parse_size(device *current, device *bus, const char *chp, device_unit *size) { int i; int nr; const char *curr = chp; memset(size, 0, sizeof(*size)); /* parse the numeric list */ size->nr_cells = device_nr_size_cells(bus); nr = 0; ASSERT(size->nr_cells > 0); while (1) { char *next; size->cells[nr] = strtoul(curr, &next, 0); if (curr == next) device_error(current, "Problem parsing <size> %s", chp); nr += 1; if (next[0] != ',') break; if (nr == size->nr_cells) device_error(current, "Too many values in <size> %s", chp); curr = next + 1; } ASSERT(nr > 0 && nr <= size->nr_cells); /* right align the numbers */ for (i = 1; i <= size->nr_cells; i++) { if (i <= nr) size->cells[size->nr_cells - i] = size->cells[nr - i]; else size->cells[size->nr_cells - i] = 0; } return skip_token(chp); }
static int hw_disk_ioctl(device *me, cpu *processor, unsigned_word cia, device_ioctl_request request, va_list ap) { switch (request) { case device_ioctl_change_media: { hw_disk_device *disk = device_data(me); const char *name = va_arg(ap, const char *); if (name != NULL) { disk->name_index = -1; } else { disk->name_index = (disk->name_index + 1) % disk->nr_names; if (!device_find_string_array_property(me, "file", disk->name_index, &name)) device_error(me, "invalid file property"); } open_disk_image(me, disk, name); } break; default: device_error(me, "insupported ioctl request"); break; } return 0; }
parse_integer_property(device *current, const char *property_name, const char *property_value) { int nr_entries; unsigned_cell words[1024]; /* integer or integer array? */ nr_entries = 0; while (1) { char *end; words[nr_entries] = strtoul(property_value, &end, 0); if (property_value == end) break; nr_entries += 1; if (nr_entries * sizeof(words[0]) >= sizeof(words)) device_error(current, "buffer overflow"); property_value = end; } if (nr_entries == 0) device_error(current, "error parsing integer property %s (%s)", property_name, property_value); else if (nr_entries == 1) device_add_integer_property(current, property_name, words[0]); else { int i; for (i = 0; i < nr_entries; i++) { H2BE(words[i]); } /* perhaps integer array property is better */ device_add_array_property(current, property_name, words, sizeof(words[0]) * nr_entries); } }
static void hw_binary_init_data_callback(device *me) { /* get the file name */ const char *file_name = device_find_string_property(me, "file-name"); bfd *image; /* open the file */ image = bfd_openr(file_name, NULL); if (image == NULL) { bfd_perror("binary"); device_error(me, "Failed to open file %s\n", file_name); } /* check it is valid */ if (!bfd_check_format(image, bfd_object)) { bfd_close(image); device_error(me, "The file %s has an invalid binary format\n", file_name); } /* and the data sections */ bfd_map_over_sections(image, update_for_binary_section, (PTR)me); bfd_close(image); }
static void hw_iobus_attach_address_callback(device *me, attach_type type, int space, unsigned_word addr, unsigned nr_bytes, access_type access, device *client) /*callback/default*/ { int attach_space; unsigned_word attach_address; /* sanity check */ if (space != 0) device_error(me, "invalid space (%d) specified by %s", space, device_path(client)); /* get the bus address */ device_address_to_attach_address(device_parent(me), device_unit_address(me), &attach_space, &attach_address, me); if (addr < attach_address) device_error(me, "Invalid attach address 0x%lx", (unsigned long)addr); device_attach_address(device_parent(me), type, attach_space, addr, nr_bytes, access, client); }
static void hw_shm_init_data(device *me) { hw_shm_device *shm = (hw_shm_device*)device_data(me); const device_unit *d; reg_property_spec reg; int i; /* Obtain the Key Value */ if (device_find_property(me, "key") == NULL) error("shm_init_data() required key property is missing\n"); shm->key = (key_t) device_find_integer_property(me, "key"); DTRACE(shm, ("shm key (0x%08x)\n", shm->key) ); /* Figure out where this memory is in address space and how long it is */ if ( !device_find_reg_array_property(me, "reg", 0, ®) ) error("hw_shm_init_data() no address registered\n"); /* Determine the address and length being as paranoid as possible */ shm->physical_address = 0xffffffff; shm->sizeof_memory = 0xffffffff; for ( i=0 ; i<reg.address.nr_cells; i++ ) { if (reg.address.cells[0] == 0 && reg.size.cells[0] == 0) continue; if ( shm->physical_address != 0xffffffff ) device_error(me, "Only single celled address ranges supported\n"); shm->physical_address = reg.address.cells[i]; DTRACE(shm, ("shm physical_address=0x%x\n", shm->physical_address)); shm->sizeof_memory = reg.size.cells[i]; DTRACE(shm, ("shm length=0x%x\n", shm->sizeof_memory)); } if ( shm->physical_address == 0xffffffff ) device_error(me, "Address not specified\n" ); if ( shm->sizeof_memory == 0xffffffff ) device_error(me, "Length not specified\n" ); /* Now actually attach to or create the shared memory area */ shm->id = shmget(shm->key, shm->sizeof_memory, IPC_CREAT | 0660); if (shm->id == -1) error("hw_shm_init_data() shmget failed\n"); shm->shm_address = shmat(shm->id, (char *)0, SHM_RND); if (shm->shm_address == (void *)-1) error("hw_shm_init_data() shmat failed\n"); }
static void hw_nvram_init_address(device *me) { hw_nvram_device *nvram = (hw_nvram_device*)device_data(me); /* use the generic init code to attach this device to its parent bus */ generic_device_init_address(me); /* find the first non zero reg property and use that as the device size */ if (nvram->sizeof_memory == 0) { reg_property_spec reg; int reg_nr; for (reg_nr = 0; device_find_reg_array_property(me, "reg", reg_nr, ®); reg_nr++) { unsigned attach_size; if (device_size_to_attach_size(device_parent(me), ®.size, &attach_size, me)) { nvram->sizeof_memory = attach_size; break; } } if (nvram->sizeof_memory == 0) device_error(me, "reg property must contain a non-zero phys-addr:size tupple"); if (nvram->sizeof_memory < 8) device_error(me, "NVRAM must be at least 8 bytes in size"); } /* initialize the hw_nvram */ if (nvram->memory == NULL) { nvram->memory = zalloc(nvram->sizeof_memory); } else memset(nvram->memory, 0, nvram->sizeof_memory); if (device_find_property(me, "timezone") == NULL) nvram->timezone = 0; else nvram->timezone = device_find_integer_property(me, "timezone"); nvram->addr_year = nvram->sizeof_memory - 1; nvram->addr_month = nvram->sizeof_memory - 2; nvram->addr_date = nvram->sizeof_memory - 3; nvram->addr_day = nvram->sizeof_memory - 4; nvram->addr_hour = nvram->sizeof_memory - 5; nvram->addr_minutes = nvram->sizeof_memory - 6; nvram->addr_seconds = nvram->sizeof_memory - 7; nvram->addr_control = nvram->sizeof_memory - 8; }
static void hw_com_device_init_data(device *me) { hw_com_device *com = (hw_com_device*)device_data(me); /* clean up */ if (com->output.file != NULL) fclose(com->output.file); if (com->input.file != NULL) fclose(com->input.file); memset(com, 0, sizeof(hw_com_device)); /* the fifo speed */ com->output.delay = (device_find_property(me, "output-delay") != NULL ? device_find_integer_property(me, "output-delay") : 0); com->input.delay = (device_find_property(me, "input-delay") != NULL ? device_find_integer_property(me, "input-delay") : 0); /* the data source/sink */ if (device_find_property(me, "input-file") != NULL) { const char *input_file = device_find_string_property(me, "input-file"); com->input.file = fopen(input_file, "r"); if (com->input.file == NULL) device_error(me, "Problem opening input file %s\n", input_file); if (device_find_property(me, "input-buffering") != NULL) { const char *buffering = device_find_string_property(me, "input-buffering"); if (strcmp(buffering, "unbuffered") == 0) setbuf(com->input.file, NULL); } } if (device_find_property(me, "output-file") != NULL) { const char *output_file = device_find_string_property(me, "output-file"); com->output.file = fopen(output_file, "w"); if (com->output.file == NULL) device_error(me, "Problem opening output file %s\n", output_file); if (device_find_property(me, "output-buffering") != NULL) { const char *buffering = device_find_string_property(me, "output-buffering"); if (strcmp(buffering, "unbuffered") == 0) setbuf(com->output.file, NULL); } } /* ready from the start */ com->input.ready = 1; com->modem.carrier = 1; com->output.ready = 1; }
static int hw_disk_max_transfer(device_instance *instance, int n_stack_args, unsigned32 stack_args[/*n_stack_args*/], int n_stack_returns, unsigned32 stack_returns[/*n_stack_returns*/]) { device *me = device_instance_device(instance); if ((n_stack_args != 0) || (n_stack_returns != 1)) { device_error(me, "Incorrect number of arguments for max-transfer method\n"); return -1; } else { unsigned_cell max_transfer; if (device_find_property(me, "max-transfer")) max_transfer = device_find_integer_property(me, "max-transfer"); else max_transfer = 512; DITRACE(disk, ("max-transfer - instance=%ld max-transfer=%ld\n", (unsigned long)device_instance_to_external(instance), (long int)max_transfer)); stack_returns[0] = max_transfer; return 0; } }
static unsigned hw_disk_io_write_buffer(device *me, const void *source, int space, unsigned_word addr, unsigned nr_bytes, cpu *processor, unsigned_word cia) { hw_disk_device *disk = device_data(me); unsigned nr_bytes_written; if (space != 0) device_error(me, "write - extended disk addressing unimplemented"); if (disk->read_only) nr_bytes_written = 0; else if (nr_bytes == 0) nr_bytes_written = 0; else if (fseek(disk->image, addr, SEEK_SET) < 0) nr_bytes_written = 0; else if (fwrite(source, nr_bytes, 1, disk->image) != 1) nr_bytes_written = 0; else nr_bytes_written = nr_bytes; DTRACE(disk, ("io-write - address 0x%lx, nr-bytes-written %d, requested %d\n", (unsigned long) addr, (int)nr_bytes_written, (int)nr_bytes)); return nr_bytes_written; }
static unsigned hw_disk_io_read_buffer(device *me, void *dest, int space, unsigned_word addr, unsigned nr_bytes, cpu *processor, unsigned_word cia) { hw_disk_device *disk = device_data(me); unsigned nr_bytes_read; if (space != 0) device_error(me, "read - extended disk addressing unimplemented"); if (nr_bytes == 0) nr_bytes_read = 0; else if (fseek(disk->image, addr, SEEK_SET) < 0) nr_bytes_read = 0; else if (fread(dest, nr_bytes, 1, disk->image) != 1) nr_bytes_read = 0; else nr_bytes_read = nr_bytes; DTRACE(disk, ("io-read - address 0x%lx, nr-bytes-read %d, requested %d\n", (unsigned long) addr, (int)nr_bytes_read, (int)nr_bytes)); return nr_bytes_read; }
static void hw_disk_init_address(device *me) { hw_disk_device *disk = device_data(me); unsigned_word address; int space; const char *name; /* attach to the parent. Since the bus is logical, attach using just the unit-address (size must be zero) */ device_address_to_attach_address(device_parent(me), device_unit_address(me), &space, &address, me); device_attach_address(device_parent(me), attach_callback, space, address, 0/*size*/, access_read_write_exec, me); /* Tell the world we are a disk. */ device_add_string_property(me, "device_type", "block"); /* get the name of the file specifying the disk image */ disk->name_index = 0; disk->nr_names = device_find_string_array_property(me, "file", disk->name_index, &name); if (!disk->nr_names) device_error(me, "invalid file property"); /* is it a RO device? */ disk->read_only = (strcmp(device_name(me), "disk") != 0 && strcmp(device_name(me), "floppy") != 0 && device_find_property(me, "read-only") == NULL); /* now open it */ open_disk_image(me, disk, name); }
static void decode_address(device *me, address_decoder *decoder, int space, unsigned_word address, int *controller, int *reg, io_direction direction) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nr_address_blocks; i++) { if (space == decoder->block[i].space && address >= decoder->block[i].base_addr && address <= decoder->block[i].bound_addr) { *controller = decoder->block[i].controller; *reg = (address - decoder->block[i].base_addr + decoder->block[i].base_reg); if (direction == is_write) { switch (*reg) { case ide_error_reg: *reg = ide_feature_reg; break; case ide_status_reg: *reg = ide_command_reg; break; case ide_alternate_status_reg: *reg = ide_control_reg; break; default: break; } } return; } } device_error(me, "address %d:0x%lx invalid", space, (unsigned long)address); }
static int hw_disk_block_size(device_instance *instance, int n_stack_args, unsigned32 stack_args[/*n_stack_args*/], int n_stack_returns, unsigned32 stack_returns[/*n_stack_returns*/]) { device *me = device_instance_device(instance); if ((n_stack_args != 0) || (n_stack_returns != 1)) { device_error(me, "Incorrect number of arguments for block-size method\n"); return -1; } else { unsigned_cell block_size; if (device_find_property(me, "block-size")) block_size = device_find_integer_property(me, "block-size"); else block_size = 512; DITRACE(disk, ("block-size - instance=%ld block-size=%ld\n", (unsigned long)device_instance_to_external(instance), (long int)block_size)); stack_returns[0] = block_size; return 0; } }
static int hw_disk_nr_blocks(device_instance *instance, int n_stack_args, unsigned32 stack_args[/*n_stack_args*/], int n_stack_returns, unsigned32 stack_returns[/*n_stack_returns*/]) { device *me = device_instance_device(instance); if ((n_stack_args != 0) || (n_stack_returns != 1)) { device_error(me, "Incorrect number of arguments for block-size method\n"); return -1; } else { unsigned_word nr_blocks; if (device_find_property(me, "#blocks")) nr_blocks = device_find_integer_property(me, "#blocks"); else nr_blocks = -1; DITRACE(disk, ("#blocks - instance=%ld #blocks=%ld\n", (unsigned long)device_instance_to_external(instance), (long int)nr_blocks)); stack_returns[0] = nr_blocks; return 0; } }
adv_error device_check(const char* option, const char* arg, const adv_driver** driver_map, unsigned driver_mac, const char* driver_ignore) { char buffer[DEVICE_NAME_MAX]; const char* tag_one; unsigned i, j; /* check the validity of every item on the argument */ sncpy(buffer, sizeof(buffer), arg); tag_one = strtok(buffer, " \t"); while (tag_one) { if (strcmp("auto", tag_one)!=0 && strstr(driver_ignore, tag_one)==0) { for(i=0;i<driver_mac;++i) { if (strcmp(driver_map[i]->name, tag_one)==0) break; for(j=0;driver_map[i]->device_map[j].name;++j) { char cat_buffer[DEVICE_NAME_MAX]; snprintf(cat_buffer, sizeof(cat_buffer), "%s/%s", driver_map[i]->name, driver_map[i]->device_map[j].name); if (strcmp(cat_buffer, tag_one)==0) break; } if (driver_map[i]->device_map[j].name) break; } if (i == driver_mac) { device_error(option, tag_one, driver_map, driver_mac); return -1; } } tag_one = strtok(NULL, " \t"); } return 0; }
static int hw_vm_ioctl(device *me, cpu *processor, unsigned_word cia, device_ioctl_request request, va_list ap) { /* While the caller is notified that the heap has grown by the requested amount, the heap is actually extended out to a page boundary. */ hw_vm_device *vm = (hw_vm_device*)device_data(me); switch (request) { case device_ioctl_break: { unsigned_word requested_break = va_arg(ap, unsigned_word); unsigned_word new_break = ALIGN_8(requested_break); unsigned_word old_break = vm->heap_bound; signed_word delta = new_break - old_break; if (delta > 0) vm->heap_bound = ALIGN_PAGE(new_break); break; } default: device_error(me, "Unsupported ioctl request"); break; } return 0; }
adv_error mouseb_load(adv_conf* context) { unsigned i; int at_least_one; if (mouseb_state.driver_mac == 0) { error_set("No mouse driver was compiled in."); return -1; } mouseb_state.is_initialized_flag = 1; sncpy(, DEVICE_NAME_MAX, conf_string_get_default(context, "device_mouse")); /* load specific driver options */ at_least_one = 0; for (i = 0; i < mouseb_state.driver_mac; ++i) { const adv_device* dev; dev = device_match(, (adv_driver*)mouseb_state.driver_map[i], 0); if (dev) at_least_one = 1; if (mouseb_state.driver_map[i]->load(context) != 0) return -1; } if (!at_least_one) { device_error("device_mouse",, (const adv_driver**)mouseb_state.driver_map, mouseb_state.driver_mac); return -1; } return 0; }
static void create_ppc_aix_stack_frame(device *me, unsigned_word bottom_of_stack, char **argv, char **envp) { unsigned_word core_envp; unsigned_word core_argv; unsigned_word core_argc; unsigned_word core_aux; unsigned_word top_of_stack; /* cheat - create an elf stack frame */ create_ppc_elf_stack_frame(me, bottom_of_stack, argv, envp); /* extract argument addresses from registers */ psim_read_register(device_system(me), 0, &top_of_stack, "r1", cooked_transfer); psim_read_register(device_system(me), 0, &core_argc, "r3", cooked_transfer); psim_read_register(device_system(me), 0, &core_argv, "r4", cooked_transfer); psim_read_register(device_system(me), 0, &core_envp, "r5", cooked_transfer); psim_read_register(device_system(me), 0, &core_aux, "r6", cooked_transfer); /* extract arguments from registers */ device_error(me, "Unfinished procedure create_ppc_aix_stack_frame\n"); }
tree_find_string_property(device *root, const char *path_to_property) { name_specifier spec; if (!split_property_specifier(root, path_to_property, &spec)) device_error(root, "Invalid property path %s", path_to_property); root = split_find_device(root, &spec); return device_find_string_property(root,; }
static void hw_data_init_data_callback(device *me) { unsigned_word addr = device_find_integer_property(me, "real-address"); const device_property *data = device_find_property(me, "data"); const char *instance_spec = (device_find_property(me, "instance") != NULL ? device_find_string_property(me, "instance") : NULL); device_instance *instance = NULL; if (data == NULL) device_error(me, "missing property <data>\n"); if (instance_spec != NULL) instance = tree_instance(me, instance_spec); switch (data->type) { case integer_property: { unsigned_cell buf = device_find_integer_property(me, "data"); H2T(buf); if (instance == NULL) { if (device_dma_write_buffer(device_parent(me), &buf, 0 /*address-space*/, addr, sizeof(buf), /*nr-bytes*/ 1 /*violate ro*/) != sizeof(buf)) device_error(me, "Problem storing integer 0x%x at 0x%lx\n", (unsigned)buf, (unsigned long)addr); } else { if (device_instance_seek(instance, 0, addr) < 0 || device_instance_write(instance, &buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) device_error(me, "Problem storing integer 0x%x at 0x%lx of instance %s\n", (unsigned)buf, (unsigned long)addr, instance_spec); } } break; default: device_error(me, "Write of this data is not yet implemented\n"); break; } if (instance != NULL) device_instance_delete(instance); }
parse_address(device *current, device *bus, const char *chp, device_unit *address) { ASSERT(device_nr_address_cells(bus) > 0); if (device_decode_unit(bus, chp, address) < 0) device_error(current, "invalid unit address in %s", chp); return skip_token(chp); }
Pillow::HttpClient::HttpClient(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), _responsePending(false), _error(NoError), _keepAliveTimeout(-1), _contentDecoder(0) { _device = new QTcpSocket(this); connect(_device, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(device_error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); connect(_device, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(device_connected())); connect(_device, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(device_readyRead())); _requestWriter.setDevice(_device); _keepAliveTimeoutTimer.invalidate(); }
static void hw_file_init_data_callback(device *me) { int count; const char *file_name = device_find_string_property(me, "file-name"); unsigned_word addr = device_find_integer_property(me, "real-address"); /* load the file */ count = dma_file(me, file_name, addr); if (count < 0) device_error(me, "Problem loading file %s\n", file_name); }
static void schedule_ready_event(device *me, ide_controller *controller) { if (controller->event_tag != 0) device_error(me, "controller %d - attempting to schedule multiple events", controller->nr); controller->event_tag = device_event_queue_schedule(me, controller->ready_delay, do_event, controller); }
static void do_fifo_write(device *me, ide_controller *controller, const void *source, int nr_bytes) { if (controller->state != loading_state) device_error(me, "controller %d - writing fifo when not ready (%s)", controller->nr, ide_state_name(controller->state)); if (controller->fifo_pos + nr_bytes > controller->fifo_size) device_error(me, "controller %d - fifo overflow", controller->nr); if (nr_bytes > 0) { memcpy(&controller->fifo[controller->fifo_pos], source, nr_bytes); controller->fifo_pos += nr_bytes; } if (controller->fifo_pos == controller->fifo_size) { if (controller->current_transfer > 0 && controller->current_drive != NULL) { DTRACE(ide, ("controller %d:%d - writing %d byte block at 0x%x\n", controller->nr, controller->current_drive->nr, controller->fifo_size, controller->current_byte)); if (device_io_write_buffer(controller->current_drive->device, controller->fifo, 0, controller->current_byte, controller->fifo_size, NULL, 0) != controller->fifo_size) device_error(me, "controller %d - disk %s io write error", controller->nr, device_path(controller->current_drive->device)); } controller->current_transfer -= 1; controller->fifo_pos = 0; controller->current_byte += controller->fifo_size; controller->state = busy_loaded_state; schedule_ready_event(me, controller); } }
static int hw_eeprom_instance_seek(device_instance *instance, unsigned_word pos_hi, unsigned_word pos_lo) { hw_eeprom_instance *data = device_instance_data(instance); if (pos_lo >= data->eeprom->sizeof_memory) device_error(data->me, "seek value 0x%lx out of range\n", (unsigned long)pos_lo); data->pos = pos_lo; return 0; }
static int hw_stack_ioctl(device *me, cpu *processor, unsigned_word cia, device_ioctl_request request, va_list ap) { switch (request) { case device_ioctl_create_stack: { unsigned_word stack_pointer = va_arg(ap, unsigned_word); char **argv = va_arg(ap, char **); char **envp = va_arg(ap, char **); const char *stack_type; DTRACE(stack, ("stack_ioctl_callback(me=0x%lx:%s processor=0x%lx cia=0x%lx argv=0x%lx envp=0x%lx)\n", (long)me, device_name(me), (long)processor, (long)cia, (long)argv, (long)envp)); stack_type = device_find_string_property(me, "stack-type"); if (strcmp(stack_type, "ppc-elf") == 0) create_ppc_elf_stack_frame(me, stack_pointer, argv, envp); else if (strcmp(stack_type, "ppc-xcoff") == 0) create_ppc_aix_stack_frame(me, stack_pointer, argv, envp); else if (strcmp(stack_type, "chirp") == 0) create_ppc_chirp_bootargs(me, argv); else if (strcmp(stack_type, "none") != 0) device_error(me, "Unknown initial stack frame type %s", stack_type); DTRACE(stack, ("stack_ioctl_callback() = void\n")); break; } default: device_error(me, "Unsupported ioctl requested"); break; } return 0; }
static void write_stack_arguments(device *me, char **arg, unsigned_word start_block, unsigned_word end_block, unsigned_word start_arg, unsigned_word end_arg) { DTRACE(stack, ("write_stack_arguments(device=%s, arg=0x%lx, start_block=0x%lx, end_block=0x%lx, start_arg=0x%lx, end_arg=0x%lx)\n", device_name(me), (long)arg, (long)start_block, (long)end_block, (long)start_arg, (long)end_arg)); if (arg == NULL) device_error(me, "Attempt to write a null array onto the stack\n"); /* only copy in arguments, memory is already zero */ for (; *arg != NULL; arg++) { int len = strlen(*arg)+1; unsigned_word target_start_block; DTRACE(stack, ("write_stack_arguments() write %s=%s at %s=0x%lx %s=0x%lx %s=0x%lx\n", "**arg", *arg, "start_block", (long)start_block, "len", (long)len, "start_arg", (long)start_arg)); if (psim_write_memory(device_system(me), 0, *arg, start_block, len, 0/*violate_readonly*/) != len) device_error(me, "Write of **arg (%s) at 0x%lx of stack failed\n", *arg, (unsigned long)start_block); target_start_block = H2T_word(start_block); if (psim_write_memory(device_system(me), 0, &target_start_block, start_arg, sizeof(target_start_block), 0) != sizeof(target_start_block)) device_error(me, "Write of *arg onto stack failed\n"); start_block += ALIGN_8(len); start_arg += sizeof(start_block); } start_arg += sizeof(start_block); /*the null at the end*/ if (start_block != end_block || ALIGN_8(start_arg) != end_arg) device_error(me, "Probable corrpution of stack arguments\n"); DTRACE(stack, ("write_stack_arguments() = void\n")); }
static unsigned hw_ide_io_write_buffer(device *me, const void *source, int space, unsigned_word addr, unsigned nr_bytes, cpu *processor, unsigned_word cia) { hw_ide_device *ide = (hw_ide_device *)device_data(me); int control_nr; int reg; ide_controller *controller; /* find the interface */ decode_address(me, &ide->decoder, space, addr, &control_nr, ®, is_write); controller = &ide->controller[control_nr]; /* process the access */ switch (reg) { case ide_data_reg: do_fifo_write(me, controller, source, nr_bytes); break; case ide_command_reg: do_command(me, controller, *(unsigned8*)source); break; case ide_control_reg: controller->reg[reg] = *(unsigned8*)source; /* possibly cancel interrupts */ if ((controller->reg[reg] & 0x02) == 0x02) clear_interrupt(me, controller); break; case ide_feature_reg: case ide_sector_count_reg: case ide_sector_number_reg: case ide_cylinder_reg0: case ide_cylinder_reg1: case ide_drive_head_reg: case ide_dma_command_reg: case ide_dma_status_reg: case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg0: case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg1: case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg2: case ide_dma_prd_table_address_reg3: controller->reg[reg] = *(unsigned8*)source; break; default: device_error(me, "bus-error at 0x%lx", addr); break; } return nr_bytes; }