Exemple #1
direct_signals_initialize( void )
     sigset_t mask;
     int i;
     D_DEBUG_AT( Direct_Signals, "Initializing...\n" );

     direct_recursive_mutex_init( &handlers_lock );
     if (direct_config->sighandler) {
          if (direct_config->sighandler_thread) {
               sigemptyset( &mask );
               for (i=0; i<NUM_SIGS_TO_HANDLE; i++)
                    sigaddset( &mask, sigs_to_handle[i] );

               pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL );

               sighandler_thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_CRITICAL, handle_signals, NULL, "SigHandler" );
               D_ASSERT( sighandler_thread != NULL );
     return DR_OK;
Exemple #2
static DFBResult
driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice      *device,
                    unsigned int      number,
                    InputDeviceInfo  *info,
                    void            **driver_data )
     int           fd, buttons, axes;
     JoystickData *data;
     char          devicename[20];

     /* open the right device */
     snprintf( devicename, 20, "/dev/js%d", number );

     fd = open( devicename, O_RDONLY );
     if (fd < 0) {
          /* try new-style device names */
          snprintf( devicename, 20, "/dev/input/js%d", number );

          fd = open( devicename, O_RDONLY );
          if (fd < 0) {
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/Joystick: Could not open `%s'!\n",
                          devicename );
               return DFB_INIT; /* no joystick available */

     /* query number of buttons and axes */
     ioctl( fd, JSIOCGBUTTONS, &buttons );
     ioctl( fd, JSIOCGAXES, &axes );

     /* fill device info structure */
     snprintf( info->desc.name,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "Joystick" );

     snprintf( info->desc.vendor,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH, "Unknown" );

     info->prefered_id     = DIDID_JOYSTICK;

     info->desc.type       = DIDTF_JOYSTICK;
     info->desc.caps       = DICAPS_AXES | DICAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.max_button = buttons - 1;
     info->desc.max_axis   = axes - 1;

     /* allocate and fill private data */
     data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(JoystickData) );

     data->fd     = fd;
     data->device = device;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, joystickEventThread, data, "Joystick Input" );

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #3
static DFBResult
driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice      *device,
                    unsigned int      number,
                    InputDeviceInfo  *info,
                    void            **driver_data )
     int              fd;
     int              flags;
     MouseProtocol    protocol;
     SerialMouseData *data;

     protocol = mouse_get_protocol();
     if (protocol == LAST_PROTOCOL) /* shouldn't happen */
          return DFB_BUG;

     /* open device */
     flags = O_NONBLOCK | (dfb_config->mouse_gpm_source ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR);
     fd = open( dfb_config->mouse_source, flags );
     if (fd < 0) {
          D_PERROR( "DirectFB/SerialMouse: Error opening '%s'!\n", dfb_config->mouse_source );
          return DFB_INIT;

     /* reset the O_NONBLOCK flag */
     fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, fcntl (fd, F_GETFL) & ~O_NONBLOCK);

     /* allocate and fill private data */
     data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(SerialMouseData) );

     data->fd       = fd;
     data->device   = device;
     data->protocol = protocol;

     mouse_setspeed( data );

     /* fill device info structure */
     snprintf( info->desc.name, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH,
               "Serial Mouse (%s)", protocol_names[protocol] );

     snprintf( info->desc.vendor, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH, "Unknown" );

     info->prefered_id     = DIDID_MOUSE;

     info->desc.type       = DIDTF_MOUSE;
     info->desc.caps       = DICAPS_AXES | DICAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.max_axis   = DIAI_Y;
     info->desc.max_button = (protocol > PROTOCOL_MS) ? DIBI_MIDDLE : DIBI_RIGHT;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, protocol == PROTOCOL_MOUSESYSTEMS ?
                                          mouseEventThread_mousesystems : mouseEventThread_ms,
                                          data, "SerMouse Input" );

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #4
static DFBResult driver_open_device(CoreInputDevice *device,
                                    unsigned int number,
                                    InputDeviceInfo *info,
                                    void **driver_data){
     int fd;
     PeMData *data;
     /* open device */
     fd = PeMOpenDevice (dfb_config->penmount_device);
     if (fd < 0) {
          D_PERROR("DirectFB/PenMount: Error opening '%s'!\n", dfb_config->penmount_device);
          return DFB_INIT;

     data = D_CALLOC (1, sizeof(PeMData));
     if (!data) {
          close (fd);
          return D_OOM ();

     data->fd     = fd;
     data->device = device;

     /* Must define the correct resolution of screen */
     data->screen_width  = PeM_SCREENWIDTH;
     data->screen_height = PeM_SCREENHEIGHT;

     /* The following variable are defined to adjust the orientation of
      * the touchscreen. Variables are either max screen height/width or 0.
     data->min_x = PeM_MINX;
     data->min_y = PeM_MINY;

     /* fill device info structure */
     snprintf(info->desc.name, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH,
              "PenMount 9509");
     snprintf(info->desc.vendor, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH,

     info->prefered_id     = DIDID_MOUSE;
     info->desc.type       = DIDTF_MOUSE;
     info->desc.caps       = DICAPS_AXES | DICAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.caps       = DIDCAPS_AXES | DIDCAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.max_axis   = DIAI_Y;
     info->desc.max_button = DIBI_LEFT;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create (DTT_INPUT, PenMountEventThread, data, "PenMount Input");

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #5
     direct_hash_init( &counter_hash, 7 );
     direct_mutex_init( &counter_lock );

     if (direct_config->perf_dump_interval)
          direct_thread_create( DTT_DEFAULT, direct_perf_dump_thread, NULL, "Perf Dump" );
Exemple #6
static DFBResult driver_open_device(CoreInputDevice *device,
                                    unsigned int number,
                                    InputDeviceInfo *info,
                                    void **driver_data)
     int fd;
     MuTData *data;

     /* open device */
     fd = MuTOpenDevice (dfb_config->mut_device);
     D_INFO("MuTouch:driver_open_device %s fd %d\n", dfb_config->mut_device,fd);

     if (fd < 0) {
          return DFB_INIT;

     data = D_CALLOC (1, sizeof(MuTData));
     if (!data) {
          close (fd);
          return D_OOM ();

     data->fd     = fd;
     data->device = device;

     /* Must define the correct resolution of screen */
     data->screen_width  = MuT_SCREENWIDTH;
     data->screen_height = MuT_SCREENHEIGHT;

     /* The following variable are defined to adjust the orientation of
      * the touchscreen. Variables are either max screen height/width or 0.
     data->min_x = MuT_MINX;
     data->min_y = MuT_MINY;

     /* fill device info structure */
     snprintf(info->desc.name, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH,
     snprintf(info->desc.vendor, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH,

     info->prefered_id     = DIDID_MOUSE;
     info->desc.type        = DIDTF_MOUSE;
     info->desc.caps        = DICAPS_AXES | DICAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.max_axis   = DIAI_Y;
     info->desc.max_button = DIBI_LEFT;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create (DTT_INPUT, MuTouchEventThread, data, "MuTouch Input");

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #7
static DFBResult driver_open_device(CoreInputDevice *device,
                                    unsigned int number,
                                    InputDeviceInfo *info,
                                    void **driver_data)
  int fd;
  eloData *data;

  /* open device */
  fd = eloOpenDevice(elo_DEVICE);
  if(fd < 0) {
    D_PERROR("DirectFB/elo: Error opening '"elo_DEVICE"'!\n");
    return DFB_INIT;

  data = D_CALLOC(1, sizeof(eloData));
  if (!data) {
    return D_OOM();

  data->fd     = fd;
  data->device = device;

  /* Must define the correct resolution of screen */
  data->screen_width  = elo_SCREENWIDTH;
  data->screen_height = elo_SCREENHEIGHT;

  /* The following variable are defined to adjust the orientation of
   * the touchscreen. Variables are either max screen height/width or 0.
  data->min_x = elo_MINX;
  data->min_y = elo_MINY;

  /* fill device info structure */
  snprintf(info->desc.name, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH,
  snprintf(info->desc.vendor, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH,
           "elo Systems");

  info->prefered_id     = DIDID_MOUSE;
  info->desc.type       = DIDTF_MOUSE;
  info->desc.caps       = DICAPS_AXES | DICAPS_BUTTONS;
  info->desc.max_axis   = DIAI_Y;
  info->desc.max_button = DIBI_LEFT;

  /* start input thread */
  data->thread = direct_thread_create (DTT_INPUT, eloTouchEventThread, data, "ELO Touch Input");

  /* set private data pointer */
  *driver_data = data;

  return DFB_OK;
Exemple #8
CoreInputHubClient_Activate( CoreInputHubClient *client )
     D_DEBUG_AT( Core_InputHub, "%s()\n", __FUNCTION__ );

     D_ASSERT( !client->activate_stop && client->activate_thread == NULL );

     client->activate_thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_DEFAULT, CoreInputHubClient_ActivateThread, client, "InputHub/Activate" );

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #9
 * Open the device, fill out information about it,
 * allocate and fill private data, start input thread.
 * Called during initialization, resuming or taking over mastership.
static DFBResult
driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice      *device,
                    unsigned int      number,
                    InputDeviceInfo  *info,
                    void            **driver_data )
     int                 fd;
     DreamboxremoteData    *data;

     /* open device */
     fd = open( DEVICE, O_RDONLY);
     if (fd < 0) {
          D_PERROR( "DirectFB/dreamboxremote: could not open device" );
          return DFB_INIT;

     /* apply voodoo */
     //ioctl( fd, RC_IOCTL_BCODES, 0 );

     /* set device name */
     snprintf( info->desc.name,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "dreambox remote control" );

     /* set device vendor */
     snprintf( info->desc.vendor,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH, "DM7000/DM56XX/DM500" );

     /* set one of the primary input device IDs */
     info->prefered_id = DIDID_REMOTE;

     /* set type flags */
     info->desc.type   = DIDTF_REMOTE;

     /* set capabilities */
     info->desc.caps   = DICAPS_KEYS;

     /* allocate and fill private data */
     data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(DreamboxremoteData) );

     data->fd     = fd;
     data->device = device;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, dreamboxremoteEventThread, data, "DreamBox Input" );

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #10
VoodooConnectionPacket::Start( VoodooManager *manager )
     D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Connection, "VoodooConnectionPacket::%s( %p )\n", __func__, this );

     D_MAGIC_ASSERT( this, VoodooConnection );

     D_ASSERT( manager != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( this->manager == NULL );

     this->manager = manager;

     io = direct_thread_create( DTT_DEFAULT, io_loop_main, this, "Voodoo IO" );
Exemple #11
 * Open the device, fill out information about it,
 * allocate and fill private data, start input thread.
 * Called during initialization, resuming or taking over mastership.
static DFBResult
driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice      *device,
                    unsigned int      number,
                    InputDeviceInfo  *info,
                    void            **driver_data )
     int         fd;
     SonypiData *data;

     /* open device */
     fd = open( DEVICE, O_RDONLY);
     if (fd < 0) {
          D_PERROR( "DirectFB/sonypi: could not open device" );
          return DFB_INIT;

     /* set device name */
     snprintf( info->desc.name,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "PI Jogdial" );

     /* set device vendor */
     snprintf( info->desc.vendor,

     /* set one of the primary input device IDs */
     info->prefered_id = DIDID_MOUSE;

     /* set type flags */
     info->desc.type   = DIDTF_MOUSE;

     /* set capabilities */
     info->desc.caps       = DICAPS_BUTTONS | DICAPS_AXES;
     info->desc.max_axis   = DIAI_Z;
     info->desc.max_button = DIBI_MIDDLE;

     /* allocate and fill private data */
     data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(SonypiData) );

     data->fd     = fd;
     data->device = device;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, sonypiEventThread, data, "Sony PI Input" );

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #12
 * Open the device, fill out information about it,
 * allocate and fill private data, start input thread.
 * Called during initialization, resuming or taking over mastership.
static DFBResult
driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice  *device,
                    unsigned int      number,
                    InputDeviceInfo  *info,
                    void            **driver_data )
     SDLInputData *data;
     DFBSDL       *dfb_sdl = dfb_system_data();

     fusion_skirmish_prevail( &dfb_sdl->lock );

     SDL_EnableUNICODE( true );

     SDL_EnableKeyRepeat( 250, 40 );

     fusion_skirmish_dismiss( &dfb_sdl->lock );

     /* set device name */
     snprintf( info->desc.name,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "SDL Input" );

     /* set device vendor */
     snprintf( info->desc.vendor,

     /* set one of the primary input device IDs */
     info->prefered_id = DIDID_KEYBOARD;

     /* set type flags */

     /* set capabilities */
     info->desc.caps   = DICAPS_ALL;

     /* allocate and fill private data */
     data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(SDLInputData) );

     data->device  = device;
     data->dfb_sdl = dfb_sdl;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, sdlEventThread, data, "SDL Input" );

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #13
static DFBResult
primaryInitLayer( CoreLayer                  *layer,
                  void                       *driver_data,
                  void                       *layer_data,
                  DFBDisplayLayerDescription *description,
                  DFBDisplayLayerConfig      *config,
                  DFBColorAdjustment         *adjustment )
     /* set capabilities and type */
     description->caps = DLCAPS_SURFACE;
     description->type = DLTF_GRAPHICS;

     /* set name */
     snprintf( description->name,
               DFB_DISPLAY_LAYER_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "SDL Primary Layer" );

     /* fill out the default configuration */
     config->flags       = DLCONF_WIDTH       | DLCONF_HEIGHT |
                           DLCONF_PIXELFORMAT | DLCONF_BUFFERMODE;
     config->buffermode  = DLBM_FRONTONLY;

     if (dfb_config->mode.width)
          config->width  = dfb_config->mode.width;
          config->width  = 640;

     if (dfb_config->mode.height)
          config->height = dfb_config->mode.height;
          config->height = 480;

     if (dfb_config->mode.format != DSPF_UNKNOWN)
          config->pixelformat = dfb_config->mode.format;
     else if (dfb_config->mode.depth > 0)
          config->pixelformat = dfb_pixelformat_for_depth( dfb_config->mode.depth );
          config->pixelformat = DSPF_RGB16;

     /* Initialize update lock and condition. */
     pthread_mutex_init( &dfb_sdl->update.lock, NULL );
     pthread_cond_init( &dfb_sdl->update.cond, NULL );

     /* Start update thread. */
     dfb_sdl->update.thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_OUTPUT, ScreenUpdateLoop, NULL, "Screen Update" );
     if (!dfb_sdl->update.thread)
          return DFB_FAILURE;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #14
static DFBResult
driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice      *device,
                    unsigned int      number,
                    InputDeviceInfo  *info,
                    void            **driver_data )
     int          fd;
     WM97xxTSData *data;

     /* open device */
     fd = open( "/dev/touchscreen/wm97xx", O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY );
     if (fd < 0) {
          D_PERROR( "DirectFB/WM97xx: Error opening `/dev/touchscreen/wm97xx'!\n" );
          return DFB_INIT;

     /* fill device info structure */
     snprintf( info->desc.name,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "WM97xx Touchscreen" );

     snprintf( info->desc.vendor,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH, "Wolfson Microelectronics" );

     info->prefered_id     = DIDID_MOUSE;

     info->desc.type       = DIDTF_MOUSE;
     info->desc.caps       = DICAPS_AXES | DICAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.max_axis   = DIAI_Y;
     info->desc.max_button = DIBI_LEFT;

     /* allocate and fill private data */
     data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(WM97xxTSData) );
     if (!data) {
          close( fd );
          return D_OOM();

     data->fd     = fd;
     data->device = device;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, wm97xxtsEventThread, data, "WM97xx TS Input" );

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #15
 * Open the device, fill out information about it,
 * allocate and fill private data, start input thread.
 * Called during initialization, resuming or taking over mastership.
static DFBResult
driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice  *device,
                    unsigned int      number,
                    InputDeviceInfo  *info,
                    void            **driver_data )
     X11InputData *data;
     DFBX11       *x11    = dfb_system_data();
     DFBX11Shared *shared = x11->shared;

     D_DEBUG_AT( X11_Input, "%s()\n", __FUNCTION__ );

     fusion_skirmish_prevail( &shared->lock );

     fusion_skirmish_dismiss( &shared->lock );

     /* set device vendor and name */
     snprintf( info->desc.vendor, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH, "XServer" );
     snprintf( info->desc.name,   DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "X11 Input" );

     /* set one of the primary input device IDs */
     info->prefered_id = DIDID_KEYBOARD;

     /* set type flags */

     /* set capabilities */
     info->desc.caps   = DICAPS_ALL;

     /* enable translation of fake raw hardware keycodes */
     info->desc.min_keycode = 8;
     info->desc.max_keycode = 255;

     /* allocate and fill private data */
     data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(X11InputData) );

     data->device = device;
     data->x11    = x11;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, x11EventThread, data, "X11 Input" );

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #16
direct_processor_init( DirectProcessor            *processor,
                       const char                 *name,
                       const DirectProcessorFuncs *funcs,
                       unsigned int                data_size,
                       void                       *context,
                       int                         idle_ms )
     D_ASSERT( processor != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( name != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( funcs != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( funcs->Process != NULL );
     D_ASSERT( data_size > 0 );

     D_DEBUG_AT( Direct_Processor, "%s( %p, %p, %p, %u, %p )\n", __FUNCTION__,
                 processor, name, funcs, data_size, context );

     processor->name = D_STRDUP( name );
     if (!processor->name)
          return D_OOM();

     processor->funcs        = funcs;
     processor->data_size    = data_size;
     processor->context      = context;
     processor->idle_ms      = idle_ms;
     processor->max_recycled = (8000 / data_size) + 1;

     direct_fifo_init( &processor->commands );
     direct_fifo_init( &processor->recycled );

#if 0
     direct_waitqueue_init( &processor->lock_cond, NULL );
     direct_mutex_init( &processor->lock_mutex, NULL );

     D_MAGIC_SET( processor, DirectProcessor );

     processor->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_DEFAULT, processor_thread, processor, name );
     if (!processor->thread) {
          D_MAGIC_CLEAR( processor );
          direct_fifo_destroy( &processor->commands );
          direct_fifo_destroy( &processor->recycled );
          D_FREE( processor->name );
          return DR_INIT;

     return DR_OK;
Exemple #17
static DFBResult
driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice      *device,
                    unsigned int      number,
                    InputDeviceInfo  *info,
                    void            **driver_data )
     int          fd;
     ucb1x00TSData *data;

     /* open device */
     fd = open( "/dev/ucb1x00-ts", O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY );
     if (fd < 0) {
          D_PERROR( "DirectFB/ucb1x00: Error opening `/dev/ucb1x00-ts'!\n" );
          return DFB_INIT;

     /* fill device info structure */
     snprintf( info->desc.name,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "ucb1x00 Touchscreen" );

     snprintf( info->desc.vendor,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH, "Unknown" );

     info->prefered_id     = DIDID_MOUSE;

     info->desc.type       = DIDTF_MOUSE;
     info->desc.caps       = DICAPS_AXES | DICAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.max_axis   = DIAI_Y;
     info->desc.max_button = DIBI_LEFT;

     /* allocate and fill private data */
     data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(ucb1x00TSData) );

     data->fd     = fd;
     data->device = device;

     event_buffer = malloc( sizeof( TS_EVENT) * config.numevents );

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, ucb1x00tsEventThread, data, "UCB TS Input" );

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #18
static DirectResult
RUN_call_threaded( int index,
                   int thread_count )
    int           i;
    DirectThread *threads[thread_count];

    for (i=0; i<thread_count; i++) {
        threads[i] = direct_thread_create( DTT_DEFAULT, RUN_call_thread_main, (void*)(long)index, "Test" );

    for (i=0; i<thread_count; i++) {
        direct_thread_join( threads[i] );
        direct_thread_destroy( threads[i] );

    return DR_OK;
Exemple #19
VoodooDispatcher::VoodooDispatcher( VoodooManager *manager )
     D_DEBUG_AT( Voodoo_Dispatcher, "VoodooDispatcher::%s( %p )\n", __func__, this );

     /* Initialize lock. */
     direct_mutex_init( &lock );

     /* Initialize wait queue. */
     direct_waitqueue_init( &queue );

     D_MAGIC_SET( this, VoodooDispatcher );

     dispatch_loop = direct_thread_create( DTT_MESSAGING, DispatchLoopMain, this, "Voodoo Dispatch" );
// "ouvre" le device et commnce à le préparer :
static DFBResult driver_open_device(CoreInputDevice *device,
          unsigned int number,
          InputDeviceInfo *info,
          void **driver_data)
     int fd;
     ZytData *data;

     /* open device */
     fd = ZytOpenDevice (dfb_config->zytronic_device);
     D_INFO("ZYT, driver_open_device %s fd %d\n", dfb_config->zytronic_device,fd);

     if (fd < 0) {
          return DFB_INIT;

     ZytActivateDevice(fd); //on configure le controleur pour fonctionner en mode normal

     data = D_CALLOC (1, sizeof(ZytData));

     data->fd     = fd;
     data->device = device;

     /* fill device info structure */
     snprintf(info->desc.name, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH,
     snprintf(info->desc.vendor, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH,

     info->prefered_id     = DIDID_MOUSE;
     info->desc.type       = DIDTF_MOUSE;
     info->desc.caps       = DICAPS_AXES | DICAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.max_axis   = DIAI_Y;
     info->desc.max_button = DIBI_LEFT;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create (DTT_INPUT, ZytronicEventThread, data, "Zytronic Input");

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #21
static DFBResult
mesaInitLayer( CoreLayer                  *layer,
               void                       *driver_data,
               void                       *layer_data,
               DFBDisplayLayerDescription *description,
               DFBDisplayLayerConfig      *config,
               DFBColorAdjustment         *adjustment )
     MesaData *mesa = driver_data;

     mesa->drmeventcontext.version = DRM_EVENT_CONTEXT_VERSION;
     mesa->drmeventcontext.vblank_handler = NULL;
     mesa->drmeventcontext.page_flip_handler = page_flip_handler;

     description->type             = DLTF_GRAPHICS;
     description->caps             = DLCAPS_SURFACE;
     description->surface_caps     = DSCAPS_NONE;
     description->surface_accessor = CSAID_LAYER0;

     direct_snputs( description->name, "Mesa Layer", DFB_DISPLAY_LAYER_DESC_NAME_LENGTH );

     config->width       = dfb_config->mode.width  ?: mesa->mode.hdisplay;
     config->height      = dfb_config->mode.height ?: mesa->mode.vdisplay;
     config->pixelformat = dfb_config->mode.format ?: DSPF_ARGB;
     config->buffermode  = DLBM_FRONTONLY;

     direct_mutex_init( &mesa->lock );
     direct_waitqueue_init( &mesa->wq_event );
     direct_waitqueue_init( &mesa->wq_flip );

     mesa->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_CRITICAL, Mesa_BufferThread_Main, mesa, "Mesa/Buffer" );

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #22
static void
vt_start_flushing( void )
     dfb_vt->flush = true;
     dfb_vt->flush_thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_DEFAULT, vt_flush_thread, NULL, "VT Flusher" );
Exemple #23
     info->prefered_id     = DIDID_MOUSE;

     info->desc.type       = DIDTF_MOUSE;
     info->desc.caps       = DICAPS_AXES | DICAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.max_axis   = DIAI_Y;
     info->desc.max_button = DIBI_LEFT;

     /* allocate and fill private data */
     data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(H3600TSData) );

     data->fd     = fd;
     data->device = device;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, h3600tsEventThread, data, "H3600 TS Input" );

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;

 * Fetch one entry from the device's keymap if supported.
static DFBResult
driver_get_keymap_entry( CoreInputDevice               *device,
                         void                      *driver_data,
                         DFBInputDeviceKeymapEntry *entry )
Exemple #24
main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    DirectResult  ret;
    IFusionDale  *dale;
    int           i;

    //dfb_config_init( &argc, &argv );

    ret = FusionDaleInit( &argc, &argv );
    if (ret) {
        D_DERROR( ret, "FusionDaleInit() failed!\n" );
        return -1;

    ret = FusionDaleCreate( &dale );
    if (ret) {
        D_DERROR( ret, "FusionDaleCreate() failed!\n" );
        return -2;

    ret = dale->EnterComa( dale, "Coma Test", &coma );
    if (ret) {
        D_DERROR( ret, "IFusionDale::EnterComa('Coma Test') failed!\n" );
        return -3;

    direct_mutex_init( &decoupled_calls_lock );
    direct_waitqueue_init( &decoupled_calls_wq );

    for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
        if (strncmp( argv[i], "create", 6 ) == 0) {
            int n, num;
            int threads = 1;

            if (sscanf( argv[i]+6, "%d,%d", &num, &threads ) >= 1) {
                for (n=0; n<num; n++) {
                    RUN_create( n );

                for (n=0; n<threads; n++) {
                    direct_thread_create( DTT_DEFAULT, DecoupledCall_thread_main, NULL, "Process" );

                fprintf( stderr, "Wrong number '%s'!\n", argv[i]+6 );
        else if (strncmp( argv[i], "call", 4 ) == 0) {
            int index, threads = 1;

            if (sscanf( argv[i]+4, "%d,%d", &index, &threads ) >= 1) {
                RUN_call_threaded( index, threads );
                fprintf( stderr, "Wrong number '%s'!\n", argv[i]+4 );

    direct_waitqueue_deinit( &decoupled_calls_wq );
    direct_mutex_deinit( &decoupled_calls_lock );

    coma->Release( coma );

    dale->Release( dale );

    return 0;
static DFBResult
driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice  *device,
                    unsigned int      number,
                    InputDeviceInfo  *info,
                    void            **driver_data )
     int           fd;
     int           mouseId = -1;
     int           flags;
     PS2MouseData *data;

     /* open device */

     flags = (dfb_config->mouse_gpm_source)
             ? (O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK)
             : (O_RDWR | O_SYNC | O_EXCL);
     fd = open( devlist[number], flags );
     if (fd < 0) {
          D_PERROR( "DirectFB/PS2Mouse: failed opening `%s' !\n",
                     devlist[number] );
          close( fd );
          return DFB_INIT;

     fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, fcntl ( fd, F_GETFL ) & ~O_NONBLOCK );
     if (!dfb_config->mouse_gpm_source) {
          mouseId = init_ps2( fd, true );
          if (mouseId  < 0) {
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/PS2Mouse: could not initialize mouse on `%s'!\n",
                          devlist[number] );
               close( fd );
               return DFB_INIT;

     if (dfb_config->mouse_protocol) {
          if (strcasecmp( dfb_config->mouse_protocol, "IMPS/2" ) == 0) {
               mouseId = PS2_ID_IMPS2;
          else if (strcasecmp( dfb_config->mouse_protocol, "PS/2" ) == 0) {
               mouseId = PS2_ID_PS2;
          else {
               D_ERROR( "DirectFB/PS2Mouse: unsupported protocol `%s' !\n",
                         dfb_config->mouse_protocol );
               close( fd );
               return DFB_INIT;

     /* fill device info structure */
     snprintf( info->desc.name, DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH,
               (mouseId == PS2_ID_IMPS2) ? "IMPS/2 Mouse" : "PS/2 Mouse" );

     snprintf( info->desc.vendor,
               DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH, "Unknown" );

     info->prefered_id     = DIDID_MOUSE;
     info->desc.type       = DIDTF_MOUSE;
     info->desc.caps       = DICAPS_AXES | DICAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.caps       = DIDCAPS_AXES | DIDCAPS_BUTTONS;
     info->desc.max_axis   = (mouseId == PS2_ID_IMPS2) ? DIAI_Z : DIAI_Y;
     info->desc.max_button = DIBI_MIDDLE;     /* TODO: probe!? */

     /* allocate and fill private data */
     data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(PS2MouseData) );
     if (!data) {
          close( fd );
          return D_OOM();

     data->fd           = fd;
     data->device       = device;
     data->mouseId      = mouseId;
     data->packetLength = (mouseId == PS2_ID_IMPS2) ? 4 : 3;

     /* start input thread */
     data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, ps2mouseEventThread, data, "PS/2 Input" );

     /* set private data pointer */
     *driver_data = data;

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #26
static DFBResult
     const char cursoroff_str[] = "\033[?1;0;0c";
     const char blankoff_str[] = "\033[9;0]";
     char buf[32];

     D_DEBUG_AT( VT, "%s()\n", __FUNCTION__ );

     /* FIXME: Opening the device should be moved out of this function. */

     snprintf(buf, 32, "/dev/tty%d", dfb_vt->num);
     dfb_vt->fd = open( buf, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY );
     if (dfb_vt->fd < 0) {
          if (errno == ENOENT) {
               snprintf(buf, 32, "/dev/vc/%d", dfb_vt->num);
               dfb_vt->fd = open( buf, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY );
               if (dfb_vt->fd < 0) {
                    if (errno == ENOENT) {
                         D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: Couldn't open "
                                    "neither `/dev/tty%d' nor `/dev/vc/%d'!\n",
                                    dfb_vt->num, dfb_vt->num );
                    else {
                         D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: "
                                    "Error opening `%s'!\n", buf );

                    return errno2result( errno );
          else {
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/core/vt: Error opening `%s'!\n", buf );
               return errno2result( errno );

     /* attach to the new TTY before doing anything like KDSETMODE with it,
        otherwise we'd get access denied error: */
     ioctl( dfb_vt->fd, TIOCSCTTY, 0 );

     write( dfb_vt->fd, cursoroff_str, sizeof(cursoroff_str) );
     if (dfb_config->kd_graphics) {
          if (ioctl( dfb_vt->fd, KDSETMODE, KD_GRAPHICS ) < 0) {
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/fbdev/vt: KD_GRAPHICS failed!\n" );
               close( dfb_vt->fd );
               return DFB_INIT;
     else {
          write( dfb_vt->fd, blankoff_str, sizeof(blankoff_str) );

     if (dfb_config->vt_switching) {
          struct vt_mode vt;
          struct sigaction sig_tty;

          memset( &sig_tty, 0, sizeof( sig_tty ) );
          sig_tty.sa_handler = vt_switch_handler;
          sigfillset( &sig_tty.sa_mask );

          if (sigaction( SIG_SWITCH_FROM, &sig_tty, &dfb_vt->sig_usr1 ) ||
              sigaction( SIG_SWITCH_TO, &sig_tty, &dfb_vt->sig_usr2 )) {
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/fbdev/vt: sigaction failed!\n" );
               close( dfb_vt->fd );
               return DFB_INIT;

          vt.mode   = VT_PROCESS;
          vt.waitv  = 0;
          vt.relsig = SIG_SWITCH_FROM;
          vt.acqsig = SIG_SWITCH_TO;

          if (ioctl( dfb_vt->fd, VT_SETMODE, &vt ) < 0) {
               D_PERROR( "DirectFB/fbdev/vt: VT_SETMODE failed!\n" );

               sigaction( SIG_SWITCH_FROM, &dfb_vt->sig_usr1, NULL );
               sigaction( SIG_SWITCH_TO, &dfb_vt->sig_usr2, NULL );

               close( dfb_vt->fd );

               return DFB_INIT;

          direct_util_recursive_pthread_mutex_init( &dfb_vt->lock );

          pthread_cond_init( &dfb_vt->wait, NULL );

          dfb_vt->vt_sig = -1;

          dfb_vt->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_CRITICAL, vt_thread, NULL, "VT Switcher" );

     return DFB_OK;
Exemple #27
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	IDirectFBDisplayLayer 	*layer;
	DFBWindowDescription	dwsc;
	DFBSurfaceDescription 	dsc;
	DFBDisplayLayerConfig	config;
	IDirectFBWindow 	*window_mic, *window_camera, *window_case, *window_tp;
	IDirectFBSurface 	*surface_case, *surface_tp, *surface_camera;
	IDirectFBSurface 	*surface_mic, *primary, *surface_button;
	IDirectFBFont 		*font;
	DFBRectangle		rect;
	DFBFontDescription 	font_desc;
	DirectThread     *thread_camera, *thread_music, *thread_mic, *thread_tp, *thread_flashlight, *thread_case[case_num];
	DirectThread 	*thread_button;

//	int font_size = 24;
//	int camera_frame = 0;

	int i;
	char font_file[50] = "/misc/font/wqy-zenhei.ttc";
	char conf_file[50] = "/misc/pcba.conf";

	bool overflow = false;
	case_t *case_x;
	case_x = malloc((case_num + 3) * sizeof(case_t));
	//20 case,11 auto case,gps is the last autocase
	init_case(case_x, case_num + 3, gps + 1);
	if(parser_config_file(conf_file, case_x))
		printf("config file open error, use default\n");

	printf("camera_frame = %d\n", camera_frame);
	printf("font_size = %d\n", font_size);
	printf("camera pixel [%d*%d]\n", camera_pixel_width, camera_pixel_height);

#ifndef __GS900A__
	//define window size
	int screen_width, screen_height;
	int mic_width, camera_window_width, camera_window_height;
	int case_width, case_name_align, case_result_align;
	int font_height;
	//change env
	char event_path[100];
	char env_gsensor[256];
	//enable gsensor
	i = get_input_event_name(case_x[gsensor].dev_name, event_path);
	if(i != -1)
		sprintf(env_gsensor, "echo 1 > /sys/class/input/input%d/enable", i);
		printf("----error! gsensor not found\n");
	//vibrate test for 3 second
	//dfb init
	DFBCHECK(DirectFBInit(&argc, &argv));
	font_desc.flags = DFDESC_HEIGHT;
	font_desc.height = font_size;
	DFBCHECK(dfb->CreateFont( dfb, font_file,  &font_desc, &font));
	DFBCHECK(font->GetHeight(font, &font_height));
	DFBCHECK(dfb->GetDisplayLayer(dfb, DLID_PRIMARY, &layer));
	DFBCHECK(layer->GetConfiguration( layer, &config ));
	// DFBCHECK(layer->SetRotation( layer, 180 ));
	//set window size
	screen_width = config.width;
	screen_height = config.height;
	mic_width = screen_width / 20;
	camera_window_width = (screen_width - mic_width) / 2;
	camera_window_height = screen_height / 2;
	case_width = screen_width - mic_width - camera_window_width;
	case_name_align = font_size;
	case_result_align = 7 * font_size;
	//create tp window
	dwsc.posx = 0;
	dwsc.posy = 0;
	dwsc.width = screen_width;
	dwsc.height = screen_height;
	DFBCHECK(layer->CreateWindow(layer, &dwsc, &window_tp));
	DFBCHECK(window_tp->GetSurface(window_tp, &surface_tp));
	DFBCHECK(window_tp->SetOptions(window_tp, DWOP_ALPHACHANNEL));
	DFBCHECK(window_tp->SetStackingClass(window_tp, DWSC_UPPER));
	DFBCHECK(surface_tp->Clear(surface_tp, 0, 0, 0, 0));
	DFBCHECK(surface_tp->SetColor(surface_tp, 0, 0xff, 0, 0xff));
	DFBCHECK(window_tp->SetOpacity(window_tp, 0xff));
	//config camera window
	dwsc.posx = case_width + mic_width;
	dwsc.posy = 0;
	dwsc.width = camera_window_width;
	dwsc.height = screen_height;
	DFBCHECK(layer->CreateWindow( layer, &dwsc, &window_camera ));
	DFBCHECK(window_camera->GetSurface(window_camera, &windowsurface));
	DFBCHECK(windowsurface->SetColor(windowsurface, 0, 0, 0, 0xff));
	DFBCHECK(windowsurface->FillRectangle(windowsurface, 0, 0, camera_window_width , screen_height));
	DFBCHECK(windowsurface->Flip(windowsurface, NULL, 0));
	DFBCHECK(window_camera->SetOpacity( window_camera, 0xff ));
	drawRGB(windowsurface, 0, screen_height / 2, camera_window_width, screen_height /2);
	rect.x = 0;
	rect.y = 0;
	rect.w = camera_window_width;
	rect.h = camera_window_height;
	DFBCHECK(windowsurface->GetSubSurface(windowsurface, &rect, &surface_camera));
	rect.x = 0;
	rect.y = screen_height / 4 * 3;
	rect.w = camera_window_width;
	rect.h = screen_height - rect.y;
	DFBCHECK(windowsurface->GetSubSurface(windowsurface, &rect, &surface_button));
	//create camera surface
    dsc.pixelformat = DSPF_NV12;
	dsc.width = camera_pixel_width;
	dsc.height = camera_pixel_height;
	DFBCHECK(dfb->CreateSurface(dfb, &dsc, &camera_source));
	//config mic window
	dwsc.posx = case_width;
	dwsc.posy = 0;
	dwsc.width = mic_width;
	dwsc.height = screen_height;
	DFBCHECK(layer->CreateWindow(layer, &dwsc, &window_mic));
	DFBCHECK(window_mic->GetSurface(window_mic, &surface_mic));
	DFBCHECK(surface_mic->SetColor(surface_mic, 0, 0, 0, 0xff));
	DFBCHECK(surface_mic->FillRectangle(surface_mic, 0, 0, mic_width , screen_height));
	DFBCHECK(surface_mic->Flip(surface_mic, NULL, 0));
	DFBCHECK(window_mic->SetOpacity( window_mic, 0xff));
	//config case window
	dwsc.posx = 0;
	dwsc.posy = 0;
	dwsc.width = case_width;
	dwsc.height = screen_height;
	DFBCHECK(layer->CreateWindow(layer, &dwsc, &window_case));
	DFBCHECK(window_case->GetSurface(window_case, &surface_case));
	DFBCHECK(surface_case->SetColor(surface_case, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
	DFBCHECK(surface_case->SetFont(surface_case, font));
	DFBCHECK(surface_case->FillRectangle(surface_case, 0, 0, case_width, screen_height));
	//draw headline
	DFBCHECK(surface_case->SetColor(surface_case, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0xff));
	DFBCHECK(surface_case->FillRectangle(surface_case, 0, 0, case_width, font_size + 2));
	DFBCHECK(surface_case->FillRectangle(surface_case, 0, screen_height / 2, case_width, font_size + 2));
	DFBCHECK(surface_case->SetColor(surface_case, 0, 0, 0, 0xff));
	DFBCHECK(surface_case->DrawString(surface_case, "自动测试选项", -1, case_width / 2, 0, DSTF_TOPCENTER));
	DFBCHECK(surface_case->DrawString(surface_case, "手动测试选项", -1, case_width / 2, screen_height / 2, DSTF_TOPCENTER));
	int auto_skip = 0;
	int manu_skip = 0;
	int skip_height = 0;
	bool double_line = false;
	//draw string
	for(i = 0; i < case_num; i++)
		double_line = false;
			case_x[i].enable = 0;
			//case_x[i].position = -1;
		if(case_x[i].doubleline == 1)
			double_line = true;
			skip_height = manu_skip * (font_height);
			skip_height = auto_skip * (font_height);
		case_x[i].position = case_x[i].type * screen_height / 2 + (case_x[i].index + 1) * (font_height);
		case_x[i].position -= skip_height;
		// printf("name_h = %d\n", case_x[i].position);
		DFBCHECK(surface_case->SetColor(surface_case, 0, 0, 0, 0xff));
		DFBCHECK(surface_case->DrawString(surface_case, case_x[i].name, -1, case_name_align, case_x[i].position, DSTF_TOPLEFT));
		DFBCHECK(surface_case->SetColor(surface_case, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xff));
		DFBCHECK(surface_case->DrawString(surface_case, case_x[i].init_string, -1, case_result_align, case_x[i].position, DSTF_TOPLEFT));
		rect.x = case_result_align;
		rect.y = case_x[i].position;
		rect.w = case_width - case_result_align;
		rect.h = font_height;
		if((rect.y + rect.h) > screen_height)
			overflow = true;
			case_x[i].enable = 0;
			printf("case %d overflow, disable all case after it\n", i);
			// case_x[i].position = -2;
			rect.h *= 2;
		DFBCHECK(surface_case->GetSubSurface(surface_case, &rect, &case_x[i].surface));
		DFBCHECK(case_x[i].surface->SetFont(case_x[i].surface, font));
	DFBCHECK(window_case->SetOpacity(window_case, 0xff ));

#ifdef __GS900A__
	system("echo 1 > /sys/devices/e0250000.hdmi/enable");
	//start case thread
	for(i = 0; i < case_num; i++)
		char thread_name[10];
		sprintf(thread_name,"thread_%d", i);
			thread_case[i] = direct_thread_create(DTT_DEFAULT, case_thread, &case_x[i], thread_name);
	case_x[tp].surface = surface_tp;
	//start thread
#ifdef __GS702C__
	thread_music = direct_thread_create(DTT_DEFAULT, music_thread, NULL, "music");
	thread_mic = direct_thread_create(DTT_DEFAULT, mic_thread, surface_mic, "mic");
	thread_music  = direct_thread_create(DTT_DEFAULT, tinyalsa_music_thread, NULL, "tinyalsa_music");
	thread_mic = direct_thread_create(DTT_DEFAULT, tinyalsa_mic_thread, surface_mic, "tinyalsa_mic");

	thread_tp = direct_thread_create(DTT_DEFAULT, tp_thread, &case_x[tp], "tp");
	thread_flashlight = direct_thread_create(DTT_DEFAULT, flashlight_thread, &case_x[flashlight], "flashlight");
	thread_camera = direct_thread_create(DTT_DEFAULT, camera_thread, &camera_frame, "camera" );
	//thread_mic = direct_thread_create(DTT_DEFAULT, mic_thread, surface_mic, "mic");
	thread_button = direct_thread_create(DTT_DEFAULT, handle_record_button, surface_button, "button");
	DFBCHECK(surface_case->Flip(surface_case, NULL, 0));
	if(iio_read(info, case_x[gsensor].enable, case_x[gyro].enable, case_x[comp].enable) == -1)
		printf("get iio device error\n");
	//block in iio_read
	//useless statement
	for(i = 0; i < case_num; i++)
			printf("thread %d destroyed\n", i);


#ifndef __GS900A__
Exemple #28
static DFBResult
driver_open_device( CoreInputDevice  *device,
                    unsigned int      number,
                    InputDeviceInfo  *info,
                    void            **driver_data )
    int             fd;
    struct termios  ts;
    KeyboardData   *data;

    if (dfb_system_type() == CORE_FBDEV && dfb_config->vt) {
        FBDev *dfb_fbdev = dfb_system_data();

        fd = dup( dfb_fbdev->vt->fd );
        if (fd < 0) {
            D_PERROR( "DirectFB/Keyboard: Could not dup() file descriptor of TTY!\n" );
            return DFB_INIT;

        /* put keyboard into medium raw mode */
        if (ioctl( fd, KDSKBMODE, K_MEDIUMRAW ) < 0) {
            D_PERROR( "DirectFB/Keyboard: K_MEDIUMRAW failed!\n" );
            return DFB_INIT;
    else {
        fd = open( "/dev/tty0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY );
        if (fd < 0) {
            D_PERROR( "DirectFB/Keyboard: Could not open() /dev/tty0!\n" );
            return DFB_INIT;

    /* allocate and fill private data */
    data = D_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(KeyboardData) );

    data->device = device;
    data->vt_fd  = fd;

    tcgetattr( data->vt_fd, &data->old_ts );

    ts = data->old_ts;
    ts.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
    ts.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
    ts.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO|ISIG);
    ts.c_iflag = 0;
    tcsetattr( data->vt_fd, TCSAFLUSH, &ts );

    tcsetpgrp( data->vt_fd, getpgrp() );

    /* fill device info structure */
    snprintf( info->desc.name,
              DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_NAME_LENGTH, "Keyboard" );

    snprintf( info->desc.vendor,
              DFB_INPUT_DEVICE_DESC_VENDOR_LENGTH, "Unknown" );

    /* claim to be the primary keyboard */
    info->prefered_id = DIDID_KEYBOARD;

    /* classify as a keyboard able to produce key events */
    info->desc.type   = DIDTF_KEYBOARD;
    info->desc.caps   = DICAPS_KEYS;

    /* enable translation of raw hardware keycodes */
    info->desc.min_keycode = 0;
    info->desc.max_keycode = 127;

    /* start input thread */
    data->thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_INPUT, keyboardEventThread, data, "Keyboard Input" );

    /* set private data pointer */
    *driver_data = data;

    return DFB_OK;
Exemple #29
static void
TestResize( IDirectFB *dfb )
     DFBResult              ret;
     DirectThread          *thread;
     DFBWindowDescription   desc;
     IDirectFBDisplayLayer *layer;
     IDirectFBWindow       *window;
     IDirectFBSurface      *surface;
     DFBInputEvent          evt;
     IDirectFBEventBuffer  *keybuffer;

     quit = 0;

     /* Create an input buffer for key events */
     ret = dfb->CreateInputEventBuffer( dfb, DICAPS_KEYS,
                                        DFB_FALSE, &keybuffer);
     if (ret) {
          D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Resize: CreateInputBuffer() failed!\n" );

     ret = dfb->GetDisplayLayer( dfb, DLID_PRIMARY, &layer );
     if (ret) {
          D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Resize: Failed to get display layer!\n" );
          keybuffer->Release( keybuffer );

     desc.width       = 500;
     desc.height      = 500;
     desc.pixelformat = DSPF_ARGB;

     ret = layer->CreateWindow( layer, &desc, &window );
     if (ret) {
          D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Resize: CreateWindow() failed!\n" );
          keybuffer->Release( keybuffer );
          layer->Release( layer );

     ret = window->GetSurface( window, &surface );
     if (ret) {
          D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Resize: GetSurface() failed!\n" );
          keybuffer->Release( keybuffer );
          window->Release( window );
          layer->Release( layer );

     thread = direct_thread_create( DTT_DEFAULT, TestThread, surface, "Test" );

     while (!quit) {

          ret = window->Resize( window, 500, 400 );
          if (ret)
               D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Resize: Resize() failed!\n" );

          ret = window->Resize( window, 500, 500 );
          if (ret)
               D_DERROR( ret, "DFBTest/Resize: Resize() failed!\n" );

          /* Process keybuffer */
          while (keybuffer->GetEvent( keybuffer, DFB_EVENT(&evt)) == DFB_OK)
              if (evt.type == DIET_KEYPRESS) {
                  switch (DFB_LOWER_CASE(evt.key_symbol)) {
                      case DIKS_ESCAPE:
                      case DIKS_SMALL_Q:
                      case DIKS_BACK:
                      case DIKS_STOP:
                      case DIKS_EXIT:
                          /* Quit main loop & test thread */
                          quit = 1;

     keybuffer->Release( keybuffer );
     surface->Release( surface );
     window->Release( window );
     layer->Release( layer );
Exemple #30
fusion_init( int world, int abi_version, int *world_ret )
     char        buf[20];
     FusionEnter enter;

     /* Check against multiple initialization. */
     if (_fusion_id) {
          /* Increment local reference counter. */

          return _fusion_id;


     /* Open Fusion Kernel Device. */
     if (world < 0) {
          for (world=0; world<256; world++) {
               snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "/dev/fusion/%d", world );

               _fusion_fd = open (buf, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK | O_EXCL);
               if (_fusion_fd < 0) {
                    if (errno == EBUSY)

                    D_PERROR( "Fusion/Init: opening '%s' failed!\n", buf );
                    return -1;
     else {
          snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "/dev/fusion/%d", world );

          _fusion_fd = open (buf, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
          if (_fusion_fd < 0) {
               D_PERROR( "Fusion/Init: opening '%s' failed!\n", buf );
               return -1;

     enter.api.major = FUSION_API_MAJOR;
     enter.api.minor = FUSION_API_MINOR;
     enter.fusion_id = 0;

     /* Get our Fusion ID. */
     if (ioctl( _fusion_fd, FUSION_ENTER, &enter )) {
          D_PERROR( "Fusion/Init: FUSION_ENTER failed!\n" );
          goto error;

     if (!enter.fusion_id) {
          D_ERROR( "Fusion/Init: Got no ID from FUSION_ENTER! Kernel module might be too old.\n" );
          goto error;

     _fusion_id = enter.fusion_id;

     /* Initialize local reference counter. */
     fusion_refs = 1;

     /* Initialize shmalloc part. */
     if (!__shmalloc_init( world, _fusion_id == 1 )) {
          D_ERROR( "Fusion/Init: Shared memory initialization failed.\n"
                   "Please make sure that a tmpfs mount point with at least 4MB of free space\n"
                   "is available for read/write, see the DirectFB README for more instructions.\n" );
          goto error;

     if (_fusion_id == 1) {
          _fusion_shared = __shmalloc_allocate_root( sizeof(FusionShared) );

          _fusion_shared->abi_version = abi_version;

          fusion_skirmish_init( &_fusion_shared->arenas_lock,     "Fusion Arenas" );
          fusion_skirmish_init( &_fusion_shared->reactor_globals, "Fusion Reactor Globals" );

          _sheap->reactor = fusion_reactor_new( sizeof(long), "Shared Memory Heap" );
          if (!_sheap->reactor) {
               __shmalloc_exit( true, true );
               goto error_reactor;

          gettimeofday( &_fusion_shared->start_time, NULL );
     else {
          _fusion_shared = __shmalloc_get_root();

          if (_fusion_shared->abi_version != abi_version) {
               D_ERROR( "Fusion/Init: ABI version mismatch (my: %d, their: %d)\n",
                        abi_version, _fusion_shared->abi_version );
               __shmalloc_exit( false, false );
               goto error;


     direct_clock_set_start( &_fusion_shared->start_time );

     direct_signal_handler_add( SIGSEGV, fusion_signal_handler, NULL, &signal_handler );

     read_loop = direct_thread_create( DTT_MESSAGING, fusion_read_loop, NULL, "Fusion Dispatch" );

     if (world_ret)
          *world_ret = world;

     return _fusion_id;

     fusion_skirmish_destroy( &_fusion_shared->arenas_lock );
     fusion_skirmish_destroy( &_fusion_shared->reactor_globals );

     _fusion_shared = NULL;
     _fusion_id = 0;

     close( _fusion_fd );
     _fusion_fd = -1;
     return -1;