//*	e(x,y) = b^2*x^2 + a^2*y^2 - a^2*b^2
//*	a	=	xRadius
//*	b	=	yRadius
void	dispFillEllipse(int xCenter, int yCenter, int xRadius, int yRadius)
int				xx		=	0;
int				yy		=	yRadius;
unsigned int	width	=	1;
long			a2		=	(long)xRadius * xRadius;
long			b2		=	(long)yRadius * yRadius;
long			crit1	=	-(a2 / 4 + xRadius % 2 + b2);
long			crit2	=	-(b2 / 4 + yRadius % 2 + a2);
long			crit3	=	-(b2/4 + yRadius % 2);
long			t		=	-a2 * yy; /* e(x+1/2,y-1/2) - (a^2+b^2)/4 */
long			dxt		=	2 * b2 * xx;
long			dyt		=	-2 * a2 * yy;
long			d2xt	=	2 * b2;
long			d2yt	=	2 * a2;

	while (yy >= 0 &&  xx <= xRadius)
		if (t + b2 * xx <= crit1 ||	 /* e(x+1,y-1/2) <= 0 */
			t + a2 * yy <= crit3) 
			/* e(x+1/2,y) <= 0 */
			width	+=	2;
		else if (t - a2 * yy > crit2) 
			/* e(x+1/2,y-1) > 0 */
			//dispRectangle(xCenter - x, yCenter - y, width, 1);
			dispRectangle(xCenter - xx, yCenter - yy, width, 1);
			if (yy != 0)
				//dispRectangle(xCenter- xx, yCenter + y, width, 1);
				dispRectangle(xCenter - xx, yCenter + yy, width, 1);
			//dispRectangle(xCenter - xx, yCenter - y, width, 1);
			dispRectangle(xCenter - xx, yCenter - yy, width, 1);
			if (yy != 0)
				//dispRectangle(xCenter - xx, yCenter + y, width, 1);
				dispRectangle(xCenter - xx, yCenter + yy, width, 1);
			width	+=	2;
	if (yRadius == 0)
		//dispRectangle(xCenter - xRadius, yCenter, 2 * xRadius + 1, 1);
		dispRectangle(xCenter - xRadius, yCenter, 2 * xRadius + 1, 1);
//*	returns TRUE if image was drawn
char	bmp_draw_imageN(int imageIndex, int xLoc, int yLoc)
unsigned long		bmp_loc;
unsigned char		bmp_buff[DATAFLASH_PAGESIZE];
int					bmpWidth;
int					bmpHeight;
long				length;
int					byteCnt;
int					pixelX, pixelY;
long				longByte1, longByte2, longByte3, longByte4;
char				imageOK;

	imageOK	=	FALSE;
	cli(); //disable interrupts

	GetFlashFileEntry(imageIndex, &myFileEntry);
	if (myFileEntry.fileName[0] >= 0x20)
		//*	OK, it looks like a valid file
		imageOK		=	TRUE;

		longByte1	=	(myFileEntry.flashOffsetByte1 & 0x0ff);
		longByte2	=	(myFileEntry.flashOffsetByte2 & 0x0ff);
		longByte3	=	(myFileEntry.flashOffsetByte3 & 0x0ff);
		longByte4	=	(myFileEntry.flashOffsetByte4 & 0x0ff);
		bmp_loc		=	longByte1 << 24;
		bmp_loc		|=	longByte2 << 16;
		bmp_loc		|=	longByte3 << 8;
		bmp_loc		|=	longByte4;
		bmp_loc		=	myFileEntry.flashOffset;
		/* Get the width and height */
		dataflash_read_block(bmp_buff, bmp_loc, 2);
		longByte1		=	bmp_buff[0];
		longByte2		=	bmp_buff[1];
	//	longByte3		=	bmp_buff[2];
	//	longByte4		=	bmp_buff[3];

		bmpWidth	=	longByte1 & 0x0ff;
		bmpHeight	=	longByte2 & 0x0ff;
		length		=	(uint32_t)bmpWidth * (uint32_t)bmpHeight;

		//* Incremement the bmp pointer passed the width/height
		bmp_loc		+=	2;
		dataflash_read_block(bmp_buff, bmp_loc, DATAFLASH_PAGESIZE);
		byteCnt		=	0;

		if ((xLoc == -1) && (yLoc == -1))
			//*	if xLoc and yLoc are -1, then CENTER the image
			xLoc	=	(gWidth - bmpWidth) / 2;
			yLoc	=	(gHeight - bmpHeight) / 2;
			if (xLoc < 0)
				xLoc	=	0;
			if (yLoc < 0)
				yLoc	=	0;
			GraphicsColor.red	=	0;
			GraphicsColor.blue	=	0;
			GraphicsColor.green	=	0;
			dispRectangle(0, 0, gWidth-1, gHeight-1);
		pixelX	=	0;
		pixelY	=	0;

		while ((pixelY < bmpHeight) && (length > 0))
			GraphicsColor.red	=	bmp_buff[byteCnt++];
			GraphicsColor.blue	=	bmp_buff[byteCnt++];
			GraphicsColor.green	=	bmp_buff[byteCnt++];
			dispPixel(xLoc + pixelX, yLoc + pixelY);
			if (pixelX >= bmpWidth)
				pixelX	=	0;

			if (byteCnt >= DATAFLASH_PAGESIZE)
				bmp_loc	+=	DATAFLASH_PAGESIZE;
				dataflash_read_block(bmp_buff, bmp_loc, DATAFLASH_PAGESIZE);
				byteCnt	=	0;

	sei(); //enable interrupts