void playback(char* path, int interval) { FILE* fd = fopen(path, "r"); if (!fd) { displayMsg("Unable to open output file."); return; } displayMsg("Starting Playback..."); XPCSocket sock = openUDP(""); float posi[7]; while (!feof(fd) && !ferror(fd)) { int result = fscanf(fd, "%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", &posi[0], &posi[1], &posi[2], &posi[3], &posi[4], &posi[5], &posi[6]); playbackSleep(interval); if (result != 7) { continue; } sendPOSI(sock, posi, 7, 0); } closeUDP(sock); displayMsg("Playback Complete"); }
void record(char* path, int interval, int duration) { FILE* fd = fopen(path, "w"); int count = duration * 1000 / interval; if (!fd) { displayMsg("Unable to open output file."); return; } if (count < 1) { displayMsg("Duration is less than one iteration."); return; } displayMsg("Recording..."); XPCSocket sock = openUDP(""); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { float posi[7]; int result = getPOSI(sock, posi, 0); playbackSleep(interval); if (result < 0) { continue; } fprintf(fd, "%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", posi[0], posi[1], posi[2], posi[3], posi[4], posi[5], posi[6]); } closeUDP(sock); displayMsg("Recording Complete"); }
double TabulatedFunction_getValue(TabulatedFunction *func, double x) { TabulatedFunctionSample *samp = (TabulatedFunctionSample *)func->samples.data; size_t isamp; /* check for out of bounds conditions */ if (samp[0].x > x) { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"requested value before available data! (%s @", func->fileName); sprintf(msg2,"%.1f)",x); displayMsg(1,"TAB1",msg,msg2,1); return samp[0].y; } if (samp[func->samples.nelem-1].x < x) { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"requested value after available data! (%s @", func->fileName); sprintf(msg2,"%.1f)",x); displayMsg(1,"TAB2",msg,msg2,1); return samp[func->samples.nelem-1].y; } /* find first sample to fall before requested time */ #if 0 for (isamp = 0; isamp < func->samples.nelem && samp[isamp].x <= x; isamp++) ; #else /* binary search code, aka the "The Price Is Right" method */ int imin=0, imax=func->samples.nelem-1; int imid; do { imid = (imin+imax)/2; if (samp[imid].x > x) imax = imid; else imin = imid; } while (imax > imin+1); isamp = imax; #endif /* interpolate */ return (x - samp[isamp-1].x) / (samp[isamp].x - samp[isamp-1].x) * (samp[isamp].y - samp[isamp-1].y) + samp[isamp-1].y; }
void CtcpHandler::parse(Message::Type messageType, const QString &prefix, const QString &target, const QByteArray &message) { QByteArray ctcp; //lowlevel message dequote QByteArray dequotedMessage = lowLevelDequote(message); CtcpType ctcptype = messageType == Message::Notice ? CtcpReply : CtcpQuery; Message::Flags flags = (messageType == Message::Notice && !network()->isChannelName(target)) ? Message::Redirected : Message::None; // extract tagged / extended data int xdelimPos = -1; int xdelimEndPos = -1; int spacePos = -1; while((xdelimPos = dequotedMessage.indexOf(XDELIM)) != -1) { if(xdelimPos > 0) displayMsg(messageType, target, userDecode(target, dequotedMessage.left(xdelimPos)), prefix, flags); xdelimEndPos = dequotedMessage.indexOf(XDELIM, xdelimPos + 1); if(xdelimEndPos == -1) { // no matching end delimiter found... treat rest of the message as ctcp xdelimEndPos = dequotedMessage.count(); } ctcp = xdelimDequote(dequotedMessage.mid(xdelimPos + 1, xdelimEndPos - xdelimPos - 1)); dequotedMessage = dequotedMessage.mid(xdelimEndPos + 1); //dispatch the ctcp command QString ctcpcmd = userDecode(target, ctcp.left(spacePos)); QString ctcpparam = userDecode(target, ctcp.mid(spacePos + 1)); spacePos = ctcp.indexOf(' '); if(spacePos != -1) { ctcpcmd = userDecode(target, ctcp.left(spacePos)); ctcpparam = userDecode(target, ctcp.mid(spacePos + 1)); } else { ctcpcmd = userDecode(target, ctcp); ctcpparam = QString(); } handle(ctcpcmd, Q_ARG(CtcpType, ctcptype), Q_ARG(QString, prefix), Q_ARG(QString, target), Q_ARG(QString, ctcpparam)); } if(!dequotedMessage.isEmpty()) displayMsg(messageType, target, userDecode(target, dequotedMessage), prefix, flags); }
void getPostKeplerian(pulsar *psr,int com,double an,double *si,double *m2, double *mtot,double *omdot, double *gamma,double *xdot, double *xpbdot,double *pbdot, double *edot,double *pmra, double *pmdec,double *dpara, double *dr,double *dth, double *a0,double *b0,double *xomdot,double *afac, double *eps1dot,double *eps2dot, double *daop){ double SUNMASS = 4.925490947e-6; double rad2deg = 180.0/M_PI; //double pxConv = 1.74532925199432958E-2/3600.0e3;//converts mas to rad double pxConv = M_PI/180.0/3600*1e-3; // converts mas to rad double daopConv = 3.08568025e16;//pc in m // logdbg("Going to get parameters"); *si = getParameter(psr,param_sini,com); if (*si > 1.0) { displayMsg(1,"BIN1","SIN I > 1.0, setting to 1: should probably use DDS model","",psr[0].noWarnings); *si = 1.0; psr[0].param[param_sini].val[0] = 1.0; } if (*si < -1.0) { displayMsg(1,"BIN1","SIN I < -1.0, setting to -1: should probably use DDS model","",psr[0].noWarnings); *si = -1.0; psr[0].param[param_sini].val[0] = -1.0; } *m2 = getParameter(psr,param_m2,com)*SUNMASS; *mtot = getParameter(psr,param_mtot,com)*SUNMASS; *omdot = getParameter(psr,param_omdot,com)/(rad2deg*365.25*SECDAY*an); *gamma = getParameter(psr,param_gamma,com); *xdot = getParameter(psr,param_a1dot,com); *xpbdot = getParameter(psr,param_xpbdot,com); *pbdot = getParameter(psr,param_pbdot,com); *edot = getParameter(psr,param_edot,com); *pmra = getParameter(psr,param_pmra,com) * M_PI/(180.0*3600.0e3)/(365.25*86400.0); *pmdec = getParameter(psr,param_pmdec,com) * M_PI/(180.0*3600.0e3)/(365.25*86400.0); *dpara = getParameter(psr,param_px,com)*pxConv; *dr = getParameter(psr,param_dr,com); *dth = getParameter(psr,param_dth,com); *a0 = getParameter(psr,param_a0,com); *b0 = getParameter(psr,param_b0,com); *xomdot = getParameter(psr,param_xomdot,com)/(an*rad2deg*365.25*86400.0); *afac = getParameter(psr,param_afac,com); *eps1dot = getParameter(psr,param_eps1dot,com); *eps2dot = getParameter(psr,param_eps2dot,com); *daop = getParameter(psr,param_daop,com)*1e-3/pxConv; }
// only accept CTCPs in their simplest form, i.e. one ctcp, from start to // end, no text around it; not as per the 'specs', but makes people happier void CtcpParser::parseSimple(IrcEventRawMessage *e, Message::Type messagetype, QByteArray dequotedMessage, CtcpEvent::CtcpType ctcptype, Message::Flags flags) { if (dequotedMessage.count(XDELIM) != 2 || dequotedMessage[0] != '\001' || dequotedMessage[dequotedMessage.count() -1] != '\001') { displayMsg(e, messagetype, targetDecode(e, dequotedMessage), e->prefix(), e->target(), flags); } else { int spacePos = -1; QString ctcpcmd, ctcpparam; QByteArray ctcp = xdelimDequote(dequotedMessage.mid(1, dequotedMessage.count() - 2)); spacePos = ctcp.indexOf(' '); if (spacePos != -1) { ctcpcmd = targetDecode(e, ctcp.left(spacePos)); ctcpparam = targetDecode(e, ctcp.mid(spacePos + 1)); } else { ctcpcmd = targetDecode(e, ctcp); ctcpparam = QString(); } ctcpcmd = ctcpcmd.toUpper(); // we don't want to block /me messages by the CTCP ignore list if (ctcpcmd == QLatin1String("ACTION") || !coreSession()->ignoreListManager()->ctcpMatch(e->prefix(), e->network()->networkName(), ctcpcmd)) { QUuid uuid = QUuid::createUuid(); _replies.insert(uuid, CtcpReply(coreNetwork(e), nickFromMask(e->prefix()))); CtcpEvent *event = new CtcpEvent(EventManager::CtcpEvent, e->network(), e->prefix(), e->target(), ctcptype, ctcpcmd, ctcpparam, e->timestamp(), uuid); emit newEvent(event); CtcpEvent *flushEvent = new CtcpEvent(EventManager::CtcpEventFlush, e->network(), e->prefix(), e->target(), ctcptype, "INVALID", QString(), e->timestamp(), uuid); emit newEvent(flushEvent); } } }
menix::menix(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), m_ui(new Ui::menix) { m_ui->setupUi(this); QToolBar *toolbarIconos = addToolBar(tr("Iconos")); toolbarIconos->addAction(QIcon(":/preferences-system.png"),"Opciones",this,SLOT( abrirOpciones() ) ); toolbarIconos->addAction(QIcon(":/terminal.png"),"Debug",this,SLOT(abrirDebug())); opciones = new opcionesGlobales(); numero = opciones->NumeroDestino(); puerto = opciones->Puerto(); pin = opciones->Pin(); centro = opciones->CentroMensajes(); fixok = opciones->Fixok(); ips = new QStringList( opciones->Ips() ); file = new QFile( opciones->fileLog() ); file->open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ); flog = new QTextStream( file ); mensaje = new smsat(centro,puerto,flog,pin,fixok); crearAcciones(); crearBandeja(); // testPuerto( mensaje ); Server *tcp = new Server(ips,this); connect(tcp,SIGNAL(sendMessage(QString)),this,SLOT(sendMessage(QString))); connect(mensaje,SIGNAL(sendAt(QString)),this,SLOT(sendedMessage(QString))); connect(mensaje,SIGNAL(displayMsg(QString)),this,SLOT(showPopup(QString))); }
void showSplashScreen() { //Clear the screen LCDClear(); displayMsg(m1_splash, m2_splash, 0); _delay_ms(2000); }
int qSslChat::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: peerRejectedFileSend(); break; case 1: fsCompleted(); break; case 2: hostConnection(); break; case 3: connectToHost(); break; case 4: activateMsgSending(); break; case 5: sendMsg((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 6: receiveMessage((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 7: displayMsg(); break; case 8: endConnection(); break; case 9: sendAnticipation(); break; case 10: sendFile((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[3]))); break; case 11: notifyServer(); break; case 12: completeFileSend(); break; case 13: selectSmiley(); break; case 14: insertSmiley((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 15: displayCertificateInfo(); break; } _id -= 16; } return _id; }
int main() { hideCursor(); char title[] = "Simple Game Demo"; setTitle(title); int opt = displayMainMenu(); while (opt != 3) { clrscr(); if (opt == 0) { char msg[] = "Let's play a game\nEat the # to win the game"; displayMsg(0, 0, msg); Sleep(1000); clrscr(); playGame(); } else if (opt == 1) { printf("This is load"); } else if (opt == 2) { printf("This is setting"); } clrscr(); opt = displayMainMenu(); } return 0; }
void CtcpParser::parseStandard(IrcEventRawMessage *e, Message::Type messagetype, QByteArray dequotedMessage, CtcpEvent::CtcpType ctcptype, Message::Flags flags) { QByteArray ctcp; QList<CtcpEvent *> ctcpEvents; QUuid uuid; // needed to group all replies together // extract tagged / extended data int xdelimPos = -1; int xdelimEndPos = -1; int spacePos = -1; while ((xdelimPos = dequotedMessage.indexOf(XDELIM)) != -1) { if (xdelimPos > 0) displayMsg(e, messagetype, targetDecode(e, dequotedMessage.left(xdelimPos)), e->prefix(), e->target(), flags); xdelimEndPos = dequotedMessage.indexOf(XDELIM, xdelimPos + 1); if (xdelimEndPos == -1) { // no matching end delimiter found... treat rest of the message as ctcp xdelimEndPos = dequotedMessage.count(); } ctcp = xdelimDequote(dequotedMessage.mid(xdelimPos + 1, xdelimEndPos - xdelimPos - 1)); dequotedMessage = dequotedMessage.mid(xdelimEndPos + 1); //dispatch the ctcp command QString ctcpcmd = targetDecode(e, ctcp.left(spacePos)); QString ctcpparam = targetDecode(e, ctcp.mid(spacePos + 1)); spacePos = ctcp.indexOf(' '); if (spacePos != -1) { ctcpcmd = targetDecode(e, ctcp.left(spacePos)); ctcpparam = targetDecode(e, ctcp.mid(spacePos + 1)); } else { ctcpcmd = targetDecode(e, ctcp); ctcpparam = QString(); } ctcpcmd = ctcpcmd.toUpper(); // we don't want to block /me messages by the CTCP ignore list if (ctcpcmd == QLatin1String("ACTION") || !coreSession()->ignoreListManager()->ctcpMatch(e->prefix(), e->network()->networkName(), ctcpcmd)) { if (uuid.isNull()) uuid = QUuid::createUuid(); CtcpEvent *event = new CtcpEvent(EventManager::CtcpEvent, e->network(), e->prefix(), e->target(), ctcptype, ctcpcmd, ctcpparam, e->timestamp(), uuid); ctcpEvents << event; } } if (!ctcpEvents.isEmpty()) { _replies.insert(uuid, CtcpReply(coreNetwork(e), nickFromMask(e->prefix()))); CtcpEvent *flushEvent = new CtcpEvent(EventManager::CtcpEventFlush, e->network(), e->prefix(), e->target(), ctcptype, "INVALID", QString(), e->timestamp(), uuid); ctcpEvents << flushEvent; foreach(CtcpEvent *event, ctcpEvents) { emit newEvent(event); }
void BasicHandler::displayMsg(Message::Type msgType, QString target, const QString &text, const QString &sender, Message::Flags flags) { if(!target.isEmpty() && network()->prefixes().contains(target[0])) target = target.mid(1); IrcChannel *channel = network()->ircChannel(target); if(!channel && (target.startsWith('$') || target.startsWith('#'))) target = nickFromMask(sender); emit displayMsg(msgType, typeByTarget(target), target, text, sender, flags); }
static void MAMACALLTYPE msgCb (mamaSubscription subscription, mamaMsg msg, void* closure, void* itemClosure) { if (gQuietLevel < 2) { printf ("mamasubscriberc: Recieved msg.\n"); } displayMsg (msg); }
double getZenithWetDelay(char *siteName, double mjd, int warnings) { double zwd = getMeteorologicalValue(&zenithWetDelayTables, siteName, mjd, warnings); if (zwd==0.0) { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"Assume zero zenith wet delay (no data) for site %s at MJD", siteName); sprintf(msg2,"%.1f",mjd); displayMsg(1,"TROP1",msg,msg2,warnings); } return zwd; }
double getSurfaceAtmosphericPressure(char *siteName, double mjd, int warnings) { double sap = getMeteorologicalValue(&surfaceAtmosphericPressureTables, siteName, mjd, warnings); if (sap==0.0) { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"Assume standard atmospheric pressure (no data) for site %s at MJD", siteName); sprintf(msg2,"%.1f",mjd); displayMsg(1,"TROP2",msg,msg2,warnings); sap = 101.325; } return sap; }
chatServer::chatServer(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::chatServer) { ui->setupUi(this); numOfClients = 0; // connect gui to app connect(ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(exitApp())); // create a mailbox for the server thread = new QThread(); const char *mid = "/mailbox0"; QString id = "Server"; server = new msgSendRecv(id, mid); connect(this, SIGNAL(started()), server, SLOT(startRecv())); connect(server, SIGNAL(messageRecv(QString)), this, SLOT(displayMsg(QString))); server->moveToThread(thread); thread->start(); // start reading the mailbox emit started(); }
double ELL1Hmodel(pulsar *psr,int p,int ipos,int param) { double an; // orbital angular velocity double x0,m2,tt0,orbits,phase,e1,e2,dre,drep,drepp,brace,dlogbr,ds,da,pb; double eps1,eps2,eps1dot,eps2dot,si,a0,b0,d2bar; double torb,Csigma,Cx,Ceps1,Ceps2,Cm2,Csi,ct,t0asc,pbdot,xpbdot,x,xdot,am2; int norbits; double SUNMASS = 4.925490947e-6; double ecc; // eccentricity double TrueAnom; // true anomaly double omega; // omega // fw10 parameters: double h3, h4, stig; double lgf; // intermediate derivative calculation int nharm=4; int mode = -1; // How to implement the fw10 model. There are four modes: // mode 0: Only h3 is fitted. This is an incomplete parameterisation of the // Shapiro delay. // mode 1: h3 and stigma are fitted. This is a complete and exact parameterisation // of the Shapiro delay and should only be used if the SD is well // constrained. // mode 2: h3 and h4 fitted. This is an approximate parameterisation of the SD // and can be translated in m2 and sini. // mode 3: h3, h4, nharm (>=5). This determines h3 and h4 and in doing so, // takes nharm harmonics into account. In the lower limit (nharm = 4), // this mode is identical to mode 2. In the higher limit (nharm->infty), // this mode approaches mode 1. NHARM is a constant, integer input. // Be aware that nharm>=5 can only be used in case h3 is clearly // inconsistent with zero. a0 = 0.0; // WHAT SHOULD THESE BE? -- They should be zero because b0 = 0.0; // the Aberration delay is not yet implemented. (See below; // JPWV; 15 Jan 2010.) pb = psr[p].param[param_pb].val[0]*SECDAY; if( psr[p].param[param_pbdot].paramSet[0] == 1 ) pbdot = psr[p].param[param_pbdot].val[0]; else pbdot=0.0; an = 2.0*M_PI/pb; // Sanity check if( psr[p].param[param_h3].paramSet[0] != 1 ) { printf( "ERROR! Cannot use the ELL1H model without H3.\n" ); } else h3 = psr[p].param[param_h3].val[0]; //h3 = getParameterValue( &psr[p], param_h3, 0 ); // Determine fw10 mode if( psr[p].param[param_h4].paramSet[0] == 1 ) { h4 = psr[p].param[param_h4].val[0]; // h4 = getParameterValue( &psr[p], param_h4, 0 ); // mode 2 or 3 take preference over mode 1 as they are more stable if( psr[p].param[param_nharm].paramSet[0] == 1 ) { nharm = (int)psr[p].param[param_nharm].val[0]; //nharm = (int)getParameterValue( &psr[p], param_nharm, 0 ); if( nharm > 4 ) mode = 3; else mode = 2; } if( psr[p].param[param_stig].paramSet[0] == 1 ) { // Conflict. Unsure whether to select mode 1 or modes 2/3, so will default // to the most stable one. logerr("You specified both H4 and STIG - Ignoring STIG"); logmsg( "WARNING! You specified both H4 and STIG." ); logmsg( "We will ignore STIG and perform the approx. H4 fit instead." ); logmsg( "If you want to perform the exact fit for H3 and STIG, then " ); logmsg( "please remove H4 from your parameter file."); } // Have H3, H4, but no NHARM mode = 2; } else { // Have H3, but no H4 if( psr[p].param[param_stig].paramSet[0] == 1 ) { stig = psr[p].param[param_stig].val[0]; //stig = getParameterValue( &psr[p], param_stig, 0 ); mode = 1; } else { mode = 0; h4 = 0; nharm = 3; } }// fw10 mode determined. // Define sin(i) and m2 for calculation of the orbital phases etc. if( mode == 1 ) { // fw10, Eq. 22: si = 2.0 * stig / ( 1.0 + pow( stig, 2.0 ) ); // fw10, Eq. 20: m2 = h3 / pow( stig, 3.0 ); // Shapiro r, not just M2. if( si > 1.0 ) { displayMsg(1,"BIN1", "SIN I > 1.0, setting to 1: should probably use DDS model", "",psr[p].noWarnings); si = 1.0; psr[p].param[param_sini].val[0] = longdouble(1.0); } } else if( mode == 2 || mode == 3 ) { // fw10, Eq. 25: si = 2.0 * h3 * h4 / ( h3 * h3 + h4 * h4 ); // fw10, Eq. 26: m2 = pow( h3, 4.0 ) / pow( h4, 3.0 ); if( si > 1.0 ) { displayMsg(1,"BIN1", "SIN I > 1.0, setting to 1: should probably use DDS model", "",psr[p].noWarnings); si = 1.0; psr[p].param[param_sini].val[0] = longdouble(1.0); } } else if( mode == 0 ) { // Cannot determine m2 and/or sini. Will have to determine the // Shapiro delay based on h3 alone. } else { printf( "This should not be possible. Go Away.\n" ); printf( "And tell someone about it: [email protected], e.g.\n" ); } x0 = psr[p].param[param_a1].val[0]; if( psr[p].param[param_a1dot].paramSet[0] == 1 ) xdot = psr[p].param[param_a1dot].val[0]; else xdot = 0.0; t0asc = psr[p].param[param_tasc].val[0]; xpbdot = 0.0; eps1 = psr[p].param[param_eps1].val[0]; eps2 = psr[p].param[param_eps2].val[0]; if( psr[p].param[param_eps1dot].paramSet[0] == 1 ) eps1dot = psr[p].param[param_eps1dot].val[0]; else eps1dot=0; if( psr[p].param[param_eps2dot].paramSet[0] == 1 ) eps2dot = psr[p].param[param_eps2dot].val[0]; else eps2dot=0; ct = psr[p].obsn[ipos].bbat; tt0 = (ct-t0asc)*SECDAY; orbits = tt0/pb-0.5*(pbdot+xpbdot)*pow(tt0/pb,2); norbits = (int)orbits; if( orbits < 0.0 ) norbits = norbits-1; phase = 2.0*M_PI*(orbits-norbits); x = x0+xdot*tt0; e1 = eps1+eps1dot*tt0; e2 = eps2+eps2dot*tt0; dre = x*(sin(phase)-0.5*(e1*cos(2.0*phase)-e2*sin(2.0*phase))); drep = x*cos(phase); drepp=-x*sin(phase); brace = 1.0 - si * sin( phase ); dlogbr = log( brace ); ecc = sqrt( e1 * e1 + e2 * e2 ); TrueAnom = phase; //TrueAnom = 2.0 * atan2( sqrt( 1.0 + ecc ) * sin( phase / 2.0 ), // sqrt( 1.0 - ecc ) * cos( phase / 2.0 ) ); omega = atan2( e1, e2 ); //lgf = log( 1.0 + stig * stig - 2.0 * stig * sin( TrueAnom + omega ) ); double lsc, fs; fs = 1.0 + stig * stig - 2.0 * stig * sin( TrueAnom ); lgf = log( fs ); lsc = lgf + 2.0 * stig * sin( TrueAnom ) - stig * stig * cos( 2.0 * TrueAnom ); if( mode == 0 ) { // mode 0: only h3 is known. ds = -4.0 / 3.0 * h3 * sin( 3.0 * TrueAnom ); } else if( mode == 1 ) { ds = -2.0 *m2* lsc; //ds = -2.0 * m2 * dlogbr; } else { // modes 2 and 3 ds = calcDH( TrueAnom, h3, h4, nharm, 0 ); } /* ================ ABERRATION DELAY ================ */ /* NOTE: a0 and b0 are always zero -- they are not set in the original TEMPO!!!!! */ da=a0*sin(phase)+b0*cos(phase); /* Now compute d2bar (cf. DD 52) */ // I suspect this following equation gives the expansion of the // R\"omer delay, then the Shapiro delay (ds) and finally the // aberration delay (da). The Aberration dealy is, however, // unmeasurably small in all presently known systems - this is why // da == 0, implied by a0 == 0 and b0 == 0. (JPWV; 15 Jan 2010) d2bar=dre*(1-an*drep+pow(an*drep,2)+0.5*pow(an,2)*dre*drepp)+ds+da; torb=-d2bar; if( param == -1 ) return torb; /* Now we need the partial derivatives. */ Csigma = x*cos(phase); Cx = sin(phase); Ceps1 = -0.5*x*cos(2*phase); Ceps2 = 0.5*x*sin(2*phase); Cm2 = -2*dlogbr; Csi = 2*m2*sin(phase)/brace; if( param == param_pb ) { return -Csigma*an*SECDAY*tt0/(pb*SECDAY); /* Pb */ } else if( param == param_a1 ) { return Cx; } else if( param == param_eps1 ) { return Ceps1; } else if( param == param_tasc ) { return -Csigma*an*SECDAY; } else if( param == param_eps2 ) { return Ceps2; } else if( param == param_eps1dot ) { return Ceps1*tt0; } else if( param == param_eps2dot ) { return Ceps2*tt0; } else if( param == param_pbdot ) { return 0.5*tt0*(-Csigma*an*SECDAY*tt0/(pb*SECDAY)); } else if( param == param_a1dot ) { return Cx*tt0; } else if( param == param_sini ) { return Csi; } else if( param == param_m2 ) { return Cm2*SUNMASS; } else if( param == param_stig ) { return( -2.0 * m2 / stig * ( 1.0 - 3.0 * lgf - ( 1.0 - stig * stig ) / fs ) + 2.0 * m2 * ( 4.0 * sin( TrueAnom ) - stig * cos( 2.0 * TrueAnom ) ) ); //return( -2.0 * m2 / stig * // ( 1.0 + 3.0 * lgf - ( 1.0 - stig * stig ) / // ( 1.0 + stig * stig - 2.0 * stig * sin( TrueAnom + omega ) ) ) ); // //+ 2.0 * m2 * ( 4.0 * sin( TrueAnom ) - stig * cos( 2.0 * TrueAnom ) ) ); } else if( param == param_h3 ) { if( mode == 0 || mode == 2) return( -4.0 / 3.0 * sin( 3.0 * TrueAnom ) ); else if( mode == 1 ) { return( -2.0 * lsc / pow( stig, 3.0 ) ); //return( 2.0 / pow( stig, 3.0 ) * // ( lgf + 2.0 * stig * sin( TrueAnom ) - stig * stig * cos( TrueAnom ) ) ); } else if( mode == 3 ) return( calcDH( TrueAnom, h3, h4, nharm, 3 ) ); else { printf( "ERROR in ELL1H. This really shouldn't happen.\n" ); } } else if( param == param_h4 ) { if( mode == 2 ) return( cos( 4.0 * TrueAnom ) ); else return( calcDH( TrueAnom, h3, h4, nharm, 4 ) ); } return 0.0; }
double T2model(pulsar *psr,int p,int ipos,int param,int arr) { double an; double pb,omdot; double rad2deg = 180.0/M_PI; double SUNMASS = 4.925490947e-6; longdouble tt0,t0,ct,t0asc; double m2,x,ecc,er,xdot,edot,dr,dth,eth; double pbdot,xpbdot,phase,u,gamma; double orbits; int norbits; double cu,onemecu=0,cae,sae,ae,omega,omz,sw,cw,alpha,beta,bg,dre,drep,drepp, anhat,su=0; double sqr1me2,cume,brace,si,dlogbr,ds,da,a0,b0,d2bar,torb; double csigma,ce,cx,comega,cgamma,cdth,cm2,csi, ckom, ckin; double eps1,eps2,eps1dot,eps2dot; double ceps1,ceps2; double shapmax,cshapmax,sdds; int com,com1,com2; int allTerms=1; /* = 0 to emulate BT model */ double dpara; double pmra,pmdec; double sin_omega,cos_omega,ki; double mtot,m1,xk,xomdot,afac,kom; longdouble DK011,DK012, DK021, DK022, DK031,DK032, DK041,DK042,C,S; longdouble DK013, DK014, DK023, DK024, DK033, DK034, DK043, DK044; longdouble DAOP=longdouble(0.0), DSR=longdouble(0.0); longdouble DOP=longdouble(0.0); // Orbital parallax time delay double daop;// DAOP is the time delay due to annual orbital // parallax. daop is the aop distance. longdouble h3,h4,stig; longdouble lgf,TrueAnom; longdouble lsc, fs; int nharm=4; int mode = -1; // See ELL1Hmodel.C torb = 0.0; const char *CVS_verNum = "$Id: d5e412cf859761421154f47be2a083ae696d674f $"; if (displayCVSversion == 1) CVSdisplayVersion("T2model.C","T2model()",CVS_verNum); if (param==-1) { com1 = 0; com2 = psr[p].nCompanion; } else { com1 = arr; com2 = arr+1; } // printf("Number of companions = %d %d\n",com1,com2); for (com = com1; com < com2;com++) { /* Obtain Keplerian parameters */ getKeplerian(&psr[p],com,&pb,&t0,&ecc,&omz,&x,&eps1,&eps2,&t0asc, &shapmax,&kom,&ki); /* Now add in the jumps */ addKeplerianJumps(&psr[p],ipos,&torb,&x,&ecc,&omz,&pb); /* Parameters derived from the Keplerian parameters */ deriveKeplerian(pb,kom,&an,&sin_omega,&cos_omega); /* Obtain post-Keplerian parameters */ getPostKeplerian(&psr[p],com,an,&si,&m2,&mtot,&omdot,&gamma,&xdot,&xpbdot, &pbdot,&edot,&pmra,&pmdec,&dpara,&dr,&dth,&a0,&b0, &xomdot,&afac,&eps1dot,&eps2dot,&daop); /* If the beta-prime parameters are set then omdot, gamma, si, dr, er, dth, a0 and b0 can be calculated from the beta-prime values * - see papers of Taylor, Wolszczan, Damour & Weisberg 1992 - Nature * Damour & Taylor 1992 - Phys Rev D */ if (psr[p].param[param_bp].paramSet[0]==1 && psr[p].param[param_bpp].paramSet[0]==1) { /* useBeta(psr[p]); */ printf("Beta model not implemented yet\n"); } /* If general relativity is assummed to be correct and * the total system mass has been determined then the values * of dr,dth,er, eth, sini, gamma and pbdot can be calculated */ if (psr[p].param[param_mtot].paramSet[com]==1) { calcGR(mtot,m2,x,ecc,an,afac,(double)psr[p].param[param_f].val[0], &dr,&dth,&er,ð,&xk,&si,&gamma,&pbdot,&a0,&b0); omdot = xomdot + xk; } /* Derive parameters from the post-Keplerian parameters */ derivePostKeplerian(mtot,m2,dr,dth,ecc,&m1,&er,ð); /* Obtain delta T */ ct = psr[p].obsn[ipos].bbat; if (psr[p].param[param_t0].paramSet[com]==1) tt0 = (ct-t0)*SECDAY; else if( psr[p].param[param_tasc].paramSet[com]==1) tt0 = (ct-t0asc)*SECDAY; else { printf("ERROR [T2] T0 or TASC needs to be set in the parameter file\n"); exit(1); } // logdbg("going to update Parameters"); /* Update parameters with their time derivatives */ updateParameters(edot,xdot,eps1dot,eps2dot,tt0,&ecc,&x,&eps1,&eps2); // logdbg("updated parameters"); /* Do some checks */ if (ecc < 0.0 || ecc > 1.0) { displayMsg(1,"BIN2","Eccentricity of orbit < 0, setting to 0","", psr[p].noWarnings); psr[p].param[param_ecc].val[com]=0.0; ecc = 0.0; } /* Obtain number of orbits in tt0 */ orbits = tt0/pb - 0.5*(pbdot+xpbdot)*pow(tt0/pb,2); norbits = (int)orbits; if (orbits<0.0) norbits--; /* Obtain phase of orbit */ phase=2.0*M_PI*(orbits-norbits); // ld_printf("Orbit phase = %.15Lf %.15g\n",psr[p].obsn[ipos].bbat,phase); if (psr[p].param[param_ecc].paramSet[com]==1) { // logdbg("going to compute U"); /* Compute eccentric anomaly u by iterating Kepler's equation */ computeU(phase,ecc,&u); // logdbg("computed U"); /* DD equations 17b and 17c */ su=sin(u); cu=cos(u); onemecu=1.0-ecc*cu; cae=(cu-ecc)/onemecu; /* Equation 17b */ sae=sqrt(1.0-pow(ecc,2))*su/onemecu; /* Equation 17c */ ae=atan2(sae,cae); if(ae<0.0) ae=ae+2.0*M_PI; ae=2.0*M_PI*orbits + ae - phase; omega=omz/rad2deg + omdot*ae; sw=sin(omega); cw=cos(omega); // logdbg("In the middle of DD"); /* DD equations 26, 27, 57: */ sqr1me2=sqrt(1-pow(ecc,2)); cume=cu-ecc; // logdbg("going to Kopeikin"); /* Update parameters due to proper motion - Kopeikin 1996 */ /* And annual-orbital and orbital parallax - Kopeikin 1995 */ if (psr[p].param[param_kin].paramSet[com]==1 && psr[p].param[param_kom].paramSet[com]==1 && (psr[p].param[param_pmra].paramSet[com]==1 || psr[p].param[param_pmdec].paramSet[com]==1)) { // logdbg("going to do KopeikinTerms"); KopeikinTerms(&psr[p],ipos,ki,pmra,sin_omega,pmdec,cos_omega,tt0, dpara,daop,si,&x,&DK011,&DK012,&DK021,&DK022, &DK031,&DK032,&DK041,&DK042,&DK013,&DK014,&DK023, &DK024,&DK033,&DK034,&DK043,&DK044); // logdbg("did KopeikinTerms"); C = (longdouble)(cw*(cu-er)-sqrt(1.0-pow(eth,2.0))*sw*su); S = (longdouble)(sw*(cu-er)+cw*sqrt(1.0-pow(eth,2.0))*su); DAOP = (DK011+DK012)*C-(DK021+DK022)*S; DSR = (DK031+DK032)*C+(DK041+DK042)*S; DOP = dpara/AULTSC/2.0*pow(x,2.0)* ( pow( sin( ki ), -2.0 ) - 0.5 + 0.5 * pow( ecc, 2.0 ) * ( 1 + pow( sw, 2.0 ) - 3.0 / pow( sin( ki ), 2.0 ) ) - 2.0 * ecc * ( pow( sin( ki ), -2.0 ) - pow( sw, 2.0 ) ) * cume - sqr1me2 * 2 * sw * cw * su * cume + 0.5 * ( cos( 2.0 * omega ) + pow( ecc, 2.0 ) * ( pow( sin( ki ), -2.0 ) + pow( cu, 2.0 ) ) ) * cos( 2.0 * u ) ); // printf("T2model: %g DAOP = %g DSR = %g DOP = %g\n",(double)psr[p].obsn[ipos].bbat,(double)DAOP,(double)DSR,(double)DOP); // logdbg("DAOP is %g and DSR is %g\n", (double)DAOP, (double)DSR); // logdbg("DAOP is %g, DK011 and DK021 are %f and %f\n", // (double)DAOP,(double)DK011,(double)DK021); } if (psr[p].param[param_shapmax].paramSet[com]==1) /* DDS model */ { sdds = 1.0 - exp(-1.0*shapmax); brace = onemecu-sdds*(sw*cume+sqr1me2*cw*su); } else brace=onemecu-si*(sw*cume+sqr1me2*cw*su); da=a0*(sin(omega+ae) + ecc*sw) + b0*(cos(omega+ae) + ecc*cw); /* Equation 27 */ /* DD equations 46 to 51 */ alpha=x*sw; /* Equation 46 */ beta=x*sqrt(1-pow(eth,2))*cw; /* Equation 47 */ bg=beta+gamma; dre=alpha*(cu-er) + bg*su; /* Equation 48 */ drep=-alpha*su + bg*cu; /* Equation 49 */ drepp=-alpha*cu - bg*su; /* Equation 50 */ anhat=an/onemecu; /* Equation 51 */ dlogbr=log(brace); ds=-2*m2*dlogbr; /* Equation 26 */ } else if (psr[p].param[param_eps1].paramSet[com]==1) /* ELL1 model */ { dre = x*(sin(phase)-0.5*(eps1*cos(2.0*phase)-eps2*sin(2.0*phase))); drep = x*cos(phase); drepp=-x*sin(phase); // logdbg("going to Kopeikin"); /* Update parameters due to proper motion - Kopeikin 1996 */ if (psr[p].param[param_kin].paramSet[com]==1 && psr[p].param[param_kom].paramSet[com]==1 && (psr[p].param[param_pmra].paramSet[com]==1 || psr[p].param[param_pmdec].paramSet[com]==1)) { S = (sin(phase)-0.5*(eps1*cos(2.0*phase)-eps2*sin(2.0*phase))); C = cos(phase)+0.5*(eps2*cos(2.0*phase)+eps1*sin(2.0*phase)); KopeikinTerms(&psr[p],ipos,ki,pmra,sin_omega,pmdec,cos_omega,tt0, dpara,daop,si,&x,&DK011,&DK012,&DK021,&DK022, &DK031,&DK032,&DK041,&DK042,&DK013,&DK014,&DK023, &DK024,&DK033,&DK034,&DK043,&DK044); DAOP = (DK011+DK012)*C-(DK021+DK022)*S; DSR = (DK031+DK032)*C+(DK041+DK042)*S; } brace=1-si*sin(phase); da=a0*sin(phase)+b0*cos(phase); anhat = an; ecc = 0.0; /* Shapiro delay */ if ( psr[p].param[param_h3].paramSet[0] * psr[p].param[param_stig].paramSet[0] == 1 || psr[p].param[param_h3].paramSet[0] * psr[p].param[param_h4].paramSet[0] == 1){ // printf("Using the Friere & Wex formalism for the Shapiro delay\n"); // Based on ELL1Hmodel.C //h3 = psr[p].param[param_h3].val[0]; h3 = getParameterValue( &psr[p], param_h3, 0 ); // Determine fw10 mode if( psr[p].param[param_h4].paramSet[0] == 1 ){ // h4 = psr[p].param[param_h4].val[0]; h4 = getParameterValue( &psr[p], param_h4, 0 ); // mode 2 or 3 take preference over mode 1 as they are more stable if( psr[p].param[param_nharm].paramSet[0] == 1 ){ nharm = (int)psr[p].param[param_nharm].val[0]; //nharm = (int)getParameterValue( &psr[p], param_nharm, 0 ); if( nharm > 4 ) mode = 3; else mode = 2; } if( psr[p].param[param_stig].paramSet[0] == 1 ){ // Conflict. Unsure whether to select mode 1 or modes 2/3, so will default // to the most stable one. logerr("You specified both H4 and STIG - Ignoring STIG"); logmsg( "WARNING! You specified both H4 and STIG." ); logmsg( "We will ignore STIG and perform the approx. H4 fit instead." ); logmsg( "If you want to perform the exact fit for H3 and STIG, then " ); logmsg( "please remove H4 from your parameter file."); } // Have H3, H4, but no NHARM mode = 2; }else{ // Have H3, but no H4 if( psr[p].param[param_stig].paramSet[0] == 1 ){ // stig = psr[p].param[param_stig].val[0]; stig = getParameterValue( &psr[p], param_stig, 0 ); mode = 1; }else{ mode = 0; h4 = 0; nharm = 3; } }// fw10 mode determined. // Define sin(i) and m2 for calculation of the orbital phases etc. if( mode == 1 ){ // fw10, Eq. 22: si = 2.0 * stig / ( 1.0 + pow( stig, 2.0 ) ); // fw10, Eq. 20: m2 = h3 / pow( stig, 3.0 ); // Shapiro r, not just M2. if( si > 1.0 ){ displayMsg(1,"BIN1", "SIN I > 1.0, setting to 1: should probably use DDS model", "",psr[p].noWarnings); si = 1.0; psr[p].param[param_sini].val[0] = longdouble(1.0); } }else if( mode == 2 || mode == 3 ){ // fw10, Eq. 25: si = 2.0 * h3 * h4 / ( h3 * h3 + h4 * h4 ); // fw10, Eq. 26: m2 = pow( h3, 4.0 ) / pow( h4, 3.0 ); if( si > 1.0 ){ displayMsg(1,"BIN1", "SIN I > 1.0, setting to 1: should probably use DDS model", "",psr[p].noWarnings); si = 1.0; psr[p].param[param_sini].val[0] = longdouble(1.0); } }else if( mode == 0 ){ // Cannot determine m2 and/or sini. Will have to determine the // Shapiro delay based on h3 alone. }else{ printf( "This should not be possible. Go Away.\n" ); printf( "And tell someone about it: [email protected], e.g.\n" ); } brace=1-si*sin(phase); dlogbr=log(brace); ecc = sqrt( eps1 * eps1 + eps2 * eps2 ); TrueAnom = phase; //TrueAnom = 2.0 * atan2( sqrt( 1.0 + ecc ) * sin( phase / 2.0 ), // sqrt( 1.0 - ecc ) * cos( phase / 2.0 ) ); omega = atan2( eps1, eps2 ); //lgf = log( 1.0 + stig * stig - 2.0 * stig * sin( TrueAnom + omega ) ); fs = 1.0 + stig * stig - 2.0 * stig * sin( TrueAnom ); lgf = log( fs ); lsc = lgf + 2.0 * stig * sin( TrueAnom ) - stig * stig * cos( 2.0 * TrueAnom ); if( mode == 0 ){ // mode 0: only h3 is known. ds = -4.0 / 3.0 * h3 * sin( 3.0 * TrueAnom ); }else if( mode == 1 ){ ds = -2.0 *m2* lsc; //ds = -2.0 * m2 * dlogbr; }else{ // modes 2 and 3 ds = calcDH( TrueAnom, h3, h4, nharm, 0 ); } } else{ dlogbr=log(brace); ds=-2*m2*dlogbr; /* Equation 26 */ } } else { printf("Require eccentricity set or EPS1/EPS2 parameters for companion %d\n",com+1); exit(1); } // printf("T2: %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",brace,phase,a0,b0,dlogbr,ds,m2); /* Now compute d2bar, the orbital time correction in DD equation 42. */ /* Equation 52 */ if (onemecu != 0.0) { d2bar=dre*(1-anhat*drep+allTerms*pow(anhat,2)* (pow(drep,2) + 0.5*dre*drepp - 0.5*ecc*su*dre*drep/onemecu)) + allTerms*(ds+da+DAOP+DSR + DOP); } else { d2bar=dre*(1-anhat*drep+allTerms*pow(anhat,2)* (pow(drep,2) + 0.5*dre*drepp)) + allTerms*(ds+da+DAOP+DSR+DOP); } // printf("T2a: %g %g %g %g %g drepp=%g ecc=%g su =%g ome =%g ds = %g da = %g %g %g\n",(double)d2bar,(double)dre,(double)anhat,(double)drep,(double)allTerms,(double)drepp,(double)ecc,(double)su,(double)onemecu,(double)ds,(double)da,(double)DAOP,(double)DSR); torb-=d2bar; /* Equation 42 */ if (param==-1 && com == psr[p].nCompanion-1) return torb; else if (param!=-1 && com==arr) { // Now we need the partial derivatives. Use DD equations 62a - 62k. if (psr[p].param[param_ecc].paramSet[com]==1) { csigma=x*(-sw*su+sqr1me2*cw*cu)/onemecu; /* Equation 62a */ ce=su*csigma-x*sw-ecc*x*cw*su/sqr1me2; /* Equation 62c */ cx=sw*cume+sqr1me2*cw*su; /* Equation 62d */ comega=x*(cw*cume-sqr1me2*sw*su); /* Equation 62e */ cgamma=su; /* Equation 62g */ cdth=-ecc*ecc*x*cw*su/sqr1me2; /* Equation 62i */ cm2=-2*dlogbr; /* Equation 62j */ if (psr[p].param[param_shapmax].paramSet[com]==1) cshapmax = 2*m2*(sw*cume+sqr1me2*cw*su)/brace * (1.0-sdds); else if (psr[p].param[param_sini].nLinkTo>0){ csi= 2*m2*(sw*cume+sqr1me2*cw*su)*cos(ki)/brace; } else csi=2*m2*(sw*cume+sqr1me2*cw*su)/brace; /* Equation 62k */ } else if (psr[p].param[param_eps1].paramSet[com]==1) /* ELL1 model */ { csigma = x*cos(phase); cx = sin(phase); ceps1 = -0.5*x*cos(2*phase); ceps2 = 0.5*x*sin(2*phase); cm2 = -2*dlogbr; csi = 2*m2*sin(phase)/brace; } if (param==param_pb) return -csigma*an*SECDAY*tt0/pb; else if (param==param_a1) return cx; else if (param==param_ecc) return ce; else if (param==param_edot) return ce*tt0; else if (param==param_om) return comega; else if (param==param_omdot) return ae*comega/(an*360.0/(2.0*M_PI)*365.25*SECDAY); else if (param==param_t0) return -csigma*an*SECDAY; else if (param==param_pbdot){ if(psr[p].param[param_pbdot].nLinkFrom>0){ return 0.5*tt0*(-csigma*an*SECDAY*tt0/(pb*SECDAY)); /*- SPEED_LIGHT/(getParameterValue(&psr[p],param_pb,0)*SECDAY* (pow(getParameterValue(&psr[p],param_pmra,0)*MASYR2RADS,2)+ pow(getParameterValue(&psr[p],param_pmdec,0)*MASYR2RADS,2))* getParameterValue(&psr[p],param_daop,0))* (C*(-DK011-DK012)+S*(DK021+DK022));*/ } else return 0.5*tt0*(-csigma*an*SECDAY*tt0/(pb*SECDAY)); } else if (param==param_sini) return csi; else if (param==param_gamma) return cgamma; else if (param==param_m2) return cm2*SUNMASS; else if (param==param_a1dot) return cx*tt0; else if (param==param_eps1) return ceps1; else if (param==param_eps1dot) return ceps1*tt0; else if (param==param_eps2dot) return ceps2*tt0; else if (param==param_eps2) return ceps2; else if (param==param_tasc) return -csigma*an*SECDAY; else if (param==param_shapmax) return cshapmax; else if (param==param_stig){ return( -2.0 * m2 / stig * ( 1.0 - 3.0 * lgf - ( 1.0 - stig * stig ) / fs ) + 2.0 * m2 * ( 4.0 * sin( TrueAnom ) - stig * cos( 2.0 * TrueAnom ) ) ); } else if (param==param_h3) { if( mode == 0 || mode == 2) return( -4.0 / 3.0 * sin( 3.0 * TrueAnom ) ); else if( mode == 1 ){ return( -2.0 * lsc / pow( stig, 3.0 ) ); //return( 2.0 / pow( stig, 3.0 ) * // ( lgf + 2.0 * stig * sin( TrueAnom ) - stig * stig * cos( TrueAnom ) ) ); }else if( mode == 3 ) return( calcDH( TrueAnom, h3, h4, nharm, 3 ) ); else{ printf( "ERROR in ELLH model in T2. This really shouldn't happen.\n" ); } }else if( param == param_h4 ){ if( mode == 2 ) return( cos( 4.0 * TrueAnom ) ); else return( calcDH( TrueAnom, h3, h4, nharm, 4 ) ); } else if (param==param_kom){ ckom = C* (DK033+DK034+DK013+DK014) + S*(DK043+DK044+DK023+DK024); return ckom; } else if (param==param_kin){ ckin = C/sin(ki)*(DK043+DK044+DK023+DK024)- S/sin(ki)*(DK013+DK014+DK033+DK034); if( psr[p].param[param_ecc].paramSet[com]== 1 ) ckin += dpara/AULTSC/2.0*pow( x, 2.0 ) * cos( ki ) * pow( sin( ki ), -3.0 ) * ( pow( ecc, 2.0 ) * ( 3.0 - cos( 2.0 * u ) ) + 4.0 * ecc * cume - 2.0 ); if(psr[p].param[param_kin].nLinkFrom>0) ckin += csi; // * cos( ki ); return ckin; } /* Update the binary parameter jumps */ if (psr[p].param[param_bpjep].paramSet[arr]==1 && psr[p].obsn[ipos].bbat > psr[p].param[param_bpjep].val[arr]) { if (param==param_bpjph) return 1.0/psr[p].param[param_f].val[0]; else if (param==param_bpja1) return cx; else if (param==param_bpjec) return ce; else if (param==param_bpjom) return comega; else if (param==param_bpjpb) return -csigma*an*SECDAY*tt0/(pb*SECDAY); } else return 0.0; } } return 0.0; }
/* ******************************************** */ double ut1red(double mjd, int warnings) { static int read=0; static double mjd1,mjd2; static int mjdVal[1000]; static int entry[10000]; static int count2=0,count=0; double t,s,f2,y2[2],y1[2],ut1; double units = 1.0e-4; double tab[4]; int nread,i,iint=5,it,itsav=-1,j,nr; char line[1000],fname[MAX_FILELEN]; FILE *fin; if (read==0) /* Read data file */ { strcpy(fname,getenv(TEMPO2_ENVIRON)); strcat(fname,UT1_FILE); fin = fopen(fname,"r"); if (!fin) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open UT1 file: %s\n", fname); exit(1); } fgets(line,1000,fin); /* Read two header lines (I hope that these don't change!!!!) */ fgets(line,1000,fin); /* ... no checks are done ... */ nread=1; while ( (nread==1) && (fgets(line,1000,fin)!=NULL) ) { // Chop off everything past char 57 to avoid the extra 'item // count' value being read in as either a UT1 value or an MJD. line[57]='\0'; nread = sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d",&mjdVal[count], &entry[count2+0], &entry[count2+1], &entry[count2+2], &entry[count2+3], &entry[count2+4], &entry[count2+5]); if (nread>1) { count++; for (i=0; i<nread-1; i++) { if (entry[count2]!=0) count2++; else nread=-1; } if (nread>0) { nread=1; } } else { nread=-1; } if (count>999) /* Too many lines? */ { printf("ERROR: Too many lines in ut1 file -- increase array size in tai2tdb\n"); exit(1); } } fclose(fin); mjd1 = mjdVal[0]+iint; /* iint = interval in days between tabular values */ mjd2 = mjdVal[count-1]-iint; /* Not sure about this + and - iint *******************/ } read=1; /* Is MJD within range of table */ if (mjd>mjd1 && mjd<mjd2) { /* Calculate interpolation times and value of tabular points */ t = (mjd-mjd1)/iint; it = (int)t; t = t - it; s=1.0-t; if (it!=itsav) { for (i=0; i<4; i++) { j=it+i; tab[i]=entry[j]; } for (i=0; i<2; i++) { nr = i+1; f2 = 1.0/6.0 * (tab[nr+1]+tab[nr-1]); y1[i] = 4.0/3.0 * tab[nr] -f2; y2[i] = -1.0/3.0 * tab[nr]+f2; } itsav = it; } /* second difference interpolation */ ut1 = (t*(y1[1]+t*t*y2[1]) + s*(y1[0]+s*s*y2[0]))*units; /* printf("UT1 for %f = %f\n",mjd,ut1); */ } else { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"MJD is outside of UT1 table range "); sprintf(msg2,"(MJD %f)",mjd); displayMsg(1,"CLK10",msg,msg2,warnings); /* Extrapolate using last value in table */ if (mjd<=mjd1) ut1 = entry[0]*units; else ut1 = entry[count2-1]*units; } // ut1 = atut-0.0343817 - ut1; /* Table TAI-UT1 */ return -ut1; }
double DDHmodel(pulsar *psr,int p,int ipos,int param){ longdouble an; // angular velocity longdouble pb,k; // orbital period and unitless orbital precession // conversion factors longdouble rad2deg = 180.0/M_PI; longdouble SUNMASS = 4.925490947e-6; // binary parameters longdouble m2,tt0,t0,x,ecc,er,xdot,edot,dr,dth,eth,ct; // more obscure orbital parameters longdouble pbdot,xpbdot,phase,u,du,gamma; longdouble orbits; int norbits; // DDH specific orbital parameters: longdouble h3, stig;// 3rd, 4th harmonics and harmonic ratio // needed for intermediate steps in calculations longdouble cu,onemecu,cae,sae,ae,omega,omz,sw,cw,alpha,beta,bg,dre, drep,drepp,anhat,su; longdouble sqr1me2,cume,brace,si,dlogbr,ds,da,a0,b0,d2bar,torb; longdouble csigma,ce,cx,comega,cgamma,cm2,csi; // Aberration parameters (JPWV thinks so, at least). dr = 0.0; /* WHAT SHOULD THESE BE SET TO? */ dth = 0.0; // Sanity check if( psr[p].param[param_h3].paramSet[0] * psr[p].param[param_stig].paramSet[0] != 1 ){ printf("ERROR! For the DDH model, both h3 and stig must be set.\n Exiting.\n"); exit( 1 ); } h3 = getParameterValue( &psr[p], param_h3, 0 ); stig = getParameterValue( &psr[p], param_stig, 0 ); // Define sin(i) and m2 for calculation of the orbital phases etc. // FW10, Eq. 22: si = 2.0 * stig / ( 1.0 + pow( stig, 2.0 ) ); // FW10, Eq. 20: m2 = h3 / pow( stig, 3.0 ); // Shapiro r, not just M2. if (si > 1.0){ displayMsg(1,"BIN1", "SIN I > 1.0, setting to 1: should probably use DDS model", "",psr[p].noWarnings); si = 1.0; psr[p].param[param_sini].val[0] = longdouble(1.0); } pb = psr[p].param[param_pb].val[0]*SECDAY; an = 2.0*M_PI/pb; // k is the orbital precession expressed in orbits per orbit k = psr[p].param[param_omdot].val[0]/(rad2deg*365.25*86400.0*an); // this equation is effectively the same as (omdot/360) * (pb/365.25) t0 = psr[p].param[param_t0].val[0]; ct = psr[p].obsn[ipos].bbat; tt0 = (ct-t0)*SECDAY; if (psr[p].param[param_gamma].paramSet[0]==1) gamma = psr[p].param[param_gamma].val[0]; else gamma = 0.0; // JPWV thinks a0 and b0 are the aberration delays and are at // present not implemented. No way to be sure though, short of // asking George. Or, more likely, to spend more time to try and get // to the bottom of this. I cannot be bothered either way. a0 = 0.0; b0 = 0.0; if (psr[p].param[param_om].paramSet[0]==1) omz = psr[p].param[param_om].val[0]; else omz = 0.0; if (psr[p].param[param_a1dot].paramSet[0]==1) xdot = psr[p].param[param_a1dot].val[0]; else xdot = 0.0; if (psr[p].param[param_pbdot].paramSet[0] == 1) pbdot = psr[p].param[param_pbdot].val[0]; else pbdot = 0.0; if (psr[p].param[param_edot].paramSet[0] == 1) edot = psr[p].param[param_edot].val[0]; else edot = 0.0; if (psr[p].param[param_xpbdot].paramSet[0] == 1) xpbdot = psr[p].param[param_xpbdot].val[0]; else xpbdot = 0.0; x = psr[p].param[param_a1].val[0]+xdot*tt0; ecc = psr[p].param[param_ecc].val[0]+edot*tt0; er = ecc*(1.0+dr); eth = ecc*(1.0+dth); if (ecc < 0.0 || ecc > 1.0){ ld_printf("DDHmodel: problem with eccentricity = %Lg [%s]\n", psr[p].param[param_ecc].val[0],psr[p].name); exit(1); } orbits = tt0/pb - longdouble(0.5)*(pbdot+xpbdot)*(tt0/pb)*(tt0/pb); norbits = (int)orbits; if (orbits<0.0) norbits--; phase=2.0*M_PI*(orbits-norbits); // Compute eccentric anomaly u by iterating Kepler's equation. u=phase+ecc*sin(phase)*(1.0+ecc*cos(phase)); do { du=(phase-(u-ecc*sin(u)))/(1.0-ecc*cos(u)); u=u+du; } while (fabs(du)>1.0e-12); /* DD equations 17b, 17c, 29, and 46 through 52 */ su=sin(u); cu=cos(u); onemecu=1.0-ecc*cu; cae=(cu-ecc)/onemecu; sae=sqrt(1.0-pow(ecc,2))*su/onemecu; ae=atan2(sae,cae); if(ae<0.0) ae=ae+2.0*M_PI; ae=2.0*M_PI*orbits + ae - phase; omega=omz/rad2deg + k*ae; sw=sin(omega); cw=cos(omega); alpha=x*sw; beta=x*sqrt(1-pow(eth,2))*cw; bg=beta+gamma; dre=alpha*(cu-er) + bg*su; drep=-alpha*su + bg*cu; drepp=-alpha*cu - bg*su; anhat=an/onemecu; // DD equations 26, 27, 57: sqr1me2=sqrt(1-pow(ecc,2)); cume=cu-ecc; brace=onemecu-si*(sw*cume+sqr1me2*cw*su); dlogbr=log(brace); // Shapiro delay, ehm06, Eq. 79, identical to DD86, Eq. 26. ds=-2*m2*dlogbr; // Aberration delay, ehm06, Eq. 76, identical to DD86, Eq. 27. da=a0*(sin(omega+ae) + ecc*sw) + b0*(cos(omega+ae) + ecc*cw); // Zero by design // Now compute d2bar, the orbital time correction in DD equation 42. d2bar=dre*(1-anhat*drep+(pow(anhat,2))*(pow(drep,2) + 0.5*dre*drepp - 0.5*ecc*su*dre*drep/onemecu)) + ds + da; torb=-d2bar; if (param==-1) return torb; // Now we need the partial derivatives. Use DD equations 62a - 62k. csigma=x*(-sw*su+sqr1me2*cw*cu)/onemecu; ce=su*csigma-x*sw-ecc*x*cw*su/sqr1me2; cx=sw*cume+sqr1me2*cw*su; comega=x*(cw*cume-sqr1me2*sw*su); cgamma=su; //cdth=-ecc*ecc*x*cw*su/sqr1me2; cm2=-2*dlogbr; csi=2*m2*(sw*cume+sqr1me2*cw*su)/brace; longdouble lgf = log( ( 1.0 + ecc * cos( ae ) ) / (1.0 + pow( stig, 2.0 ) - 2.0 * stig * sin( ae + omega ) ) ); if( param == param_pb ) return -csigma * an * SECDAY * tt0 / ( pb * SECDAY ); else if( param == param_a1 ) return cx; else if( param == param_ecc ) return ce; else if( param == param_om ) return comega; else if( param == param_omdot ) return ae*comega/(an*360.0/(2.0*M_PI)*365.25*SECDAY); else if( param == param_t0 ) return -csigma*an*SECDAY; else if( param == param_pbdot ) return 0.5*tt0*(-csigma*an*SECDAY*tt0/(pb*SECDAY)); else if( param == param_sini ) return csi; else if( param == param_gamma ) return cgamma; else if( param == param_m2 ) return cm2*SUNMASS; else if( param == param_a1dot ) // Also known as xdot return cx*tt0; else if( param == param_h3 ) return( 2.0 / pow( stig, 3.0 ) * lgf ); else if( param == param_stig ) return( -2.0 * m2 / stig * ( 1.0 + 3.0 * lgf - ( 1.0 - stig * stig ) / ( 1.0 + stig * stig - 2.0 * stig * sin( ae + omega ) ) ) ); return 0.0; }
/* Function to make a clock correction sequence using Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm , see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm */ DynamicArray *makeClockCorrectionSequence(const char *clockFrom, const char *clockTo, double mjd,int warnings) { size_t slen = 16; DynamicArray names; /* Array of clock names. Other values index this arr */ int *S; /* Clocks for which shortest path are known */ int n_known; int *Q; /* Remaining clocks */ float *d; /* Best distance to a clock */ int *edge_to_previous; /* edge to use to link to previous node */ int s, t; /* indices of clockFrom, clockTo */ size_t ifunc; int iclock; ClockCorrectionFunction *func; char *clock; int to_present, from_present; int ibest; float best; /* make a list of edges */ typedef struct { int from; int to; ClockCorrectionFunction *func; } Edge; Edge *edges; int iedge, v, nedges; int istep, nsteps; DynamicArray seq; // printf("HERE %s %s %lf %d\n",clockFrom,clockTo,mjd,warnings); DynamicArray_init(&names, slen); /* initialize list of all known clocks, and list of edges for functions that cover the requested mjd */ edges = (Edge *)malloc(sizeof(Edge)*clockCorrectionFunctions.nelem); iedge = 0; for (ifunc=0; ifunc < clockCorrectionFunctions.nelem; ifunc++) { func = ((ClockCorrectionFunction *)clockCorrectionFunctions.data)+ifunc; if (ClockCorrectionFunction_getStartMJD(func) <= mjd && ClockCorrectionFunction_getEndMJD(func) >= mjd) { /* see if to and from clocks there already */ to_present = from_present = 0; for (iclock=0; iclock < (int)names.nelem && !(to_present && from_present); iclock++) { clock = ((char *)names.data)+iclock*slen; if (!strcasecmp(clock, func->clockTo)) { to_present = 1; edges[iedge].to = iclock; } if (!strcasecmp(clock, func->clockFrom)) { from_present = 1; edges[iedge].from = iclock; // printf("%s present already\n", func->clockFrom); } /* else */ /* printf("%s != %s!\n", clock, func->clockFrom); */ } /* add to list if not already present */ if (!to_present) { DynamicArray_push_back(&names, func->clockTo); edges[iedge].to = names.nelem-1; } if (!from_present) { DynamicArray_push_back(&names, func->clockFrom); edges[iedge].from = names.nelem-1; } // printf("Add edge %d <%s> <%s> %d %d\n", iedge, func->clockTo, func->clockFrom, // edges[iedge].to, edges[iedge].from); edges[iedge].func = func; iedge++; } } nedges = iedge; /* find requested start (s) and end (t) clock in array of names */ s = t = -1; for (iclock=0; iclock < (int)names.nelem && (t < 0 || s < 0); iclock++) { clock = ((char *)names.data)+iclock*slen; if (!strcasecmp(clock, clockFrom)) s = iclock; if (!strcasecmp(clock, clockTo)) t = iclock; } if (s < 0) { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"no clock corrections available for clock %s for MJD", clockFrom); sprintf(msg2,"%.1f",mjd); displayMsg(1,"CLK3",msg,msg2,warnings); //logerr("no clock corrections available for clock %s -> %s for MJD %.1f",clockFrom,clockTo,mjd); // printf("EXITING 1\n"); free(edges); edges = NULL; DynamicArray_free(&names); return NULL; } if (t < 0) { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"no clock corrections available for clock %s for MJD", clockTo); sprintf(msg2,"%.1f",mjd); displayMsg(1,"CLK3",msg,msg2,warnings); //logerr("no clock corrections available for clock %s -> %s for MJD %.1f",clockFrom,clockTo,mjd); // printf("EXITING 2\n"); free(edges); edges = NULL; DynamicArray_free(&names); return NULL; } /* initialize S, Q, d, p */ n_known = 0; S = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*names.nelem); Q = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*names.nelem); d = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*names.nelem); edge_to_previous = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*names.nelem); for (iclock=0; iclock < (int)names.nelem; iclock++) { S[iclock] = 0; Q[iclock] = 1; d[iclock] = FLT_MAX; edge_to_previous[iclock] = -1; } d[s] = 0.0; /* main algorithm */ while (1) { /* find the member of Q with the lowest d */ best = FLT_MAX; ibest = -1; for (iclock=0; iclock < (int)names.nelem; iclock++) if (Q[iclock] && d[iclock] < best) { best = d[iclock]; ibest = iclock; } if (ibest == -1) break; Q[ibest] = 0; /* remove it from Q */ S[ibest] = 1; /* add it to S */ if (ibest == t) break; /* shortest path found */ /* for every edge connected to ibest */ /* printf("Looking for edges connected to %s d[%d] = %f\n", */ /* ((char *)names.data)+ibest*slen, ibest, best); */ for (iedge=0; iedge < nedges; iedge++) if (edges[iedge].from==ibest || edges[iedge].to==ibest) { /* set v to where the edge connects to */ if (edges[iedge].from==ibest) v = edges[iedge].to; else v = edges[iedge].from; /* use this edge if it is better */ // printf("Try %s %s badness %f\n", // edges[iedge].func->clockFrom, edges[iedge].func->clockTo, // edges[iedge].func->badness); if (d[v] > d[ibest] + edges[iedge].func->badness) { d[v] = d[ibest] + edges[iedge].func->badness; edge_to_previous[v] = iedge; /* printf(" edge %d --> %d %f\n", iedge, v, d[v]); */ } /* else */ /* printf("Reject %s %s\n", edges[iedge].func->clockFrom, edges[iedge].func->clockTo); */ } } // printf("Badness total = %f\n", best); if (ibest == -1) { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"no clock corrections available from %s to %s for MJD", clockFrom,clockTo); sprintf(msg2,"%.1f",mjd); //logerr("no clock corrections available for clock %s -> %s for MJD %.1f",clockFrom,clockTo,mjd); displayMsg(1,"CLK7",msg,msg2,warnings); // printf("EXITING 3\n"); free(edges); edges = NULL; DynamicArray_free(&names); return NULL; } else { /* Write out the best path in reverse order, as an edge list to "S" */ nsteps = 0; v = t; while (v != s) { S[nsteps] = edge_to_previous[v]; v = (edges[edge_to_previous[v]].to==v ? edges[edge_to_previous[v]].from : edges[edge_to_previous[v]].to); nsteps++; } /* set up the actual sequence now in the correct order */ DynamicArray_init(&seq, sizeof(ClockCorrectionFunction *)); if (warnings==0) printf("Using the following chain of clock corrections for %s -> %s\n", clockFrom, clockTo); for (istep=nsteps-1; istep >=0; istep--) { /* not any more since some functions are excluded (wrong mjd range) */ /* func = ((ClockCorrectionFunction *)clockCorrectionFunctions.data) */ /* + S[istep]; */ func = edges[S[istep]].func; DynamicArray_push_back(&seq, &func); if (warnings==0) printf("%s : %s <-> %s\n", func->table.fileName, func->clockFrom, func->clockTo); } } /* free memory */ free(edges); edges = NULL; free(edge_to_previous); edge_to_previous = NULL; free(d); d = NULL; free(Q); Q = NULL; free(S); S = NULL; DynamicArray_free(&names); // printf("END HERE\n"); return (DynamicArray *)DynamicArray_push_back(&clockCorrectionSequences, &seq); }
void get_EOP(double mjd, double *xp, double *yp, double *dut1, double *dut1dot, int dispWarnings,char *eopcFile) { static int first = 1; static DynamicArray EOPsamples; EOPSample *samp; int proxy = -1, isamp; double f; double leap=0.0; // load EOP series first if (first) { load_EOP(&EOPsamples,eopcFile); first = 0; } samp = (EOPSample *)EOPsamples.data; // check for out of bounds if (samp[0].mjd > mjd) proxy = 0; else if (samp[EOPsamples.nelem-1].mjd <= mjd) proxy = EOPsamples.nelem-1; if (proxy >=0) { *xp = samp[proxy].xp; *yp = samp[proxy].yp; *dut1 = samp[proxy].dut1; { char msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg2,"%.2f. Using %.1lf instead",mjd,samp[proxy].mjd); if( dispWarnings != 2 ) displayMsg(1,"EPH1","No Earth orientation parameters for MJD ",msg2,dispWarnings); } // GHOBBS: Added next line (and removed the 'return' after) otherwise dut1dot never gets set! mjd = samp[proxy].mjd; // return; } /* find first sample to fall after requested time */ for (isamp = 0; isamp < (int)EOPsamples.nelem && samp[isamp].mjd <= mjd; isamp++) ; // cope with leap second ... take it off second point as jump happens // right AT second point if (samp[isamp].dut1 - samp[isamp-1].dut1 > 0.5) leap = 1.0; else if (samp[isamp].dut1 - samp[isamp-1].dut1 < -0.5) leap = -1.0; else leap = 0.0; *dut1dot = (samp[isamp].dut1 - leap - samp[isamp-1].dut1) / 86400.0; /* interpolate */ f = (mjd - samp[isamp-1].mjd) / (samp[isamp].mjd - samp[isamp-1].mjd); *xp = samp[isamp-1].xp + f*(samp[isamp].xp - samp[isamp-1].xp); *yp = samp[isamp-1].yp + f*(samp[isamp].yp - samp[isamp-1].yp); *dut1 = samp[isamp-1].dut1 + f*(samp[isamp].dut1 - leap - samp[isamp-1].dut1); return; }
void getClockCorrections(observation *obs, const char *clockFrom_const, const char *clockTo,int warnings) { DynamicArray *sequence; size_t ifunc; char *currClock; ClockCorrectionFunction *func; double correction = 0.0; obs->nclock_correction = 0; char clockFrom[128]; strcpy(clockFrom,clockFrom_const); char clockFromOrig[128]; // logdbg("In getClockCorrections"); //logdbg("Getting clockFrom >%s<",obs->telID); if (clockFrom[0]=='\0') // get from observatory instead strcpy(clockFrom,getObservatory(obs->telID)->clock_name); // logdbg("Got clockFrom"); strcpy(clockFromOrig,clockFrom); if (!strcasecmp(clockTo, clockFrom)) { obs->nclock_correction = 0; return; } // logdbg("In getClockCorrections calling sequence 1"); // Memory leak here sequence = getClockCorrectionSequence(clockFrom, clockTo, obs->sat,warnings); if (sequence == NULL) { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"Trying assuming UTC ="); sprintf(msg2,"%s",clockFrom); displayMsg(1,"CLK4",msg,msg2,warnings); strcpy(clockFrom,"UTC"); if (!strcasecmp(clockTo, clockFrom)) { obs->nclock_correction = 0; return; } logdbg("In getClockCorrections calling sequence 2"); sequence = getClockCorrectionSequence(clockFrom, clockTo, obs->sat, warnings); if (sequence == NULL) { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"Trying TT(TAI) instead of "); sprintf(msg2,"%s",clockTo); displayMsg(1,"CLK5",msg,msg2,warnings); strcpy(clockFrom,clockFromOrig); clockTo="TT(TAI)"; if (!strcasecmp(clockTo, clockFrom)) { obs->nclock_correction = 0; return; } logdbg("In getClockCorrections calling sequence 3"); sequence = getClockCorrectionSequence(clockFrom, clockTo, obs->sat, warnings); if (sequence == NULL) { displayMsg(1,"CLK8","Trying both","",warnings); strcpy(clockFrom,"UTC"); if (!strcasecmp(clockTo, clockFrom)) { obs->nclock_correction = 0; return; } logdbg("In getClockCorrections calling sequence 4"); sequence = getClockCorrectionSequence(clockFrom, clockTo, obs->sat, warnings); if (sequence==NULL) { obs->nclock_correction = 0; if (warnings==0) printf( "Warning [CLK:7], no clock correction available for TOA @ MJD %.4lf!\n", (double)obs->sat); return; } } } displayMsg(1,"CLK9","... ok, using stated approximation","",warnings); } currClock = clockFrom; // Already bad for (ifunc=0; ifunc < sequence->nelem && strcasecmp(currClock, clockTo); ifunc++) { func = ((ClockCorrectionFunction **)sequence->data)[ifunc]; bool backwards = strcasecmp(currClock, func->clockFrom); if (backwards && strcasecmp(currClock, func->clockTo)) { printf("Programming error! Broken clock correction chain!!\n"); exit(1); } /* add correction using sign based on direction of correction */ obs->correctionsTT[obs->nclock_correction].correction = ClockCorrectionFunction_getCorrection(func, obs->sat+correction/SECDAY) * (backwards ? -1.0 : 1.0); correction += obs->correctionsTT[obs->nclock_correction].correction; strcpy(obs->correctionsTT[obs->nclock_correction].corrects_to, (backwards ? func->clockFrom : func->clockTo)); obs->nclock_correction++; currClock = (backwards ? func->clockFrom : func->clockTo); } // logdbg("leaving getClockCorrections"); /* printf("Correction: %lg\n", correction); */ }
double getCorrection(observation *obs, const char *clockFrom_c, const char *clockTo, int warnings) { observatory *site; DynamicArray *sequence; size_t ifunc; ClockCorrectionFunction *func; double correction = 0.0; const char *CVS_verNum = "$Id: 2ecd61c300367fd1dc527ff60a21468091473d85 $"; char clockFrom[128]; char currClock[128]; strcpy(clockFrom,clockFrom_c); if (clockFrom[0]=='\0') site = getObservatory(obs->telID); if (displayCVSversion == 1) CVSdisplayVersion("clkcorr.C","getCorrection()",CVS_verNum); if (clockFrom[0]=='\0') strcpy(clockFrom,site->clock_name); strcpy(currClock,clockFrom); if (!strcasecmp(clockTo, clockFrom)) return 0.0; /* printf("Getting %s<->%s\n", site->clock_name, clockTo); */ sequence = getClockCorrectionSequence(clockFrom, clockTo, obs->sat, warnings); if (sequence == NULL) { char msg[1000],msg2[1000]; sprintf(msg,"Proceeding assuming UTC = "); sprintf(msg2,"%s",currClock); displayMsg(1,"CLK6",msg,msg2,warnings); if (!strcasecmp(clockTo, "UTC")) return 0.0; sequence = getClockCorrectionSequence("UTC", clockTo, obs->sat, warnings); strcpy(currClock,"UTC"); if (sequence == NULL) { if (warnings==0) printf( "!Warning [CLK:9], no clock correction available for TOA @ MJD %.4lf!\n", (double)obs->sat); return 0.0; } } for (ifunc=0; ifunc < sequence->nelem && strcasecmp(currClock, clockTo); ifunc++) { func = ((ClockCorrectionFunction **)sequence->data)[ifunc]; bool backwards = strcasecmp(currClock, func->clockFrom); /* add correction using sign based on direction of correction */ correction += ClockCorrectionFunction_getCorrection(func, obs->sat+correction/SECDAY) * (backwards ? -1.0 : 1.0); strcpy(currClock,(backwards ? func->clockFrom : func->clockTo)); /* printf("--> %s\n", currClock); */ } return correction; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { LONG rc = RETURN_FAIL; STRPTR filename, commandLine = NULL, ixWindow = DEFWINDOW; LONG ixWait = 0, ixStack = DEFSTACK; BOOL ixUShell = DEFUSHELL; BPTR oldlock = (BPTR)-1, dirlock = (BPTR)-1, window = NULL; struct DiskObject *dobj = NULL; D(bug("IconX argc %d\n", argc)); if (argc != 0) { displayMsg(ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING); goto exit; } struct WBStartup *startup = (struct WBStartup *) argv; if (startup->sm_NumArgs < 2) { displayMsg(ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING); goto exit; } D(bug("[IconX] startup->sm_NumArgs: %d\n", startup->sm_NumArgs)); dirlock = startup->sm_ArgList[1].wa_Lock; filename = startup->sm_ArgList[1].wa_Name; oldlock = CurrentDir(dirlock); /* query diskobject for tooltypes */ dobj = GetDiskObject(filename); if (dobj == NULL) { struct EasyStruct es = {sizeof(struct EasyStruct), 0, "Error", "IconX\nGetDiskObject failed for:\n%s", "OK"}; EasyRequest(0, &es, 0, filename); goto exit; } if (dobj->do_Type == WBPROJECT) { const STRPTR *toolarray = (const STRPTR *)dobj->do_ToolTypes; STRPTR s; if ((s = FindToolType(toolarray, "WINDOW"))) { ixWindow = s; } if ((s = FindToolType(toolarray, "STACK"))) { ixStack = atol(s); } if ((s = FindToolType(toolarray, "USERSHELL"))) { if (MatchToolValue(s, "NO")) { ixUShell = FALSE; } } if ((s = FindToolType(toolarray, "WAIT"))) { ixWait += atol(s) * 50; } if ((s = FindToolType(toolarray, "DELAY"))) { ixWait += atol(s); } } else { displayMsg(ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE); goto exit; } if (ixWait <= 0) ixWait = DEFWAIT; if (ixStack <= 4096) ixStack = DEFSTACK; D(bug("wait %d stack %d usershell %d window %s\n", ixWait, ixStack, ixUShell, ixWindow)); D(bug("Building command line\n")); commandLine = BuildCommandLine(startup); if (commandLine == NULL) { displayMsg(IoErr()); goto exit; } D(bug("[IconX] commandLine: '%s'\n", commandLine)); window = Open(ixWindow, MODE_OLDFILE); if (window == NULL) { /* try to open default window */ window = Open(DEFWINDOW, MODE_OLDFILE); } if (window) { D(bug("[IconX] window ok\n")); struct TagItem tags[] = { { SYS_Asynch, FALSE }, { SYS_Background, TRUE }, { SYS_Input, (IPTR)window }, { SYS_Output, (IPTR)NULL }, { SYS_Error, (IPTR)NULL }, { SYS_UserShell, ixUShell }, { NP_StackSize, ixStack }, { TAG_DONE, 0 } }; rc = SystemTagList(commandLine, tags); if (rc == -1) { displayMsg(IoErr()); rc = RETURN_FAIL; } } else { displayMsg(IoErr()); goto exit; } Delay(ixWait); rc = RETURN_OK; exit: Close(window); FreeDiskObject(dobj); if (oldlock != (BPTR)-1) CurrentDir(oldlock); return rc; }
int main (void) { // Initialize //--------------------------------------- // 1) set band data inputs initPORTS(); // 2) confgure ADC for ICOM band data initADC(); // 3) Read EEPROM data readEEConfig(); // 4) set output applyOutPins(); // 5) Enable 10ms timer initTIMER(); // 6) Enable serial port communication initSERIAL(); // 7) Initialize LCD module LCDInit(LS_NONE); // 8) display welcome message showSplashScreen(); // 9) show status on screen displayStatus(); // 10) set LEDs if (BandDecode_Mode == BAND_MODE_AUTO) { enableAutoLED(); disableManLED(); } else { enableManLED(); disableAutoLED(); } disableLinkLED(); // Main loop //--------------------------------------- while(1) { // Get auto band //--------------------------------------- if (BandDecode_Mode == BAND_MODE_AUTO) { checkAutoBand(); // check if changed and refresh screen... if (current_auto_band != BAND_INVALID) { if (BandSelected != current_auto_band) { if (IS_TX) { displayMsg(m1_band_change_when_tx_warn, m2_when_tx, 2); } BandSelected = current_auto_band; changeBand(); } disableManLEDBlink(); } else { enableManLEDBlink(); } } // Selecting antennas //--------------------------------------- int8_t ant_chng = -1; if (sw_state[ANT1_SW_ID] == SW_PRESS) { sw_state[ANT1_SW_ID] = SW_OPEN; ant_chng = 0; } else if (sw_state[ANT2_SW_ID] == SW_PRESS) { sw_state[ANT2_SW_ID] = SW_OPEN; ant_chng = 1; } else if (sw_state[ANT3_SW_ID] == SW_PRESS) { sw_state[ANT3_SW_ID] = SW_OPEN; ant_chng = 2; } if (ant_chng != -1) { uint8_t new_ant_id = bm_cfg.AntAvailBandCfg[BandSelected][ant_chng]; if (new_ant_id != NO_ANTENNA && bm_cfg.AntSelBandCfg[BandSelected] != new_ant_id) { if (IS_TX) { displayMsg(m1_ant_change_press_when_tx, m2_when_tx, 2); } else { bm_cfg.AntSelBandCfg[BandSelected] = new_ant_id; applyOutPins(); updateCurrentEEConfig(); displayStatus(); } } } // Selecting band change mode //--------------------------------------- if (sw_state[MODE_SW_ID] == SW_PRESS) { sw_state[MODE_SW_ID] = SW_OPEN; if (BandDecode_Mode == BAND_MODE_AUTO) { BandDecode_Mode = BAND_MODE_MAN; disableManLEDBlink(); enableManLED(); disableAutoLED(); displayMsg(m1_man_mode, m_empty, 2); } else { BandDecode_Mode = BAND_MODE_AUTO; enableAutoLED(); disableManLED(); displayMsg(m1_auto_mode, m_empty, 2); } updateCurrentEEConfig(); } // Selecting band manual //--------------------------------------- else if (sw_state[UP_SW_ID] == SW_PRESS) { sw_state[UP_SW_ID] = SW_OPEN; if (BandDecode_Mode == BAND_MODE_MAN) { if (IS_TX) { displayMsg(m1_band_change_press_when_tx, m2_when_tx, 2); } else { if (BandSelected < BAND_MAX) { BandSelected++; } else { BandSelected = 0; } changeBand(); } } else { displayMsg(m1_band_change_press_when_auto, m2_band_change_press_when_auto, 3); } } else if (sw_state[DWN_SW_ID] == SW_PRESS) { sw_state[DWN_SW_ID] = SW_OPEN; if (BandDecode_Mode == BAND_MODE_MAN) { if (IS_TX) { displayMsg(m1_band_change_press_when_tx, m2_when_tx, 2); } else { if (BandSelected > 0) { BandSelected--; } else { BandSelected = BAND_MAX; } changeBand(); } } else { displayMsg(m1_band_change_press_when_auto, m2_band_change_press_when_auto, 2); } } // Change profile //--------------------------------------- /* else if (sw_state[MODE_SW_ID] == SW_HOLD) { sw_state[MODE_SW_ID] = SW_OPEN; if (IS_TX) { displayMsg(m1_profile_change_press_when_tx, m2_when_tx, 2); } else { if (profile_Id >= MAX_PROFILES - 1) { profile_Id = 0; } else { profile_Id++; } char msg[24]; snprintf(msg, 24, m1_profile, bm_cfg.ProfileName); displayMsg(msg, m2_activated, 2); readEEConfigProfile(profile_Id); //blockPTTTimed(); applyOutPins(); updateCurrentEEConfig(); //displayStatus(); } } */ // Refresh display if needed after displaying error message //--------------------------------------- if (refresh_disp_needed == 1) { refresh_disp_needed = 0; displayStatus(); } // Refresh output/display if needed after loosing peer link //--------------------------------------- if (refresh_ptt_needed == 1) { refresh_ptt_needed = 0; applyPttStatus(); displayStatus(); } if (refresh_bandout_needed == 1) { refresh_bandout_needed = 0; applyOutPins(); } // Check and process serial port messages //--------------------------------------- processSerialMsg(); } // Main loop end }
int startClient( volatile int *pid ) { const char *home, *sessargs, *desksess; char **env, *xma; char **argv, *fname, *str; #ifdef USE_PAM char ** volatile pam_env; # ifndef HAVE_PAM_GETENVLIST char **saved_env; # endif int pretc; #else # ifdef _AIX char *msg; char **theenv; extern char **newenv; /* from libs.a, this is set up by setpenv */ # endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT extern char **environ; #endif char *failsafeArgv[2]; char *buf, *buf2; int i; if (strCmp( dmrcuser, curuser )) { if (curdmrc) { free( curdmrc ); curdmrc = 0; } if (dmrcuser) { free( dmrcuser ); dmrcuser = 0; } } #if defined(USE_PAM) || defined(_AIX) if (!(p = getpwnam( curuser ))) { logError( "getpwnam(%s) failed.\n", curuser ); pError: displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, 0 ); return 0; } #endif #ifndef USE_PAM # ifdef _AIX msg = NULL; loginsuccess( curuser, hostname, tty, &msg ); if (msg) { debug( "loginsuccess() - %s\n", msg ); free( (void *)msg ); } # else /* _AIX */ # if defined(KERBEROS) && defined(AFS) if (krbtkfile[0] != '\0') { if (k_hasafs()) { int fail = 0; if (k_setpag() == -1) { logError( "setpag() for %s failed\n", curuser ); fail = 1; } if ((ret = k_afsklog( NULL, NULL )) != KSUCCESS) { logError( "AFS Warning: %s\n", krb_get_err_text( ret ) ); fail = 1; } if (fail) displayMsg( V_MSG_ERR, "Warning: Problems during Kerberos4/AFS setup." ); } } # endif /* KERBEROS && AFS */ # endif /* _AIX */ #endif /* !PAM */ curuid = p->pw_uid; curgid = p->pw_gid; env = baseEnv( curuser ); xma = 0; strApp( &xma, "method=", curtype, (char *)0 ); if (td_setup) strApp( &xma, ",auto", (char *)0 ); if (xma) { env = setEnv( env, "XDM_MANAGED", xma ); free( xma ); } if (td->autoLock && cursource == PWSRC_AUTOLOGIN) env = setEnv( env, "DESKTOP_LOCKED", "true" ); env = setEnv( env, "PATH", curuid ? td->userPath : td->systemPath ); env = setEnv( env, "SHELL", p->pw_shell ); env = setEnv( env, "HOME", p->pw_dir ); #if !defined(USE_PAM) && !defined(_AIX) && defined(KERBEROS) if (krbtkfile[0] != '\0') env = setEnv( env, "KRBTKFILE", krbtkfile ); #endif userEnviron = inheritEnv( env, envvars ); env = systemEnv( curuser ); systemEnviron = setEnv( env, "HOME", p->pw_dir ); debug( "user environment:\n%[|''>'\n's" "system environment:\n%[|''>'\n's" "end of environments\n", userEnviron, systemEnviron ); /* * for user-based authorization schemes, * add the user to the server's allowed "hosts" list. */ for (i = 0; i < td->authNum; i++) { #ifdef SECURE_RPC if (td->authorizations[i]->name_length == 9 && !memcmp( td->authorizations[i]->name, "SUN-DES-1", 9 )) { XHostAddress addr; char netname[MAXNETNAMELEN+1]; char domainname[MAXNETNAMELEN+1]; getdomainname( domainname, sizeof(domainname) ); user2netname( netname, curuid, domainname ); addr.family = FamilyNetname; addr.length = strlen( netname ); addr.address = netname; XAddHost( dpy, &addr ); } #endif #ifdef K5AUTH if (td->authorizations[i]->name_length == 14 && !memcmp( td->authorizations[i]->name, "MIT-KERBEROS-5", 14 )) { /* Update server's auth file with user-specific info. * Don't need to AddHost because X server will do that * automatically when it reads the cache we are about * to point it at. */ XauDisposeAuth( td->authorizations[i] ); td->authorizations[i] = krb5GetAuthFor( 14, "MIT-KERBEROS-5", td->name ); saveServerAuthorizations( td, td->authorizations, td->authNum ); } #endif } if (*dmrcDir) mergeSessionArgs( TRUE ); debug( "now starting the session\n" ); #ifdef USE_PAM # ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT if (setusercontext( lc, p, p->pw_uid, LOGIN_SETGROUP )) { logError( "setusercontext(groups) for %s failed: %m\n", curuser ); goto pError; } # else if (!setGid( curuser, curgid )) goto pError; # endif # ifndef HAVE_PAM_GETENVLIST if (!(pam_env = initStrArr( 0 ))) { resetGids(); goto pError; } saved_env = environ; environ = pam_env; # endif removeCreds = 1; /* set it first - i don't trust PAM's rollback */ pretc = pam_setcred( pamh, 0 ); reInitErrorLog(); # ifndef HAVE_PAM_GETENVLIST pam_env = environ; environ = saved_env; # endif # ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS /* This seems to be a strange place for it, but do it: - after the initial groups are set - after pam_setcred might have set something, even in the error case - before pam_setcred(DELETE_CRED) might need it */ if (!saveGids()) goto pError; # endif if (pretc != PAM_SUCCESS) { logError( "pam_setcred() for %s failed: %s\n", curuser, pam_strerror( pamh, pretc ) ); resetGids(); return 0; } removeSession = 1; /* set it first - same as above */ pretc = pam_open_session( pamh, 0 ); reInitErrorLog(); if (pretc != PAM_SUCCESS) { logError( "pam_open_session() for %s failed: %s\n", curuser, pam_strerror( pamh, pretc ) ); resetGids(); return 0; } /* we don't want sessreg and the startup/reset scripts run with user credentials. unfortunately, we can reset only the gids. */ resetGids(); # define D_LOGIN_SETGROUP LOGIN_SETGROUP #else /* USE_PAM */ # define D_LOGIN_SETGROUP 0 #endif /* USE_PAM */ removeAuth = 1; chownCtrl( &td->ctrl, curuid ); endpwent(); #if !defined(USE_PAM) && defined(USESHADOW) && !defined(_AIX) endspent(); #endif ctltalk.pipe = &ctlpipe; ASPrintf( &buf, "sub-daemon for display %s", td->name ); ASPrintf( &buf2, "client for display %s", td->name ); switch (gFork( &ctlpipe, buf, buf2, 0, 0, mstrtalk.pipe, pid )) { case 0: gCloseOnExec( ctltalk.pipe ); if (Setjmp( ctltalk.errjmp )) exit( 1 ); gCloseOnExec( mstrtalk.pipe ); if (Setjmp( mstrtalk.errjmp )) goto cError; #ifndef NOXDMTITLE setproctitle( "%s'", td->name ); #endif strApp( &prog, " '", (char *)0 ); reInitErrorLog(); setsid(); sessreg( td, getpid(), curuser, curuid ); /* We do this here, as we want to have the session as parent. */ switch (source( systemEnviron, td->startup, td_setup )) { case 0: break; case wcCompose( 0, 0, 127 ): goto cError; default: /* Explicit failure => message already displayed. */ logError( "Startup script returned non-zero exit code\n" ); exit( 1 ); } /* Memory leaks are ok here as we exec() soon. */ #if defined(USE_PAM) || !defined(_AIX) # ifdef USE_PAM /* pass in environment variables set by libpam and modules it called */ # ifdef HAVE_PAM_GETENVLIST pam_env = pam_getenvlist( pamh ); reInitErrorLog(); # endif if (pam_env) for (; *pam_env; pam_env++) userEnviron = putEnv( *pam_env, userEnviron ); # endif # ifdef HAVE_SETLOGIN if (setlogin( curuser ) < 0) { logError( "setlogin for %s failed: %m\n", curuser ); goto cError; } # define D_LOGIN_SETLOGIN LOGIN_SETLOGIN # else # define D_LOGIN_SETLOGIN 0 # endif # if defined(USE_PAM) && defined(HAVE_INITGROUPS) if (!restoreGids()) goto cError; # endif # ifndef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT # ifdef USE_PAM if (!setUid( curuser, curuid )) goto cError; # else if (!setUser( curuser, curuid, curgid )) goto cError; # endif # else /* !HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT */ /* * Destroy environment. * We need to do this before setusercontext() because that may * set or reset some environment variables. */ if (!(environ = initStrArr( 0 ))) goto cError; /* * Set the user's credentials: uid, gid, groups, * environment variables, resource limits, and umask. */ if (setusercontext( lc, p, p->pw_uid, LOGIN_SETALL & ~(D_LOGIN_SETGROUP|D_LOGIN_SETLOGIN) ) < 0) { logError( "setusercontext for %s failed: %m\n", curuser ); goto cError; } for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) userEnviron = putEnv( environ[i], userEnviron ); # endif /* !HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT */ #else /* PAM || !_AIX */ /* * Set the user's credentials: uid, gid, groups, * audit classes, user limits, and umask. */ if (setpcred( curuser, NULL ) == -1) { logError( "setpcred for %s failed: %m\n", curuser ); goto cError; } /* * Set the users process environment. Store protected variables and * obtain updated user environment list. This call will initialize * global 'newenv'. */ if (setpenv( curuser, PENV_INIT | PENV_ARGV | PENV_NOEXEC, userEnviron, NULL ) != 0) { logError( "Cannot set %s's process environment\n", curuser ); goto cError; } userEnviron = newenv; #endif /* _AIX */ /* * for user-based authorization schemes, * use the password to get the user's credentials. */ #ifdef SECURE_RPC /* do like "keylogin" program */ if (!curpass[0]) logInfo( "No password for NIS provided.\n" ); else { char netname[MAXNETNAMELEN+1], secretkey[HEXKEYBYTES+1]; int nameret, keyret; int len; int key_set_ok = 0; struct key_netstarg netst; nameret = getnetname( netname ); debug( "user netname: %s\n", netname ); len = strlen( curpass ); if (len > 8) bzero( curpass + 8, len - 8 ); keyret = getsecretkey( netname, secretkey, curpass ); debug( "getsecretkey returns %d, key length %d\n", keyret, strlen( secretkey ) ); netst.st_netname = netname; memcpy( netst.st_priv_key, secretkey, HEXKEYBYTES ); memset( netst.st_pub_key, 0, HEXKEYBYTES ); if (key_setnet( &netst ) < 0) debug( "Could not set secret key.\n" ); /* is there a key, and do we have the right password? */ if (keyret == 1) { if (*secretkey) { keyret = key_setsecret( secretkey ); debug( "key_setsecret returns %d\n", keyret ); if (keyret == -1) logError( "Failed to set NIS secret key\n" ); else key_set_ok = 1; } else { /* found a key, but couldn't interpret it */ logError( "Password incorrect for NIS principal %s\n", nameret ? netname : curuser ); } } if (!key_set_ok) nukeAuth( 9, "SUN-DES-1" ); bzero( secretkey, strlen( secretkey ) ); } #endif #ifdef K5AUTH /* do like "kinit" program */ if (!curpass[0]) logInfo( "No password for Kerberos5 provided.\n" ); else if ((str = krb5Init( curuser, curpass, td->name ))) userEnviron = setEnv( userEnviron, "KRB5CCNAME", str ); else nukeAuth( 14, "MIT-KERBEROS-5" ); #endif /* K5AUTH */ if (td->autoReLogin) { gSet( &mstrtalk ); gSendInt( D_ReLogin ); gSendStr( curuser ); gSendStr( curpass ); gSendStr( newdmrc ); } if (curpass) bzero( curpass, strlen( curpass ) ); setUserAuthorization( td ); home = getEnv( userEnviron, "HOME" ); if (home && chdir( home ) < 0) { logError( "Cannot chdir to %s's home %s: %m\n", curuser, home ); sendStr( V_MSG_ERR, "Cannot enter home directory. Using /.\n" ); chdir( "/" ); userEnviron = setEnv( userEnviron, "HOME", "/" ); home = 0; } if (home || td->clientLogFile[0] == '/') { if (!createClientLog( td->clientLogFile )) { logWarn( "Session log file according to %s cannot be created: %m\n", td->clientLogFile ); goto tmperr; } } else { tmperr: if (!createClientLog( td->clientLogFallback )) logError( "Fallback session log file according to %s cannot be created: %m\n", td->clientLogFallback ); /* Could inform the user, but I guess this is only confusing. */ } if (!*dmrcDir) mergeSessionArgs( home != 0 ); if (!(desksess = iniEntry( curdmrc, "Desktop", "Session", 0 ))) desksess = "failsafe"; /* only due to OOM */ gSet( &mstrtalk ); gSendInt( D_User ); gSendInt( curuid ); gSendStr( curuser ); gSendStr( desksess ); close( mstrtalk.pipe->fd.w ); userEnviron = setEnv( userEnviron, "DESKTOP_SESSION", desksess ); for (i = 0; td->sessionsDirs[i]; i++) { fname = 0; if (strApp( &fname, td->sessionsDirs[i], "/", desksess, ".desktop", (char *)0 )) { if ((str = iniLoad( fname ))) { if (!strCmp( iniEntry( str, "Desktop Entry", "Hidden", 0 ), "true" ) || !(sessargs = iniEntry( str, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", 0 ))) sessargs = ""; free( str ); free( fname ); goto gotit; } free( fname ); } } if (!strcmp( desksess, "failsafe" ) || !strcmp( desksess, "default" ) || !strcmp( desksess, "custom" )) sessargs = desksess; else sessargs = ""; gotit: if (!(argv = parseArgs( (char **)0, td->session )) || !(argv = addStrArr( argv, sessargs, -1 ))) exit( 1 ); if (argv[0] && *argv[0]) { debug( "executing session %\"[s\n", argv ); execute( argv, userEnviron ); logError( "Session %\"s execution failed: %m\n", argv[0] ); } else logError( "Session has no command/arguments\n" ); failsafeArgv[0] = td->failsafeClient; failsafeArgv[1] = 0; execute( failsafeArgv, userEnviron ); logError( "Failsafe client %\"s execution failed: %m\n", failsafeArgv[0] ); cError: sendStr( V_MSG_ERR, 0 ); exit( 1 ); case -1: free( buf ); return 0; } debug( "StartSession, fork succeeded %d\n", *pid ); free( buf ); gSet( &ctltalk ); if (!Setjmp( ctltalk.errjmp )) while (gRecvCmd( &i )) { buf = gRecvStr(); displayStr( i, buf ); free( buf ); gSet( &ctltalk ); gSendInt( 0 ); } gClosen( ctltalk.pipe ); finishGreet(); return 1; }
/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005-09 by the Quassel Project * * [email protected] * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) version 3. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "ctcphandler.h" #include "message.h" #include "network.h" #include "quassel.h" #include "util.h" CtcpHandler::CtcpHandler(CoreNetwork *parent) : BasicHandler(parent), XDELIM("\001") { QByteArray MQUOTE = QByteArray("\020"); ctcpMDequoteHash[MQUOTE + '0'] = QByteArray(1, '\000'); ctcpMDequoteHash[MQUOTE + 'n'] = QByteArray(1, '\n'); ctcpMDequoteHash[MQUOTE + 'r'] = QByteArray(1, '\r'); ctcpMDequoteHash[MQUOTE + MQUOTE] = MQUOTE; QByteArray XQUOTE = QByteArray("\134"); ctcpXDelimDequoteHash[XQUOTE + XQUOTE] = XQUOTE; ctcpXDelimDequoteHash[XQUOTE + QByteArray("a")] = XDELIM; } QByteArray CtcpHandler::lowLevelQuote(const QByteArray &message) { QByteArray quotedMessage = message; QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> quoteHash = ctcpMDequoteHash; QByteArray MQUOTE = QByteArray("\020"); quoteHash.remove(MQUOTE + MQUOTE); quotedMessage.replace(MQUOTE, MQUOTE + MQUOTE); QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray>::const_iterator quoteIter = quoteHash.constBegin(); while(quoteIter != quoteHash.constEnd()) { quotedMessage.replace(quoteIter.value(), quoteIter.key()); quoteIter++; } return quotedMessage; } QByteArray CtcpHandler::lowLevelDequote(const QByteArray &message) { QByteArray dequotedMessage; QByteArray messagepart; QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray>::iterator ctcpquote; // copy dequote Message for(int i = 0; i < message.size(); i++) { messagepart = message.mid(i,1); if(i+1 < message.size()) { for(ctcpquote = ctcpMDequoteHash.begin(); ctcpquote != ctcpMDequoteHash.end(); ++ctcpquote) { if(message.mid(i,2) == ctcpquote.key()) { messagepart = ctcpquote.value(); i++; break; } } } dequotedMessage += messagepart; } return dequotedMessage; } QByteArray CtcpHandler::xdelimQuote(const QByteArray &message) { QByteArray quotedMessage = message; QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray>::const_iterator quoteIter = ctcpXDelimDequoteHash.constBegin(); while(quoteIter != ctcpXDelimDequoteHash.constEnd()) { quotedMessage.replace(quoteIter.value(), quoteIter.key()); quoteIter++; } return quotedMessage; } QByteArray CtcpHandler::xdelimDequote(const QByteArray &message) { QByteArray dequotedMessage; QByteArray messagepart; QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray>::iterator xdelimquote; for(int i = 0; i < message.size(); i++) { messagepart = message.mid(i,1); if(i+1 < message.size()) { for(xdelimquote = ctcpXDelimDequoteHash.begin(); xdelimquote != ctcpXDelimDequoteHash.end(); ++xdelimquote) { if(message.mid(i,2) == xdelimquote.key()) { messagepart = xdelimquote.value(); i++; break; } } } dequotedMessage += messagepart; } return dequotedMessage; } void CtcpHandler::parse(Message::Type messageType, const QString &prefix, const QString &target, const QByteArray &message) { QByteArray ctcp; //lowlevel message dequote QByteArray dequotedMessage = lowLevelDequote(message); CtcpType ctcptype = messageType == Message::Notice ? CtcpReply : CtcpQuery; Message::Flags flags = (messageType == Message::Notice && !network()->isChannelName(target)) ? Message::Redirected : Message::None; // extract tagged / extended data int xdelimPos = -1; int xdelimEndPos = -1; int spacePos = -1; while((xdelimPos = dequotedMessage.indexOf(XDELIM)) != -1) { if(xdelimPos > 0) displayMsg(messageType, target, userDecode(target, dequotedMessage.left(xdelimPos)), prefix, flags); xdelimEndPos = dequotedMessage.indexOf(XDELIM, xdelimPos + 1); if(xdelimEndPos == -1) { // no matching end delimiter found... treat rest of the message as ctcp xdelimEndPos = dequotedMessage.count(); } ctcp = xdelimDequote(dequotedMessage.mid(xdelimPos + 1, xdelimEndPos - xdelimPos - 1)); dequotedMessage = dequotedMessage.mid(xdelimEndPos + 1); //dispatch the ctcp command QString ctcpcmd = userDecode(target, ctcp.left(spacePos)); QString ctcpparam = userDecode(target, ctcp.mid(spacePos + 1)); spacePos = ctcp.indexOf(' '); if(spacePos != -1) { ctcpcmd = userDecode(target, ctcp.left(spacePos)); ctcpparam = userDecode(target, ctcp.mid(spacePos + 1)); } else { ctcpcmd = userDecode(target, ctcp); ctcpparam = QString(); } handle(ctcpcmd, Q_ARG(CtcpType, ctcptype), Q_ARG(QString, prefix), Q_ARG(QString, target), Q_ARG(QString, ctcpparam)); } if(!dequotedMessage.isEmpty()) displayMsg(messageType, target, userDecode(target, dequotedMessage), prefix, flags); } QByteArray CtcpHandler::pack(const QByteArray &ctcpTag, const QByteArray &message) { return XDELIM + ctcpTag + ' ' + xdelimQuote(message) + XDELIM; } void CtcpHandler::query(const QString &bufname, const QString &ctcpTag, const QString &message) { QList<QByteArray> params; params << serverEncode(bufname) << lowLevelQuote(pack(serverEncode(ctcpTag), userEncode(bufname, message))); emit putCmd("PRIVMSG", params); } void CtcpHandler::reply(const QString &bufname, const QString &ctcpTag, const QString &message) { QList<QByteArray> params; params << serverEncode(bufname) << lowLevelQuote(pack(serverEncode(ctcpTag), userEncode(bufname, message))); emit putCmd("NOTICE", params); } //******************************/ // CTCP HANDLER //******************************/ void CtcpHandler::handleAction(CtcpType ctcptype, const QString &prefix, const QString &target, const QString ¶m) { Q_UNUSED(ctcptype) emit displayMsg(Message::Action, typeByTarget(target), target, param, prefix); }
static int #if defined(USE_PAM) || defined(_AIX) isNoPassAllowed( const char *un ) { struct passwd *pw = 0; # ifdef HAVE_GETSPNAM /* (sic!) - not USESHADOW */ struct spwd *spw; # endif #else isNoPassAllowed( const char *un, struct passwd *pw ) { #endif struct group *gr; char **fp; int hg; if (!*un) return 0; if (cursource != PWSRC_MANUAL) return 1; for (hg = 0, fp = td->noPassUsers; *fp; fp++) if (**fp == '@') hg = 1; else if (!strcmp( un, *fp )) return 1; else if (!strcmp( "*", *fp )) { #if defined(USE_PAM) || defined(_AIX) if (!(pw = getpwnam( un ))) return 0; if (pw->pw_passwd[0] == '!' || pw->pw_passwd[0] == '*') continue; # ifdef HAVE_GETSPNAM /* (sic!) - not USESHADOW */ if ((spw = getspnam( un )) && (spw->sp_pwdp[0] == '!' || spw->sp_pwdp[0] == '*')) continue; # endif #endif if (pw->pw_uid) return 1; } #if defined(USE_PAM) || defined(_AIX) if (hg && (pw || (pw = getpwnam( un )))) { #else if (hg) { #endif for (setgrent(); (gr = getgrent()); ) for (fp = td->noPassUsers; *fp; fp++) if (**fp == '@' && !strcmp( gr->gr_name, *fp + 1 )) { if (pw->pw_gid == gr->gr_gid) { endgrent(); return 1; } for (; *gr->gr_mem; gr->gr_mem++) if (!strcmp( un, *gr->gr_mem )) { endgrent(); return 1; } } endgrent(); } return 0; } #if !defined(USE_PAM) && !defined(_AIX) && defined(HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT) # define LC_RET0 do { login_close(lc); return 0; } while(0) #else # define LC_RET0 return 0 #endif int verify( GConvFunc gconv, int rootok ) { #ifdef USE_PAM const char *psrv; struct pam_data pdata; int pretc, pnopass; char psrvb[64]; #elif defined(_AIX) char *msg, *curret; int i, reenter; #else struct stat st; const char *nolg; char *buf; int fd; # ifdef HAVE_GETUSERSHELL char *s; # endif # if defined(HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE) || defined(USESHADOW) int tim, expir, warntime, quietlog; # endif #endif debug( "verify ...\n" ); #ifdef USE_PAM pnopass = FALSE; if (!strcmp( curtype, "classic" )) { if (!gconv( GCONV_USER, 0 )) return 0; if (isNoPassAllowed( curuser )) { gconv( GCONV_PASS_ND, 0 ); if (!*curpass) { pnopass = TRUE; sprintf( psrvb, "%.31s-np", PAMService ); psrv = psrvb; } else psrv = PAMService; } else psrv = PAMService; pdata.usecur = TRUE; } else { sprintf( psrvb, "%.31s-%.31s", PAMService, curtype ); psrv = psrvb; pdata.usecur = FALSE; } pdata.gconv = gconv; if (!doPAMAuth( psrv, &pdata )) return 0; #elif defined(_AIX) if ((td->displayType & d_location) == dForeign) { char *tmpch; strncpy( hostname, td->name, sizeof(hostname) - 1 ); hostname[sizeof(hostname)-1] = '\0'; if ((tmpch = strchr( hostname, ':' ))) *tmpch = '\0'; } else hostname[0] = '\0'; /* tty names should only be 15 characters long */ # if 0 for (i = 0; i < 15 && td->name[i]; i++) { if (td->name[i] == ':' || td->name[i] == '.') tty[i] = '_'; else tty[i] = td->name[i]; } tty[i] = '\0'; # else memcpy( tty, "/dev/xdm/", 9 ); for (i = 0; i < 6 && td->name[i]; i++) { if (td->name[i] == ':' || td->name[i] == '.') tty[9 + i] = '_'; else tty[9 + i] = td->name[i]; } tty[9 + i] = '\0'; # endif if (!strcmp( curtype, "classic" )) { if (!gconv( GCONV_USER, 0 )) return 0; if (isNoPassAllowed( curuser )) { gconv( GCONV_PASS_ND, 0 ); if (!*curpass) { debug( "accepting despite empty password\n" ); goto done; } } else if (!gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 )) return 0; enduserdb(); msg = NULL; if ((i = authenticate( curuser, curpass, &reenter, &msg ))) { debug( "authenticate() failed: %s\n", msg ); if (msg) free( msg ); loginfailed( curuser, hostname, tty ); if (i == ENOENT || i == ESAD) V_RET_AUTH; else V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } if (reenter) { logError( "authenticate() requests more data: %s\n", msg ); free( msg ); V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } } else if (!strcmp( curtype, "generic" )) { if (!gconv( GCONV_USER, 0 )) return 0; for (curret = 0;;) { msg = NULL; if ((i = authenticate( curuser, curret, &reenter, &msg ))) { debug( "authenticate() failed: %s\n", msg ); if (msg) free( msg ); loginfailed( curuser, hostname, tty ); if (i == ENOENT || i == ESAD) V_RET_AUTH; else V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } if (curret) free( curret ); if (!reenter) break; if (!(curret = gconv( GCONV_HIDDEN, msg ))) return 0; free( msg ); } } else { logError( "Unsupported authentication type %\"s requested\n", curtype ); V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } if (msg) { displayStr( V_MSG_INFO, msg ); free( msg ); } done: #else if (strcmp( curtype, "classic" )) { logError( "Unsupported authentication type %\"s requested\n", curtype ); V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } if (!gconv( GCONV_USER, 0 )) return 0; if (!(p = getpwnam( curuser ))) { debug( "getpwnam() failed.\n" ); gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 ); V_RET_AUTH; } if (p->pw_passwd[0] == '!' || p->pw_passwd[0] == '*') { debug( "account is locked\n" ); gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 ); V_RET_AUTH; } # ifdef USESHADOW if ((sp = getspnam( curuser ))) { p->pw_passwd = sp->sp_pwdp; if (p->pw_passwd[0] == '!' || p->pw_passwd[0] == '*') { debug( "account is locked\n" ); gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 ); V_RET_AUTH; } } else debug( "getspnam() failed: %m. Are you root?\n" ); # endif if (!*p->pw_passwd) { if (!td->allowNullPasswd) { debug( "denying user with empty password\n" ); gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 ); V_RET_AUTH; } goto nplogin; } if (isNoPassAllowed( curuser, p )) { nplogin: gconv( GCONV_PASS_ND, 0 ); if (!*curpass) { debug( "accepting password-less login\n" ); goto done; } } else if (!gconv( GCONV_PASS, 0 )) return 0; # ifdef KERBEROS if (p->pw_uid) { int ret; char realm[REALM_SZ]; if (krb_get_lrealm( realm, 1 )) { logError( "Cannot get KerberosIV realm.\n" ); V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } sprintf( krbtkfile, "%s.%.*s", TKT_ROOT, MAXPATHLEN - strlen( TKT_ROOT ) - 2, td->name ); krb_set_tkt_string( krbtkfile ); unlink( krbtkfile ); ret = krb_verify_user( curuser, "", realm, curpass, 1, "rcmd" ); if (ret == KSUCCESS) { chown( krbtkfile, p->pw_uid, p->pw_gid ); debug( "KerberosIV verify succeeded\n" ); goto done; } else if (ret != KDC_PR_UNKNOWN && ret != SKDC_CANT) { logError( "KerberosIV verification failure %\"s for %s\n", krb_get_err_text( ret ), curuser ); krbtkfile[0] = '\0'; V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } debug( "KerberosIV verify failed: %s\n", krb_get_err_text( ret ) ); } krbtkfile[0] = '\0'; # endif /* KERBEROS */ # if defined(ultrix) || defined(__ultrix__) if (authenticate_user( p, curpass, NULL ) < 0) # elif defined(HAVE_PW_ENCRYPT) if (strcmp( pw_encrypt( curpass, p->pw_passwd ), p->pw_passwd )) # elif defined(HAVE_CRYPT) if (strcmp( crypt( curpass, p->pw_passwd ), p->pw_passwd )) # else if (strcmp( curpass, p->pw_passwd )) # endif { debug( "password verify failed\n" ); V_RET_AUTH; } done: #endif /* !defined(USE_PAM) && !defined(_AIX) */ debug( "restrict %s ...\n", curuser ); #if defined(USE_PAM) || defined(_AIX) if (!(p = getpwnam( curuser ))) { logError( "getpwnam(%s) failed.\n", curuser ); V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); } #endif if (!p->pw_uid) { if (!rootok && !td->allowRootLogin) V_RET_FAIL( "Root logins are not allowed" ); return 1; /* don't deny root to log in */ } #ifdef USE_PAM debug( " pam_acct_mgmt() ...\n" ); pretc = pam_acct_mgmt( pamh, 0 ); reInitErrorLog(); debug( " pam_acct_mgmt() returned: %s\n", pam_strerror( pamh, pretc ) ); if (pretc == PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD) { pdata.usecur = FALSE; pdata.gconv = conv_interact; /* pam will have output a message already, so no prepareErrorGreet() */ if (gconv != conv_interact || pnopass) { pam_end( pamh, PAM_SUCCESS ); pamh = 0; gSendInt( V_CHTOK_AUTH ); /* this cannot auth the wrong user, as only classic auths get here */ while (!doPAMAuth( PAMService, &pdata )) if (pdata.abort) return 0; gSendInt( V_PRE_OK ); } else gSendInt( V_CHTOK ); for (;;) { debug( " pam_chauthtok() ...\n" ); pretc = pam_chauthtok( pamh, PAM_CHANGE_EXPIRED_AUTHTOK ); reInitErrorLog(); debug( " pam_chauthtok() returned: %s\n", pam_strerror( pamh, pretc ) ); if (pdata.abort) { pam_end( pamh, PAM_SUCCESS ); pamh = 0; return 0; } if (pretc == PAM_SUCCESS) break; /* effectively there is only PAM_AUTHTOK_ERR */ gSendInt( V_FAIL ); } if (curpass) free( curpass ); curpass = newpass; newpass = 0; } else if (pretc != PAM_SUCCESS) { pam_end( pamh, pretc ); pamh = 0; V_RET_AUTH; } #elif defined(_AIX) /* USE_PAM */ msg = NULL; if (loginrestrictions( curuser, ((td->displayType & d_location) == dForeign) ? S_RLOGIN : S_LOGIN, tty, &msg ) == -1) { debug( "loginrestrictions() - %s\n", msg ? msg : "error" ); loginfailed( curuser, hostname, tty ); prepareErrorGreet(); if (msg) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, msg ); free( msg ); } gSendInt( V_AUTH ); return 0; } if (msg) free( (void *)msg ); #endif /* USE_PAM || _AIX */ #ifndef _AIX # ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT # ifdef HAVE_LOGIN_GETCLASS lc = login_getclass( p->pw_class ); # else lc = login_getpwclass( p ); # endif if (!lc) V_RET_FAIL( 0 ); p->pw_shell = login_getcapstr( lc, "shell", p->pw_shell, p->pw_shell ); # endif # ifndef USE_PAM /* restrict_expired */ # if defined(HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE) || defined(USESHADOW) # if !defined(HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE) || (!defined(HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT) && defined(USESHADOW)) if (sp) # endif { # define DEFAULT_WARN (2L * 7L) /* Two weeks */ tim = time( NULL ) / 86400L; # ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT quietlog = login_getcapbool( lc, "hushlogin", 0 ); warntime = login_getcaptime( lc, "warnexpire", DEFAULT_WARN * 86400L, DEFAULT_WARN * 86400L ) / 86400L; # else quietlog = 0; # ifdef USESHADOW warntime = sp->sp_warn != -1 ? sp->sp_warn : DEFAULT_WARN; # else warntime = DEFAULT_WARN; # endif # endif # ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE if (p->pw_expire) { expir = p->pw_expire / 86400L; # else if (sp->sp_expire != -1) { expir = sp->sp_expire; # endif if (tim > expir) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "Your account has expired;" " please contact your system administrator" ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } else if (tim > (expir - warntime) && !quietlog) { displayMsg( V_MSG_INFO, "Warning: your account will expire in %d day(s)", expir - tim ); } } # ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE if (p->pw_change) { expir = p->pw_change / 86400L; # else if (!sp->sp_lstchg) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "You are required to change your password immediately" " (root enforced)" ); /* XXX todo password change */ gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } else if (sp->sp_max != -1) { expir = sp->sp_lstchg + sp->sp_max; if (sp->sp_inact != -1 && tim > expir + sp->sp_inact) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "Your account has expired;" " please contact your system administrator" ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } # endif if (tim > expir) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "You are required to change your password immediately" " (password aged)" ); /* XXX todo password change */ gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } else if (tim > (expir - warntime) && !quietlog) { displayMsg( V_MSG_INFO, "Warning: your password will expire in %d day(s)", expir - tim ); } } } # endif /* HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_EXPIRE || USESHADOW */ /* restrict_nologin */ # ifndef _PATH_NOLOGIN # define _PATH_NOLOGIN "/etc/nologin" # endif if (( # ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT /* Do we ignore a nologin file? */ !login_getcapbool( lc, "ignorenologin", 0 )) && (!stat( (nolg = login_getcapstr( lc, "nologin", "", NULL )), &st ) || # endif !stat( (nolg = _PATH_NOLOGIN), &st ))) { if (st.st_size && (fd = open( nolg, O_RDONLY )) >= 0) { if ((buf = Malloc( st.st_size + 1 ))) { if (read( fd, buf, st.st_size ) == st.st_size) { close( fd ); buf[st.st_size] = 0; displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, buf ); free( buf ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } free( buf ); } close( fd ); } displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "Logins are not allowed at the moment.\nTry again later" ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } /* restrict_time */ # if defined(HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT) && defined(HAVE_AUTH_TIMEOK) if (!auth_timeok( lc, time( NULL ) )) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "You are not allowed to login at the moment" ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } # endif # ifdef HAVE_GETUSERSHELL for (;;) { if (!(s = getusershell())) { debug( "shell not in /etc/shells\n" ); endusershell(); V_RET_FAIL( "Your login shell is not listed in /etc/shells" ); } if (!strcmp( s, p->pw_shell )) { endusershell(); break; } } # endif # endif /* !USE_PAM */ /* restrict_nohome */ # ifdef HAVE_SETUSERCONTEXT if (login_getcapbool( lc, "requirehome", 0 )) { struct stat st; if (!*p->pw_dir || stat( p->pw_dir, &st ) || st.st_uid != p->pw_uid) { displayStr( V_MSG_ERR, "Home folder not available" ); gSendInt( V_FAIL ); LC_RET0; } } # endif #endif /* !_AIX */ return 1; } static const char *envvars[] = { "TZ", /* SYSV and SVR4, but never hurts */ #ifdef _AIX "AUTHSTATE", /* for kerberos */ #endif NULL }; #if defined(USE_PAM) && defined(HAVE_INITGROUPS) static int num_saved_gids; static gid_t *saved_gids; static int saveGids( void ) { num_saved_gids = getgroups( 0, 0 ); if (!(saved_gids = Malloc( sizeof(gid_t) * num_saved_gids ))) return 0; if (getgroups( num_saved_gids, saved_gids ) < 0) { logError( "saving groups failed: %m\n" ); return 0; } return 1; } static int restoreGids( void ) { if (setgroups( num_saved_gids, saved_gids ) < 0) { logError( "restoring groups failed: %m\n" ); return 0; } if (setgid( p->pw_gid ) < 0) { logError( "restoring gid failed: %m\n" ); return 0; } return 1; } #endif /* USE_PAM && HAVE_INITGROUPS */ static int resetGids( void ) { #ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS if (setgroups( 0, &p->pw_gid /* anything */ ) < 0) { logError( "restoring groups failed: %m\n" ); return 0; } #endif if (setgid( 0 ) < 0) { logError( "restoring gid failed: %m\n" ); return 0; } return 1; } static int setGid( const char *name, int gid ) { if (setgid( gid ) < 0) { logError( "setgid(%d) (user %s) failed: %m\n", gid, name ); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS if (initgroups( name, gid ) < 0) { logError( "initgroups for %s failed: %m\n", name ); setgid( 0 ); return 0; } #endif /* QNX4 doesn't support multi-groups, no initgroups() */ return 1; } static int setUid( const char *name, int uid ) { if (setuid( uid ) < 0) { logError( "setuid(%d) (user %s) failed: %m\n", uid, name ); return 0; } return 1; } static int setUser( const char *name, int uid, int gid ) { if (setGid( name, gid )) { if (setUid( name, uid )) return 1; resetGids(); } return 0; } #if defined(SECURE_RPC) || defined(K5AUTH) static void nukeAuth( int len, const char *name ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < td->authNum; i++) if (td->authorizations[i]->name_length == len && !memcmp( td->authorizations[i]->name, name, len )) { memcpy( &td->authorizations[i], &td->authorizations[i+1], sizeof(td->authorizations[i]) * (--td->authNum - i) ); break; } } #endif static void mergeSessionArgs( int cansave ) { char *mfname; const char *fname; int i, needsave; mfname = 0; fname = ".dmrc"; if ((!curdmrc || newdmrc) && *dmrcDir) if (strApp( &mfname, dmrcDir, "/", curuser, fname, (char *)0 )) fname = mfname; needsave = 0; if (!curdmrc) { curdmrc = iniLoad( fname ); if (!curdmrc) { strDup( &curdmrc, "[Desktop]\nSession=default\n" ); needsave = 1; } } if (newdmrc) { curdmrc = iniMerge( curdmrc, newdmrc ); needsave = 1; } if (needsave && cansave) if (!iniSave( curdmrc, fname ) && errno == ENOENT && mfname) { for (i = 0; mfname[i]; i++) if (mfname[i] == '/') { mfname[i] = 0; mkdir( mfname, 0755 ); mfname[i] = '/'; } iniSave( curdmrc, mfname ); } if (mfname) free( mfname ); } static int createClientLog( const char *log ) { char randstr[32], *randstrp = 0, *lname; int lfd; for (;;) { struct expando macros[] = { { 'd', 0, td->name }, { 'u', 0, curuser }, { 'r', 0, randstrp }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; if (!(lname = expandMacros( log, macros ))) exit( 1 ); unlink( lname ); if ((lfd = open( lname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600 )) >= 0) { dup2( lfd, 1 ); dup2( lfd, 2 ); close( lfd ); free( lname ); return TRUE; } if (errno != EEXIST || !macros[2].uses) { free( lname ); return FALSE; } logInfo( "Session log file %s not usable, trying another one.\n", lname ); free( lname ); sprintf( randstr, "%d", secureRandom() ); randstrp = randstr; } }
static void MAMACALLTYPE wildCardMsgCb (mamaSubscription subscription, mamaMsg msg, const char* topic, void * closure, void * itemClosure) { static int i = 0; if (gMuteTopic) { const char* topic = NULL; mamaMsg_getString (msg, "PublisherTopic", 10002, &topic); if (0 == strncmp (topic, gMuteTopic, strlen(topic))) { gMuteTopic = NULL; printf ("Mutting %s\n", topic); mamaSubscription_muteCurrentTopic (subscription); return; } } if (itemClosure == NULL) { mamaSubscription_setItemClosure (subscription, (void*)strdup(topic)); } if (gQuietLevel < 2) { printf ("Received Wild Card Message with topic %s closure=%s\n", topic, (char*)itemClosure); } displayMsg (msg); }