Exemple #1
int	main (int argc, char *argv[])
    struct or_dbrec dbrec;
    char            renamebuf[256];
    time_t          now;
    struct tm	    *time_ptr;
    _Xltimeparams   localtime_buf;

    aa_argv0 = argv[0];
    setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
    dtsearch_catd = catopen (FNAME_DTSRCAT, 0);
    austools_catd = catopen (FNAME_AUSCAT, 0);

    time (&now);
    time_ptr = _XLocaltime(&now, localtime_buf);
    strftime (renamebuf, sizeof (renamebuf),
	catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_misc, 22, "%A, %b %d %Y, %I:%M %p"),
    printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_misc, 23,
	"%s: Version %s.  Run %s.\n"),

    if (argc < 2) {
	printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_dbrec, 310,
		"USAGE: %s <dbname>\n"), aa_argv0);
	return 2;
    sprintf (renamebuf, "%s.d00", argv[1]);
    db_oflag = O_RDONLY;	/* db files may be read-only */
    d_open (argv[1], "o");
    if (db_status != S_OKAY) {
	printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_dbrec, 330,
		"Could not open '%s' database.\n%s\n"),
		argv[1], vista_msg(PROGNAME"293"));
	return 3;
    d_recfrst (OR_DBREC, 0);
    if (db_status != S_OKAY) {
	printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_dbrec, 340,
		"No dbrec record in database '%s'.\n"),
	return 4;
    d_recread (&dbrec, 0);
    if (db_status != S_OKAY) {
	printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_dbrec, 350,
		"Can't read dbrec record in database '%s'.\n%s\n"),
		argv[1], vista_msg(PROGNAME"306"));
	return 5;
    swab_dbrec (&dbrec, NTOH);
    print_dbrec (argv[1], &dbrec);
    return 0;
}  /* main() */
Exemple #2
 * Open a device.
void DEVICE::open_device(DCR *dcr, int omode)
   POOL_MEM archive_name(PM_FNAME);


    * Handle opening of File Archive (not a tape)
   pm_strcpy(archive_name, dev_name);

    * If this is a virtual autochanger (i.e. changer_res != NULL) we simply use
    * the device name, assuming it has been appropriately setup by the "autochanger".
   if (!device->changer_res || device->changer_command[0] == 0) {
      if (VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) {
         Mmsg(errmsg, _("Could not open file device %s. No Volume name given.\n"),

      if (!IsPathSeparator(archive_name.c_str()[strlen(archive_name.c_str())-1])) {
         pm_strcat(archive_name, "/");
      pm_strcat(archive_name, getVolCatName());

   mount(dcr, 1);                     /* do mount if required */

   open_mode = omode;

    * If creating file, give 0640 permissions
   Dmsg3(100, "open disk: mode=%s open(%s, 0x%x, 0640)\n", mode_to_str(omode),
         archive_name.c_str(), oflags);

   if ((m_fd = d_open(archive_name.c_str(), oflags, 0640)) < 0) {
      berrno be;
      dev_errno = errno;
      Mmsg2(errmsg, _("Could not open: %s, ERR=%s\n"), archive_name.c_str(),
      Dmsg1(100, "open failed: %s", errmsg);

   if (m_fd >= 0) {
      dev_errno = 0;
      file = 0;
      file_addr = 0;

   Dmsg1(100, "open dev: disk fd=%d opened\n", m_fd);
Exemple #3
void fuzix_main(void)
	/* setup state */
	inint = false;
	udata.u_insys = true;

#ifdef PROGTOP		/* FIXME */
	ramtop = (uaddr_t)PROGTOP;


	if (d_open(TTYDEV, 0) != 0)

	/* Sign on messages */
			"FUZIX version %s\n"
			"Copyright (c) 1988-2002 by H.F.Bower, D.Braun, S.Nitschke, H.Peraza\n"
			"Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Arcady Schekochikhin, Adriano C. R. da Cunha\n"
			"Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Will Sowerbutts <*****@*****.**>\n"
			"Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Alan Cox <*****@*****.**>\nDevboot\n",

#ifndef SWAPDEV
#ifdef PROC_SIZE
	maxproc = procmem / PROC_SIZE;
	/* Check we don't exceed the process table size limit */
	if (maxproc > PTABSIZE) {
		kprintf("WARNING: Increase PTABSIZE to %d to use available RAM\n",
		maxproc = PTABSIZE;
	maxproc = PTABSIZE;
	maxproc = PTABSIZE;
	/* Used as a stop marker to make compares fast on process
	   scheduling and the like */
	ptab_end = &ptab[maxproc];

	/* Parameters message */
	kprintf("%dkB total RAM, %dkB available to processes (%d processes max)\n", ramsize, procmem, maxproc);

	/* runtime configurable, defaults to build time setting */
	ticks_per_dsecond = TICKSPERSEC / 10;

	kputs("Enabling interrupts ... ");
	__hard_ei();		/* Physical interrupts on */

	/* get the root device */
	root_dev = get_root_dev();

	/* finish building argv */

	/* initialise hardware devices */

	/* Mount the root device */
	kprintf("Mounting root fs (root_dev=%d, r%c): ", root_dev,
		ro ? 'o' : 'w');

	if (fmount(root_dev, NULLINODE, ro))
	root = i_open(root_dev, ROOTINODE);
	if (!root)


	udata.u_cwd = i_ref(root);
	udata.u_root = i_ref(root);
Exemple #4
/* dblk.path may be NULL */
int             open_dblk (DBLK ** dblist, int numpages, int debugging)
    DBLK           *db, *bad_db, **lastlink;
    int             i;
    size_t          totlen = 0L;
    char           *allnames;
    int             vistano = 0;
    char           *srcptr, *targptr;
    char            temp_file_name[1024];
    char            sprintbuf[1024];
    struct stat     statbuf;
    char	open_mode [8];

    if (debugging)
	fprintf (aa_stderr, PROGNAME"76 "
	    "Entering open_dblks().  db_oflag==%d.\n",
    if (dblist == NULL || numpages < 8) {
	sprintf (sprintbuf, catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_oeinit, 99,
		"%s Programming Error: Invalid input to open_dblk()."),
	    PROGNAME "99");
	DtSearchAddMessage (sprintbuf);
	return FALSE;
    if (*dblist == NULL)	/* empty list of dblks */
	goto BAD_INPUT;

    if (debugging) {
	fprintf (aa_stderr, PROGNAME "96 Current list of dblks:\n");
	for (db = *dblist; db != NULL; db = db->link) {
	    targptr = sprintbuf;
	    for (i = 0; i < db->ktcount; i++) {
		*targptr++ = db->keytypes[i].ktchar;
	    *targptr = 0;
	    fprintf (aa_stderr, "--> DBLK at %p link=%p name='%s' maxhits=%d\n"
		"    keytypes='%s', path='%s'\n",
		(void *) db, (void *) db->link, db->name, db->maxhits,
		sprintbuf, NULLORSTR (db->path));

    /* By doing setpages first, we can trap previously opened databases.
     * Overflow and transaction locking files are not required.
    d_setpages (numpages, 0);
    if (db_status != S_OKAY) {
	DtSearchAddMessage (vista_msg (PROGNAME "389"));
	return FALSE;

    /* ---- PASS #1 ------------------------------------------
     * Open nonvista (d99) files.  If error, unlink dblk from dblist.
     * Add up the total string length of surviving paths and database names.
     * This giant path/file string will be used in the single d_open()
     * below to find the .dbd files.
     * While we're at it, set vistano in each dblk.
     * The open mode depends on the current setting of db_oflag.
    if (db_oflag == O_RDONLY)
	strcpy (open_mode, "rb");
	strcpy (open_mode, "r+b");
    db = *dblist;
    lastlink = dblist;
    while (db != NULL) {
	if (db->path == NULL)
	    db->path = strdup ("");
	strcpy (temp_file_name, db->path);
	strcat (temp_file_name, db->name);
	strcat (temp_file_name, EXT_DTBS);
	if ((db->iifile = fopen (temp_file_name, open_mode)) == NULL) {
	    if (debugging)
		fprintf (aa_stderr, PROGNAME "129 UNLINK: cant open '%s'.\n",
	    sprintf (sprintbuf, catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_oeinit, 317,
		    "%s Cannot open database file '%s'.\n"
		    "  Errno %d = %s\n"
		    "  %s is removing '%s' from list of available databases."),
		PROGNAME "317", temp_file_name, errno, strerror (errno),
		OE_prodname, db->name);
	    if (errno == ENOENT)
		strcat (sprintbuf, catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_oeinit, 318,
		    "\n  This can usually be corrected by specifying a valid\n"
		    "  database PATH in the site configuration file."));
	    DtSearchAddMessage (sprintbuf);
	    goto DELETE_DB;

	 * Find and save the timestamp for when the d99 file was
	 * last modified. An engine reinit is forced if it changes
	 * while the engine is running. 
	if (fstat (fileno (db->iifile), &statbuf) == -1) {
	    if (debugging)
		fprintf (aa_stderr,
		    PROGNAME "149 UNLINK: cant get status '%s'.\n",
	    sprintf (sprintbuf, catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_oeinit, 1404,
		    "%s Removing database '%s' from list of "
		    "available databases because status is "
		    "unavailable for file %s: %s"),
		PROGNAME "1404", db->name, temp_file_name, strerror (errno));
	    DtSearchAddMessage (sprintbuf);
	    goto DELETE_DB;
	db->iimtime = statbuf.st_mtime;

	 * This dblk is ok so far.  Increment pointers and
	 * continue. 
	if (debugging)
	    fprintf (aa_stderr, PROGNAME "163 opened '%s'.\n", temp_file_name);
	db->vistano = vistano++;
	totlen += strlen (db->path) + strlen (db->name) + 16;
	lastlink = &db->link;
	db = db->link;

	 * This dblk failed in one or more ways. Unlink it and
	 * don't increment pointers. If all dblks unlinked, *dblist
	 * will = NULL. 
	bad_db = db;	/* temp save */
	*lastlink = db->link;
	db = db->link;
	free (bad_db);
    }	/* end PASS #1 */

    /* quit if no dblks remain */
    if (vistano <= 0) {
	sprintf (sprintbuf, catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_misc, 8,
		"%s No valid databases remain."), PROGNAME "265");
	DtSearchAddMessage (sprintbuf);
	return FALSE;

    allnames = austext_malloc (totlen + 512, PROGNAME "66", NULL);

    /* ---- PASS #2 ------------------------------------------
     * Build string of accumulated path and database names.
    targptr = allnames;
    for (db = *dblist; db != NULL; db = db->link) {
	srcptr = db->path;
	while (*srcptr != 0)
	    *targptr++ = *srcptr++;

	srcptr = db->name;
	while (*srcptr != 0)
	    *targptr++ = *srcptr++;
	*targptr++ = ';';
    *(--targptr) = 0;	/* terminate string */

    if (debugging)
	fprintf (aa_stderr,
	    PROGNAME "150 vista opening databases '%s'\n", allnames);
    d_open (allnames, "o");	/* replaces OPEN() call from dmacros.h */

    if (db_status != S_OKAY) {
	targptr = austext_malloc (totlen + 128, PROGNAME"239", NULL);
	sprintf (targptr, catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_vista, 378,
	    "%s Could not open following database name string:\n  '%s'"),
	    PROGNAME"378", allnames);
	DtSearchAddMessage (targptr);
	DtSearchAddMessage (vista_msg (PROGNAME"379"));
	free (allnames);
	free (targptr);
	return FALSE;
    else if (debugging)
	fprintf (aa_stderr, " --> vista open successful!\n");

    /* From here on, emergency exits MUST close the databases */
    austext_exit_dbms = (void (*) (int)) d_close;

    free (allnames);
    return TRUE;
}  /* open_dblk() */
Exemple #5
 * Open a fifo device
void win32_fifo_device::open_device(DCR *dcr, int omode)
   file_size = 0;
   int timeout = max_open_wait;
   utime_t start_time = time(NULL);

   mount(dcr, 1);                     /* do mount if required */

   Dmsg0(100, "Open dev: device is fifo\n");


   open_mode = omode;

   if (timeout < 1) {
      timeout = 1;
   errno = 0;

   if (timeout) {
       * Set open timer
      tid = start_thread_timer(dcr->jcr, pthread_self(), timeout);

   Dmsg2(100, "Try open %s mode=%s\n", prt_name, mode_to_str(omode));

    * If busy retry each second for max_open_wait seconds
   for ( ;; ) {
       * Try non-blocking open
      m_fd = d_open(dev_name, oflags | O_NONBLOCK, 0);
      if (m_fd < 0) {
         berrno be;
         dev_errno = errno;
         Dmsg5(100, "Open error on %s omode=%d oflags=%x errno=%d: ERR=%s\n",
               prt_name, omode, oflags, errno, be.bstrerror());
      } else {
         m_fd = d_open(dev_name, oflags, 0); /* open normally */
         if (m_fd < 0) {
            berrno be;
            dev_errno = errno;
            Dmsg5(100, "Open error on %s omode=%d oflags=%x errno=%d: ERR=%s\n",
                  prt_name, omode, oflags, errno, be.bstrerror());
         dev_errno = 0;
         break;                               /* Successfully opened and rewound */
      bmicrosleep(5, 0);

       * Exceed wait time ?
      if (time(NULL) - start_time >= max_open_wait) {
         break;                       /* yes, get out */

   if (!is_open()) {
      berrno be;
      Mmsg2(errmsg, _("Unable to open device %s: ERR=%s\n"),
            prt_name, be.bstrerror(dev_errno));
      Dmsg1(100, "%s", errmsg);

    * Stop any open() timer we started
   if (tid) {
      tid = 0;

   Dmsg1(100, "open dev: fifo %d opened\n", m_fd);
Exemple #6
int16_t _open(void)
	int8_t uindex;
	int8_t oftindex;
	staticfast inoptr ino;
	inoptr itmp;
	int16_t perm;
	staticfast inoptr parent;
	char fname[FILENAME_LEN + 1];
	int trunc;
	int r;
	int w;
	int j;

	parent = NULLINODE;

	trunc = flag & O_TRUNC;
	r = (flag + 1) & 1;
	w = (flag + 1) & 2;

	if (O_ACCMODE(flag) == 3 || (flag & O_BADBITS)) {
		udata.u_error = EINVAL;
		return (-1);
	if ((uindex = uf_alloc()) == -1)
		return (-1);

	if ((oftindex = oft_alloc()) == -1)
		goto nooft;

	ino = n_open(name, &parent);
	if (ino) {
		/* O_EXCL test */
		if ((flag & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) {
			udata.u_error = EEXIST;
			goto idrop;
	} else {
		/* New file */
		if (!(flag & O_CREAT)) {
			udata.u_error = ENOENT;
			goto cantopen;
		filename(name, fname);
		/* newfile drops parent for us */
		if (parent && (ino = newfile(parent, fname))) {
			ino->c_node.i_mode =
			    (F_REG | (mode & MODE_MASK & ~udata.u_mask));
			setftime(ino, A_TIME | M_TIME | C_TIME);
		} else {
			udata.u_error = ENFILE;	/* FIXME, should be set in newfile
						   not bodged to a guessed code */
			goto cantopen;
	of_tab[oftindex].o_inode = ino;

	perm = getperm(ino);
	if ((r && !(perm & OTH_RD)) || (w && !(perm & OTH_WR))) {
		udata.u_error = EPERM;
		goto cantopen;
	if (getmode(ino) == F_DIR && w) {
		udata.u_error = EISDIR;
		goto cantopen;
	itmp = ino;
	/* d_open may block and thus ino may become invalid as may
	   parent (but we don't need it again) */
	if (isdevice(ino)
	    && d_open((int) ino->c_node.i_addr[0], flag) != 0) {
		udata.u_error = ENXIO;
		goto cantopen;
	/* get the static pointer back */
	ino = itmp;
	if (trunc && getmode(ino) == F_REG) {
		for (j = 0; j < OFTSIZE; ++j)
			/* Arguably should fix at read/write */
			if (of_tab[j].o_inode == ino)
				of_tab[j].o_ptr = 0;

	udata.u_files[uindex] = oftindex;

	of_tab[oftindex].o_ptr = 0;
	of_tab[oftindex].o_access = flag;	/* Save the low bits only */
	if (flag & O_CLOEXEC)
		udata.u_cloexec |= (1 << oftindex);
	/* FIXME: ATIME ? */

 *         Sleep process if no writer or reader
	if (getmode(ino) == F_PIPE && of_tab[oftindex].o_refs == 1
	    && !(flag & O_NDELAY))

        /* From the moment of the psleep ino is invalid */

	return (uindex);
	oft_deref(oftindex);	/* This will call i_deref() */
	udata.u_files[uindex] = NO_FILE;
	return (-1);
Exemple #7
void fuzix_main(void)
	/* setup state */
	inint = false;
	udata.u_insys = true;

	ramtop = PROGTOP;


	if (d_open(TTYDEV, 0) != 0)
		panic("no tty");

	/* Sign on messages (stashed in a buffer so we can bin them */
	kprintf((char *)bufpool[0].bf_data, uname_str);

#ifndef SWAPDEV
#ifdef PROC_SIZE
	maxproc = procmem / PROC_SIZE;
	/* Check we don't exceed the process table size limit */
	if (maxproc > PTABSIZE) {
		kprintf((char *)bufpool[1].bf_data, maxproc);
		maxproc = PTABSIZE;
	maxproc = PTABSIZE;
	maxproc = PTABSIZE;
	/* Parameters message */
	kprintf((char *)bufpool[2].bf_data, ramsize, procmem, maxproc);
	/* Now blow away the strings */

        kprintf("%x:%x\n", udata.u_page, udata.u_page2);
        kprintf("%x:%x\n", udata.u_ptab->p_page, udata.u_ptab->p_page2);
	kputs("Enabling interrupts ... ");

	/* initialise hardware devices */

	root_dev = DEFAULT_ROOT;
	if (cmdline && *cmdline) {
		while (*cmdline == ' ')
		root_dev = *cmdline - '0';
	} else {
		kputs("bootdev: ");
		udata.u_base = bootline;
		udata.u_sysio = 1;
		udata.u_count = 2;
		udata.u_euid = 0;	/* Always begin as superuser */

		cdread(TTYDEV, O_RDONLY);	/* read root filesystem name from tty */
		if (*bootline >= '0')
			root_dev = *bootline - '0';

	/* Mount the root device */
	kprintf("Mounting root fs (root_dev=%d): ", root_dev);

	if (fmount(root_dev, NULLINODE, 0))
		panic("no filesys");
	root = i_open(root_dev, ROOTINODE);
	if (!root)
		panic("no root");


	i_ref(udata.u_cwd = root);
	i_ref(udata.u_root = root);
bool CDbVista::OpenDatabase(const CString &strDbPath, const CString &strDbName, CString *pstrErrorMsg)
	char strTempPath[DBVISTA_NAMELEN+1];
	char strTempName[DBVISTA_NAMELEN+1];
	CString strErrorMsg;

	int iLen = strlen(strDbPath);
	if (iLen > (DBVISTA_NAMELEN - 1)) 
		strErrorMsg.Format("Path formed by %s is %d characters\nDbVista limit is 46 characters.",
			strDbPath, iLen);

		//WAS "NOT FOR NDAR".  Reenabled by pjm 11/27/2007 for B2R1
		if (!m_bQuietMode)
			MessageBox(NULL, strErrorMsg, "Database Path Error", MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP);

		if (pstrErrorMsg) *pstrErrorMsg = strErrorMsg;
	strncpy(strTempPath, strDbPath, DBVISTA_NAMELEN);
	strncpy(strTempName, strDbName, DBVISTA_NAMELEN);
	if (pstrErrorMsg) pstrErrorMsg->Empty();				// clear the error string

	if (mbDatabaseOpen) CloseDatabase();				// if db is already open, must close it

	//SetCurrentDrive();		// check if we have to implement this in new version SFK

	strcpy(strTempDbFile, strTempName);
	strcat(strTempDbFile, ".dbd");
	if (!m_Dir.FileExists(strTempPath, strTempDbFile)) 
		strErrorMsg.Format("Database does not exist at %s.", strDbPath);

		//WAS "NOT FOR NDAR".  Reenabled by pjm 11/27/2007 for B2R1
		if (!m_bQuietMode)
			MessageBox(NULL, strErrorMsg, "Database Open Error", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);

		if (pstrErrorMsg) *pstrErrorMsg = strErrorMsg;
    //	Open the database.  This takes several steps.
    if (dt_opentask(&Currtask) != S_OKAY) 
		strErrorMsg.Format("Could not open the dbVista task.\nDatabase at %s could not be opened.", strDbPath);

		//WAS "NOT FOR NDAR".  Reenabled by pjm 11/27/2007 for B2R1
		if (!m_bQuietMode)
			MessageBox(NULL, strErrorMsg, "Database Open Error", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);

		if (pstrErrorMsg) *pstrErrorMsg = strErrorMsg;


	if (d_dbtaf(strTempPath) != S_OKAY) 
		strErrorMsg.Format("Could not set the dbVista transaction file path variable.\nDatabase at %s could not be opened.", strDbPath);

		//WAS "NOT FOR NDAR".  Reenabled by pjm 11/27/2007 for B2R1
		if (!m_bQuietMode)		
			MessageBox(NULL, strErrorMsg, "Database Open Error", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);

		if (pstrErrorMsg) *pstrErrorMsg = strErrorMsg;

   	if (d_dbdpath(strTempPath) != S_OKAY) 
		strErrorMsg.Format("Could not set the dbVista path variable.\nDatabase at %s could not be opened.", strDbPath);

		//WAS "NOT FOR NDAR".  Reenabled by pjm 11/27/2007 for B2R1
		if (!m_bQuietMode)		
			MessageBox(NULL, strErrorMsg, "Database Open Error", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);

		if (pstrErrorMsg) *pstrErrorMsg = strErrorMsg;

   	if (d_dbfpath(strTempPath) != S_OKAY) 
		strErrorMsg.Format("Could not set the dbVista file variable.\nDatabase at %s could not be opened.", strDbPath);

		//WAS "NOT FOR NDAR".  Reenabled by pjm 11/27/2007 for B2R1
		if (!m_bQuietMode)		
			MessageBox(NULL, strErrorMsg, "Database Open Error", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);

		if (pstrErrorMsg) *pstrErrorMsg = strErrorMsg;
	if (d_open(strTempName,"o") != S_OKAY) 
		strErrorMsg.Format("Error on database open. Database at %s could not be opened.", strDbPath);

		//WAS "NOT FOR NDAR".  Reenabled by pjm 11/27/2007 for B2R1
		if (!m_bQuietMode)		
			MessageBox(NULL, strErrorMsg, "Database Open Error", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);

		if (pstrErrorMsg) 
			*pstrErrorMsg = strErrorMsg;


	// Save the pathname of the currently open database
	// database was successfully opened, now remember the name and path
	mstrDatabaseName = strDbName;		// name of the database
	mstrDatabasePath = strTempPath;		// path on disk where database is found
	mbDatabaseOpen = true;

 * Open a tape device
void generic_tape_device::open_device(DCR *dcr, int omode)
   file_size = 0;
   int timeout = max_open_wait;
#if !defined(HAVE_WIN32)
   struct mtop mt_com;
   utime_t start_time = time(NULL);

   mount(dcr, 1);                     /* do mount if required */

   Dmsg0(100, "Open dev: device is tape\n");


   open_mode = omode;

   if (timeout < 1) {
      timeout = 1;
   errno = 0;
   Dmsg2(100, "Try open %s mode=%s\n", prt_name, mode_to_str(omode));
#if defined(HAVE_WIN32)
    * Windows Code
   if ((m_fd = d_open(dev_name, oflags, 0)) < 0) {
      dev_errno = errno;
    * UNIX Code
    * If busy retry each second for max_open_wait seconds
   for ( ;; ) {
       * Try non-blocking open
      m_fd = d_open(dev_name, oflags | O_NONBLOCK, 0);
      if (m_fd < 0) {
         berrno be;
         dev_errno = errno;
         Dmsg5(100, "Open error on %s omode=%d oflags=%x errno=%d: ERR=%s\n",
               prt_name, omode, oflags, errno, be.bstrerror());
      } else {
          * Tape open, now rewind it
         Dmsg0(100, "Rewind after open\n");
         mt_com.mt_op = MTREW;
         mt_com.mt_count = 1;

          * Rewind only if dev is a tape
         if (d_ioctl(m_fd, MTIOCTOP, (char *)&mt_com) < 0) {
            berrno be;
            dev_errno = errno;           /* set error status from rewind */
            Dmsg2(100, "Rewind error on %s close: ERR=%s\n", prt_name, be.bstrerror(dev_errno));
             * If we get busy, device is probably rewinding, try again
            if (dev_errno != EBUSY) {
               break;                    /* error -- no medium */
         } else {
             * Got fd and rewind worked, so we must have medium in drive
            m_fd = d_open(dev_name, oflags, 0); /* open normally */
            if (m_fd < 0) {
               berrno be;
               dev_errno = errno;
               Dmsg5(100, "Open error on %s omode=%d oflags=%x errno=%d: ERR=%s\n",
                     prt_name, omode, oflags, errno, be.bstrerror());
            dev_errno = 0;
            set_os_device_parameters(dcr);       /* do system dependent stuff */
            break;                               /* Successfully opened and rewound */
      bmicrosleep(5, 0);

       * Exceed wait time ?
      if (time(NULL) - start_time >= max_open_wait) {
         break;                       /* yes, get out */

   if (!is_open()) {
      berrno be;
      Mmsg2(errmsg, _("Unable to open device %s: ERR=%s\n"),
            prt_name, be.bstrerror(dev_errno));
      Dmsg1(100, "%s", errmsg);

   Dmsg1(100, "open dev: tape %d opened\n", m_fd);
Exemple #10
/* 1. CREATE or find database dictionary (.dbd file).
 * 2. CREATE empty 'dtsearch' database files.
 * 3. OPEN 'dtsearch' database.
 * 4. INITIALIZE the database.
 * 5. WRITE dbrec after initializing it.
 * 6. RENAME each database file.
 * 7. UNLINK (delete) d9x files.
int             main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int		i;
    char	*ptr;
    FILE	*f;
    struct or_miscrec	miscrec;
    struct or_swordrec	swordrec;
    struct or_lwordrec	lwordrec;

    setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
    dtsearch_catd = catopen (FNAME_DTSRCAT, 0);

    aa_argv0 = argv[0];
    max_ormisc_size = sizeof (miscrec.or_misc);
    maxwidth_sword = sizeof (swordrec.or_swordkey) - 1;
    maxwidth_lword = sizeof (lwordrec.or_lwordkey) - 1;

    printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_misc, 4,
	    "%s Version %s.\n"),

    /* Handle cmd line args.  Init global variables. */
    user_args_processor (argc, argv);

    /* ------- copy model .dbd to new .dbd ------- */

    /* CASE 1: If user specified -d special alternative
     * directory for model .dbd, it should be there.
    if (modelpath[0] != 0) {
	if (debug_mode)
	    printf (PROGNAME"628 Try opening '%s' (-d dir).\n", modelpath);
	if ((f = fopen (modelpath, "rb")) != NULL) {
	    if (debug_mode)
		puts (PROGNAME"638 Found it!");
	    create_new_dbd (f);
	    fclose (f);
	    goto DBD_OKAY;
	else {
	    printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_initausd, 213,
		"\n"PROGNAME"302", modelpath, strerror(errno));
	    DtSearchExit (4);
    } /* end CASE 1 */

    /* CASE 2: If model .dbd is in current directory, use it.
     * If error is anything other than 'cant find file', quit now.
    if (debug_mode)
	printf (PROGNAME"649 Try opening '%s' (curr dir).\n", FNAME_MODEL);
    if ((f = fopen (FNAME_MODEL, "rb")) != NULL) {
	if (debug_mode)
	    puts (PROGNAME"660 Found it!");
	create_new_dbd (f);
	fclose (f);
	goto DBD_OKAY;
    else if (errno != ENOENT) {
	printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_initausd, 213,
	    "\n"PROGNAME"655", FNAME_MODEL, strerror(errno));
	DtSearchExit (4);
    } /* end else CASE 2 */

    /* CASE 3: Last chance.  Look for model .dbd in target directory.
     * At this point have to quit on any error.
    strcpy (modelpath, newpath);
    strcpy (modelpath + path_offset, FNAME_MODEL);
    if (debug_mode)
	printf (PROGNAME"672 Try opening '%s' (new dir).\n", modelpath);
    if ((f = fopen (modelpath, "rb")) != NULL) {
	if (debug_mode)
	    puts (PROGNAME"675 Found it!");
	create_new_dbd (f);
	fclose (f);
	goto DBD_OKAY;

    if (debug_mode)
	puts (PROGNAME"682 Never found it!");
    printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_initausd, 213,
	"Not found in either current or target directories.  Use -d option\a");
    DtSearchExit (4);


    /* Open a new database */
    *newextp = 0;	/* use no extension when opening database */
    if (debug_mode)
	printf ("040*** d_open newpath = '%s'.\n", newpath);
    d_open (newpath, "o");
    if (db_status != S_OKAY) {
	printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_initausd, 230,
		PROGNAME "230 Could not open database '%s'.\n"), newpath);
	puts (vista_msg (PROGNAME "231"));
	DtSearchExit (3);
    austext_exit_dbms = (void (*) (int)) d_close;	/* emerg exit func */

    /* initialize the 'dtsearch' database */
    if (debug_mode)
	printf ("042*** d_initialize.\n");
    d_initialize (0);
    if (db_status != S_OKAY) {
	printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_initausd, 239,
		PROGNAME "239 Could not initialize database '%s'.\n"), newpath);
	puts (vista_msg (PROGNAME "240"));
	DtSearchExit (3);

    /* Create and initialize dbrec database header record in first slot.
     * First fill entire record with binary zeros.
     * Then set specific values as specified by flavor on command line.
     * For now most values are hard-coded.
    if (debug_mode)
	printf ("050*** create dbrec.\n");
    memset (&dbrec, 0, sizeof (dbrec));

    /* Init fields that are completely independent */
    dbrec.or_language =		(DtSrINT16) language;
    dbrec.or_maxwordsz =	(DtSrINT16) maxwordsz;
    dbrec.or_minwordsz =	(DtSrINT16) minwordsz;
    dbrec.or_fzkeysz =		(DtSrINT16) fzkeysz;
    dbrec.or_abstrsz =		(DtSrINT16) abstrsz;
    dbrec.or_dbflags =		ORD_NONOTES | ORD_NOMARKDEL | ORD_XWORDS;
    strncpy (dbrec.or_version, SCHEMA_VERSION, sizeof(dbrec.or_version));
    dbrec.or_version [sizeof(dbrec.or_version) - 1] = 0;

    /* Load dbrec's recslots fields based on correct number
     * of misc recs required to hold user's abstract.
     * Round abstrsz upward if there is any space left on last misc rec.
    dbrec.or_recslots = 1;	/* start with obj rec itself */
    for (i = dbrec.or_fzkeysz + dbrec.or_abstrsz; i > 0; i -= max_ormisc_size)
    if (i < 0) {
	/* Add in difference to INCREASE abstrsz */
	dbrec.or_abstrsz -= i;
	printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_misc, 433,
		"%1$sAdjusted maximum abstract size upward to %2$hd.\n"),
	    PROGNAME "433 ", dbrec.or_abstrsz);

    /* Init fields that are dependent on language */
    switch (language) {
	case DtSrLaENG:
	case DtSrLaENG2:
	    dbrec.or_dbflags |= ORD_XSTEMS;

    /* Init fields that are dependent on flavor */
    if (flavor == AUSTEXT_FLAVOR) {
	dbrec.or_dbaccess = ORA_BLOB;
	dbrec.or_compflags = ORC_COMPBLOB;
	dbrec.or_hufid = -1L;	/* -1 = use huffman compression, but
				 * hufid not yet known. */
	dbrec.or_dbotype = DtSrObjTEXT;
    else {	/* default flavor == DTSEARCH_FLAVOR */
	dbrec.or_dbaccess = ORA_NOTAVAIL;

    if (!quiet_mode) {
	/******putchar ('\n');******/
	print_dbrec (newpath, &dbrec);
	fflush (stdout);
    swab_dbrec (&dbrec, HTON);
    if (debug_mode)
	printf ("060*** fillnew dbrec.\n");
    d_fillnew (OR_DBREC, &dbrec, 0);
    if (db_status != S_OKAY) {
	printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_initausd, 509,
		PROGNAME "509 Could not initialize database header record.\n"));
	puts (vista_msg (PROGNAME "510"));
	DtSearchExit (3);

    /* Close the database */
    d_close ();
    austext_exit_dbms = NULL;	/* emerg exit no longer required */

    /* Delete all nonvista (inverted index) database files (.d9x) */
    remove_d9x_file (".d97");
    remove_d9x_file (".d98");
    remove_d9x_file (".d99");

    *newextp = 0;	/* no extension suffixes for next msgs */
    printf (catgets (dtsearch_catd, MS_initausd, 24,
	    PROGNAME " Successfully initialized database '%s'.\n"), newpath);

    return 0;
}  /* main() */