Exemple #1
ODEDomain::ODEDomain(char const *space_type, Input *input) : BaseDomain(input)
    printf("ODEDomain constructor\n");   
    world = dWorldCreate();
    contactgroup = dJointGroupCreate (0);
    //Set and get the global CFM (constraint force mixing) value. Typical values are in the range 10-9 -- 1. The default is 10-5 if single precision is being used, or 10-10 if double precision is being used.

    //dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations (world,ITERS);
    dRandSetSeed (time(NULL));

    if (space_type == std::string("quad"))
        dVector3 Center = {boundaries[0][0]+delta[0]*0.5, boundaries[1][0]+delta[1]*0.5, boundaries[2][0]+delta[2]*0.5, 0};
        dVector3 Extents = {delta[0] * 0.55, delta[1] * 0.55, delta[2] * 0.55, 0};                
        printf(":::: Using Quad Tree Space\n");
        space = dQuadTreeSpaceCreate (0, Center, Extents, 6);        
    else if (space_type == std::string("hash"))
        printf(":::: Using Hash Space\n");
        space = dHashSpaceCreate (0);
        //dHashSpaceSetLevels (space,-10,10);
    else if (space_type == std::string("sap")) 
        printf(":::: Using Sweep And Prune Space\n");
        space = dSweepAndPruneSpaceCreate (0, dSAP_AXES_XYZ);
    else if (space_type == std::string("simple")) 
        printf(":::: Using Simple Space\n");
        space = dSimpleSpaceCreate(0);

    if (!space) 
        printf(":::: Using Sweep And Prune Space\n");
        space = dSweepAndPruneSpaceCreate (0, dSAP_AXES_XYZ);            
    //TODO redo tests
    //I did tests: deposition of 10000 particles without& (~catBits[PARTICLES])& (~catBits[PARTICLES]) collisions.
    //SWAP: 6 sec
    //HASH: 7.15 sec
    //QUAD: 41.8 sec
    //SIMLE: 59 sec
    printf("ODE conf: %s", dGetConfiguration());      
    printf("\n:::: sizeof(dReal)=%lu\n\n", sizeof(dReal));
Exemple #2
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    // setup pointers to drawstuff callback functions
    dsFunctions fn;
    fn.version = DS_VERSION;
    fn.start = &start;
    fn.step = &simLoop;
    fn.command = &command;
    fn.stop = 0;
    fn.path_to_textures = DRAWSTUFF_TEXTURE_PATH;

    // create world
    world = dWorldCreate();

#if 1
    space = dHashSpaceCreate (0);
#elif 0
    dVector3 center = {0,0,0}, extents = { 100, 100, 100};
    space = dQuadTreeSpaceCreate(0, center, extents, 5);
#elif 0
    space = dSweepAndPruneSpaceCreate (0, dSAP_AXES_XYZ);
    space = dSimpleSpaceCreate(0);

    contactgroup = dJointGroupCreate (0);
    dWorldSetGravity (world,0,0,-0.5);
    dWorldSetCFM (world,1e-5);
    dWorldSetLinearDamping(world, 0.00001);
    dWorldSetAngularDamping(world, 0.005);
    dWorldSetMaxAngularSpeed(world, 200);

    dWorldSetContactSurfaceLayer (world,0.001);
    ground = dCreatePlane (space,0,0,1,0);
    memset (obj,0,sizeof(obj));

    // create lift platform
    platform = dCreateBox(space, 4, 4, 1);

    dGeomSetCategoryBits(ground, 1ul);
    dGeomSetCategoryBits(platform, 2ul);
    dGeomSetCollideBits(ground, ~2ul);
    dGeomSetCollideBits(platform, ~1ul);

    // run simulation
    dsSimulationLoop (argc,argv,352,288,&fn);

    dJointGroupDestroy (contactgroup);
    dSpaceDestroy (space);
    dWorldDestroy (world);
    return 0;
Exemple #3
void ode::reset()
		world = dWorldCreate();
		space = dSweepAndPruneSpaceCreate(0, dSAP_AXES_XYZ );
		dWorldSetGravity (world,0,300,0);
		dWorldSetCFM (world, 1e-5);
		dWorldSetERP (world, 0.8);
		//dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations (world,ITERS);
		ground = dCreatePlane (space,0,0,100,0);

void resetSimulation()
	int i;
	i = 0;
	// destroy world if it exists
	if (bodies)
		dJointGroupDestroy (contactgroup);
		dSpaceDestroy (space);
		dWorldDestroy (world);
	for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		wb_stepsdis[i] = 0;

	// recreate world
	world = dWorldCreate();

//	space = dHashSpaceCreate( 0 );
//	space = dSimpleSpaceCreate( 0 );
	space = dSweepAndPruneSpaceCreate( 0, dSAP_AXES_XYZ );

	contactgroup = dJointGroupCreate (0);
	dWorldSetGravity (world,0,0,-1.5);
	dWorldSetCFM (world, 1e-5);
	dWorldSetERP (world, 0.8);
	dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations (world,ITERS);
	ground = dCreatePlane (space,0,0,1,0);
	bodies = 0;
	joints = 0;
	boxes = 0;
	spheres = 0;
	wb = 0;
#ifdef CARS
	for (dReal x = 0.0; x < COLS*(LENGTH+RADIUS); x += LENGTH+RADIUS)
		for (dReal y = -((ROWS-1)*(WIDTH/2+RADIUS)); y <= ((ROWS-1)*(WIDTH/2+RADIUS)); y += WIDTH+RADIUS*2)
			makeCar(x, y, bodies, joints, boxes, spheres);
#ifdef WALL
	bool offset = false;
	for (dReal z = WBOXSIZE/2.0; z <= WALLHEIGHT; z+=WBOXSIZE)
		offset = !offset;
		for (dReal y = (-WALLWIDTH+z)/2; y <= (WALLWIDTH-z)/2; y+=WBOXSIZE)
			wall_bodies[wb] = dBodyCreate (world);
			dBodySetPosition (wall_bodies[wb],-20,y,z);
			dMassAdjust (&m, WALLMASS);
			dBodySetMass (wall_bodies[wb],&m);
			wall_boxes[wb] = dCreateBox (space,WBOXSIZE,WBOXSIZE,WBOXSIZE);
			dGeomSetBody (wall_boxes[wb],wall_bodies[wb]);
	dMessage(0,"wall boxes: %i", wb);
#ifdef BALLS
	for (dReal x = -7; x <= -4; x+=1)
		for (dReal y = -1.5; y <= 1.5; y+=1)
			for (dReal z = 1; z <= 4; z+=1)
				b = dBodyCreate (world);
				dBodySetPosition (b,x*RADIUS*2,y*RADIUS*2,z*RADIUS*2);
				dMassSetSphere (&m,1,RADIUS);
				dMassAdjust (&m, BALLMASS);
				dBodySetMass (b,&m);
				sphere[spheres] = dCreateSphere (space,RADIUS);
				dGeomSetBody (sphere[spheres++],b);
#ifdef ONEBALL
	b = dBodyCreate (world);
	dBodySetPosition (b,0,0,2);
	dMassSetSphere (&m,1,RADIUS);
	dMassAdjust (&m, 1);
	dBodySetMass (b,&m);
	sphere[spheres] = dCreateSphere (space,RADIUS);
	dGeomSetBody (sphere[spheres++],b);
	for (dReal z = 1; z <= 6; z+=1)
		b = dBodyCreate (world);
		dBodySetPosition (b,0,0,z*RADIUS*2);
		dMassSetSphere (&m,1,RADIUS);
		dMassAdjust (&m, 0.1);
		dBodySetMass (b,&m);
		sphere[spheres] = dCreateSphere (space,RADIUS);
		dGeomSetBody (sphere[spheres++],b);
	dBodyID lastb = 0;
	for (dReal y = 0; y < 10*LENGTH; y+=LENGTH+0.1)
		// chassis body
		b = body[bodies] = dBodyCreate (world);
		dBodySetPosition (body[bodies],-15,y,STARTZ);
		dMassSetBox (&m,1,WIDTH,LENGTH,HEIGHT);
		dMassAdjust (&m,CMASS);
		dBodySetMass (body[bodies],&m);
		box[boxes] = dCreateBox (space,WIDTH,LENGTH,HEIGHT);
		dGeomSetBody (box[boxes++],body[bodies++]);
		for (dReal x = -17; x > -20; x-=RADIUS*2)
			body[bodies] = dBodyCreate (world);
			dBodySetPosition(body[bodies], x, y, STARTZ);
			dMassSetSphere(&m, 1, RADIUS);
			dMassAdjust(&m, WMASS);
			dBodySetMass(body[bodies], &m);
			sphere[spheres] = dCreateSphere (space, RADIUS);
			dGeomSetBody (sphere[spheres++], body[bodies]);
			joint[joints] = dJointCreateHinge2 (world,0);
			if (x == -17)
				dJointAttach (joint[joints],b,body[bodies]);
				dJointAttach (joint[joints],body[bodies-2],body[bodies]);
			const dReal *a = dBodyGetPosition (body[bodies++]);
			dJointSetHinge2Anchor (joint[joints],a[0],a[1],a[2]);
			dJointSetHinge2Axis1 (joint[joints],0,0,1);
			dJointSetHinge2Axis2 (joint[joints],1,0,0);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints],dParamSuspensionERP,1.0);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints],dParamSuspensionCFM,1e-5);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints],dParamLoStop,0);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints],dParamHiStop,0);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints],dParamVel2,-10.0);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints++],dParamFMax2,FMAX);

			body[bodies] = dBodyCreate (world);
			dBodySetPosition(body[bodies], -30 - x, y, STARTZ);
			dMassSetSphere(&m, 1, RADIUS);
			dMassAdjust(&m, WMASS);
			dBodySetMass(body[bodies], &m);
			sphere[spheres] = dCreateSphere (space, RADIUS);
			dGeomSetBody (sphere[spheres++], body[bodies]);
			joint[joints] = dJointCreateHinge2 (world,0);
			if (x == -17)
				dJointAttach (joint[joints],b,body[bodies]);
				dJointAttach (joint[joints],body[bodies-2],body[bodies]);
			const dReal *b = dBodyGetPosition (body[bodies++]);
			dJointSetHinge2Anchor (joint[joints],b[0],b[1],b[2]);
			dJointSetHinge2Axis1 (joint[joints],0,0,1);
			dJointSetHinge2Axis2 (joint[joints],1,0,0);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints],dParamSuspensionERP,1.0);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints],dParamSuspensionCFM,1e-5);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints],dParamLoStop,0);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints],dParamHiStop,0);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints],dParamVel2,10.0);
			dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[joints++],dParamFMax2,FMAX);
		if (lastb)
			dJointID j = dJointCreateFixed(world,0);
			dJointAttach (j, b, lastb);
		lastb = b;
#ifdef BOX
	body[bodies] = dBodyCreate (world);
	dBodySetPosition (body[bodies],0,0,HEIGHT/2);
	dMassSetBox (&m,1,LENGTH,WIDTH,HEIGHT);
	dMassAdjust (&m, 1);
	dBodySetMass (body[bodies],&m);
	box[boxes] = dCreateBox (space,LENGTH,WIDTH,HEIGHT);
	dGeomSetBody (box[boxes++],body[bodies++]);	
#ifdef CANNON
	cannon_ball_body = dBodyCreate (world);
	cannon_ball_geom = dCreateSphere (space,CANNON_BALL_RADIUS);
	dBodySetMass (cannon_ball_body,&m);
	dGeomSetBody (cannon_ball_geom,cannon_ball_body);
	dBodySetPosition (cannon_ball_body,CANNON_X,CANNON_Y,CANNON_BALL_RADIUS);