DragImageRef scaleDragImage(DragImageRef image, FloatSize scale)
    // FIXME: due to the way drag images are done on windows we need 
    // to preprocess the alpha channel <rdar://problem/5015946>
    if (!image)
        return 0;

    IntSize srcSize = dragImageSize(image);
    IntSize dstSize(static_cast<int>(srcSize.width() * scale.width()), static_cast<int>(srcSize.height() * scale.height()));

    HBITMAP hbmp = 0;
    HDC dc = GetDC(0);
    HDC dstDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc);

    if (!dstDC)
        goto exit;

    PlatformContextCairo* targetContext;
    hbmp = allocImage(dstDC, dstSize, &targetContext);
    if (!hbmp)
        goto exit;

    cairo_surface_t* srcImage = createCairoContextFromBitmap(image);

    // Scale the target surface to the new image size, and flip it
    // so that when we set the srcImage as the surface it will draw
    // right-side-up.
    cairo_t* cr = targetContext->cr();
    cairo_translate(cr, 0, dstSize.height());
    cairo_scale(cr, scale.width(), -scale.height());
    cairo_set_source_surface(cr, srcImage, 0.0, 0.0);

    // Now we can paint and get the correct result

    image = 0;

    if (!hbmp)
        hbmp = image;
    if (dstDC)
    ReleaseDC(0, dc);
    return hbmp;
DragImageRef createDragImageFromImage(Image* img, RespectImageOrientationEnum)
    HBITMAP hbmp = 0;
    HDC dc = GetDC(0);
    HDC workingDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
    if (!workingDC)
        goto exit;

    PlatformContextCairo* drawContext = 0;
    hbmp = allocImage(workingDC, img->size(), &drawContext);
    if (!hbmp)
        goto exit;

    if (!drawContext) {
        hbmp = 0;

    cairo_t* cr = drawContext->cr();
    cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    NativeImageCairo* srcNativeImage = img->nativeImageForCurrentFrame();
    cairo_surface_t* srcImage = (srcNativeImage) ? srcNativeImage->surface() : 0;

    if (srcImage) {
        // Draw the image.
        cairo_set_source_surface(cr, srcImage, 0.0, 0.0);


    if (workingDC)
    ReleaseDC(0, dc);
    return hbmp;
Exemple #3
DragImageRef createDragImageFromImage(Image* img, ImageOrientationDescription)
    HBITMAP hbmp = 0;
    HDC dc = GetDC(0);
    HDC workingDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
    if (!workingDC)
        goto exit;

    PlatformContextCairo* drawContext = 0;
    hbmp = allocImage(workingDC, img->size(), &drawContext);
    if (!hbmp)
        goto exit;

    if (!drawContext) {
        hbmp = 0;

    { // This block is required due to the msvc compiler error C2362.
        cairo_t* cr = drawContext->cr();
        cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

        RefPtr<cairo_surface_t> surface = img->nativeImageForCurrentFrame();
        if (surface) {
            // Draw the image.
            cairo_set_source_surface(cr, surface.get(), 0.0, 0.0);


    if (workingDC)
    ReleaseDC(0, dc);
    return hbmp;
Exemple #4
DragImageRef createDragImageForLink(URL& url, const String& inLabel, FontRenderingMode fontRenderingMode)
    // This is more or less an exact match for the Mac OS X code.

    const Font* labelFont;
    const Font* urlFont;
    FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;

    if (fontRenderingMode == AlternateRenderingMode) {
        static const Font alternateRenderingModeLabelFont = dragLabelFont(DragLinkLabelFontsize, true, AlternateRenderingMode);
        static const Font alternateRenderingModeURLFont = dragLabelFont(DragLinkUrlFontSize, false, AlternateRenderingMode);
        labelFont = &alternateRenderingModeLabelFont;
        urlFont = &alternateRenderingModeURLFont;
    } else {
        static const Font normalRenderingModeLabelFont = dragLabelFont(DragLinkLabelFontsize, true, NormalRenderingMode);
        static const Font normalRenderingModeURLFont = dragLabelFont(DragLinkUrlFontSize, false, NormalRenderingMode);
        labelFont = &normalRenderingModeLabelFont;
        urlFont = &normalRenderingModeURLFont;

    bool drawURLString = true;
    bool clipURLString = false;
    bool clipLabelString = false;

    String urlString = url.string(); 
    String label = inLabel;
    if (label.isEmpty()) {
        drawURLString = false;
        label = urlString;

    // First step in drawing the link drag image width.
    TextRun labelRun(label.impl());
    TextRun urlRun(urlString.impl());
    IntSize labelSize(labelFont->width(labelRun), labelFont->fontMetrics().ascent() + labelFont->fontMetrics().descent());

    if (labelSize.width() > MaxDragLabelStringWidth) {
        clipLabelString = true;
    IntSize urlStringSize;
    IntSize imageSize(labelSize.width() + DragLabelBorderX * 2, labelSize.height() + DragLabelBorderY * 2);

    if (drawURLString) {
        urlStringSize.setHeight(urlFont->fontMetrics().ascent() + urlFont->fontMetrics().descent()); 
        imageSize.setHeight(imageSize.height() + urlStringSize.height());
        if (urlStringSize.width() > MaxDragLabelStringWidth) {
            clipURLString = true;
        } else
            imageSize.setWidth(std::max(labelSize.width(), urlStringSize.width()) + DragLabelBorderX * 2);

    // We now know how big the image needs to be, so we create and
    // fill the background
    HWndDC dc(0);
    auto workingDC = adoptGDIObject(::CreateCompatibleDC(dc));
    if (!workingDC)
        return 0;

    PlatformGraphicsContext* contextRef;
    auto image = allocImage(workingDC.get(), imageSize, &contextRef);
    if (!image)
        return 0;
    ::SelectObject(workingDC.get(), image.get());
    GraphicsContext context(contextRef);
    // On Mac alpha is {0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8}, however we can't control alpha
    // for drag images on win, so we use 1
    static const Color backgroundColor(140, 140, 140);
    static const IntSize radii(DragLabelRadius, DragLabelRadius);
    IntRect rect(0, 0, imageSize.width(), imageSize.height());
    context.fillRoundedRect(FloatRoundedRect(rect, radii, radii, radii, radii), backgroundColor, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
    // Draw the text
    static const Color topColor(0, 0, 0, 255); // original alpha = 0.75
    static const Color bottomColor(255, 255, 255, 127); // original alpha = 0.5
    if (drawURLString) {
        if (clipURLString)
            urlString = StringTruncator::rightTruncate(urlString, imageSize.width() - (DragLabelBorderX * 2.0f), *urlFont, StringTruncator::EnableRoundingHacks);
        IntPoint textPos(DragLabelBorderX, imageSize.height() - (LabelBorderYOffset + urlFont->fontMetrics().descent()));
        WebCoreDrawDoubledTextAtPoint(context, urlString, textPos, *urlFont, topColor, bottomColor);
    if (clipLabelString)
        label = StringTruncator::rightTruncate(label, imageSize.width() - (DragLabelBorderX * 2.0f), *labelFont, StringTruncator::EnableRoundingHacks);

    IntPoint textPos(DragLabelBorderX, DragLabelBorderY + labelFont->pixelSize());
    WebCoreDrawDoubledTextAtPoint(context, label, textPos, *labelFont, topColor, bottomColor);

    return image.leak();