 * Get the named method.
Object* dvmGetDeclaredConstructorOrMethod(ClassObject* clazz,
    StringObject* nameObj, ArrayObject* args)
    Object* result = NULL;
    DexStringCache targetDescriptorCache;
    char* name;
    const char* targetDescriptor;


    name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj);
    createTargetDescriptor(args, &targetDescriptorCache);
    targetDescriptor = targetDescriptorCache.value;

    result = findConstructorOrMethodInArray(clazz->directMethodCount,
        clazz->directMethods, name, targetDescriptor);
    if (result == NULL) {
        result = findConstructorOrMethodInArray(clazz->virtualMethodCount,
            clazz->virtualMethods, name, targetDescriptor);

    return result;
Exemple #2
/* (documented in header file) */
char* dexProtoCopyMethodDescriptor(const DexProto* pProto) {
    DexStringCache cache;

    return dexStringCacheAbandon(&cache,
            dexProtoGetMethodDescriptor(pProto, &cache));
    HashIter iter;

    /* Cache the string "<unknown>" for use when the source file is
     * unknown.

    /* This will be called when a GC begins. */
    for (dvmHashIterBegin(gStackFrameHashTable, &iter);
         dvmHashIterNext(&iter)) {
        StackFrameEntry *stackFrameEntry;
        const Method *method;

        /* Clear the 'live' bit at the start of the GC pass. */
        stackFrameEntry = (StackFrameEntry *) dvmHashIterData(&iter);
        stackFrameEntry->live = 0;

        method = stackFrameEntry->frame.method;
        if (method == NULL) {

        /* Make sure the method name, descriptor, and source file are in
         * the string table, and that the method class is in the class
         * table. This is needed because strings and classes will be dumped
         * before stack frames.

        if (method->name) {

        DexStringCache cache;
        const char* descriptor;

        descriptor = dexProtoGetMethodDescriptor(&method->prototype, &cache);
        const char* sourceFile = dvmGetMethodSourceFile(method);
        if (sourceFile) {

        if (method->clazz) {
    return 0;
 * Create a new java/lang/reflect/Method object, using the contents of
 * "meth" to construct it.
 * The spec doesn't specify the constructor.  We're going to use the
 * one from our existing class libs:
 *  private Method(Class declaring, Class[] paramTypes, Class[] exceptTypes,
 *      Class returnType, String name, int slot)
 * The caller must call dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc() on the result.
Object* dvmCreateReflectMethodObject(const Method* meth)
    Object* result = NULL;
    ArrayObject* params = NULL;
    ArrayObject* exceptions = NULL;
    StringObject* nameObj = NULL;
    Object* methObj;
    ClassObject* returnType;
    DexStringCache mangle;
    char* cp;
    int slot, method_idx;

    if (dvmCheckException(dvmThreadSelf())) {
        ALOGW("WARNING: dvmCreateReflectMethodObject called with "
             "exception pending");
        return NULL;


    /* parent should guarantee init so we don't have to check on every call */

    methObj = dvmAllocObject(gDvm.classJavaLangReflectMethod, ALLOC_DEFAULT);
    if (methObj == NULL)
        goto bail;

     * Convert the signature string into an array of classes representing
     * the arguments, and a class for the return type.
    cp = dvmCopyDescriptorStringFromMethod(meth, &mangle);
    params = convertSignatureToClassArray(&cp, meth->clazz);
    if (params == NULL)
        goto bail;
    assert(*cp == ')');
    returnType = convertSignaturePartToClass(&cp, meth->clazz);
    if (returnType == NULL)
        goto bail;

     * Create an array with one entry for every exception that the class
     * is declared to throw.
    exceptions = dvmGetMethodThrows(meth);
    if (dvmCheckException(dvmThreadSelf()))
        goto bail;

    /* method name */
    nameObj = dvmCreateStringFromCstr(meth->name);
    if (nameObj == NULL)
        goto bail;

    slot = methodToSlot(meth);
    method_idx = dvmGetMethodIdx(meth);

    JValue unused;
    dvmCallMethod(dvmThreadSelf(), gDvm.methJavaLangReflectMethod_init,
        methObj, &unused, meth->clazz, params, exceptions, returnType,
        nameObj, slot, method_idx);
    if (dvmCheckException(dvmThreadSelf())) {
        ALOGD("Method class init threw exception");
        goto bail;

    result = methObj;

    if (result == NULL) {
    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) nameObj, NULL);
    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) params, NULL);
    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) exceptions, NULL);
    if (result == NULL)
        dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(methObj, NULL);
    return result;
 * Create a new java/lang/reflect/Constructor object, using the contents of
 * "meth" to construct it.
 * The spec doesn't specify the constructor.  We're going to use the
 * one from our existing class libs:
 *  private Constructor (Class declaringClass, Class[] ptypes, Class[] extypes,
 *      int slot)
static Object* createConstructorObject(Method* meth)
    Object* result = NULL;
    ArrayObject* params = NULL;
    ArrayObject* exceptions = NULL;
    Object* consObj;
    DexStringCache mangle;
    char* cp;
    int slot, method_idx;


    /* parent should guarantee init so we don't have to check on every call */

    consObj = dvmAllocObject(gDvm.classJavaLangReflectConstructor,
    if (consObj == NULL)
        goto bail;

     * Convert the signature string into an array of classes representing
     * the arguments.
    cp = dvmCopyDescriptorStringFromMethod(meth, &mangle);
    params = convertSignatureToClassArray(&cp, meth->clazz);
    if (params == NULL)
        goto bail;
    assert(*cp == ')');
    assert(*(cp+1) == 'V');

     * Create an array with one entry for every exception that the class
     * is declared to throw.
    exceptions = dvmGetMethodThrows(meth);
    if (dvmCheckException(dvmThreadSelf()))
        goto bail;

    slot = methodToSlot(meth);
    method_idx = dvmGetMethodIdx(meth);

    JValue unused;
    dvmCallMethod(dvmThreadSelf(), gDvm.methJavaLangReflectConstructor_init,
        consObj, &unused, meth->clazz, params, exceptions, slot, method_idx);
    if (dvmCheckException(dvmThreadSelf())) {
        ALOGD("Constructor class init threw exception");
        goto bail;

    result = consObj;

    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) params, NULL);
    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) exceptions, NULL);
    if (result == NULL) {
        dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(consObj, NULL);
    /* caller must dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(result) */
    return result;
hprofDumpStackFrames(hprof_context_t *ctx)
    HashIter iter;
    hprof_record_t *rec = &ctx->curRec;


    for (dvmHashIterBegin(gStackFrameHashTable, &iter);
        const StackFrameEntry *stackFrameEntry;
        const Method *method;
        int pc;
        const char *sourceFile;
        ClassObject *clazz;
        int lineNum;
        hprofStartNewRecord(ctx, HPROF_TAG_STACK_FRAME, HPROF_TIME);
        stackFrameEntry = (const StackFrameEntry *) dvmHashIterData(&iter);
        assert(stackFrameEntry != NULL);
        method = stackFrameEntry->frame.method;
        pc = stackFrameEntry->frame.pc;
        sourceFile = dvmGetMethodSourceFile(method);
        if (sourceFile == NULL) {
            sourceFile = "<unknown>";
            lineNum = 0;
        } else {
            lineNum = dvmLineNumFromPC(method, pc);
        clazz = (ClassObject *) hprofLookupClassId(method->clazz);

        /* STACK FRAME format:
         * ID:     ID for this stack frame
         * ID:     ID for the method name
         * ID:     ID for the method descriptor
         * ID:     ID for the source file name
         * u4:     class serial number
         * u4:     line number, 0 = no line information
         * We use the address of the stack frame as its ID.

        DexStringCache cache;
        const char* descriptor;

        descriptor = dexProtoGetMethodDescriptor(&method->prototype, &cache);

        hprofAddIdToRecord(rec, (u4) stackFrameEntry);
        hprofAddIdToRecord(rec, hprofLookupStringId(method->name));
        hprofAddIdToRecord(rec, hprofLookupStringId(descriptor));
        hprofAddIdToRecord(rec, hprofLookupStringId(sourceFile));
        hprofAddU4ToRecord(rec, (u4) clazz->serialNumber);
        hprofAddU4ToRecord(rec, (u4) lineNum);


    return 0;