Exemple #1
 * Check catalog max_connections setting
bool db_check_max_connections(JCR *jcr, B_DB *mdb, uint32_t max_concurrent_jobs)
   struct max_connections_context context;

   /* Without Batch insert, no need to verify max_connections */
   if (!mdb->batch_insert_available())
      return true;

   context.db = mdb;
   context.nr_connections = 0;

   /* Check max_connections setting */
   if (!db_sql_query(mdb, sql_get_max_connections[db_get_type_index(mdb)],
                     db_max_connections_handler, &context)) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, "Can't verify max_connections settings %s", mdb->errmsg);
      return false;
   if (context.nr_connections && max_concurrent_jobs && max_concurrent_jobs > context.nr_connections) {
           _("Potential performance problem:\n"
             "max_connections=%d set for %s database \"%s\" should be larger than Director's "
           context.nr_connections, db_get_type(mdb), mdb->get_db_name(), max_concurrent_jobs);
      Jmsg(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, "%s", mdb->errmsg);
      return false;

   return true;
Exemple #2
static bool create_temp_tables(UAContext *ua)
   /* Create temp tables and indicies */
   if (!db_sql_query(ua->db, create_deltabs[db_get_type_index(ua->db)])) {
      ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));
      Dmsg0(050, "create DelTables table failed\n");
      return false;
   if (!db_sql_query(ua->db, create_delindex)) {
       ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));
       Dmsg0(050, "create DelInx1 index failed\n");
       return false;
   return true;
Exemple #3
void db_list_files_for_job(JCR *jcr, B_DB *mdb, JobId_t jobid, OUTPUT_FORMATTER *sendit)
   char ed1[50];
   LIST_CTX lctx(jcr, mdb, sendit, NF_LIST);


    * Stupid MySQL is NON-STANDARD !
   if (db_get_type_index(mdb) == SQL_TYPE_MYSQL) {
      Mmsg(mdb->cmd, "SELECT CONCAT(Path.Path,Filename.Name) AS Filename "
           "FROM (SELECT PathId, FilenameId FROM File WHERE JobId=%s "
                  "UNION ALL "
                 "SELECT PathId, FilenameId "
                   "FROM BaseFiles JOIN File "
                         "ON (BaseFiles.FileId = File.FileId) "
                  "WHERE BaseFiles.JobId = %s"
           ") AS F, Filename,Path "
           "WHERE Filename.FilenameId=F.FilenameId "
           "AND Path.PathId=F.PathId",
           edit_int64(jobid, ed1), ed1);
   } else {
      Mmsg(mdb->cmd, "SELECT Path.Path||Filename.Name AS Filename "
           "FROM (SELECT PathId, FilenameId FROM File WHERE JobId=%s "
                  "UNION ALL "
                 "SELECT PathId, FilenameId "
                   "FROM BaseFiles JOIN File "
                         "ON (BaseFiles.FileId = File.FileId) "
                  "WHERE BaseFiles.JobId = %s"
           ") AS F, Filename,Path "
           "WHERE Filename.FilenameId=F.FilenameId "
           "AND Path.PathId=F.PathId",
           edit_int64(jobid, ed1), ed1);

   if (!db_big_sql_query(mdb, mdb->cmd, list_result, &lctx)) {
       goto bail_out;


Exemple #4
 * Called here to retrieve an integer from the database
static inline int db_max_connections_handler(void *ctx, int num_fields, char **row)
   struct max_connections_context *context;
   uint32_t index;

   context = (struct max_connections_context *)ctx;
   switch (db_get_type_index(context->db)) {
      index = 1;
      index = 0;

   if (row[index]) {
      context->nr_connections = str_to_int64(row[index]);
   } else {
      Dmsg0(800, "int_handler finds zero\n");
      context->nr_connections = 0;
   return 0;
Exemple #5
 * For a given path lookup the most recent backup in the catalog
 * to get the JobId and FileIndexes of all files in that directory.
static bool insert_dir_into_findex_list(UAContext *ua, RESTORE_CTX *rx, char *dir,
                                        char *date)
   if (*rx->JobIds == 0) {
      ua->error_msg(_("No JobId specified cannot continue.\n"));
      return false;
   } else {
      Mmsg(rx->query, uar_jobid_fileindex_from_dir[db_get_type_index(ua->db)], rx->JobIds, dir, rx->ClientName);
   rx->found = false;
   /* Find and insert jobid and File Index */
   if (!db_sql_query(ua->db, rx->query, jobid_fileindex_handler, (void *)rx)) {
      ua->error_msg(_("Query failed: %s. ERR=%s\n"),
         rx->query, db_strerror(ua->db));
   if (!rx->found) {
      ua->error_msg(_("No database record found for: %s\n"), dir);
      return true;
   return true;
Exemple #6
 * Change the type of the next copy job to backup.
 * We need to upgrade the next copy of a normal job,
 * and also upgrade the next copy when the normal job
 * already have been purged.
 *   JobId: 1   PriorJobId: 0    (original)
 *   JobId: 2   PriorJobId: 1    (first copy)
 *   JobId: 3   PriorJobId: 1    (second copy)
 *   JobId: 2   PriorJobId: 1    (first copy, now regular backup)
 *   JobId: 3   PriorJobId: 1    (second copy)
 *  => Search through PriorJobId in jobid and
 *                    PriorJobId in PriorJobId (jobid)
void upgrade_copies(UAContext *ua, char *jobs)


   /* Do it in two times for mysql */
   Mmsg(query, uap_upgrade_copies_oldest_job[db_get_type_index(ua->db)], JT_JOB_COPY, jobs, jobs);
   db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str());
   Dmsg1(050, "Upgrade copies Log sql=%s\n", query.c_str());

   /* Now upgrade first copy to Backup */
   Mmsg(query, "UPDATE Job SET Type='B' "      /* JT_JOB_COPY => JT_BACKUP  */
                "WHERE JobId IN ( SELECT JobId FROM cpy_tmp )");

   db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str());

   Mmsg(query, "DROP TABLE cpy_tmp");
   db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str());

Exemple #7
 * The first step in the restore process is for the user to
 *  select a list of JobIds from which he will subsequently
 *  select which files are to be restored.
 *  Returns:  2  if filename list made
 *            1  if jobid list made
 *            0  on error
static int user_select_jobids_or_files(UAContext *ua, RESTORE_CTX *rx)
   char *p;
   char date[MAX_TIME_LENGTH];
   bool have_date = false;
   /* Include current second if using current time */
   utime_t now = time(NULL) + 1;
   JobId_t JobId;
   JOB_DBR jr = { (JobId_t)-1 };
   bool done = false;
   int i, j;
   const char *list[] = {
      _("List last 20 Jobs run"),
      _("List Jobs where a given File is saved"),
      _("Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select"),
      _("Enter SQL list command"),
      _("Select the most recent backup for a client"),
      _("Select backup for a client before a specified time"),
      _("Enter a list of files to restore"),
      _("Enter a list of files to restore before a specified time"),
      _("Find the JobIds of the most recent backup for a client"),
      _("Find the JobIds for a backup for a client before a specified time"),
      _("Enter a list of directories to restore for found JobIds"),
      _("Select full restore to a specified Job date"),

   const char *kw[] = {
        * These keywords are handled in a for loop
      "jobid",         /* 0 */
      "current",       /* 1 */
      "before",        /* 2 */
      "file",          /* 3 */
      "directory",     /* 4 */
      "select",        /* 5 */
      "pool",          /* 6 */
      "all",           /* 7 */

       * The keyword below are handled by individual arg lookups
      "client",        /* 8 */
      "storage",       /* 9 */
      "fileset",       /* 10 */
      "where",         /* 11 */
      "yes",           /* 12 */
      "bootstrap",     /* 13 */
      "done",          /* 14 */
      "strip_prefix",  /* 15 */
      "add_prefix",    /* 16 */
      "add_suffix",    /* 17 */
      "regexwhere",    /* 18 */
      "restoreclient", /* 19 */
      "copies",        /* 20 */
      "comment",       /* 21 */
      "restorejob",    /* 22 */
      "replace",       /* 23 */
      "pluginoptions", /* 24 */

   rx->JobIds[0] = 0;

   for (i = 1; i<ua->argc; i++) {        /* loop through arguments */
      bool found_kw = false;
      for (j = 0; kw[j]; j++) {          /* loop through keywords */
         if (bstrcasecmp(kw[j], ua->argk[i])) {
            found_kw = true;
      if (!found_kw) {
         ua->error_msg(_("Unknown keyword: %s\n"), ua->argk[i]);
         return 0;
      /* Found keyword in kw[] list, process it */
      switch (j) {
      case 0:                            /* jobid */
         if (!has_value(ua, i)) {
            return 0;
         if (*rx->JobIds != 0) {
            pm_strcat(rx->JobIds, ",");
         pm_strcat(rx->JobIds, ua->argv[i]);
         done = true;
      case 1:                            /* current */
          * Note, we add one second here just to include any job
          *  that may have finished within the current second,
          *  which happens a lot in scripting small jobs.
         bstrutime(date, sizeof(date), now);
         have_date = true;
      case 2:                            /* before */
         if (have_date || !has_value(ua, i)) {
            return 0;
         if (str_to_utime(ua->argv[i]) == 0) {
            ua->error_msg(_("Improper date format: %s\n"), ua->argv[i]);
            return 0;
         bstrncpy(date, ua->argv[i], sizeof(date));
         have_date = true;
      case 3:                            /* file */
      case 4:                            /* dir */
         if (!has_value(ua, i)) {
            return 0;
         if (!have_date) {
            bstrutime(date, sizeof(date), now);
         if (!get_client_name(ua, rx)) {
            return 0;
         pm_strcpy(ua->cmd, ua->argv[i]);
         insert_one_file_or_dir(ua, rx, date, j==4);
         return 2;
      case 5:                            /* select */
         if (!have_date) {
            bstrutime(date, sizeof(date), now);
         if (!select_backups_before_date(ua, rx, date)) {
            return 0;
         done = true;
      case 6:                            /* pool specified */
         if (!has_value(ua, i)) {
            return 0;
         rx->pool = (POOLRES *)GetResWithName(R_POOL, ua->argv[i]);
         if (!rx->pool) {
            ua->error_msg(_("Error: Pool resource \"%s\" does not exist.\n"), ua->argv[i]);
            return 0;
         if (!acl_access_ok(ua, Pool_ACL, ua->argv[i], true)) {
            rx->pool = NULL;
            ua->error_msg(_("Error: Pool resource \"%s\" access not allowed.\n"), ua->argv[i]);
            return 0;
      case 7:                         /* all specified */
         rx->all = true;
          * All keywords 7 or greater are ignored or handled by a select prompt

   if (!done) {
      ua->send_msg(_("\nFirst you select one or more JobIds that contain files\n"
                  "to be restored. You will be presented several methods\n"
                  "of specifying the JobIds. Then you will be allowed to\n"
                  "select which files from those JobIds are to be restored.\n\n"));

   /* If choice not already made above, prompt */
   for ( ; !done; ) {
      char *fname;
      int len;
      bool gui_save;
      db_list_ctx jobids;

      start_prompt(ua, _("To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:\n"));
      for (int i=0; list[i]; i++) {
         add_prompt(ua, list[i]);
      done = true;
      switch (do_prompt(ua, "", _("Select item: "), NULL, 0)) {
      case -1:                        /* error or cancel */
         return 0;
      case 0:                         /* list last 20 Jobs run */
         if (!acl_access_ok(ua, Command_ACL, NT_("sqlquery"), true)) {
            ua->error_msg(_("SQL query not authorized.\n"));
            return 0;
         gui_save = ua->jcr->gui;
         ua->jcr->gui = true;
         db_list_sql_query(ua->jcr, ua->db, uar_list_jobs, ua->send, HORZ_LIST, true);
         ua->jcr->gui = gui_save;
         done = false;
      case 1:                         /* list where a file is saved */
         if (!get_client_name(ua, rx)) {
            return 0;
         if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter Filename (no path):"))) {
            return 0;
         len = strlen(ua->cmd);
         fname = (char *)malloc(len * 2 + 1);
         db_escape_string(ua->jcr, ua->db, fname, ua->cmd, len);
         Mmsg(rx->query, uar_file[db_get_type_index(ua->db)], rx->ClientName, fname);
         gui_save = ua->jcr->gui;
         ua->jcr->gui = true;
         db_list_sql_query(ua->jcr, ua->db, rx->query, ua->send, HORZ_LIST, true);
         ua->jcr->gui = gui_save;
         done = false;
      case 2:                         /* enter a list of JobIds */
         if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: "))) {
            return 0;
         pm_strcpy(rx->JobIds, ua->cmd);
      case 3:                         /* Enter an SQL list command */
         if (!acl_access_ok(ua, Command_ACL, NT_("sqlquery"), true)) {
            ua->error_msg(_("SQL query not authorized.\n"));
            return 0;
         if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter SQL list command: "))) {
            return 0;
         gui_save = ua->jcr->gui;
         ua->jcr->gui = true;
         db_list_sql_query(ua->jcr, ua->db, ua->cmd, ua->send, HORZ_LIST, true);
         ua->jcr->gui = gui_save;
         done = false;
      case 4:                         /* Select the most recent backups */
         if (!have_date) {
            bstrutime(date, sizeof(date), now);
         if (!select_backups_before_date(ua, rx, date)) {
            return 0;
      case 5:                         /* select backup at specified time */
         if (!have_date) {
            if (!get_date(ua, date, sizeof(date))) {
               return 0;
         if (!select_backups_before_date(ua, rx, date)) {
            return 0;
      case 6:                         /* Enter files */
         if (!have_date) {
            bstrutime(date, sizeof(date), now);
         if (!get_client_name(ua, rx)) {
            return 0;
         ua->send_msg(_("Enter file names with paths, or < to enter a filename\n"
                        "containing a list of file names with paths, and terminate\n"
                        "them with a blank line.\n"));
         for ( ;; ) {
            if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter full filename: "))) {
               return 0;
            len = strlen(ua->cmd);
            if (len == 0) {
            insert_one_file_or_dir(ua, rx, date, false);
         return 2;
       case 7:                        /* enter files backed up before specified time */
         if (!have_date) {
            if (!get_date(ua, date, sizeof(date))) {
               return 0;
         if (!get_client_name(ua, rx)) {
            return 0;
         ua->send_msg(_("Enter file names with paths, or < to enter a filename\n"
                        "containing a list of file names with paths, and terminate\n"
                        "them with a blank line.\n"));
         for ( ;; ) {
            if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter full filename: "))) {
               return 0;
            len = strlen(ua->cmd);
            if (len == 0) {
            insert_one_file_or_dir(ua, rx, date, false);
         return 2;

      case 8:                         /* Find JobIds for current backup */
         if (!have_date) {
            bstrutime(date, sizeof(date), now);
         if (!select_backups_before_date(ua, rx, date)) {
            return 0;
         done = false;

      case 9:                         /* Find JobIds for give date */
         if (!have_date) {
            if (!get_date(ua, date, sizeof(date))) {
               return 0;
         if (!select_backups_before_date(ua, rx, date)) {
            return 0;
         done = false;

      case 10:                        /* Enter directories */
         if (*rx->JobIds != 0) {
            ua->send_msg(_("You have already selected the following JobIds: %s\n"),
         } else if (get_cmd(ua, _("Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: "))) {
            if (*rx->JobIds != 0 && *ua->cmd) {
               pm_strcat(rx->JobIds, ",");
            pm_strcat(rx->JobIds, ua->cmd);
         if (*rx->JobIds == 0 || *rx->JobIds == '.') {
            *rx->JobIds = 0;
            return 0;                 /* nothing entered, return */
         if (!have_date) {
            bstrutime(date, sizeof(date), now);
         if (!get_client_name(ua, rx)) {
            return 0;
         ua->send_msg(_("Enter full directory names or start the name\n"
                        "with a < to indicate it is a filename containing a list\n"
                        "of directories and terminate them with a blank line.\n"));
         for ( ;; ) {
            if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter directory name: "))) {
               return 0;
            len = strlen(ua->cmd);
            if (len == 0) {
            /* Add trailing slash to end of directory names */
            if (ua->cmd[0] != '<' && !IsPathSeparator(ua->cmd[len-1])) {
               strcat(ua->cmd, "/");
            insert_one_file_or_dir(ua, rx, date, true);
         return 2;

      case 11:                        /* Choose a jobid and select jobs */
         if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter JobId to get the state to restore: ")) ||
            return 0;

         memset(&jr, 0, sizeof(jr));
         jr.JobId = str_to_int64(ua->cmd);
         if (!db_get_job_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &jr)) {
            ua->error_msg(_("Unable to get Job record for JobId=%s: ERR=%s\n"),
                          ua->cmd, db_strerror(ua->db));
            return 0;
         ua->send_msg(_("Selecting jobs to build the Full state at %s\n"),
         jr.JobLevel = L_INCREMENTAL; /* Take Full+Diff+Incr */
         if (!db_accurate_get_jobids(ua->jcr, ua->db, &jr, &jobids)) {
            return 0;
         pm_strcpy(rx->JobIds, jobids.list);
         Dmsg1(30, "Item 12: jobids = %s\n", rx->JobIds);
      case 12:                        /* Cancel or quit */
         return 0;

   memset(&jr, 0, sizeof(jr));
   POOLMEM *JobIds = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME);
   *JobIds = 0;
   rx->TotalFiles = 0;
    * Find total number of files to be restored, and filter the JobId
    *  list to contain only ones permitted by the ACL conditions.
   for (p=rx->JobIds; ; ) {
      char ed1[50];
      int status = get_next_jobid_from_list(&p, &JobId);
      if (status < 0) {
         ua->error_msg(_("Invalid JobId in list.\n"));
         return 0;
      if (status == 0) {
      if (jr.JobId == JobId) {
         continue;                    /* duplicate of last JobId */
      memset(&jr, 0, sizeof(jr));
      jr.JobId = JobId;
      if (!db_get_job_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &jr)) {
         ua->error_msg(_("Unable to get Job record for JobId=%s: ERR=%s\n"),
            edit_int64(JobId, ed1), db_strerror(ua->db));
         return 0;
      if (!acl_access_ok(ua, Job_ACL, jr.Name, true)) {
         ua->error_msg(_("Access to JobId=%s (Job \"%s\") not authorized. Not selected.\n"),
            edit_int64(JobId, ed1), jr.Name);
      if (*JobIds != 0) {
         pm_strcat(JobIds, ",");
      pm_strcat(JobIds, edit_int64(JobId, ed1));
      rx->TotalFiles += jr.JobFiles;
   rx->JobIds = JobIds;               /* Set ACL filtered list */
   if (*rx->JobIds == 0) {
      ua->warning_msg(_("No Jobs selected.\n"));
      return 0;

   if (strchr(rx->JobIds,',')) {
      ua->info_msg(_("You have selected the following JobIds: %s\n"), rx->JobIds);
   } else {
      ua->info_msg(_("You have selected the following JobId: %s\n"), rx->JobIds);
   return true;
Exemple #8
 * Find Available Media (Volume) for Pool
 * Find a Volume for a given PoolId, MediaType, and Status.
 * The unwanted_volumes variable lists the VolumeNames which we should skip if any.
 * Returns: 0 on failure
 *          numrows on success
int db_find_next_volume(JCR *jcr, B_DB *mdb, int item, bool InChanger, MEDIA_DBR *mr, const char *unwanted_volumes)
   char ed1[50];
   int num_rows = 0;
   SQL_ROW row = NULL;
   bool find_oldest = false;
   bool found_candidate = false;
   char esc_type[MAX_ESCAPE_NAME_LENGTH];
   char esc_status[MAX_ESCAPE_NAME_LENGTH];


   mdb->db_escape_string(jcr, esc_type, mr->MediaType, strlen(mr->MediaType));
   mdb->db_escape_string(jcr, esc_status, mr->VolStatus, strlen(mr->VolStatus));

   if (item == -1) {
      find_oldest = true;
      item = 1;

   if (find_oldest) {
       * Find oldest volume(s)
      Mmsg(mdb->cmd, "SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolJobs,VolFiles,VolBlocks,"
                     "ActionOnPurge,EncryptionKey,MinBlocksize,MaxBlocksize "
                     "FROM Media WHERE PoolId=%s AND MediaType='%s' AND VolStatus IN ('Full',"
                     "'Recycle','Purged','Used','Append') AND Enabled=1 "
                     "ORDER BY LastWritten LIMIT %d",
           edit_int64(mr->PoolId, ed1), esc_type, item);
   } else {
      POOL_MEM changer(PM_FNAME);
      const char *order;

       * Find next available volume
      if (InChanger) {
         Mmsg(changer, "AND InChanger=1 AND StorageId=%s", edit_int64(mr->StorageId, ed1));

      if (bstrcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Recycle") ||
          bstrcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Purged")) {
         order = "AND Recycle=1 ORDER BY LastWritten ASC,MediaId";  /* take oldest that can be recycled */
      } else {
         order = sql_media_order_most_recently_written[db_get_type_index(mdb)];    /* take most recently written */

      Mmsg(mdb->cmd, "SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolJobs,VolFiles,VolBlocks,"
                     "ActionOnPurge,EncryptionKey,MinBlocksize,MaxBlocksize "
                     "FROM Media WHERE PoolId=%s AND MediaType='%s' AND Enabled=1 "
                     "AND VolStatus='%s' "
                     "%s "
                     "%s LIMIT %d",
           edit_int64(mr->PoolId, ed1), esc_type,
           esc_status, changer.c_str(), order, item);

   Dmsg1(100, "fnextvol=%s\n", mdb->cmd);
   if (!QUERY_DB(jcr, mdb, mdb->cmd)) {
      goto bail_out;

   num_rows = sql_num_rows(mdb);
   if (item > num_rows || item < 1) {
      Dmsg2(050, "item=%d got=%d\n", item, num_rows);
      Mmsg2(&mdb->errmsg, _("Request for Volume item %d greater than max %d or less than 1\n"), item, num_rows);
      num_rows = 0;
      goto bail_out;

   for (int i = 0 ; i < item; i++) {
      if ((row = sql_fetch_row(mdb)) == NULL) {
         Dmsg1(050, "Fail fetch item=%d\n", i);
         Mmsg1(&mdb->errmsg, _("No Volume record found for item %d.\n"), i);
         num_rows = 0;
         goto bail_out;

       * See if this is not on the unwanted volumes list.
      if (unwanted_volumes && is_on_unwanted_volumes_list(row[1], unwanted_volumes)) {

       * Return fields in Media Record
      mr->MediaId = str_to_int64(row[0]);
      bstrncpy(mr->VolumeName, (row[1] != NULL) ? row[1] : "", sizeof(mr->VolumeName));
      mr->VolJobs = str_to_int64(row[2]);
      mr->VolFiles = str_to_int64(row[3]);
      mr->VolBlocks = str_to_int64(row[4]);
      mr->VolBytes = str_to_uint64(row[5]);
      mr->VolMounts = str_to_int64(row[6]);
      mr->VolErrors = str_to_int64(row[7]);
      mr->VolWrites = str_to_int64(row[8]);
      mr->MaxVolBytes = str_to_uint64(row[9]);
      mr->VolCapacityBytes = str_to_uint64(row[10]);
      bstrncpy(mr->MediaType, (row[11] != NULL) ? row[11] : "", sizeof(mr->MediaType));
      bstrncpy(mr->VolStatus, (row[12] != NULL) ? row[12] : "", sizeof(mr->VolStatus));
      mr->PoolId = str_to_int64(row[13]);
      mr->VolRetention = str_to_uint64(row[14]);
      mr->VolUseDuration = str_to_uint64(row[15]);
      mr->MaxVolJobs = str_to_int64(row[16]);
      mr->MaxVolFiles = str_to_int64(row[17]);
      mr->Recycle = str_to_int64(row[18]);
      mr->Slot = str_to_int64(row[19]);
      bstrncpy(mr->cFirstWritten, (row[20] != NULL) ? row[20] : "", sizeof(mr->cFirstWritten));
      mr->FirstWritten = (time_t)str_to_utime(mr->cFirstWritten);
      bstrncpy(mr->cLastWritten, (row[21] != NULL) ? row[21] : "", sizeof(mr->cLastWritten));
      mr->LastWritten = (time_t)str_to_utime(mr->cLastWritten);
      mr->InChanger = str_to_uint64(row[22]);
      mr->EndFile = str_to_uint64(row[23]);
      mr->EndBlock = str_to_uint64(row[24]);
      mr->LabelType = str_to_int64(row[25]);
      bstrncpy(mr->cLabelDate, (row[26] != NULL) ? row[26] : "", sizeof(mr->cLabelDate));
      mr->LabelDate = (time_t)str_to_utime(mr->cLabelDate);
      mr->StorageId = str_to_int64(row[27]);
      mr->Enabled = str_to_int64(row[28]);
      mr->LocationId = str_to_int64(row[29]);
      mr->RecycleCount = str_to_int64(row[30]);
      bstrncpy(mr->cInitialWrite, (row[31] != NULL) ? row[31] : "", sizeof(mr->cInitialWrite));
      mr->InitialWrite = (time_t)str_to_utime(mr->cInitialWrite);
      mr->ScratchPoolId = str_to_int64(row[32]);
      mr->RecyclePoolId = str_to_int64(row[33]);
      mr->VolReadTime = str_to_int64(row[34]);
      mr->VolWriteTime = str_to_int64(row[35]);
      mr->ActionOnPurge = str_to_int64(row[36]);
      bstrncpy(mr->EncrKey, (row[37] != NULL) ? row[37] : "", sizeof(mr->EncrKey));
      mr->MinBlocksize = str_to_int32(row[38]);
      mr->MaxBlocksize = str_to_int32(row[39]);

      found_candidate = true;

   if (!found_candidate && find_oldest) {
      goto retry_fetch;

   Dmsg1(050, "Rtn numrows=%d\n", num_rows);

   return num_rows;
Exemple #9
 * Find Available Media (Volume) for Pool
 * Find a Volume for a given PoolId, MediaType, and Status.
 * Returns: 0 on failure
 *          numrows on success
int db_find_next_volume(JCR *jcr, B_DB *mdb, int item, bool InChanger, MEDIA_DBR *mr)
   SQL_ROW row = NULL;
   int num_rows = 0;
   const char *order;
   char esc_type[MAX_ESCAPE_NAME_LENGTH];
   char esc_status[MAX_ESCAPE_NAME_LENGTH];
   char ed1[50];

   mdb->db_escape_string(jcr, esc_type, mr->MediaType, strlen(mr->MediaType));
   mdb->db_escape_string(jcr, esc_status, mr->VolStatus, strlen(mr->VolStatus));

   if (item == -1) {       /* find oldest volume */
      /* Find oldest volume */
      Mmsg(mdb->cmd, "SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolJobs,VolFiles,VolBlocks,"
         "ActionOnPurge,EncryptionKey,MinBlocksize,MaxBlocksize "
         "FROM Media WHERE PoolId=%s AND MediaType='%s' AND VolStatus IN ('Full',"
         "'Recycle','Purged','Used','Append') AND Enabled=1 "
         "ORDER BY LastWritten LIMIT 1",
         edit_int64(mr->PoolId, ed1), esc_type);
     item = 1;
   } else {
      POOL_MEM changer(PM_FNAME);
      /* Find next available volume */
      if (InChanger) {
         Mmsg(changer, "AND InChanger=1 AND StorageId=%s",
              edit_int64(mr->StorageId, ed1));
      if (bstrcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Recycle") ||
          bstrcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Purged")) {
         order = "AND Recycle=1 ORDER BY LastWritten ASC,MediaId";  /* take oldest that can be recycled */
      } else {
         order = sql_media_order_most_recently_written[db_get_type_index(mdb)];    /* take most recently written */
      Mmsg(mdb->cmd, "SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolJobs,VolFiles,VolBlocks,"
         "ActionOnPurge,EncryptionKey,MinBlocksize,MaxBlocksize "
         "FROM Media WHERE PoolId=%s AND MediaType='%s' AND Enabled=1 "
         "AND VolStatus='%s' "
         "%s "
         "%s LIMIT %d",
         edit_int64(mr->PoolId, ed1), esc_type,
         esc_status, changer.c_str(), order, item);
   Dmsg1(100, "fnextvol=%s\n", mdb->cmd);
   if (!QUERY_DB(jcr, mdb, mdb->cmd)) {
      goto bail_out;

   num_rows = sql_num_rows(mdb);
   if (item > num_rows || item < 1) {
      Dmsg2(050, "item=%d got=%d\n", item, num_rows);
      Mmsg2(&mdb->errmsg, _("Request for Volume item %d greater than max %d or less than 1\n"),
         item, num_rows);
      num_rows = 0;
      goto bail_out;

   /* Note, we previously seeked to the row using: sql_data_seek(mdb, item-1);
    * but this failed on PostgreSQL, so now we loop over all the records.
    * This should not be too horrible since the maximum Volumes we look at
    * in any case is 20.
   while (item-- > 0) {
      if ((row = sql_fetch_row(mdb)) == NULL) {
         Dmsg1(050, "Fail fetch item=%d\n", item+1);
         Mmsg1(&mdb->errmsg, _("No Volume record found for item %d.\n"), item);
         num_rows = 0;
         goto bail_out;

   /* Return fields in Media Record */
   mr->MediaId = str_to_int64(row[0]);
   bstrncpy(mr->VolumeName, (row[1] != NULL) ? row[1] : "", sizeof(mr->VolumeName));
   mr->VolJobs = str_to_int64(row[2]);
   mr->VolFiles = str_to_int64(row[3]);
   mr->VolBlocks = str_to_int64(row[4]);
   mr->VolBytes = str_to_uint64(row[5]);
   mr->VolMounts = str_to_int64(row[6]);
   mr->VolErrors = str_to_int64(row[7]);
   mr->VolWrites = str_to_int64(row[8]);
   mr->MaxVolBytes = str_to_uint64(row[9]);
   mr->VolCapacityBytes = str_to_uint64(row[10]);
   bstrncpy(mr->MediaType, (row[11] != NULL) ? row[11] : "", sizeof(mr->MediaType));
   bstrncpy(mr->VolStatus, (row[12] != NULL) ? row[12] : "", sizeof(mr->VolStatus));
   mr->PoolId = str_to_int64(row[13]);
   mr->VolRetention = str_to_uint64(row[14]);
   mr->VolUseDuration = str_to_uint64(row[15]);
   mr->MaxVolJobs = str_to_int64(row[16]);
   mr->MaxVolFiles = str_to_int64(row[17]);
   mr->Recycle = str_to_int64(row[18]);
   mr->Slot = str_to_int64(row[19]);
   bstrncpy(mr->cFirstWritten, (row[20] != NULL) ? row[20] : "", sizeof(mr->cFirstWritten));
   mr->FirstWritten = (time_t)str_to_utime(mr->cFirstWritten);
   bstrncpy(mr->cLastWritten, (row[21] != NULL) ? row[21] : "", sizeof(mr->cLastWritten));
   mr->LastWritten = (time_t)str_to_utime(mr->cLastWritten);
   mr->InChanger = str_to_uint64(row[22]);
   mr->EndFile = str_to_uint64(row[23]);
   mr->EndBlock = str_to_uint64(row[24]);
   mr->LabelType = str_to_int64(row[25]);
   bstrncpy(mr->cLabelDate, (row[26] != NULL) ? row[26] : "", sizeof(mr->cLabelDate));
   mr->LabelDate = (time_t)str_to_utime(mr->cLabelDate);
   mr->StorageId = str_to_int64(row[27]);
   mr->Enabled = str_to_int64(row[28]);
   mr->LocationId = str_to_int64(row[29]);
   mr->RecycleCount = str_to_int64(row[30]);
   bstrncpy(mr->cInitialWrite, (row[31] != NULL) ? row[31] : "", sizeof(mr->cInitialWrite));
   mr->InitialWrite = (time_t)str_to_utime(mr->cInitialWrite);
   mr->ScratchPoolId = str_to_int64(row[32]);
   mr->RecyclePoolId = str_to_int64(row[33]);
   mr->VolReadTime = str_to_int64(row[34]);
   mr->VolWriteTime = str_to_int64(row[35]);
   mr->ActionOnPurge = str_to_int64(row[36]);
   bstrncpy(mr->EncrKey, (row[37] != NULL) ? row[37] : "", sizeof(mr->EncrKey));
   mr->MinBlocksize = str_to_int32(row[38]);
   mr->MaxBlocksize = str_to_int32(row[39]);


   Dmsg1(050, "Rtn numrows=%d\n", num_rows);
   return num_rows;