
  //     only if an x goes below 0 during the step.

  if (m_nC > 0) {
      dReal *Dell = m_Dell;
      int *C = m_C;
      dReal *aptr = AROW(i);
      // if nub>0, initial part of aptr[] is guaranteed unpermuted
      const int nub = m_nub;
      int j=0;
      for ( ; j<nub; ++j) Dell[j] = aptr[j];
      const int nC = m_nC;
      for ( ; j<nC; ++j) Dell[j] = aptr[C[j]];
#   else
      const int nC = m_nC;
      for (int j=0; j<nC; ++j) Dell[j] = aptr[C[j]];
#   endif
    dSolveL1 (m_L,m_Dell,m_nC,m_nskip);
      dReal *ell = m_ell, *Dell = m_Dell, *d = m_d;
      const int nC = m_nC;
      for (int j=0; j<nC; ++j) ell[j] = Dell[j] * d[j];

    if (!only_transfer) {
      dReal *tmp = m_tmp, *ell = m_ell;
        const int nC = m_nC;
        for (int j=0; j<nC; ++j) tmp[j] = ell[j];
      dSolveL1T (m_L,tmp,m_nC,m_nskip);
      if (dir > 0) {
        int *C = m_C;
        dReal *tmp = m_tmp;
        const int nC = m_nC;
        for (int j=0; j<nC; ++j) a[C[j]] = -tmp[j];
      } else {
        int *C = m_C;
        dReal *tmp = m_tmp;
        const int nC = m_nC;
        for (int j=0; j<nC; ++j) a[C[j]] = tmp[j];