ib_status_t ibpp_caught_boost_exception( ib_engine_t* engine, const boost::exception& e ) { std::string message; int level = 1; message = "Unknown boost::exception thrown: "; if (boost::get_error_info<boost::throw_function>(e)) { message += *boost::get_error_info<boost::throw_function>(e); } else { message += "No information provided. Please report as bug."; } if (boost::get_error_info<errinfo_level>(e)) { level = *boost::get_error_info<errinfo_level>(e); } if (engine) { ib_log(engine, level, "%s", message.c_str()); ib_log_debug(engine, "%s", diagnostic_information(e).c_str() ); } else { ib_util_log_error("%s", message.c_str()); ib_util_log_debug("%s", diagnostic_information(e).c_str() ); } return IB_EUNKNOWN; }
ib_status_t ibpp_caught_ib_exception( ib_engine_t* engine, ib_status_t status, const error& e ) { std::string message; int level = 1; message = std::string(ib_status_to_string(status)) + ":"; if (boost::get_error_info<errinfo_what>(e)) { message += *boost::get_error_info<errinfo_what>(e); } else { message += "IronBee++ Exception but no explanation provided. " "Please report as bug."; } if (boost::get_error_info<errinfo_level>(e)) { level = *boost::get_error_info<errinfo_level>(e); } if (engine) { ib_log(engine, level, "%s", message.c_str()); ib_log_debug(engine, "%s", diagnostic_information(e).c_str() ); } else { ib_util_log_error("%s", message.c_str()); ib_util_log_debug("%s", diagnostic_information(e).c_str() ); } return status; }
int checkRandomTest(std::function<void(json_spirit::mValue&, bool)> _doTests, json_spirit::mValue& _value, bool _debug) { bool ret = 0; try { //redirect all output to the stream std::ostringstream strCout; std::streambuf* oldCoutStreamBuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); if (!_debug) { std::cout.rdbuf( strCout.rdbuf() ); std::cerr.rdbuf( strCout.rdbuf() ); } _doTests(_value, false); //restroe output if (!_debug) { std::cout.rdbuf(oldCoutStreamBuf); std::cerr.rdbuf(oldCoutStreamBuf); } } catch (dev::Exception const& _e) { std::cout << "Failed test with Exception: " << diagnostic_information(_e) << std::endl; ret = 1; } catch (std::exception const& _e) { std::cout << "Failed test with Exception: " << _e.what() << std::endl; ret = 1; } return ret; }
void Sink::consume(Message request) { try { m_message = request; m_message.operator()(); Logger::log(info, m_message.str() + std::string(" consumed.")); } catch(boost::exception &ex){ error = boost::current_exception(); std::string msg = diagnostic_information(ex); Logger::log(exception, msg); } }
inline std::string to_string( exception_ptr const & p ) { std::string s='\n'+diagnostic_information(p); std::string padding(" "); std::string r; bool f=false; for( std::string::const_iterator i=s.begin(),e=s.end(); i!=e; ++i ) { if( f ) r+=padding; char c=*i; r+=c; f=(c=='\n'); } return r; }
// copy error information to log. registered only after logger has been configured. void catch_global() { #define catch_global_print(msg) \ std::ostringstream bt; \ bt << msg << std::endl; \ void* trace_elems[20]; \ int trace_elem_count(backtrace( trace_elems, 20 )); \ char** stack_syms(backtrace_symbols(trace_elems, trace_elem_count)); \ for (int i = 0 ; i < trace_elem_count ; ++i ) \ bt << stack_syms[i] << std::endl; \ Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_LOG, PRI_CRIT, bt.str().c_str()); \ std::cerr << bt.str().c_str(); \ free(stack_syms); try { throw; } catch (std::string& e) { catch_global_print(e.c_str()); } #ifdef MONGO_assert catch (mongo::DBException& e) { catch_global_print(e.toString().c_str()); } #endif catch (boost::exception& e) { catch_global_print(diagnostic_information(e).c_str()); } catch (std::exception& e) { catch_global_print(e.what()); } catch (...) { catch_global_print("Error occurred. Unknown exception type."); } std::abort(); }
int main() { BOOST_TEST( boost::exception_ptr()==boost::exception_ptr() ); BOOST_TEST( !(boost::exception_ptr()!=boost::exception_ptr()) ); BOOST_TEST( !boost::exception_ptr() ); int count=0; try { throw boost::enable_current_exception(derives_nothing(count)); } catch( ... ) { boost::exception_ptr p = boost::current_exception(); BOOST_TEST(!(p==boost::exception_ptr())); BOOST_TEST(p!=boost::exception_ptr()); BOOST_TEST(p); try { rethrow_exception(p); BOOST_TEST(false); } catch( derives_nothing & ) { } catch( ... ) { BOOST_TEST(false); } } BOOST_TEST(count==0); try { throw boost::enable_current_exception(derives_std_exception()); } catch( ... ) { boost::exception_ptr p = boost::current_exception(); BOOST_TEST(!(p==boost::exception_ptr())); BOOST_TEST(p!=boost::exception_ptr()); BOOST_TEST(p); try { rethrow_exception(p); BOOST_TEST(false); } catch( derives_std_exception & ) { boost::exception_ptr p = boost::current_exception(); BOOST_TEST(!(p==boost::exception_ptr())); BOOST_TEST(p!=boost::exception_ptr()); BOOST_TEST(p); try { rethrow_exception(p); BOOST_TEST(false); } catch( derives_std_exception & ) { } catch( ... ) { BOOST_TEST(false); } } catch( ... ) { BOOST_TEST(false); } } try { throw derives_std_exception(); } catch( ... ) { boost::exception_ptr p = boost::current_exception(); BOOST_TEST(!(p==boost::exception_ptr())); BOOST_TEST(p!=boost::exception_ptr()); BOOST_TEST(p); try { rethrow_exception(p); BOOST_TEST(false); } catch( boost::unknown_exception & e ) { #ifndef BOOST_NO_RTTI std::type_info const * const * t=boost::get_error_info<boost::original_exception_type>(e); BOOST_TEST(t!=0 && *t!=0 && **t==typeid(derives_std_exception)); #endif } catch( ... ) { BOOST_TEST(false); } } test_std_exception_what<std::domain_error>(); test_std_exception_what<std::invalid_argument>(); test_std_exception_what<std::length_error>(); test_std_exception_what<std::out_of_range>(); test_std_exception_what<std::logic_error>(); test_std_exception_what<std::range_error>(); test_std_exception_what<std::overflow_error>(); test_std_exception_what<std::underflow_error>(); test_std_exception_what<std::ios_base::failure>(); test_std_exception_what<std::runtime_error>(); test_std_exception<std::bad_alloc>(); #ifndef BOOST_NO_TYPEID test_std_exception<std::bad_cast>(); test_std_exception<std::bad_typeid>(); #endif test_std_exception<std::bad_exception>(); test_std_exception<std::exception>(); try { throw derives_std_boost_exception() << my_info(42); } catch( ... ) { boost::exception_ptr p = boost::current_exception(); BOOST_TEST(!(p==boost::exception_ptr())); BOOST_TEST(p!=boost::exception_ptr()); BOOST_TEST(p); try { rethrow_exception(p); BOOST_TEST(false); } catch( boost::unknown_exception & x ) { BOOST_TEST(boost::get_error_info<my_info>(x)); if( int const * p=boost::get_error_info<my_info>(x) ) BOOST_TEST(*p==42); #ifndef BOOST_NO_RTTI { std::type_info const * const * t=boost::get_error_info<boost::original_exception_type>(x); BOOST_TEST(t && *t && **t==typeid(derives_std_boost_exception)); } #endif boost::exception_ptr p = boost::current_exception(); BOOST_TEST(!(p==boost::exception_ptr())); BOOST_TEST(p!=boost::exception_ptr()); BOOST_TEST(p); try { rethrow_exception(p); BOOST_TEST(false); } catch( boost::unknown_exception & x ) { BOOST_TEST(boost::get_error_info<my_info>(x)); if( int const * p=boost::get_error_info<my_info>(x) ) BOOST_TEST(*p==42); #ifndef BOOST_NO_RTTI std::type_info const * const * t=boost::get_error_info<boost::original_exception_type>(x); BOOST_TEST(t && *t && **t==typeid(derives_std_boost_exception)); #endif } catch( ... ) { BOOST_TEST(false); } } catch( ... ) { BOOST_TEST(false); } } try { throw derives_boost_exception() << my_info(42); } catch( ... ) { boost::exception_ptr p = boost::current_exception(); BOOST_TEST(!(p==boost::exception_ptr())); BOOST_TEST(p!=boost::exception_ptr()); BOOST_TEST(p); try { rethrow_exception(p); BOOST_TEST(false); } catch( boost::unknown_exception & x ) { BOOST_TEST(boost::get_error_info<my_info>(x)); if( int const * p=boost::get_error_info<my_info>(x) ) BOOST_TEST(*p==42); #ifndef BOOST_NO_RTTI { std::type_info const * const * t=boost::get_error_info<boost::original_exception_type>(x); BOOST_TEST(t && *t && **t==typeid(derives_boost_exception)); } #endif boost::exception_ptr p = boost::current_exception(); BOOST_TEST(!(p==boost::exception_ptr())); BOOST_TEST(p!=boost::exception_ptr()); BOOST_TEST(p); try { rethrow_exception(p); BOOST_TEST(false); } catch( boost::unknown_exception & x ) { BOOST_TEST(boost::get_error_info<my_info>(x)); if( int const * p=boost::get_error_info<my_info>(x) ) BOOST_TEST(*p==42); } catch( ... ) { BOOST_TEST(false); } } catch( ... ) { BOOST_TEST(false); } } test_throw_on_copy<std::bad_alloc,std::bad_alloc>(); test_throw_on_copy<int,std::bad_exception>(); try { throw boost::enable_current_exception(derives_std_boost_exception("what1")); } catch( ... ) { boost::exception_ptr p=boost::current_exception(); { std::string s=diagnostic_information(p); BOOST_TEST(s.find("what1")!=s.npos); } try { throw boost::enable_current_exception(derives_std_boost_exception("what2") << nested_exception(p) ); } catch( ... ) { std::string s=boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information(); BOOST_TEST(s.find("what1")!=s.npos); BOOST_TEST(s.find("what2")!=s.npos); } } BOOST_TEST(!diagnostic_information(boost::exception_ptr()).empty()); return boost::report_errors(); }
void doTransactionTests(json_spirit::mValue& _v, bool _fillin) { for (auto& i: _v.get_obj()) { cerr << i.first << endl; mObject& o = i.second.get_obj(); if (_fillin) { TBOOST_REQUIRE((o.count("transaction") > 0)); mObject tObj = o["transaction"].get_obj(); //Construct Rlp of the given transaction RLPStream rlpStream = createRLPStreamFromTransactionFields(tObj); o["rlp"] = toHex(rlpStream.out(), 2, HexPrefix::Add); try { Transaction txFromFields(rlpStream.out(), CheckTransaction::Everything); if (!txFromFields.signature().isValid()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("transaction from RLP signature is invalid") ); o["sender"] = toString(txFromFields.sender()); o["transaction"] = ImportTest::makeAllFieldsHex(tObj); } catch(Exception const& _e) { //Transaction is InValid cnote << "Transaction Exception: " << diagnostic_information(_e); o.erase(o.find("transaction")); if (o.count("expect") > 0) { bool expectInValid = (o["expect"].get_str() == "invalid"); if (Options::get().checkState) {TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(expectInValid, "Check state: Transaction '" << i.first << "' is expected to be valid!");} else {TBOOST_WARN_MESSAGE(expectInValid, "Check state: Transaction '" << i.first << "' is expected to be valid!");} o.erase(o.find("expect")); } } //Transaction is Valid if (o.count("expect") > 0) { bool expectValid = (o["expect"].get_str() == "valid"); if (Options::get().checkState) {TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(expectValid, "Check state: Transaction '" << i.first << "' is expected to be invalid!");} else {TBOOST_WARN_MESSAGE(expectValid, "Check state: Transaction '" << i.first << "' is expected to be invalid!");} o.erase(o.find("expect")); } } else { TBOOST_REQUIRE((o.count("rlp") > 0)); Transaction txFromRlp; try { bytes stream = importByteArray(o["rlp"].get_str()); RLP rlp(stream); txFromRlp = Transaction(rlp.data(), CheckTransaction::Everything); if (!txFromRlp.signature().isValid()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("transaction from RLP signature is invalid") ); } catch(Exception const& _e) { cnote << i.first; cnote << "Transaction Exception: " << diagnostic_information(_e); TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((o.count("transaction") == 0), "A transaction object should not be defined because the RLP is invalid!"); continue; } catch(...) { TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((o.count("transaction") == 0), "A transaction object should not be defined because the RLP is invalid!"); continue; } TBOOST_REQUIRE((o.count("transaction") > 0)); mObject tObj = o["transaction"].get_obj(); Transaction txFromFields(createRLPStreamFromTransactionFields(tObj).out(), CheckTransaction::Everything); //Check the fields restored from RLP to original fields TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((txFromFields.data() == txFromRlp.data()), "Data in given RLP not matching the Transaction data!"); TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((txFromFields.value() == txFromRlp.value()), "Value in given RLP not matching the Transaction value!"); TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((txFromFields.gasPrice() == txFromRlp.gasPrice()), "GasPrice in given RLP not matching the Transaction gasPrice!"); TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((txFromFields.gas() == txFromRlp.gas()),"Gas in given RLP not matching the Transaction gas!"); TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((txFromFields.nonce() == txFromRlp.nonce()),"Nonce in given RLP not matching the Transaction nonce!"); TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((txFromFields.receiveAddress() == txFromRlp.receiveAddress()), "Receive address in given RLP not matching the Transaction 'to' address!"); TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((txFromFields.sender() == txFromRlp.sender()), "Transaction sender address in given RLP not matching the Transaction 'vrs' signature!"); TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((txFromFields == txFromRlp), "However, txFromFields != txFromRlp!"); TBOOST_REQUIRE ((o.count("sender") > 0)); Address addressReaded = Address(o["sender"].get_str()); TBOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((txFromFields.sender() == addressReaded || txFromRlp.sender() == addressReaded), "Signature address of sender does not match given sender address!"); } }//for }//doTransactionTests
int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [additional options]"; po::options_description desc(oss.str()); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "produce this message") ("debug,d", "enable debug mode") ("logfile,l", po::value<std::string>(), "set the logfile to use") ("interval,i", po::value<int>(), "set the broadcast interval") ("interface,I", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(), "interface to use for multicast") ("address,a", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(), "address to listen on") ; po::variables_map vm; // Begin processing of commandline parameters. try { po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv). options(desc).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Cannot process commandline options: " << e.what() << std::endl; exit(-1); } bool debug = false; std::string logfile = "/tmp/hexadaemon.log"; int interval = 2; std::vector<std::string> interfaces; std::vector<std::string> addresses; if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 1; } if (vm.count("debug")) { std::cout << "debug enabled" << std::endl; debug = true; } if (vm.count("logfile")) { logfile = vm["logfile"].as<std::string>(); debug && std::cout << "logfile: " << logfile << std::endl; } if (vm.count("interval")) { interval = vm["interval"].as<int>(); std::cout << "interval: " << interval << std::endl; } if (vm.count("interface")) { interfaces = vm["interface"].as<std::vector<std::string> >(); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = interfaces.begin(); it != interfaces.end(); ++it) debug && std::cout << "interface: " << *it << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "You have to specify at least one interface." << std::endl; return 1; } if (vm.count("address")) { addresses = vm["address"].as<std::vector<std::string> >(); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = addresses.begin(); it != addresses.end(); ++it) debug && std::cout << "address: " << *it << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "You have to specify at least one address." << std::endl; return 1; } try { boost::asio::io_service io_service; // Initialise the server before becoming a daemon. If the process is // started from a shell, this means any errors will be reported back to the // user. //udp_daytime_server server(io_service); hexadaemon::HexabusServer *server; server = new hexadaemon::HexabusServer(io_service, interfaces, addresses, interval, debug); // Register signal handlers so that the daemon may be shut down. You may // also want to register for other signals, such as SIGHUP to trigger a // re-read of a configuration file. boost::asio::signal_set signals(io_service, SIGINT, SIGTERM); signals.async_wait( boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::stop, &io_service)); if ( !debug ) { // Inform the io_service that we are about to become a daemon. The // io_service cleans up any internal resources, such as threads, that may // interfere with forking. io_service.notify_fork(boost::asio::io_service::fork_prepare); // Fork the process and have the parent exit. If the process was started // from a shell, this returns control to the user. Forking a new process is // also a prerequisite for the subsequent call to setsid(). if (pid_t pid = fork()) { if (pid > 0) { // We're in the parent process and need to exit. // // When the exit() function is used, the program terminates without // invoking local variables' destructors. Only global variables are // destroyed. As the io_service object is a local variable, this means // we do not have to call: // // io_service.notify_fork(boost::asio::io_service::fork_parent); // // However, this line should be added before each call to exit() if // using a global io_service object. An additional call: // // io_service.notify_fork(boost::asio::io_service::fork_prepare); // // should also precede the second fork(). exit(0); } else { syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_USER, "First fork failed: %m"); return 1; } } // Make the process a new session leader. This detaches it from the // terminal. setsid(); // A process inherits its working directory from its parent. This could be // on a mounted filesystem, which means that the running daemon would // prevent this filesystem from being unmounted. Changing to the root // directory avoids this problem. chdir("/"); // The file mode creation mask is also inherited from the parent process. // We don't want to restrict the permissions on files created by the // daemon, so the mask is cleared. umask(0); // A second fork ensures the process cannot acquire a controlling terminal. if (pid_t pid = fork()) { if (pid > 0) { exit(0); } else { syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_USER, "Second fork failed: %m"); return 1; } } // Close the standard streams. This decouples the daemon from the terminal // that started it. close(0); close(1); close(2); // We don't want the daemon to have any standard input. if (open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_USER, "Unable to open /dev/null: %m"); return 1; } // Send standard output to a log file. const char* output = logfile.c_str(); const int flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND; const mode_t mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH; if (open(output, flags, mode) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_USER, "Unable to open output file %s: %m", output); return 1; } // Also send standard error to the same log file. if (dup(1) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_USER, "Unable to dup output descriptor: %m"); return 1; } // Inform the io_service that we have finished becoming a daemon. The // io_service uses this opportunity to create any internal file descriptors // that need to be private to the new process. io_service.notify_fork(boost::asio::io_service::fork_child); // The io_service can now be used normally. syslog(LOG_INFO | LOG_USER, "HexabusDaemon started"); } io_service.run(); if ( !debug ) syslog(LOG_INFO | LOG_USER, "HexabusDaemon stopped"); } catch (hexabus::NetworkException& e) { std::cerr << "An error occured during " << e.reason() << ": " << e.code().message() << std::endl; } catch (hexabus::GenericException& e) { std::cerr << "An error occured during " << e.reason() << std::endl; } catch (boost::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Boost Exception: " << diagnostic_information(e) << std::endl; } catch (std::exception& e) { syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_USER, "Exception: %s", e.what()); std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } }
void print_exception(std::exception_ptr ep, const string& prefix, int level) { std::ostringstream ss; if (!prefix.empty()) ss << prefix << ": "; // print exception try { std::rethrow_exception(ep); } catch (const std::exception& e) { const boost::exception* be = boost::exception_detail::get_boost_exception(&e); if (be) { if (e.what() != string("Unknown exception")) ss << e.what() << endl; if (const char* const* api_function = boost::get_error_info<boost::errinfo_api_function>(*be)) ss << *api_function << ": "; if (const DWORD* errcode = boost::get_error_info<e_last_error>(*be)) ss << GetLastErrorString(*errcode) << endl; if (auto nt_status = boost::get_error_info<e_nt_status>(*be)) ss << GetNTStatusString(*nt_status) << endl; //ss << "\n" << boost::diagnostic_information_what(*be) << "\n"; if (optional<string> src = throw_location(*be)) ss << "at " << *src << endl; ss << diagnostic_information(*be); } else ss << e.what() << endl; } catch (...) { ss << "unkown exception" << endl; } cerr << std::regex_replace(ss.str(), std::regex("^"), string(level, ' ')); // print std or boost nested exception try { std::rethrow_exception(ep); } catch (const std::exception& e) { try { std::rethrow_if_nested(e); const boost::exception* be = boost::exception_detail::get_boost_exception(&e); if (be) { if (const boost::exception_ptr* nested = boost::get_error_info<boost::errinfo_nested_exception>(*be)) boost::rethrow_exception(*nested); } } catch (...) { print_exception(std::current_exception(), "caused by", level + 1); } } catch (...) {} }
void doVMTests(json_spirit::mValue& v, bool _fillin) { processCommandLineOptions(); for (auto& i: v.get_obj()) { cnote << i.first; mObject& o = i.second.get_obj(); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("env") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("pre") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("exec") > 0); FakeExtVM fev; fev.importEnv(o["env"].get_obj()); fev.importState(o["pre"].get_obj()); if (_fillin) o["pre"] = mValue(fev.exportState()); fev.importExec(o["exec"].get_obj()); if (fev.code.empty()) { fev.thisTxCode = get<3>(fev.addresses.at(fev.myAddress)); fev.code = fev.thisTxCode; } bytes output; u256 gas; bool vmExceptionOccured = false; auto startTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); try { auto vm = eth::VMFactory::create(fev.gas); output = vm->go(fev, fev.simpleTrace()).toBytes(); gas = vm->gas(); } catch (VMException const& _e) { cnote << "Safe VM Exception"; vmExceptionOccured = true; } catch (Exception const& _e) { cnote << "VM did throw an exception: " << diagnostic_information(_e); BOOST_ERROR("Failed VM Test with Exception: " << _e.what()); } catch (std::exception const& _e) { cnote << "VM did throw an exception: " << _e.what(); BOOST_ERROR("Failed VM Test with Exception: " << _e.what()); } auto endTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto argc = boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argc; auto argv = boost::unit_test::framework::master_test_suite().argv; for (auto i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if (std::string(argv[i]) == "--show-times") { auto testDuration = endTime - startTime; cnote << "Execution time: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(testDuration).count() << " ms"; break; } } // delete null entries in storage for the sake of comparison for (auto &a: fev.addresses) { vector<u256> keystoDelete; for (auto &s: get<2>(a.second)) { if (s.second == 0) keystoDelete.push_back(s.first); } for (auto const key: keystoDelete ) { get<2>(a.second).erase(key); } } if (_fillin) { o["env"] = mValue(fev.exportEnv()); o["exec"] = mValue(fev.exportExec()); if (!vmExceptionOccured) { o["post"] = mValue(fev.exportState()); o["callcreates"] = fev.exportCallCreates(); o["out"] = "0x" + toHex(output); fev.push(o, "gas", gas); o["logs"] = exportLog(fev.sub.logs); } } else { if (o.count("post") > 0) // No exceptions expected { BOOST_CHECK(!vmExceptionOccured); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("post") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("callcreates") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("out") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("gas") > 0); BOOST_REQUIRE(o.count("logs") > 0); dev::test::FakeExtVM test; test.importState(o["post"].get_obj()); test.importCallCreates(o["callcreates"].get_array()); test.sub.logs = importLog(o["logs"].get_array()); checkOutput(output, o); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(toInt(o["gas"]), gas); auto& expectedAddrs = test.addresses; auto& resultAddrs = fev.addresses; for (auto&& expectedPair : expectedAddrs) { auto& expectedAddr = expectedPair.first; auto resultAddrIt = resultAddrs.find(expectedAddr); if (resultAddrIt == resultAddrs.end()) BOOST_ERROR("Missing expected address " << expectedAddr); else { auto& expectedState = expectedPair.second; auto& resultState = resultAddrIt->second; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(std::get<0>(expectedState) == std::get<0>(resultState), expectedAddr << ": incorrect balance " << std::get<0>(resultState) << ", expected " << std::get<0>(expectedState)); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(std::get<1>(expectedState) == std::get<1>(resultState), expectedAddr << ": incorrect txCount " << std::get<1>(resultState) << ", expected " << std::get<1>(expectedState)); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(std::get<3>(expectedState) == std::get<3>(resultState), expectedAddr << ": incorrect code"); checkStorage(std::get<2>(expectedState), std::get<2>(resultState), expectedAddr); } } checkAddresses<std::map<Address, std::tuple<u256, u256, std::map<u256, u256>, bytes> > >(test.addresses, fev.addresses); BOOST_CHECK(test.callcreates == fev.callcreates); checkLog(fev.sub.logs, test.sub.logs); } else // Exception expected BOOST_CHECK(vmExceptionOccured); } } }
void searchPath(const CmdLineOptions &myOptions, boost::shared_ptr<BoundedQueue<std::string>> fileQueue, boost::exception_ptr & error) { if (myOptions.debug > 1) std::cout << "Started search of path: " << myOptions.root_search_path << std::endl; fs::path p,sym_path,abs_path, temp_path; fs::recursive_directory_iterator end, it(myOptions.root_search_path); try { // use absolute paths for comparisons abs_path = fs::canonical(myOptions.root_search_path); do { // Can't use for loop because we need a try block. See below try { p = it->path(); if (fs::is_symlink(p)) { temp_path = fs::canonical(p); if (fs::is_directory(temp_path)) { if (abs_path <= temp_path) { if (myOptions.debug > 2) { std::cout << "Skipping " << p.string() << " because it is a symlink to the path: " << temp_path.string() << std::endl; } // since its a directory, can skip file handling code below it.no_push(); } // continue recursing directory } else { // this is a file if (p.extension().string() == ".txt") { // more efficient to filter on extension than lexigraphical compare if (abs_path <= temp_path.remove_filename()) { // modifies sym_path if (myOptions.debug > 2) { std::cout << "Skipping " << p.string() << " because it is a symlink to the path: " << fs::canonical(p).string() << std::endl; } // skip this file it.no_push(); } } /* The symlink is to a regular file, so just fall through */ } } else if (fs::is_regular_file(p)) { if (p.extension().string() == ".txt") { if (myOptions.debug > 1) { std::cout << "searchWorker: " << p.string() << " placed on queue\n"; } // we want to place a copy of the string on the queue, but the queue is written in a way to // accept rvalue arguments std::string _file = p.string(); fileQueue->send(std::move(_file)); } } try{ // boost bug 6821: recursive_directory_iterator: increment fails with 'access denied' ++it; } catch(const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& e) { if(e.code() == boost::system::errc::permission_denied) { std::cerr << "Search permission is denied for: " << p.string() << "\n"; } it.no_push(); } } catch(const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& e) { if(e.code() == boost::system::errc::permission_denied) { std::cerr << "Search permission is denied for: " << p.string() << "\n"; } else if(e.code() == boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) { std::cerr << "Symlink " << p.string() << " points to non-existent file\n"; } else if(e.code() == boost::system::errc::too_many_symbolic_link_levels) { std::cerr << "Encountered too many symbolic link levels at: " << p.string() << " . Not continuing\n"; // boost bug 5652 -- fixed in 1.49.0 } else { /* Not sure how to hande other errors, so continue propogating */ std::cerr << "Fatal error detected in directory search: " << e.what() << std::endl; // shut down threads fileQueue->send(""); throw boost::enable_current_exception(recursive_directory_iterator_error()) << boost::errinfo_errno(errno); } it.no_push(); ++it; } } while (it != end); // finished with indexing root path now // place termination character on queue fileQueue->send(""); // all errors were handled, so don't pass any outside this thread error = boost::exception_ptr(); } catch (const boost::exception& e) { std::cout << "searchWorker encountered unexpected exception" << diagnostic_information(e) << std::endl; error = boost::current_exception(); } catch (...) { error = boost::current_exception(); } if (myOptions.debug > 1) std::cout << "Finished search of path: " << myOptions.root_search_path << std::endl; }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { mfast::template_registry registry; try { int i = 1; std::string command_name = "fast_type_gen"; const char *export_symbol = nullptr; const char *outer_namespace = nullptr; const char *header_extension = ".h"; const char *inline_extension = ".inl"; const char *source_extension = ".cpp"; bool show_usage = false; bool bad_arguments = false; while ((i < argc) && (std::strlen(argv[i]) > 1) && (argv[i][0] == '-') && (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--") != 0) && !bad_arguments) { const char *flag = &argv[i][1]; if (*flag == '-') { ++flag; if (std::strcmp(flag, "help") == 0) { show_usage = true; } else if (check_long_option(command_name, argc, argv, i, "--export-symbol", export_symbol, bad_arguments)) { } else if (check_long_option(command_name, argc, argv, i, "--namespace", outer_namespace, bad_arguments)) { } else if (check_long_option(command_name, argc, argv, i, "--header-extension", header_extension, bad_arguments)) { } else if (check_long_option(command_name, argc, argv, i, "--inline-extension", inline_extension, bad_arguments)) { } else if (check_long_option(command_name, argc, argv, i, "--source-extension", source_extension, bad_arguments)) { } else { std::cerr << command_name << ": illegal option -- " << flag << std::endl; bad_arguments = true; } } else { while ((i < argc) && *flag && !bad_arguments) { if (*flag == 'h') { show_usage = true; ++flag; } else if (check_short_option(command_name, argc, argv, i, flag, 'E', export_symbol, bad_arguments)) { } else if (check_short_option(command_name, argc, argv, i, flag, 'n', outer_namespace, bad_arguments)) { } else if (check_short_option(command_name, argc, argv, i, flag, 'H', header_extension, bad_arguments)) { } else if (check_short_option(command_name, argc, argv, i, flag, 'I', inline_extension, bad_arguments)) { } else if (check_short_option(command_name, argc, argv, i, flag, 'C', source_extension, bad_arguments)) { } else { std::cerr << command_name << ": illegal option -- " << *flag << std::endl; bad_arguments = true; } } } ++i; } if ((i < argc) && (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--") == 0)) ++i; if (show_usage || bad_arguments || (i >= argc)) { std::ostream &output = show_usage ? std::cout : std::cerr; output << "usage: " << command_name << " [-E symbol] [-H extension] [-I extension] [-C extension] file ...\n" " generate C++ bindings for FAST types\n"; if (show_usage) { output << "\n" "Options and arguments:\n" " -h, --help show usage and exit\n" " -E, --export-symbol=SYM qualifier for generated types\n" " -n, --namespace=NS namespace for generated code\n" " -C, --source-extension=EXT source filename extension (default .cpp)\n" " -H, --header-extension=EXT header filename extension (default .h)\n" " -I, --inline-extension=EXT inline function filename extension (default .inl)\n" " file ... XML FAST message template inputs\n"; } return (bad_arguments || (!show_usage && (i >= argc))) ? -1 : 0; } std::vector<mfast::dynamic_templates_description> descriptions; std::vector<std::string> filebases; mfast::simple_template_repo_t repo; for (int j = 0; i < argc; ++i, ++j) { std::ifstream ifs(argv[i]); if (!ifs) { std::cerr << command_name << ": " << argv[i] << " load failed" << std::endl; return -1; } std::string xml((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()); //path f(path(argv[i]).stem()); #ifdef _WINDOWS char filebase_buf[_MAX_FNAME]; _splitpath(argv[i], NULL, NULL, filebase_buf, NULL); boost::string_ref filebase = static_cast<const char*>(filebase_buf); #else boost::string_ref filebase(argv[i]); filebase = filebase.substr(filebase.find_last_of('/') + 1); filebase = filebase.substr(0, filebase.find_last_of('.')); #endif filebases.push_back(codegen_base::cpp_name(filebase)); descriptions.emplace_back(xml.c_str(), filebases[j].c_str(), ®istry); } repo.build(descriptions.begin(), descriptions.end()); for (std::size_t j = 0; j < filebases.size(); ++j) { mfast::dynamic_templates_description &desc = descriptions[j]; const std::string &filebase = filebases[j]; hpp_gen header_gen(filebase.c_str(), header_extension); if (outer_namespace) header_gen.set_outer_ns(outer_namespace); if (export_symbol) header_gen.set_export_symbol(export_symbol); header_gen.set_inl_fileext(inline_extension); header_gen.generate(desc); inl_gen inline_gen(filebase.c_str(), inline_extension); if (outer_namespace) inline_gen.set_outer_ns(outer_namespace); inline_gen.generate(desc); cpp_gen source_gen(filebase.c_str(), source_extension); if (outer_namespace) source_gen.set_outer_ns(outer_namespace); source_gen.set_hpp_fileext(header_extension); source_gen.generate(desc); } } catch (boost::exception &e) { std::cerr << diagnostic_information(e); return -1; } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << "\n"; return -1; } return 0; }