bool board::back(bool mode, int p1, int p2) {
	int current_x(0), current_y(0);
	data_itoxy(p1, current_x, current_y);
	int pre_x(0), pre_y(0);
	data_itoxy(p2, pre_x, pre_y);
	if (retract(static_cast<CHESS_COLOR>(m_curr_color[current_x][current_y] % 2), current_x, current_y)) {
		if (mode == 0) {	//下棋
			m_curr_color[current_x][current_y] = 0;
			pre_chess = p2;
			return true;
		else {	//移棋
			m_curr_color[pre_x][pre_y] = m_curr_color[current_x][current_y];
			m_curr_color[current_x][current_y] = 0;
			lay(static_cast<CHESS_COLOR>(m_curr_color[pre_x][pre_y] % 2), pre_x, pre_y);
			pre_chess = p2;
			return true;
	else {
		string c_color;
		switch (m_curr_color[current_x][current_y]%2) {
		case WHITE:c_color = "白"; break;
		case BLACK:c_color = "黑"; break;
		case NONE:c_color = "没有颜"; break;
		default:c_color = "未知"; break;
		cout << "不能拿起在(" << current_x << ',' << current_y << ")的" << c_color << "色棋子!" << endl;
		return false;
bool board::move_step(int x, int y) {
	if (isSelected) {
		string c_color;
		switch (selected_color) {
		case WHITE:c_color = "白"; break;
		case BLACK:c_color = "黑"; break;
		case NONE:c_color = "没有颜"; break;
		default:c_color = "未知"; break;
		if (lay(selected_color, x, y)) {
			int b_x(0), b_y(0);
			data_itoxy(selected_chess, b_x, b_y);
			m_chess[m_curr_color[b_x][b_y]] = data_xytoi(x, y);
			m_curr_color[x][y] = m_curr_color[b_x][b_y];
			m_curr_color[b_x][b_y] = 0;
			cout << c_color << "方把(" << b_x << ',' << b_y << ")移动到(" << x << ',' << y << ')' << endl;
			isSelected = false;
			pre_chess = data_xytoi(x, y);
			return true;
		else {
			int b_x(0), b_y(0);
			data_itoxy(selected_chess, b_x, b_y);
			cout << "错误:在(" << b_x << ',' << b_y << ")处不能放下" << c_color << "色棋子,移棋失败" << endl;
			return false;
	else {
		cout << "错误:未选中棋子!" << endl;
		return false;
Exemple #3
//find back and ahead node at one time to reduce the time cost;
void board::GetAheadBackStone(int index, int direction, int & index_ahead, int & index_back)
	int x = 0, y = 0;
	data_itoxy(index, x, y);
	node * temp = m_head[x][y][direction];
	while (temp->m_next->m_index != index)
		temp = temp->m_next;
	if (temp->m_next->m_index == index)
		index_ahead = -1;//没有前节点;
		index_ahead = temp->m_index;
	temp = temp->m_next->m_next;
	if (temp == nullptr)
		index_back = -1;
		index_back = temp->m_index;
Exemple #4
void board::move_cancel()

	if (!isSelected) {
		//cout << "move cancel error : 没有选中棋子,怎么放回去???" << endl;

	int x, y;

	data_itoxy(selected_chess,x, y);

	isSelected = false;
	if (lay(selected_color, x, y)) {
		m_curr_color[x][y] = m_chess_pos;
		m_chess[m_chess_pos] = selected_chess;
		isSelected = false;
		/*string c_color;
		switch (selected_color) {
		case WHITE:c_color = "后手"; break;
		case BLACK:c_color = "先手"; break;
		case NONE:c_color = "没有"; break;
		default:c_color = "未知"; break;

		//cout << c_color << "方把棋子放回到(" << x << ',' << y << ')' << endl;

	else {
		//cout << "出错:不知道为什么放不回去棋子???内核有问题" << endl;

	//return false;
bool board::move_cancel()

	int x, y;


	isSelected = false;
	if (lay(selected_color, x, y)){
		string c_color;
		switch (selected_color) {
		case WHITE:c_color = "白"; break;
		case BLACK:c_color = "黑"; break;
		case NONE:c_color = "没有颜"; break;
		default:c_color = "未知"; break;

		cout << c_color << "方把棋子放回到(" << x << ',' << y << ')' << endl;

	else {
		cout << "出错:不知道为什么放不回去棋子???内核有问题" << endl;

	return false;
Exemple #6
// 某一位为1 表示可以下棋,否则不能下
void board::cal_all_feasible()

	bool current_feasible[array_size][array_size];
	memset(current_feasible, 0, sizeof(current_feasible));

	int temp_x, temp_y;
	for (int i = 1; i <= m_chess_num; i++) {// O(m_chess_num  )=O(20)
		data_itoxy(m_chess[i], temp_x, temp_y);
		//	current_feasible[temp_x][temp_y] = 1;// 已经有棋子的地方不能下
		if (i % 2 == selected_color) {

			if (m_limit[selected_color][temp_x][temp_y] >= m_inf2 + 1) {//这个棋子附近有一个同色棋子,附近不可以再下同色棋子
				for (int j = 0; j < dir_count; j++)
					current_feasible[temp_x + m_surround[j][0]][temp_y + m_surround[j][1]] = 1;


//	m_feasible.assign(board_size*board_size, 0);
	int x, y;
	//bool no = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i <board_size*board_size; i++) {
		m_feasible[i] = 0;
		real_itoxy(i, x, y);
		real2data(x, y);


		if (m_curr_color[x][y]) {

		else if (m_limit[selected_color][x][y] >= m_inf) {
			//	no = 0;
		else if (m_limit[selected_color][x][y] >= 2) {

		else if (!current_feasible[x][y] /*&& m_limit[selected_color][x][y]<m_inf&& m_curr_color[x][y]==0*/) {
			//ans |= 1;
			//cout << "(" << x << "," << y << ")";
			feasible(selected_color, x, y);
			//	no = 1;
			m_feasible[i] = 1;
		else m_feasible[i] = 0;


	//cout << endl;
	int index;

Exemple #7
// 界面可忽视: 收回移动新位置的棋子
void board::move_retract_new()
	if (isSelected) {
		//cout << "move_retract_new error :: 之前的棋子没有放下" << endl;

	if (who_step <= 2 * chess_num) {
		//cout << "move_retract_new error :: 模式不对,上一步是下棋" << endl;

	else {

		isSelected = 1;

		// 判断棋面修改 ,相当于返回上一步
		selected_color = (selected_color + 1) % 2;

		selected_chess = m_before[1].top();
		int current(m_before[0].top()), current_x(0), current_y(0);
		if (!m_before[0].empty())
			pre_chess = m_before[0].top();
		else {
			//cout << "move_retract_new error ::  为什么上一步没有棋子" << endl;
			//	pre_chess = -1;

		data_itoxy(current, current_x, current_y);
		if (m_curr_color[current_x][current_y] == m_inf || m_curr_color[current_x][current_y] == 0) {
			//cout << "move_retract_new error ::   这个位置没有棋了????" << endl;

		m_chess_pos = m_curr_color[current_x][current_y];
		m_curr_color[current_x][current_y] = 0;

		if (m_chess_pos % 2 != selected_color) {
			//cout << "move_retract_new error ::   这个棋子颜色和位置不一样????" << endl;

		retract(m_chess_pos % 2, current_x, current_y);
		//cout << "在(" << current_x << ',' << current_y << ")处收回新棋子" << endl;
	//	isSelected = 1;

Exemple #8
//judge whether to be 3-3 situation;
bool board::WhetherToThr(int index1, int index2)
	int index1_x = 0, index1_y = 0, index2_x = 0, index2_y = 0;
	data_itoxy(index1, index1_x, index1_y);
	data_itoxy(index2, index2_x, index2_y);
	if (index1_x == index2_x)
		if (abs(index1_y - index2_y) == 2)
			return true;
			return false;
	else if (index1_y == index2_y)
		if (abs(index1_x - index2_x) == 2)
			return true;
			return false;
	else if (abs(index1_x - index2_x) == 2)
		if (abs(index1_y - index2_y) == 2)
			return true;
			return false;
	return false;
// 某一位为1 表示可以下棋,否则不能下
unsigned long board::get_all_feasible(CHESS_COLOR color)

	bool current_feasible[array_size][array_size];
	memset(current_feasible, 0, sizeof(current_feasible));

	int temp_x, temp_y;
	for (int i = 1; i <= m_chess_num; i++) {// O(m_chess_num)=O(20)
		data_itoxy(i, temp_x, temp_y);
		current_feasible[temp_x][temp_y] = 1;// 已经有棋子的地方不能下
		if (i % 2==color) {
			if (m_limit[color][temp_x][temp_y] == m_inf2 + 1) {//这个棋子附近有一个同色棋子,附近不可以再下同色棋子
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
					current_feasible[temp_x + m_surround[j][0]][temp_x + m_surround[j][1]] = 1;


	unsigned long ans = 0;
	for (int y = board_size; y >=1; y--) {
		for (int x = board_size; x >= 1; x--)
			ans >>= 1;
			if (!current_feasible[x][y] && m_limit[color][x][y] <= 1) {
				ans |= 1;
	return ans;
Exemple #10
//Evaluate the situation;
double board::get_scores_inside(int color)
	double all_score = 0;
	int number_evaluated = 0;
	//judge m_chess_num to be an even or an odd;
	if ((m_chess_num & 1) == 1)
		if (color == WHITE)
			number_evaluated = (m_chess_num + 1) / 2;
			number_evaluated = (m_chess_num - 1) / 2;
		number_evaluated = m_chess_num / 2;
	//所以他们的时间复杂度并不高:    O(stone_number*size*size/2)
	for (int i = 0; i < number_evaluated; ++i)
		double self_score = 0;
		int number_thr_edge = 0;
		double  number_blocked = 0.0;
		int point_evaluated = 0;
		if (color == WHITE)
			point_evaluated = 2 + 2 * i;
			point_evaluated = 1 + 2 * i;
		int index_evaluated = m_chess[point_evaluated];
		for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction)
			int ahead_stone = 0, back_stone = 0;
			GetAheadBackStone(index_evaluated, direction, ahead_stone, back_stone);
			if (ahead_stone != -1)
				int ahead_stone_x = 0, ahead_stone_y = 0;
				data_itoxy(ahead_stone, ahead_stone_x, ahead_stone_y);
				if ((m_curr_color[ahead_stone_x][ahead_stone_y] % 2) == color)
					self_score += 1.0;
					if (WhetherToThr(ahead_stone, index_evaluated))
						self_score += 5.0;
						int x_evaluated = 0, y_evaluated = 0;
						data_itoxy(index_evaluated, x_evaluated, y_evaluated);
						int dis = abs(x_evaluated - ahead_stone_x) + abs(y_evaluated - ahead_stone_y);
						if (y_evaluated - ahead_stone_y > 0)
							self_score += 10.0 / (dis + 1.0);
							self_score += 5.0 / (dis + 1.0);
					int x_evaluated = 0, y_evaluated = 0;
					data_itoxy(index_evaluated, x_evaluated, y_evaluated);
					int dis = abs(x_evaluated - ahead_stone_x) + abs(y_evaluated - ahead_stone_y);
					if (y_evaluated - ahead_stone_y > 0)
						number_blocked += dis / 8.0;
						number_blocked += (dis / 16.0);

			if (back_stone != -1)
				int back_stone_x = 0, back_stone_y = 0;
				data_itoxy(back_stone, back_stone_x, back_stone_y);
				if ((m_curr_color[back_stone_x][back_stone_y] % 2) == color)
					self_score += 1.0;
					if (WhetherToThr(back_stone, index_evaluated))
						self_score += 5.0;
						int x_evaluated = 0, y_evaluated = 0;
						data_itoxy(index_evaluated, x_evaluated, y_evaluated);
						int dis = abs(x_evaluated - back_stone_x) + abs(y_evaluated - back_stone_y);
						if (y_evaluated - back_stone_y > 0)
							self_score += 10.0 / (dis + 1.0);
							self_score += 5.0 / (dis + 1.0);
					int x_evaluated = 0, y_evaluated = 0;
					data_itoxy(index_evaluated, x_evaluated, y_evaluated);
					int dis = abs(x_evaluated - back_stone_x) + abs(y_evaluated - back_stone_y);

					if (y_evaluated - back_stone_y > 0)
						number_blocked += dis / 8.0;
						number_blocked += (dis / 16.0);
		if (number_thr_edge >= 2)
			self_score += 20;
			self_score *= (number_blocked + 1.0) / 8.0;
		all_score += self_score;


	double score_2 = 0;

	for (auto i = 1; i<=number_evaluated; ++i)

		int index_evaluated = m_chess[2*i-1];
		int ahead_stone = 0, back_stone = 0;
		bool IsConnected = false;
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
			GetAheadBackStone(index_evaluated, j, ahead_stone, back_stone);
			int x_ahead = 0, y_ahead = 0;
			int x_evaluated = 0, y_evaluated = 0;
			if (ahead_stone != -1)
				data_itoxy(ahead_stone, x_ahead, y_ahead);
			data_itoxy(index_evaluated, x_evaluated, y_evaluated);
			if (ahead_stone != -1 && y_evaluated != y_ahead&&m_curr_color[x_ahead][y_ahead]==color)
				IsConnected = true;
			int x_back = 0, y_back = 0;
			if (back_stone != -1)
				data_itoxy(back_stone, x_back, y_back);
			data_itoxy(index_evaluated, x_evaluated, y_evaluated);
			if (back_stone != -1 && y_evaluated != y_back&&m_curr_color[x_back][y_back] == color)
				IsConnected = true;
		if (IsConnected)
			score_2 += 3.0;

	all_score += score_2;
	return all_score;
Exemple #11
// 悔棋:无须传入参数: 传出参数 : p1 现在位置的棋子, p2=0 下棋模式,p2!=0 之前位置的棋子
void board::back(int& p1,int& p2)
	if (m_before[0].empty()){
		//cout << "error:: 无棋可悔" << endl;

	p1=(m_before[0].top()), p2=(m_before[1].top());

	if (m_before[0].empty()) pre_chess = -1;
	pre_chess = m_before[0].top();

	// 局面改变 
	selected_color = (selected_color + 1) % 2;

	int cx(0), cy(0);
	data_itoxy(p1, cx, cy);

	m_chess_pos = m_curr_color[cx][cy];

	if (m_chess_pos % 2!=selected_color) {
		//cout << "back error; 颜色不一样???" << endl;

	m_curr_color[cx][cy] = 0;
	if (!retract(selected_color, cx, cy))
		//cout << "back error ::不能移棋???" << endl;

	// p2!=0 表示移棋的模式
	if (p2) {
		int bx(0), by(0);
		data_itoxy(p2, bx, by);
		lay(selected_color, bx, by);
		m_curr_color[bx][by] = m_chess_pos;
		m_chess[m_chess_pos] = p2;
		//	m_chess_num--;

	else {
		if (m_chess_pos != m_chess_num) {
			//cout << "error:: 删除的棋子不是最后下的棋子??" << endl;
		int b_x(0), b_y(0);
		data_itoxy(m_chess[m_chess_pos], b_x, b_y);
		//cout << "错误:在(" << b_x << ',' << b_y << ")处success" <<endl;