void CWarZombieAttackState::Execute(CWarZombie * pMonster, float fFrameTime) { const Real targetDisSq = pPlayer->getPosition().squaredDistance(pMonster->getPosition()); if (targetDisSq > attackRangeSq) { pMonster->getStateMachine()->ChangeState(&CWarZombieIdleState::getInstance()); } else { auto timePos = pMonster->getAnimState()->getTimePosition(); if (0.7f < timePos && timePos < 0.8f) { if (pMonster->isAttackDelay()) return; auto player = InGameState::getInstance()->getPlayer(); auto pos = pMonster->getPosition(); auto targetPos = player->getPosition(); if (targetPos.squaredDistance(pos) < attackRangeSq) { player->damaged(8); pMonster->setAttackDelay(true); } } else pMonster->setAttackDelay(false); } }
void CCameraFeedbackNotifier::process(const std::shared_ptr<CMessage>& message) { //Ambas hacen lo mismo de momento, pero lo dejo separado por si luego queremos poner //comportamientos distintos en función del daño switch( message->getMessageType() ) { case Message::DAMAGED: { std::shared_ptr<CMessageDamaged> damageMess = std::static_pointer_cast<CMessageDamaged>(message); CEntity* enemy = damageMess->getEnemy(); if(enemy != NULL) damaged( enemy->getPosition() ); break; } /*case Message::SET_REDUCED_DAMAGE: { damaged(); break; }*/ case Message::FLASH: { std::shared_ptr<CMessageFlash> flashMsg = std::static_pointer_cast<CMessageFlash>(message); _flashFactor = flashMsg->getFlashFactor(); _flashVisible = true; _scene->setCompositorVisible(_flashEffect, true); break; } } } // process
void QWindowCompositor::setCursorSurface(QWaylandSurface *surface, int hotspotX, int hotspotY) { if ((m_cursorSurface != surface) && surface) connect(surface, SIGNAL(damaged(QRect)), this, SLOT(updateCursor())); m_cursorSurface = surface; m_cursorHotspotX = hotspotX; m_cursorHotspotY = hotspotY; }
/*ARGSUSED*/ void capture(int v __unused) { int i; struct kling *k; double x; /* check for not cloaked */ if (Ship.cloaked) { printf("Ship-ship communications out when cloaked\n"); return; } if (damaged(SSRADIO)) { out(SSRADIO); return; } /* find out if there are any at all */ if (Etc.nkling <= 0) { printf("Uhura: Getting no response, sir\n"); return; } /* if there is more than one Klingon, find out which one */ k = selectklingon(); Move.free = 0; Move.time = 0.05; /* check out that Klingon */ k->srndreq++; x = Param.klingpwr; x *= Ship.energy; x /= k->power * Etc.nkling; x *= Param.srndrprob; i = x; #ifdef xTRACE if (Trace) printf("Prob = %d (%.4f)\n", i, x); #endif if (i > ranf(100)) { /* guess what, he surrendered!!! */ printf("Klingon at %d,%d surrenders\n", k->x, k->y); i = ranf(Param.klingcrew); if ( i > 0 ) printf("%d klingons commit suicide rather than be " "taken captive\n", Param.klingcrew - i); if (i > Ship.brigfree) i = Ship.brigfree; Ship.brigfree -= i; printf("%d captives taken\n", i); killk(k->x, k->y); return; } /* big surprise, he refuses to surrender */ printf("Fat chance, captain\n"); return; }
void Text::draw(Canvas*, const Allocation&) const { canvas_->push_clipping(); canvas_->clip_rect(allocation_->left(), allocation_->bottom(), allocation_->right(), allocation_->top()); FontBoundingBox fbb; font_->font_bbox(fbb); Coord r = curLowerY_ / (fbb.ascent() + fbb.descent()); unsigned i = unsigned(r); Coord y = allocation_->top() + (r - i) * (fbb.ascent() + fbb.descent()); unsigned max = Math::max(Math::max(selection_.line2(), insertion_.line_), (unsigned) text_->Height() ? (unsigned) text_->Height() - 1 : 0); for (; i <= max; ++i) { y -= fbb.ascent(); if (damaged(i)) { Coord x = allocation_->left() - curLowerX_; if (i < text_->Height()) { const String line = text_->getNth(i); drawRegion(selection_, i, x, y, line); if (! readOnly_) { drawLocation(insertion_, i, x, y, line); } for (GlyphIndex j = 0; j < annotation_.count(); ++j) { drawRegion(*annotation_.item(j), i, x, y, line); } drawLine(i, x, y, line); } else { String line; drawRegion(selection_, i, x, y, line); if (! readOnly_) { drawLocation(insertion_, i, x, y, line); } for (GlyphIndex j = 0; j < annotation_.count(); ++j) { drawRegion(*annotation_.item(j), i, x, y, line); } drawLine(i, x, y, line); } } y -= fbb.descent(); if (y < (allocation_->bottom() - fbb.ascent())) break; } canvas_->pop_clipping(); }
void killb(int qx, int qy) { struct quad *q; struct xy *b; q = &Quad[qx][qy]; if (q->bases <= 0) return; if (!damaged(SSRADIO)) { /* then update starchart */ if (q->scanned < 1000) q->scanned -= 10; else if (q->scanned > 1000) q->scanned = -1; } q->bases = 0; Now.bases -= 1; for (b = Now.base; ; b++) if (qx == b->x && qy == b->y) break; *b = Now.base[Now.bases]; if (qx == Ship.quadx && qy == Ship.quady) { Sect[Etc.starbase.x][Etc.starbase.y] = EMPTY; if (Ship.cond == DOCKED) undock(0); printf("Starbase at %d,%d destroyed\n", Etc.starbase.x, Etc.starbase.y); } else { if (!damaged(SSRADIO)) { printf("Uhura: Starfleet command reports that the " "starbase in\n"); printf(" quadrant %d,%d has been destroyed\n", qx, qy); } else schedule(E_KATSB | E_GHOST, TOOLARGE, qx, qy, 0); } }
void LipstickCompositor::surfaceCreated(QWaylandSurface *surface) { Q_UNUSED(surface) connect(surface, SIGNAL(mapped()), this, SLOT(surfaceMapped())); connect(surface, SIGNAL(unmapped()), this, SLOT(surfaceUnmapped())); connect(surface, SIGNAL(sizeChanged()), this, SLOT(surfaceSizeChanged())); connect(surface, SIGNAL(titleChanged()), this, SLOT(surfaceTitleChanged())); connect(surface, SIGNAL(windowPropertyChanged(QString,QVariant)), this, SLOT(windowPropertyChanged(QString))); connect(surface, SIGNAL(raiseRequested()), this, SLOT(surfaceRaised())); connect(surface, SIGNAL(lowerRequested()), this, SLOT(surfaceLowered())); connect(surface, SIGNAL(damaged(QRect)), this, SLOT(surfaceDamaged(QRect))); }
void CScreamerShieldDamageNotifier::process(const std::shared_ptr<CMessage>& message) { switch( message->getMessageType() ) { case Message::DAMAGED: { std::shared_ptr<CMessageDamaged> dmgMsg = std::static_pointer_cast<CMessageDamaged>(message); damaged( dmgMsg->getDamage(), dmgMsg->getEnemy() ); break; } case Message::SET_REDUCED_DAMAGE: { std::shared_ptr<CMessageSetReducedDamage> reducedDmgMsg = std::static_pointer_cast<CMessageSetReducedDamage>(message); reducedDamageAbsorption( reducedDmgMsg->getReducedDamage() ); break; } } } // process
void ram(int ix, int iy) { int i; char c; printf("\07RED ALERT\07: collision imminent\n"); c = Sect[ix][iy]; switch (c) { case KLINGON: printf("%s rams Klingon at %d,%d\n", Ship.shipname, ix, iy); killk(ix, iy); break; case STAR: case INHABIT: printf("Yeoman Rand: Captain, isn't it getting hot in here?\n"); sleep(2); printf("Spock: Hull temperature approaching 550 Degrees Kelvin.\n"); lose(L_STAR); case BASE: printf("You ran into the starbase at %d,%d\n", ix, iy); killb(Ship.quadx, Ship.quady); /* don't penalize the captain if it wasn't his fault */ if (!damaged(SINS)) Game.killb += 1; break; } sleep(2); printf("%s heavily damaged\n", Ship.shipname); /* select the number of deaths to occur */ i = 10 + ranf(20 * Game.skill); Game.deaths += i; Ship.crew -= i; printf("McCoy: Take it easy Jim; we had %d casualties.\n", i); /* damage devices with an 80% probability */ for (i = 0; i < NDEV; i++) { if (ranf(100) < 20) continue; damage(i, (2.5 * (franf() + franf()) + 1.0) * Param.damfac[i]); } /* no chance that your shields remained up in all that */ Ship.shldup = 0; }
int check_out(int device) { int dev; dev = device; /* check for device ok */ if (!damaged(dev)) return (0); /* report it as being dead */ out(dev); /* but if we are docked, we can go ahead anyhow */ if (Ship.cond != DOCKED) return (1); printf(" Using starbase %s\n", Device[dev].name); return (0); }
impulse() { int course; register int power; double dist, time; register int percent; extern double move(); if (Ship.cond == DOCKED) return (printf("Scotty: Sorry captain, but we are still docked.\n")); if (damaged(IMPULSE)) return (out(IMPULSE)); if (getcodi(&course, &dist)) return; power = 20 + 100 * dist; percent = 100 * power / Ship.energy + 0.5; if (percent >= 85) { printf("Scotty: That would consume %d%% of our remaining energy.\n", percent); if (!getynpar("Are you sure that is wise")) return; printf("Aye aye, sir\n"); } time = dist / 0.095; percent = 100 * time / Now.time + 0.5; if (percent >= 85) { printf("Spock: That would take %d%% of our remaining time.\n", percent); if (!getynpar("Are you sure that is wise")) return; printf("(He's finally gone mad)\n"); } Move.time = move(0, course, time, 0.095); Ship.energy -= 20 + 100 * Move.time * 0.095; }
void Player::update(sf::Time deltaTime) { float maxVel = 3.0f; const b2Vec2& vel = body->GetLinearVelocity(); if(hitTimer.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() <= 3.0f) { leftHitCollision->setActive(false); rightHitCollision->setActive(false); } else { leftHitCollision->setActive(true); rightHitCollision->setActive(true); } if(rightHitCollision->isHitColliding() && rightHitCollision->isActive()) { setFacing(RIGHT); hitTimer.restart(); damaged(); } if(leftHitCollision->isHitColliding()&& leftHitCollision->isActive()) { setFacing(LEFT); hitTimer.restart(); damaged(); } if(shadeCollision->isHitColliding()&&!groundCallBack->isColliding() && state != GRABBING) { //For funtimes ;) //body->SetFixedRotation(false); if(getFacing() == LEFT) { body->ApplyForce(b2Vec2(knockForce,0.1f),b2Vec2(0.0f,0.0f),true); } else if(getFacing() == RIGHT) { body->ApplyForce(b2Vec2(-knockForce,0.1f),b2Vec2(0.0f,0.0f),true); } else{body->ApplyForce(b2Vec2(knockForce,0.1f),b2Vec2(0.0f,0.0f),true);} setState(KNOCKEDBACKED); } if (flashLight->isEnabled()) { Shade* shade = flashLightCallBack->getClosestShade(flashLight->getPosition()); if (shade) { Facing dir = (getFacing() == Facing::LEFT) ? RIGHT : LEFT; shade->increaseTimeInFlashLight(deltaTime.asSeconds()); shade->setFacing(dir); } } switch(state) { case NORMAL: if ((!rightButton && !leftButton) || (rightButton && leftButton)) { body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(0,vel.y)); } else if (rightButton) { if (!rightSideCollision->isColliding() && vel.x < maxVel) { //body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(SPEED, vel.y)); body->ApplyLinearImpulse(b2Vec2(0.8f,0.0f),b2Vec2(body->GetWorldCenter()),true); } setFacing(Entity::RIGHT); } else if (leftButton) { if (!leftSideCollision->isColliding() && vel.x > -maxVel) { //body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(-SPEED, vel.y)); body->ApplyLinearImpulse(b2Vec2(-0.8f,0.0f),b2Vec2(body->GetWorldCenter()),true); } setFacing(Entity::LEFT); } //Check for grabbing if we are not flying upwards. if (!groundCallBack->isColliding() && vel.y >= 0) { if (leftGrabCallBack->isColliding() && !leftAntiGrabCallBack->isColliding() && getFacing() == Facing::LEFT) { this->setState(PLAYER_STATE::GRABBING); const sf::FloatRect& bounds = leftGrabCallBack->getGrabbedFixtureBounds(); body->SetTransform(Convert::sfmlToB2(sf::Vector2f(bounds.left + bounds.width + (bodyBounds.width / 2.0f), bounds.top)), 0); } else if (rightGrabCallBack->isColliding() && !rightAntiGrabCallBack->isColliding() && getFacing() == Facing::RIGHT) { this->setState(PLAYER_STATE::GRABBING); const sf::FloatRect& bounds = rightGrabCallBack->getGrabbedFixtureBounds(); body->SetTransform(Convert::sfmlToB2(sf::Vector2f(bounds.left-(bodyBounds.width/2.0f), bounds.top)), 0); } } break; case GRABBING: //Check if we should just drop down //Jumping while grabbing is handled in Player::jump() and not here. if (downButton || (rightButton && getFacing() == Facing::LEFT) || (leftButton && getFacing() == Facing::RIGHT)) { const float pushDistance = 12.0f; //If we are facing right, push the player a bit left if (getFacing() == Facing::RIGHT) { sf::Vector2f pos = Convert::b2ToSfml(body->GetPosition()); pos.x -= pushDistance; body->SetTransform(Convert::sfmlToB2(pos), 0.0f); setFacing(Entity::LEFT); } //Else just push the player a bit right. else if (getFacing() == Facing::LEFT) { sf::Vector2f pos = Convert::b2ToSfml(body->GetPosition()); pos.x += pushDistance; body->SetTransform(Convert::sfmlToB2(pos), 0.0f); setFacing(Entity::RIGHT); } setState(PLAYER_STATE::NORMAL); } break; case DAMAGED: anime.setLooped(false); if(!anime.isFinished()) { body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(0,0)); } if(anime.isFinished()) { setState(NORMAL); anime.setLooped(true); } if(mStats.health <=0) { setState(DYING); } break; case KNOCKEDBACKED: if(mStats.health <=0){setState(DYING);} else if (knockedbackClock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() > 1) { setState(NORMAL); } break; case DYING: mPlatformState.getOverlay(PlatformState::DEATH_SCREEN).setEnabled(true); std::cout<<"Waaaaaaaaaaaah"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"---------Player Dead----------"<<std::endl; break; default: break; } updateAnimation(); updateSound(); anime.update(deltaTime); updateFlashlightPosition(); }
/*ARGSUSED*/ void torped(int v __unused) { int ix, iy; double x, y, dx, dy; double angle; int course, course2; int k; double bigger; double sectsize; int burst; int n; if (Ship.cloaked) { printf("Federation regulations do not permit attack while " "cloaked.\n"); return; } if (check_out(TORPED)) return; if (Ship.torped <= 0) { printf("All photon torpedos expended\n"); return; } /* get the course */ course = getintpar("Torpedo course"); if (course < 0 || course > 360) return; burst = -1; /* need at least three torpedoes for a burst */ if (Ship.torped < 3) { printf("No-burst mode selected\n"); burst = 0; } else { /* see if the user wants one */ if (!testnl()) { k = ungetc(getchar(), stdin); if (k >= '0' && k <= '9') burst = 1; } } if (burst < 0) { burst = getynpar("Do you want a burst"); } if (burst) { burst = getintpar("burst angle"); if (burst <= 0) return; if (burst > 15) { printf("Maximum burst angle is 15 degrees\n"); return; } } sectsize = NSECTS; n = -1; if (burst) { n = 1; course -= burst; } for (; n && n <= 3; n++) { /* select a nice random course */ course2 = course + randcourse(n); /* convert to radians */ angle = course2 * 0.0174532925; dx = -cos(angle); dy = sin(angle); bigger = fabs(dx); x = fabs(dy); if (x > bigger) bigger = x; dx /= bigger; dy /= bigger; x = Ship.sectx + 0.5; y = Ship.secty + 0.5; if (Ship.cond != DOCKED) Ship.torped -= 1; printf("Torpedo track"); if (n > 0) printf(", torpedo number %d", n); printf(":\n%6.1f\t%4.1f\n", x, y); while (1) { ix = x += dx; iy = y += dy; if (x < 0.0 || x >= sectsize || y < 0.0 || y >= sectsize) { printf("Torpedo missed\n"); break; } printf("%6.1f\t%4.1f\n", x, y); switch (Sect[ix][iy]) { case EMPTY: continue; case HOLE: printf("Torpedo disappears into a black " "hole\n"); break; case KLINGON: for (k = 0; k < Etc.nkling; k++) { if (Etc.klingon[k].x != ix || Etc.klingon[k].y != iy) continue; Etc.klingon[k].power -= 500 + ranf(501); if (Etc.klingon[k].power > 0) { printf("*** Hit on Klingon at " "%d,%d: extensive " "damages\n", ix, iy); break; } killk(ix, iy); break; } break; case STAR: nova(ix, iy); break; case INHABIT: kills(ix, iy, -1); break; case BASE: killb(Ship.quadx, Ship.quady); Game.killb += 1; break; default: printf("Unknown object %c at %d,%d destroyed\n", Sect[ix][iy], ix, iy); Sect[ix][iy] = EMPTY; break; } break; } if (damaged(TORPED) || Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].stars < 0) break; course += burst; } Move.free = 0; }
/* argument is set if attack while resting */ void attack(int resting) { int hit, i, l; int maxhit, tothit, shldabsb; double chgfac, propor, extradm; double dustfac, tothe; int cas; int hitflag; if (Move.free) return; if (Etc.nkling <= 0 || Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].stars < 0) return; if (Ship.cloaked && Ship.cloakgood) return; /* move before attack */ klmove(0); if (Ship.cond == DOCKED) { if (!resting) printf("Starbase shields protect the %s\n", Ship.shipname); return; } /* setup shield effectiveness */ chgfac = 1.0; if (Move.shldchg) chgfac = 0.25 + 0.50 * franf(); maxhit = tothit = 0; hitflag = 0; /* let each Klingon do his damndest */ for (i = 0; i < Etc.nkling; i++) { /* if he's low on power he won't attack */ if (Etc.klingon[i].power < 20) continue; if (!hitflag) { printf("\nStardate %.2f: Klingon attack:\n", Now.date); hitflag++; } /* complete the hit */ dustfac = 0.90 + 0.01 * franf(); tothe = Etc.klingon[i].avgdist; hit = Etc.klingon[i].power * pow(dustfac, tothe) * Param.hitfac; /* deplete his energy */ dustfac = Etc.klingon[i].power; Etc.klingon[i].power = dustfac * Param.phasfac * (1.0 + (franf() - 0.5) * 0.2); /* see how much of hit shields will absorb */ shldabsb = 0; if (Ship.shldup || Move.shldchg) { propor = Ship.shield; propor /= Param.shield; shldabsb = propor * chgfac * hit; if (shldabsb > Ship.shield) shldabsb = Ship.shield; Ship.shield -= shldabsb; } /* actually do the hit */ printf("\aHIT: %d units", hit); if (!damaged(SRSCAN)) printf(" from %d,%d", Etc.klingon[i].x, Etc.klingon[i].y); cas = (shldabsb * 100) / hit; hit -= shldabsb; if (shldabsb > 0) printf(", shields absorb %d%%, effective hit %d\n", cas, hit); else printf("\n"); tothit += hit; if (hit > maxhit) maxhit = hit; Ship.energy -= hit; /* see if damages occurred */ if (hit >= (15 - Game.skill) * (25 - ranf(12))) { printf("\aCRITICAL HIT!!!\a\n"); /* select a device from probability vector */ cas = ranf(1000); for (l = 0; cas >= 0; l++) cas -= Param.damprob[l]; l -= 1; /* compute amount of damage */ extradm = (hit * Param.damfac[l]) / (75 + ranf(25)) + 0.5; /* damage the device */ damage(l, extradm); if (damaged(SHIELD)) { if (Ship.shldup) printf("Sulu: Shields knocked down, captain.\n"); Ship.shldup = 0; Move.shldchg = 0; } } if (Ship.energy <= 0) lose(L_DSTRYD); } /* see what our casualities are like */ if (maxhit >= 200 || tothit >= 500) { cas = tothit * 0.015 * franf(); if (cas >= 2) { printf("McCoy: we suffered %d casualties in that attack.\n", cas); Game.deaths += cas; Ship.crew -= cas; } } /* allow Klingons to move after attacking */ klmove(1); }
void klmove(int fl) { int n; struct kling *k; double dx, dy; int nextx, nexty; int lookx, looky; int motion; int fudgex, fudgey; int qx, qy; double bigger; int i; # ifdef xTRACE if (Trace) printf("klmove: fl = %d, Etc.nkling = %d\n", fl, Etc.nkling); # endif for (n = 0; n < Etc.nkling; n++) { k = &Etc.klingon[n]; i = 100; if (fl) i = 100.0 * k->power / Param.klingpwr; if (ranf(i) >= Param.moveprob[2 * Move.newquad + fl]) continue; /* compute distance to move */ motion = ranf(75) - 25; motion *= k->avgdist * Param.movefac[2 * Move.newquad + fl]; /* compute direction */ dx = Ship.sectx - k->x + ranf(3) - 1; dy = Ship.secty - k->y + ranf(3) - 1; bigger = dx; if (dy > bigger) bigger = dy; if (bigger == 0.0) bigger = 1.0; dx = dx / bigger + 0.5; dy = dy / bigger + 0.5; if (motion < 0) { motion = -motion; dx = -dx; dy = -dy; } fudgex = fudgey = 1; /* try to move the klingon */ nextx = k->x; nexty = k->y; for (; motion > 0; motion--) { lookx = nextx + dx; looky = nexty + dy; if (lookx < 0 || lookx >= NSECTS || looky < 0 || looky >= NSECTS) { /* new quadrant */ qx = Ship.quadx; qy = Ship.quady; if (lookx < 0) qx -= 1; else if (lookx >= NSECTS) qx += 1; if (looky < 0) qy -= 1; else if (looky >= NSECTS) qy += 1; if (qx < 0 || qx >= NQUADS || qy < 0 || qy >= NQUADS || Quad[qx][qy].stars < 0 || Quad[qx][qy].klings > MAXKLQUAD - 1) break; if (!damaged(SRSCAN)) { printf("Klingon at %d,%d escapes to quadrant %d,%d\n", k->x, k->y, qx, qy); motion = Quad[qx][qy].scanned; if (motion >= 0 && motion < 1000) Quad[qx][qy].scanned += 100; motion = Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].scanned; if (motion >= 0 && motion < 1000) Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].scanned -= 100; } Sect[k->x][k->y] = EMPTY; Quad[qx][qy].klings += 1; Etc.nkling -= 1; *k = Etc.klingon[Etc.nkling]; Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady].klings -= 1; k = 0; break; } if (Sect[lookx][looky] != EMPTY) { lookx = nextx + fudgex; if (lookx < 0 || lookx >= NSECTS) lookx = nextx + dx; if (Sect[lookx][looky] != EMPTY) { fudgex = -fudgex; looky = nexty + fudgey; if (looky < 0 || looky >= NSECTS || Sect[lookx][looky] != EMPTY) { fudgey = -fudgey; break; } } } nextx = lookx; nexty = looky; } if (k && (k->x != nextx || k->y != nexty)) { if (!damaged(SRSCAN)) printf("Klingon at %d,%d moves to %d,%d\n", k->x, k->y, nextx, nexty); Sect[k->x][k->y] = EMPTY; Sect[k->x = nextx][k->y = nexty] = KLINGON; } } compkldist(0); }
void snova(int x, int y) { int qx, qy; int ix, iy = 0; int f, n; int dx, dy; struct quad *q; f = 0; ix = x; if (ix < 0) { /* choose a quadrant */ while (1) { qx = ranf(NQUADS); qy = ranf(NQUADS); q = &Quad[qx][qy]; if (q->stars > 0) break; } if (Ship.quadx == qx && Ship.quady == qy) { /* select a particular star */ n = ranf(q->stars); for (ix = 0; ix < NSECTS; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < NSECTS; iy++) if (Sect[ix][iy] == STAR || Sect[ix][iy] == INHABIT) if ((n -= 1) <= 0) break; if (n <= 0) break; } f = 1; } } else { /* current quadrant */ iy = y; qx = Ship.quadx; qy = Ship.quady; q = &Quad[qx][qy]; f = 1; } if (f) { /* supernova is in same quadrant as Enterprise */ printf("\a\nRED ALERT: supernova occuring at %d,%d\n", ix, iy); dx = ix - Ship.sectx; dy = iy - Ship.secty; if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= 2) { printf("*** Emergency override attem"); sleep(1); printf("\n"); lose(L_SNOVA); } q->scanned = 1000; } else { if (!damaged(SSRADIO)) { q->scanned = 1000; printf("\nUhura: Captain, Starfleet Command reports a supernova\n"); printf(" in quadrant %d,%d. Caution is advised\n", qx, qy); } } /* clear out the supernova'ed quadrant */ dx = q->klings; dy = q->stars; Now.klings -= dx; if (x >= 0) { /* Enterprise caused supernova */ Game.kills += dy; if (q->bases) killb(qx, qy); Game.killk += dx; } else if (q->bases) killb(qx, qy); killd(qx, qy, (x >= 0)); q->stars = -1; q->klings = 0; if (Now.klings <= 0) { printf("Lucky devil, that supernova destroyed the last klingon\n"); win(); } }
void warp(int fl, int c, double d) { int course; double power; double dist; double p_time; double speed; double frac; int percent; int i; char *s; if (Ship.cond == DOCKED) { printf("%s is docked\n", Ship.shipname); return; } if (damaged(WARP)) { out(WARP); return; } course = c; dist = d; /* check to see that we are not using an absurd amount of power */ power = (dist + 0.05) * Ship.warp3; percent = 100 * power / Ship.energy + 0.5; if (percent >= 85) { printf("Scotty: That would consume %d%% of our remaining energy.\n", percent); if (!getynpar("Are you sure that is wise")) return; } /* compute the speed we will move at, and the time it will take */ speed = Ship.warp2 / Param.warptime; p_time = dist / speed; /* check to see that that value is not ridiculous */ percent = 100 * p_time / Now.time + 0.5; if (percent >= 85) { printf("Spock: That would take %d%% of our remaining time.\n", percent); if (!getynpar("Are you sure that is wise")) return; } /* compute how far we will go if we get damages */ if (Ship.warp > 6.0 && ranf(100) < 20 + 15 * (Ship.warp - 6.0)) { frac = franf(); dist *= frac; p_time *= frac; damage(WARP, (frac + 1.0) * Ship.warp * (franf() + 0.25) * 0.20); } /* do the move */ Move.time = move(fl, course, p_time, speed); /* see how far we actually went, and decrement energy appropriately */ dist = Move.time * speed; Ship.energy -= dist * Ship.warp3 * (Ship.shldup + 1); /* test for bizarre events */ if (Ship.warp <= 9.0) return; printf("\n\n ___ Speed exceeding warp nine ___\n\n"); sleep(2); printf("Ship's safety systems malfunction\n"); sleep(2); printf("Crew experiencing extreme sensory distortion\n"); sleep(4); if (ranf(100) >= 100 * dist) { printf("Equilibrium restored -- all systems normal\n"); return; } /* select a bizzare thing to happen to us */ percent = ranf(100); if (percent < 70) { /* time warp */ if (percent < 35 || !Game.snap) { /* positive time warp */ p_time = (Ship.warp - 8.0) * dist * (franf() + 1.0); Now.date += p_time; printf("Positive time portal entered -- it is now Stardate %.2f\n", Now.date); for (i = 0; i < MAXEVENTS; i++) { percent = Event[i].evcode; if (percent == E_FIXDV || percent == E_LRTB) Event[i].date += p_time; } return; } /* s/he got lucky: a negative time portal */ p_time = Now.date; s = Etc.snapshot; bmove(s, Quad, sizeof Quad); bmove(s += sizeof Quad, Event, sizeof Event); bmove(s += sizeof Event, &Now, sizeof Now); printf("Negative time portal entered -- it is now Stardate %.2f\n", Now.date); for (i = 0; i < MAXEVENTS; i++) if (Event[i].evcode == E_FIXDV) reschedule(&Event[i], Event[i].date - p_time); return; } /* test for just a lot of damage */ if (percent < 80) lose(L_TOOFAST); printf("Equilibrium restored -- extreme damage occurred to ship systems\n"); for (i = 0; i < NDEV; i++) damage(i, (3.0 * (franf() + franf()) + 1.0) * Param.damfac[i]); Ship.shldup = 0; }
phaser() { register int i; int j; register struct kling *k; double dx, dy; double anglefactor, distfactor; register struct banks *b; int manual, flag, extra; int hit; double tot; int n; int hitreqd[NBANKS]; struct banks bank[NBANKS]; struct cvntab *ptr; if (Ship.cond == DOCKED) return(printf("Phasers cannot fire through starbase shields\n")); if (damaged(PHASER)) return (out(PHASER)); if (Ship.shldup) return (printf("Sulu: Captain, we cannot fire through shields.\n")); if (Ship.cloaked) { printf("Sulu: Captain, surely you must realize that we cannot fire\n"); printf(" phasers with the cloaking device up.\n"); return; } /* decide if we want manual or automatic mode */ manual = 0; if (testnl()) { if (damaged(COMPUTER)) { printf(Device[COMPUTER].name); manual++; } else if (damaged(SRSCAN)) { printf(Device[SRSCAN].name); manual++; } if (manual) printf(" damaged, manual mode selected\n"); } if (!manual) { ptr = getcodpar("Manual or automatic", Matab); manual = (int) ptr->value; } if (!manual && damaged(COMPUTER)) { printf("Computer damaged, manual selected\n"); skiptonl(0); manual++; } /* initialize the bank[] array */ flag = 1; for (i = 0; i < NBANKS; i++) bank[i].units = 0; if (manual) { /* collect manual mode statistics */ while (flag) { printf("%d units available\n", Ship.energy); extra = 0; flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < NBANKS; i++) { b = &bank[i]; printf("\nBank %d:\n", i); hit = getintpar("units"); if (hit < 0) return; if (hit == 0) break; extra += hit; if (extra > Ship.energy) { printf("available energy exceeded. "); skiptonl(0); flag++; break; } b->units = hit; hit = getintpar("course"); if (hit < 0 || hit > 360) return; b->angle = hit * 0.0174532925; b->spread = getfltpar("spread"); if (b->spread < 0 || b->spread > 1) return; } Ship.energy -= extra; } extra = 0; } else { /* automatic distribution of power */ if (Etc.nkling <= 0) return (printf("Sulu: But there are no Klingons in this quadrant\n")); printf("Phasers locked on target. "); while (flag) { printf("%d units available\n", Ship.energy); hit = getintpar("Units to fire"); if (hit <= 0) return; if (hit > Ship.energy) { printf("available energy exceeded. "); skiptonl(0); continue; } flag = 0; Ship.energy -= hit; extra = hit; n = Etc.nkling; if (n > NBANKS) n = NBANKS; tot = n * (n + 1) / 2; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { k = &Etc.klingon[i]; b = &bank[i]; distfactor = k->dist; anglefactor = ALPHA * BETA * OMEGA / (distfactor * distfactor + EPSILON); anglefactor *= GAMMA; distfactor = k->power; distfactor /= anglefactor; hitreqd[i] = distfactor + 0.5; dx = Ship.sectx - k->x; dy = k->y - Ship.secty; b->angle = atan2(dy, dx); b->spread = 0.0; b->units = ((n - i) / tot) * extra; # ifdef xTRACE if (Trace) { printf("b%d hr%d u%d df%.2f af%.2f\n", i, hitreqd[i], b->units, distfactor, anglefactor); } # endif extra -= b->units; hit = b->units - hitreqd[i]; if (hit > 0) { extra += hit; b->units -= hit; } } /* give out any extra energy we might have around */ if (extra > 0) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { b = &bank[i]; hit = hitreqd[i] - b->units; if (hit <= 0) continue; if (hit >= extra) { b->units += extra; extra = 0; break; } b->units = hitreqd[i]; extra -= hit; } if (extra > 0) printf("%d units overkill\n", extra); } } } # ifdef xTRACE if (Trace) { for (i = 0; i < NBANKS; i++) { b = &bank[i]; printf("b%d u%d", i, b->units); if (b->units > 0) printf(" a%.2f s%.2f\n", b->angle, b->spread); else printf("\n"); } } # endif /* actually fire the shots */ Move.free = 0; for (i = 0; i < NBANKS; i++) { b = &bank[i]; if (b->units <= 0) { continue; } printf("\nPhaser bank %d fires:\n", i); n = Etc.nkling; k = Etc.klingon; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (b->units <= 0) break; /* ** The formula for hit is as follows: ** ** zap = OMEGA * [(sigma + ALPHA) * (rho + BETA)] ** / (dist ** 2 + EPSILON)] ** * [cos(delta * sigma) + GAMMA] ** * hit ** ** where sigma is the spread factor, ** rho is a random number (0 -> 1), ** GAMMA is a crud factor for angle (essentially ** cruds up the spread factor), ** delta is the difference in radians between the ** angle you are shooting at and the actual ** angle of the klingon, ** ALPHA scales down the significance of sigma, ** BETA scales down the significance of rho, ** OMEGA is the magic number which makes everything ** up to "* hit" between zero and one, ** dist is the distance to the klingon ** hit is the number of units in the bank, and ** zap is the amount of the actual hit. ** ** Everything up through dist squared should maximize ** at 1.0, so that the distance factor is never ** greater than one. Conveniently, cos() is ** never greater than one, but the same restric- ** tion applies. */ distfactor = BETA + franf(); distfactor *= ALPHA + b->spread; distfactor *= OMEGA; anglefactor = k->dist; distfactor /= anglefactor * anglefactor + EPSILON; distfactor *= b->units; dx = Ship.sectx - k->x; dy = k->y - Ship.secty; anglefactor = atan2(dy, dx) - b->angle; anglefactor = cos((anglefactor * b->spread) + GAMMA); if (anglefactor < 0.0) { k++; continue; } hit = anglefactor * distfactor + 0.5; k->power -= hit; printf("%d unit hit on Klingon", hit); if (!damaged(SRSCAN)) printf(" at %d,%d", k->x, k->y); printf("\n"); b->units -= hit; if (k->power <= 0) { killk(k->x, k->y); continue; } k++; } } /* compute overkill */ for (i = 0; i < NBANKS; i++) extra += bank[i].units; if (extra > 0) printf("\n%d units expended on empty space\n", extra); }
void abandon(int v __unused) { struct quad *q; int i; int j; struct event *e; if (Ship.ship == QUEENE) { printf("You may not abandon ye Faire Queene\n"); return; } if (Ship.cond != DOCKED) { if (damaged(SHUTTLE)) { out(SHUTTLE); return; } printf("Officers escape in shuttlecraft\n"); /* decide on fate of crew */ q = &Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady]; if (q->qsystemname == 0 || damaged(XPORTER)) { printf("Entire crew of %d left to die in outer space\n", Ship.crew); Game.deaths += Ship.crew; } else { printf("Crew beams down to planet %s\n", systemname(q)); } } /* see if you can be exchanged */ if (Now.bases == 0 || Game.captives < 20 * Game.skill) lose(L_CAPTURED); /* re-outfit new ship */ printf("You are hereby put in charge of an antiquated but still\n"); printf(" functional ship, the Fairie Queene.\n"); Ship.ship = QUEENE; Ship.shipname = "Fairie Queene"; Param.energy = Ship.energy = 3000; Param.torped = Ship.torped = 6; Param.shield = Ship.shield = 1250; Ship.shldup = 0; Ship.cloaked = 0; Ship.warp = 5.0; Ship.warp2 = 25.0; Ship.warp3 = 125.0; Ship.cond = GREEN; /* clear out damages on old ship */ for (i = 0; i < MAXEVENTS; i++) { e = &Event[i]; if (e->evcode != E_FIXDV) continue; unschedule(e); } /* get rid of some devices and redistribute probabilities */ i = Param.damprob[SHUTTLE] + Param.damprob[CLOAK]; Param.damprob[SHUTTLE] = Param.damprob[CLOAK] = 0; while (i > 0) for (j = 0; j < NDEV; j++) { if (Param.damprob[j] != 0) { Param.damprob[j] += 1; i--; if (i <= 0) break; } } /* pick a starbase to restart at */ i = ranf(Now.bases); Ship.quadx = Now.base[i].x; Ship.quady = Now.base[i].y; /* setup that quadrant */ while (1) { initquad(1); Sect[Ship.sectx][Ship.secty] = EMPTY; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Ship.sectx = Etc.starbase.x + ranf(3) - 1; if (Ship.sectx < 0 || Ship.sectx >= NSECTS) continue; Ship.secty = Etc.starbase.y + ranf(3) - 1; if (Ship.secty < 0 || Ship.secty >= NSECTS) continue; if (Sect[Ship.sectx][Ship.secty] == EMPTY) { Sect[Ship.sectx][Ship.secty] = QUEENE; dock(0); compkldist(0); return; } } } }
double move(int ramflag, int course, double p_time, double speed) { double angle; double x, y, dx, dy; int ix, iy; double bigger; int n; int i; double dist; double sectsize; double xn; double evtime; ix = iy = 0; #ifdef xTRACE if (Trace) printf("move: ramflag %d course %d time %.2f speed %.2f\n", ramflag, course, p_time, speed); #endif sectsize = NSECTS; /* initialize delta factors for move */ angle = course * 0.0174532925; if (damaged(SINS)) angle += Param.navigcrud[1] * (franf() - 0.5); else if (Ship.sinsbad) angle += Param.navigcrud[0] * (franf() - 0.5); dx = -cos(angle); dy = sin(angle); bigger = fabs(dx); dist = fabs(dy); if (dist > bigger) bigger = dist; dx /= bigger; dy /= bigger; /* check for long range tractor beams */ /**** TEMPORARY CODE == DEBUGGING ****/ evtime = Now.eventptr[E_LRTB]->date - Now.date; #ifdef xTRACE if (Trace) printf("E.ep = %p, ->evcode = %d, ->date = %.2f, evtime = %.2f\n", (void *)Now.eventptr[E_LRTB], Now.eventptr[E_LRTB]->evcode, Now.eventptr[E_LRTB]->date, evtime); #endif if (p_time > evtime && Etc.nkling < 3) { /* then we got a LRTB */ evtime += 0.005; p_time = evtime; } else evtime = -1.0e50; dist = p_time * speed; /* move within quadrant */ Sect[Ship.sectx][Ship.secty] = EMPTY; x = Ship.sectx + 0.5; y = Ship.secty + 0.5; xn = NSECTS * dist * bigger; n = xn + 0.5; #ifdef xTRACE if (Trace) printf("dx = %.2f, dy = %.2f, xn = %.2f, n = %d\n", dx, dy, xn, n); #endif Move.free = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ix = (x += dx); iy = (y += dy); #ifdef xTRACE if (Trace) printf("ix = %d, x = %.2f, iy = %d, y = %.2f\n", ix, x, iy, y); #endif if (x < 0.0 || y < 0.0 || x >= sectsize || y >= sectsize) { /* enter new quadrant */ dx = Ship.quadx * NSECTS + Ship.sectx + dx * xn; dy = Ship.quady * NSECTS + Ship.secty + dy * xn; if (dx < 0.0) ix = -1; else ix = dx + 0.5; if (dy < 0.0) iy = -1; else iy = dy + 0.5; #ifdef xTRACE if (Trace) printf("New quad: ix = %d, iy = %d\n", ix, iy); #endif Ship.sectx = x; Ship.secty = y; compkldist(0); Move.newquad = 2; attack(0); checkcond(); Ship.quadx = ix / NSECTS; Ship.quady = iy / NSECTS; Ship.sectx = ix % NSECTS; Ship.secty = iy % NSECTS; if (ix < 0 || Ship.quadx >= NQUADS || iy < 0 || Ship.quady >= NQUADS) { if (!damaged(COMPUTER)) { dumpme(0); } else lose(L_NEGENB); } initquad(0); n = 0; break; } if (Sect[ix][iy] != EMPTY) { /* we just hit something */ if (!damaged(COMPUTER) && ramflag <= 0) { ix = x - dx; iy = y - dy; printf("Computer reports navigation error; %s stopped at %d,%d\n", Ship.shipname, ix, iy); Ship.energy -= Param.stopengy * speed; break; } /* test for a black hole */ if (Sect[ix][iy] == HOLE) { /* get dumped elsewhere in the galaxy */ dumpme(1); initquad(0); n = 0; break; } ram(ix, iy); break; } } if (n > 0) { dx = Ship.sectx - ix; dy = Ship.secty - iy; dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / NSECTS; p_time = dist / speed; if (evtime > p_time) p_time = evtime; /* spring the LRTB trap */ Ship.sectx = ix; Ship.secty = iy; } Sect[Ship.sectx][Ship.secty] = Ship.ship; compkldist(0); return (p_time); }