static void input_move_left(const bool do_refresh) { if (pos > 0) { const int x_delta = get_char_width(&input_buffer[pos = prev_pos(input_buffer, pos, encoding)], encoding); assert(pos >= 0); if (x == start_x) { offset = pos; if (char_ins_del_ok) { int i, j; for(i = start_x, j = offset; j < len && i + get_char_width(&input_buffer[j], encoding) < ne_columns; i += get_char_width(&input_buffer[j], encoding), j = next_pos(input_buffer, j, encoding)); if (j < len) { move_cursor(ne_lines - 1, i); delete_chars(get_char_width(&input_buffer[j], encoding)); } move_cursor(ne_lines - 1, start_x); insert_char(get_char(&input_buffer[pos], encoding), 0, encoding); move_cursor(ne_lines - 1, start_x); } else if (do_refresh) input_refresh(); } else x -= x_delta; } }
static void test_delete_chars(void) { char *r; char input[] = " hello, waldo. abc"; r = delete_chars(input, WHITESPACE); assert_se(streq(r, "hello,")); }
static void test_delete_chars(void) { char *s, input[] = " hello, waldo. abc"; s = delete_chars(input, WHITESPACE); assert_se(streq(s, "hello,")); assert_se(s == input); }
static void test_unhexmem_one(const char *s, size_t l, int retval) { _cleanup_free_ char *hex = NULL; _cleanup_free_ void *mem = NULL; size_t len; assert_se(unhexmem(s, l, &mem, &len) == retval); if (retval == 0) { char *answer; if (l == (size_t) -1) l = strlen(s); assert_se(hex = hexmem(mem, len)); answer = strndupa(strempty(s), l); assert_se(streq(delete_chars(answer, WHITESPACE), hex)); } }
static void input_move_right(const bool do_refresh) { const int prev_pos = pos; if (pos < len) { const int x_delta = get_char_width(&input_buffer[pos], encoding); pos = next_pos(input_buffer, pos, encoding); assert(pos <= len); if ((x += x_delta) >= ne_columns) { const int shift = x - (ne_columns - 1); int width = 0; do { width += get_char_width(&input_buffer[offset], encoding); offset = next_pos(input_buffer, offset, encoding); } while(width < shift && offset < len); assert(offset < len); x -= width; if (char_ins_del_ok) { int i, j; move_cursor(ne_lines - 1, start_x); delete_chars(width); move_cursor(ne_lines - 1, x - x_delta); output_char(get_char(&input_buffer[prev_pos], encoding), 0, encoding); i = x; j = pos; while(j < len && i + (width = get_char_width(&input_buffer[j], encoding)) < ne_columns) { output_char(get_char(&input_buffer[j], encoding), 0, encoding); i += width; j = next_pos(input_buffer, j, encoding); } } else if (do_refresh) input_refresh(); } } }
void go_plot_contours( char *device, char *title, char *xvar, char *yvar, char *topline, double **data, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double dx, double dy, long nx, long ny, double *contour_level, long n_contours, long contour_label_interval, long contour_label_offset, long layout[2], long ix, long iy, char *shapes, int *pen, long flags, long pause_interval, SHAPE_DATA *shape, long nshapes, unsigned long long tsetFlags, double xlableScale, double ylabelScale) { double map[4], average, spread; double pmin, pmax, qmin, qmax; double wpmin, wpmax=0, wqmin, wqmax=0; long title_at_top=0; char newLabel[50]; time_t timeValue; if (!(flags&DEVICE_DEFINED)) change_term(device, strlen(device)); if ((ix == 0) && (iy == 0)) graphics_on(); if (layout[0] && layout[1]) { wpmin = (1.0*ix+0)/layout[0]; wpmax = (1.0*ix+1)/layout[0]; wqmin = (layout[1]*1.0 - 1 - iy)/layout[1]; wqmax = (layout[1]*1.0 - 0 - iy)/layout[1]; set_wspace(wpmin, wpmax, wqmin, wqmax); pmin = (wpmax - wpmin) * .15 + wpmin; pmax = wpmax - (wpmax - wpmin) * .1; qmin = (wqmax - wqmin) * .17 + wqmin; qmax = wqmax - (wqmax - wqmin) * .08; set_pspace(pmin, pmax, qmin, qmax); } if (contour_label_interval<0) { get_pspace(&pmin, &pmax, &qmin, &qmax); set_pspace(pmin, 0.9 * wpmax, qmin, 0.85 * wqmax); } if (flags&TITLE_AT_TOP) { /* adjust pspace to make room at top for the title */ get_pspace(&pmin, &pmax, &qmin, &qmax); spread = qmax-qmin; qmax -= 0.04*spread; qmin -= 0.04*spread; /* qmax -= 0.04; qmin -= 0.04;*/ set_pspace(pmin, pmax, qmin, qmax); title_at_top = 1; } set_clipping(1, 1, 1); if (flags&EQUAL_ASPECT1) set_aspect(1.0L); else if (flags&EQUAL_ASPECT_1) set_aspect(-1.0L); set_linetype(pen[0]); get_mapping(map, map+1, map+2, map+3); if (map[0]==map[1]) { average = (xmax+xmin)/2; spread = (xmax-xmin)/2; map[0] = average - spread*1.05; map[1] = average + spread*1.05; } if (map[2]==map[3]) { average = (ymax+ymin)/2; spread = (ymax-ymin)/2; map[2] = average - spread*1.05; map[3] = average + spread*1.05; } set_mapping(map[0], map[1], map[2], map[3]); get_pspace(&pmin, &pmax, &qmin, &qmax); get_wspace(&wpmin, &wpmax, &wqmin, &wqmax); if (!(flags&NO_BORDER)) { border(); if (!(flags&NO_SCALES)) { if (tsetFlags&TICKSET_XTIME) { timeValue = map[0]; if (timeValue!=DBL_MAX) sprintf(newLabel, "Time starting %s", ctime(&timeValue)); else sprintf(newLabel, "Undefined time values!"); delete_chars(newLabel, "\n"); makeTimeScales(0, 0.02, 0, map[2], map[2], newLabel, 0, 0.67*(qmin-wqmin)*(map[3]-map[2])/(qmax-qmin), 0, 1, 1); } else { make_scales_with_label(0, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.02, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, xvar, 0, 0, xlableScale); } if (!(flags&NO_YSCALES)) { if (tsetFlags&TICKSET_YTIME) { timeValue = map[2]; if (timeValue!=DBL_MAX) sprintf(newLabel, "Time starting %s", ctime(&timeValue)); else sprintf(newLabel, "Undefined time values!"); delete_chars(newLabel, "\n"); makeTimeScales(1, 0.0125, 0, map[0], map[0], newLabel, 0, (pmin-wpmin)*(map[1]-map[0])/(pmax-pmin), 0, 1, 1); } else { make_scales_with_label(1, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.0125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, yvar, 0, 0, ylabelScale); } } } } if (!(flags&NO_LABELS)) { plotTitle(title, 1, title_at_top, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0); if (contour_label_interval>=0) plotTitle(topline, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0); } set_linetype(pen[1]); draw_contours(data, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, nx, ny, contour_level, n_contours); if (contour_label_interval!=0) { set_linetype(pen[2]); label_contours(data, nx, ny, contour_level, n_contours, contour_label_interval, contour_label_offset, xmin, (double)dx, ymin, (double)dy); } set_linetype(pen[0]); if (nshapes) PlotShapesData(shape, nshapes, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); if (flags&DATE_STAMP) time_date_stamp(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SCANNED_ARG *scanned; SDDS_TABLE inputPage, outputPage, residualPage; char *inputfile, *outputfile; char **column, **excludeColumn; int32_t columns; long excludeColumns; char *indColumnName; long verbose; long iArg, i, j, ipage; double *indVar, *indVarOrig; char *indVarUnits; char **intColumn, **slopeColumn, **slopeSigmaColumn, **interceptSigmaColumn; char *Units,*slopeUnits; double *depVar, *depVarOrig; long order; double *coef, *coefsigma, *weight, *diff, *diffOrig, chi; long iCol, iRow; long rows, rowsOrig; double rmsResidual; double slopeSigma, interceptSigma; char **sigmaColumn, **chiSquaredColumn; long *sigmaColumnExists; long doSlopeSigma, generateSigma, doPreliminaryFit; long validSigmas; double sigmaSum, averageSigma; long ascii; char *residualFile; unsigned long pipeFlags; long tmpfile_used, noWarnings; double xMin, xMax; indVar = indVarOrig = depVar = depVarOrig = coef = coefsigma = weight = diff = NULL; intColumn = slopeColumn = slopeSigmaColumn = interceptSigmaColumn = sigmaColumn = chiSquaredColumn = NULL; slopeUnits = NULL; sigmaColumnExists = NULL; SDDS_RegisterProgramName(argv[0]); argc = scanargs(&scanned, argc, argv); if (argc == 1) bomb(NULL, USAGE); inputfile = outputfile = NULL; columns = excludeColumns = 0; column = excludeColumn = NULL; indColumnName = NULL; verbose = 0; doSlopeSigma = 0; generateSigma = 0; doPreliminaryFit = 0; ascii = 0; pipeFlags = 0; tmpfile_used=0; noWarnings=0; residualFile = NULL; xMin = xMax = 0; for (iArg = 1; iArg<argc; iArg++) { if (scanned[iArg].arg_type == OPTION) { delete_chars(scanned[iArg].list[0], "_"); switch (match_string(scanned[iArg].list[0], commandline_option, COMMANDLINE_OPTIONS, UNIQUE_MATCH)) { case CLO_INDEPENDENT_COLUMN: if (!(indColumnName = scanned[iArg].list[1])) SDDS_Bomb("no string given for option -independentVariable"); break; case CLO_COLUMNS: if (columns) SDDS_Bomb("only one -columns option may be given"); if (scanned[iArg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -columns syntax"); column = tmalloc(sizeof(*column)*(columns = scanned[iArg].n_items-1)); for (i = 0; i<columns; i++) column[i] = scanned[iArg].list[i+1]; break; case CLO_EXCLUDE: if (excludeColumns) SDDS_Bomb("only one -excludecolumns option may be given"); if (scanned[iArg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -excludecolumns syntax"); excludeColumn = tmalloc(sizeof(*excludeColumn)*(excludeColumns = scanned[iArg].n_items-1)); for (i = 0; i<excludeColumns; i++) excludeColumn[i] = scanned[iArg].list[i+1]; break; case CLO_VERBOSE: verbose = 1; break; case CLO_ASCII: ascii = 1; break; case CLO_PIPE: if (!processPipeOption(scanned[iArg].list+1, scanned[iArg].n_items-1, &pipeFlags)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -pipe syntax"); break; case CLO_SIGMA: doSlopeSigma = 1; if (scanned[iArg].n_items > 1 ) { switch (match_string(scanned[iArg].list[1], sigma_option, SIGMA_OPTIONS, UNIQUE_MATCH)) { case SIGMA_GENERATE: generateSigma = 1; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("unrecognized sigma option given"); break; } } break; case CLO_RESIDUAL: if (!(residualFile=scanned[iArg].list[1])){ fprintf(stderr,"No file specified in -residual option.\n"); exit(1); } break; case CLO_RANGE: if (scanned[iArg].n_items!=3 || 1!=sscanf(scanned[iArg].list[1], "%lf", &xMin) || 1!=sscanf(scanned[iArg].list[2], "%lf", &xMax) || xMin>=xMax) SDDS_Bomb("incorrect -range syntax"); break; default: SDDS_Bomb("unrecognized option given"); break; } } else { if (!inputfile) inputfile = scanned[iArg].list[0]; else if (!outputfile) outputfile = scanned[iArg].list[0]; else SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames given"); } } if (residualFile && outputfile) { if (!strcmp( residualFile, outputfile)) { fprintf( stderr, "Residual file can't be the same as the output file.\n"); exit(1); } } processFilenames("sddsslopes", &inputfile, &outputfile, pipeFlags, noWarnings, &tmpfile_used); if (!indColumnName) { fprintf( stderr, "independentVariable not given\n"); exit(1); } if (!excludeColumns) { excludeColumn = defaultExcludedColumn; excludeColumns = DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_COLUMNS; } if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Reading file %s.\n",inputfile); if ( !SDDS_InitializeInput( &inputPage, inputfile) ) SDDS_PrintErrors( stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); while (0 < (ipage=SDDS_ReadTable( &inputPage))) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "working on page %ld\n", ipage); } rows = SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&inputPage); rowsOrig = rows; /*************************************\ * make array of independent variable \*************************************/ if (ipage==1) { indVar = (double*) malloc( sizeof(*indVar) * rows); } else { indVar = (double*) realloc( indVar, sizeof(*indVar) * rows); } if (ipage==1) { if (!SDDS_FindColumn(&inputPage, FIND_NUMERIC_TYPE, indColumnName, NULL)){ fprintf(stderr,"Something wrong with column %s.\n", indColumnName); SDDS_CheckColumn(&inputPage, indColumnName, NULL, SDDS_ANY_NUMERIC_TYPE, stderr); exit(1); } } /* filter out the specified range in independent variable */ if (xMin!=xMax) { if (!(indVarOrig = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles( &inputPage, indColumnName))) SDDS_PrintErrors( stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); for (i=j=0; i<rowsOrig; i++) { if (indVarOrig[i]<=xMax && indVarOrig[i]>=xMin) { indVar[j] = indVarOrig[i]; j++; } } rows = j; } else { if (!(indVar = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles( &inputPage, indColumnName))) SDDS_PrintErrors( stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } if ( ipage == 1 ) { if (!SDDS_GetColumnInformation(&inputPage, "units", &indVarUnits, SDDS_GET_BY_NAME, indColumnName)) SDDS_PrintErrors( stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (!indVarUnits) { indVarUnits = (char *) malloc(sizeof(*indVarUnits)); indVarUnits[0] = 0; } } /************************************\ * initialize residual file \************************************/ if (residualFile) { if ( ipage == 1 ) { if(!SDDS_InitializeOutput(&residualPage,ascii?SDDS_ASCII:SDDS_BINARY,1, "Residual of 2-term fit",NULL,outputfile) || !SDDS_InitializeCopy(&residualPage, &inputPage, residualFile, "w") || !SDDS_WriteLayout(&residualPage) ) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr,SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_CopyPage(&residualPage,&inputPage)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr,SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } /************************************\ * get columns of interest. use set_multicolumn_flags to simply * return new values for array column. \*************************************/ if (!set_multicolumn_flags(&inputPage, &column, &columns, excludeColumn, excludeColumns)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } /************************************\ * make column names for the output \*************************************/ if (ipage==1) { intColumn = (char**) malloc((sizeof(char*)*columns)); slopeColumn = (char**) malloc((sizeof(char*)*columns)); if (doSlopeSigma) { slopeSigmaColumn = (char**) malloc((sizeof(char*)*columns)); interceptSigmaColumn = (char**) malloc((sizeof(char*)*columns)); chiSquaredColumn = (char**) malloc((sizeof(char*)*columns)); } for (i=0; i<columns; i++) { intColumn[i] = (char*) malloc((sizeof(char)*(strlen(column[i])+strlen("Intercept")+1))); strcat(strcpy(intColumn[i], column[i]), "Intercept"); slopeColumn[i] = (char*) malloc((sizeof(char)*(strlen(column[i])+strlen("Slope")+1))); strcat(strcpy(slopeColumn[i], column[i]), "Slope"); if (doSlopeSigma) { slopeSigmaColumn[i] = (char*) malloc((sizeof(char)*(strlen(column[i])+strlen("SlopeSigma")+1))); strcat(strcpy(slopeSigmaColumn[i], column[i]), "SlopeSigma"); interceptSigmaColumn[i] = (char*) malloc((sizeof(char)*(strlen(column[i])+strlen("InterceptSigma")+1))); strcat(strcpy(interceptSigmaColumn[i], column[i]), "InterceptSigma"); chiSquaredColumn[i] = (char*) malloc((sizeof(char)*(strlen(column[i])+strlen("ChiSquared")+1))); strcat(strcpy(chiSquaredColumn[i], column[i]), "ChiSquared"); } } } /************************************\ * Write layout for output file \*************************************/ if (ipage==1) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Opening file %s.\n",outputfile); if(!SDDS_InitializeOutput(&outputPage,ascii?SDDS_ASCII:SDDS_BINARY,1, "2-term fit",NULL,outputfile) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&outputPage, "InputFile", "InputFile", NULL, "InputFile", NULL, SDDS_STRING, 0) || 0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage, "IndependentVariable", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING,0) ) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr,SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); for (iCol=0; iCol<columns; iCol++) { if (!SDDS_GetColumnInformation(&inputPage, "units", &Units, SDDS_GET_BY_NAME, column[iCol])) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (!Units) { Units = (char*) malloc(sizeof(*Units)); Units[0] = 0; } if (0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage, intColumn[iCol], NULL, Units, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE,0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); /* units for slopes columns */ if (strlen(indVarUnits) && strlen(Units) ) { slopeUnits = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*slopeUnits)*(strlen(Units)+strlen(indVarUnits)+2)); strcat( strcat( strcpy(slopeUnits, Units), "/"), indVarUnits); } if (strlen(indVarUnits) && !strlen(Units) ) { slopeUnits = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*slopeUnits)*(strlen(indVarUnits)+2)); strcat( strcpy( slopeUnits, "1/"), indVarUnits); } if (!strlen(indVarUnits) && strlen(Units) ) { slopeUnits = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*slopeUnits)*(strlen(Units)+2)); strcpy( slopeUnits, indVarUnits); } if (!strlen(indVarUnits) && !strlen(Units) ) { slopeUnits = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*slopeUnits)); strcpy( slopeUnits, ""); } if (0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage, slopeColumn[iCol], NULL, slopeUnits, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE,0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (doSlopeSigma) { if (0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage, interceptSigmaColumn[iCol], NULL, Units, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE,0) || 0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage, slopeSigmaColumn[iCol], NULL, slopeUnits, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE,0) || 0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage, chiSquaredColumn[iCol], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE,0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } free(slopeUnits); } if ( !SDDS_WriteLayout(&outputPage)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if ( !SDDS_StartTable(&outputPage,1) || !SDDS_SetParameters(&outputPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, "InputFile",inputfile?inputfile:"pipe",NULL) || !SDDS_SetRowValues(&outputPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, 0, "IndependentVariable", indColumnName, NULL) ) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); /* determine which included columns has a Sigma column defined in the input file */ if ( ipage == 1 ) { sigmaColumn = (char **) malloc( sizeof(*sigmaColumn)*columns); sigmaColumnExists = (long *) malloc(columns*sizeof(*sigmaColumnExists)); for (iCol=0; iCol<columns; iCol++) { sigmaColumn[iCol] = (char *) malloc( sizeof(**sigmaColumn) * (strlen(column[iCol]) + strlen("Sigma") + 1) ); strcat( strcpy(sigmaColumn[iCol], column[iCol]), "Sigma"); switch(SDDS_CheckColumn(&inputPage, sigmaColumn[iCol], NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL)) { case SDDS_CHECK_WRONGUNITS: case SDDS_CHECK_OKAY: sigmaColumnExists[iCol] = 1; break; default: /* try other possible spelling */ strcat( strcpy(sigmaColumn[iCol] ,"Sigma"), column[iCol]); switch(SDDS_CheckColumn(&inputPage, sigmaColumn[iCol], NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL)) { case SDDS_CHECK_WRONGUNITS: case SDDS_CHECK_OKAY: sigmaColumnExists[iCol] = 1; break; default: sigmaColumnExists[iCol] = 0; } break; } } } if ( ipage == 1 ) { weight = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*weight)*rows); diff = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*diff)*rows); order=1; coef = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*coef)*(order+1)); coefsigma = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*coefsigma)*(order+1)); } else { weight = (double*)realloc( weight, sizeof(*weight)*rows); diff = (double*)realloc( diff, sizeof(*diff)*rows); order=1; coef = (double*)realloc( coef, sizeof(*coef)*(order+1)); coefsigma = (double*)realloc( coefsigma, sizeof(*coefsigma)*(order+1)); } if (ipage==1) { depVar = (double*) malloc( sizeof(*depVar) * rows); } else { depVar = (double*) realloc( depVar, sizeof(*depVar) * rows); } for (iCol=0; iCol<columns; iCol++) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Doing column %s.\n", column[iCol]); /* filter out the specified range in independent variable */ if (xMin!=xMax) { if (!(depVarOrig = (double*) SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&inputPage, column[iCol]))) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); for (i=j=0; i<rowsOrig; i++) { if ( xMin <= indVarOrig[i] && indVarOrig[i] <= xMax ) { depVar[j] = depVarOrig[i]; j++; } } } else { if (!(depVar=SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&inputPage, column[iCol]))) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } /********************* three possibilities: 1) don't do or write slope errors. (doSlopeSigma=0) do one lsf call with all weights = 1 2) calculated slope errors from sigma columns in the input file. (doSlopeSigma=1 && generateSigma=0 && sigmaColumnExists[iCol]=1 ) do one lsf call with weights from sigma columns 3) calculate slope errors from generated sigma from a preliminary fit. (doSlopeSigma=1 && (generateSigma=1 || sigmaColumnExists[iCol]=NULL) do preliminary fit to generate sigma *********************/ for (iRow=0; iRow<rows; iRow++) weight[iRow] = 1; if (doSlopeSigma) { /********************* check validity of sigma column values *********************/ if( !generateSigma && sigmaColumnExists[iCol]) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"\tUsing column %s for sigma.\n",sigmaColumn[iCol]); if(!(weight=SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&inputPage, sigmaColumn[iCol]))) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); /* check for zero weight values which will give lsfn problems */ validSigmas = rows; sigmaSum = 0; for (iRow=0; iRow<rows; iRow++) { sigmaSum += weight[iRow]; if(!weight[iRow]) { validSigmas--; /* fprintf(stderr,"Warning: %s of row number %ld is zero. Using average sigma.\n",sigmaColumn[iCol],iRow); */ } } if (!validSigmas) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: All sigmas are zero.\n"); doPreliminaryFit = 1; } else if (validSigmas!=rows) { /* fix some sigmas */ averageSigma = sigmaSum/ validSigmas; fprintf(stderr, "Warning: replacing %ld invalid sigmas with average (%e)\n", rows-validSigmas, averageSigma); for (iRow=0; iRow<rows; iRow++) { if(!weight[iRow]) { weight[iRow] = averageSigma; } } } } else { doPreliminaryFit = 1; } } if (doPreliminaryFit) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"\tGenerating sigmas from rms residual of a preliminary fit.\n"); if (!(lsfn(indVar, depVar, weight, rows, order, coef, coefsigma, &chi, diff))){ fprintf(stderr,"Problem with call to lsfn\n."); exit(1); } rmsResidual = 0; /* calculate rms residual */ for (iRow=0; iRow<rows; iRow++) { rmsResidual += sqr(diff[iRow]); } rmsResidual = sqrt(rmsResidual/(rows)); for (iRow=0; iRow<rows; iRow++) { weight[iRow] = rmsResidual; } } if (!(lsfn(indVar, depVar, weight, rows, order, coef, coefsigma, &chi, diff))) { fprintf(stderr,"Problem with call to lsfn\n."); exit(1); } if (!SDDS_SetRowValues(&outputPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, 0, intColumn[iCol], coef[0], slopeColumn[iCol], coef[1], NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (doSlopeSigma) { interceptSigma = coefsigma[0]; slopeSigma = coefsigma[1]; if (!SDDS_SetRowValues(&outputPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, 0, chiSquaredColumn[iCol], chi, interceptSigmaColumn[iCol], interceptSigma, slopeSigmaColumn[iCol], slopeSigma, NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (residualFile) { if (xMin!=xMax) { /* calculate the residuals for the whole column explicitly since there are points outside the range of which the lsf call did not calculate the difference. */ diffOrig = (double*) malloc( rowsOrig * sizeof(double) ); for (i=0; i<rowsOrig; i++) { diffOrig[i] = depVarOrig[i] - coef[0] - coef[1] * indVarOrig[i]; } if( !SDDS_SetColumnFromDoubles(&residualPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_REFERENCE, diffOrig,rowsOrig,column[iCol])) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } else { if( !SDDS_SetColumnFromDoubles(&residualPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_REFERENCE, diff,rows,column[iCol])) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } } if (residualFile) { if (!SDDS_WriteTable(&residualPage)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_WriteTable(&outputPage)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (residualFile) { if (!SDDS_Terminate(&residualPage)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if(!SDDS_Terminate(&inputPage) || !SDDS_Terminate(&outputPage)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (tmpfile_used && !replaceFileAndBackUp(inputfile, outputfile)) exit(1); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SCANNED_ARG *scanned; SDDS_TABLE inputPage, *copiedPage, outputPage; long copiedPages; char *inputfile, *outputfile; char **column, **excludeColumn=NULL; int32_t columns; long excludeColumns; char *indParameterName; char **copyColumn; int32_t copyColumns; long verbose; long slopeErrors; long iArg,i; double *indVar; char *indVarUnits; char **intColumn,**slopeColumn,**slopeSigmaColumn; char *Units,*slopeUnits; double *depVar; long order; double *coef,*coefsigma,*weight,*diff,chi; long iCol,iRow,iPage; long rows; double *slope, slope2, slopeAve, slopeSigma; unsigned long pipeFlags, majorOrderFlag; long tmpfile_used, noWarnings; long generateIndex; short columnMajorOrder=-1; copiedPage = NULL; slopeSigmaColumn = NULL; slopeUnits = Units = indVarUnits = NULL; rows = 0; slope = NULL; slope2 = 0; coef = coefsigma = weight = diff = slope = NULL; argc = scanargs(&scanned, argc, argv); if (argc == 1) bomb(NULL, USAGE); inputfile = outputfile = NULL; columns = excludeColumns = 0; column = excludeColumn = NULL; indParameterName = NULL; verbose = 0; slopeErrors = 0; pipeFlags = 0; tmpfile_used=0; noWarnings=0; for (iArg = 1; iArg<argc; iArg++) { if (scanned[iArg].arg_type == OPTION) { delete_chars(scanned[iArg].list[0], "_"); switch (match_string(scanned[iArg].list[0], commandline_option, COMMANDLINE_OPTIONS, UNIQUE_MATCH)) { case CLO_MAJOR_ORDER: majorOrderFlag=0; scanned[iArg].n_items--; if (scanned[iArg].n_items>0 && (!scanItemList(&majorOrderFlag, scanned[iArg].list+1, &scanned[iArg].n_items, 0, "row", -1, NULL, 0, SDDS_ROW_MAJOR_ORDER, "column", -1, NULL, 0, SDDS_COLUMN_MAJOR_ORDER, NULL))) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -majorOrder syntax/values"); if (majorOrderFlag&SDDS_COLUMN_MAJOR_ORDER) columnMajorOrder=1; else if (majorOrderFlag&SDDS_ROW_MAJOR_ORDER) columnMajorOrder=0; break; case CLO_INDEPENDENT_PARAMETER: if (!(indParameterName = scanned[iArg].list[1])) SDDS_Bomb("no string given for option -independentVariable"); break; case CLO_COLUMNS: if (columns) SDDS_Bomb("only one -columns option may be given"); if (scanned[iArg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -columns syntax"); column = tmalloc(sizeof(*column)*(columns = scanned[iArg].n_items-1)); for (i = 0; i<columns; i++) column[i] = scanned[iArg].list[i+1]; break; case CLO_EXCLUDE: if (excludeColumns) SDDS_Bomb("only one -excludecolumns option may be given"); if (scanned[iArg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -excludecolumns syntax"); excludeColumn = tmalloc(sizeof(*excludeColumn)*(excludeColumns = scanned[iArg].n_items-1)); for (i = 0; i<excludeColumns; i++) excludeColumn[i] = scanned[iArg].list[i+1]; break; case CLO_VERBOSE: verbose = 1; break; case CLO_PIPE: if (!processPipeOption(scanned[iArg].list+1, scanned[iArg].n_items-1, &pipeFlags)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -pipe syntax"); break; case CLO_SLOPE_ERRORS: slopeErrors = 1; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("unrecognized option given"); break; } } else { if (!inputfile) inputfile = scanned[iArg].list[0]; else if (!outputfile) outputfile = scanned[iArg].list[0]; else SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames given"); } } processFilenames("sddsvslopes", &inputfile, &outputfile, pipeFlags, noWarnings, &tmpfile_used); if (!indParameterName) SDDS_Bomb("independentVariable not given"); if (!excludeColumns) { excludeColumn = defaultExcludedColumn; excludeColumns = DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_COLUMNS; } if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Reading file %s.\n",inputfile); SDDS_InitializeInput(&inputPage, inputfile); copiedPages = 0; while (SDDS_ReadTable(&inputPage)>0) { if (!copiedPages) { copiedPage = (SDDS_TABLE*)malloc(sizeof(SDDS_TABLE)); rows = SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&inputPage); } else { copiedPage = (SDDS_TABLE*)realloc(copiedPage, (copiedPages+1)*sizeof(SDDS_TABLE)); } if (!SDDS_InitializeCopy(&copiedPage[copiedPages], &inputPage, NULL, "m")) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); if (!SDDS_CopyTable(&copiedPage[copiedPages], &inputPage)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); copiedPages++; } if (copiedPages<2) { fprintf(stderr,"Insufficient data (i.e. number of data pages) to fit a straight line.\n"); exit(1); } switch(SDDS_CheckColumn(&inputPage, "Rootname", NULL, SDDS_STRING, NULL)) { case SDDS_CHECK_WRONGUNITS: case SDDS_CHECK_OKAY: break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Something wrong with column %s.\n", "Rootname"); exit(1); } switch(SDDS_CheckColumn(&inputPage, "Index", NULL, SDDS_LONG, NULL)) { case SDDS_CHECK_WRONGUNITS: case SDDS_CHECK_OKAY: generateIndex = 0; break; case SDDS_CHECK_NONEXISTENT: generateIndex = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Something wrong with column %s.\n", "Rootname"); exit(1); } /****************\ * make array of independent variable \**************/ indVar = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*indVar)*copiedPages); switch(SDDS_CheckParameter(&inputPage, indParameterName, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL)) { case SDDS_CHECK_WRONGUNITS: case SDDS_CHECK_OKAY: break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Something wrong with parameter %s.\n", indParameterName); exit(1); } for (iPage = 0; iPage<copiedPages; iPage++) { if (!SDDS_GetParameter(&copiedPage[iPage],indParameterName,&indVar[iPage])) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_GetParameterInformation(&inputPage, "units", &indVarUnits, SDDS_GET_BY_NAME, indParameterName)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (!indVarUnits) { indVarUnits = (char *) malloc(sizeof(*indVarUnits)); indVarUnits[0] = 0; } /************************************\ * get columns of interest. use set_multicolumn_flags to simply * return new values for array column. \*************************************/ if (!set_multicolumn_flags(&inputPage, &column, &columns, excludeColumn, excludeColumns)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } /************************************\ * make column names for the output \*************************************/ intColumn = (char**)malloc((sizeof(char*)*columns)); slopeColumn = (char**)malloc((sizeof(char*)*columns)); if (slopeErrors) slopeSigmaColumn = (char**)malloc((sizeof(char*)*columns)); for (i=0; i<columns; i++) { intColumn[i] = (char*)malloc((sizeof(char)*(strlen(column[i])+strlen("Intercept")+1))); strcat(strcpy(intColumn[i], column[i]), "Intercept"); slopeColumn[i] = (char*)malloc((sizeof(char)*(strlen(column[i])+strlen("Slope")+1))); strcat(strcpy(slopeColumn[i], column[i]), "Slope"); if (slopeErrors) { slopeSigmaColumn[i] = (char*)malloc((sizeof(char)*(strlen(column[i])+strlen("SlopeSigma")+1))); strcat(strcpy(slopeSigmaColumn[i], column[i]), "SlopeSigma"); } } /************************************\ * Write layout for output file \*************************************/ if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Opening file %s.\n",outputfile); if(!SDDS_InitializeOutput(&outputPage,SDDS_BINARY,1, "lsf of sddsvexperiment",NULL,outputfile) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&outputPage, "InputFile", "InputFile", NULL, "InputFile", NULL, SDDS_STRING, 0) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&outputPage, "IndependentVariable", "IndependentVariable", NULL, "IndependentVariable", NULL, SDDS_STRING, 0) || (0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage,"Index",NULL,NULL,"Rootname index",NULL,SDDS_LONG,0))|| (0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage,"Rootname",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,SDDS_STRING,0))) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr,SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (columnMajorOrder!=-1) outputPage.layout.data_mode.column_major = columnMajorOrder; else outputPage.layout.data_mode.column_major = inputPage.layout.data_mode.column_major; for (iCol=0; iCol<columns; iCol++) { if (!SDDS_GetColumnInformation(&inputPage, "units", &Units, SDDS_GET_BY_NAME,column[iCol])) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (!Units) { Units = (char*) malloc(sizeof(*Units)); Units[0] = 0; } if (0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage, intColumn[iCol], NULL, Units, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE,0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); /* units for slopes columns */ if (strlen(indVarUnits) && strlen(Units) ) { slopeUnits = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*slopeUnits)*(strlen(Units)+strlen(indVarUnits)+2)); strcat( strcat( strcpy(slopeUnits, Units), "/"), indVarUnits); } if (strlen(indVarUnits) && !strlen(Units) ) { slopeUnits = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*slopeUnits)*(strlen(indVarUnits)+2)); strcat( strcpy( slopeUnits, "1/"), indVarUnits); } if (!strlen(indVarUnits) && strlen(Units) ) { slopeUnits = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*slopeUnits)*(strlen(Units)+2)); strcpy( slopeUnits, indVarUnits); } if (!strlen(indVarUnits) && !strlen(Units) ) { slopeUnits = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*slopeUnits)); strcpy( slopeUnits, ""); } if (0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage, slopeColumn[iCol], NULL, slopeUnits, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE,0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (slopeErrors) { if (0>SDDS_DefineColumn(&outputPage, slopeSigmaColumn[iCol], NULL, slopeUnits, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE,0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } free(slopeUnits); } if(!SDDS_WriteLayout(&outputPage) || !SDDS_StartTable(&outputPage,rows) || !SDDS_SetParameters(&outputPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, "InputFile",inputfile?inputfile:"pipe",NULL) || !SDDS_SetParameters(&outputPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, 0, "IndependentVariable", indParameterName, NULL) ) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); /************************************\ * Copy columns to output file (usually columns Index and Rootname) \*************************************/ copyColumns = DEFAULT_COPY_COLUMNS; copyColumn = defaultCopyColumn; if (!set_multicolumn_flags(&inputPage, ©Column, ©Columns, NULL, 0)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if(!SDDS_CopyColumns(&outputPage, &inputPage)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); depVar = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*depVar)*copiedPages); weight = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*weight)*copiedPages); diff = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*weight)*copiedPages); order=1; coef = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*coef)*(order+1)); coefsigma = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*coefsigma)*(order+1)); if(slopeErrors) slope = (double*)malloc(sizeof(*slope)*copiedPages); for (iCol=0; iCol<columns; iCol++) { for (iPage=0; iPage<copiedPages; iPage++) weight[iPage]=1; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Doing column %s.\n", column[iCol]); for (iRow=0; iRow<rows; iRow++) { for (iPage=0; iPage<copiedPages; iPage++) { if (!SDDS_GetValue(&copiedPage[iPage], column[iCol], iRow, &depVar[iPage])) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } if (!(lsfn(indVar, depVar, weight, copiedPages, order, coef, coefsigma, &chi, diff))){ fprintf(stderr,"Problem with call to lsfn\n."); exit(1); } if (generateIndex) { if (!SDDS_SetRowValues(&outputPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, iRow, "Index",iRow, intColumn[iCol], coef[0], slopeColumn[iCol], coef[1], NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } else { if (!SDDS_SetRowValues(&outputPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, iRow, intColumn[iCol], coef[0], slopeColumn[iCol], coef[1], NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if(slopeErrors){ /* recalculate the slope with a subset of points */ slopeAve= slope2 = 0; for (iPage=0; iPage<copiedPages; iPage++) { weight[iPage] = 1e10; if(iPage) weight[iPage-1] = 1; if (!(lsfn(indVar, depVar, weight, copiedPages, order, coef, coefsigma, &chi, diff))){ fprintf(stderr,"Problem with call to lsfn\n."); exit(1); } slope[iPage] = coef[1]; slopeAve += slope[iPage]; slope2 += sqr(slope[iPage]); } slopeSigma = sqrt(slope2/copiedPages - sqr(slopeAve/copiedPages)); if (!SDDS_SetRowValues(&outputPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, iRow, slopeSigmaColumn[iCol], slopeSigma, NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } } if( !SDDS_WriteTable(&outputPage)|| SDDS_Terminate(&inputPage) ) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); for (iPage=0; iPage<copiedPages; iPage++) { if( !SDDS_Terminate(&copiedPage[iPage]) ) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if( SDDS_Terminate(&outputPage) ) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (tmpfile_used && !replaceFileAndBackUp(inputfile, outputfile)) exit(1); SDDS_FreeStringArray(column, columns); free(column); SDDS_FreeStringArray(intColumn, columns); SDDS_FreeStringArray(slopeColumn, columns); free(intColumn); free(slopeColumn); if (slopeErrors) { SDDS_FreeStringArray(slopeSigmaColumn, columns); free(slopeSigmaColumn); } free(copiedPage); free(indVar); free(depVar); if (weight) free(weight); if (diff) free(diff); if (slope) free(slope); if (coef) free(coef); if (coefsigma) free(coefsigma); if (Units) free(Units); if (indVarUnits) free(indVarUnits); free_scanargs(&scanned, argc); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDDS_TABLE SDDS_table; SCANNED_ARG *scanned; long i, i_arg, points; char *input, *output, *name, *indep_var, *var_list_format; char *mpl_title, *mpl_topline, *descrip_text, *descrip_contents; FILE *fpi; char buffer[BUFSIZE], buffer0[BUFSIZE], buffer1[BUFSIZE]; char *ptr, *ptr1, *ptr2; char **data_name, *package_name, *data_format; long data_names, data_sets_seen, data_sets_expected, realIndex, imagIndex; double **real_data, **imag_data, *var_list; argc = scanargs(&scanned, argc, argv); if (argc<3) bomb(NULL, USAGE); input = output = package_name = data_format = indep_var = var_list_format = ptr = NULL; mpl_title = mpl_topline = descrip_text = descrip_contents = NULL; data_names = realIndex = imagIndex = 0; data_name = NULL; real_data = imag_data = NULL; var_list = NULL; data_sets_expected = data_sets_seen = 0; points = 0; for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (scanned[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { delete_chars(scanned[i_arg].list[0], "_"); /* process options here */ switch (match_string(scanned[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_DESCRIPTION: if (scanned[i_arg].n_items!=3) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -description syntax"); descrip_text = scanned[i_arg].list[1]; descrip_contents = scanned[i_arg].list[2]; break; case SET_MPL_LABELS: if (scanned[i_arg].n_items!=3) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -mpllabels syntax"); mpl_title = scanned[i_arg].list[1]; mpl_topline = scanned[i_arg].list[2]; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("invalid option seen"); break; } } else { if (!input) input = scanned[i_arg].list[0]; else if (!output) output = scanned[i_arg].list[0]; else SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames"); } } if (!input) SDDS_Bomb("input file not seen"); if (!output) SDDS_Bomb("output file not seen"); fpi = fopen_e(input, "r", 0); if (!fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fpi) || strncmp(buffer, CITIFILE_TAG, strlen(CITIFILE_TAG))!=0 || !(ptr=strchr(buffer, ' '))) SDDS_Bomb("valid CITIFILE version line not found"); *ptr++ = 0; ptr[strlen(ptr)-1] = 0; if (strncmp(ptr, CITIFILE_VERSION, strlen(CITIFILE_VERSION))!=0) fprintf(stderr, "warning: the CITIFILE version is %s--this program is only designed for version %s\n", ptr, CITIFILE_VERSION); if (!SDDS_InitializeOutput(&SDDS_table, SDDS_BINARY, 0, descrip_text, descrip_contents, output)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); if ((mpl_title && SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, "mplTitle", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, mpl_title)<0) || (mpl_topline && SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, "mplTopline", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, mpl_topline)<0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); while (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fpi)) { #if DEBUG fputs(buffer, stderr); #endif buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = 0; strcpy(buffer0, buffer); ptr1 = NULL; if ((ptr1=strchr(buffer, ' '))) *ptr1++ = 0; switch (match_string(buffer, citi_keyword, N_CITI_KEYWORDS, EXACT_MATCH)) { case CITI_NA_KEYWORD: name = buffer+1; if (!*ptr1 || !(ptr2=strchr(ptr1, ' '))) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains an apparently invalid #NA keyword:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } *(ptr1-1) = '_'; *ptr2++ = 0; if (SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, ptr2)<0) { SDDS_SetError(buffer0); SDDS_SetError("Problem creating parameter for #NA keyword in the following line:"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } break; case CITI_NAME_KEYWORD: if (!ptr1 || SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "NAME: %s\n", ptr1); #endif cp_str(&package_name, ptr1); if (SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, "CITIPackageName", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, package_name)<0) { SDDS_SetError(buffer0); SDDS_SetError("Problem creating parameter for NAME keyword in the following line:"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } break; case CITI_VAR_KEYWORD: if (!ptr1 || SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "VAR: %s\n", ptr1); #endif if (!(indep_var=get_token(ptr1)) || !(var_list_format=get_token(ptr1)) || !get_long(&points, ptr1) || points<=0) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } if (SDDS_DefineColumn(&SDDS_table, indep_var, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0) { SDDS_SetError(buffer0); SDDS_SetError("Problem creating column for data element in the following line:"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } break; case CITI_CONSTANT_KEYWORD: if (!ptr1 || !(ptr2=strchr(ptr1, ' '))) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "CONSTANT: %s\n", ptr1); #endif *ptr2++ = 0; if (SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, ptr1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, ptr2)<0) { SDDS_SetError(buffer0); SDDS_SetError("Problem creating parameter for CONSTANT keyword in the following line:"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } break; case CITI_COMMENT_KEYWORD: if (!ptr1 || SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "COMMENT: %s\n", ptr1); #endif break; case CITI_DATA_KEYWORD: if (!ptr1 || !(ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, ' '))) { fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); exit(1); } #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "DATA: %s\n", ptr1); #endif *ptr2++ = 0; cp_str(&data_format, ptr2); data_name = trealloc(data_name, sizeof(*data_name)*(data_names+1)); cp_str(data_name+data_names, ptr1); alter_data_name(data_name[data_names]); real_data = trealloc(real_data, sizeof(*real_data)*(data_names+1)); imag_data = trealloc(imag_data, sizeof(*imag_data)*(data_names+1)); sprintf(buffer, "%sReal", data_name[data_names]); sprintf(buffer1, "%sImag", data_name[data_names]); if ((realIndex=SDDS_DefineColumn(&SDDS_table, buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0))<0 || (imagIndex=SDDS_DefineColumn(&SDDS_table, buffer1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0))<0 ) { SDDS_SetError(buffer0); SDDS_SetError("Problem creating column for data element in the following line:"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } data_names++; break; case CITI_VAR_LIST_KEYWORD: if (ptr1 && !SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "VAR_LIST_BEGIN seen\n"); #endif if (points==0) SDDS_Bomb("VAR_LIST_BEGIN statement seen without prior VAR statement"); var_list = tmalloc(sizeof(*var_list)*points); if (!read_CITI_var_list(fpi, var_list, points)) SDDS_Bomb("unable to read VAR_LIST"); break; case CITI_BEGIN_KEYWORD: if (ptr1 && !SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "BEGIN seen\n"); #endif if (points==0) SDDS_Bomb("BEGIN statement seen without prior VAR statement"); real_data[data_sets_seen] = tmalloc(sizeof(**real_data)*points); imag_data[data_sets_seen] = tmalloc(sizeof(**imag_data)*points); if (!read_CITI_data(fpi, real_data[data_sets_seen], imag_data[data_sets_seen], points)) SDDS_Bomb("problem reading data section"); data_sets_seen++; break; case CITI_SEG_LIST_BEGIN: if (ptr1 && !SDDS_StringIsBlank(ptr1)) fprintf(stderr, "The following line contains erroneous input:\n%s\n", buffer0); #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "SEG_LIST_BEGIN seen\n"); #endif if (points==0) SDDS_Bomb("SEG_LIST_BEGIN statement seen without prior SEG statement"); var_list = tmalloc(sizeof(*var_list)*points); if (!read_CITI_seg_list(fpi, var_list, points)) SDDS_Bomb("unable to read SEG_LIST"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unidentifiable line in file--not CITI format:\n\"%s\"\n", buffer0); exit(1); break; } } if (!points) SDDS_Bomb("no data in file"); if (data_sets_seen!=(data_sets_expected=data_names)) SDDS_Bomb("fewer data sets than expected were actually present"); if (!var_list) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: no independent variable data---supplying index\n"); var_list = tmalloc(sizeof(*var_list)*points); for (i=0; i<points; i++) var_list[i] = i; } if (!SDDS_WriteLayout(&SDDS_table) || !SDDS_StartTable(&SDDS_table, points)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); if (!SDDS_SetColumn(&SDDS_table, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, (void*)var_list, points, indep_var)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); for (i=0; i<data_sets_expected; i++) { if (!SDDS_SetColumn(&SDDS_table, SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX, (void*)real_data[i], points, realIndex) || !SDDS_SetColumn(&SDDS_table, SDDS_SET_BY_INDEX, (void*)imag_data[i], points, imagIndex)) { fprintf(stderr, "problem setting data for column(s) %s\n", data_name[i]); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); } } if (!SDDS_WriteTable(&SDDS_table) || !SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_table)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDDS_TABLE SDDS_table; SCANNED_ARG *scanned; long i, i_arg, index, points, lsb_first, bytes_per_number; char *input, *output, buffer[BUFSIZE]; char *signal_name, *ptr, *parameter_name; char *mpl_title, *mpl_topline, *descrip_text, *descrip_contents; FILE *fpi; long code, binary; double xIncrement, xZero, yMultiplier, yZero; char *xUnits, *yUnits; double *time, *data; short columnMajorOrder=0; unsigned long majorOrderFlag; xUnits = yUnits = NULL; argc = scanargs(&scanned, argc, argv); if (argc<3) bomb(NULL, USAGE); input = output = signal_name = NULL; mpl_title = mpl_topline = descrip_text = descrip_contents = NULL; binary = 0; for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (scanned[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { delete_chars(scanned[i_arg].list[0], "_"); /* process options here */ switch (match_string(scanned[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_MAJOR_ORDER: majorOrderFlag=0; scanned[i_arg].n_items--; if (scanned[i_arg].n_items>0 && (!scanItemList(&majorOrderFlag, scanned[i_arg].list+1, &scanned[i_arg].n_items, 0, "row", -1, NULL, 0, SDDS_ROW_MAJOR_ORDER, "column", -1, NULL, 0, SDDS_COLUMN_MAJOR_ORDER, NULL))) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -majorOrder syntax/values"); if (majorOrderFlag&SDDS_COLUMN_MAJOR_ORDER) columnMajorOrder=1; else if (majorOrderFlag&SDDS_ROW_MAJOR_ORDER) columnMajorOrder=0; break; case SET_SIGNAL_NAME: if (scanned[i_arg].n_items!=2) bomb("invalid -signal_name syntax", USAGE); signal_name = scanned[i_arg].list[1]; break; case SET_DESCRIPTION: if (scanned[i_arg].n_items!=3) bomb("invalid -description syntax", USAGE); descrip_text = scanned[i_arg].list[1]; descrip_contents = scanned[i_arg].list[2]; break; case SET_MPL_LABELS: if (scanned[i_arg].n_items!=3) bomb("invalid -mpl_labels syntax", USAGE); mpl_title = scanned[i_arg].list[1]; mpl_topline = scanned[i_arg].list[2]; break; default: bomb("invalid option seen", USAGE); break; } } else { if (!input) input = scanned[i_arg].list[0]; else if (!output) output = scanned[i_arg].list[0]; else bomb("too many filenames", USAGE); } } if (!input) SDDS_Bomb("input file not seen"); if (!output) SDDS_Bomb("output file not seen"); if (!signal_name) signal_name = "V"; fpi = fopen_e(input, "r", 0); if (fread(buffer, 1, strlen(TEK_PreambleString), fpi)!=strlen(TEK_PreambleString) || strncmp(TEK_PreambleString, buffer, strlen(TEK_PreambleString))!=0) SDDS_Bomb("file does not appear to be in Tektronix format"); parameter_name = buffer; while ((code=GetNextItem(buffer, BUFSIZE, fpi))<3) { if (!(ptr=strchr(buffer, ':'))) SDDS_Bomb("error parsing input file--missing colon on parameter tag"); *ptr++ = 0; if (strcmp(TEK_DataMarker, parameter_name)==0) break; index = 0; while (TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name) { if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, parameter_name)==0) break; index++; } if (!TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: parameter %s is not recognized\n", parameter_name); continue; } if (TEK_parameter[index].value_string) { fprintf(stderr, "error: duplicate entries for parameter %s\n", parameter_name); exit(1); } SDDS_RemovePadding(ptr); SDDS_CopyString(&TEK_parameter[index].value_string, ptr); if (code==2 || code==3) break; } if (code!=2) SDDS_Bomb("unexpected end of file"); if (fread(buffer, 1, strlen(TEK_DataMarker), fpi)!=strlen(TEK_DataMarker) || strncmp(TEK_DataMarker, buffer, strlen(TEK_DataMarker))!=0) SDDS_Bomb("CURVE item missing or not in right place"); if (!SDDS_InitializeOutput(&SDDS_table, SDDS_BINARY, 0, descrip_text, descrip_contents, output)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); SDDS_table.layout.data_mode.column_major = columnMajorOrder; index = 0; while (TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name) { if (!TEK_parameter[index].value_string) { index++; continue; } if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, TEK_XIncrementName)==0) { if (sscanf(TEK_parameter[index].value_string, "%lf", &xIncrement)!=1) SDDS_Bomb("unable to scan value for x increment"); } else if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, TEK_XZeroName)==0) { if (sscanf(TEK_parameter[index].value_string, "%lf", &xZero)!=1) SDDS_Bomb("unable to scan value for x zero"); } else if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, TEK_YZeroName)==0) { if (sscanf(TEK_parameter[index].value_string, "%lf", &yZero)!=1) SDDS_Bomb("unable to scan value for y zero"); } else if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, TEK_YMultiplierName)==0) { if (sscanf(TEK_parameter[index].value_string, "%lf", &yMultiplier)!=1) SDDS_Bomb("unable to scan value for y multiplier"); } else if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, TEK_XUnitsName)==0) { xUnits = TEK_parameter[index].value_string; str_tolower(xUnits); } else if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, TEK_YUnitsName)==0) { yUnits = TEK_parameter[index].value_string; str_tolower(yUnits); } else if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, TEK_PointsName)==0) { if (sscanf(TEK_parameter[index].value_string, "%ld", &points)!=1) SDDS_Bomb("unable to scan value for number of points"); } else if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, TEK_EncodingName)==0) { if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].value_string, "ASCII")==0) binary = 0; else if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].value_string, "BINARY")==0) binary = 1; else SDDS_Bomb("data encoding is neither ASCII nor BINARY"); } else if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, TEK_BytesPerNumberName)==0) { if (sscanf(TEK_parameter[index].value_string, "%ld", &bytes_per_number)!=1) SDDS_Bomb("unable to scan value bytes per number"); } else if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, TEK_ByteOrderName)==0) { lsb_first = 1; if (strcmp(TEK_parameter[index].value_string, "LSB")!=0) lsb_first = 0; } if (SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, TEK_parameter[index].SDDS_name, NULL, NULL, TEK_parameter[index].TEK_name, NULL, TEK_parameter[index].type, TEK_parameter[index].value_string)<0) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); index++; } if (mpl_title && (SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, "mplTitle", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, mpl_title)<0 || SDDS_DefineParameter(&SDDS_table, "mplTopline", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_STRING, mpl_topline)<0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); if (SDDS_DefineColumn(&SDDS_table, "t", NULL, xUnits, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&SDDS_table, signal_name, NULL, yUnits, NULL, NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || !SDDS_WriteLayout(&SDDS_table) || !SDDS_StartTable(&SDDS_table, points)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); data = tmalloc(sizeof(*data)*points); time = tmalloc(sizeof(*time)*points); if (!binary) { for (i=0; i<points; i++) { if (!(code=GetNextItem(buffer, BUFSIZE, fpi))) SDDS_Bomb("insufficient data in input file"); if (code==4) { points = i; break; } time[i] = xZero + i*xIncrement; if (sscanf(buffer, "%lf", data+i)!=1) SDDS_Bomb("invalid data in input file"); data[i] = yZero + data[i]*yMultiplier; } } else { short sdata; fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 4, fpi); for (i=0; i<points; i++) { if (fread(&sdata, sizeof(sdata), 1, fpi)!=1) { fprintf(stderr, "file ends unexpectedly\n"); points = i; break; } time[i] = xZero + i*xIncrement; data[i] = sdata; data[i] = yZero + data[i]*yMultiplier; } } if (!SDDS_SetColumn(&SDDS_table, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, time, points, "t") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&SDDS_table, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, data, points, signal_name) || !SDDS_WriteTable(&SDDS_table) || !SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_table)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors|SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); return(0); }
int main( int argc, char **argv) { SCANNED_ARG *scanned; char *inputfile, *outputfile; SDDS_DATASET twissPage, resultsPage; double particles, charge, length; long verbosity, noWarning, i, elements, superperiods, growthRatesOnly, force; double pCentral0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, taux, tauy, taudelta; double EMeV; double emitx0, emitx, emitxInput, emityInput, emity, coupling, sigmaz0, sigmaz; double sigmaDelta0, sigmaDelta, sigmaDeltaInput, xGrowthRate, yGrowthRate, zGrowthRate; double xGrowthRateInitial, yGrowthRateInitial, zGrowthRateInitial; double emitxOld, sigmaDeltaOld; long method, converged; /* used in simplex minimization */ double yReturn, *xGuess, *dxGuess, *xLowerLimit, *xUpperLimit; short *disable; long dimensions = 15, maxEvaluations = 500, maxPasses = 2; double target = 1e-6; int32_t integrationTurns, integrationStepSize; long integrationPoints = 0; double *exInteg=NULL, *eyInteg=NULL, *elInteg=NULL, *xRateInteg=NULL, *yRateInteg=NULL, *zRateInteg=NULL; double *SdeltaInteg=NULL, *SzInteg=NULL; int32_t *passInteg=NULL; unsigned long dummyFlags; double rfVoltage, rfHarmonic; double alphac, U0, circumference, energy; double *xRateVsS, *yRateVsS, *zRateVsS; SDDS_RegisterProgramName(argv[0]); argc = scanargs(&scanned, argc, argv); if (argc == 1) bomb(NULL, USAGE); xRateVsS = yRateVsS = zRateVsS = NULL; inputfile = NULL; outputfile = NULL; energy = 0; verbosity = 0; isRing = 1; particles = 0; charge = 0; coupling = emityInput = 0; force = 1; length = 0; superperiods=1; method = 0; emitxInput = 0; sigmaDeltaInput = 0; growthRatesOnly = 0; integrationTurns = 0; rfVoltage = rfHarmonic = 0; noWarning = 0; for (i = 1; i<argc; i++) { if (scanned[i].arg_type == OPTION) { delete_chars(scanned[i].list[0], "_"); switch(match_string(scanned[i].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, UNIQUE_MATCH)) { case VERBOSE: if(scanned[i].n_items > 1 ) { get_long(&verbosity, scanned[i].list[1]); } else { verbosity=1; } break; case ISRING: if(scanned[i].n_items > 1 ) { get_long(&isRing, scanned[i].list[1]); } else { isRing=1; } break; case CHARGE: get_double(&charge, scanned[i].list[1]); break; case EMITXINPUT: /* This is really the emitx+emity, not emitx */ get_double(&emitxInput, scanned[i].list[1]); break; case EMITINPUT: get_double(&emitxInput, scanned[i].list[1]); break; case DELTAINPUT: get_double(&sigmaDeltaInput, scanned[i].list[1]); break; case LENGTH: get_double(&length, scanned[i].list[1]); length /= 1000; /* convert input length from mm to m */ break; case COUPLING: get_double(&coupling, scanned[i].list[1]); break; case EMITYINPUT: get_double(&emityInput, scanned[i].list[1]); break; case FORCECOUPLING: get_long(&force, scanned[i].list[1]); break; case PARTICLES: get_double(&particles, scanned[i].list[1]); break; case SUPERPERIOD: get_long(&superperiods, scanned[i].list[1]); break; case METHOD: get_long(&method, scanned[i].list[1]); break; case GROWTHRATESONLY: growthRatesOnly = 1; break; case SET_TARGET: if (scanned[i].n_items!=2 || !get_double(&target, scanned[i].list[1]) || target<0) bomb("invalid -target syntax", NULL); break; case RF: if (scanned[i].n_items<2) bomb("invalid -rf syntax", NULL); scanned[i].n_items--; rfVoltage = rfHarmonic = 0; if (!scanItemList(&dummyFlags, scanned[i].list+1, &scanned[i].n_items, 0, "voltage", SDDS_DOUBLE, &rfVoltage, 1, 0, "harmonic", SDDS_DOUBLE, &rfHarmonic, 1, 0, NULL) || rfVoltage<=0 || rfHarmonic<=0) bomb("invalid -rf syntax/values", "-rf=voltage=MV,harmonic=<value>"); break; case SET_ENERGY: if (scanned[i].n_items!=2) bomb("invalid -energy syntax", NULL); if (!sscanf(scanned[i].list[1], "%lf", &energy) || energy<=0) bomb("invalid -energy syntax/values", "-energy=<MeV>"); break; case SET_INTEGRATE: if (scanned[i].n_items<2) bomb("invalid -integrate syntax", NULL); integrationTurns = 0; integrationStepSize = 1; scanned[i].n_items--; if (!scanItemList(&dummyFlags, scanned[i].list+1, &scanned[i].n_items, 0, "turns", SDDS_LONG, &integrationTurns, 1, 0, "stepsize", SDDS_LONG, &integrationStepSize, 1, 0, NULL) || integrationTurns<=0 || integrationStepSize<1) bomb("invalid -integrate syntax", NULL); break; case NO_WARNING: noWarning = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option %s given", scanned[i].list[0]); exit(1); break; } } else { if (!inputfile) inputfile = scanned[i].list[0]; else if (!outputfile) outputfile = scanned[i].list[0]; else bomb("too many filenames given", NULL); } } if (charge && particles) { bomb("Options charge and particles cannot be both specified.",NULL); } if (!charge) charge = particles * e_mks; if (!particles) { /* command line input value is in units of nC */ charge /= 1e9; particles = charge/ e_mks; } if ((!coupling && !emityInput) || (coupling && emityInput)) bomb("Give -coupling or -emityInput (but not both)", NULL); if (!length && !rfVoltage) bomb("Specify either the bunch length or the rf voltage.", NULL); if (growthRatesOnly && integrationTurns) { growthRatesOnly = 0; if (!noWarning) fprintf( stdout, "*Warning* -growthRatesOnly option is incompatiable with -integrate option. The -growthRatesOnly will be disabled.\n"); } if (!growthRatesOnly && !integrationTurns && !noWarning) fprintf( stdout, "*Warning* The growth rate contribution columns in the results file will be those calculated from the equilibrium (or final) condition.\n"); if (integrationTurns && !isRing) { integrationTurns = 0; fprintf( stdout, "*Warning* -isRing=0 is incompatiable with -integrate option. The -integrate will be disabled.\n"); } if (energy && !isRing) { energy = 0; fprintf( stdout, "*Warning* you can not scale energy for linac beam. Scaling will be disabled.\n"); } /***************************************************\ * get parameter information from first input file * \***************************************************/ if (verbosity) fprintf( stdout, "Opening \"%s\" for checking presence of parameters.\n", inputfile); if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&twissPage, inputfile)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); /* read first page of input file to get parameters I1 I2 I3 I4 I5. Check presence of first radiation integral. */ SDDS_ReadPage(&twissPage); /* parameter Type */ switch(SDDS_CheckParameter(&twissPage, "I1", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, verbosity?stdout:NULL)) { case SDDS_CHECK_NONEXISTENT: if (verbosity) fprintf( stdout, "\tParameter I1 not found in input file.\n"); break; case SDDS_CHECK_WRONGTYPE: SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); exitElegant(1); break; case SDDS_CHECK_OKAY: break; default: fprintf( stdout, "Unexpected result from SDDS_CheckParameter routine while checking parameter Type.\n"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); exitElegant(1); break; } if (verbosity) fprintf( stdout, "Opening \"%s\" for writing...\n", outputfile); if (!SDDS_InitializeOutput(&resultsPage, SDDS_BINARY, 1, "Intra-beam scattering rates", "Intra-beam scattering rates", outputfile)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (!SDDS_TransferParameterDefinition(&resultsPage, &twissPage, "I1", NULL) || !SDDS_TransferParameterDefinition(&resultsPage, &twissPage, "I2", NULL) || !SDDS_TransferParameterDefinition(&resultsPage, &twissPage, "I3", NULL) || !SDDS_TransferParameterDefinition(&resultsPage, &twissPage, "I4", NULL) || !SDDS_TransferParameterDefinition(&resultsPage, &twissPage, "I5", NULL) || !SDDS_TransferParameterDefinition(&resultsPage, &twissPage, "pCentral", NULL) || !SDDS_TransferParameterDefinition(&resultsPage, &twissPage, "taux", NULL) || !SDDS_TransferParameterDefinition(&resultsPage, &twissPage, "tauy", NULL) || !SDDS_TransferParameterDefinition(&resultsPage, &twissPage, "taudelta", NULL) ) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "Superperiods", NULL, NULL, "Superperiods", NULL, SDDS_LONG, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "Energy", "E", "MeV", "Total Energy", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "Particles", NULL, NULL, "Particles", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "Charge", NULL, "nC", "Charge", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "PeakCurrent", "I$bp$n", "A", "Peak Current", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "RfVoltage", NULL, "MV", "Rf Voltage", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "xGrowthRateInitial", "g$bIBS,x$n", "1/s", "Initial IBS emittance growth rate in the horizontal plane", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "yGrowthRateInitial", "g$bIBS,y$n", "1/s", "Initial IBS emittance growth rate in the vertical plane", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "zGrowthRateInitial", "g$bIBS,z$n", "1/s", "Initial IBS emittance growth rate in the longitudinal plane", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "Convergence", NULL, NULL, "Convergence state of emittance calculations", NULL, SDDS_STRING, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "emitx0", "$ge$r$bx,0$n", "$gp$rm", "Equilibrium horizontal emittance with no coupling and no IBS", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "emitxInput", "$ge$r$bx,Input$n", "$gp$rm", "Initial horizontal emittance with coupling", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "emityInput", "$ge$r$by,Input$n", "$gp$rm", "Initial vertical emittance with coupling", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); /* requested equilibrium emittances or integrate emittances turn-by-turn*/ if (!growthRatesOnly) { if (0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "xGrowthRate", "g$bIBS,x$n", "1/s", "IBS emittance growth rate in the horizontal plane", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "yGrowthRate", "g$bIBS,y$n", "1/s", "IBS emittance growth rate in the vertical plane", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "zGrowthRate", "g$bIBS,z$n", "1/s", "IBS emittance growth rate in the longitudinal plane", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "emitx", "$ge$r$bx$n", "$gp$rm", "Horizontal emittance with coupling and with IBS", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "emity", "$ge$r$by$n", "$gp$rm", "Vertical emittance with coupling and with IBS", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "sigmaDelta", "$gs$r$bd$n", NULL, "Relative momentum spread with IBS", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "sigmaz", "$gs$r$bz$n", "m", "Bunch length with IBS", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "sigmaDelta0", "$gs$r$bd,0$n", NULL, "Equilibrium relative momentum spread without IBS", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "sigmaDeltaInput", "$gs$r$bd,0$n", NULL, "Initial relative momentum spread", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL) || 0>SDDS_DefineParameter(&resultsPage, "sigmaz0", "$gs$r$bz,0$n", "m", "Bunch length without IBS", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (verbosity) fprintf( stdout, "Opening for reading \"%s\"\n", inputfile); if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&twissPage, inputfile)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (integrationTurns) { if (SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "ex", "$ge$r$bx$n", "$gp$rm", "Horizontal Emittance", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "ey", "$ge$r$by$n", "$gp$rm", "Vertical Emittance", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "el", "$ge$r$bl$n", "s", "Longitudinal Emittance", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "Sdelta", "$gs$bd$n$r", "", "Fractional RMS Energy Spread", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "Sz", "$gs$r$bz$n", "m", "RMS Bunch Length", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "IBSRatex", NULL, "1/s", "Horizontal IBS Emittance Growth Rate", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "IBSRatey", NULL, "1/s", "Vertical IBS Emittance Growth Rate", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "IBSRatel", NULL, "1/s", "Longitudinal IBS Emittance Growth Rate", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "Pass", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SDDS_LONG, 0)<0) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); integrationPoints = integrationTurns/integrationStepSize+1; if (!(exInteg = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*exInteg)*integrationPoints)) || !(eyInteg = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*eyInteg)*integrationPoints)) || !(elInteg = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*elInteg)*integrationPoints)) || !(SdeltaInteg = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*SdeltaInteg)*integrationPoints)) || !(SzInteg = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*SzInteg)*integrationPoints)) || !(xRateInteg = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*xRateInteg)*integrationPoints)) || !(yRateInteg = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*yRateInteg)*integrationPoints)) || !(zRateInteg = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*zRateInteg)*integrationPoints)) || !(passInteg = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*passInteg)*integrationPoints))) bomb("memory allocation failure (integration arrays)", NULL); } else { if (SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "s", NULL, "m", "Position", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "dIBSRatex", NULL, "1/s", "Local Horizontal IBS Emittance Growth Rate", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "dIBSRatey", NULL, "1/s", "Local Vertical IBS Emittance Growth Rate", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0 || SDDS_DefineColumn(&resultsPage, "dIBSRatel", NULL, "1/s", "Local Longitudinal IBS Emittance Growth Rate", NULL, SDDS_DOUBLE, 0)<0) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_WriteLayout(&resultsPage) ) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); while(SDDS_ReadPage(&twissPage)>0) { if (!SDDS_GetParameters(&twissPage, "pCentral", &pCentral0, "I1", &I1, "I2", &I2, "I3", &I3, "I4", &I4, "I5", &I5, "taux", &taux, "tauy", &tauy, "taudelta", &taudelta, "alphac", &alphac, "U0", &U0, NULL) ) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); EMeV = sqrt(sqr(pCentral0) + 1) * me_mev; elements = SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&twissPage); s = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&twissPage, "s"); pCentral = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&twissPage, "pCentral0"); circumference = s[elements-1]*superperiods; U0 *= superperiods; if (energy!=0) { /* scale to new energy */ pCentral0 = sqrt(sqr(energy/me_mev)-1); taux /= ipow(energy/EMeV, 3); tauy /= ipow(energy/EMeV, 3); taudelta /= ipow(energy/EMeV, 3); U0 *= ipow(energy/EMeV, 4); for (i=0; i<elements; i++) pCentral[i] = pCentral0; EMeV = energy; } if (!length && U0>rfVoltage) bomb("energy loss per turn is greater than rf voltage", NULL); betax = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&twissPage, "betax"); betay = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&twissPage, "betay"); alphax = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&twissPage, "alphax"); alphay = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&twissPage, "alphay"); etax = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&twissPage, "etax"); etaxp = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&twissPage, "etaxp"); etay = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&twissPage, "etay"); etayp = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&twissPage, "etayp"); /* emitx0 and sigmaDelta0 are unperturbed quantities (i.e. no coupling and no IBS) that zibs requires to internally calculate the quantum excitation. (zibs doesn't use the radiation integrals but should!) */ emitx0 = 55.0/ (32.*sqrt(3.)) * hbar_mks * sqr(pCentral0)/ (me_mks * c_mks) * I5 / (I2 - I4); sigmaDelta0 = sqrt(55.0/ (32.*sqrt(3.)) * hbar_mks * sqr(pCentral0)/ (me_mks * c_mks) * I3 / (2 * I2 + I4)); /* use unperturbed quantities in no input supplied. */ if (!sigmaDeltaInput) sigmaDeltaInput = sigmaDelta0; if (!emitxInput) emitxInput = emitx0/ ( 1 + coupling); else /* The emitxInput value is really emit=emitx+emity */ emitxInput = emitxInput/ ( 1 + coupling); if (!emityInput) emityInput = emitxInput * coupling; else coupling = emityInput/emityInput; sigmaDelta = sigmaDeltaInput; if (length) sigmaz0 = length; else { /* compute length in m from rf voltage, energy spread, etc */ sigmaz0 = circumference*sigmaDelta* sqrt(alphac*EMeV/(PIx2*rfHarmonic*sqrt(sqr(rfVoltage)-sqr(U0)))); } sigmaz = sigmaz0; emity = emityInput; emitx = emitxInput; if (integrationPoints) { IBSIntegrate(exInteg, eyInteg, elInteg, passInteg, SdeltaInteg, SzInteg, xRateInteg, yRateInteg, zRateInteg, integrationTurns, integrationStepSize, pCentral0, emitx, emity, sigmaDelta, sigmaz, particles, emitx0, sigmaDelta0, 2./taux, 2./tauy, 2./taudelta, coupling, s, pCentral, betax, alphax, betay, alphay, etax, etaxp, etay, etayp, elements, superperiods, verbosity, isRing, force); } else { if (!(xRateVsS = SDDS_Realloc(xRateVsS, sizeof(*xRateVsS)*elements)) || !(yRateVsS = SDDS_Realloc(yRateVsS, sizeof(*yRateVsS)*elements)) || !(zRateVsS = SDDS_Realloc(zRateVsS, sizeof(*zRateVsS)*elements)) ) bomb("memory allocation failure", NULL); } /* This call is to get the initial growth rates for writing to results file. This applies for any running option selected in the commandline */ IBSRate(particles, elements, superperiods, verbosity, isRing, emitx, emity, sigmaDelta, sigmaz, s, pCentral, betax, alphax, betay, alphay, etax, etaxp, etay, etayp, NULL, NULL, NULL, &xGrowthRateInitial, &yGrowthRateInitial, &zGrowthRateInitial, 0); /* iterating for equilibrium emittances and final growth rates */ if (!integrationTurns && !growthRatesOnly && isRing) { if (verbosity > 1) { fprintf (stdout, "Starting values:\nemitx: %10.5g sigmaDelta %10.5g.\n", emitx, sigmaDelta); } emitxOld = emitx; sigmaDeltaOld = sigmaDelta; xGuess = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*dimensions); dxGuess = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*dimensions); xLowerLimit = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*dimensions); xUpperLimit = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*dimensions); disable = (short*) malloc(sizeof(short)*dimensions); xGuess[0] = MAX(emitx, emitx0/ (1 + coupling)); xGuess[1] = MAX(sigmaDelta, sigmaDelta0); dxGuess[0] = emitx * 0.1; dxGuess[1] = sigmaDelta * 0.1; xLowerLimit[0] = emitx0/ (1 + coupling); xLowerLimit[1] = sigmaDelta0; xUpperLimit[0] = emitx0/ (1 + coupling) * 200; xUpperLimit[1] = MIN(sigmaDelta0 * 100, 1.0); /* assign other variables to array which are not supoosed to be varied by simplex minimization */ xGuess[2] = pCentral0; xGuess[3] = emity; xGuess[4] = sigmaz0; xGuess[5] = particles; xGuess[6] = emitx0; xGuess[7] = sigmaDelta0; xGuess[8] = taux; xGuess[9] = tauy; xGuess[10] = taudelta; xGuess[11] = coupling; xGuess[12] = elements; xGuess[13] = superperiods; xGuess[14] = verbosity; xLowerLimit[2] = pCentral0; xLowerLimit[3] = emity; xLowerLimit[4] = sigmaz0; xLowerLimit[5] = particles; xLowerLimit[6] = emitx0; xLowerLimit[7] = sigmaDelta0; xLowerLimit[8] = taux; xLowerLimit[9] = tauy; xLowerLimit[10] = taudelta; xLowerLimit[11] = coupling; xLowerLimit[12] = elements; xLowerLimit[13] = superperiods; xLowerLimit[14] = verbosity; xUpperLimit[2] = pCentral0; xUpperLimit[3] = emity; xUpperLimit[4] = sigmaz0; xUpperLimit[5] = particles; xUpperLimit[6] = emitx0; xUpperLimit[7] = sigmaDelta0; xUpperLimit[8] = taux; xUpperLimit[9] = tauy; xUpperLimit[10] = taudelta; xUpperLimit[11] = coupling; xUpperLimit[12] = elements; xUpperLimit[13] = superperiods; xUpperLimit[14] = verbosity; disable[0] = 0; disable[1] = 0; for (i=2 ; i<dimensions ; i++) { dxGuess[i] = 0.0; disable[i] = 1; } if (verbosity) { fprintf( stdout, "Doing simplex minimization...\n"); } simplexMin( &yReturn, xGuess, dxGuess, xLowerLimit, xUpperLimit, disable, dimensions, target, target/100.0, IBSequations, verbosity?IBSsimplexReport:NULL, maxEvaluations, maxPasses, 12, 3.0, 1.0, 0); /* final answers */ emitx = xGuess[0]; sigmaDelta = xGuess[1]; emity = emitx * coupling; sigmaz = sigmaz0 * (sigmaDelta/ sigmaDelta0); } /* calculate growth rates contributions at equilibrium or just one time (-growthRateOnly option) */ if (!integrationPoints) { IBSRate(particles, elements, superperiods, verbosity, isRing, emitx, emity, sigmaDelta, sigmaz, s, pCentral, betax, alphax, betay, alphay, etax, etaxp, etay, etayp, xRateVsS, yRateVsS, zRateVsS, &xGrowthRate, &yGrowthRate, &zGrowthRate, 0); } else { /* final growth rates and emittances after integration */ xGrowthRate = xRateInteg[integrationPoints - 1] ; yGrowthRate = yRateInteg[integrationPoints - 1] ; zGrowthRate = zRateInteg[integrationPoints - 1] ; emitx = exInteg[integrationPoints - 1] ; emity = eyInteg[integrationPoints - 1] ; sigmaDelta = SdeltaInteg[integrationPoints - 1] ; sigmaz = SzInteg[integrationPoints - 1] ; } converged = 1; if (0>SDDS_StartPage(&resultsPage, integrationPoints?integrationPoints:elements) || !SDDS_SetParameters(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, "Convergence", converged?"Emittance converged":"Emittance did not converge", "pCentral", pCentral0, "RfVoltage", rfVoltage, "I1", I1, "I2", I2, "I3", I3, "I4", I4, "I5", I5, "taux", taux, "tauy", tauy, "taudelta", taudelta, "Energy", EMeV, "Particles", particles, "Charge", (1e9 * charge), "PeakCurrent", (charge*c_mks/(sqrt(2*PI)*sigmaz)), "Superperiods", superperiods, "emitx0", emitx0, "emitxInput", emitxInput, "emityInput", emityInput, "xGrowthRateInitial", xGrowthRateInitial, "yGrowthRateInitial", yGrowthRateInitial, "zGrowthRateInitial", zGrowthRateInitial, "sigmaDeltaInput", sigmaDeltaInput, "sigmaDelta0", sigmaDelta0, "sigmaz0", sigmaz0, NULL) || (!growthRatesOnly && !SDDS_SetParameters(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, "xGrowthRate", xGrowthRate, "yGrowthRate", yGrowthRate, "zGrowthRate", zGrowthRate, "emitx", emitx, "emity", emity, "sigmaDelta", sigmaDelta, "sigmaz", sigmaz, NULL)) || (integrationPoints && (!SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, exInteg, integrationPoints, "ex") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, eyInteg, integrationPoints, "ey") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, elInteg, integrationPoints, "el") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, SdeltaInteg, integrationPoints, "Sdelta") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, SzInteg, integrationPoints, "Sz") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, xRateInteg, integrationPoints, "IBSRatex") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, yRateInteg, integrationPoints, "IBSRatey") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, zRateInteg, integrationPoints, "IBSRatel") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, passInteg, integrationPoints, "Pass"))) || (!integrationPoints && (!SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, s, elements, "s") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, xRateVsS, elements, "dIBSRatex") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, yRateVsS, elements, "dIBSRatey") || !SDDS_SetColumn(&resultsPage, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME, zRateVsS, elements, "dIBSRatel"))) || !SDDS_WritePage(&resultsPage)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_Terminate(&twissPage) || !SDDS_Terminate(&resultsPage)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDDS_DATASET SDDSin, SDDSout; long i_arg, tmpfileUsed; SCANNED_ARG *s_arg; char *input, *output, *description_text, *description_contents; unsigned long pipeFlags; long pageNumber, nonNative = 0; char *outputEndianess = NULL; char buffer[40]; SDDS_RegisterProgramName(argv[0]); argc = scanargs(&s_arg, argc, argv); if (argc<2) bomb(NULL, USAGE); input = output = description_text = description_contents = NULL; pipeFlags = 0; for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (s_arg[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { delete_chars(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], "_"); switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_PIPE: if (!processPipeOption(s_arg[i_arg].list+1, s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1, &pipeFlags)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -pipe syntax"); break; case NONNATIVE: nonNative = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error (%s): unknown switch: %s\n", argv[0], s_arg[i_arg].list[0]); exit(1); break; } } else { if (input==NULL) input = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else if (output==NULL) output = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames"); } } processFilenames("sddsendian", &input, &output, pipeFlags, 0, &tmpfileUsed); outputEndianess = getenv("SDDS_OUTPUT_ENDIANESS"); if (outputEndianess) { putenv("SDDS_OUTPUT_ENDIANESS="); } if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&SDDSin, input)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (!description_text) SDDS_GetDescription(&SDDSin, &description_text, &description_contents); if (!SDDS_InitializeCopy(&SDDSout, &SDDSin, output, "w") || !SDDS_SetDataMode(&SDDSout, nonNative?SDDS_BINARY:-SDDS_BINARY) || !SDDS_WriteLayout(&SDDSout)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (nonNative) { while ((pageNumber=SDDS_ReadNonNativePage(&SDDSin))>=0) { if (!SDDS_CopyPage(&SDDSout, &SDDSin) || !SDDS_WritePage(&SDDSout)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } } else { while ((pageNumber=SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDSin))>=0) { if (!SDDS_CopyPage(&SDDSout, &SDDSin) || !SDDS_WriteNonNativeBinaryPage(&SDDSout)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } } if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDSin) || !SDDS_Terminate(&SDDSout)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (tmpfileUsed && !replaceFileAndBackUp(input, output)) exit(1); if (outputEndianess) { sprintf(buffer, "SDDS_OUTPUT_ENDIANESS=%s", outputEndianess); putenv(buffer); } return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDDS_DATASET SDDS_1, SDDS_2, SDDS_output; long i, j, i_arg, rows1, rows2, reuse, reusePage, i1, i2; SCANNED_ARG *s_arg; char s[200], *ptr; char **match_column, **equate_column; long match_columns, equate_columns; char *input1, *input2, *output; long tmpfile_used, retval1, retval2; long warnings, invert; unsigned long pipeFlags; KEYED_EQUIVALENT **keyGroup=NULL; long keyGroups=0; SDDS_RegisterProgramName(argv[0]); argc = scanargs(&s_arg, argc, argv); if (argc<3) bomb(NULL, USAGE); input1 = input2 = output = NULL; match_column = equate_column = NULL; match_columns = equate_columns = reuse = reusePage = 0; tmpfile_used = invert = 0; warnings = 1; pipeFlags = 0; for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (s_arg[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { delete_chars(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], "_"); switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_MATCH_COLUMN: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -match syntax"); if (match_columns!=0) SDDS_Bomb("only one -match option may be given"); match_column = tmalloc(sizeof(*match_column)*2); if ((ptr=strchr(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], '='))) *ptr++ = 0; else ptr = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; match_column[0] = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; match_column[1] = ptr; match_columns = 1; break; case SET_EQUATE_COLUMN: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -equate syntax"); if (equate_columns!=0) SDDS_Bomb("only one -equate option may be given"); equate_column = tmalloc(sizeof(*equate_column)*2); if ((ptr=strchr(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], '='))) *ptr++ = 0; else ptr = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; equate_column[0] = s_arg[i_arg].list[1]; equate_column[1] = ptr; equate_columns = 1; break; case SET_REUSE: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items==1) reuse = 1; else { char *reuseOptions[2] = {"rows", "page"}; for (i=1; i<s_arg[i_arg].n_items; i++) { switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[i], reuseOptions, 2, 0)) { case 0: reuse = 1; break; case 1: reusePage = 1; break; default: SDDS_Bomb("unknown reuse keyword"); break; } } } break; case SET_INVERT: invert = 1; break; case SET_NOWARNINGS: warnings = 0; break; case SET_PIPE: if (!processPipeOption(s_arg[i_arg].list+1, s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1, &pipeFlags)) SDDS_Bomb("invalid -pipe syntax"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown switch: %s\n", s_arg[i_arg].list[0]); SDDS_Bomb(NULL); break; } } else { if (input1==NULL) input1 = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else if (input2==NULL) input2 = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else if (output==NULL) output = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames"); } } if (pipeFlags&USE_STDIN && input1) { if (output) SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames (sddsxref)"); output = input2; input2 = input1; input1 = NULL; } processFilenames("sddsselect", &input1, &output, pipeFlags, !warnings, &tmpfile_used); if (!input2) SDDS_Bomb("second input file not specified (sddsxref)"); if (equate_columns && match_columns) SDDS_Bomb("only one of -equate or -match may be given"); if (!equate_columns && !match_columns) SDDS_Bomb("one of -equate or -match must be given"); if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&SDDS_1, input1)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&SDDS_2, input2)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (match_columns) { if ((j=SDDS_GetColumnIndex(&SDDS_1, match_column[0]))<0 || SDDS_GetColumnType(&SDDS_1, j)!=SDDS_STRING) { sprintf(s, "error: column %s not found or not string type in file %s", match_column[0], input1?input1:"stdin"); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if ((j=SDDS_GetColumnIndex(&SDDS_2, match_column[1]))<0 || SDDS_GetColumnType(&SDDS_2, j)!=SDDS_STRING) { sprintf(s, "error: column %s not found or not string type in file %s", match_column[1], input2); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (equate_columns) { if ((j=SDDS_GetColumnIndex(&SDDS_1, equate_column[0]))<0 || !SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(SDDS_GetColumnType(&SDDS_1, j))) { sprintf(s, "error: column %s not found or not numeric type in file %s", equate_column[0], input1?input1:"stdin"); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if ((j=SDDS_GetColumnIndex(&SDDS_2, equate_column[1]))<0 || !SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(SDDS_GetColumnType(&SDDS_2, j))) { sprintf(s, "error: column %s not found or not numeric type in file %s", equate_column[1], input2); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (output && pipeFlags&USE_STDOUT) SDDS_Bomb("too many filenames with -pipe option"); if (!output && !(pipeFlags&USE_STDOUT)) { if (warnings) fprintf(stderr, "warning: existing file %s will be replaced (sddsselect)\n", input1?input1:"stdin"); tmpfile_used = 1; cp_str(&output, tmpname(NULL)); } if (!SDDS_InitializeCopy(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_1, output, "w")) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (!SDDS_WriteLayout(&SDDS_output)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); while ((retval1=SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDS_1))>0) { if (!reusePage) { if ((retval2=SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDS_2))<=0) { if (warnings) fprintf(stderr, "warning: <input2> ends before <input1>\n"); if (invert) { /* nothing to match, so everything would normally be thrown out */ if (!SDDS_CopyPage(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_1) || !SDDS_WritePage(&SDDS_output)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); continue; } else /* nothing to match, so everything thrown out */ break; } } else { if (retval1==1 && (retval2=SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDS_2))<=0) SDDS_Bomb("<input2> has no data"); SDDS_SetRowFlags(&SDDS_2, 1); } rows1 = SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_1); rows2 = SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_2); if (!SDDS_StartPage(&SDDS_output, rows1)) { SDDS_SetError("Problem starting output page"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_CopyParameters(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_2) || !SDDS_CopyArrays(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_2)) { SDDS_SetError("Problem copying parameter or array data from second input file"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (!SDDS_CopyParameters(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_1) || !SDDS_CopyArrays(&SDDS_output, &SDDS_1)) { SDDS_SetError("Problem copying parameter or array data from first input file"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (match_columns) { char **string1, **string2; long matched; string2 = NULL; if (!(string1 = SDDS_GetColumn(&SDDS_1, match_column[0]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: problem getting column %s from file %s\n", match_column[0], input1?input1:"stdin"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (rows2 && !(string2 = SDDS_GetColumn(&SDDS_2, match_column[1]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: problem getting column %s from file %s\n", match_column[1], input2); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (rows2) keyGroup = MakeSortedKeyGroups(&keyGroups, SDDS_STRING, string2, rows2); for (i1=0; i1<rows1; i1++) { if (!SDDS_CopyRowDirect(&SDDS_output, i1, &SDDS_1, i1)) { sprintf(s, "Problem copying row %ld of first data set", i1); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } matched = 0; if (rows2 &&(i2 = FindMatchingKeyGroup(keyGroup, keyGroups, SDDS_STRING, string1+i1, reuse))>=0) { matched = 1; } if ((!matched && !invert) || (matched && invert)) { if (!SDDS_AssertRowFlags(&SDDS_output, SDDS_INDEX_LIMITS, i1, i1, 0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (string1) { for (i=0;i<rows1;i++) free(string1[i]); free(string1); string1 = NULL; } if (string2) { for (i=0;i<rows2;i++) free(string2[i]); free(string2); string2 = NULL; } for (i=0;i<keyGroups;i++) { if (keyGroup[i]) { if (keyGroup[i]->equivalent) free(keyGroup[i]->equivalent); free(keyGroup[i]); keyGroup[i] = NULL; } } if (keyGroups) { free(keyGroup); keyGroup = NULL; keyGroups = 0; } } else if (equate_columns) { double *value1, *value2; long equated; value2 = NULL; if (!(value1 = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&SDDS_1, equate_column[0]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: problem getting column %s from file %s\n", equate_column[0], input1?input1:"stdin"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (rows2 && !(value2 = SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&SDDS_2, equate_column[1]))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: problem getting column %s from file %s\n", equate_column[1], input2); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (rows2) keyGroup = MakeSortedKeyGroups(&keyGroups, SDDS_DOUBLE, value2, rows2); for (i1=0; i1<rows1; i1++) { if (!SDDS_CopyRowDirect(&SDDS_output, i1, &SDDS_1, i1)) { sprintf(s, "Problem copying row %ld of first data set", i1); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } equated = 0; if (rows2 && (i2 = FindMatchingKeyGroup(keyGroup, keyGroups, SDDS_DOUBLE, value1+i1, reuse))>=0) { equated = 1; } if ((!equated && !invert) || (equated && invert)) { if (!SDDS_AssertRowFlags(&SDDS_output, SDDS_INDEX_LIMITS, i1, i1, 0)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (value1) free(value1); value1 = NULL; if (rows2 && value2) free(value2); value2 = NULL; for (i=0;i<keyGroups;i++) { if (keyGroup[i]) { if (keyGroup[i]->equivalent) free(keyGroup[i]->equivalent); free(keyGroup[i]); keyGroup[i] = NULL; } } if (keyGroups) { free(keyGroup); keyGroup = NULL; keyGroups = 0; } } if (!SDDS_WritePage(&SDDS_output)) { SDDS_SetError("Problem writing data to output file"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } } if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_1) || !SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_2) || !SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_output)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (tmpfile_used && !replaceFileAndBackUp(input1, output)) exit(1); free_scanargs(&s_arg,argc); if (match_columns) free(match_column); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { double x_lo, x_hi, y_lo, y_hi, dx, dy, x, y; double **z_data, z_min, z_max, z_val; long ix, iy, nx, ny; long x_rpn_var, y_rpn_var; char *z_equation = NULL; char *rpn_defns_file; char *rpn_init_command; char *z_udf = "Z.UDF"; char *input, *output, *label[4]; long i_arg; SCANNED_ARG *s_arg; FILE *fp; unsigned long pipeFlags; char pfix[IFPF_BUF_SIZE], *ptr; char * rpn_defns; #if defined(LINUX) struct stat sts; #endif if (argc<2 || argc>(2+N_OPTIONS)) bomb(NULL, USAGE); output = NULL; nx = ny = 0; rpn_defns_file = NULL; rpn_init_command = NULL; pipeFlags = 0; for (ix=0; ix<4; ix++) label[ix] = " "; scanargs(&s_arg, argc, argv); for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (s_arg[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { delete_chars(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], "_"); switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_RPN_DEFNS_FILE: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2 || !(rpn_defns_file=s_arg[i_arg].list[1])) bomb("incorrect -rpndefnsfile syntax", NULL); break; case SET_RPN_INIT_COMMAND: /* if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2 || !(rpn_init_command = s_arg[i_arg].list[1])) bomb("incorrect -rpncommand syntax", NULL); */ if ((s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2) || (s_arg[i_arg].n_items>3)) SDDS_Bomb("incorrect -rpncommand syntax"); if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items==2) { if (!strlen(rpn_init_command=s_arg[i_arg].list[1])) { SDDS_Bomb("incorrect -rpncommand syntax"); } } else if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items==3) { if (strncmp(s_arg[i_arg].list[2], "algebraic", strlen(s_arg[i_arg].list[2]))==0) { ptr = addOuterParentheses(s_arg[i_arg].list[1]); if2pf(pfix, ptr, sizeof pfix); free(ptr); if (!SDDS_CopyString(&rpn_init_command, pfix)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: problem copying argument string\n"); return(1); } } else { SDDS_Bomb("incorrect -rpncommand syntax"); } } break; case SET_Z_EQUATION: /* if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2 || !(z_equation=s_arg[i_arg].list[1])) bomb("incorrect -zequation syntax", NULL); */ if ((s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2) || (s_arg[i_arg].n_items>3)) SDDS_Bomb("incorrect -zequation syntax"); if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items==2) { if (!strlen(z_equation=s_arg[i_arg].list[1])) { SDDS_Bomb("incorrect -zequation syntax"); } } else if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items==3) { if (strncmp(s_arg[i_arg].list[2], "algebraic", strlen(s_arg[i_arg].list[2]))==0) { if2pf(pfix, s_arg[i_arg].list[1], sizeof pfix); if (!SDDS_CopyString(&z_equation, pfix)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: problem copying argument string\n"); return(1); } } else { SDDS_Bomb("incorrect -zequation syntax"); } } break; case SET_X_RANGE: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=4 || 1!=sscanf(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], "%le", &x_lo) || 1!=sscanf(s_arg[i_arg].list[2], "%le", &x_hi) || x_lo>=x_hi || 1!=sscanf(s_arg[i_arg].list[3], "%ld", &nx) || nx<=1) bomb("incorrect -xrange syntax", NULL); break; case SET_Y_RANGE: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=4 || 1!=sscanf(s_arg[i_arg].list[1], "%le", &y_lo) || 1!=sscanf(s_arg[i_arg].list[2], "%le", &y_hi) || y_lo>=y_hi || 1!=sscanf(s_arg[i_arg].list[3], "%ld", &ny) || ny<=1) bomb("incorrect -yrange syntax", NULL); break; case SET_PIPE: if (!processPipeOption(s_arg[i_arg].list+1, s_arg[i_arg].n_items-1, &pipeFlags)) bomb("invalid -pipe syntax", NULL); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown switch: %s\n", s_arg[i_arg].list[0]); bomb(NULL, NULL); break; } } else { if (output==NULL) output = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else bomb("too many filenames (sddscongen)", NULL); } } pipeFlags |= DEFAULT_STDIN; input = NULL; processFilenames("sddscongen", &input, &output, pipeFlags, 0, NULL); if (nx==0) bomb("-xrange must be supplied", NULL); if (ny==0) bomb("-yrange must be supplied", NULL); if (z_equation==NULL) bomb("-zequation must be supplied", NULL); if(!rpn_defns_file) { rpn_defns_file=getenv("RPN_DEFNS"); /*if failed, check where default setting exists for a linux system, G. Shen, Dec 31, 2009 */ if(!rpn_defns_file) { #if defined(LINUX) if (!(stat(rpn_default, &sts) == -1 && errno == ENOENT)) { /* check whether default file exists */ rpn_defns = rpn_default; } #endif } } rpn(rpn_defns_file); /* rpn(rpn_defns_file?rpn_defns_file:getenv("RPN_DEFNS")); */ if (rpn_init_command) rpn(rpn_init_command); x_rpn_var = rpn_create_mem("x", 0); y_rpn_var = rpn_create_mem("y", 0); create_udf(z_udf, z_equation); z_data = (double**)array_2d(sizeof(double), 0, nx-1, 0, ny-1); dx = (x_hi-x_lo)/(nx-1); dy = (y_hi-y_lo)/(ny-1); z_min = FLT_MAX; z_max = -FLT_MAX; for (ix=0,x=x_lo; ix<nx; ix++,x+=dx) { for (iy=0,y=y_lo; iy<ny; iy++,y+=dy) { rpn_store(x, NULL, x_rpn_var); rpn_store(y, NULL, y_rpn_var); if ((z_val = z_data[ix][iy] = rpn(z_udf))>z_max) z_max = z_val; if (z_val<z_min) z_min = z_val; rpn_clear(); } } if (output) fp = fopen_e(output, "w", 0); else fp = stdout; fprintf(fp, "SDDS1\n¶meter name=Variable1Name, type=string, fixed_value=x &end\n"); fprintf(fp, "¶meter name=Variable2Name, type=string, fixed_value=y &end\n"); fprintf(fp, "¶meter name=xInterval, type=double, fixed_value=%e &end\n", dx); fprintf(fp, "¶meter name=xMinimum, type=double, fixed_value=%e &end\n", x_lo); fprintf(fp, "¶meter name=xDimension, type=long, fixed_value=%ld &end\n", nx); fprintf(fp, "¶meter name=yInterval, type=double, fixed_value=%e &end\n", dy); fprintf(fp, "¶meter name=yMinimum, type=double, fixed_value=%e &end\n", y_lo); fprintf(fp, "¶meter name=yDimension, type=long, fixed_value=%ld &end\n", ny); fprintf(fp, "&column name=z, type=double, description=\"%s\" &end\n", z_equation); fprintf(fp, "&data mode=ascii, no_row_counts=1 &end\n"); for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) fprintf(fp, "%e\n", z_data[ix][iy]); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDDS_DATASET SDDS_orig, SDDS_out; int32_t i, j, k, i_arg, rows, xfilter_provided, yfilter_provided, zfilter_provided, row; long power=1; SCANNED_ARG *s_arg; char *inputFile, *outputRoot, output[1024], tmpcol[256]; double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, xinterval, yinterval, zinterval; int32_t xdim, ydim, zdim, columnNames, outputColumns, page=0; char **columnName, **outputColumn; double ***Rho, ***Jz, rhoSum, rhoSum1, yRho, zRho, jzRho; double x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max, x, y, z; unsigned long dummyFlags = 0; x_min = x_max = y_min = y_max = z_min = z_max = 0; xfilter_provided = yfilter_provided = zfilter_provided = 0; inputFile = outputRoot = NULL; SDDS_RegisterProgramName(argv[0]); argc = scanargs(&s_arg, argc, argv); if (argc<2) bomb(NULL, USAGE); columnNames = outputColumns = 0; columnName = outputColumn = NULL; Rho = Jz = NULL; for (i_arg=1; i_arg<argc; i_arg++) { if (s_arg[i_arg].arg_type==OPTION) { delete_chars(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], "_"); switch (match_string(s_arg[i_arg].list[0], option, N_OPTIONS, 0)) { case SET_POWER: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items!=2) SDDS_Bomb("Invalid -power syntax."); if (!get_long(&power, s_arg[i_arg].list[1])) SDDS_Bomb("Invalid -power value provided."); break; case SET_XFILTER: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("Invalid -xfilter syntax."); s_arg[i_arg].n_items--; if (!scanItemList(&dummyFlags, s_arg[i_arg].list+1, &s_arg[i_arg].n_items, 0, "minimum", SDDS_DOUBLE, &x_min, 1, 0, "maximum", SDDS_DOUBLE, &x_max, 1, 0, NULL)) SDDS_Bomb("Invalid -xfilter syntax"); s_arg[i_arg].n_items++; if (x_max<=x_min) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid -xfilter provided, x_max <= x_min\n"); exit(1); } xfilter_provided =1; break; case SET_YFILTER: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("Invalid -yfilter syntax."); s_arg[i_arg].n_items--; if (!scanItemList(&dummyFlags, s_arg[i_arg].list+1, &s_arg[i_arg].n_items, 0, "minimum", SDDS_DOUBLE, &y_min, 1, 0, "maximum", SDDS_DOUBLE, &y_max, 1, 0, NULL)) SDDS_Bomb("Invalid -yfilter syntax"); s_arg[i_arg].n_items++; if (y_max<=y_min) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid -yfilter provided, y_max <= y_min\n"); exit(1); } yfilter_provided =1; break; case SET_ZFILTER: if (s_arg[i_arg].n_items<2) SDDS_Bomb("Invalid -zfilter syntax."); s_arg[i_arg].n_items--; if (!scanItemList(&dummyFlags, s_arg[i_arg].list+1, &s_arg[i_arg].n_items, 0, "minimum", SDDS_DOUBLE, &z_min, 1, 0, "maximum", SDDS_DOUBLE, &z_max, 1, 0, NULL)) SDDS_Bomb("Invalid -zfilter syntax"); s_arg[i_arg].n_items++; if (z_max<=z_min) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid -yfilter provided, z_max <= z_min\n"); exit(1); } zfilter_provided =1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option - %s provided.\n", s_arg[i_arg].list[0]); exit(1); } } else { if (!inputFile) inputFile = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else if (!outputRoot) outputRoot = s_arg[i_arg].list[0]; else SDDS_Bomb("Too many file names provided."); } } if (!outputRoot) outputRoot = inputFile; sprintf(output, "%s.ave", outputRoot); if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&SDDS_orig, inputFile)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } xdim = ydim = zdim = 1; zmin = zmax = zinterval = 0; while (SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDS_orig)>0) { if (page==0) { if (!SDDS_GetParameterAsDouble(&SDDS_orig, "origin1", &xmin) || !SDDS_GetParameterAsDouble(&SDDS_orig, "max_ext1", &xmax) || !SDDS_GetParameterAsDouble(&SDDS_orig, "delta1", &xinterval) || !SDDS_GetParameterAsLong(&SDDS_orig, "numPhysCells1", &xdim) || !SDDS_GetParameterAsDouble(&SDDS_orig, "origin2", &ymin) || !SDDS_GetParameterAsDouble(&SDDS_orig, "max_ext2", &ymax) || !SDDS_GetParameterAsDouble(&SDDS_orig, "delta2", &yinterval) || !SDDS_GetParameterAsLong(&SDDS_orig, "numPhysCells2", &ydim)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (SDDS_CheckParameter(&SDDS_orig, "origin3", NULL, SDDS_ANY_NUMERIC_TYPE, NULL)==SDDS_CHECK_OK) { if (!SDDS_GetParameterAsDouble(&SDDS_orig, "origin3", &zmin) || !SDDS_GetParameterAsDouble(&SDDS_orig, "max_ext3", &zmax) || !SDDS_GetParameterAsDouble(&SDDS_orig, "delta3", &zinterval) || !SDDS_GetParameterAsLong(&SDDS_orig, "numPhysCells3", &zdim)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } if (xfilter_provided) { if (x_min>xmax || x_max<xmin) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid xfilter provided, it should be between %le and %le\n", xmin, xmax); if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_orig)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } else { x_min = xmin; x_max = xmax; } if (yfilter_provided) { if (y_min>ymax || y_max<ymin) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid yfilter provided, it should be between %le and %le\n", ymin, ymax); if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_orig)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } else { y_min = ymin; y_max = ymax; } if (zfilter_provided && zmin!=0 && zmax!=0) { if (z_min>zmax || z_max<zmin) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid zfilter provided, it should be between %le and %le\n", zmin, zmax); if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_orig)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } else { z_min = zmin; z_max = zmax; } Rho = malloc(sizeof(*Rho)*zdim); Jz = malloc(sizeof(*Rho)*zdim); for (i=0; i<zdim; i++) { Rho[i] = malloc(sizeof(**Rho)*ydim); Jz[i] = malloc(sizeof(**Jz)*ydim); } SetupOutputFile(&SDDS_out, output, zdim); } rows = SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_orig); if (rows!=xdim) { fprintf(stderr, "Row number does not equal xdim size.\n"); exit(1); } for (j=1; j<=ydim; j++) { sprintf(tmpcol, "Rho_%d",j); Rho[page][j-1] = NULL; if (!(Rho[page][j-1]=SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&SDDS_orig, tmpcol))) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); sprintf(tmpcol, "Jz_%d",j); Jz[page][j-1] = NULL; if (!(Jz[page][j-1]=SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&SDDS_orig, tmpcol))) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } page ++; } if (!SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_orig)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } if (page!=zdim) { free_data_memory(Rho, zdim, ydim); free_data_memory(Jz, zdim, ydim); fprintf(stderr, "Error, the page number does not equal to zdim size.\n"); exit(1); } if (!SDDS_StartPage(&SDDS_out, xdim) || !SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_out, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, "origin1", xmin, "origin2", ymin, "origin3", zmin, "max_ext1", xmax, "max_ext2", ymax, "delta1", xinterval, "delta2", yinterval, "numPhysCells1", xdim, "numPhysCells2", ydim, "xstart", x_min, "xend", x_max, "ystart", y_min, "yend", y_max, NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (zdim>1) { if (!SDDS_SetParameters(&SDDS_out, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, "origin3", zmin, "max_ext3", zmax, "delta3", zinterval, "numPhysCells3", zdim, "zstart", z_min, "zend", z_max, NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } row = 0; x = y = z = 0; for (i=0; i<xdim; i++) { rhoSum = rhoSum1 = 0; yRho = zRho = jzRho = 0; x = i * xinterval + xmin; if (xfilter_provided && (x<x_min || x>x_max)) continue; for (j=0; j<ydim; j++) { y = j * yinterval + ymin; if (yfilter_provided && (y<y_min || y>y_max)) continue; for (k=0; k<zdim; k++) { z = k * zinterval + zmin; if (zfilter_provided && zdim>1 && (z<z_min || z>z_max)) continue; if (power==1) { yRho += fabs(Rho[k][j][i]) * y; zRho += fabs(Rho[k][j][i]) * z; jzRho += Rho[k][j][i] * Jz[k][j][i]; rhoSum += fabs(Rho[k][j][i]); rhoSum1 += Rho[k][j][i]; } else { yRho += pow(fabs(Rho[k][j][i]), power) * y; zRho += pow(fabs(Rho[k][j][i]), power) * z; jzRho += pow(Rho[k][j][i] * Jz[k][j][i], power); rhoSum += pow(fabs(Rho[k][j][i]), power); rhoSum1 += pow(Rho[k][j][i], power); } } } /*set row values */ if (!SDDS_SetRowValues(&SDDS_out, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, row, "x", x, "YAve", yRho/(rhoSum+1.0e-20), "JzAve", jzRho/(rhoSum1 + 1.0e-20), NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); if (zdim>1 && !SDDS_SetRowValues(&SDDS_out, SDDS_SET_BY_NAME|SDDS_PASS_BY_VALUE, row, "ZAve",zRho/(rhoSum+1.0e-20), NULL)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); row++; } if (!SDDS_WritePage(&SDDS_out) || !SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_out)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); free_data_memory(Rho, zdim, ydim); free_data_memory(Jz, zdim, ydim); return 0; }
char *request(const char *prompt, const char * const default_string, const bool alpha_allowed, const int completion_type, const bool prefer_utf8) { set_attr(0); input_buffer[pos = len = offset = 0] = 0; encoding = ENC_ASCII; x = start_x = print_prompt(prompt); init_history(); if (default_string) { strncpy(input_buffer, default_string, MAX_INPUT_LINE_LEN); len = strlen(input_buffer); encoding = detect_encoding(input_buffer, len); input_refresh(); } bool first_char_typed = true, last_char_completion = false, selection = false; while(true) { assert(input_buffer[len] == 0); move_cursor(ne_lines - 1, x); int c; input_class ic; do c = get_key_code(); while((ic = CHAR_CLASS(c)) == IGNORE); /* ISO 10646 characters *above 256* can be added only to UTF-8 lines, or ASCII lines (making them, of course, UTF-8). */ if (ic == ALPHA && c > 0xFF && encoding != ENC_ASCII && encoding != ENC_UTF8) ic = INVALID; if (ic != TAB) last_char_completion = false; if (ic == TAB && !completion_type) ic = ALPHA; switch(ic) { case INVALID: alert(); break; case ALPHA: if (first_char_typed) { input_buffer[len = 0] = 0; clear_to_eol(); } if (encoding == ENC_ASCII && c > 0x7F) encoding = prefer_utf8 || c > 0xFF ? ENC_UTF8 : ENC_8_BIT; int c_len = encoding == ENC_UTF8 ? utf8seqlen(c) : 1; int c_width = output_width(c); assert(c_len > 0); if (len <= MAX_INPUT_LINE_LEN - c_len && (alpha_allowed || (c < 0x100 && isxdigit(c)) || c=='X' || c=='x')) { memmove(&input_buffer[pos + c_len], &input_buffer[pos], len - pos + 1); if (c_len == 1) input_buffer[pos] = c; else utf8str(c, &input_buffer[pos]); len += c_len; move_cursor(ne_lines - 1, x); if (x < ne_columns - c_width) { if (pos == len - c_len) output_char(c, 0, encoding); else if (char_ins_del_ok) insert_char(c, 0, encoding); else input_refresh(); } input_move_right(true); } break; case RETURN: selection = true; break; case TAB: if (completion_type == COMPLETE_FILE || completion_type == COMPLETE_SYNTAX) { bool quoted = false; char *prefix, *completion, *p; if (len && input_buffer[len - 1] == '"') { input_buffer[len - 1] = 0; if (prefix = strrchr(input_buffer, '"')) { quoted = true; prefix++; } else input_buffer[len - 1] = '"'; } if (!quoted) { prefix = strrchr(input_buffer, ' '); if (prefix) prefix++; else prefix = input_buffer; } if (last_char_completion || completion_type == COMPLETE_SYNTAX) { if (completion_type == COMPLETE_FILE ) completion = p = request_files(prefix, true); else completion = p = request_syntax(prefix, true); reset_window(); if (completion) { if (*completion) selection = true; else completion++; } } else { if (completion_type == COMPLETE_FILE ) completion = p = complete_filename(prefix); else completion = p = request_syntax(prefix, true); last_char_completion = true; if (!completion) alert(); } if (completion && (prefix - input_buffer) + strlen(completion) + 1 < MAX_INPUT_LINE_LEN) { const encoding_type completion_encoding = detect_encoding(completion, strlen(completion)); if (encoding == ENC_ASCII || completion_encoding == ENC_ASCII || encoding == completion_encoding) { strcpy(prefix, completion); if (quoted) strcat(prefix, "\""); len = strlen(input_buffer); pos = offset = 0; x = start_x; if (encoding == ENC_ASCII) encoding = completion_encoding; input_move_to_eol(); if (quoted) input_move_left(false); input_refresh(); } else alert(); } else if (quoted) strcat(prefix, "\""); free(p); } break; case COMMAND: if (c < 0) c = -c - 1; const int a = parse_command_line(key_binding[c], NULL, NULL, false); if (a >= 0) { switch(a) { case LINEUP_A: case LINEDOWN_A: case MOVESOF_A: case MOVEEOF_A: case PAGEUP_A: case PAGEDOWN_A: case NEXTPAGE_A: case PREVPAGE_A: if (history_buff) { switch(a) { case LINEUP_A: line_up(history_buff); break; case LINEDOWN_A: line_down(history_buff); break; case MOVESOF_A: move_to_sof(history_buff); break; case MOVEEOF_A: move_to_bof(history_buff); break; case PAGEUP_A: case PREVPAGE_A: prev_page(history_buff); break; case PAGEDOWN_A: case NEXTPAGE_A: next_page(history_buff); break; } /* In some cases, the default displayed on the command line will be the same as the first history item. In that case we skip it. */ if (first_char_typed == true && a == LINEUP_A && history_buff->cur_line_desc->line && !strncmp(history_buff->cur_line_desc->line, input_buffer, history_buff->cur_line_desc->line_len)) line_up(history_buff); if (history_buff->cur_line_desc->line) { strncpy(input_buffer, history_buff->cur_line_desc->line, min(history_buff->cur_line_desc->line_len,MAX_INPUT_LINE_LEN)); input_buffer[min(history_buff->cur_line_desc->line_len,MAX_INPUT_LINE_LEN)] = 0; len = strlen(input_buffer); encoding = detect_encoding(input_buffer, len); } else { input_buffer[len = 0] = 0; encoding = ENC_ASCII; } x = start_x; pos = 0; offset = 0; input_refresh(); } break; case MOVELEFT_A: input_move_left(true); break; case MOVERIGHT_A: input_move_right(true); break; case BACKSPACE_A: if (pos == 0) break; input_move_left(true); case DELETECHAR_A: if (len > 0 && pos < len) { int c_len = encoding == ENC_UTF8 ? utf8len(input_buffer[pos]) : 1; int c_width = get_char_width(&input_buffer[pos], encoding); memmove(&input_buffer[pos], &input_buffer[pos + c_len], len - pos - c_len + 1); len -= c_len; if (input_buffer_is_ascii()) encoding = ENC_ASCII; if (char_ins_del_ok) { int i, j; move_cursor(ne_lines - 1, x); delete_chars(c_width); for(i = x, j = pos; j < len && i + get_char_width(&input_buffer[j], encoding) < ne_columns - c_width; i += get_char_width(&input_buffer[j], encoding), j = next_pos(input_buffer, j, encoding)); if (j < len) { move_cursor(ne_lines - 1, i); while(j < len && i + get_char_width(&input_buffer[j], encoding) < ne_columns) { output_char(get_char(&input_buffer[j], encoding), 0, encoding); i += get_char_width(&input_buffer[j], encoding); j = next_pos(input_buffer, j, encoding); } } } else input_refresh(); } break; case DELETELINE_A: move_cursor(ne_lines - 1, start_x); clear_to_eol(); input_buffer[len = pos = offset = 0] = 0; encoding = ENC_ASCII; x = start_x; break; case DELETEEOL_A: input_buffer[len = pos] = 0; clear_to_eol(); if (input_buffer_is_ascii()) encoding = ENC_ASCII; break; case MOVEINCUP_A: if (x != start_x) { pos = offset; x = start_x; break; } case MOVESOL_A: input_move_to_sol(); break; case MOVEINCDOWN_A: { int i, j; for(i = x, j = pos; j < len && i + get_char_width(&input_buffer[j], encoding) < ne_columns; i += get_char_width(&input_buffer[j], encoding), j = next_pos(input_buffer, j, encoding)); if (j != pos && j < len) { pos = j; x = i; break; } } case MOVEEOL_A: input_move_to_eol(); break; case TOGGLESEOL_A: case TOGGLESEOF_A: if (pos != 0) input_move_to_sol(); else input_move_to_eol(); break; case PREVWORD_A: input_prev_word(); break; case NEXTWORD_A: input_next_word(); break; case REFRESH_A: input_refresh(); break; case PASTE_A: input_paste(); break; case AUTOCOMPLETE_A: input_autocomplete(); break; case ESCAPE_A: return NULL; default: break; } } break; default: break; } if (selection) { const line_desc * const last = (line_desc *)history_buff->line_desc_list.tail_pred->prev; assert(input_buffer[len] == 0); if (history_buff->num_lines == 0 || len != last->line_len || strncmp(input_buffer, last->line, last->line_len)) add_to_history(input_buffer); return input_buffer; } first_char_typed = false; } }
void determine_panel_labels(PLOT_SPEC *plspec, long panel_index) { long i, request, file, first, datasets; long j, plane, scaleCount, group, set, index, ig; static char buffer[SDDS_MAXLINE], s[SDDS_MAXLINE]; PLOT_DATA **dataset; time_t timeValue; static unsigned long ticksetTime[2] = {TICKSET_XTIME, TICKSET_YTIME}, flags; char *newLabel, *editCommand; /* Construct labels for each scale for each plane */ first = 1; dataset = plspec->panel[panel_index].dataset; datasets = plspec->panel[panel_index].datasets; #if defined(DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "panel label determination: %ld datasets for panel %ld\n", datasets, panel_index); #endif newLabel = NULL; for (plane=0; plane<2; plane++) { scaleCount = 0; for (ig=0; ig<plspec->panel[panel_index].scalesUsed[plane]; ig++) { group = plspec->panel[panel_index].scalesGroupIndex[plane][ig]; /* each scales group has a separate label */ if (plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].flags!=SCALE_LABEL_USED) continue; plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].flags = 0; plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].scaleNumber = -1; plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].label = newLabel = editCommand = NULL; for (set=0; set<datasets; set++) { /* scan for datasets that belong to this group */ if (dataset[set]->scalesGroupIndex[plane]!=group) continue; request = dataset[set]->request_index; if (plspec->plot_request[request].overlay.flags) continue; /* If we get to this point, then a scale will be made for * this group. */ if (plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].scaleNumber==-1) plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].scaleNumber = ++scaleCount; /* For each scales group, the label may have been specified by * a -label option for one request. */ if ((index=plspec->scalesGroupData[plane][group].labelSpecRequestIndex)>=0 && index==request && (flags=plspec->plot_request[index].label[plane].flags)) { if (flags&(LABEL_STRING_GIVEN+LABEL_PARAMETER_GIVEN+ LABEL_USE_NAME+LABEL_USE_SYMBOL+LABEL_USE_DESCRIPTION)) { if (newLabel) free(newLabel); if (!SDDS_CopyString(&newLabel, dataset[set]->label[plane])) SDDS_Bomb("Memory allocation failure (determine_panel_labels)"); } if (flags&LABEL_EDITCOMMAND_GIVEN) editCommand = plspec->plot_request[index].label[plane].edit_command; if (flags&LABEL_SCALE_GIVEN) { plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].flags |= SCALE_LABEL_SCALEGIVEN; plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].scale = plspec->plot_request[index].label[plane].scale; } if (flags&LABEL_OFFSET_GIVEN) { plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].flags |= SCALE_LABEL_OFFSETGIVEN; plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].offset = plspec->plot_request[index].label[plane].offset; } if (flags&LABEL_THICKNESS_GIVEN) { plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].flags |= SCALE_LABEL_THICKNESSGIVEN; plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].thickness = plspec->plot_request[index].label[plane].thickness; } if (flags&LABEL_LINETYPE_GIVEN) { plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].flags |= SCALE_LABEL_LINETYPEGIVEN; plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].linetype = plspec->plot_request[index].label[plane].linetype; } break; } } if (plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].scaleNumber==-1) continue; if (!newLabel) { /* No explicit label was given or generated */ if ((index=plspec->scalesGroupData[plane][group].tickSettingsRequestIndex)>=0 && plspec->plot_request[index].tick_settings.flags&ticksetTime[plane]) { /* Use calendar time scales, per user request. */ timeValue = plspec->scalesGroupData[plane][group].limit[0]; if (!(newLabel = SDDS_Malloc(sizeof(*newLabel)*50))) SDDS_Bomb("Memory allocation failure (determine_panel_labels)"); if (timeValue!=DBL_MAX) sprintf(newLabel, "Time starting %s", ctime(&timeValue)); else sprintf(newLabel, "Undefined time values!"); delete_chars(newLabel, "\n"); } else { /* Make a label using the names of the columns. This is the default * if no commandline options are given. */ if (!(newLabel=makeNameUnitsLabel(plspec, panel_index, plane, group))) SDDS_Bomb("Unable to make label (determine_panel_labels)"); } } if (editCommand) { /* Edit the label per user request. */ strcpy_ss(buffer, newLabel); free(newLabel); edit_string(buffer, editCommand); if (plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].label) free(plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].label); if (!SDDS_CopyString(&plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].label, buffer)) SDDS_Bomb("String copy problem (determine_panel_labels)"); } else { /* Store the label for latter placement on plot. */ if (plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].label) free(plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].label); plspec->scaleLabelInfo[plane][group].label = newLabel; newLabel = NULL; } } } /* This section creates labels for the title (0) and topline (1) */ for (j=0; j<2; j++) { if (plspec->panel[panel_index].titleSpec[j].label) SDDS_CopyString(plspec->panel[panel_index].title+j, plspec->panel[panel_index].titleSpec[j].label); else { /* Stuff in some default labels... */ if (j==0 && plspec->plot_request[dataset[0]->request_index].description_text[dataset[0]->file_index]) /* title from description text of first dataset, if there is any */ SDDS_CopyString(plspec->panel[panel_index].title+j, plspec->plot_request[dataset[0]->request_index]. description_text[dataset[0]->file_index]); else SDDS_CopyString(plspec->panel[panel_index].title+j, ""); } if ((editCommand=plspec->panel[panel_index].titleSpec[j].edit_command)) { strcpy_ss(buffer, plspec->panel[panel_index].title[j]); edit_string(buffer, editCommand); free(plspec->panel[panel_index].title[j]); SDDS_CopyString(plspec->panel[panel_index].title+j, buffer); } } if (plspec->panel[panel_index].flags&PLREQ_FNONTOPLINE) { /* User requested filenames on topline */ char **filename; char buffer[1024]; filename = tmalloc(sizeof(*filename)*plspec->panel[panel_index].datasets); for (i=0; i<plspec->panel[panel_index].datasets; i++) { request = plspec->panel[panel_index].dataset[i]->request_index; file = plspec->panel[panel_index].dataset[i]->file_index; filename[i] = plspec->plot_request[request].filename[file]; if (plspec->plot_request[request].filenamesOnToplineEditCmd) { strcpy_ss(buffer, filename[i]); edit_string(buffer, plspec->plot_request[request].filenamesOnToplineEditCmd); SDDS_CopyString(&filename[i], buffer); } } qsort(filename, plspec->panel[panel_index].datasets, sizeof(*filename), string_cmpasc); i = unique(filename, plspec->panel[panel_index].datasets, sizeof(*filename), string_cmpasc, string_copy); if (plspec->panel[panel_index].title[1][0]) sprintf(s, "%s ", plspec->panel[panel_index].title[1]); else s[0] = 0; for (j=0; j<i; j++) { if ((strlen(s)+strlen(filename[j])+3)>1024) break; if (j) strcat(s, ", "); strcat(s, filename[j]); } SDDS_CopyString(plspec->panel[panel_index].title+1, s); } if (plspec->panel[panel_index].flags&PLREQ_YLONTOPLINE) { /* This is probably impossible with the multiple scales... */ } }
int32_t SDDS_ReadIntoMplTable(TABLE *mpl_data, char *file, int32_t sample_interval, int32_t mpl_flags, char *SDDS_tags) { SDDS_DATASET SDDS_dataset; int32_t i, first, new_points, n_rows; SDDS_LAYOUT *layout; char *xname, *yname, *sxname, *syname, *option_string, *ptr; COLUMN_DEFINITION *xdef, *ydef, *sxdef, *sydef; PARAMETER_DEFINITION *xpdef, *ypdef, *sxpdef, *sypdef; PARAMETER_DEFINITION *titledef, *toplinedef, *pardef; static char s[SDDS_MAXLINE]; double *data; MATCH_TERM *column_match, *parameter_match; int32_t accept = 1; xname = yname = sxname = syname = NULL; xdef = ydef = sxdef = sydef = NULL; xpdef = ypdef = sxpdef = sypdef = titledef = toplinedef = NULL; n_rows = 0; if (!SDDS_InitializeInput(&SDDS_dataset, file)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, 1); return(0); } layout = &SDDS_dataset.layout; if (SDDS_dataset.layout.n_columns<1 && SDDS_dataset.layout.n_parameters<1) return(0); first = 1; while (SDDS_ReadPage(&SDDS_dataset)>0) { if (first) { first = 0; #if 0 if ((pardef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, "mplTitle")) && pardef->type==SDDS_STRING) mpl_data->title = SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, "mplTitle", NULL); else SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->title, ""); if ((pardef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, "mplTopline")) && pardef->type==SDDS_STRING) mpl_data->topline = SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, "mplTopline", NULL); else SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->topline, ""); #endif xname = yname = sxname = syname = option_string = NULL; xdef = ydef = sxdef = sydef = NULL; xpdef = ypdef = sxpdef = sypdef = NULL; if (SDDS_tags) { /* expect columns-of-interest to be specified in this string as * <xname>+<yname>[+<syname>][,<options>] or * <xname>+<yname>[+<sxname>+<syname>][,<options>] */ xname = SDDS_tags; if ((yname=strchr(xname, '+'))) { ptr = yname; while ((option_string = strchr(ptr, ','))) { if (option_string!=ptr && *(option_string-1)=='\\') ptr = option_string+1; else { *option_string++ = 0; break; } } *yname++ = 0; if ((sxname=strchr(yname, '+'))) { *sxname++ = 0; if ((syname=strchr(sxname, '+'))) { *syname++ = 0; } else { syname = sxname; sxname = NULL; } } } delete_bounding_characters(xname, "\"'"); delete_bounding_characters(yname, "\"'"); if (sxname) delete_bounding_characters(sxname, "\"'"); if (syname) delete_bounding_characters(syname, "\"'"); } if (!xname || !yname) { xname = yname = NULL; /* No columns-of-interest found in SDDS_tags. Check for parameters mplxName and mplyName */ if ((pardef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, "mplxName")) && pardef->type==SDDS_STRING && (pardef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, "mplyName")) && pardef->type==SDDS_STRING) { xname = SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, "mplxName", NULL); yname = SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, "mplyName", NULL); if (xname && yname) { /* check for mplSigmaxName and mplSigmayName */ if ((pardef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, "mplSigmayName")) && pardef->type==SDDS_STRING) syname = SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, "mplSigmayName", NULL); if ((pardef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, "mplSigmaxName")) && pardef->type==SDDS_STRING) sxname = SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, "mplSigmaxName", NULL); } } } if (!xname || !yname) { /* No columns-of-interest found in SDDS_tags or parameters. Just take the first two numeric * column definitions in order */ for (i=0; i<layout->n_columns; i++) { if (SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(layout->column_definition[i].type)) { if (!xname) xname = layout->column_definition[i].name; else if (!yname) yname = layout->column_definition[i].name; else break; } } if (sxname && !syname) { syname = sxname; sxname = NULL; } } if (!xname || !yname) return(0); if (!((xdef=SDDS_GetColumnDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, xname)) && SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(xdef->type)) && !((xpdef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, xname)) && SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(xpdef->type))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: column (or parameter) %s does not exist or is non-numeric\n", xname); SDDS_PrintListOfColumns(&SDDS_dataset, "Valid columns are:\n", stderr); SDDS_PrintListOfParameters(&SDDS_dataset, "Valid parameters are:\n", stderr); return(0); } if (xdef) { if (!((ydef=SDDS_GetColumnDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, yname)) && SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(ydef->type))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: column %s does not exist or is non-numeric\n", yname); SDDS_PrintListOfColumns(&SDDS_dataset, "Valid columns are:\n", stderr); return(0); } if (sxname && !((sxdef=SDDS_GetColumnDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, sxname)) && SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(sxdef->type))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: column %s does not exist or is non-numeric\n", sxname); SDDS_PrintListOfColumns(&SDDS_dataset, "Valid columns are:\n", stderr); return(0); } if (syname && !((sydef=SDDS_GetColumnDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, syname)) && SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(sydef->type))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: column %s does not exist or is non-numeric\n", syname); SDDS_PrintListOfColumns(&SDDS_dataset, "Valid columns are:\n", stderr); return(0); } if (xdef->symbol && !(mpl_flags&SDDS_NOCOMPRESS_NAMES)) delete_chars(xdef->symbol, " "); if (ydef->symbol && !(mpl_flags&SDDS_NOCOMPRESS_NAMES)) delete_chars(ydef->symbol, " "); if (sxdef && sxdef->symbol && !(mpl_flags&SDDS_NOCOMPRESS_NAMES)) delete_chars(sxdef->symbol, " "); if (sydef && sydef->symbol && !(mpl_flags&SDDS_NOCOMPRESS_NAMES)) delete_chars(sydef->symbol, " "); if (xdef->units && !SDDS_StringIsBlank(xdef->units)) sprintf(s, "%s (%s)", xdef->symbol?xdef->symbol:xdef->name, xdef->units); else sprintf(s, "%s", xdef->symbol?xdef->symbol:xdef->name); SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->xlab, s); if (ydef->units && !SDDS_StringIsBlank(ydef->units)) sprintf(s, "%s (%s)", ydef->symbol?ydef->symbol:ydef->name, ydef->units); else sprintf(s, "%s", ydef->symbol?ydef->symbol:ydef->name); SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->ylab, s); toplinedef = titledef = NULL; if ((toplinedef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, "mplTopline")) && (toplinedef->type!=SDDS_STRING || !SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, toplinedef->name, &mpl_data->topline))) { SDDS_FreeParameterDefinition(toplinedef); toplinedef = NULL; } if (!toplinedef) { if (layout->description) SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->topline, layout->description); else SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->topline, ""); } if ((titledef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, "mplTitle"))) { if (titledef->type!=SDDS_STRING || !SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, titledef->name, &mpl_data->title)) titledef = NULL; } if (!titledef) { if (!option_string) sprintf(s, "%s vs %s", ydef->description?ydef->description:(ydef->symbol?ydef->symbol:yname), xdef->description?xdef->description:(xdef->symbol?xdef->symbol:xname)); else sprintf(s, "%s vs %s : %s", ydef->description?ydef->description:(ydef->symbol?ydef->symbol:yname), xdef->description?xdef->description:(xdef->symbol?xdef->symbol:xname), option_string); SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->title, s); } } else { if (!((ypdef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, yname)) && SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(ypdef->type))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter %s does not exist or is non-numeric\n", yname); SDDS_PrintListOfParameters(&SDDS_dataset, "Valid parameters are:\n", stderr); return(0); } if (sxname && !((sxpdef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, sxname)) && SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(sxpdef->type))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter %s does not exist or is non-numeric\n", sxname); SDDS_PrintListOfParameters(&SDDS_dataset, "Valid parameters are:\n", stderr); return(0); } if (syname && !((sypdef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, syname)) && SDDS_NUMERIC_TYPE(sypdef->type))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: parameter %s does not exist or is non-numeric\n", syname); SDDS_PrintListOfParameters(&SDDS_dataset, "Valid parameters are:\n", stderr); return(0); } if (xpdef->units && !SDDS_StringIsBlank(xpdef->units)) sprintf(s, "%s (%s)", xpdef->symbol?delete_chars(xpdef->symbol, " "):xpdef->name, xpdef->units); else sprintf(s, "%s", xpdef->symbol?delete_chars(xpdef->symbol, " "):xpdef->name); SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->xlab, s); if (ypdef->units && !SDDS_StringIsBlank(ypdef->units)) sprintf(s, "%s (%s)", ypdef->symbol?delete_chars(ypdef->symbol, " "):ypdef->name, ypdef->units); else sprintf(s, "%s", ypdef->symbol?delete_chars(ypdef->symbol, " "):ypdef->name); SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->ylab, s); toplinedef = titledef = NULL; if ((toplinedef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, "mplTopline")) && (toplinedef->type!=SDDS_STRING || !SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, toplinedef->name, &mpl_data->topline))) { SDDS_FreeParameterDefinition(toplinedef); toplinedef = NULL; } if (!toplinedef) { if (layout->description) SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->topline, layout->description); else SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->topline, ""); } if ((titledef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, "mplTitle"))) { if (titledef->type!=SDDS_STRING || !SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, titledef->name, &mpl_data->title)) titledef = NULL; } if (!titledef) { if (!option_string) sprintf(s, "%s vs %s", ypdef->description?ypdef->description:(ypdef->symbol?ypdef->symbol:yname), xpdef->description?xpdef->description:(xpdef->symbol?xpdef->symbol:xname)); else sprintf(s, "%s vs %s : %s", ypdef->description?ypdef->description:(ypdef->symbol?ypdef->symbol:yname), xpdef->description?xpdef->description:(xpdef->symbol?xpdef->symbol:xname), option_string); SDDS_CopyString(&mpl_data->title, s); } } mpl_data->c1 = mpl_data->c2 = mpl_data->s1 = mpl_data->s2 = NULL; mpl_data->n_data = 0; mpl_data->flags = (sxname?SIGMA_X_PRESENT:0)+(syname?SIGMA_Y_PRESENT:0); column_match = parameter_match = NULL; if (option_string && !process_match_requests(&column_match, ¶meter_match, option_string)) SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } /* end of block for first page */ if (!SDDS_dataset.n_rows && xdef) continue; accept = 1; if (parameter_match) { i = -1; do { i++; if (!(pardef=SDDS_GetParameterDefinition(&SDDS_dataset, parameter_match[i].name)) || !(pardef->type==SDDS_STRING || pardef->type==SDDS_CHARACTER)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown or numeric parameter %s given for match\n", parameter_match[i].name); exit(1); } if (pardef->type==SDDS_STRING) { char **ppc; ppc = SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, parameter_match[i].name, NULL); strcpy(s, *ppc); } else { char *pc; pc = SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, parameter_match[i].name, NULL); sprintf(s, "%c", *pc); } accept = SDDS_Logic(accept, wild_match(s, parameter_match[i].string), parameter_match[i].logic); } while (!parameter_match[i].last); } if (!accept) continue; if (xdef) { if (!SDDS_SetColumnFlags(&SDDS_dataset, 1) || (sxname && syname && !SDDS_SetColumnsOfInterest(&SDDS_dataset, SDDS_NAME_STRINGS, xname, yname, sxname, syname, NULL)) || (syname && !sxname && !SDDS_SetColumnsOfInterest(&SDDS_dataset, SDDS_NAME_STRINGS, xname, yname, syname, NULL)) || !SDDS_SetColumnsOfInterest(&SDDS_dataset, SDDS_NAME_STRINGS, xname, yname, NULL)) return(0); if (column_match) { i = -1; do { i++; if (SDDS_MatchRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_dataset, column_match[i].name, column_match[i].string, column_match[i].logic)<0) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); exit(1); } } while (!column_match[i].last); } if ((n_rows = SDDS_CountRowsOfInterest(&SDDS_dataset))<=0) continue; if (!(new_points = ceil((1.0*n_rows)/sample_interval))) new_points = 1; } else new_points = 1; /* allocate all four arrays, since that is the expected behavior from get_table() */ mpl_data->c1 = SDDS_Realloc(mpl_data->c1, sizeof(*mpl_data->c1)*(mpl_data->n_data+new_points)); mpl_data->c2 = SDDS_Realloc(mpl_data->c2, sizeof(*mpl_data->c2)*(mpl_data->n_data+new_points)); mpl_data->s1 = SDDS_Realloc(mpl_data->s1, sizeof(*mpl_data->s1)*(mpl_data->n_data+new_points)); mpl_data->s2 = SDDS_Realloc(mpl_data->s2, sizeof(*mpl_data->s2)*(mpl_data->n_data+new_points)); for (i=0; i<new_points; i++) mpl_data->c1[i+mpl_data->n_data] = mpl_data->c2[i+mpl_data->n_data] = mpl_data->s1[i+mpl_data->n_data] = mpl_data->s2[i+mpl_data->n_data] = 0; if (SDDS_NumberOfErrors()) { SDDS_SetError("Allocation failure creating mpl-compatible structure"); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors|SDDS_EXIT_PrintErrors); } if (xdef) { if (!(data=SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&SDDS_dataset, xdef->name)) || (i=copy_doubles_with_sampling((mpl_flags&SWAP?mpl_data->c2:mpl_data->c1)+mpl_data->n_data, data, n_rows, sample_interval))!=new_points) { sprintf(s,"Sampling problem: %" PRId32 " rows created, %" PRId32 " expected",i,new_points); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); return(0); } free(data); if (!(data=SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&SDDS_dataset, ydef->name)) || (i=copy_doubles_with_sampling((mpl_flags&SWAP?mpl_data->c1:mpl_data->c2)+mpl_data->n_data, data, n_rows, sample_interval))!=new_points) { sprintf(s,"Sampling problem: %" PRId32 " rows created, %" PRId32 " expected",i,new_points); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); return(0); } free(data); if (sxdef) { if (!(data=SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&SDDS_dataset, sxdef->name)) || (i=copy_doubles_with_sampling((mpl_flags&SWAP?mpl_data->s2:mpl_data->s1)+mpl_data->n_data, data, n_rows, sample_interval))!=new_points) { sprintf(s,"Sampling problem: %" PRId32 " rows created, %" PRId32 " expected",i,new_points); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); return(0); } free(data); } if (sydef) { if (!(data=SDDS_GetColumnInDoubles(&SDDS_dataset, sydef->name)) || (i=copy_doubles_with_sampling((mpl_flags&SWAP?mpl_data->s1:mpl_data->s2)+mpl_data->n_data, data, n_rows, sample_interval))!=new_points) { sprintf(s,"Sampling problem: %" PRId32 " rows created, %" PRId32 " expected",i,new_points); SDDS_SetError(s); SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); return(0); } free(data); } } else { static int32_t buffer[16]; SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, xpdef->name, buffer); mpl_data->c1[mpl_data->n_data] = SDDS_ConvertToDouble(xpdef->type, buffer, 0); SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, ypdef->name, buffer); mpl_data->c2[mpl_data->n_data] = SDDS_ConvertToDouble(ypdef->type, buffer, 0); if (sxpdef) { SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, sxpdef->name, buffer); mpl_data->s1[mpl_data->n_data] = SDDS_ConvertToDouble(sxpdef->type, buffer, 0); } if (sypdef) { SDDS_GetParameter(&SDDS_dataset, sypdef->name, buffer); mpl_data->s2[mpl_data->n_data] = SDDS_ConvertToDouble(sypdef->type, buffer, 0); } if (SDDS_NumberOfErrors()) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); return(0); } } mpl_data->n_data += new_points; } if (xdef) SDDS_FreeColumnDefinition(xdef); if (ydef) SDDS_FreeColumnDefinition(ydef); if (sxdef) SDDS_FreeColumnDefinition(sxdef); if (sydef) SDDS_FreeColumnDefinition(sydef); if (titledef) SDDS_FreeParameterDefinition(titledef); if (toplinedef) SDDS_FreeParameterDefinition(toplinedef); if (first || !SDDS_Terminate(&SDDS_dataset)) { SDDS_PrintErrors(stderr, SDDS_VERBOSE_PrintErrors); return(0); } return(1); }