cypher() { register int n; int junk; int lflag = -1; char buffer[10]; while (wordtype[wordnumber] == ADJS) wordnumber++; while (wordnumber <= wordcount) { switch(wordvalue[wordnumber]) { case UP: if (location[position].access || wiz || tempwiz) { if (!location[position].access) puts("Zap! A gust of wind lifts you up."); if (!move(location[position].up, AHEAD)) return(-1); } else { puts("There is no way up"); return(-1); } lflag = 0; break; case DOWN: if (!move(location[position].down, AHEAD)) return(-1); lflag = 0; break; case LEFT: if (!move(left, LEFT)) return(-1); lflag = 0; break; case RIGHT: if (!move(right, RIGHT)) return(-1); lflag = 0; break; case AHEAD: if (!move(ahead, AHEAD)) return(-1); lflag = 0; break; case BACK: if (!move(back, BACK)) return(-1); lflag = 0; break; case SHOOT: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber+1] == EVERYTHING){ for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(location[position].objects,n) && *objsht[n]){ wordvalue[wordnumber+1] = n; wordnumber = shoot(); } wordnumber++; wordnumber++; } else shoot(); break; case TAKE: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber+1] == EVERYTHING){ for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(location[position].objects,n) && *objsht[n]){ wordvalue[wordnumber+1] = n; wordnumber = take(location[position].objects); } wordnumber++; wordnumber++; } else take(location[position].objects); break; case DROP: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber+1] == EVERYTHING){ for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(inven,n)){ wordvalue[wordnumber+1] = n; wordnumber = drop("Dropped"); } wordnumber++; wordnumber++; } else drop("Dropped"); break; case KICK: case THROW: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber+1] == EVERYTHING){ for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(inven,n) || testbit(location[position].objects, n) && *objsht[n]){ wordvalue[wordnumber+1] = n; wordnumber = throw(wordvalue[wordnumber] == KICK ? "Kicked" : "Thrown"); } wordnumber += 2; } else throw(wordvalue[wordnumber] == KICK ? "Kicked" : "Thrown"); break; case TAKEOFF: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber+1] == EVERYTHING){ for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(wear,n)){ wordvalue[wordnumber+1] = n; wordnumber = takeoff(); } wordnumber += 2; } else takeoff(); break; case DRAW: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber+1] == EVERYTHING){ for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(wear,n)){ wordvalue[wordnumber+1] = n; wordnumber = draw(); } wordnumber += 2; } else draw(); break; case PUTON: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber+1] == EVERYTHING){ for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(location[position].objects,n) && *objsht[n]){ wordvalue[wordnumber+1] = n; wordnumber = puton(); } wordnumber += 2; } else puton(); break; case WEARIT: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber+1] == EVERYTHING){ for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(inven,n)){ wordvalue[wordnumber+1] = n; wordnumber = wearit(); } wordnumber += 2; } else wearit(); break; case EAT: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber+1] == EVERYTHING){ for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(inven,n)){ wordvalue[wordnumber+1] = n; wordnumber = eat(); } wordnumber += 2; } else eat(); break; case PUT: put(); break; case INVEN: if (ucard(inven)){ puts("You are holding:\n"); for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(inven,n)) printf("\t%s\n", objsht[n]); printf("\n= %d kilogram%s (%d%%)\n", carrying, (carrying == 1 ? "." : "s."),(WEIGHT ? carrying*100/WEIGHT : -1)); printf("Your arms are %d%% full.\n",encumber*100/CUMBER); } else puts("You aren't carrying anything."); if (ucard(wear)){ puts("\nYou are wearing:\n"); for (n=0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (testbit(wear,n)) printf("\t%s\n", objsht[n]); } else puts("\nYou are stark naked."); if (card(injuries,NUMOFINJURIES)){ puts("\nYou have suffered:\n"); for (n=0; n < NUMOFINJURIES; n++) if (injuries[n]) printf("\t%s\n",ouch[n]); printf("\nYou can still carry up to %d kilogram%s\n",WEIGHT,(WEIGHT == 1 ? "." : "s.")); } else puts("\nYou are in perfect health."); break; case USE: lflag = use(); break; case LOOK: if (!notes[CANTSEE] || testbit(inven,LAMPON) || testbit(location[position].objects,LAMPON) || matchlight){ beenthere[position] = 2; writedes(); printobjs(); if (matchlight){ puts("\nYour match splutters out."); matchlight = 0; } } else puts("I can't see anything."); return(-1); break; case SU: if (wiz || tempwiz){ printf("\nRoom (was %d) = ", position); fgets(buffer,10,stdin); if (*buffer != '\n') sscanf(buffer,"%d", &position); printf("Time (was %d) = ",time); fgets(buffer,10,stdin); if (*buffer != '\n') sscanf(buffer,"%d", &time); printf("Fuel (was %d) = ",fuel); fgets(buffer,10,stdin); if (*buffer != '\n') sscanf(buffer,"%d", &fuel); printf("Torps (was %d) = ",torps); fgets(buffer,10,stdin); if (*buffer != '\n') sscanf(buffer,"%d", &torps); printf("CUMBER (was %d) = ",CUMBER); fgets(buffer,10,stdin); if (*buffer != '\n') sscanf(buffer,"%d", &CUMBER); printf("WEIGHT (was %d) = ",WEIGHT); fgets(buffer,10,stdin); if (*buffer != '\n') sscanf(buffer,"%d",&WEIGHT); printf("Clock (was %d) = ",clock); fgets(buffer,10,stdin); if (*buffer != '\n') sscanf(buffer,"%d",&clock); printf("Wizard (was %d, %d) = ",wiz, tempwiz); fgets(buffer,10,stdin); if (*buffer != '\n'){ sscanf(buffer,"%d",&junk); if (!junk) tempwiz = wiz = 0; } printf("\nDONE.\n"); return(0); } else puts("You aren't a wizard."); break; case SCORE: printf("\tPLEASURE\tPOWER\t\tEGO\n"); printf("\t%3d\t\t%3d\t\t%3d\n\n",pleasure,power,ego); printf("This gives you the rating of %s in %d turns.\n",rate(),time); printf("You have visited %d out of %d rooms this run (%d%%).\n",card(beenthere,NUMOFROOMS),NUMOFROOMS,card(beenthere,NUMOFROOMS)*100/NUMOFROOMS); break; case KNIFE: case KILL: murder(); break; case UNDRESS: case RAVAGE: ravage(); break; case SAVE: save(); break; case FOLLOW: lflag = follow(); break; case GIVE: give(); break; case KISS: kiss(); break; case LOVE: love(); break; case RIDE: lflag = ride(); break; case DRIVE: lflag = drive(); break; case LIGHT: light(); break; case LAUNCH: if (!launch()) return(-1); else lflag = 0; break; case LANDIT: if (!land()) return(-1); else lflag = 0; break; case TIME: chime(); break; case SLEEP: zzz(); break; case DIG: dig(); break; case JUMP: lflag = jump(); break; case BURY: bury(); break; case SWIM: puts("Surf's up!"); break; case DRINK: drink(); break; case QUIT: die(); default: puts("How's that?"); return(-1); break; } if (wordnumber < wordcount && *words[wordnumber++] == ',') continue; else return(lflag); } return(lflag); }
void KeyboardCharacterMover::move(sf::RenderWindow &window, Character &character, Collisions &collisions, TilesMap &tilesMap, Camera &camera, Background &background, sf::Time elapsedTime) { // Check if we`re flying m_testRect = character.m_characterRect;; m_result = collisions.collidedY(m_testRect, character.m_digPower, tilesMap, m_blockPos); if(m_result == Collisions::NoCollision) m_flying = true; else m_flying = false; // If a direction is true, add or delete 13 to the velocity (x or y) to be able to move in that direction if(m_north) character.m_velocityY -= 13.0f; if(m_south) character.m_velocityY += 3.0f; // Only add 3 if m_south is true (because we'll add the gravity if(m_east) character.m_velocityX += 13.0f; if(m_west) character.m_velocityX -= 13.0f; // Add gravity (only if we're flying) if(m_flying) m_physic.addGravity(character.m_velocityY); // If east or west are false et their velocity is not equal to 0 if(!m_east && character.m_velocityX > 0) { character.m_velocityX = character.m_velocityX*97/100; // Reduce the velocity if(character.m_velocityX <= 15) // If the velocity is less than 15 set the velocity to 0 character.m_velocityX = 0; } if(!m_west && character.m_velocityX < 0) { character.m_velocityX = character.m_velocityX*97/100; // Reduce the velocity if(character.m_velocityX >= -15) // If the velocity is more than -15, set the velocity to 0 character.m_velocityX = 0; } // Check if the velocity are higher than the max if(character.m_velocityX > character.m_maxVelocity) character.m_velocityX = character.m_maxVelocity; if(character.m_velocityX < -character.m_maxVelocity) character.m_velocityX = -character.m_maxVelocity; if(character.m_velocityY < -character.m_maxVelocity) character.m_velocityY = -character.m_maxVelocity; if(character.m_velocityY > 2000) character.m_velocityY = 2000; // Check for collisions, if everything is ok: move the character. Else, check if we can dig m_testRect = character.m_characterRect; // Collisions in x axis m_testRect.left += elapsedTime.asSeconds()* character.m_velocityX; // Add x movement m_result = collisions.collidedX(m_testRect, character.m_digPower, tilesMap, m_blockPos); // Test // If there're no collision if(m_result == Collisions::NoCollision) { character.m_characterRect.left = m_testRect.left; // Move the character position camera.moveX(character.m_characterRect, tilesMap.getWorldSize()); // Move the camera position } // If we can dig else if(m_result == Collisions::Diggable) { // Only dig if we are not flying and if the the key is pressed if(m_blockPos.x < character.m_characterRect.left && m_west && !m_flying) { dig(window, character, tilesMap, camera, background, m_blockPos, KeyboardCharacterMover::WEST); return; } if(m_blockPos.x > character.m_characterRect.left && m_east && !m_flying) { dig(window, character, tilesMap, camera, background, m_blockPos, KeyboardCharacterMover::EAST); return; } } else { character.m_velocityX = 0; } // Collisions in y axis m_testRect.left = character.m_characterRect.left; // Because we don't care about the movement in x axis += elapsedTime.asSeconds()* character.m_velocityY; // Add y movement m_result = collisions.collidedY(m_testRect, character.m_digPower, tilesMap, m_blockPos); // Test // If there's no collision if(m_result == Collisions::NoCollision) { =; // Move the character position camera.moveY(character.m_characterRect, tilesMap.getWorldSize()); // Move the camera position } // If we can dig else if(m_result == Collisions::Diggable) { // Only dig if the the key is pressed, the block is under the character and the velocity in Y isn't too high if(m_blockPos.y > && m_south && character.m_velocityY <= 500) { m_flying = false; dig(window, character, tilesMap, camera, background, m_blockPos, KeyboardCharacterMover::SOUTH); } else if(m_blockPos.y > { impact(character); } else { character.m_velocityY = 0; } } // If we collided but we can't dig else if(m_result == Collisions::BlockCollision && m_blockPos.y > { impact(character); } // If we collided with the top or the end of the world (in which case we need to lose life) else if(m_result == Collisions::Collision) { if(!impact(character)) character.m_velocityY = 0; } else { // Set the velocity to 0 if we hit character.m_velocityY = 0; } // Set the image of the character if(character.m_velocityX > 0) { if(m_flying) character.setCharacterTexture("flyRight.png"); else character.setCharacterTexture("vehiculeRight.png"); if(!ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->isSoundPlaying("normal.ogg") && !m_flying) { ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->stopSounds(); ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->playSound("normal.ogg", 60, true); } else if(!ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->isSoundPlaying("fly.ogg") && m_flying) { ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->stopSounds(); ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->playSound("fly.ogg", 60, true); } } else if(character.m_velocityX < 0) { if(m_flying) character.setCharacterTexture("flyLeft.png"); else character.setCharacterTexture("vehiculeLeft.png"); if(!ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->isSoundPlaying("normal.ogg") && !m_flying) { ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->stopSounds(); ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->playSound("normal.ogg", 60, true); } else if(!ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->isSoundPlaying("fly.ogg") && m_flying) { ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->stopSounds(); ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->playSound("fly.ogg", 60, true); } } else if(character.m_velocityX == 0 && m_flying) { if(character.m_characterTextureName == "vehiculeLeft.png") character.setCharacterTexture("flyLeft.png"); else if(character.m_characterTextureName == "vehiculeRight.png") character.setCharacterTexture("flyRight.png"); if(!ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->isSoundPlaying("fly.ogg")) { ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->stopSounds(); ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->playSound("fly.ogg", 60, true); } } else if(character.m_velocityX == 0 && !m_flying) { if(character.m_characterTextureName == "flyLeft.png") character.setCharacterTexture("vehiculeLeft.png"); else if(character.m_characterTextureName == "flyRight.png") character.setCharacterTexture("vehiculeRight.png"); if(!ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->isSoundPlaying("normal.ogg")) { ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->stopSounds(); ServiceLocator::GetAudio()->playSound("normal.ogg", 60, true); } } }
void foo() { panama obj; obj = dig(); // { dg-error "" } // ERROR - }
void winloop() { int x, y, c, marked, t0, inited; char buf[100]; x = 10; y = 8; inited = 0; marked = 0; clearbuf(); t0 = time(0); while (1) { c = egetch(); if (c == 257 && y > 1) y--; if (c == 258 && y < 16) y++; if (c == 260 && x > 1) x--; if (c == 259 && x < 30) x++; move(0, 20); sprintf(buf, "ʱ¼ä: %d ", (int) (time(0) - t0)); prints(buf); move(40, 20); sprintf(buf, "±ê¼Ç: %d ", marked); prints(buf); move(0, 22); sprintf(buf, "×ø±ê: %3d, %3d", x, y); prints(buf); move(x * 2 - 2, y - 1); if (c == 'h' || c == 'H') winhelp(); if (c == 'd' || c == 'D') winrefresh(); if (c == 'a' || c == 'A') { if (!inited) { wininit(x, y); inited = 1; } dig(x, y); } if ((c == 83 || c == 115) && !o[x][y]) { if (m[x][y]) { m[x][y] = 0; marked--; } else { m[x][y] = 1; marked++; } winsh(x, y); } if (checkwin() == 1) { move(0, 22); prints("×£ºØÄ㣡Äã³É¹¦ÁË£¡ "); { char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "finished in %d s.", (int) (time(0) - t0)); win_checkrec(time(0) - t0); winminelog(buf); } gameover = 0; return; } if (gameover) { move(0, 22); prints("ºÜÒź¶£¬Äãʧ°ÜÁË... ÔÙÀ´Ò»´Î°É£¡ "); { char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "failed in %d s.", (int) (time(0) - t0)); winminelog(buf); } gameover = 0; return; } move(x * 2 - 2, y - 1); refresh(); } }
void dig(TreeNode *root,int deep) { deepMax = max(deep, deepMax); if (root->left != nullptr) dig(root->left,deep+1); if (root->right != nullptr) dig(root->right,deep+1); }
// Takes user input to redraw map with moved character void input() { levelBridge(); bool loop = true; int c; while(loop) { // Take keyboard input and assigns its value to c c = getch(); // Switch containing all the possible actions pertaining to each key // Now with dig functionality. Should put digon within a structure for different... // ... actions so that we can have more than one and don't need to add if ... // ... statements up the yin yang. switch (c) { case KEY_UP: if(digon == 'n') { movmt(0, -movement); } if(digon == 'y') { dig(0, -movement); } break; case KEY_DOWN: if(digon == 'n') { movmt(0, movement); } if(digon == 'y') { dig(0, movement); } break; case KEY_LEFT: if(digon == 'n') { movmt(-movement, 0); } if(digon == 'y') { dig(-movement, 0); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if(digon == 'n') { movmt(movement, 0); } if(digon == 'y') { dig(movement, 0); } break; case 'd': switch(digon){ case 'y': digon = 'n'; break; case 'n': digon = 'y'; break; } break; case 'Q': loop = false; default: break; } } draw(); }
int winloop() { int x, y, c, marked, t0, inited; char buf[100]; x= 10; y= 8; inited= 0; marked= 0; clearbuf(); t0= time(0); while(1) { c= egetch(); if((c==257||c=='k')&&y>1) y--; if((c==258||c=='j')&&y<16) y++; if((c==260||c=='h')&&x>1) x--; if((c==259||c=='l')&&x<30) x++; move(0, 20); //% sprintf(buf, "时间: %ld ", time(0)-t0); sprintf(buf, "\xca\xb1\xbc\xe4: %ld ", time(0)-t0); prints(buf); move(40, 20); //% sprintf(buf, "标记: %d ", marked); sprintf(buf, "\xb1\xea\xbc\xc7: %d ", marked); prints(buf); move(0, 21); //% sprintf(buf, "坐标: %3d, %3d", x, y); sprintf(buf, "\xd7\xf8\xb1\xea: %3d, %3d", x, y); prints(buf); move(x*2-2, y-1); if(c=='H') winhelp(); if(c=='d'|| c=='D') winrefresh(); if(c=='f'|| c=='F'){ if(!inited) { wininit(x, y); inited= 1; } dig(x, y); } if((c==83|| c==115)&&!o[x][y]) { if(m[x][y]){ m[x][y]=0; marked--; } else { m[x][y]=1; marked++; } winsh(x, y); } if(checkwin()==1) { move(0, 22); //% prints("祝贺你!你成功了! "); prints("\xd7\xa3\xba\xd8\xc4\xe3\xa3\xa1\xc4\xe3\xb3\xc9\xb9\xa6\xc1\xcb\xa3\xa1 "); { char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "finished in %ld s.", time(0)-t0); syslog(buf); } gameover= 0; win_checkrec(time(0)-t0);/* added by soff 进行排行检查 */ return; } if(gameover) { move(0, 22); //% prints("很遗憾,你失败了... 再来一次吧! "); prints("\xba\xdc\xd2\xc5\xba\xb6\xa3\xac\xc4\xe3\xca\xa7\xb0\xdc\xc1\xcb... \xd4\xd9\xc0\xb4\xd2\xbb\xb4\xce\xb0\xc9\xa3\xa1 "); { char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "failed in %ld s.", time(0)-t0); syslog(buf); } gameover= 0; return; } move(x*2-2, y-1); refresh(); } }
void foo() { panama obj; obj = dig(); // { dg-error "rvalue" } }
std::vector<int> deal(char s[]) { std::vector<int> r; int sz = strlen(s); int flag = 2 , sign = 1;//0 digit,-1 flag, 1 int sum = 0; for(int i=0; i<sz; i++) { if(flag == 1 || flag == -1) { sign = flag; sum = 0; if(dig(s[i])) { sum *= 10; sum += (sign*(s[i]-'0')); // printf("%d\n",sum); flag = 0; } else { if(flag == 1) { r.push_back('+'); } else r.push_back('-'); if(s[i] == '+') flag = 1; else if(s[i] == '-') flag = -1; else { flag = 2; r.push_back(tran(s[i])); } } } else if(flag == 0) { if(dig(s[i])) { sum *= 10; sum += (sign*(s[i]-'0')); flag = 0; } else if(ltr(s[i])) { sum -= MAX; r.push_back(sum); sum = 0; sign = 1; flag = 2; r.push_back(tran(s[i])); } else if(s[i] == '+') { flag = 2; sum -= MAX; r.push_back(sum); sum = 0; sign = 1; r.push_back('+'); } else if(s[i] == '-') { flag = 2; r.push_back(sum); sum =0; sign = 1; //printf("%d\n",'-'); r.push_back('-'); } } else if(flag == 2) { sum = 0; if(dig(s[i])) { sign = 1; sum *= 10; sum += (sign*(s[i]-'0')); // printf("%dhi",sum); flag = 0; } else if(ltr(s[i])) { r.push_back(tran(s[i])); flag = 2; } else { if(s[i] == '+') { flag = 1; } else if(s[i] == '-') { flag = -1; } sum = 0; } sign = 1; } } // printf("%d %d\n",flag,sum); if(flag == 0) { /* printf("hello"); for(int k=0;k<r.size();k++) printf("hello kk %d\n",r[k]); printf("\n");*/ sum -= MAX; r.push_back(sum); } else if(flag == 1 || flag == -1) { if(flag == 1) r.push_back('+'); else r.push_back('-'); } return r; }
bool GameMap::initWithLevel( int mainLevel, int viceLevel ) { Return_False_If(!Node::init()); this->makeMap(mainLevel, viceLevel); const int order = m_objects.size()*m_objects[0].size(); const Size size = this->getContentSize(); float x = 0; float up_height = 0; while (x<size.width) { Sprite* sp = Sprite::create("bound_up.png"); sp->setPosition(x, size.height); sp->setAnchorPoint(Point(0,0)); addChild(sp, order); x += sp->getContentSize().width; up_height = sp->getContentSize().height; } x = 0; float bottom_height = 0; while (x<size.width) { Sprite* sp = Sprite::create("bound_bottom.png"); sp->setPosition(x, 0); sp->setAnchorPoint(Point(0,1)); addChild(sp, order+1); x += sp->getContentSize().width; bottom_height = sp->getContentSize().height; } float y = -bottom_height; float left_width = 0; while (y<size.height) { Sprite* sp = Sprite::create("bound_left.png"); sp->setPosition(0, y); sp->setAnchorPoint(Point(1,0)); addChild(sp, order); left_width = sp->getContentSize().width; sp = Sprite::create("bound_left.png"); sp->setAnchorPoint(Point(0,0)); sp->setRotation(180); sp->setPosition(size.width+left_width, y+sp->getContentSize().height); addChild(sp, order); y += sp->getContentSize().height; } //init display number for (int r=0; r<m_objects.size(); ++r) { for (int c=0; c<m_objects[r].size(); ++c) { int mine_count = 0; for (auto&x : getSurrounding(Index2(r,c))) { if (m_objects[x.first][x.second]->isMine()) { ++mine_count; } } m_objects[ r ][ c ]->setSurroundMineCount(mine_count); } } CCAssert(NULL!=m_pPlayer, ""); dig(pointToIndex2(m_pPlayer->getPosition())); // Size size = this->getContentSize(); // -m_border.width, -m_border.height, size.width+m_border.width*2, size.height+m_border.height*2 const float tool = toolbar->getContentSize().height*4/5; this->runAction( Follow::create(m_pPlayer, Rect(-left_width, -bottom_height-tool, size.width+left_width*2, size.height+up_height+bottom_height+tool))); return true; }
// Mesh are not committed yet int offline_regrid(Mesh &srcmesh, Mesh &dstmesh, Mesh &dstmeshcpy, int *regridConserve, int *regridMethod, int *regridPoleType, int *regridPoleNPnts, char *srcGridFile, char *dstGridFile, char *wghtFile) { // Conflict management int regridScheme = ESMC_REGRID_SCHEME_FULL3D; int unmappedaction = ESMC_UNMAPPEDACTION_ERROR; IWeights wts; MEField<> *src_iwts, *dst_iwts, *dst_iwtscpy; switch (*regridConserve) { // Conservative regridding case (ESMC_REGRID_CONSERVE_ON): { // Add fields to mesh Context ctxt; ctxt.flip(); src_iwts = srcmesh.RegisterField("iwts", MEFamilyStd::instance(), MeshObj::ELEMENT, ctxt, 1, true); dst_iwts = dstmesh.RegisterField("iwts", MEFamilyStd::instance(), MeshObj::ELEMENT, ctxt, 1, true); // generate integration weights on the copy // TODO: remove this (and the dstcpy mesh passed in) when the // write bug with pole assimilation is fixed. dst_iwtscpy = dstmeshcpy.RegisterField("iwts", MEFamilyStd::instance(), MeshObj::ELEMENT, ctxt, 1, true); dstmeshcpy.Commit(); Integrate dig(dstmeshcpy); dig.clearWeights(dst_iwtscpy); if (regridScheme == ESMC_REGRID_SCHEME_FULL3D) { for (UInt i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) dig.AddPoleWeights(dstmeshcpy,i,dst_iwtscpy); } dig.intWeights(dst_iwtscpy); // Commit the meshes srcmesh.Commit(); dstmesh.Commit(); if (!csrv(srcmesh, dstmesh, wts, src_iwts, dst_iwts, regridMethod, ®ridScheme, regridPoleType, regridPoleNPnts, &unmappedaction)) Throw() << "Conservative regridding error" << std::endl; } break; // NON Conservative regridding case (ESMC_REGRID_CONSERVE_OFF): { // Commit the meshes srcmesh.Commit(); dstmesh.Commit(); dstmeshcpy.Commit(); if (!regrid(srcmesh, dstmesh, wts, regridMethod, ®ridScheme, regridPoleType, regridPoleNPnts, &unmappedaction)) Throw() << "Regridding error" << std::endl; // the mask MEField<> *mask = dstmesh.GetField("MASK_IO"); ThrowRequire(mask); wts.Prune(dstmesh, mask); } break; default: Throw() << "Regridding method:" << *regridConserve << " is not implemented"; } // Redistribute weights in an IO friendly decomposition if (Par::Rank() == 0) std::cout << "Writing weights to " << wghtFile << std::endl; GatherForWrite(wts); // Write the weights WriteNCMatFilePar(srcGridFile, dstGridFile, wghtFile, wts, srcmesh, dstmesh, dstmeshcpy, regridConserve, regridMethod, NCMATPAR_ORDER_SEQ); return 1; }
// csrv - Args are NON-COMMITTED meshes int csrv(Mesh &srcmesh, Mesh &dstmesh, IWeights &wts, MEField<> *src_iwts, MEField<> *dst_iwts, int *regridMethod, int *regridScheme, int *regridPoleType, int *regridPoleNPnts, int *unmappedaction) { // generate integration weights before pole, so // they are distributed across non-pole nodes // (the node is factored out in the end) Integrate sig(srcmesh), dig(dstmesh); // Clear weights sig.clearWeights(src_iwts); dig.clearWeights(dst_iwts); // Add weights to meshes before poles // so all the weights are on user data points if (*regridScheme == ESMC_REGRID_SCHEME_FULL3D) { for (UInt i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) { sig.AddPoleWeights(srcmesh,i,src_iwts); dig.AddPoleWeights(dstmesh,i,dst_iwts); } } // Add in other none-pole weights // (and do cross processor sum) sig.intWeights(src_iwts); dig.intWeights(dst_iwts); #if 0 // print out info of the iwts Mesh::iterator sni=srcmesh.node_begin(), sne=srcmesh.node_end(); Mesh::iterator dni=dstmesh.node_begin(), dne=dstmesh.node_end(); double ssum=0.0; for (; sni != sne; ++sni) { double *Sdata = src_iwts->data(*sni); ssum += *Sdata; } double dsum=0.0; for (; dni != dne; ++dni) { double *Ddata = dst_iwts->data(*dni); dsum += *Ddata; } printf("SW Sum=%20.17f \n",ssum); printf("DW Sum=%20.17f \n",dsum); #endif // Pole constraints IWeights pole_constraints, stw; UInt constraint_id = dstmesh.DefineContext("pole_constraints"); if (*regridScheme == ESMC_REGRID_SCHEME_FULL3D) { if (*regridPoleType == ESMC_REGRID_POLETYPE_ALL) { for (UInt i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) MeshAddPole(dstmesh, i, constraint_id, pole_constraints); } else if (*regridPoleType == ESMC_REGRID_POLETYPE_NPNT) { for (UInt i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) MeshAddPoleNPnts(dstmesh, *regridPoleNPnts, i, constraint_id, pole_constraints); } else if (*regridPoleType == ESMC_REGRID_POLETYPE_TEETH) { for (UInt i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) MeshAddPoleTeeth(dstmesh, i, constraint_id, pole_constraints); } } // Get coordinate fields MEField<> &scoord = *srcmesh.GetCoordField(); MEField<> &dcoord = *dstmesh.GetCoordField(); // Create a layer of ghost elements since the patch method needs // a larger stencil. if (*regridMethod == ESMC_REGRID_METHOD_PATCH) { int num_snd=0; MEField<> *snd[3],*rcv[3]; // Load coord field MEField<> *pdc = &dcoord; snd[num_snd]=pdc; rcv[num_snd]=pdc; num_snd++; // Load mask field MEField<> *pdm = dstmesh.GetField("mask"); if (pdm != NULL) { snd[num_snd]=pdm; rcv[num_snd]=pdm; num_snd++; } // Load iwts field MEField<> *pdw = dstmesh.GetField("iwts"); if (pdw != NULL) { snd[num_snd]=pdw; rcv[num_snd]=pdw; num_snd++; } dstmesh.CreateGhost(); dstmesh.GhostComm().SendFields(num_snd, snd, rcv); } // make the field pairs for interpolation std::vector<Interp::FieldPair> fpairs; if (*regridMethod == ESMC_REGRID_METHOD_BILINEAR) fpairs.push_back(Interp::FieldPair(&dcoord, &scoord, Interp::INTERP_STD)); else if (*regridMethod == ESMC_REGRID_METHOD_PATCH) fpairs.push_back(Interp::FieldPair(&dcoord, &scoord, Interp::INTERP_PATCH)); // Build the rendezvous grids Interp interp(dstmesh, srcmesh, fpairs, *unmappedaction); // Generate the backwards interpolation matrix interp(0, stw); // Factor out poles if they exist if (*regridScheme == ESMC_REGRID_SCHEME_FULL3D) { if (*regridPoleType == ESMC_REGRID_POLETYPE_ALL) { stw.GatherToCol(pole_constraints); stw.AssimilateConstraints(pole_constraints); } else if (*regridPoleType == ESMC_REGRID_POLETYPE_NPNT) { stw.GatherToRowSrc(pole_constraints); stw.AssimilateConstraintsNPnts(pole_constraints); } } // L2 projection conservative interpolation interp.interpL2csrvM(stw, &wts, src_iwts, dst_iwts); /* // print out info of the iwts Mesh::iterator sni=srcmesh.node_begin(), sne=srcmesh.node_end(); Mesh::iterator dni=dstmesh.node_begin(), dne=dstmesh.node_end(); int snegcount = 0; int stotalcount = 0; for (; sni != sne; ++sni) { double *Sdata = src_iwts->data(*sni); stotalcount++; if (*Sdata < 0) ++snegcount; } int dnegcount = 0; int dtotalcount = 0; for (; dni != dne; ++dni) { double *Ddata = dst_iwts->data(*dni); dtotalcount++; if (*Ddata < 0) ++dnegcount; } // print out info of weight matrix int negcount = 0; int rowsum = 0; int rowsumcount = 0; int totalcount = 0; int gt1count = 0; double max = 0; double min = 0; double badcolid = 0; double badrowid = 0; IWeights::WeightMap::iterator wit = wts.begin_row(), wet = wts.end_row(); //IWeights::WeightMap::iterator wit = stw.begin_row(), wet = stw.end_row(); for (; wit != wet; ++wit) { const IWeights::Entry &_row = wit->first; const std::vector<IWeights::Entry> &_col = wit->second; std::cout<<Par::Rank()<<" "<<<<" "; rowsum = 0; for (UInt c = 0; c < _col.size(); ++c) { double value = _col[c].value; if (value < 0) negcount++; if (value > max) { max = value; badcolid = _col[c].id; badrowid =; } if (value < min) min = value; if (value > 1) gt1count++; rowsum += value; std::cout<<std::setprecision(3)<<_col[c].value<<" "; } if (rowsum > 1.01 || rowsum < .99) rowsumcount++; totalcount++; std::cout<<std::endl; for (UInt c = 0; c < _col.size(); ++c) { double value = _col[c].value; } } std::cout<<std::endl<<"Negative weights count = "<<negcount <<std::endl<<"Greater than 1 count = "<<gt1count <<std::endl<<"Row sum not 1 count = "<<rowsumcount <<std::endl<<"Total row count = "<<totalcount<<std::endl <<std::endl<<"Max weight = "<<max <<std::endl<<"Min weight = "<<min<<std::endl; std::cout<<std::setprecision(4)<<std::endl<<"Bad weight ["<<badrowid<<","<<badcolid<<"]"<<std::endl<<std::endl; std::cout<<std::endl<<"Source iwts total count = "<<stotalcount <<" and negcount = "<<snegcount<<std::endl; std::cout<<std::endl<<"Destination iwts total count = "<<dtotalcount <<" and negcount = "<<dnegcount<<std::endl<<std::endl; */ return 1; }
void hmpid_raw() { printf("*** RAW HMPID ***"); const Char_t *name[] = { "HMPID0", "HMPID1", "HMPID2", "HMPID3", "HMPID4", "HMPID5", "HMPID6" }; AliRawReader *rawReader = AliEveEventManager::AssertRawReader(); AliHMPIDRawStream stream(rawReader); TEveElementList* list = new TEveElementList("HMPID Raw"); gEve->AddElement(list); gStyle->SetPalette(1, 0); TEveRGBAPalette *pal = new TEveRGBAPalette(0, 3000); pal->SetMax(1000); TEveFrameBox *box = new TEveFrameBox(); box->SetAAQuadXY(0, 0, 0, 144, 121); box->SetFrameColor(kGray); TEveQuadSet* ms[7]; for (Int_t iCh = 0; iCh < 7; ++iCh) { ms[iCh] = new TEveQuadSet(Form("Chamber %d", iCh)); TEveQuadSet* q = ms[iCh]; q->SetOwnIds(kTRUE); q->SetPalette(pal); q->SetFrame(box); q->SetAntiFlick(kTRUE); q->SetPickable(kTRUE); q->Reset(TEveQuadSet::kQT_RectangleXYFixedDimZ, kFALSE, 64); q->SetDefCoord(0); q->SetDefHeight(0.84f); q->SetDefWidth(0.8f); } while (stream.Next()) { Int_t ch = AliHMPIDParam::DDL2C(stream.GetDDLNumber()); TEveQuadSet* q = ms[ch]; for (Int_t iPad = 0; iPad < stream.GetNPads(); ++iPad) { AliHMPIDDigit dig(stream.GetPadArray()[iPad],stream.GetChargeArray()[iPad]); q->AddQuad(dig.PadChX()*0.8f, dig.PadChY()*0.84f); q->QuadValue(TMath::Nint(dig.Q())); q->QuadId(new AliHMPIDDigit(dig)); } } for (Int_t iCh = 0; iCh < 7; ++iCh) { TEveQuadSet* q = ms[iCh]; q->RefitPlex(); TGeoHMatrix mat; AliHMPIDv3::IdealPosition(iCh, &mat); q->RefMainTrans().SetFrom(mat); q->RefMainTrans().Move3LF(-0.5*144, -0.5*121, 0); list->AddElement(q); } gEve->Redraw3D(); }
/* returns 0 if error or no more commands to do, * 1 if there are more commands remaining on the current input line */ int cypher(void) { int n; int junk; int lflag = -1; char *filename, *rfilename; size_t filename_len; while (wordnumber <= wordcount) { if (wordtype[wordnumber] != VERB && !(wordtype[wordnumber] == OBJECT && wordvalue[wordnumber] == KNIFE)) { printf("%s: How's that?\n", (wordnumber == wordcount) ? words[wordnumber - 1] : words[wordnumber]); return (0); } switch (wordvalue[wordnumber]) { case AUXVERB: /* Take the following word as the verb */ wordnumber++; return(cypher()); break; case UP: if (location[position].access || wiz || tempwiz) { if (!location[position].access) puts("Zap! A gust of wind lifts you up."); if (!moveplayer(location[position].up, AHEAD)) return (0); } else { puts("There is no way up."); return (0); } lflag = 0; break; case DOWN: if (!moveplayer(location[position].down, AHEAD)) return (0); lflag = 0; break; case LEFT: if (!moveplayer(left, LEFT)) return (0); lflag = 0; break; case RIGHT: if (!moveplayer(right, RIGHT)) return (0); lflag = 0; break; case AHEAD: if (!moveplayer(ahead, AHEAD)) return (0); lflag = 0; break; case BACK: if (!moveplayer(back, BACK)) return (0); lflag = 0; break; case SHOOT: verb_with_all(location[position].objects, OBJ_PERSON, shoot, "shoot at"); break; case TAKE: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] == EVERYTHING) { int things; things = 0; for (n = 0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (TestBit(location[position].objects, n) && objsht[n]) { things++; wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] = n; /* Some objects (type NOUNS) have special treatment in take(). For these * we must set the type to NOUNS. However for SWORD and BODY all it does * is find which of many objects is meant, so we need do nothing here. * BATHGOD must become NORMGOD as well. NOUNS with no special case must be * included here to get the right error. DOOR cannot occur as an object so * need not be included. */ switch (n) { case BATHGOD: wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] = NORMGOD; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case NORMGOD: case AMULET: case MEDALION: case TALISMAN: case MAN: case TIMER: case NATIVE: wordtype[wordnumber + 1] = NOUNS; break; default: wordtype[wordnumber + 1] = OBJECT; } wordnumber = take(location[position].objects); wordnumber += 2; } if (!things) puts("Nothing to take!"); } else take(location[position].objects); break; case DROP: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] == EVERYTHING) { int things; things = 0; for (n = 0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (TestBit(inven, n)) { things++; wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] = n; wordnumber = drop("Dropped"); } wordnumber++; wordnumber++; if (!things) puts("Nothing to drop!"); } else drop("Dropped"); break; case KICK: case THROW: if (wordnumber < wordcount && wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] == EVERYTHING) { int things, wv; things = 0; wv = wordvalue[wordnumber]; for (n = 0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (TestBit(inven, n) || (TestBit(location[position].objects, n) && objsht[n])) { things++; wordvalue[wordnumber + 1] = n; wordnumber = throw(wordvalue[wordnumber] == KICK ? "Kicked" : "Thrown"); } wordnumber += 2; if (!things) printf("Nothing to %s!\n", wv == KICK ? "kick" : "throw"); } else throw(wordvalue[wordnumber] == KICK ? "Kicked" : "Thrown"); break; case TAKEOFF: verb_with_all(wear, 0, takeoff, "take off"); break; case DRAW: verb_with_all(wear, 0, draw, "draw"); break; case PUTON: verb_with_all(location[position].objects, 0, puton, "put on"); break; case WEARIT: verb_with_all(inven, 0, wearit, "wear"); break; case EAT: verb_with_all(inven, 0, eat, "eat"); break; case PUT: put(); break; case INVEN: if (ucard(inven)) { puts("You are holding:\n"); for (n = 0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (TestBit(inven, n)) printf("\t%s\n", objsht[n]); printf("\n= %d kilogram%s ", carrying, (carrying == 1 ? "." : "s.")); if (WEIGHT) printf("(%d%%)\n", carrying * 100 / WEIGHT); else printf("(can't lift any weight%s)\n", (carrying ? " or move with what you have" : "")); if (CUMBER) printf("Your arms are %d%% full.\n", encumber * 100 / CUMBER); else printf("You can't pick anything up.\n"); } else puts("You aren't carrying anything."); if (ucard(wear)) { puts("\nYou are wearing:\n"); for (n = 0; n < NUMOFOBJECTS; n++) if (TestBit(wear, n)) printf("\t%s\n", objsht[n]); } else puts("\nYou are stark naked."); if (card(injuries, NUMOFINJURIES)) { puts("\nYou have suffered:\n"); for (n = 0; n < NUMOFINJURIES; n++) if (injuries[n]) printf("\t%s\n", ouch[n]); printf("\nYou can still carry up to %d kilogram%s\n", WEIGHT, (WEIGHT == 1 ? "." : "s.")); } else puts("\nYou are in perfect health."); break; case USE: lflag = use(); break; case OPEN: dooropen(); break; case LOOK: if (!notes[CANTSEE] || TestBit(inven, LAMPON) || TestBit(location[position].objects, LAMPON) || matchlight) { beenthere[position] = 2; writedes(); printobjs(); if (matchlight) { puts("\nYour match splutters out."); matchlight = 0; } } else puts("I can't see anything."); return (0); /* No commands after a look */ break; case SU: if (wiz || tempwiz) { getnum(&position, "\nRoom (was %d) = ", position); getnum(&ourtime, "Time (was %d) = ", ourtime); getnum(&fuel, "Fuel (was %d) = ", fuel); getnum(&torps, "Torps (was %d) = ", torps); getnum(&CUMBER, "CUMBER (was %d) = ", CUMBER); getnum(&WEIGHT, "WEIGHT (was %d) = ", WEIGHT); getnum(&ourclock, "Clock (was %d) = ", ourclock); if (getnum(&junk, "Wizard (was %d, %d) = ", wiz, tempwiz) != -1 && !junk) tempwiz = wiz = 0; printf("\nDONE.\n"); return (0); /* No commands after a SU */ } else puts("You aren't a wizard."); break; case SCORE: printf("\tPLEASURE\tPOWER\t\tEGO\n"); printf("\t%3d\t\t%3d\t\t%3d\n\n", pleasure, power, ego); printf("This gives you the rating of %s in %d turns.\n", rate(), ourtime); printf("You have visited %d out of %d rooms this run (%d%%).\n", card(beenthere, NUMOFROOMS), NUMOFROOMS, card(beenthere, NUMOFROOMS) * 100 / NUMOFROOMS); break; /* case KNIFE: */ case KILL: murder(); break; case UNDRESS: undress(); break; case RAVAGE: ravage(); break; case SAVE: printf("\nSave file name (default %s): ", DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE); filename = fgetln(stdin, &filename_len); if (filename_len == 0 || (filename_len == 1 && filename[0] == '\n')) rfilename = save_file_name(DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE, strlen(DEFAULT_SAVE_FILE)); else { if (filename[filename_len - 1] == '\n') filename_len--; rfilename = save_file_name(filename, filename_len); } save(rfilename); free(rfilename); break; case VERBOSE: verbose = 1; printf("[Maximum verbosity]\n"); break; case BRIEF: verbose = 0; printf("[Standard verbosity]\n"); break; case FOLLOW: lflag = follow(); break; case GIVE: give(); break; case KISS: kiss(); break; case LOVE: love(); break; case RIDE: lflag = ride(); break; case DRIVE: lflag = drive(); break; case LIGHT: light(); break; case LAUNCH: if (!launch()) return (0); else lflag = 0; break; case LANDIT: if (!land()) return (0); else lflag = 0; break; case TIME: chime(); break; case SLEEP: zzz(); break; case DIG: dig(); break; case JUMP: lflag = jump(); break; case BURY: bury(); break; case SWIM: puts("Surf's up!"); break; case DRINK: drink(); break; case QUIT: die(0); default: puts("How's that?"); return (0); break; } if (!lflag) newlocation(); if (wordnumber < wordcount && !stop_cypher && (*words[wordnumber] == ',' || *words[wordnumber] == '.')) { wordnumber++; return (1); } else return (0); } return (0); }