Exemple #1
Quat Quat::operator /(float scalar) const
	assume(!EqualAbs(scalar, 0.f));

	return div_ps(q, set1_ps(scalar));
	return *this * (1.f / scalar);
Exemple #2
/** Implementation based on the math in the book Watt, Policarpo. 3D Games: Real-time rendering and Software Technology, pp. 383-386. */
Quat MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::Slerp(const Quat &q2, float t) const
	///\todo SSE.
	assume(0.f <= t && t <= 1.f);

	float angle = this->Dot(q2);
	float sign = 1.f; // Multiply by a sign of +/-1 to guarantee we rotate the shorter arc.
	if (angle < 0.f)
		angle = -angle;
		sign = -1.f;

	float a;
	float b;
	if (angle <= 0.97f) // perform spherical linear interpolation.
		angle = Acos(angle); // After this, angle is in the range pi/2 -> 0 as the original angle variable ranged from 0 -> 1.

		float angleT = t*angle;

#if defined(MATH_AUTOMATIC_SSE) && defined(MATH_SSE)
		// Compute three sines in one go with SSE.
		simd4f s = set_ps(0.f, angleT, angle - angleT, angle);
		s = sin_ps(s);
		simd4f denom = shuffle1_ps(s, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0));
		s = div_ps(s, denom);
		a = s4f_y(s);
		b = s4f_z(s);
		float s[3] = { Sin(angle), Sin(angle - angleT), Sin(angleT) };
		float c = 1.f / s[0];
		a = s[1] * c;
		b = s[2] * c;
	else // If angle is close to taking the denominator to zero, resort to linear interpolation (and normalization).
		a = 1.f - t;
		b = t;
	return (*this * (a * sign) + q2 * b).Normalized();
Exemple #3
float3x4 float3x4::operator /(float scalar) const
	assume(!EqualAbs(scalar, 0));

#ifdef MATH_SIMD
	float3x4 r;
	simd4f s = set1_ps(scalar);
	simd4f one = set1_ps(1.f);
	s = div_ps(one, s);
	r.row[0] = mul_ps(row[0], s);
	r.row[1] = mul_ps(row[1], s);
	r.row[2] = mul_ps(row[2], s);
	float3x4 r = *this;
	r /= scalar;

	return r;
Exemple #4
float3x4 &float3x4::operator /=(float scalar)
	assume(!EqualAbs(scalar, 0));

#ifdef MATH_SIMD
	simd4f s = set1_ps(scalar);
	simd4f one = set1_ps(1.f);
	s = div_ps(one, s);
	row[0] = mul_ps(row[0], s);
	row[1] = mul_ps(row[1], s);
	row[2] = mul_ps(row[2], s);
	float invScalar = 1.f / scalar;
	for(int y = 0; y < Rows; ++y)
		for(int x = 0; x < Cols; ++x)
			v[y][x] *= invScalar;

	return *this;