Exemple #1
MCColorTransformRef MCScreenDC::createcolortransform(const MCColorSpaceInfo& p_info)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;

	HTRANSFORM t_transform;
	t_transform = nil;
	bool t_is_cmyk;
	t_is_cmyk = false;
	if (p_info . type == kMCColorSpaceCalibratedRGB)
		// TODO - This isn't quite right, disable for now
#if 0
		LOGCOLORSPACEA t_colorspace;
		t_colorspace . lcsSignature = LCS_SIGNATURE;
		t_colorspace . lcsVersion = 0x400;
		t_colorspace . lcsSize = sizeof(LOGCOLORSPACEA);
		t_colorspace . lcsCSType = LCS_CALIBRATED_RGB;
		t_colorspace . lcsIntent = LCS_GM_GRAPHICS;
		ciexy_to_xyz(p_info . calibrated . red_x, p_info . calibrated . red_y, t_colorspace . lcsEndpoints.ciexyzRed);
		ciexy_to_xyz(p_info . calibrated . green_x, p_info . calibrated . green_y, t_colorspace . lcsEndpoints.ciexyzGreen);
		ciexy_to_xyz(p_info . calibrated . blue_x, p_info . calibrated . blue_y, t_colorspace . lcsEndpoints.ciexyzBlue);
		t_colorspace . lcsGammaRed = (uint32_t)(p_info . calibrated . gamma * 0x10000);
		t_colorspace . lcsGammaGreen = (uint32_t)(p_info . calibrated . gamma * 0x10000);
		t_colorspace . lcsGammaBlue = (uint32_t)(p_info . calibrated . gamma * 0x10000);
		t_colorspace . lcsFilename[0] = '\0';
		t_transform = CreateColorTransformA(&t_colorspace, m_srgb_profile, nil, 0);
	else if (p_info . type == kMCColorSpaceStandardRGB)
		// TODO - This isn't quite right, disable for now
#if 0
		HPROFILE t_profiles[2];
		t_profiles[0] = m_srgb_profile;
		t_profiles[1] = m_srgb_profile;

		DWORD t_intents[1];
		t_intents[0] = (DWORD)p_info . standard . intent;

		t_transform = CreateMultiProfileTransform(t_profiles, 2, t_intents, 1, 0, 0);

		t_transform = nil;
	else if (p_info . type == kMCColorSpaceEmbedded)
		PROFILE t_profile_info;
		t_profile_info . dwType = PROFILE_MEMBUFFER;
		t_profile_info . pProfileData = p_info . embedded . data;
		t_profile_info . cbDataSize = p_info . embedded . data_size;

		HPROFILE t_src_profile;
		t_src_profile = OpenColorProfileA(&t_profile_info, PROFILE_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING);
		if (t_src_profile == nil)
			t_success = false;

		PROFILEHEADER t_src_header;
		if (t_success)
			if (!GetColorProfileHeader(t_src_profile, &t_src_header))
				t_success = false;

		if (t_success)
			t_is_cmyk = (t_src_header . phDataColorSpace == SPACE_CMYK);

			HPROFILE t_profiles[2];
			t_profiles[0] = t_src_profile;
			t_profiles[1] = m_srgb_profile;

			DWORD t_intents[1];

			t_transform = CreateMultiProfileTransform(t_profiles, 2, t_intents, 1, 0, 0);
			if (t_transform == nil)
				t_success = false;

		if (t_src_profile != nil)

	MCWindowsColorTransform *t_colorxform;
	t_colorxform = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_colorxform);

	if (t_success)
		t_colorxform -> transform = t_transform;
		t_colorxform -> is_cmyk = t_is_cmyk;
		t_colorxform = nil;

	return t_colorxform;
Exemple #2
MCColorTransformRef MCScreenDC::createcolortransform(const MCColorSpaceInfo& p_info)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;

	HTRANSFORM t_transform;
	t_transform = nil;
	bool t_is_cmyk;
	t_is_cmyk = false;
	if (p_info . type == kMCColorSpaceCalibratedRGB)
		// IM-2014-09-26: [[ Bug 13208 ]] Convert RGB xy endpoints to XYZ transform matrix
		MCColorVector3 t_white;
		MCColorMatrix3x3 t_matrix;

		t_success = MCColorTransformLinearRGBToXYZ(
			MCColorVector2Make(p_info.calibrated.white_x, p_info.calibrated.white_y),
			MCColorVector2Make(p_info.calibrated.red_x, p_info.calibrated.red_y),
			MCColorVector2Make(p_info.calibrated.green_x, p_info.calibrated.green_y),
			MCColorVector2Make(p_info.calibrated.blue_x, p_info.calibrated.blue_y),
			t_white, t_matrix);

		if (t_success)
			uint32_t t_gamma;
			// gamma is specified as 8.8 fixed point shifted by 8 bits
			t_gamma = (0xFFFF & (uint32_t)((1 << 8) / p_info.calibrated.gamma)) << 8;

			LOGCOLORSPACEA t_colorspace;
			t_colorspace . lcsSignature = LCS_SIGNATURE;
			t_colorspace . lcsVersion = 0x400;
			t_colorspace . lcsSize = sizeof(LOGCOLORSPACEA);
			t_colorspace . lcsCSType = LCS_CALIBRATED_RGB;
			t_colorspace . lcsIntent = LCS_GM_GRAPHICS;

			// Read off channel XYZ from the matrix columns
			t_colorspace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzRed = CIEXYZMake(t_matrix.m[0][0], t_matrix.m[1][0], t_matrix.m[2][0]);
			t_colorspace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzGreen = CIEXYZMake(t_matrix.m[0][1], t_matrix.m[1][1], t_matrix.m[2][1]);
			t_colorspace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzBlue = CIEXYZMake(t_matrix.m[0][2], t_matrix.m[1][2], t_matrix.m[2][2]);

			t_colorspace . lcsGammaRed = t_gamma;
			t_colorspace . lcsGammaGreen = t_gamma;
			t_colorspace . lcsGammaBlue = t_gamma;
			t_colorspace . lcsFilename[0] = '\0';
			t_transform = CreateColorTransformA(&t_colorspace, m_srgb_profile, nil, 0);

			t_success = t_transform != nil;
	else if (p_info . type == kMCColorSpaceStandardRGB)
		// TODO - This isn't quite right, disable for now
		HPROFILE t_profiles[2];
		t_profiles[0] = m_srgb_profile;
		t_profiles[1] = m_srgb_profile;

		DWORD t_intents[1];
		t_intents[0] = (DWORD)p_info . standard . intent;

		t_transform = CreateMultiProfileTransform(t_profiles, 2, t_intents, 1, 0, 0);

		t_transform = nil;
	else if (p_info . type == kMCColorSpaceEmbedded)
		PROFILE t_profile_info;
		t_profile_info . dwType = PROFILE_MEMBUFFER;
		t_profile_info . pProfileData = p_info . embedded . data;
		t_profile_info . cbDataSize = p_info . embedded . data_size;

		HPROFILE t_src_profile;
		t_src_profile = OpenColorProfileA(&t_profile_info, PROFILE_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING);
		if (t_src_profile == nil)
			t_success = false;

		PROFILEHEADER t_src_header;
		if (t_success)
			if (!GetColorProfileHeader(t_src_profile, &t_src_header))
				t_success = false;

		if (t_success)
			t_is_cmyk = (t_src_header . phDataColorSpace == SPACE_CMYK);

			HPROFILE t_profiles[2];
			t_profiles[0] = t_src_profile;
			t_profiles[1] = m_srgb_profile;

			DWORD t_intents[1];

			t_transform = CreateMultiProfileTransform(t_profiles, 2, t_intents, 1, 0, 0);
			if (t_transform == nil)
				t_success = false;

		if (t_src_profile != nil)

	MCWindowsColorTransform *t_colorxform;
	t_colorxform = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_colorxform);

	if (t_success)
		t_colorxform -> transform = t_transform;
		t_colorxform -> is_cmyk = t_is_cmyk;
		t_colorxform = nil;

	return t_colorxform;