Exemple #1
    void ShardChunkManager::_init( const string& configServer , const string& ns , const string& shardName, ShardChunkManagerPtr oldManager ) {

        // have to get a connection to the config db
        // special case if I'm the configdb since I'm locked and if I connect to myself
        // its a deadlock
        scoped_ptr<ScopedDbConnection> scoped;
        scoped_ptr<DBDirectClient> direct;
        DBClientBase * conn;
        if ( configServer.empty() ) {
            direct.reset( new DBDirectClient() );
            conn = direct.get();
        else {
            scoped.reset( ScopedDbConnection::getInternalScopedDbConnection( configServer, 30.0 ) );
            conn = scoped->get();

        // get this collection's sharding key
        BSONObj collectionDoc = conn->findOne( "config.collections", BSON( "_id" << ns ) );

        if( collectionDoc.isEmpty() ){
            warning() << ns << " does not exist as a sharded collection" << endl;

        if( collectionDoc["dropped"].Bool() ){
            warning() << ns << " was dropped.  Re-shard collection first." << endl;

        _fillCollectionKey( collectionDoc );

        map<string,ShardChunkVersion> versionMap;
        versionMap[ shardName ] = _version;
        _collVersion = ShardChunkVersion( 0, OID() );

        // Check to see if we have an old ShardChunkManager to use
        if( oldManager && oldManager->_collVersion.isSet() ){

            versionMap[ shardName ] = oldManager->_version;
            _collVersion = oldManager->_collVersion;
            // TODO: This could be made more efficient if copying not required, but not as
            // frequently reloaded as in mongos.
            _chunksMap = oldManager->_chunksMap;

            LOG(2) << "loading new chunks for collection " << ns << " using old chunk manager w/ version " << _collVersion
                   << " and " << _chunksMap.size() << " chunks" << endl;

        // Attach our config diff tracker to our range map and versions
        SCMConfigDiffTracker differ( shardName );
        differ.attach( ns, _chunksMap, _collVersion, versionMap );

        // Need to do the query ourselves, since we may use direct conns to the db
        Query query = differ.configDiffQuery();
        auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn->query( "config.chunks" , query );

        uassert( 16181, str::stream() << "could not initialize cursor to config server chunks collection for ns " << ns, cursor.get() );

        // Diff tracker should *always* find at least one chunk if collection exists
        int diffsApplied = differ.calculateConfigDiff( *cursor );
        if( diffsApplied > 0 ){

            LOG(2) << "loaded " << diffsApplied << " chunks into new chunk manager for " << ns
                   << " with version " << _collVersion << endl;

            // Save the new version of this shard
            _version = versionMap[ shardName ];

        else if( diffsApplied == 0 ){

            // No chunks were found for the ns
            warning() << "no chunks found when reloading " << ns << ", previous version was " << _collVersion << endl;

            _version = ShardChunkVersion( 0, OID() );
            _collVersion = ShardChunkVersion( 0, OID() );

            // TODO: make this impossible by making sure we don't migrate / split on this shard during the
            // reload
            // No chunks were found for the ns
            warning() << "invalid chunks found when reloading " << ns << ", previous version was " << _collVersion
                      << ", this should be rare" << endl;

            // Handle the same way as a connectivity error, for now
            // TODO: handle inline
            uassert( 16229,
                     str::stream() << "could not initialize cursor to config server chunks collection for ns "
                                   << ns, cursor.get() );

        if ( scoped.get() )

        if ( _chunksMap.empty() )
            log() << "no chunk for collection " << ns << " on shard " << shardName << endl;
bool compareImage_v2(MyImage &img_logo, MyImage &img_pic)
	int row_n = img_pic.getHeight() / BLOCK_SIZE;
	int col_n = img_pic.getWidth() / BLOCK_SIZE;
	int *his_logo = getHistogram(img_logo, 0, 0, img_logo.getHeight(), img_logo.getWidth());
	//int *his_logo = getHistogram_H(img_logo, 0, 0, img_logo.getHeight(), img_logo.getWidth());
	//int *his_pic = getHistogram_H(img_pic, 0, 0, img_pic.getHeight(), img_pic.getWidth());
	//print_arr(his_logo, histo_size);
	//print_arr(his_logo, histo_size_h);
	//delete his_pic;
	double *norm_logo = normalize(his_logo, histo_size);
	//double *norm_logo = normalize(his_logo, histo_size_h);
	//print_arr_d(norm_logo, histo_size);
	//print_arr_d(norm_logo, histo_size_h);
	int **block_histos = new int*[row_n * col_n];

	int total_blc = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < img_pic.getHeight(); i += BLOCK_SIZE) {
		for(int j = 0; j < img_pic.getWidth(); j += BLOCK_SIZE) {
			//TRACE("i: %d, j: %d\n", i, j);
			block_histos[total_blc++] = getHistogram(img_pic, i, j, i + BLOCK_SIZE, j + BLOCK_SIZE);
		//	print_arr(block_histos[total_blc - 1], H_N);

	int window_size = min(row_n, col_n);
	//double min_diff = 1000.0;
	//int min_x = -1, min_y = -1, min_size = -1;
	std::priority_queue<Box, std::vector<Box>, CompareBox> best_boxes;
	int max_heap_size = 5;
	while(window_size > 0) {
		for(int row = 0; row <= row_n - window_size; row++) {
			for(int col = 0; col <= col_n - window_size; col++) {
				int *local_histo = new int[histo_size];
				//int *local_histo = new int[histo_size_h];
				for(int x = 0; x < histo_size; x++) local_histo[x] = 0;
				//for(int x = 0; x < histo_size_h; x++) local_histo[x] = 0;
				for(int x = row; x < row + window_size; x++) {
					for(int y = col; y < col + window_size; y++) {
						int block_index = x * col_n + y;
						for(int z = 0; z < histo_size; z++)
						//for(int z = 0; z < histo_size_h; z++)
							local_histo[z] += block_histos[block_index][z];
				double *norm_local = normalize(local_histo, histo_size);
				//double *norm_local = normalize(local_histo, histo_size_h);
				//print_arr_d(norm_local, H_N);
				//print_arr_d(norm_logo, H_N);
				double diff = differ(norm_local, norm_logo, histo_size);
				//double diff = differ(norm_local, norm_logo, histo_size_h);
				//TRACE("row: %d, col: %d, size: %d, diff: %lf\n", row, col, window_size, diff);
				if(row == 3 && col == 6 && window_size == 2) {
					print_arr_d(norm_local, histo_size);
					TRACE("diff: %lf\n", diff);
				if(best_boxes.size() == max_heap_size && best_boxes.top().diff > diff) {
					delete best_boxes.top().histogram;
				if(best_boxes.size() < max_heap_size) {
					Box new_box = {row, col, window_size, diff, local_histo};
					//TRACE("r: %d, c: %d, size: %d, diff: %lf\n", new_box.row, new_box.col, new_box.len, new_box.diff);
					delete local_histo;
				delete norm_local;
	//TRACE("row: %d, col: %d, size: %d, diff: %lf\n", min_y, min_x, min_size, min_diff);
	//int length = min_size * BLOCK_SIZE;
	unsigned char **pyramid = create_img_pyr(img_logo, 0);

	int min_err = (1 << 31) - 1;
	double min_diff = 10.0;
	while(!best_boxes.empty()) {
		Box best_box = best_boxes.top();
		TRACE("row: %d, col: %d, size: %d, diff: %lf\n", best_box.row, best_box.col, best_box.len, best_box.diff);
		//printf("row: %d, col: %d, size: %d, diff: %lf\n", best_box.row, best_box.col, best_box.len, best_box.diff);
		//print_arr(best_box.histogram, histo_size);
		//print_arr(best_box.histogram, histo_size_h);
		img_pic.DrawBox(best_box.row * BLOCK_SIZE, best_box.col * BLOCK_SIZE, (best_box.row  + best_box.len)* BLOCK_SIZE, (best_box.col + best_box.len) * BLOCK_SIZE);
		    min_err = diff_pic(pyramid[best_box.len - 1], best_box.len, img_pic, best_box.row * BLOCK_SIZE, best_box.col * BLOCK_SIZE, (best_box.row  + best_box.len)* BLOCK_SIZE, (best_box.col + best_box.len) * BLOCK_SIZE);
		//TRACE("cur_err: %d\n", cur_err);
		//printf("cur_err: %d\n", cur_err);
		//if(cur_err < min_err) min_err = cur_err;
		if(best_box.diff < min_diff) min_diff = best_box.diff;
		delete best_box.histogram;
	TRACE("min_square_error: %d\n", min_err);
	TRACE("min_diff: %f\n", min_diff);
	delete his_logo;
	delete norm_logo;
	//delete [] block_histos;
	for(int i = 0; i < total_blc; i++) {
		delete block_histos[i];
	for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		delete pyramid[i];
	delete pyramid;
	delete block_histos;
	if(min_diff <= 0.02) return true;
	if(min_diff >= 0.33) return false;
	return min_err < 400000;
Exemple #3
bool ChunkManager::_load(OperationContext* txn,
                         ChunkMap& chunkMap,
                         set<ShardId>& shardIds,
                         ShardVersionMap* shardVersions,
                         const ChunkManager* oldManager) {
    // Reset the max version, but not the epoch, when we aren't loading from the oldManager
    _version = ChunkVersion(0, 0, _version.epoch());

    // If we have a previous version of the ChunkManager to work from, use that info to reduce
    // our config query
    if (oldManager && oldManager->getVersion().isSet()) {
        // Get the old max version
        _version = oldManager->getVersion();

        // Load a copy of the old versions
        *shardVersions = oldManager->_shardVersions;

        // Load a copy of the chunk map, replacing the chunk manager with our own
        const ChunkMap& oldChunkMap = oldManager->getChunkMap();

        // Could be v.expensive
        // TODO: If chunks were immutable and didn't reference the manager, we could do more
        // interesting things here
        for (const auto& oldChunkMapEntry : oldChunkMap) {
            shared_ptr<Chunk> oldC = oldChunkMapEntry.second;
            shared_ptr<Chunk> newC(new Chunk(
                this, oldC->getMin(), oldC->getMax(), oldC->getShardId(), oldC->getLastmod()));


            chunkMap.insert(make_pair(oldC->getMax(), newC));

        LOG(2) << "loading chunk manager for collection " << _ns
               << " using old chunk manager w/ version " << _version.toString() << " and "
               << oldChunkMap.size() << " chunks";

    // Attach a diff tracker for the versioned chunk data
    CMConfigDiffTracker differ(this);
    differ.attach(_ns, chunkMap, _version, *shardVersions);

    // Diff tracker should *always* find at least one chunk if collection exists
    // Get the diff query required
    auto diffQuery = differ.configDiffQuery();

    repl::OpTime opTime;
    std::vector<ChunkType> chunks;
        txn, diffQuery.query, diffQuery.sort, boost::none, &chunks, &opTime));

    invariant(opTime >= _configOpTime);
    _configOpTime = opTime;

    int diffsApplied = differ.calculateConfigDiff(txn, chunks);
    if (diffsApplied > 0) {
        LOG(2) << "loaded " << diffsApplied << " chunks into new chunk manager for " << _ns
               << " with version " << _version;

        // Add all existing shards we find to the shards set
        for (ShardVersionMap::iterator it = shardVersions->begin(); it != shardVersions->end();) {
            shared_ptr<Shard> shard = grid.shardRegistry()->getShard(txn, it->first);
            if (shard) {
            } else {

        _configOpTime = opTime;

        return true;
    } else if (diffsApplied == 0) {
        // No chunks were found for the ns
        warning() << "no chunks found when reloading " << _ns << ", previous version was "
                  << _version;

        // Set all our data to empty

        _version = ChunkVersion(0, 0, OID());
        _configOpTime = opTime;

        return true;
    } else {  // diffsApplied < 0

        bool allInconsistent = (differ.numValidDiffs() == 0);
        if (allInconsistent) {
            // All versions are different, this can be normal
            warning() << "major change in chunk information found when reloading " << _ns
                      << ", previous version was " << _version;
        } else {
            // Inconsistent load halfway through (due to yielding cursor during load)
            // should be rare
            warning() << "inconsistent chunks found when reloading " << _ns
                      << ", previous version was " << _version << ", this should be rare";

        // Set all our data to empty to be extra safe

        _version = ChunkVersion(0, 0, OID());

        return allInconsistent;
Exemple #4
    vector<vector<string>> findLadders(string beginWord, string endWord, unordered_set<string> &wordList) {
        // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
        // DO NOT write int main() function
        vector<vector<string>> res;
        vector<string> temp;
        if(differ(beginWord, endWord)<=1)
            return res;
        unordered_map<string, vector<string>> path;
		unordered_set<string> last_word;
		unordered_set<string> last_use;
		bool flag = false;
        string none;
        queue<pair<string, int>> q;
        q.push(pair<string, int> (beginWord, 1));
        string str, nxt;
        int cntStep;
		int lastStep =0;
        int minStep;
        while (!q.empty()) {
            str = q.front().first;
            cntStep = q.front().second;
            if(flag && cntStep >= minStep)
			if(lastStep != cntStep)
				lastStep =cntStep;
				for(auto it = last_use.begin(); it != last_use.end(); it++)

            for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
                for (char j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; j++) {
                    if (str[i] == j)
                    nxt = str;
                    nxt[i] = j;
                    if(nxt == endWord)
                        flag = true;
                        minStep = cntStep+1;
                        deque<string> strpath;
						dfs_insert(res, strpath, path, str);
                    else if (wordList.count(nxt)) {
                        q.push(pair<string, int> (nxt, cntStep+1));
        return res;
    Status MetadataLoader::initChunks( const string& ns,
                                       const string& shard,
                                       const CollectionMetadata* oldMetadata,
                                       CollectionMetadata* metadata ) const
        map<string, ChunkVersion> versionMap;

        // Preserve the epoch
        versionMap[shard] = metadata->_shardVersion;
        OID epoch = metadata->getCollVersion().epoch();
        bool fullReload = true;

        // Check to see if we should use the old version or not.
        if ( oldMetadata ) {

            // If our epochs are compatible, it's useful to use the old metadata for diffs
            if ( oldMetadata->getCollVersion().hasCompatibleEpoch( epoch ) ) {

                fullReload = false;
                dassert( oldMetadata->isValid() );

                versionMap[shard] = oldMetadata->_shardVersion;
                metadata->_collVersion = oldMetadata->_collVersion;

                // TODO: This could be made more efficient if copying not required, but
                // not as frequently reloaded as in mongos.
                metadata->_chunksMap = oldMetadata->_chunksMap;

                LOG( 2 ) << "loading new chunks for collection " << ns
                         << " using old metadata w/ version " << oldMetadata->getShardVersion()
                         << " and " << metadata->_chunksMap.size() << " chunks" << endl;
            else {
                warning() << "reloading collection metadata for " << ns << " with new epoch "
                          << epoch.toString() << ", the current epoch is "
                          << oldMetadata->getCollVersion().epoch().toString() << endl;

        // Exposes the new metadata's range map and version to the "differ," who
        // would ultimately be responsible of filling them up.
        SCMConfigDiffTracker differ( shard );
        differ.attach( ns, metadata->_chunksMap, metadata->_collVersion, versionMap );

        try {

            ScopedDbConnection conn( _configLoc.toString(), 30 );

            auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn->query( ChunkType::ConfigNS,
                                                           differ.configDiffQuery() );

            if ( !cursor.get() ) {

                // Make our metadata invalid
                metadata->_collVersion = ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );

                return Status( ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable,
                               "problem opening chunk metadata cursor" );

            // The diff tracker should always find at least one chunk (the highest chunk we saw
            // last time).  If not, something has changed on the config server (potentially between
            // when we read the collection data and when we read the chunks data).

            int diffsApplied = differ.calculateConfigDiff( *cursor );
            if ( diffsApplied > 0 ) {

                // Chunks found, return ok

                LOG(2) << "loaded " << diffsApplied << " chunks into new metadata for " << ns
                           << " with version " << metadata->_collVersion << endl;

                metadata->_shardVersion = versionMap[shard];

                dassert( metadata->isValid() );
                return Status::OK();
            else if ( diffsApplied == 0 ) {

                // No chunks found, the collection is dropping or we're confused
                // If this is a full reload, assume it is a drop for backwards compatibility
                // TODO: drop the config.collections entry *before* the chunks and eliminate this
                // ambiguity

                string errMsg =
                    str::stream() << "no chunks found when reloading " << ns
                                  << ", previous version was "
                                  << metadata->_collVersion.toString()
                                  << ( fullReload ? ", this is a drop" : "" );

                warning() << errMsg << endl;

                metadata->_collVersion = ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );

                return fullReload ? Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, errMsg ) :
                                    Status( ErrorCodes::RemoteChangeDetected, errMsg );
            else {

                // Invalid chunks found, our epoch may have changed because we dropped/recreated
                // the collection.

                string errMsg = // br
                        str::stream() << "invalid chunks found when reloading " << ns
                                      << ", previous version was "
                                      << metadata->_collVersion.toString()
                                      << ", this should be rare";

                warning() << errMsg << endl;

                metadata->_collVersion = ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );

                return Status( ErrorCodes::RemoteChangeDetected, errMsg );
        catch ( const DBException& e ) {
            string errMsg = str::stream() << "problem querying chunks metadata" << causedBy( e );

            // We deliberately do not return connPtr to the pool, since it was involved
            // with the error here.

            return Status( ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable, errMsg );
Exemple #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	printf("Debut initialisation\n");
    /// Chargement des objets
	//on ne stocke plus dans des mesh, mais dans un tableau possible de mesh à charger. L'id du meche à charger par le patron correspond
	//à l'indice dans le tableau de mesh
	mesh.push_back(new MeshObj("Others\\legoTexture.obj",NULL));
	mesh.push_back(new MeshObj("Others\\brique_lego.obj", NULL));

	printf("Chargement des objets réussi\n");
    /// Initialisation de glut
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH);

    glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);



    /// Initialisation d'ARToolKit et de la fenetre + appel boucle infini
    glutPositionWindow((glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH)-cparam.xsize)/2, (glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT)-cparam.ysize)/2);

	//init du menu d'aide (aide mouvement)

	//init bouttons help/scan


	help.addBoutton("img\\aide1.png",true, cparam.xsize-120,54+35,cparam.xsize-16,54+54+35,true);
	help.addBoutton("img\\aide2.png",true, cparam.xsize-120,54+35,cparam.xsize-16,54+54+35,false); //activé
	help.addBoutton("img\\aide3.png",true, cparam.xsize-120,54+35,cparam.xsize-16,54+54+35,false); //selectioné


	FMOD_System_Init(systemSon, 2, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, NULL);
	if(!FMOD_System_CreateSound(systemSon, "Data\\mouseclickDown.wav", FMOD_CREATESAMPLE, 0, &clickDown)) printf("chargement son: ok\n");
	else printf("chargement son: echec\n");
	if(!FMOD_System_CreateSound(systemSon, "Data\\mouseclickUp.wav", FMOD_CREATESAMPLE, 0, &clickUP)) printf("chargement son: ok\n");
	else printf("chargement son: echec\n");*/


	printf("Fin initialisation\n");

	argMainLoop(mouseClick, key, mainLoop);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #7
        void run() {

            int numShards = 10;
            int numInitialChunks = 5;
            int maxChunks = 100000; // Needed to not overflow the BSONArray's max bytes
            int keySize = 2;

            BSONArrayBuilder chunksB;

            BSONObj lastSplitPt;
            ShardChunkVersion version( 1, 0, OID() );

            // Generate numChunks with a given key size over numShards
            // All chunks have double key values, so we can split them a bunch

            for( int i = -1; i < numInitialChunks; i++ ){

                BSONObjBuilder splitPtB;
                for( int k = 0; k < keySize; k++ ){
                    string field = string( "k" ) + string( 1, (char)('0' + k) );
                    if( i < 0 )
                        splitPtB.appendMinKey( field );
                    else if( i < numInitialChunks - 1 )
                        splitPtB.append( field, (double)i );
                        splitPtB.appendMaxKey( field );
                BSONObj splitPt = splitPtB.obj();

                if( i >= 0 ){
                    BSONObjBuilder chunkB;

                    chunkB.append( "min", lastSplitPt );
                    chunkB.append( "max", splitPt );

                    int shardNum = rand( numShards );
                    chunkB.append( "shard", "shard" + string( 1, (char)('A' + shardNum) ) );

                    rand( 2 ) ? version.incMajor() : version.incMinor();
                    version.addToBSON( chunkB, "lastmod" );

                    chunksB.append( chunkB.obj() );

                lastSplitPt = splitPt;

            BSONArray chunks = chunksB.arr();

            // log() << "Chunks generated : " << chunks << endl;

            DBClientMockCursor chunksCursor( chunks );

            // Setup the empty ranges and versions first
            RangeMap ranges;
            ShardChunkVersion maxVersion = ShardChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );
            VersionMap maxShardVersions;

            // Create a differ which will track our progress
            boost::shared_ptr< DefaultDiffAdapter > differ( _inverse ? new InverseDiffAdapter() : new DefaultDiffAdapter() );
            differ->attach( "test", ranges, maxVersion, maxShardVersions );

            // Validate initial load
            differ->calculateConfigDiff( chunksCursor );
            validate( chunks, ranges, maxVersion, maxShardVersions );

            // Generate a lot of diffs, and keep validating that updating from the diffs always
            // gives us the right ranges and versions

            int numDiffs = 135; // Makes about 100000 chunks overall
            int numChunks = numInitialChunks;
            for( int i = 0; i < numDiffs; i++ ){

                // log() << "Generating new diff... " << i << endl;

                BSONArrayBuilder diffsB;
                BSONArrayBuilder newChunksB;
                BSONObjIterator chunksIt( chunks );

                while( chunksIt.more() ){

                    BSONObj chunk = chunksIt.next().Obj();

                    int randChoice = rand( 10 );

                    if( randChoice < 2 && numChunks < maxChunks ){
                        // Simulate a split

                        // log() << " ...starting a split with chunk " << chunk << endl;

                        BSONObjBuilder leftB;
                        BSONObjBuilder rightB;
                        BSONObjBuilder midB;

                        for( int k = 0; k < keySize; k++ ){
                            string field = string( "k" ) + string( 1, (char)('0' + k) );

                            BSONType maxType = chunk["max"].Obj()[field].type();
                            double max = maxType == NumberDouble ? chunk["max"].Obj()[field].Number() : 0.0;
                            BSONType minType = chunk["min"].Obj()[field].type();
                            double min = minType == NumberDouble ? chunk["min"].Obj()[field].Number() : 0.0;

                            if( minType == MinKey ){
                                midB.append( field, max - 1.0 );
                            else if( maxType == MaxKey ){
                                midB.append( field, min + 1.0 );
                            else {
                                midB.append( field, ( max + min ) / 2.0 );

                        BSONObj midPt = midB.obj();
                        // Only happens if we can't split the min chunk
                        if( midPt.isEmpty() ) continue;

                        leftB.append( chunk["min"] );
                        leftB.append( "max", midPt );
                        rightB.append( "min", midPt );
                        rightB.append( chunk["max"] );

                        leftB.append( chunk["shard"] );
                        rightB.append( chunk["shard"] );

                        version._minor = 0;
                        version.addToBSON( leftB, "lastmod" );
                        version.addToBSON( rightB, "lastmod" );

                        BSONObj left = leftB.obj();
                        BSONObj right = rightB.obj();

                        // log() << " ... split into " << left << " and " << right << endl;

                        newChunksB.append( left );
                        newChunksB.append( right );

                        diffsB.append( right );
                        diffsB.append( left );

                    else if( randChoice < 4 && chunksIt.more() ){
                        // Simulate a migrate

                        // log() << " ...starting a migrate with chunk " << chunk << endl;

                        BSONObj prevShardChunk;
                        while( chunksIt.more() ){
                            prevShardChunk = chunksIt.next().Obj();
                            if( prevShardChunk["shard"].String() == chunk["shard"].String() ) break;

                            // log() << "... appending chunk from diff shard: " << prevShardChunk << endl;
                            newChunksB.append( prevShardChunk );

                            prevShardChunk = BSONObj();

                        // We need to move between different shards, hence the weirdness in logic here
                        if( ! prevShardChunk.isEmpty() ){

                            BSONObjBuilder newShardB;
                            BSONObjBuilder prevShardB;

                            newShardB.append( chunk["min"] );
                            newShardB.append( chunk["max"] );
                            prevShardB.append( prevShardChunk["min"] );
                            prevShardB.append( prevShardChunk["max"] );

                            int shardNum = rand( numShards );
                            newShardB.append( "shard", "shard" + string( 1, (char)('A' + shardNum) ) );
                            prevShardB.append( prevShardChunk["shard"] );

                            version._minor = 0;
                            version.addToBSON( newShardB, "lastmod" );
                            version.addToBSON( prevShardB, "lastmod" );

                            BSONObj newShard = newShardB.obj();
                            BSONObj prevShard = prevShardB.obj();

                            // log() << " ... migrated to " << newShard << " and updated " << prevShard << endl;

                            newChunksB.append( newShard );
                            newChunksB.append( prevShard );

                            diffsB.append( newShard );
                            diffsB.append( prevShard );

                            // log() << "... appending chunk, no more left: " << chunk << endl;
                            newChunksB.append( chunk );
                        // log() << "Appending chunk : " << chunk << endl;
                        newChunksB.append( chunk );


                BSONArray diffs = diffsB.arr();
                chunks = newChunksB.arr();

                // log() << "Diffs generated : " << diffs << endl;
                // log() << "All chunks : " << chunks << endl;

                // Rarely entirely clear out our data
                if( rand( 10 ) < 1 ){
                    diffs = chunks;
                    maxVersion = ShardChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() );

                // log() << "Total number of chunks : " << numChunks << " iteration " << i << endl;

                DBClientMockCursor diffCursor( diffs );

                differ->calculateConfigDiff( diffCursor );

                validate( chunks, ranges, maxVersion, maxShardVersions );


    bool MetadataLoader::initChunks(const CollectionType& collDoc,
                                    const string& ns,
                                    const string& shard,
                                    const CollectionManager* oldManager,
                                    CollectionManager* manager,
                                    string* errMsg) {

        map<string,ChunkVersion> versionMap;
        manager->_maxCollVersion = ChunkVersion(0, 0, collDoc.getEpoch());

        // Check to see if we should use the old version or not.
        if (oldManager) {

            ChunkVersion oldVersion = oldManager->getMaxShardVersion();

            if (oldVersion.isSet() && oldVersion.hasCompatibleEpoch(collDoc.getEpoch())) {

                // Our epoch for coll version and shard version should be the same.

                versionMap[shard] = oldManager->_maxShardVersion;
                manager->_maxCollVersion = oldManager->_maxCollVersion;

                // TODO: This could be made more efficient if copying not required, but
                // not as frequently reloaded as in mongos.
                manager->_chunksMap = oldManager->_chunksMap;

                LOG(2) << "loading new chunks for collection " << ns
                       << " using old chunk manager w/ version "
                       << oldManager->getMaxShardVersion()
                       << " and " << manager->_chunksMap.size() << " chunks" << endl;

        // Exposes the new 'manager's range map and version to the "differ," who
        // would ultimately be responsible of filling them up.
        SCMConfigDiffTracker differ(shard);
        differ.attach(ns, manager->_chunksMap, manager->_maxCollVersion, versionMap);

        try {

            ScopedDbConnection conn(_configLoc.toString(), 30);

            auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn->query(ChunkType::ConfigNS,

            if (!cursor.get()) {
                // 'errMsg' was filled by the getChunkCursor() call.
                manager->_maxCollVersion = ChunkVersion();
                return false;

            // Diff tracker should *always* find at least one chunk if this shard owns a chunk.
            int diffsApplied = differ.calculateConfigDiff(*cursor);
            if (diffsApplied > 0) {

                LOG(2) << "loaded " << diffsApplied
                       << " chunks into new chunk manager for " << ns
                       << " with version " << manager->_maxCollVersion << endl;

                manager->_maxShardVersion = versionMap[shard];
                return true;
            else if(diffsApplied == 0) {

                warning() << "no chunks found when reloading " << ns
                          << ", previous version was "
                          << manager->_maxCollVersion.toString() << endl;

                manager->_maxCollVersion = ChunkVersion();
                return true;

                // TODO: make this impossible by making sure we don't migrate / split on this
                // shard during the reload.  No chunks were found for the ns.

                *errMsg = str::stream() << "invalid chunks found when reloading " << ns
                                        << ", previous version was "
                                        << manager->_maxCollVersion.toString()
                                        << ", this should be rare";

                warning() << errMsg << endl;

                manager->_maxCollVersion = ChunkVersion();
                return false;
        catch (const DBException& e) {
            *errMsg = str::stream() << "caught exception accessing the config servers"
                                    << causedBy(e);

            // We deliberately do not return connPtr to the pool, since it was involved
            // with the error here.

            return false;