int main(int argc, char **argv) { int onetime_mode = 0; if (argc >= 2) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "-1") == 0) { onetime_mode = 1; } } if(dht11_init() == -1) { exit(1); } // wait for the the setup of DHT11 delay(10); if (onetime_mode) { dht11_read_val(); } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < RETRY_MAX; i++) { dht11_read_val(); delay(1000); } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int last_pir_val, last_ldr_diff; printf("Interfacing Sensors With Raspberry Pi\n"); if(wiringPiSetup()==-1) exit(1); fname[0] = '\0'; if (argc > 1) { fd = fopen (argv[1], "a"); if (fd) { strncpy (fname, argv[1], 29); fclose (fd); } } night_light_off (); launch_lm393_thread (); while(1) { // read all sensors */ dht11_read_val(); last_pir_val = pir_read_val(); last_ldr_diff = ldr_read_val(); night_light_oper (last_ldr_diff, last_pir_val); } return 0; }
int main(void) { printf("Interfacing Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT11) With Raspberry Pi\n"); // *** // *** Ensure we have wiringPi // *** if (wiringPiSetup() == -1) { exit(1); } while (1) { // *** // *** Read the sensor // *** dht11_read_val(); // *** // *** Delay between readings // *** delay(DELAY_TIME); } return 0; }
static void kaa_demo_add_log_record(void *context) { static size_t log_record_counter = 0; float humidity = 0.0; float temperature = 0.0; if (dht11_read_val(DHT11_PIN, &humidity, &temperature) != 0) { printf("Failed to read data from sensor\n"); return; } ++log_record_counter; kaa_user_log_record_t *log_record = kaa_logging_sensor_data_create(); if (!log_record) { printf("Failed to create log record, error code %d\n", KAA_ERR_NOMEM); return; } log_record->sensor_id = kaa_string_copy_create("Sensor 1"); log_record->region = kaa_string_copy_create("Region 1"); log_record->model = kaa_string_copy_create("DHT11"); log_record->value = temperature; printf("Going to add %zuth log record: { id: '%s', region: '%s', model: '%s', val: %g }\n" , log_record_counter, log_record->sensor_id->data, log_record->region->data, log_record->model->data, log_record->value); kaa_error_t error_code = kaa_logging_add_record(kaa_client_get_context((kaa_client_t *)context)->log_collector, log_record, NULL); if (error_code) { printf("Failed to add log record, error code %d\n", error_code); } log_record->destroy(log_record); }
int main(void) { if(wiringPiSetup()==-1) exit(1); while(1) { dht11_read_val(); delay(3000); } return 0; }
int main(void) { int ihumidity = -1; int itemp = -1; printf("Interfacing Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT11) With Raspberry Pi\n"); if(wiringPiSetup()==-1) exit(1); while(1) { dht11_read_val(); delay(3000); } return 0; }
int main(void){ // int attempts=ATTEMPTS; if(wiringPiSetup()==-1) exit(1); // while(attempts){ //you have 5 times to retry int success = dht11_read_val(); //get result including printing out // if (success) { //if get result, quit program; if not, retry 5 times then quit // break; // } // attempts--; // delay(2500); // } return success; }
int main(void) { int attempts=ATTEMPTS; if(wiringPiSetup()==-1) exit(1); while(attempts) { int success = dht11_read_val(); if (success) { break; } attempts--; delay(500); } return 0; }
int main(void) { int a = 0; int attempts=ATTEMPTS; if(wiringPiSetup()==-1) exit(1); for(a=0; a<5; ) { int success = dht11_read_val(); if (success) { a++; delay(5000); } //attempts--; } return 0; }
void pm_read() { int uart0_filestream = -1; uart0_filestream = open("/dev/ttyAMA0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); //Open in non blocking read/write mode if (uart0_filestream == -1) { printf("Error - Unable to open UART. Ensure it is not in use by another application\n"); } struct termios options; tcgetattr(uart0_filestream, &options); options.c_cflag = B9600 | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; //<Set baud rate options.c_iflag = IGNPAR; options.c_oflag = 0; options.c_lflag = 0; tcflush(uart0_filestream, TCIFLUSH); tcsetattr(uart0_filestream, TCSANOW, &options); int counter=0; for(;;) { sleep(1); if (uart0_filestream != -1) { uint8_t rx_buffer[32]; int rx_length = read(uart0_filestream, (uint8_t *)rx_buffer, 32); if (rx_length < 0) { } else if (rx_length == 0) { //No data waiting } else { //Bytes received //printf("c=%d\n",c); //rx_buffer[rx_length] = '\0'; uint8_t test; pm1_0 = (rx_buffer[4]<<8)+rx_buffer[5]; pm2_5 = (rx_buffer[6]<<8)+rx_buffer[7]; pm10 = (rx_buffer[8]<<8)+rx_buffer[9]; test = rx_buffer[0]; if(test==66) { printf("PM1.0: %d\n",pm1_0); printf("PM2.5: %d\n",pm2_5); printf("PM10: %d\n",pm10); dht11_read_val(); printf("*******************************\n"); } } } } close(uart0_filestream); }