Exemple #1
 * Escape characters as %XX sequences.
 * Return value: New string.
char *a_Misc_escape_chars(const char *str, const char *esc_set)
   static const char *const hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
   char *p = NULL;
   Dstr *dstr;
   int i;

   dstr = dStr_sized_new(64);
   for (i = 0; str[i]; ++i) {
      if (str[i] <= 0x1F || str[i] == 0x7F || strchr(esc_set, str[i])) {
         dStr_append_c(dstr, '%');
         dStr_append_c(dstr, hex[(str[i] >> 4) & 15]);
         dStr_append_c(dstr, hex[str[i] & 15]);
      } else {
Exemple #2
 * Escape URI characters in 'esc_set' as %XX sequences.
 * Return value: New escaped string.
char *Escape_uri_str(const char *str, const char *p_esc_set)
   static const char *esc_set, *hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
   char *p;
   Dstr *dstr;
   int i;

   esc_set = (p_esc_set) ? p_esc_set : "%#:' ";
   dstr = dStr_sized_new(64);
   for (i = 0; str[i]; ++i) {
      if (str[i] <= 0x1F || str[i] == 0x7F || strchr(esc_set, str[i])) {
         dStr_append_c(dstr, '%');
         dStr_append_c(dstr, hex[(str[i] >> 4) & 15]);
         dStr_append_c(dstr, hex[str[i] & 15]);
      } else {
Exemple #3
 * Unquote the content of a (potentially) quoted string.
 * Return: newly allocated unquoted content.
 * Arguments:
 * valuep: pointer to a pointer to the first char.
 * Preconditions:
 * *valuep points to a correctly quoted and escaped string.
 * Postconditions:
 * *valuep points to the first not processed char.
static Dstr *Auth_unquote_value(char **valuep)
   char c, quoted;
   char *value = *valuep;
   Dstr *result;

   while (*value == ' ' || *value == '\t')

   if ((quoted = *value == '"'))

   result = dStr_new(NULL);
   while ((c = *value) &&
          (( quoted && c != '"') ||
           (!quoted && Auth_is_token_char(c)))) {
      dStr_append_c(result, (c == '\\' && value[1]) ? *++value : c);

   if (quoted && *value == '\"')
   *valuep = value;
   return result;
Exemple #4
 * Consume bytes until the whole header is got (up to a "\r\n\r\n" sequence)
 * (Also unfold multi-line fields and strip '\r' chars from header)
static int Cache_get_header(CacheEntry_t *entry,
                            const char *buf, size_t buf_size)
   size_t N, i;
   Dstr *hdr = entry->Header;

   /* Header finishes when N = 2 */
   N = (hdr->len && hdr->str[hdr->len - 1] == '\n');
   for (i = 0; i < buf_size && N < 2; ++i) {
      if (buf[i] == '\r' || !buf[i])
      if (N == 1 && (buf[i] == ' ' || buf[i] == '\t')) {
         /* unfold multiple-line header */
         _MSG("Multiple-line header!\n");
         dStr_erase(hdr, hdr->len - 1, 1);
      N = (buf[i] == '\n') ? N + 1 : 0;
      dStr_append_c(hdr, buf[i]);

   if (N == 2) {
      /* Got whole header */
      _MSG("Header [buf_size=%d]\n%s", i, hdr->str);
      entry->Flags |= CA_GotHeader;
      /* Return number of header bytes in 'buf' [1 based] */
      return i;
   return 0;
Exemple #5
 * Printf like function for building dpip commands.
 * It takes care of dpip escaping of its arguments.
 * NOTE : It ONLY accepts string parameters, and
 *        only one %s per parameter.
char *a_Dpip_build_cmd(const char *format, ...)
   va_list argp;
   char *p, *q, *s;
   Dstr *cmd;

   /* Don't allow Quote characters in attribute names */
   if (strchr(format, Quote))
      return NULL;

   cmd = dStr_sized_new(64);
   dStr_append_c(cmd, '<');
   va_start(argp, format);
   for (p = q = (char*)format; *q;  ) {
      p = strstr(q, "%s");
      if (!p) {
         dStr_append(cmd, q);
      } else {
         /* Copy format's part */
         while (q != p)
            dStr_append_c(cmd, *q++);
         q += 2;

         dStr_append_c(cmd, Quote);
         /* Stuff-copy of argument */
         s = va_arg (argp, char *);
         for (  ; *s; ++s) {
            dStr_append_c(cmd, *s);
            if (*s == Quote)
               dStr_append_c(cmd, *s);
         dStr_append_c(cmd, Quote);
   dStr_append_c(cmd, ' ');
   dStr_append_c(cmd, Quote);
   dStr_append_c(cmd, '>');

   p = cmd->str;
   dStr_free(cmd, FALSE);
   return p;
Exemple #6
 * Generate Content-Type header value for a POST query.
static Dstr *Http_make_content_type(const DilloUrl *url)
   Dstr *dstr;

   if (URL_FLAGS(url) & URL_MultipartEnc) {
      MSG("submitting multipart/form-data!\n");
      dstr = dStr_new("multipart/form-data; boundary=\"");
      if (URL_DATA(url)->len > 2) {
         /* boundary lines have "--" prepended. Skip that. */
         const char *start = URL_DATA(url)->str + 2;
         char *eol = strchr(start, '\r');
         if (eol)
            dStr_append_l(dstr, start, eol - start);
      } else {
         /* Zero parts; arbitrary boundary */
         dStr_append_c(dstr, '0');
   } else {
      dstr = dStr_new("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
   return dstr;