Exemple #1
void loop()
_XJoyLeft = digitalReadFast(X_JOY_LEFT);
_XJoyRight = digitalReadFast(X_JOY_RIGHT);
_YJoyUp = digitalReadFast(Y_JOY_UP);
_YJoyDown = digitalReadFast(Y_JOY_DOWN);
analogWrite(X_PWM_PIN, 0);
analogWrite(Y_PWM_PIN, 0);
digitalWrite(X_DIR_PIN, HIGH); //Establishes forward direction of Channel A
analogWrite(X_PWM_PIN, 255);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed
digitalWrite(X_DIR_PIN,LOW); //Establishes backward direction of Channel A
analogWrite(X_PWM_PIN, 255);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed
digitalWrite(Y_DIR_PIN,HIGH); //Establishes backward direction of Channel A
analogWrite(Y_PWM_PIN, 255);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed
digitalWrite(Y_DIR_PIN,LOW); //Establishes backward direction of Channel A
analogWrite(Y_PWM_PIN, 255);   //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed
void Encoder::initialize()
    pinModeFast(Utility::PIN_EncoderChannelA, INPUT);
    pinModeFast(Utility::PIN_EncoderChannelB, INPUT);
    encoderValues = (digitalReadFast(Utility::PIN_EncoderChannelA) << 1) | digitalReadFast(Utility::PIN_EncoderChannelB);

    // Sets ISR for external interrupt on pin 2
    attachInterrupt(0, quadratureDecoderISR, RISING);
Exemple #3
boolean PJON::can_start() {
  pinModeFast(_input_pin, INPUT);

  for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      return false;

    return false;

  return true;
byte SPIPump(byte data) {

	byte receivedData=0;
	for (int8_t i=7; i>=0; i--) {
		receivedData <<= 1;
		if (data & (1<<i)) {
			digitalWriteFast(WLAN_MOSI, HIGH);
		else {
			digitalWriteFast(WLAN_MOSI, LOW);
		digitalWriteFast(WLAN_SCK, HIGH);
		asm volatile("nop");
		asm volatile("nop");
		digitalWriteFast(WLAN_SCK, LOW);
		if (digitalReadFast(WLAN_MISO)) {
			receivedData |= 1;
		asm volatile("nop");
		asm volatile("nop");
Exemple #5
// Interrupt service routines for the right motor's quadrature encoder
void HandleRightMotorInterruptA()
  // Test transition; since the interrupt will only fire on 'rising' we don't need to read pin A
  _YEncoderBSet = digitalReadFast(c_YEncoderPinB);   // read the input pin
   _YEncoderISet = digitalReadFast(c_YEncoderPinI);
   _YMinPinSet = digitalReadFast(Y_MIN_PIN);
   _YMaxPinSet = digitalReadFast(Y_MAX_PIN);
  // and adjust counter + if A leads B
  #ifdef RightEncoderIsReversed
    _YEncoderTicks -= _YEncoderBSet ? -1 : +1;
	 if (_YEncoderISet == 0)
	 _YEncoderIndex -= _YEncoderBSet ? -1 : +1;
    _YEncoderTicks += _YEncoderBSet ? -1 : +1;
byte PS2Pad::gamepad_spi(byte send_data) {
	byte recv_data = 0;

	for(byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		digitalWriteFast(CLK_PIN, LOW);

		if(send_data & (1 << i)) {
			digitalWriteFast(CMD_PIN, HIGH);
		} else {
			digitalWriteFast(CMD_PIN, LOW);


		digitalWriteFast(CLK_PIN, HIGH);

		if(digitalReadFast(DAT_PIN)) {
			recv_data |= (1 << i);


	digitalWriteFast(CLK_PIN, HIGH);


	return recv_data;
Exemple #7
uint8_t PJON::read_byte() {
  uint8_t byte_value = B00000000;
  /* Delay until the center of the first bit */
  delayMicroseconds(BIT_WIDTH / 2);
  for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    /* Read in the center of the n one */
    byte_value += digitalReadFast(_input_pin) << i;
    /* Delay until the center of the next one */
  /* Read in the center of the last one */
  byte_value += digitalReadFast(_input_pin) << 7;
  /* Delay until the end of the bit */
  delayMicroseconds(BIT_WIDTH / 2);
  return byte_value;
Exemple #8
// Interrupt service routines for the left motor's quadrature encoder
void HandleLeftMotorInterruptA()
  // Test transition; since the interrupt will only fire on 'rising' we don't need to read pin A
  _XEncoderBSet = digitalReadFast(c_XEncoderPinB);   // read the input pin
  _XEncoderISet = digitalReadFast(c_XEncoderPinI);
  _XMinPinSet = digitalReadFast(X_MIN_PIN);
  _XMaxPinSet = digitalReadFast(X_MAX_PIN);
  // and adjust counter + if A leads B
  #ifdef LeftEncoderIsReversed
    _XEncoderTicks -= _XEncoderBSet ? -1 : +1;
    if (_XEncoderISet == 0)
    _XEncoderIndex -= _XEncoderBSet ? -1 : +1;
    _XEncoderTicks += _XEncoderBSet ? -1 : +1;
Exemple #9
uint8_t PJON::read_byte() {
    uint8_t byte_value = B00000000;
    delayMicroseconds(BIT_WIDTH / 2);
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        byte_value += digitalReadFast(_input_pin) << i;
    return byte_value;
Exemple #10
 void pollEncoderSW(){
     ENCODER0.millis_up = millis();
     ENCODER0.flag = 1;
   } else {
     ENCODER0.millis_down = millis();
     ENCODER0.flag = 0;
Exemple #11
static inline int digitalReadSafe(uint8_t pin) {
  if(!__builtin_constant_p(pin)) {
    return digitalRead(pin);
  else {
    return digitalReadFast(pin);
Exemple #12
unsigned char hexbright::read_accelerometer(unsigned char acc_reg) {
  if (!digitalReadFast(DPIN_ACC_INT)) {
    Wire.endTransmission(false);       // End, but do not stop!
    Wire.requestFrom(ACC_ADDRESS, 1);
    return Wire.read();
  return 0;
Exemple #13
int PJON::receive_byte() {
    pinModeFast(_input_pin, INPUT);
    digitalWriteFast(_input_pin, LOW);
    unsigned long time = micros();
    while (digitalReadFast(_input_pin) && micros() - time <= BIT_SPACER);
    time = micros() - time;

    if(time >= ACCEPTANCE && !this->syncronization_bit())
        return (int)this->read_byte();

    return FAIL;
/* Measures the length (in microseconds) of a pulse on the pin; state is HIGH
 * or LOW, the type of pulse to measure.  Works on pulses from 2-3 microseconds
 * to 3 minutes in length, but must be called at least a few dozen microseconds
 * before the start of the pulse. */
uint32_t pulseIn( uint32_t pin, uint32_t state, uint32_t timeout )
	// cache the port and bit of the pin in order to speed up the
	// pulse width measuring loop and achieve finer resolution.  calling
	// digitalRead() instead yields much coarser resolution.
	const PinDescription* p = &g_aPinMap[pin];
	uint32_t width = 0; // keep initialization out of time critical area

	// convert the timeout from microseconds to a number of times through
	// the initial loop; it takes 22 clock cycles per iteration.
	uint32_t numloops = 0;
	uint32_t maxloops = microsecondsToClockCycles(timeout) / 22;

	// wait for any previous pulse to end
  while ( digitalReadFast(p) == state)
    if (numloops++ == maxloops)
      return 0;

	// wait for the pulse to start
	while (digitalReadFast(p) != state)
		if (numloops++ == maxloops)
			return 0;

	// wait for the pulse to stop
	while (digitalReadFast(p) == state) {
		if (numloops++ == maxloops)
			return 0;

	// convert the reading to microseconds. The loop has been determined
	// to be 52 clock cycles long and have about 16 clocks between the edge
	// and the start of the loop. There will be some error introduced by
	// the interrupt handlers.
	return clockCyclesToMicroseconds(width * 52 + 16);
Exemple #15
uint16_t PJON::receive_byte() {
  /* Initialize the pin and set it to LOW to reduce interference */
  uint32_t time = micros();
  /* Do nothing until the pin goes LOW or passed more time than BIT_SPACER duration */
  while(digitalReadFast(_input_pin) && (uint32_t)(micros() - time) <= BIT_SPACER);
  /* Save how much time passed */
  time = micros() - time;
  /* is for sure equal or less than BIT_SPACER, and if is more than ACCEPTANCE
     (a minimum HIGH duration) and what is coming after is a LOW bit
     probably a byte is coming so try to receive it. */
  if(time >= ACCEPTANCE && !this->syncronization_bit())
    return (uint8_t)this->read_byte();

  return FAIL;
Exemple #16
unsigned char iBoardRF24::SPI_RW(unsigned char byte) {
	unsigned char i;
	for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
		if(byte&0x80) {
			digitalWriteFast(mosi_pin, 1);
		} else {
			digitalWriteFast(mosi_pin, 0);
		digitalWriteFast(sck_pin, 1);
		byte <<= 1;
		if(digitalReadFast(miso_pin) == 1) {
			byte |= 1;
		digitalWriteFast(sck_pin, 0); 
	return (byte);
Exemple #17
void hexbright::read_button() {
  last_button_on = button_on;
  button_on = digitalReadFast(DPIN_RLED_SW);
  if(button_on) {
    if(!last_button_on) {
      Serial.println("Button just pressed");
      Serial.print("Time spent released (ms): ");
  } else { // button is off
    if(last_button_on) {
      Serial.println("Button just released");
      Serial.print("Time spent pressed (ms): ");
Exemple #18
void hexbright::read_button() {
  /*button_state = button_state << 1;                            // make space for the new value
    button_state = button_state | digitalReadFast(DPIN_RLED_SW); // add the new value
    button_state = button_state & BUTTON_FILTER;                 // remove excess values */
  // Doing the three commands above on one line saves 2 bytes.  We'll take it!
  button_state = ((button_state<<1) | digitalReadFast(DPIN_RLED_SW)) & BUTTON_FILTER;
  if(BUTTON_JUST_ON(button_state)) {
    Serial.println("Button just pressed");
    Serial.print("Time spent released (ms): ");
  } else if(BUTTON_JUST_OFF(button_state)) {
    Serial.println("Button just released");
    Serial.print("Time spent pressed (ms): ");
byte SPIPump(byte data) {

	byte receivedData=0;
	for (int8_t i=7; i>=0; i--) {
		receivedData <<= 1;
		if (data & (1<<i)) {
			digitalWriteFast(MOSI, HIGH);
		else {
			digitalWriteFast(MOSI, LOW);
		digitalWriteFast(SCK, HIGH);
		asm volatile("nop");
		asm volatile("nop");
		digitalWriteFast(SCK, LOW);
		if (digitalReadFast(MISO)) {
			receivedData |= 1;
		asm volatile("nop");
		asm volatile("nop");
Exemple #20
uint8_t PJON::syncronization_bit() {
  delayMicroseconds((BIT_WIDTH / 2) - READ_DELAY);
  uint8_t bit_value = digitalReadFast(_input_pin);
  delayMicroseconds(BIT_WIDTH / 2);
  return bit_value;
// Taken and modified from: http://www.mkesc.co.uk/ise.pdf
// This fires when a pulse is generated by edge detector circuit on external interrupt 0
void Encoder::quadratureDecoderISR(void)
    encoder->encoderValues <<= 2;
    encoder->encoderValues |= ((digitalReadFast(Utility::PIN_EncoderChannelA) << 1) | digitalReadFast(Utility::PIN_EncoderChannelB));
    encoder->currentAngle += encoderLookup[encoder->encoderValues & 0x0F] * DBL_DegreesPerPulse;
Exemple #22
/* Handles encoder interrupts for finger 5 */
void Hand::Encoder5() {
  Hand::finger[5].position -= 1 - ((digitalReadFast(encoderAPins[5]) ^ digitalReadFast(encoderBPins[5])) << 1);
Exemple #23
/* Handles encoder interrupts for finger 0 */
void Hand::Encoder0() {
  Hand::finger[0].position += 1 - ((digitalReadFast(encoderAPins[0]) ^ digitalReadFast(encoderBPins[0])) << 1);
int saturn_read() {
	int retval = 0;

	* S0	S1		D0	d1	d2	d3
	* Off 	Off 	Z 	Y 	X 	R
	* On 	Off 	B 	C 	A 	St
	* Off 	On 		Up 	Dn 	Lt 	Rt
	* On 	On 		- 	- 	- 	L

	// Reading L
	digitalWriteFast(S0, HIGH);
	digitalWriteFast(S1, HIGH);

	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D3) << 12); // L

	// Reading Z, Y, X and R
	digitalWriteFast(S0, LOW);
	digitalWriteFast(S1, LOW);

	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D0) << 0); // Z
	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D1) << 1); // Y
	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D2) << 2); // X
	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D3) << 3); // R

	// Reading B, C, A and Start
	digitalWriteFast(S0, HIGH);
	digitalWriteFast(S1, LOW);

	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D0) << 4); // B
	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D1) << 5); // C
	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D2) << 6); // A
	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D3) << 7); // Start

	// Reading Up, Down, Left, Right
	digitalWriteFast(S0, LOW);
	digitalWriteFast(S1, HIGH);

	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D0) << 8); // Up
	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D1) << 9); // Down
	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D2) << 10); // Left
	retval |= (!digitalReadFast(D3) << 11); // Right

	return retval;
Exemple #25
void WatchCore::doInput() {
    while (Serial.available()) {
        String data = Serial.readStringUntil(':');

        /* Try getting the time from serial. */
        if (data.endsWith("Time")) {
            const time_t DEFAULT_TIME = 1357041600;

            time_t t = Serial.parseInt();

            if (t > DEFAULT_TIME)

    uint32_t lft = 0;
    uint32_t rgt = 0;
    uint32_t up  = 0;
    uint32_t dwn = 0;

    uint8_t lftNew = 0;
    uint8_t rgtNew = 0;
    uint8_t upNew  = 0;
    uint8_t dwnNew = 0;

    /* Poll the hall effect sensors for any changes over 8 milliseconds. */
    for(uint32_t time = millis() + 4; time > millis();) {
        lftNew = digitalReadFast(TRACKBALL_LFT);
        rgtNew = digitalReadFast(TRACKBALL_RGT);
        upNew  = digitalReadFast(TRACKBALL_UP);
        dwnNew = digitalReadFast(TRACKBALL_DWN);

        lft += lftLast != lftNew;
        rgt += rgtLast != rgtNew;
        up  += upLast  != upNew;
        dwn += dwnLast != dwnNew;

        lftLast = lftNew;
        rgtLast = rgtNew;
        upLast  = upNew;
        dwnLast = dwnNew;

    /* LOW is pressed. */
    if (digitalRead(TRACKBALL_BTN) == LOW) {
        if (buttonTime == 0)
            buttonTime = now();
    } else {
        if(buttonTime != 0) {
            /* If the buzzer is enabled all pressing a button does is stop it. */
            if (buzzer > now()) {
                buzzer = 0;
            } else if (currentMenu != nullptr) {
                if (currentMenu[currentMenuItem].callback != nullptr && currentMenu[currentMenuItem].callback(modes[currentMode], *this))
                    currentMenu = nullptr;
                else if (currentMenu[currentMenuItem].subMenu != nullptr)
            } else {
                modes[currentMode]->buttonPress(now() - buttonTime);

        buttonTime = 0;

    if (currentMenu != nullptr) {
        currentMenuItem += dwn - up;

        if (currentMenuItem < 0)
            currentMenuItem = currentMenuLength - 1;
        else if (currentMenuItem >= currentMenuLength)
            currentMenuItem = 0;

        if (lft > 0)
        else if (rgt > 0 && currentMenu[currentMenuItem].subMenu != nullptr)
    } else {
        if (lft > 0)
        if (rgt > 0)
        if (up > 0)
        if (dwn > 0)
Exemple #26
 // update functions; meant to be attached to ISR
 void pollEncoder(){
   digitalReadFast(ENC_B) ? ENCODER0.pos++ : ENCODER0.pos--;
void scanSerialPort()
	char incomingChar;
	uint8_t linePointer = 0;
	char tmpstr[100];

	uint16_t heartBeatTimer = 0;
	uint16_t potentiometerTimer = 0;

	while (true)
		// Use this to toggle heartbeat LED when not receiving characters
		while (Serial.available() <= 0)
			if (++heartBeatTimer >= 65535)
				heartBeatTimer = 0;
				digitalWriteFast(HEARTBEAT_LED_PIN, !digitalReadFast(HEARTBEAT_LED_PIN));

			// Update the potentiometer only if PID isn't on, since it will be updated in the block below
			if (++potentiometerTimer >= 5000)
				if (!isPidEnabled)
				potentiometerTimer = 0;

			if (isPidCalculationNeeded)
				isPidCalculationNeeded = false;

		incomingChar = (char)Serial.read();

		if (incomingChar)
			if (incomingChar == '\n') // End of input
				lineBuffer[linePointer] = 0;
				linePointer = 0;

				sprintf(tmpstr, "> %s", lineBuffer);
			else if (incomingChar == '\r') // Discard the carriage return
			else // Store any other characters in the buffer
				lineBuffer[linePointer++] = incomingChar;
				lineBuffer[linePointer] = 0;

				if (linePointer >= INT_LINE_SIZE_MAX - 1)
					linePointer = INT_LINE_SIZE_MAX - 1;
					lineBuffer[linePointer] = 0;
int tg16_read(void) {
	int retval = 0;

	// Data Select HIGH
	digitalWriteFast(10, HIGH);

	// /OE LOW
	digitalWriteFast(11, LOW);

	for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		// /OE LOW
		digitalWriteFast(11, LOW);

		// If four directions are low, then it's an Avenue6 Pad
		if(!digitalReadFast(5) && !digitalReadFast(7) && !digitalReadFast(8) && !digitalReadFast(9)) {
			// Data Select LOW
			digitalWriteFast(10, LOW);

			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(5) << 8);  // III
			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(7) << 9);  // IV
			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(8) << 10); // V
			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(9) << 11); // VI
		} else {
			// Normal pad reading
			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(5) << 0); // UP
			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(7) << 1); // RIGHT
			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(8) << 2); // DOWN
			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(9) << 3); // LEFT

			// Data Select LOW
			digitalWriteFast(10, LOW);

			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(5) << 4); // I
			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(7) << 5); // II
			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(8) << 6); // SELECT
			retval |= (!digitalReadFast(9) << 7); // RUN

		// Data Select HIGH
		digitalWriteFast(10, HIGH);

		// /OE HIGH
		digitalWriteFast(11, HIGH);

	return retval;
Exemple #29
void loop(void) {
	left 		= !digitalReadFast(PIN_LEFT);
	right 		= !digitalReadFast(PIN_RIGHT);
	up 			= !digitalReadFast(PIN_UP);
	down 		= !digitalReadFast(PIN_DOWN);
	sqre 		= !digitalReadFast(PIN_SQUARE);
	triangle 	= !digitalReadFast(PIN_TRIANGLE);
	circle 		= !digitalReadFast(PIN_CIRCLE);
	cross 		= !digitalReadFast(PIN_CROSS);
	select 		= !digitalReadFast(PIN_SELECT);
	start 		= !digitalReadFast(PIN_START);
	l1 			= !digitalReadFast(PIN_L1);
	r1 			= !digitalReadFast(PIN_R1);

	pspad_set_pad_state(left, right, up, down, sqre, triangle, circle,
		cross, select, start, l1, l2, r1, r2, l3, r3, lx, ly, rx, ry);
void ControlLoopSTEPPER::update() {

  // -------------------------------
  //  for timing / testing:
  // -------------------------------



  digitalWriteFast(pin_STEP_A, HIGH);


  digitalWriteFast(pin_STEP_A, LOW);


  // -------------------------------
  // do the bresenham's:
  // -------------------------------

  if (A_theD > 0) {

    // do a step!


  digitalWriteFast(pin_STEP_A, LOW);


  digitalWriteFast(pin_STEP_A, HIGH);


    A_theD += A_twoDy_twoDx;

    /* ---- Keep track of position ---- */
    if (currentDirection) {
      currentPosition ++;
    } else {
      currentPosition --;

    /* ---- check for home sensor ---- */
    if (digitalReadFast(HOME_SENSOR_SIGNAL) != homeSensorState) {
      if (!homeSensorState) {

        // sensor going high so record position
        homeSensorState = true;
        homeSensorPosition = currentPosition;
      } else {
        homeSensorState = false;
  } else {
    A_theD += A_twoDy;

  // -------------------------------
  //  Prepare for next time round
  // -------------------------------

   // are we at the end of this subframe?
  if (currentStep == 0) {

    // yes, so get next deltas and calc Bres coefficients

    // for testing:
    digitalWriteFast(TP_GETNEXT, HIGH);

    // channel A:
    nextPosition = getNextPosition();
    nextDelta_A = nextPosition - currentPosition;
    if (nextDelta_A < 0) {
      // direction positive
      currentDirection = false;
      nextDelta_A = -nextDelta_A;
    else {
      // direction negative
      currentDirection = true;
    A_twoDy = 2 * nextDelta_A;
    A_twoDy_twoDx = A_twoDy - (INNERS_PER_OUTER * 2);
    A_theD = A_twoDy_twoDx + INNERS_PER_OUTER;

    // tidy up:
    nextDelta_A = 0;
    currentStep = INNERS_PER_OUTER;

    digitalWriteFast(TP_GETNEXT, LOW);


  // for timing testing: