void TAO::PG_Group_Factory::delete_group ( PortableGroup::ObjectGroupId group_id) { if (! destroy_group (group_id)) { throw PortableGroup::ObjectNotFound (); } }
void TAO::PG_Group_Factory::delete_group ( PortableGroup::ObjectGroup_ptr object_group) { if (! destroy_group (object_group)) { throw PortableGroup::ObjectNotFound (); } }
TEST(core, send_to_invalid_address) { ::dsn::rpc_address group = build_group(); /* here we assume is not assigned */ dsn_group_set_leader(group.group_handle(), ::dsn::rpc_address("", 32766).c_addr()); rpc_reply_handler action_on_succeed = [](error_code, dsn_message_t, dsn_message_t resp) { std::string hehe_str; ::unmarshall(resp, hehe_str); EXPECT_TRUE(hehe_str == "hehehe"); }; rpc_reply_handler action_on_failure = [](error_code err, dsn_message_t, dsn_message_t) { EXPECT_TRUE(err != ERR_OK); }; send_message(group, std::string("echo hehehe"), 10, action_on_succeed, action_on_failure); destroy_group(group); }
TEST(core, group_address_no_response_2) { ::dsn::rpc_address addr = build_group(); rpc_reply_handler action_on_succeed = [](error_code, dsn_message_t, dsn_message_t resp) { std::string result; ::unmarshall(resp, result); ::dsn::rpc_address a = dsn_address_from_string(result); EXPECT_TRUE(a.port()==TEST_PORT_END); }; rpc_reply_handler action_on_failure = [](error_code err, dsn_message_t req, dsn_message_t) { if (err==ERR_TIMEOUT) { EXPECT_TRUE( ((dsn::message_ex*)req)->to_address.port()!=TEST_PORT_END ); } }; send_message(addr, std::string("expect_no_reply"), 10, action_on_succeed, action_on_failure); destroy_group(addr); }
TEST(core, group_address_change_leader) { ::dsn::rpc_address addr = build_group(); error_code rpc_err; auto typed_callback = [addr, &rpc_err](error_code err_code, const std::string& result)->void { rpc_err = err_code; if (ERR_OK == err_code) { ::dsn::rpc_address addr_got; ddebug("talk to others callback, result: %s", result.c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(addr_got.from_string_ipv4(result.c_str())); EXPECT_EQ(TEST_PORT_END, addr_got.port()); } }; ::dsn::task_ptr resp_task; // not update leader on forwarding addr.group_address()->set_update_leader_automatically(false); dsn_group_set_leader(addr.group_handle(), ::dsn::rpc_address("localhost", TEST_PORT_BEGIN).c_addr()); resp_task = ::dsn::rpc::call(addr, dsn_task_code_t(RPC_TEST_STRING_COMMAND), std::string("expect_talk_to_others"), nullptr, typed_callback); resp_task->wait(); if (rpc_err == ERR_OK) { EXPECT_EQ(::dsn::rpc_address("localhost", TEST_PORT_BEGIN), ::dsn::rpc_address(dsn_group_get_leader(addr.group_handle()))); } // update leader on forwarding addr.group_address()->set_update_leader_automatically(true); dsn_group_set_leader(addr.group_handle(), ::dsn::rpc_address("localhost", TEST_PORT_BEGIN).c_addr()); resp_task = ::dsn::rpc::call(addr, dsn_task_code_t(RPC_TEST_STRING_COMMAND), std::string("expect_talk_to_others"), nullptr, typed_callback); resp_task->wait(); ddebug("addr.leader=%s", ::dsn::rpc_address(dsn_group_get_leader(addr.group_handle())).to_string()); if (rpc_err == ERR_OK) { EXPECT_EQ(TEST_PORT_END, ::dsn::rpc_address(dsn_group_get_leader(addr.group_handle())).port()); } destroy_group(addr); }
void merge_group(struct group *group, struct group *child) { struct groupdata *groupdata = group->data; struct groupdata *childdata = child->data; for (size_t i = 0; i < ptrarray_count(childdata->blocks); ++i) { struct block *copy = copy_block(get_ptrarray(childdata->blocks, i)); translate_block(copy, &child->position); push_ptrarray(groupdata->blocks, copy); } for (size_t i = 0; i < ptrarray_count(childdata->groups); ++i) { struct group *copy = copy_group(get_ptrarray(childdata->groups, i)); vec3_add(©->position, ©->position, &child->position); insert_group(group, copy); } destroy_group(child); update_group_vertexarray(group); }
static void release_groupdata(struct groupdata *groupdata) { if (groupdata && --groupdata->refcount == 0) { size_t blockcount = ptrarray_count(groupdata->blocks); for (size_t i = 0; i < blockcount; ++i) { destroy_block(get_ptrarray(groupdata->blocks, i)); } size_t groupcount = ptrarray_count(groupdata->groups); for (size_t i = 0; i < groupcount; ++i) { destroy_group(get_ptrarray(groupdata->groups, i)); } destroy_ptrarray(groupdata->blocks); destroy_ptrarray(groupdata->groups); destroy_buffer(groupdata->vertices); free(groupdata); } }
TEST(core, group_address_talk_to_others) { ::dsn::rpc_address addr = build_group(); auto typed_callback = [addr](error_code err_code, const std::string& result) { EXPECT_EQ(ERR_OK, err_code); ::dsn::rpc_address addr_got; ddebug("talk to others callback, result: %s", result.c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(addr_got.from_string_ipv4(result.c_str())); EXPECT_EQ(TEST_PORT_END, addr_got.port()); }; std::vector<task_ptr> resp_tasks; for (unsigned int i=0; i<10; ++i) { ::dsn::task_ptr resp_task = ::dsn::rpc::call(addr, dsn_task_code_t(RPC_TEST_STRING_COMMAND), std::string("expect_talk_to_others"), nullptr, typed_callback); resp_tasks.push_back(resp_task); } for (unsigned int i=0; i<10; ++i) resp_tasks[i]->wait(); destroy_group(addr); }
int TAO::PG_Group_Factory::destroy_group (PortableGroup::ObjectGroup_ptr object_group) { PortableGroup::TagGroupTaggedComponent tc; TAO::PG_Utils::get_tagged_component (object_group, tc); return destroy_group (tc.object_group_id); }
int cfg_read(Cfg *cfg) { CfgLoc *loc; CfgLoc *loc_inc; List *lines; List *expand; List *stack; Octstr *name; Octstr *value; Octstr *filename; CfgGroup *grp; long equals; long lineno; long error_lineno; loc = loc_inc = NULL; /* * expand initial main config file and add it to the recursion * stack to protect against cycling */ if ((lines = expand_file(cfg->filename, 1)) == NULL) { panic(0, "Failed to load main configuration file `%s'. Aborting!", octstr_get_cstr(cfg->filename)); } stack = gwlist_create(); gwlist_insert(stack, 0, octstr_duplicate(cfg->filename)); grp = NULL; lineno = 0; error_lineno = 0; while (error_lineno == 0 && (loc = gwlist_extract_first(lines)) != NULL) { octstr_strip_blanks(loc->line); if (octstr_len(loc->line) == 0) { if (grp != NULL && add_group(cfg, grp) == -1) { error_lineno = loc->line_no; destroy_group(grp); } grp = NULL; } else if (octstr_get_char(loc->line, 0) != '#') { equals = octstr_search_char(loc->line, '=', 0); if (equals == -1) { error(0, "An equals sign ('=') is missing on line %ld of file %s.", loc->line_no, octstr_get_cstr(loc->filename)); error_lineno = loc->line_no; } else /* * check for special config directives, like include or conditional * directives here */ if (octstr_search(loc->line, octstr_imm("include"), 0) != -1) { filename = octstr_copy(loc->line, equals + 1, octstr_len(loc->line)); parse_value(filename); /* check if we are cycling */ if (gwlist_search(stack, filename, octstr_item_match) != NULL) { panic(0, "Recursive include for config file `%s' detected " "(on line %ld of file %s).", octstr_get_cstr(filename), loc->line_no, octstr_get_cstr(loc->filename)); } else { List *files = gwlist_create(); Octstr *file; struct stat filestat; /* check if included file is a directory */ if (lstat(octstr_get_cstr(filename), &filestat) != 0) { error(errno, "lstat failed: couldn't stat `%s'", octstr_get_cstr(filename)); panic(0, "Failed to include `%s' " "(on line %ld of file %s). Aborting!", octstr_get_cstr(filename), loc->line_no, octstr_get_cstr(loc->filename)); } /* * is a directory, create a list with files of * this directory and load all as part of the * whole configuration. */ if (S_ISDIR(filestat.st_mode)) { DIR *dh; struct dirent *diritem; debug("gwlib.cfg", 0, "Loading include dir `%s' " "(on line %ld of file %s).", octstr_get_cstr(filename), loc->line_no, octstr_get_cstr(loc->filename)); dh = opendir(octstr_get_cstr(filename)); while ((diritem = readdir(dh))) { Octstr *fileitem; fileitem = octstr_duplicate(filename); octstr_append_cstr(fileitem, "/"); octstr_append_cstr(fileitem, diritem->d_name); lstat(octstr_get_cstr(fileitem), &filestat); if (!S_ISDIR(filestat.st_mode)) { gwlist_insert(files, 0, fileitem); } else { octstr_destroy(fileitem); } } closedir(dh); } /* is a file, create a list with it */ else { gwlist_insert(files, 0, octstr_duplicate(filename)); } /* include files */ while ((file = gwlist_extract_first(files)) != NULL) { gwlist_insert(stack, 0, octstr_duplicate(file)); debug("gwlib.cfg", 0, "Loading include file `%s' (on line %ld of file %s).", octstr_get_cstr(file), loc->line_no, octstr_get_cstr(loc->filename)); /* * expand the given include file and add it to the current * processed main while loop */ if ((expand = expand_file(file, 0)) != NULL) { while ((loc_inc = gwlist_extract_first(expand)) != NULL) gwlist_insert(lines, 0, loc_inc); } else { panic(0, "Failed to load whole configuration. Aborting!"); } gwlist_destroy(expand, NULL); cfgloc_destroy(loc_inc); octstr_destroy(file); } gwlist_destroy(files, octstr_destroy_item); } octstr_destroy(filename); } /* * this is a "normal" line, so process it accodingly */ else { name = octstr_copy(loc->line, 0, equals); octstr_strip_blanks(name); value = octstr_copy(loc->line, equals + 1, octstr_len(loc->line)); parse_value(value); if (grp == NULL) grp = create_group(); if (grp->configfile != NULL) { octstr_destroy(grp->configfile); grp->configfile = NULL; } grp->configfile = octstr_duplicate(cfg->filename); cfg_set(grp, name, value); octstr_destroy(name); octstr_destroy(value); } } cfgloc_destroy(loc); } if (grp != NULL && add_group(cfg, grp) == -1) { error_lineno = 1; destroy_group(grp); } gwlist_destroy(lines, NULL); gwlist_destroy(stack, octstr_destroy_item); if (error_lineno != 0) { error(0, "Error found on line %ld of file `%s'.", error_lineno, octstr_get_cstr(cfg->filename)); return -1; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { GPU_Target* screen; printRenderers(); screen = GPU_Init(800, 600, GPU_DEFAULT_INIT_FLAGS); if(screen == NULL) return -1; printCurrentRenderer(); { Uint32 startTime; long frameCount; Uint8 done; SDL_Event event; int i = 0; float dt = 0.010f; #define MAX_GROUPS 30 Group groups[MAX_GROUPS]; int num_groups; memset(groups, 0, sizeof(Group)*MAX_GROUPS); num_groups = 0; groups[num_groups] = create_first_group(); num_groups++; startTime = SDL_GetTicks(); frameCount = 0; done = 0; while(!done) { while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if(event.type == SDL_QUIT) done = 1; else if(event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) done = 1; else if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_EQUALS || event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_PLUS) { for(i = 0; i < MAX_GROUPS; i++) { if(groups[i].target == NULL) { groups[i] = create_group(); num_groups++; GPU_Log("Added window %u. num_groups: %d\n", groups[i].target->context->windowID, num_groups); break; } } } else if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_MINUS) { if(num_groups > 0) { for(i = MAX_GROUPS-1; i >= 0; i--) { if(groups[i].target != NULL) { GPU_Log("Removed window %u. num_groups: %d\n", groups[i].target->context->windowID, num_groups-1); destroy_group(groups, i); num_groups--; break; } } if(num_groups == 0) done = 1; } } } else if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { GPU_Target* target = GPU_GetWindowTarget(event.button.windowID); if(target == NULL) GPU_Log("Clicked on window %u. NULL target.\n", event.button.windowID); else GPU_Log("Clicked on window %u. Target dims: %dx%d\n", event.button.windowID, target->w, target->h); } else if(event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT) { if(event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE) { Uint8 closed = 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX_GROUPS; i++) { if(groups[i].target != NULL && groups[i].target->context->windowID == event.window.windowID) { closed = 1; GPU_Log("Removed window %u. num_groups: %d\n", groups[i].target->context->windowID, num_groups-1); destroy_group(groups, i); num_groups--; break; } } // The last window was closed, then. if(!closed || num_groups == 0) done = 1; } } } for(i = 0; i < MAX_GROUPS; i++) { if(groups[i].target == NULL) continue; groups[i].sprite.x += groups[i].sprite.velx*dt; groups[i].sprite.y += groups[i].sprite.vely*dt; if(groups[i].sprite.x < 0) { groups[i].sprite.x = 0; groups[i].sprite.velx = -groups[i].sprite.velx; } else if(groups[i].sprite.x > screen_w) { groups[i].sprite.x = screen_w; groups[i].sprite.velx = -groups[i].sprite.velx; } if(groups[i].sprite.y < 0) { groups[i].sprite.y = 0; groups[i].sprite.vely = -groups[i].sprite.vely; } else if(groups[i].sprite.y > screen_h) { groups[i].sprite.y = screen_h; groups[i].sprite.vely = -groups[i].sprite.vely; } } for(i = 0; i < MAX_GROUPS; i++) { if(groups[i].target == NULL) continue; GPU_Clear(groups[i].target); GPU_Blit(groups[i].sprite.image, NULL, groups[i].target, groups[i].sprite.x, groups[i].sprite.y); GPU_Flip(groups[i].target); } frameCount++; if(frameCount%500 == 0) GPU_Log("Average FPS: %.2f\n", 1000.0f*frameCount/(SDL_GetTicks() - startTime)); } GPU_Log("Average FPS: %.2f\n", 1000.0f*frameCount/(SDL_GetTicks() - startTime)); for(i = 0; i < MAX_GROUPS; i++) { if(groups[i].target == NULL) continue; destroy_group(groups, i); } } GPU_Quit(); return 0; }