int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /*list the chunks*/
  bool ignore_checksums = false;
  std::string filename = "";
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    if(std::string(argv[i]) == "--ignore_checksums") ignore_checksums = true;
    else filename = argv[i];
  if(filename == "")
    std::cout << "Please provide a filename to preview" << std::endl;
    return 0;

  std::vector<unsigned char> buffer;
  std::vector<unsigned char> image;
  unsigned w, h;

  lodepng::load_file(buffer, filename); //load the image file with given filename

  lodepng::State state;
    state.decoder.ignore_crc = 1;
    state.decoder.zlibsettings.ignore_adler32 = 1;

  unsigned error = lodepng::decode(image, w, h, state, buffer);

    std::cout << "decoder error " << error << ": " << lodepng_error_text(error) << std::endl;
    return 0;

  std::cout << "Filesize: " << buffer.size() << " (" << buffer.size() / 1024 << "K)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Width: " << w << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Height: " << h << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Num pixels: " << w * h << std::endl;

  if(w > 0 && h > 0)
    std::cout << "Top left pixel color:"
              << " r: " << (int)image[0]
              << " g: " << (int)image[1]
              << " b: " << (int)image[2]
              << " a: " << (int)image[3]
              << std::endl;

  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  displayFilterTypes(buffer, ignore_checksums);
  std::cout << std::endl;
  displayAsciiArt(image, w, h);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /*list the chunks*/
  if(argc < 2)
    std::cout << "Please provide a filename to preview" << std::endl;
    return 0;
  const char* filename = argv[1];

  std::vector<unsigned char> buffer;
  std::vector<unsigned char> image;
  unsigned w, h;

  lodepng::load_file(buffer, filename); //load the image file with given filename

  lodepng::State state;
  unsigned error = lodepng::decode(image, w, h, state, buffer);

    std::cout << "decoder error " << error << ": " << lodepng_error_text(error) << std::endl;
    return 0;

  std::cout << "Filesize: " << buffer.size() << " (" << buffer.size() / 1024 << "K)" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Width: " << w << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Height: " << h << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Num pixels: " << w * h << std::endl;

  if(w > 0 && h > 0)
    std::cout << "Top left pixel color:"
              << " r: " << (int)image[0]
              << " g: " << (int)image[1]
              << " b: " << (int)image[2]
              << " a: " << (int)image[3]
              << std::endl;

  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  displayAsciiArt(image, w, h);
unsigned showFileInfo(const std::string& filename, const Options& options)
  std::vector<unsigned char> buffer;
  std::vector<unsigned char> image;
  unsigned w, h;

  lodepng::load_file(buffer, filename); //load the image file with given filename

  lodepng::State state;
  state.info_raw.colortype = LCT_RGBA;
  state.info_raw.bitdepth = 16;
  unsigned error = lodepng::decode(image, w, h, state, buffer);

    std::cout << "Decoder error " << error << ": " << lodepng_error_text(error) << std::endl;
  bool extra_newlines = false;

  if(!error && options.show_png_summary)
    std::cout << "Filesize: " << buffer.size() << " (" << buffer.size() / 1024 << "K)" << ", ";
    std::cout << w << "x" << h << ", ";
    std::cout << "Color: " << colorTypeString(state.info_png.color.colortype) << ", " << state.info_png.color.bitdepth << " bit" << std::endl;
    if(extra_newlines) std::cout << std::endl;

  if(!error && options.show_png_info)
    std::cout << "Filesize: " << buffer.size() << " (" << buffer.size() / 1024 << "K)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Width: " << w << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Height: " << h << std::endl;

    if(options.show_extra_png_info) std::cout << "Num pixels: " << w * h << std::endl;
    if(options.show_extra_png_info && w > 0 && h > 0)
      std::ios_base::fmtflags flags = std::cout.flags();
      std::cout << "Top left pixel color: #"
                << std::hex << std::setfill('0')
                << std::setw(2) << (int)image[0] << std::setw(2) << (int)image[1] << std::setw(2) << (int)image[2] << std::setw(2) << (int)image[3]
                << std::endl;

    displayPNGInfo(state.info_png, options);
    if(extra_newlines) std::cout << std::endl;

  if(options.show_chunks || options.show_chunks2)
    displayChunkNames(buffer, options);
    if(extra_newlines) std::cout << std::endl;

    if(extra_newlines) std::cout << std::endl;

    if(extra_newlines) std::cout << std::endl;

    if(extra_newlines) std::cout << std::endl;

  if (!error && options.show_ascii_art)
    displayAsciiArt(image, w, h, options.ascii_art_size);
    if(extra_newlines) std::cout << std::endl;

  if (!error && (options.show_colors_hex || options.show_colors_hex_16))
    displayColorsHex(image, w, h, options.show_colors_hex_16);
    if(extra_newlines) std::cout << std::endl;

  printZlibInfo(buffer, options);
  return 0;