Mat CmSaliencyRC::GetSR(CMat &img3f) { Size sz(64, 64); Mat img1f[2], sr1f, cmplxSrc2f, cmplxDst2f; cvtColor(img3f, img1f[1], CV_BGR2GRAY); resize(img1f[1], img1f[0], sz, 0, 0, CV_INTER_AREA); img1f[1] = Mat::zeros(sz, CV_32F); merge(img1f, 2, cmplxSrc2f); dft(cmplxSrc2f, cmplxDst2f); AbsAngle(cmplxDst2f, img1f[0], img1f[1]); log(img1f[0], img1f[0]); blur(img1f[0], sr1f, Size(3, 3)); sr1f = img1f[0] - sr1f; exp(sr1f, sr1f); GetCmplx(sr1f, img1f[1], cmplxDst2f); dft(cmplxDst2f, cmplxSrc2f, DFT_INVERSE | DFT_SCALE); split(cmplxSrc2f, img1f); pow(img1f[0], 2, img1f[0]); pow(img1f[1], 2, img1f[1]); img1f[0] += img1f[1]; GaussianBlur(img1f[0], img1f[0], Size(3, 3), 0); normalize(img1f[0], img1f[0], 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX); resize(img1f[0], img1f[1], img3f.size(), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC); return img1f[1]; }
/* degraded : degraded input image filter : filter which caused degradation snr : signal to noise ratio of the input image return : restorated output image */ Mat Dip4::wienerFilter(Mat& degraded, Mat& filter, double snr){ // be sure not to touch them degraded = degraded.clone(); filter = filter.clone(); // Q_k = conjugate_transpose(P_k) / | P_k | ^2 + 1/SNR^2 Mat filterFreq = Mat(filter.size(), CV_32F); Mat planesFilter[] = {filterFreq, Mat::zeros(filterFreq.size(), CV_32F)}; merge(planesFilter, 2, filterFreq); dft(filterFreq, filterFreq, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); // filterFreq == P // create Q split(filterFreq, planesFilter); Mat Re = planesFilter[0]; Mat Im = planesFilter[1]; Mat QRe = Re.clone(); Mat QIm = Im.clone(); for (int x = 0; x < filterFreq.rows; x++) for (int y = 0; y < filterFreq.cols; y++) { // A*_ij = Ã_ji float reConjugateTranspose =<float>(y, x); float imConjugateTranspose =<float>(y, x); float resq =<float>(x, y) *<float>(x, y); float imsq =<float>(x, y) *<float>(x, y); float absreim = sqrt(resq + imsq);<float>(x, y) = reConjugateTranspose / (absreim * absreim + 1/(snr * snr));<float>(x, y) = imConjugateTranspose / (absreim * absreim + 1/(snr * snr)); } Mat Q = Mat::zeros(filterFreq.size(), CV_32F); Mat qplanes[] = {QRe, QIm}; merge(qplanes, 2, Q); Mat original; dft(Q, Q, DFT_INVERSE + DFT_SCALE); split(Q, planes); filter2D(degraded, original, -1, planes[0]); normalize(original, original, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX); original.convertTo(original, CV_8UC1); return original; }
int main() { int N; std::scanf("%d", &N); read_number(N, num_a); read_number(N, num_b); int p = 1; while(p < N) p <<= 1; N = p << 1; init_epsilon(N); dft(N, num_a, 0, 1, epsilon); dft(N, num_b, 0, 1, epsilon); for(int i = 0; i != N; ++i) num_a[i] *= num_b[i]; dft(N, num_a, 0, 1, arti_epsilon); for(int i = 0; i != N; ++i) ans[i] = int(num_a[i].real() / N + 1.0e-9); for(int i = 0; i <= N; ++i) { ans[i + 1] += ans[i] / 10; ans[i] %= 10; } int len = N + 1; while(!ans[len] && len) --len; for(int i = len; i >= 0; --i) std::printf("%c", char(ans[i] + '0')); return 0; }
void check_blink(){ max_input=0; BB_flag=0; X=dft(); if(X>FThreshold){ if(ON /*&& max_input>110*/){ big_blink=1; } else if(max_input>120){//see the max adc val corresssponding to saturation output of eog ckt for(i=0;i<4;i++){ X=dft(); if(max_input>100 || max_slope>30){ BB_flag++; } } if(BB_flag>0){ big_blink=1; } else small_blink=1; } //if(X>400) big_blink=1;//big blink fourier value;same values for small and big blink //if(counter_BigB>7) big_blink=1;//arbitrary counter else small_blink=1; } }
void run(int) { RNG& rng = theRNG(); for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { int m = rng.uniform(2, 11); int n = rng.uniform(2, 11); int depth = rng.uniform(0, 2) + CV_32F; Mat src8u(m, n, depth), src(m, n, depth), dst(m, n, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 2)); Mat z = Mat::zeros(m, n, depth), dstz; randu(src8u, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(10)); src8u.convertTo(src, src.type()); dst = Scalar::all(123); Mat mv[] = {src, z}, srcz; merge(mv, 2, srcz); dft(srcz, dstz); dft(src, dst, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); if (cvtest::norm(dst, dstz, NORM_INF) > 1e-3) { cout << "actual:\n" << dst << endl << endl; cout << "reference:\n" << dstz << endl << endl; CV_Error(CV_StsError, ""); } } }
/************ Learn Spatio-Temporal Context Model ***********/ void STCTracker::learnSTCModel(const Mat image) { // step 1: Get context prior and posterior probability getCxtPriorPosteriorModel(image); // step 2-1: Execute 2D DFT for prior probability Mat priorFourier; Mat planes1[] = {cxtPriorPro, Mat::zeros(cxtPriorPro.size(), CV_64F)}; merge(planes1, 2, priorFourier); dft(priorFourier, priorFourier); // step 2-2: Execute 2D DFT for posterior probability Mat postFourier; Mat planes2[] = {cxtPosteriorPro, Mat::zeros(cxtPosteriorPro.size(), CV_64F)}; merge(planes2, 2, postFourier); dft(postFourier, postFourier); // step 3: Calculate the division Mat conditionalFourier; complexOperation(postFourier, priorFourier, conditionalFourier, 1); // step 4: Execute 2D inverse DFT for conditional probability and we obtain STCModel dft(conditionalFourier, STModel, DFT_INVERSE | DFT_REAL_OUTPUT | DFT_SCALE); // step 5: Use the learned spatial context model to update spatio-temporal context model addWeighted(STCModel, 1.0 - rho, STModel, rho, 0.0, STCModel); }
/* Performes a convolution by multiplication in frequency domain in input image kernel filter kernel return output image */ Mat frequencyConvolution(Mat& in, Mat& kernel) { const int kw = kernel.cols; const int kh = kernel.rows; Mat kernelBig = Mat::zeros(in.size(), in.type()); for (int x = 0; x < kw; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < kh; ++y) {<float>(x, y) =<float>(x, y); } } Mat kernelBigShifted = circShift(kernelBig, -(kw/2), -(kh/2)); // transform into frequency domain Mat freqIn = Mat(in.size(), CV_32FC2); // complex Mat freqKernel = Mat(kernelBigShifted.size(), CV_32FC2); // complex dft(in, freqIn); dft(kernelBigShifted, freqKernel); // multiply in frequency domain (-> convolute in spatial domain) Mat freqRes = Mat(kernelBig.size(), CV_32FC2); // complex mulSpectrums(freqIn, freqKernel, freqRes, 0); // transform back into spatial domain Mat res(in.size(), in.type()); dft(freqRes, res, DFT_INVERSE | DFT_SCALE); return res; }
int main() { scanf("%d",&C);scanf("%c",&ch);a.clear();b.clear(); for (int i=1;i<=C;i++){a.p_b(0);b.p_b(0);} for (int i=1;i<=C;i++){scanf("%c",&ch);a[C-i]=ch-48;}scanf("%c",&ch); for (int i=1;i<=C;i++){scanf("%c",&ch);b[C-i]=ch-48;} L=0,N=1;while ((N>>1)<C) N*=2,++L; while (a.size()<N) a.p_b(0);while (b.size()<N) b.p_b(0); /*core*/a=dft(a);b=dft(b);for (int i=0;i<N;i++) a[i]=(LL)a[i]*b[i]%bigp;a=idft(a); for (int i=0;i<N;i++){a[i+1]=(a[i+1]+a[i]/10);a[i]%=10;} len=N-1;while ((len>1)&&(a[len]==0)) --len; for (int i=len;i>=0;i--) printf("%d",a[i]);printf("\n"); }
virtual int filter(const Mat &src, Mat &dest) const { Mat h; src.convertTo(h, CV_32F); Mat h2(h.size(), h.type()); dft(h, h2, DFT_ROWS); // dft instead of dct solves pow2 issue Mat h3 = (keep>0) ? h2(Rect(0, 0, std::min(keep, h2.cols-1), 1)) : h2; dft(h3, dest, DCT_INVERSE | DFT_SCALE | DFT_ROWS); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc < 3) die("Insufficient arguments supplied."); int length = atoll(argv[1]); float prec = atof(argv[2]); printf("sizeof(length) = %lu\n", sizeof(length)); float *samples = gensample(length, prec, hamming); float *K = malloc(length*sizeof(float)); memset(K, 0, length); float *X_real = malloc(length*sizeof(float)); memset(X_real, 0, length); float *X_img = malloc(length*sizeof(float)); memset(X_img, 0, length); float *result = dft(samples, length, X_real, X_img, K); log_data(length, result, K); free(X_real); free(X_img); free(K); free(samples); return 0; }
int dft_test(int len,FILE* outfile) { printf("---------------------------------------\n"); printf(" dft test \n"); printf("---------------------------------------\n"); double complex a[20] = {0.0+0.0I}; double complex b[20] = {0.0+0.0I}; double complex *pa = a, *pb = b; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { a[i] = 1.00; dft(pa,pb,len); fprintf(outfile, "\"case %d\"\n",i); print_dft_case(len,pa,pb,outfile); // fprintf(outfile,"\"case %d input\"\n",i); // printf("input array #%d\n",i); // print_complex_array(len,pa,outfile,"in"); // fprintf(outfile,"\"case %d output\"\n",i); // printf("output array #%d\n",i); // print_complex_array(len,pb,outfile,"out"); a[i] = 0.00; } return 0; }
void dft(struct graph *g, struct vnode *v, int id) { struct enode *e; int first; first = 1; v->visited = 1; e = v->edge; while(e != NULL) { if( !g->vn[e->vndx].visited) { if(first) { first = 0; }else{ indent(id); } printf("-->%d", g->vn[e->vndx].item); id += 3 + INCR(g->vn[e->vndx].item); dft(g,&(g->vn[e->vndx]),id); id -= 3 + INCR(g->vn[e->vndx].item); } e = e->next; } if(first) printf("\n"); }
void fft2(Mat_<float> src) { int x = getOptimalDFTSize(2* src.rows ); int y = getOptimalDFTSize(2* src.cols ); copyMakeBorder(src, src, 0, (x - src.rows), 0, (y - src.cols), BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0)); // Get padded image size const int wx = src.cols, wy = src.rows; const int cx = wx/2, cy = wy/2; //--------------------------------// // DFT - performing // cv::Mat_<float> imgs[] = {src.clone(), Mat::zeros(src.size(), CV_32F)}; cv::Mat_<cv::Vec2f> img_dft; merge(imgs,2,img_dft); dft(img_dft, img_dft); split(img_dft,imgs); cv::Mat_<float> magnitude, phase; cartToPolar(imgs[0],imgs[1],magnitude,phase); dftshift(magnitude); magnitude = magnitude + 1.0f; log(magnitude,magnitude); normalize(magnitude,magnitude,0,1,CV_MINMAX); namedWindow("img_dft",WINDOW_NORMAL); imshow("img_dft",magnitude); waitKey(0); cout << "out" << endl; }
bool ImageLocationRenderer::RenderPathAndFilename(std::ostream &reply, Context &c, const ROAnything &config) { ROAnything name; if (!config.LookupPath(name, "ImageName")) { if (config.GetType() == AnyArrayType) { name = config[0L]; } } if (!name.IsNull()) { ROAnything path; Anything dft("/"); if (!config.LookupPath(path, "ImagePath")) { path = c.Lookup("ImagePath"); if (path.IsNull()) { path = dft; } } Render(reply, c, path); Render(reply, c, name); return true; } return false; }
std::vector<double> fft(std::vector<double> signal) { float N = signal.size(); std::vector<std::complex<double>> dft(N); int32_t range = N/2; //range = 40; //int32_t range = 19; std::complex<double> j (0.0,1.0); for(int32_t k = -range; k<= range; k++) { for(uint32_t inc = 0; inc < N; inc++) { std::complex<double> tmp (k * (inc + 1) * 2 * PI / N, 0); std::complex<double> tmp2 (1.0/N * signal[inc], 0); dft[k + range] = dft[k + range] + tmp2 * pow(E_,-j * tmp); } } std::vector<double> final_result(N); for(uint32_t i = 0; i< N; ++i ) { final_result[i] = abs(dft[i]); } return final_result; }
void TransformDecoding(float pDataMatrix[N_TRANS_DECODER_IN_MAX], float pDecSeq[N_TRANS_DECODER_OUT_MAX], int NumLayer, int MDFT) { #define NUM_UL_SYMB_SF 14 #define NUM_LAYER 2 #define NUM_MDFT 75 // int NumLayer = lte_phy_params->N_rx_ant; // int MDFT = lte_phy_params->N_dft_sz; #pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=pDecSeq cyclic factor=2 dim=1 int NumULSymbSF = LTE_PHY_N_SYMB_PER_SUBFR; for(int nlayer=0;nlayer</*NumLayer*/NUM_LAYER;nlayer++) { for(int nsym=0;nsym</*NumULSymbSF*/NUM_UL_SYMB_SF-2;nsym++) { #pragma HLS LOOP_FLATTEN int idx = nlayer*(MDFT*(NumULSymbSF-2))+nsym*MDFT; float norm = (float)sqrt((float)MDFT); dft(MDFT, pDataMatrix + idx * 2, pDecSeq + idx * 2, -1); for(int m = 0; m < /*MDFT*/ NUM_MDFT; m++) { #pragma HLS PIPELINE II=4 #pragma HLS DEPENDENCE array inter false pDecSeq[2 * (idx + m) + 0] = pDecSeq[2 * (idx + m) + 0] / norm; pDecSeq[2 * (idx + m) + 1] = pDecSeq[2 * (idx + m) + 1] / norm; } } } }
static double verify_impulse(fftd_func *dft, int n, int veclen, COMPLEX *inA, COMPLEX *inB, COMPLEX *inC, COMPLEX *outA, COMPLEX *outB, COMPLEX *outC, COMPLEX *tmp, int rounds) { int N = n * veclen; COMPLEX impulse; int i; double e, maxerr = 0.0; /* test 2: check that the unit impulse is transformed properly */ RE(impulse) = 1.0; IM(impulse) = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) { /* impulse */ RE(inA[i]) = 0.0; IM(inA[i]) = 0.0; /* transform of the impulse */ outA[i] = impulse; } for (i = 0; i < veclen; ++i) inA[i * n] = impulse; /* a simple test first, to help with debugging: */ dft((double *)outB, (double *)inA); e = acmp(outB, outA, N); if(e > maxerr) maxerr = e; for (i = 0; i < rounds; ++i) { fill_random(inB, N); asub(inC, inA, inB, N); dft((double *)outB, (double *)inB); dft((double *)outC, (double *)inC); aadd(tmp, outB, outC, N); e = acmp(tmp, outA, N); if(e > maxerr) maxerr = e; } return maxerr; }
int mul(int n1, int *x1, int n2, int *x2) { n = std::max(n1, n2); for (bn = 0; (1<<bn) < n; ++bn); ++bn; n = 1 << bn; for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) a[i] = b[i] = comp(0, 0); for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i) a[i] = comp(x1[i], 0); for (int i=0; i<n2; ++i) b[i] = comp(x2[i], 0); dft(a, false); dft(b, false); for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { tmp[i].x = a[i].x * b[i].x - a[i].y * b[i].y; tmp[i].y = a[i].x * b[i].y + a[i].y * b[i].x; } dft(tmp, true); for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) res[i] = (type)(tmp[i].x/n + 0.1); for (--n; n && !res[n]; --n); return n+1; }
void Feature::calcFrequency() { // TODO: optimize this part if (mAreaVec.size() < MAX_AREA_VEC_SIZE) { frequency = -1; return; } // limit n to integer power of 2 for simplicity // in fact, you can use function 'getOptimalDFTSize' to pad the input array assert((MAX_AREA_VEC_SIZE & (MAX_AREA_VEC_SIZE - 1)) == 0); /*domon:::::debug vector<double>::size_type size = mAreaVec.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { mAreaVec[i] = 600; } for (int i = size - 1; i < size; i++) { mAreaVec[i] = 600 + 10; }*/ vector<double> spec(MAX_AREA_VEC_SIZE); dft(mAreaVec, spec); /*domon:::::debug printAreaVec(); vector<double>::size_type dft_size = spec.size(); for (int i = 0; i < dft_size; i++) { cout << spec[i]; if (i != dft_size - 1) { cout << "; "; } else { cout << endl; } } //domon:::::debug*/ double maxAmpl = 0; int idx = 0; for (int i = 1; i < MAX_AREA_VEC_SIZE; i += 2) { double ampl = (i == MAX_AREA_VEC_SIZE - 1) ? spec[i] : sqrt(spec[i] * spec[i] + spec[i + 1] * spec[i + 1]); if (ampl > maxAmpl) { maxAmpl = ampl; idx = (i + 1) / 2; } } /* double fps = videoHandler->getVideoFPS(); frequency = fps / MAX_AREA_VEC_SIZE * maxAmpl; //idx; */ #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT cout << "fps: " << fps << ", frequency: " << frequency << endl; #endif }
/* in input image kernel filter kernel return output image */ Mat Dip3::frequencyConvolution(Mat& in, Mat& kernel){ Mat tempA = Mat::zeros(in.rows, in.cols, CV_32FC1); Mat tempB = Mat::zeros(in.rows, in.cols, CV_32FC1); for (int x = 0; x < kernel.rows; x++) for (int y = 0; y < kernel.cols; y++) {<float>(x, y) =<float>(x, y); } tempB = circShift(tempB, -1, -1); dft(in, tempA, 0); dft(tempB, tempB, 0); mulSpectrums(tempA, tempB, tempB, 0); dft(tempB, tempA, DFT_INVERSE + DFT_SCALE); return tempA; }
// Fourier descriptor int test_fourier_descriptor(vector_t *fd, point_list_t *plist) { int i, n; vector_t *time, *fourier, *fd; complex_t comp; assert(fd); assert(plist); assert(vecter_get_length(fd) == point_list_get_count(plist)); time = cvector_new_and_copy_point_list(plist); fourier = vector_new(vector_get_length(time), true); //fd = vector_new(vector_get_length(time), true); dft(fourier, time); n = vector_get_length(time); // filtering /* comp.real = comp.imag = 0.0; for (i = n / 2 - 16; i < n / 2 + 16; i++) { cvector_put_value(comp, i, fourier); } */ /////////////////////// Normalization //////////////////////////// vector_copy(fd, fourier); // For translation invariance, 0 frequency must have a zero value cvector_put_value(comp, 0, fd); // For scale invariance, // fourier descriptor must be divied by the absolute of 1 frequency component. cvector_read_value(&comp, 1, fd); val = complex_get_abs(&comp); vector_divide_scalar(fd, val); ivector_divide_scalar(fd, val); // For rotating and changes in starting point // remove all phase information and // consider only absolute values of the descriptor element //f = fopen("fourier_descriptor.txt", "a+"); //fprintf(f, "%s", fn); for (i = 0; i < vector_get_length(fd); i++) { cvector_read_value(&comp, i, fd); val = complex_get_abs(&comp); vector_put_value(val, i, fd); ivector_put_value(0, i, fd); //fprintf(f, ", %lf", val); } //fprintf(f, "\n"); //fclose(f); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // idft(time, fourier); return n; }
int fourier(double *jr, double *ji, int n, int iflag) { int i2; if ((i2 = ilog2(n)) > 0) { return fft(jr, ji, n, i2, iflag); } else { return dft(jr, ji, n, iflag); } }
/*fft算法,输入图像为8U(灰度图),输出为2*32F的图像(实部与虚部,未进行四角校正)*/ Mat mydft(Mat &src) { Mat src2; src.convertTo(src2, CV_32F); Mat planes[] = { Mat_<float>(src2), Mat::zeros(src2.size(), CV_32F) }; Mat complexI; merge(planes, 2, complexI); dft(complexI, complexI); return complexI; }
void DenseGaussKernel(float sigma, const Mat &x,const Mat &y, Mat &k){ Mat xf, yf; dft(x, xf, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); dft(y, yf, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT); double xx = norm(x); xx = xx*xx; double yy = norm(y); yy = yy*yy; Mat xyf; mulSpectrums(xf, yf, xyf, 0, true); Mat xy; cv::idft(xyf, xy, cv::DFT_SCALE | cv::DFT_REAL_OUTPUT); // Applying IDFT CircShift(xy, scale_size(x.size(),0.5)); double numelx1 = x.cols*x.rows; //exp((-1 / (sigma*sigma)) * abs((xx + yy - 2 * xy) / numelx1), k); //thsi setting is fixed by version 2(KCF) exp((-1 / (sigma*sigma)) * max(0,(xx + yy - 2 * xy) / numelx1), k); }
Cmat *power_spectrum_apply(PowerSpectrum *self, Cmat *data) { Cmat *ps = cmat_new(data->rows, self->n_uniq_fft_points); int i,j; for (i=0;i<data->rows;++i) { Cmat * ffts = dft(data->data[i], data->cols, self->nfft); for (j=0;j<self->n_uniq_fft_points;++j) { ps->data[i][j] = pow(ffts->data[0][j],2) + pow(ffts->data[1][j],2); } cmat_free(ffts); } return ps; }
/*fft-inv算法,输入图像为有实部和虚部的2*32F图像,输出为8U灰度图*/ Mat myinvdft(Mat &src) { dft(src, src, DFT_INVERSE); Mat dst; vector<Mat_<float>> planes; split(src, planes); magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]); src = planes[0]; normalize(src, src, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX); src.convertTo(dst, CV_8U); return dst; }
void check_blink(){ max_input=0; X=dft(); if(X>FThreshold){ if(max_input>86) big_blink=1; //see the max adc val corresssponding to saturation output of eog ckt //if(X>400) big_blink=1;//big blink fourier value;same values for small and big blink //if(counter_BigB>7) big_blink=1;//arbitrary counter else small_blink=1; } }
void fft(std::vector<int> a, std::vector<int> b, std::vector<int>& c) { c.clear(); int t = a.size() + b.size(); int n = 1; while (n < t) n *= 2; int *ta = new int[n], *tb = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ta[i] = (i >= a.size() ? 0 : a[i]); tb[i] = (i >= b.size() ? 0 : b[i]); } dft(ta, n, 1), dft(tb, n, 1); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ta[i] = 1LL * ta[i] * tb[i] % P; dft(ta, n, -1); int rev = pwr(n, P-2, P); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ta[i] = 1LL * ta[i] * rev % P; c.resize(a.size()+b.size()-1); for (int i = 0; i < a.size()+b.size()-1; i++) c[i] = ta[i]; delete [] ta; delete [] tb; }
void dft(int n, std::complex<double>* buffer, int offset, int step, std::complex<double>* epsilon) { if(n == 1) return; int m = n >> 1; dft(m, buffer, offset, step << 1, epsilon); dft(m, buffer, offset + step, step << 1, epsilon); for(int k = 0; k != m; ++k) { int pos = 2 * step * k; temp[k] = buffer[pos + offset] + epsilon[k * step] * buffer[pos + offset + step]; temp[k + m] = buffer[pos + offset] - epsilon[k * step] * buffer[pos + offset + step]; } for(int i = 0; i != n; ++i) buffer[i * step + offset] = temp[i]; }
int main() { V = fio, E = fio; while (E--) if ((u = fio) != (v = fio)) edg_ins(EA, u, v); for (u = 1; u <= V; ++u) f[u] = 1; for (u = 1; u <= V; ++u) if (!dfn[u]) dft(u); printf(lld "\n", ans); return 0; }