bool GMXXXPort::exportContacts( const KABC::AddresseeList &list, const QString& ) { KURL url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( ":xxport_gmx", GMX_FILESELECTION_STRING ); if ( url.isEmpty() ) return true; if ( !url.isLocalFile() ) { KTempFile tmpFile; if ( tmpFile.status() != 0 ) { QString txt = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b>.%2.</qt>" ); KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), txt.arg( url.url() ) .arg( strerror( tmpFile.status() ) ) ); return false; } doExport( tmpFile.file(), list ); tmpFile.close(); return KIO::NetAccess::upload(, url, parentWidget() ); } else { QString filename = url.path(); QFile file( filename ); if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) ) { QString txt = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b>.</qt>" ); KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), txt.arg( filename ) ); return false; } doExport( &file, list ); file.close(); return true; } }
int QTshotWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QMAINWINDOW::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: doHelp(); break; case 1: doQuit(); break; case 2: doOpen(); break; case 3: doNew(); break; case 4: doSave(); break; case 5: doData(); break; case 6: doExport(); break; case 7: doExportOK(); break; case 8: doOptions(); break; case 9: doToggle(); break; case 10: doCollapse(); break; case 11: doPlan(); break; case 12: doExtended(); break; case 13: do3D(); break; case 14: doCrossSection((*reinterpret_cast< DBlock*(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[2])),(*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[3]))); break; case 15: doCrossSection((*reinterpret_cast< DBlock*(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 16: value_changed((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 17: double_clicked((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[2])),(*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[3])),(*reinterpret_cast< const QPoint(*)>(_a[4]))); break; } _id -= 18; } return _id; }
// ============================================================================= std::shared_ptr<Tpetra::Vector<double,int,int>> mesh_tri:: compute_control_volumes_() const { #ifdef NOSH_TEUCHOS_TIME_MONITOR Teuchos::TimeMonitor tm(*compute_control_volumes_time_); #endif #ifndef NDEBUG TEUCHOS_ASSERT(vertices_map_); TEUCHOS_ASSERT(vertices_overlap_map_); #endif auto _control_volumes = std::make_shared<Tpetra::Vector<double,int,int>>( Teuchos::rcp(vertices_map_) ); // Create temporaries to hold the overlap values for control volumes. Tpetra::Vector<double,int,int> cv_overlap(Teuchos::rcp(vertices_overlap_map_)); this->compute_control_volumes_t_(cv_overlap); // Export control volumes to a non-overlapping map, and sum the entries. Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra::Export<int,int>> exporter = Tpetra::createExport( Teuchos::rcp(vertices_overlap_map_), Teuchos::rcp(vertices_map_) ); _control_volumes->doExport(cv_overlap, *exporter, Tpetra::ADD); return _control_volumes; }
void ExportSymlinks::execute() { // test the destination directory if (m_destinationDir->isEmpty()) { tracer->error(__func__, "The specified 'destinationDir' is null or empty!"); return; } QDir dir(*m_destinationDir); if (!dir.exists()) { tracer->error(__func__, "The specified 'destinationDir' does not exist or is not a directory!"); return; } // test the files to export if (!m_sourceFiles || m_sourceFiles->isEmpty()) { tracer->info(__func__, "No files to export!"); return; } // setup progress dialog m_progressDialog = new KProgressDialog(m_parent, "exportSymlinksProgressDialog", i18n("Exporting symbolic links"), i18n("Initializing export..."), true); m_progressDialog->progressBar()->setTotalSteps(m_sourceFiles->count()); m_progressDialog->setAllowCancel(true); connect(m_progressDialog, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), this, SLOT(slotCancel())); m_progressDialog->show(); // do the job doExport(); }
void CupsAddSmb::slotActionClicked() { if (m_state == None) doExport(); else if (m_proc.isRunning()) m_proc.kill(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void CameraExporter::doExport( ExportNode* exportNode ) { if ( exportNode->getType() == ExportNode::CAMERA ) exportCamera(exportNode); size_t numberOfChildren = exportNode->getNumberOfChildren(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < numberOfChildren; ++i ) doExport ( exportNode->getChild ( i ) ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void LightExporter::doExport( ExportNode* exportNode ) { if ( exportNode->getType() == ExportNode::LIGHT ) exportLight(exportNode); size_t numberOfChildren = exportNode->getNumberOfChildren(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < numberOfChildren; ++i ) doExport( exportNode->getChild ( i ) ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void ControllerExporter::doExport( ExportNode* exportNode ) { if ( !exportNode->getIsInVisualScene() ) return; exportControllers(exportNode); size_t numberOfChildren = exportNode->getNumberOfChildren(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < numberOfChildren; ++i ) doExport ( exportNode->getChild ( i ) ); }
bool CSVXXPort::exportContacts( const KABC::AddresseeList &list, const QString& ) { KUrl url = KFileDialog::getSaveUrl( KUrl("addressbook.csv") ); if ( url.isEmpty() ) return true; if( QFileInfo( url.isLocalFile() ? url.toLocalFile() : url.path() ).exists() ) { if(KMessageBox::questionYesNo( parentWidget(), i18n("Do you want to overwrite file \"%1\"", url.isLocalFile() ? url.toLocalFile() : url.path()) ) == KMessageBox::No) return true; } if ( !url.isLocalFile() ) { KTemporaryFile tmpFile; if ( ! ) { QString txt = i18n("<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b></qt>", url.url()); KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), txt ); return false; } doExport( &tmpFile, list ); tmpFile.flush(); return KIO::NetAccess::upload( tmpFile.fileName(), url, parentWidget() ); } else { QFile file( url.toLocalFile() ); if ( ! QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { QString txt = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b>.</qt>", url.toLocalFile() ); KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), txt ); return false; } doExport( &file, list ); file.close(); KMessageBox::information( parentWidget(), i18n( "The contacts have been exported successfully." ) ); return true; } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void GeometriesExporter::doExport ( ExportNode* exportNode ) { GeometryExporter geometryExporter ( exportNode, this, mDocumentExporter ); geometryExporter.doExport(); //export the geometries of the child nodes size_t numberOfChildren = exportNode->getNumberOfChildren(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < numberOfChildren; ++i ) doExport ( exportNode->getChild ( i ) ); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void GeometriesExporter::doExport() { doExport ( mExportSceneGraph->getRootExportNode() ); const MorphControllerHelperGeometryList& morphControllerHelperGeometryList = mExportSceneGraph->getMorphControllerHelperGeometryList(); for ( MorphControllerHelperGeometryList::const_iterator it = morphControllerHelperGeometryList.begin(); it != morphControllerHelperGeometryList.end(); ++it) { const MorphControllerHelperGeometry& morphControllerHelperGeometry = *it; GeometryExporter geometryExporter ( &morphControllerHelperGeometry, this, mDocumentExporter ); geometryExporter.doExport(); } closeLibrary(); }
Pin::Pin(Chip& chip, const int number): chip(chip), number(number) { path = GPIO_PATH + "/gpio" + std::to_string(number); doExport(); directionFile = new std::fstream(); valueFile = new std::fstream(); edgeFile = new std::fstream(); directionFile->open(path + "/direction"); valueFile->open(path + "/value"); edgeFile->open(path + "/edge"); lastInterrupt = 0; interruptDebounce = 0; startInterruptThread(); }
HistoryDlg::HistoryDlg(const XMPP::Jid& j, PsiAccount* pa) : pa_(pa), jidFull_(j), from_(0), count_(30) { setupUi(this); setModal(false); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); pa_->dialogRegister(this, jidFull_); setWindowTitle(tr("History for ") + j.full()); #ifndef Q_WS_MAC setWindowIcon(IconsetFactory::icon("psi/history").icon()); #endif DateTree->setHeaderLabel(tr("Date")); DateTree->setSortingEnabled(true); DateTree->setColumnHidden(1,true); connect(DateTree, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), SLOT(doDateContextMenu(const QPoint &))); EventsTree->setColumnCount(4); QStringList headers; headers << tr("Type") << tr("Time") << tr("Origin") << tr("Text"); EventsTree->setHeaderLabels(headers); EventsTree->sortItems(1,Qt::AscendingOrder); EventsTree->setSortingEnabled(true); EventsTree->setWordWrap(true); EventsTree->hideColumn(2); connect(EventsTree, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), SLOT(actionOpenEvent(QTreeWidgetItem *, int))); connect(EventsTree, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), SLOT(doEventContextMenu(const QPoint &))); connect(tb_previousMonth, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(doPrev())); connect(tb_latest, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(doLatest())); connect(tb_nextMonth, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(doNext())); connect(pb_find, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(doFind())); connect(pb_export, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(doExport())); connect(pb_close, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(close())); jid_ = j.bare(); doLatest(); X11WM_CLASS("history"); }
int LD3dsExporter::doExport(LDLModel *pTopModel) { int retVal = 1; TCFloat matrix[16]; TCVector::initIdentityMatrix(matrix); matrix[5] = 0.0; matrix[6] = -1.0; matrix[9] = 1.0; matrix[10] = 0.0; m_topModel = pTopModel; m_file = lib3ds_file_new(); m_names.clear(); m_meshes.clear(); m_meshCount = 0; doExport(pTopModel, NULL, matrix, 7, false, true, false); //if (m_includeCamera) //{ // Lib3dsCamera *pCamera = lib3ds_camera_new("Default"); // Lib3dsCameraNode *pCameraNode; // TCVector cameraLoc(m_camera.getPosition().transformPoint(matrix)); // pCamera->position[0] = cameraLoc[0]; // pCamera->position[1] = cameraLoc[1]; // pCamera->position[2] = cameraLoc[2]; // pCamera->fov = m_fov; // pCameraNode = lib3ds_node_new_camera(pCamera); // lib3ds_file_append_node(m_file, (Lib3dsNode *)pCameraNode, NULL); //} if (!lib3ds_file_save(m_file, m_filename.c_str())) { retVal = 0; } lib3ds_file_free(m_file); return retVal; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void ControllerExporter::doExport() { doExport ( mExportSceneGraph->getRootExportNode() ); closeLibrary(); }
GenGraphForm::GenGraphForm() : currentTask(NULL), settingFilter(false) { // signals and slots connections connect(browseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doBrowse())); connect(exportButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doExport())); connect(displayButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doDisplay())); connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doClose())); connect(filename, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(change())); connect(presetFilter, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(setFilter())); connect(showNodes, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showObjects, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showBehaviorModels, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showCollisionModels, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showVisualModels, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showMappings, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showContext, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showCollisionPipeline, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showSolvers, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showMechanicalStates, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showForceFields, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showInteractionForceFields, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showConstraints, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showMass, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showTopology, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); connect(showMechanicalMappings, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeFilter())); // init preset filters { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["Full Graph"]; filt.insert("showNodes"); filt.insert("showObjects"); filt.insert("showBehaviorModels"); filt.insert("showCollisionModels"); filt.insert("showVisualModels"); filt.insert("showMappings"); filt.insert("showContext"); filt.insert("showCollisionPipeline"); filt.insert("showSolvers"); filt.insert("showMechanicalStates"); filt.insert("showForceFields"); filt.insert("showInteractionForceFields"); filt.insert("showConstraints"); filt.insert("showMass"); filt.insert("showTopology"); filt.insert("showMechanicalMappings"); } { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["All Objects"]; filt = presetFilters["Full Graph"]; filt.erase("showNodes"); } { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["All Nodes"]; filt.insert("showNodes"); } { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["Mechanical Graph"]; filt = presetFilters["Full Graph"]; filt.erase("showCollisionModels"); filt.erase("showVisualModels"); filt.erase("showMappings"); filt.erase("showCollisionPipeline"); } { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["Mechanical Objects"]; filt = presetFilters["Mechanical Graph"]; filt.erase("showNodes"); } { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["Visual Graph"]; filt.insert("showNodes"); filt.insert("showObjects"); filt.insert("showVisualModels"); } { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["Visual Objects"]; filt = presetFilters["Visual Graph"]; filt.erase("showNodes"); } { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["Collision Graph"]; filt.insert("showNodes"); filt.insert("showObjects"); filt.insert("showCollisionModels"); filt.insert("showCollisionPipeline"); } { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["Collision Objects"]; filt = presetFilters["Collision Graph"]; filt.erase("showNodes"); } { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["Collision Response Graph"]; filt.insert("showNodes"); filt.insert("showObjects"); //filt.insert("showBehaviorModels"); filt.insert("showCollisionModels"); //filt.insert("showVisualModels"); //filt.insert("showMappings"); //filt.insert("showContext"); //filt.insert("showCollisionPipeline"); filt.insert("showSolvers"); filt.insert("showMechanicalStates"); //filt.insert("showForceFields"); filt.insert("showInteractionForceFields"); filt.insert("showConstraints"); //filt.insert("showMass"); //filt.insert("showTopology"); filt.insert("showMechanicalMappings"); } { std::set<std::string>& filt = presetFilters["Collision Response Objects"]; filt = presetFilters["Collision Response Graph"]; filt.erase("showNodes"); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void CameraExporter::doExport() { doExport ( mExportSceneGraph->getRootExportNode() ); closeLibrary(); }
int main (int argc, char *argv []) { int i ; if (argc == 1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usage) ; return 1 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-h") == 0) { printf ("%s: %s\n", argv [0], usage) ; return 0 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-v") == 0) { printf ("gpio version: %s\n", VERSION) ; printf ("Copyright (c) 2012 Gordon Henderson\n") ; printf ("This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n") ; printf ("For details type: %s -warranty\n", argv [0]) ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("This Raspberry Pi is a revision %d board.\n", piBoardRev ()) ; return 0 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-warranty") == 0) { printf ("gpio version: %s\n", VERSION) ; printf ("Copyright (c) 2012 Gordon Henderson\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf (" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n") ; printf (" it under the terms of the GNU Leser General Public License as published\n") ; printf (" by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n") ; printf (" (at your option) any later version.\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf (" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n") ; printf (" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n") ; printf (" MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n") ; printf (" GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf (" You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License\n") ; printf (" along with this program. If not, see <>.\n") ; printf ("\n") ; return 0 ; } if (geteuid () != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Must be root to run. Program should be suid root. This is an error.\n", argv [0]) ; return 1 ; } // Initial test for /sys/class/gpio operations: /**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "exports" ) == 0) { doExports (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "export" ) == 0) { doExport (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "edge" ) == 0) { doEdge (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unexportall") == 0) { doUnexportall (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unexport" ) == 0) { doUnexport (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } // Check for load command: if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "load" ) == 0) { doLoad (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } // Gertboard commands if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "gbr" ) == 0) { doGbr (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "gbw" ) == 0) { doGbw (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } // Check for -g argument if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-g") == 0) { if (wiringPiSetupGpio () == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to initialise GPIO mode.\n", argv [0]) ; exit (1) ; } for (i = 2 ; i < argc ; ++i) argv [i - 1] = argv [i] ; --argc ; wpMode = WPI_MODE_GPIO ; } // Check for -p argument for PiFace else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-p") == 0) { if (wiringPiSetupPiFaceForGpioProg () == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to initialise PiFace.\n", argv [0]) ; exit (1) ; } for (i = 2 ; i < argc ; ++i) argv [i - 1] = argv [i] ; --argc ; wpMode = WPI_MODE_PIFACE ; } // Default to wiringPi mode else { if (wiringPiSetup () == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to initialise wiringPi mode\n", argv [0]) ; exit (1) ; } wpMode = WPI_MODE_PINS ; } // Check for PWM or Pad Drive operations if (wpMode != WPI_MODE_PIFACE) { if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwm-bal") == 0) { doPwmMode (PWM_MODE_BAL) ; return 0 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwm-ms") == 0) { doPwmMode (PWM_MODE_MS) ; return 0 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwmr") == 0) { doPwmRange (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwmc") == 0) { doPwmClock (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "drive") == 0) { doPadDrive (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } } // Check for wiring commands /**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "readall" ) == 0) doReadall () ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "read" ) == 0) doRead (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "write") == 0) doWrite (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwm" ) == 0) doPwm (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "mode" ) == 0) doMode (argc, argv) ; else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unknown command: %s.\n", argv [0], argv [1]) ; exit (1) ; } return 0 ; }
void LD3dsExporter::doExport( LDLModel *pModel, Lib3dsNode *pParentNode, const TCFloat *matrix, int colorNumber, bool inPart, bool bfc, bool invert) { LDLFileLineArray *pFileLines = pModel->getFileLines(); if (pFileLines != NULL) { BFCState newBfcState = pModel->getBFCState(); int count = pModel->getActiveLineCount(); std::string meshName; Lib3dsMesh *pMesh = NULL; Lib3dsNode *pChildNode = NULL; // Lib3dsMeshInstanceNode *pInst; bool linesInvert = invert; bool isNew = false; if (TCVector::determinant(matrix) < 0.0f) { linesInvert = !linesInvert; } bfc = (bfc && newBfcState == BFCOnState) || newBfcState == BFCForcedOnState; meshName.resize(128); sprintf(&meshName[0], "m_%06d", ++m_meshCount); // meshName = getMeshName(pModel, pMesh); if (pMesh == NULL) { pMesh = lib3ds_mesh_new(meshName.c_str()); // memcpy(pMesh->matrix, matrix, sizeof(pMesh->matrix)); m_meshes[meshName] = pMesh; lib3ds_file_insert_mesh(m_file, pMesh, -1); isNew = true; } // pInst = lib3ds_node_new_mesh_instance(pMesh, // NULL/*(meshName + "n").c_str()*/, NULL, NULL, NULL); // pChildNode = (Lib3dsNode *)pInst; // memcpy(pChildNode->matrix, matrix, sizeof(float) * 16); // lib3ds_file_append_node(m_file, pChildNode, pParentNode); VertexVector vecVertices; FaceVector vecFaces; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { LDLFileLine *pFileLine = (*pFileLines)[i]; if (!pFileLine->isValid()) { continue; } switch (pFileLine->getLineType()) { case LDLLineTypeTriangle: case LDLLineTypeQuad: writeShapeLine(vecVertices, vecFaces, (LDLShapeLine *)pFileLine, matrix, colorNumber, bfc, linesInvert); break; case LDLLineTypeModel: { LDLModelLine *pModelLine = (LDLModelLine *)pFileLine; LDLModel *pOtherModel = pModelLine->getModel(true); if (pOtherModel != NULL) { TCFloat newMatrix[16]; int otherColorNumber = pModelLine->getColorNumber(); bool otherInPart = inPart; bool otherInvert = invert; if (pModelLine->getBFCInvert()) { otherInvert = !otherInvert; } if (otherColorNumber == 16) { otherColorNumber = colorNumber; } TCVector::multMatrix(matrix, pModelLine->getMatrix(), newMatrix); if (!inPart && pOtherModel->isPart() && m_seams) { TCVector min, max; TCFloat seamMatrix[16]; TCFloat tempMatrix[16]; pOtherModel->getBoundingBox(min, max); TCVector::calcScaleMatrix(m_seamWidth, seamMatrix, min, max); TCVector::multMatrix(newMatrix, seamMatrix, tempMatrix); memcpy(newMatrix, tempMatrix, sizeof(newMatrix)); otherInPart = true; } doExport(pOtherModel, pChildNode, newMatrix, otherColorNumber, otherInPart, bfc, otherInvert); } } break; default: // Get rid of warning break; } } if (isNew && vecVertices.size() > 0) { lib3ds_mesh_resize_vertices(pMesh, (int)vecVertices.size(), 0, 0); memcpy(pMesh->vertices, &vecVertices[0], sizeof(vecVertices[0]) * vecVertices.size()); lib3ds_mesh_resize_faces(pMesh, (int)vecFaces.size()); memcpy(pMesh->faces, &vecFaces[0], sizeof(vecFaces[0]) * vecFaces.size()); } else { --m_meshCount; } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- void LightExporter::doExport() { exportEnvironmentAmbientLight(); doExport( mExportSceneGraph->getRootExportNode() ); closeLibrary(); }
int main (int argc, char *argv []) { int i ; if (getenv ("WIRINGPI_DEBUG") != NULL) { printf ("gpio: wiringPi debug mode enabled\n") ; wiringPiDebug = TRUE ; } if (argc == 1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usage) ; return 1 ; } // Help if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-h") == 0) { printf ("%s: %s\n", argv [0], usage) ; return 0 ; } // Sort of a special: if (strcmp (argv [1], "-R") == 0) { printf ("%d\n", piBoardRev ()) ; return 0 ; } // Version & Warranty if (strcmp (argv [1], "-V") == 0) { printf ("%d\n", piBoardRev ()) ; return 0 ; } if (strcmp (argv [1], "-v") == 0) { printf ("gpio version: %s\n", VERSION) ; printf ("Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Gordon Henderson\n") ; printf ("This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n") ; printf ("For details type: %s -warranty\n", argv [0]) ; printf ("\n") ; printf ("This Raspberry Pi is a revision %d board.\n", piBoardRev ()) ; return 0 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-warranty") == 0) { printf ("gpio version: %s\n", VERSION) ; printf ("Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Gordon Henderson\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf (" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n") ; printf (" it under the terms of the GNU Leser General Public License as published\n") ; printf (" by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n") ; printf (" (at your option) any later version.\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf (" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n") ; printf (" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n") ; printf (" MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n") ; printf (" GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf (" You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License\n") ; printf (" along with this program. If not, see <>.\n") ; printf ("\n") ; return 0 ; } if (geteuid () != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Must be root to run. Program should be suid root. This is an error.\n", argv [0]) ; return 1 ; } // Initial test for /sys/class/gpio operations: /**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "exports" ) == 0) { doExports (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "export" ) == 0) { doExport (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "edge" ) == 0) { doEdge (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unexport" ) == 0) { doUnexport (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unexportall") == 0) { doUnexportall (argv [0]) ; return 0 ; } // Check for load command: if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "load" ) == 0) { doLoad (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } // Gertboard commands if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "gbr" ) == 0) { doGbr (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "gbw" ) == 0) { doGbw (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } // Check for -g argument /**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-g") == 0) { wiringPiSetupGpio () ; for (i = 2 ; i < argc ; ++i) argv [i - 1] = argv [i] ; --argc ; wpMode = WPI_MODE_GPIO ; } // Check for -1 argument else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-1") == 0) { wiringPiSetupPhys () ; for (i = 2 ; i < argc ; ++i) argv [i - 1] = argv [i] ; --argc ; wpMode = WPI_MODE_PHYS ; } // Check for -p argument for PiFace else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-p") == 0) { piFaceSetup (200) ; for (i = 2 ; i < argc ; ++i) argv [i - 1] = argv [i] ; --argc ; wpMode = WPI_MODE_PIFACE ; } // Default to wiringPi mode else { wiringPiSetup () ; wpMode = WPI_MODE_PINS ; } // Check for -x argument to load in a new extension if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-x") == 0) { if (argc < 3) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: -x missing extension specification.\n", argv [0]) ; exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ; } if (!doExtension (argv [0], argv [2])) // Prints its own error messages exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ; for (i = 3 ; i < argc ; ++i) argv [i - 2] = argv [i] ; argc -= 2 ; } if (argc <= 1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: no command given\n", argv [0]) ; exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ; } // Core wiringPi functions /**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "mode" ) == 0) doMode (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "read" ) == 0) doRead (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "write" ) == 0) doWrite (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwm" ) == 0) doPwm (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "awrite" ) == 0) doAwrite (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "aread" ) == 0) doAread (argc, argv) ; // GPIO Nicies else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "toggle" ) == 0) doToggle (argc, argv) ; // Pi Specifics else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwm-bal" ) == 0) doPwmMode (PWM_MODE_BAL) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwm-ms" ) == 0) doPwmMode (PWM_MODE_MS) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwmr" ) == 0) doPwmRange (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwmc" ) == 0) doPwmClock (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "drive" ) == 0) doPadDrive (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "readall" ) == 0) doReadall () ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "i2cdetect") == 0) doI2Cdetect (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "i2cd" ) == 0) doI2Cdetect (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "reset" ) == 0) doReset (argv [0]) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "wb" ) == 0) doWriteByte (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "clock" ) == 0) doClock (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "wfi" ) == 0) doWfi (argc, argv) ; else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unknown command: %s.\n", argv [0], argv [1]) ; exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ; } return 0 ; }
int main (int argc, char *argv []) { int i ; int model, rev, mem, maker, overVolted ; if (getenv ("WIRINGPI_DEBUG") != NULL) { printf ("gpio: wiringPi debug mode enabled\n") ; wiringPiDebug = TRUE ; } if (argc == 1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", usage) ; return 1 ; } // Help if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-h") == 0) { printf ("%s: %s\n", argv [0], usage) ; return 0 ; } // Sort of a special: if (strcmp (argv [1], "-R") == 0) { printf ("%d\n", piBoardRev ()) ; return 0 ; } // Version & Warranty if (strcmp (argv [1], "-V") == 0) { printf ("%d\n", piBoardRev ()) ; return 0 ; } if (strcmp (argv [1], "-v") == 0) { printf ("gpio version: %s\n", VERSION) ; printf ("Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Gordon Henderson\n") ; printf ("This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n") ; printf ("For details type: %s -warranty\n", argv [0]) ; printf ("\n") ; piBoardId (&model, &rev, &mem, &maker, &overVolted) ; if (model == PI_MODEL_UNKNOWN) { printf ("Your Raspberry Pi has an unknown model type. Please report this to\n") ; printf (" [email protected]\n") ; printf ("with a copy of your /proc/cpuinfo if possible\n") ; } else { printf ("Banana Pro Details:\n") ; printf (" Type: %s, Revision: %s, Memory: %dMB, Maker: %s %s\n", piModelNames [model], piRevisionNames [rev], mem, piMakerNames [maker], overVolted ? "[OV]" : "") ; } return 0 ; } if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-warranty") == 0) { printf ("gpio version: %s\n", VERSION) ; printf ("Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Gordon Henderson\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf (" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n") ; printf (" it under the terms of the GNU Leser General Public License as published\n") ; printf (" by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n") ; printf (" (at your option) any later version.\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf (" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n") ; printf (" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n") ; printf (" MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n") ; printf (" GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.\n") ; printf ("\n") ; printf (" You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License\n") ; printf (" along with this program. If not, see <>.\n") ; printf ("\n") ; return 0 ; } if (geteuid () != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Must be root to run. Program should be suid root. This is an error.\n", argv [0]) ; return 1 ; } // Initial test for /sys/class/gpio operations: /**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "exports" ) == 0) { doExports (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "export" ) == 0) { doExport (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "edge" ) == 0) { doEdge (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unexport" ) == 0) { doUnexport (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "unexportall") == 0) { doUnexportall (argv [0]) ; return 0 ; } // Check for load command: if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "load" ) == 0) { doLoad (argc, argv) ; return 0 ; } // Check for -g argument if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-g") == 0) { wiringPiSetupGpio () ; for (i = 2 ; i < argc ; ++i) argv [i - 1] = argv [i] ; --argc ; wpMode = WPI_MODE_GPIO ; } // Check for -1 argument else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-1") == 0) { wiringPiSetupPhys () ; for (i = 2 ; i < argc ; ++i) argv [i - 1] = argv [i] ; --argc ; wpMode = WPI_MODE_PHYS ; } // Default to wiringPi mode else { wiringPiSetup () ; wpMode = WPI_MODE_PINS ; } // Check for -x argument to load in a new extension if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "-x") == 0) { if (argc < 3) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: -x missing extension specification.\n", argv [0]) ; exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ; } if (!doExtension (argv [0], argv [2])) // Prints its own error messages exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ; for (i = 3 ; i < argc ; ++i) argv [i - 2] = argv [i] ; argc -= 2 ; } if (argc <= 1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: no command given\n", argv [0]) ; exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ; } // Core wiringPi functions /**/ if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "mode" ) == 0) doMode (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "read" ) == 0) doRead (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "write" ) == 0) doWrite (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwm" ) == 0) doPwm (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "awrite" ) == 0) doAwrite (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "aread" ) == 0) doAread (argc, argv) ; // GPIO Nicies else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "toggle" ) == 0) doToggle (argc, argv) ; // Pi Specifics else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwm-bal" ) == 0) doPwmMode (PWM_MODE_BAL) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwm-ms" ) == 0) doPwmMode (PWM_MODE_MS) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwmr" ) == 0) doPwmRange (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwmc" ) == 0) doPwmClock (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pwmTone" ) == 0) doPwmTone (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "usbp" ) == 0) doUsbP (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "readall" ) == 0) doReadall () ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "nreadall" ) == 0) doReadall () ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "pins" ) == 0) doPins () ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "i2cdetect") == 0) doI2Cdetect (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "i2cd" ) == 0) doI2Cdetect (argc, argv) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "reset" ) == 0) doReset (argv [0]) ; else if (strcasecmp (argv [1], "wb" ) == 0) doWriteByte (argc, argv) ; else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unknown command: %s.\n", argv [0], argv [1]) ; exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ; } return 0 ; }
bool VCardXXPort::exportContacts( const KABC::AddresseeList &addrList, const QString &data ) { KABC::VCardConverter converter; KURL url; KABC::AddresseeList list; list = filterContacts( addrList ); bool ok = true; if ( list.isEmpty() ) { return ok; } else if ( list.count() == 1 ) { url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( list[ 0 ].givenName() + "_" + list[ 0 ].familyName() + ".vcf" ); if ( url.isEmpty() ) return true; if ( data == "v21" ) ok = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( list, KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1 ) ); else ok = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( list, KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0 ) ); } else { QString msg = i18n( "You have selected a list of contacts, shall they be " "exported to several files?" ); switch ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( parentWidget(), msg, QString::null, i18n("Export to Several Files"), i18n("Export to One File") ) ) { case KMessageBox::Yes: { KURL baseUrl = KFileDialog::getExistingURL(); if ( baseUrl.isEmpty() ) return true; KABC::AddresseeList::ConstIterator it; uint counter = 0; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { QString testUrl; if ( (*it).givenName().isEmpty() && (*it).familyName().isEmpty() ) testUrl = baseUrl.url() + "/" + (*it).organization(); else testUrl = baseUrl.url() + "/" + (*it).givenName() + "_" + (*it).familyName(); if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists( testUrl + (counter == 0 ? "" : QString::number( counter )) + ".vcf", false, parentWidget() ) ) { counter++; url = testUrl + QString::number( counter ) + ".vcf"; } else url = testUrl + ".vcf"; bool tmpOk; KABC::AddresseeList tmpList; tmpList.append( *it ); if ( data == "v21" ) tmpOk = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( tmpList, KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1 ) ); else tmpOk = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( tmpList, KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0 ) ); ok = ok && tmpOk; } break; } case KMessageBox::No: default: { url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( "addressbook.vcf" ); if ( url.isEmpty() ) return true; if ( data == "v21" ) ok = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( list, KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1 ) ); else ok = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( list, KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0 ) ); } } } return ok; }