Exemple #1
void handle_minute_tick(struct tm *tick_time, TimeUnits units_changed) {

    mouth_animation_beg = property_animation_create_layer_frame(bitmap_layer_get_layer(mouth_layer), &mouth_from_rect, &mouth_to_rect);
    jaw_animation_beg = property_animation_create_layer_frame(bitmap_layer_get_layer(jaw_layer), &jaw_from_rect, &jaw_to_rect);

    animation_set_handlers((Animation*) mouth_animation_beg, (AnimationHandlers) {
        .started = (AnimationStartedHandler) animation_started,
        .stopped = (AnimationStoppedHandler) animation_stopped
    }, 0);
Exemple #2
void animation_stopped(Animation *animation, void *data) {

    memcpy(time_text, time_text_buffer, strlen(time_text)+1);
    text_layer_set_text(text_time_layer, time_text);


    mouth_animation_end = property_animation_create_layer_frame(bitmap_layer_get_layer(mouth_layer), &mouth_to_rect, &mouth_from_rect);
    jaw_animation_end = property_animation_create_layer_frame(bitmap_layer_get_layer(jaw_layer),  &jaw_to_rect, &jaw_from_rect);

    animation_schedule((Animation*) mouth_animation_end);
    animation_schedule((Animation*) jaw_animation_end);
static void show_state(int from, int to) {
	int height = bounds.size.h;

	GRect from_rect = GRect(0, from * bounds.size.h, bounds.size.w, height);
	GRect to_rect = GRect(0, to * bounds.size.h, bounds.size.w, height);
	state_layer_animation = property_animation_create_layer_frame(state_layer, &from_rect, &to_rect);
	animation_set_duration((Animation*) state_layer_animation, 400);
	animation_schedule((Animation*) state_layer_animation);
static void animate_out(TextLayer *tlayer, PropertyAnimation *anim, GRect r_rect, GRect c_rect, GRect l_rect, uint32_t delay) {
    Layer *layer = text_layer_get_layer(tlayer);
    anim = property_animation_create_layer_frame(layer, NULL, &l_rect);
	animation_set_duration((Animation*) anim, 400);
	animation_set_curve((Animation*) anim, AnimationCurveEaseIn);
    animation_set_delay((Animation*) anim, delay);
//    animation_set_handlers((Animation*) anim, (AnimationHandlers) {
//        .stopped = (AnimationStoppedHandler) animation_stopped
//    }, NULL /* callback data */);
	animation_schedule((Animation*) anim);
Exemple #5
void animation_proceed(void) {

    Layer *layer = text_layer_get_layer(finish_text);

    GRect middle_rect = GRect(50, 74, 100, 24);


    prop_animation = property_animation_create_layer_frame(layer, NULL, &middle_rect);
    animation_set_duration((Animation*) prop_animation, 500);
    animation_set_curve((Animation*) prop_animation, AnimationCurveEaseInOut);

    animation_set_handlers((Animation*) prop_animation, (AnimationHandlers) {
        .started = (AnimationStartedHandler) animation_started,
         .stopped = (AnimationStoppedHandler) animation_stopped,
    }, NULL /* callback data */);
static void show_event(int index) {
	int screen_count = s_active_item_count + 1;
	int height = bounds.size.h * (screen_count + 2);

	bool invert = false;
	GRect from_rect = GRect(0, -(current_item + 1) * bounds.size.h, bounds.size.w, height);
	if(index < 0) {
		index = screen_count - 1;
		from_rect.origin.y = -(screen_count + 1) * bounds.size.h;
		invert = true;
	else if(index >= screen_count) {
		index = 0;
		from_rect.origin.y = 0;
		invert = true;
	GRect to_rect = GRect(0, -(index + 1) * bounds.size.h, bounds.size.w, height);
	prop_animation = property_animation_create_layer_frame(events_layer, &from_rect, &to_rect);
	animation_set_duration((Animation*) prop_animation, 400);
	animation_schedule((Animation*) prop_animation);

	// if state is about to be shown or hidden then animate it
	if (index == 0 || current_item == 0) {
		int stateFrom = 0, stateTo = 0;
		if (current_item == 1)
			stateFrom = -1;
		else if (current_item > 1)
			stateFrom = 1;
		if (index == 1)
			stateTo = -1;
		else if (index > 1)
			stateTo = 1;
		if (invert && screen_count == 2) {
			stateFrom = -stateFrom;
			stateTo = -stateTo;
		show_state(stateFrom, stateTo);
	current_item = index;
void animation_done(Animation *animation, bool finished, void *context) {
	destroy_property_animation((PropertyAnimation**) &animation);